Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation � 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This is the main implementation of the HsmConn dll. This dll provides functions for accessing Directory Services and for connecting to our services.
Rohde Wakefield [rohde] 21-Oct-1996
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
// Required by SECURITY.H
#define SECURITY_WIN32
#include <security.h>
// HsmConnPoint objects are used only here
#include "hsmservr.h"
// Tracing information
// _Module instantiation for ATL
CComModule _Module;
#define REG_PATH OLESTR("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\RemoteStorage")
#define REG_USE_DS OLESTR("UseDirectoryServices")
// Local data
static OLECHAR CNEqual[] = L"CN="; static OLECHAR ComputersNodeName[] = L"Computers"; static OLECHAR DCsNodeName[] = L"Domain Controllers"; static OLECHAR ContainerType[] = L"Container"; static OLECHAR DisplaySpecifierName[] = L"displaySpecifier"; static OLECHAR GuidAttrName[] = L"remoteStorageGUID"; static OLECHAR RsDisplaySpecifierName[] = L"remoteStorageServicePoint-Display"; static OLECHAR RsNodeName[] = L"RemoteStorage"; static OLECHAR RsNodeType[] = L"remoteStorageServicePoint"; static OLECHAR ServiceBindAttrName[] = L"serviceBindingInformation"; static OLECHAR ServiceBindValue[] = L"Rsadmin.msc /ds ";
static ADS_ATTR_INFO aaInfo[2]; // For use in IDirectoryObject
static ADSVALUE adsValue[2]; // For use in IDirectoryObject
static OLECHAR DomainName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH]; static BOOL DSIsWritable = FALSE; // Default to "NO"
static BOOL UseDirectoryServices = FALSE; // Default to "NO"
#if defined(HSMCONN_DEBUG)
// We use this and OutputDebugString when we can't use our normal
// tracing.
OLECHAR dbg_string[200]; #endif
extern "C" {
// Local functions
static void GetDSState(void); static HRESULT HsmConnectToServer(HSMCONN_TYPE type, const OLECHAR * Server, REFIID riid, void ** ppv); static const OLECHAR *HsmConnTypeAsString(HSMCONN_TYPE type); static GUID HsmConnTypeToGuid(IN HSMCONN_TYPE type); static HRESULT HsmGetComputerNode(const OLECHAR * compName, IADsContainer **pContainer); static HRESULT HsmGetDsChild(IADsContainer * pContainer, const OLECHAR * Name, REFIID riid, void **ppv);
BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( IN HINSTANCE hInst, IN ULONG ulReason, LPVOID /*lpReserved*/ )
Routine Description:
This routine is called whenever a new process and thread attaches to this DLL. Its purpose is to initialize the _Module object, necessary for ATL.
hInst - HINSTANCE of this dll.
ulReason - Context of the attaching/detaching
Return Value:
non-zero - success 0 - prevent action
switch ( ulReason ) {
// Initialize the ATL module, and prevent
// any of the additional threads from sending
// notifications through
_Module.Init ( 0, hInst ); DisableThreadLibraryCalls ( hInst ); GetDSState(); break;
// Tell ATL module to terminate
_Module.Term ( ); break;
return ( TRUE );
static HRESULT HsmConnectToServer ( IN HSMCONN_TYPE type, IN const OLECHAR * Server, IN REFIID riid, OUT void ** ppv )
Routine Description:
Given a generic server (connected via HsmConnPoint class) connect to it and return back the requested interface 'riid'.
type - Type of server to connect Server - Name of machine on which server is running.
riid - The interface type to return.
ppv - Returned interface pointer of the Server.
Return Value:
S_OK - Connection made, Success.
E_NOINTERFACE - Requested interface not supported by Server.
E_POINTER - ppv is not a valid pointer.
E_OUTOFMEMORY - Low memory condition prevented connection.
HSM_E_NOT_READY - Engine is not running or not initialized yet
FSA_E_NOT_READY - Fsa is not running or not initialized yet
{ WsbTraceIn ( L"HsmConnectToServer", L"type = '%ls' , Server = '%ls', riid = '%ls', ppv = 0x%p", HsmConnTypeAsString ( type ), Server, WsbStringCopy ( WsbGuidAsString ( riid ) ), ppv );
try {
// Ensure parameters are valid
WsbAssert ( 0 != Server, E_POINTER ); WsbAssert ( 0 != ppv, E_POINTER );
// We will specify the provided HSM as the machine to contact,
// so Construct a COSERVERINFO with Server.
memset ( &csi, 0, sizeof ( csi ) ); csi.pwszName = (OLECHAR *) Server; // must cast to remove constness
// Build a MULTI_QI structure to obtain desired interface (necessary for
// CoCreateInstanceEx). In our case, we need only one interface.
MULTI_QI mqi[1];
memset ( mqi, 0, sizeof ( mqi ) ); mqi[0].pIID = &IID_IHsmConnPoint;
// The HsmConnPoint object ic created in the scope of the main HSM service and
// provides access for HSM server objects
WsbAffirmHr( CoCreateInstanceEx ( rclsid, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, &csi, 1, mqi ) );
// Put returned interfaces in smart pointers so we
// don't leak a reference in case off throw
CComPtr<IHsmConnPoint> pConn;
if( SUCCEEDED( mqi[0].hr ) ) { pConn = (IHsmConnPoint *)(mqi[0].pItf); (mqi[0].pItf)->Release( );
hr = mqi[0].hr;
#if 0 // This is now done at the COM process-wide security layer
/* NOTE: In case that a per-connection security will be require,
the method CheckAccess should be implemented in CHsmConnPoint */ //
// Check the security first
WsbAffirmHr( mqi[1].hr ); WsbAffirmHr( pServer->CheckAccess( WSB_ACCESS_TYPE_ADMINISTRATOR ) ); #endif
// get the server object itself
switch (type) {
case HSMCONN_TYPE_HSM: { WsbAffirmHr( pConn->GetEngineServer((IHsmServer **)ppv) ); break; }
case HSMCONN_TYPE_FSA: case HSMCONN_TYPE_RESOURCE: { WsbAffirmHr( pConn->GetFsaServer((IFsaServer **)ppv) ); break; }
default: { WsbThrow ( E_INVALIDARG ); break; } }
} else {
// Make sure interface pointer is safe (NULL) when failing
*ppv = 0; }
} WsbCatchAndDo ( hr,
// Make sure interface pointer is safe (NULL) when failing
*ppv = 0; ) // WsbCatchAndDo
WsbTraceOut ( L"HsmConnectToServer", L"HRESULT = %ls, *ppv = %ls", WsbHrAsString ( hr ), WsbPtrToPtrAsString ( ppv ) );
return ( hr );
HRESULT HsmGetComputerNameFromADsPath( IN const OLECHAR * szADsPath, OUT OLECHAR ** pszComputerName )
Routine Description:
Extract the computer name from the ADs path of the RemoteStorage node. The assumption here is that the full ADs path will contain this substring: "CN=RemoteStorage,CN=computername,CN=Computers" where computername is what we want to return.
szADsPath - The ADs path.
pszComputerName - The returned computer name.
Return Value:
S_OK - Computer name returned OK.
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; WCHAR* pContainerNode; WCHAR* pRSNode;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("HsmGetComputerNameFromADsPath"), OLESTR("AdsPath = <%ls>"), szADsPath);
// Find the RemoteStorage node name and the computers node name
// in the ADs path. If the machine is a DC, then we have to
// check for a "Domain Controllers" level instead.
*pszComputerName = NULL; pRSNode = wcsstr(szADsPath, RsNodeName); pContainerNode = wcsstr(szADsPath, ComputersNodeName); if(!pContainerNode) { pContainerNode = wcsstr(szADsPath, DCsNodeName); } if (pRSNode && pContainerNode && pRSNode < pContainerNode) { WCHAR* pWc;
// Find the "CN=" before the computer name
pWc = wcsstr(pRSNode, CNEqual); if (pWc && pWc < pContainerNode) { WCHAR* pComma;
// Skip the "CN="
pWc += wcslen(CNEqual);
// Find the "," after the computer name
pComma = wcschr(pWc, OLECHAR(','));
// Extract the computer name
if (pWc < pContainerNode && pComma && pComma < pContainerNode) { int len;
len = (int)(pComma - pWc);
// Remove '$' from end of name???
if (0 < len && OLECHAR('$') == pWc[len - 1]) { len--; } *pszComputerName = static_cast<OLECHAR *>(WsbAlloc( (len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))); if (*pszComputerName) { wcsncpy(*pszComputerName, pWc, len); (*pszComputerName)[len] = 0; hr = S_OK; } } } }
WsbTraceOut (OLESTR("HsmGetComputerNameFromADsPath"), OLESTR("HRESULT = %ls, Computername = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), (*pszComputerName ? *pszComputerName : OLESTR("")));
return(hr); }
static HRESULT HsmGetComputerNode( const OLECHAR * Name, IADsContainer **ppContainer )
Routine Description:
Return the computer node for the given computer name in the current Domain
Name - Computer name.
ppContainer - Returned interface pointer of the node.
Return Value:
S_OK - Success.
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn ( L"HsmGetComputerNode", L"Name = <%ls>", Name);
try { WsbAssert(UseDirectoryServices, E_NOTIMPL);
WCHAR ComputerDn[MAX_PATH]; CWsbStringPtr temp; ULONG ulen;
// Construct the SamCompatible (whatever that means) name
temp = DomainName; temp.Append("\\"); temp.Append(Name); temp.Append("$"); WsbTrace(L"HsmGetComputerNode: Domain\\computer = <%ls>\n", static_cast<OLECHAR*>(temp));
// Translate that name to a fully qualified one
ulen = MAX_PATH; ComputerDn[0] = WCHAR('\0'); if (TranslateName(temp, NameSamCompatible, NameFullyQualifiedDN, ComputerDn, &ulen)) { WsbTrace(L"HsmGetComputerNode: ComputerDn = <%ls>\n", ComputerDn);
// Get the computer node
temp = "LDAP://"; temp.Append(ComputerDn); WsbTrace(L"HsmGetComputerNode: calling ADsGetObject with <%ls>\n", static_cast<OLECHAR*>(temp)); WsbAffirmHr(ADsGetObject(temp, IID_IADsContainer, (void**)ppContainer)); } else { DWORD err = GetLastError();
WsbTrace(L"HsmGetComputerNode: TranslateName failed; ComputerDn = <%ls>, err = %ld\n", ComputerDn, err); if (err) { WsbThrow(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err)); } else { WsbThrow(E_UNEXPECTED); } }
WsbTrace(OLESTR("HsmGetComputerNode: got computer node\n"));
} WsbCatch( hr )
WsbTraceOut ( L"HsmGetComputerNode", L"HRESULT = %ls, *ppContainer = '%ls'", WsbHrAsString ( hr ), WsbPtrToPtrAsString ( (void**)ppContainer ) );
return ( hr ); }
static HRESULT HsmGetDsChild ( IN IADsContainer * pContainer, IN const OLECHAR * Name, IN REFIID riid, OUT void ** ppv )
Routine Description:
This routine returns back the requested child node.
pContainer - The parent container.
Name - The childs name (i.e. value of Name attribute or CN=Name)
riid - Desired interface to return.
ppv - Returned interface.
Return Value:
S_OK - Connection made, Success.
E_POINTER - Invalid pointer passed in as parameter.
E_* - Error
{ WsbTraceIn ( L"HsmGetDsChild", L"pContainer = '0x%p', Name = '%ls', riid = '%ls', ppv = '0x%p'", pContainer, Name, WsbGuidAsString ( riid ), ppv );
try { CWsbStringPtr lName; CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispatch;
// Validate params
WsbAssert ( 0 != pContainer, E_POINTER ); WsbAssert ( 0 != Name, E_POINTER ); WsbAssert ( 0 != ppv, E_POINTER ); WsbAssert(UseDirectoryServices, E_NOTIMPL);
// Check to see if the child exists
lName = Name; hr = pContainer->GetObject(NULL, lName, &pDispatch); if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = S_OK; lName.Prepend(CNEqual); WsbAffirmHr(pContainer->GetObject(NULL, lName, &pDispatch)); }
// Convert to the correct interface
WsbAffirmHr(pDispatch->QueryInterface(riid, ppv));
} WsbCatch( hr )
WsbTraceOut ( L"HsmGetDsChild", L"HRESULT = %ls, *ppv = '%ls'", WsbHrAsString ( hr ), WsbPtrToPtrAsString ( ppv ) );
return ( hr ); }
static const OLECHAR * HsmConnTypeAsString ( IN HSMCONN_TYPE type )
Routine Description:
Gives back a static string representing the connection type. Note return type is strictly ANSI. This is intentional to make macro work possible.
type - the type to return a string for.
Return Value:
NULL - invalid type passed in.
Otherwise, a valid char *.
{ #define STRINGIZE(_str) (OLESTR( #_str ))
case _case: \ return ( STRINGIZE( _case ) );
// Do the Switch
switch ( type ) {
return ( OLESTR("Invalid Value") );
} }
static GUID HsmConnTypeToGuid(IN HSMCONN_TYPE type) { GUID serverGuid = GUID_NULL;
switch ( type ) { case HSMCONN_TYPE_HSM: serverGuid = CLSID_HsmServer; break; case HSMCONN_TYPE_FSA: case HSMCONN_TYPE_RESOURCE: serverGuid = CLSID_CFsaServerNTFS; break; } return(serverGuid); }
HRESULT HsmConnectFromName ( IN HSMCONN_TYPE type, IN const OLECHAR * Name, IN REFIID riid, OUT void ** ppv )
Routine Description:
When given an name, connect and return the object representing the Server, providing the specified interface.
type - The type of service / object we are connecting too.
Name - UNICODE string describing the Server to connect to.
riid - The interface type to return.
ppv - Returned interface pointer of the Server.
Return Value:
S_OK - Connection made, Success.
E_NOINTERFACE - Requested interface not supported by Server.
E_POINTER - ppv or Name is not a valid pointer.
E_OUTOFMEMORY - Low memory condition prevented connection.
E_INVALIDARG - The given name does not corespond to a known Server.
{ WsbTraceIn ( L"HsmConnectFromName", L"type = '%ls', Name = '%ls', riid = '%ls', ppv = 0x%p", HsmConnTypeAsString ( type ), Name, WsbGuidAsString ( riid ), ppv ); WsbTrace(OLESTR("HsmConnectFromName: UseDirectoryServices = %ls\n"), WsbBoolAsString(UseDirectoryServices));
try { BOOLEAN done = FALSE;
// Ensure parameters are valid
WsbAssert ( 0 != Name, E_POINTER ); WsbAssert ( 0 != ppv, E_POINTER );
if (!done) { // Try without Directory Services
CWsbStringPtr ComputerName = Name; int i;
// Get the computer/server name
i = wcscspn(Name, OLESTR("\\")); ComputerName[i] = 0;
if (HSMCONN_TYPE_RESOURCE == type) { CWsbStringPtr Path; OLECHAR * rscName; CComPtr<IFsaResource> pFsaResource; CComPtr<IFsaServer> pFsaServer;
WsbAffirmHr(HsmConnectToServer(type, ComputerName, IID_IFsaServer, (void**)&pFsaServer));
// Determine if we have a logical name or a sticky name format.
// The logical name is a format like ("server\NTFS\d") and a sticky name
// format is like ("server\NTFS\Volume{GUID}\").
// Find the start of the last section and determine if there is only a single
// character after it or not.
rscName = wcsstr ( Name, L"NTFS\\" ); WsbAssert ( 0 != rscName, E_INVALIDARG );
// Now point just past the "NTFS\" part of the string. So we are pointing at
// either a single character, indicating the drive, or the "Volume{GUID}\".
rscName += 5; Path = rscName; if (wcslen (rscName) == 1) { // Logical name ("server\NTFS\d") so convert to path and find resource
WsbAffirmHr(Path.Append(":\\")); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaServer->FindResourceByPath(Path, &pFsaResource)); } else { // Sticky name ("server\NTFS\Volume{GUID}\") so find resource for it.
WsbAffirmHr(pFsaServer->FindResourceByStickyName(Path, &pFsaResource)); }
WsbAffirmHr(pFsaResource->QueryInterface(riid, ppv));
} else { WsbAffirmHr(HsmConnectToServer(type, ComputerName, riid, ppv)); } }
} WsbCatch ( hr )
WsbTraceOut ( L"HsmConnectFromName", L"HRESULT = %ls, *ppv = %ls", WsbHrAsString ( hr ), WsbPtrToPtrAsString ( ppv ) );
return ( hr );
HRESULT HsmConnectFromId ( IN HSMCONN_TYPE type, IN REFGUID rguid, IN REFIID riid, OUT void ** ppv )
Routine Description:
Connects to the specified service or object. See HSMCONN_TYPE for the types of services and objects.
type - The type of service / object we are connecting too.
rguid - The unique ID of the service / object to connect too.
riid - The interface type to return.
ppv - Returned interface pointer of the HSM Server.
Return Value:
S_OK - Connection made, Success.
E_NOINTERFACE - Requested interface not supported by HSM Server.
E_POINTER - ppv or Hsm is not a valid pointer.
E_OUTOFMEMORY - Low memory condition prevented connection.
E_INVALIDARG - The given ID and type do not correspond to a known service or object.
{ WsbTraceIn ( L"HsmConnectFromId", L"type = '%ls', rguid = '%ls', riid = '%ls', ppv = 0x%p", HsmConnTypeAsString ( type ), WsbStringCopy ( WsbGuidAsString ( rguid ) ), WsbStringCopy ( WsbGuidAsString ( riid ) ), ppv ); WsbTrace(OLESTR("HsmConnectFromId: UseDirectoryServices = %ls\n"), WsbBoolAsString(UseDirectoryServices));
try { BOOLEAN DSUsed = FALSE; CWsbVariant guidVariant; CComPtr < IADs > pObject; CWsbStringPtr serverName; CWsbVariant serverVariant;
// Ensure parameters are valid
WsbAssert ( 0 != ppv, E_POINTER );
switch ( type ) {
if (DSUsed) {
} else {
WsbAffirmHr( WsbGetComputerName( serverName ) );
// Connect to the server
WsbAffirmHr ( HsmConnectToServer ( type, serverName, riid, ppv ) );
case HSMCONN_TYPE_RESOURCE: { CComPtr< IFsaServer > pFsaServer; GUID serverGuid; serverGuid = HsmConnTypeToGuid(type); WsbAffirmHr ( HsmConnectFromId ( HSMCONN_TYPE_FSA, serverGuid, IID_IFsaServer, (void**)&pFsaServer ) );
CComPtr< IFsaResource > pFsaResource;
WsbAffirmHr ( pFsaServer->FindResourceById ( rguid, &pFsaResource ) ); WsbAffirmHr ( pFsaResource->QueryInterface ( riid, ppv ) ); } break;
WsbThrow ( E_INVALIDARG );
} WsbCatch ( hr )
WsbTraceOut ( L"HsmConnectFromId", L"HRESULT = %ls, *ppv = %ls", WsbHrAsString ( hr ), WsbPtrToPtrAsString ( ppv ) );
return ( hr );
HRESULT HsmPublish ( IN HSMCONN_TYPE type, IN const OLECHAR * Name, IN REFGUID rguidObjectId, IN const OLECHAR * Server, IN REFGUID rguid )
Routine Description:
Publish (i.e. store) information about the service/object in Directory Services.
type - The type of service/object.
Name - Name (possibly preceded by a subpath) of the Service/Object.
rguidObjectId - The ID that the object is known by.
Server - The server (computer name) on which the service actually exists. For resources, this will be NULL since it is implicit in the FSA specified by rguid.
rguid - For resources, the ID of the FSA. For services, the CLSID of the service's class factory ie. CLSID_HsmServer.
Return Value:
S_OK - Connection made, Success.
E_POINTER - Name or Server is not a valid pointer.
E_OUTOFMEMORY - Low memory condition prevented connection.
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn ( L"HsmPublish", L"type = '%ls', Name = '%ls', rguidObjectId = '%ls', Server = '%ls', rguid = '%ls'", HsmConnTypeAsString ( type ), Name, WsbStringCopy ( WsbGuidAsString ( rguidObjectId ) ), Server, WsbStringCopy ( WsbGuidAsString ( rguid ) ) ); WsbTrace(OLESTR("HsmPublish: UseDirectoryServices = %ls\n"), WsbBoolAsString(UseDirectoryServices));
try {
// Ensure parameters are valid
WsbAssert ( 0 != Name, E_POINTER ); WsbAssert ( ( HSMCONN_TYPE_RESOURCE == type ) || ( 0 != Server ), E_POINTER );
// Perhaps we should output a log event if the DS is not writable
// We now only publish the Engine service. Perhaps in the future we
// will publish additional information
if (HSMCONN_TYPE_HSM == type && UseDirectoryServices && DSIsWritable) { CWsbStringPtr pathToName;
try { DWORD aSet; CWsbStringPtr guidString(rguidObjectId); HRESULT hrGetNode; CComPtr<IADsContainer> pComputer; CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispatch; CComPtr<IDirectoryObject> pDirObj; CComPtr<IADs> pNode;
// Save the node name for the event log message
pathToName = Name; pathToName.Append("\\"); pathToName.Append(RsNodeName);
// Get the computer node
WsbAffirmHr(HsmGetComputerNode(Name, &pComputer));
// See if we're already published
hrGetNode = HsmGetDsChild(pComputer, RsNodeName, IID_IADs, (void**)&pNode);
// If not, add our node
if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DS_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) == hrGetNode) { CWsbBstrPtr relPath(RsNodeName);
WsbAffirmHr(pComputer->Create(RsNodeType, relPath, &pDispatch)); WsbAffirmHr(pDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (void**)&pNode));
// Force info out of cache
WsbAffirmHr(pNode->SetInfo()); } else { WsbAffirmHr(hrGetNode); }
// Set the GUID & ServiceBinding values
adsValue[0].dwType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING; adsValue[0].CaseIgnoreString = (WCHAR*)guidString;
aaInfo[0].pszAttrName = GuidAttrName; aaInfo[0].dwControlCode = ADS_ATTR_UPDATE; aaInfo[0].dwADsType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING; aaInfo[0].pADsValues = &adsValue[0]; aaInfo[0].dwNumValues = 1;
adsValue[1].dwType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING; adsValue[1].CaseIgnoreString = ServiceBindValue;
aaInfo[1].pszAttrName = ServiceBindAttrName; aaInfo[1].dwControlCode = ADS_ATTR_UPDATE; aaInfo[1].dwADsType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING; aaInfo[1].pADsValues = &adsValue[1]; aaInfo[1].dwNumValues = 1;
WsbAffirmHr(pNode->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectoryObject, (void**)&pDirObj)); WsbAffirmHr(pDirObj->SetObjectAttributes(aaInfo, 2, &aSet)); WsbTrace(L"HsmPublish: after SetObjectAttributes, aSet = %ld\n", aSet);
WsbLogEvent(WSB_MESSAGE_PUBLISH_IN_DS, 0, NULL, static_cast<OLECHAR*>(pathToName), NULL); } WsbCatchAndDo(hr, WsbLogEvent(WSB_MESSAGE_PUBLISH_FAILED, 0, NULL, static_cast<OLECHAR*>(pathToName), NULL); hr = S_OK; // Don't stop service just for this
) }
} WsbCatch ( hr )
WsbTraceOut ( L"HsmPublish", L"HRESULT = %ls", WsbHrAsString ( hr ) );
return ( hr );
// GetDSState - determine if we're using Directory Services or not
static void GetDSState(void) {
BOOL CheckForDS = TRUE; DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO * dc_info; DWORD size; OLECHAR vstr[32]; DWORD status;
UseDirectoryServices = FALSE;
// Should we attempt to use directory services in this module?
// (Setting the registry value to "0" allows us to avoid Directory
// Services completely
if (S_OK == WsbGetRegistryValueString(NULL, REG_PATH, REG_USE_DS, vstr, 32, &size)) { OLECHAR *stop; ULONG value;
value = wcstoul(vstr, &stop, 10 ); if (0 == value) { CheckForDS = FALSE; } }
// Get the account domain name
WsbGetAccountDomainName(DomainName, MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH );
#if defined(HSMCONN_DEBUG)
swprintf(dbg_string, L"Account domain name = <%ls>\n", DomainName); OutputDebugString(dbg_string); #endif
// Check if Directory Services is available
#if defined(HSMCONN_DEBUG)
swprintf(dbg_string, L"DsGetDcName status = %d\n", status); OutputDebugString(dbg_string); #endif
if (NO_ERROR == status) {
#if defined(HSMCONN_DEBUG)
swprintf(dbg_string, L"dc_info->DomainName = <%ls>\n", dc_info->DomainName); OutputDebugString(dbg_string); #endif
if (dc_info->Flags & DS_DS_FLAG) { wcscpy(DomainName, dc_info->DomainName); UseDirectoryServices = TRUE; if (dc_info->Flags & DS_WRITABLE_FLAG) { DSIsWritable = TRUE; } } NetApiBufferFree(dc_info); } }
#if defined(HSMCONN_DEBUG)
swprintf(dbg_string, L"dHsmConn - GetDSState: UseDirectoryServices = %ls\n", WsbBoolAsString(UseDirectoryServices)); OutputDebugString(dbg_string); #endif
} // extern "C"