#include "brian.h"
typedef struct _OPLOCK {
ULONG FileHandleIndex; BOOLEAN VerboseResults; USHORT BufferIndex;
// Local procedures
VOID RequestOplockI ( IN POPLOCK Oplock );
VOID RequestBatchOplock ( IN POPLOCK Oplock );
VOID RequestFilterOplock ( IN POPLOCK Oplock );
VOID RequestOplockII ( IN POPLOCK Oplock );
VOID AcknowledgeOplockBreak ( IN POPLOCK Oplock );
VOID AcknowledgeOplockBreakNo2 ( IN POPLOCK Oplock );
VOID AcknowledgeOpBatchBreakPending ( IN POPLOCK Oplock );
VOID OplockBreakNotify ( IN POPLOCK Oplock );
VOID InputOplock( IN PCHAR ParamBuffer )
{ ULONG Operation; BOOLEAN VerboseResults; BOOLEAN DisplayParms; BOOLEAN ParamReceived; BOOLEAN LastInput; POPLOCK Oplock; ULONG FileHandleIndex;
VerboseResults = OPLOCK_VERBOSES_DEFAULT; DisplayParms = FALSE; ParamReceived = FALSE; LastInput = TRUE; FileHandleIndex = 0;
Operation = (ULONG) -1;
// While there is more input, analyze the parameter and update the
// query flags.
while (TRUE) {
ULONG DummyCount;
// Swallow leading white spaces.
ParamBuffer = SwallowWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
if (*ParamBuffer) {
// If the next parameter is legal then check the paramter value.
// Update the parameter value.
if ((*ParamBuffer == '-' || *ParamBuffer == '/') && (ParamBuffer++, *ParamBuffer != '\0')) {
BOOLEAN SwitchBool;
// Switch on the next character.
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
// Modify the operation
case 'o' : case 'O' :
SwitchBool = TRUE; while (*ParamBuffer && *ParamBuffer != ' ' && *ParamBuffer != '\t') {
// Perform switch on character.
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
case 'a' : case 'A' : Operation = FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK_LEVEL_1; ParamReceived = TRUE; break;
case 'b' : case 'B' : Operation = FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK_LEVEL_2; ParamReceived = TRUE; break;
case 'c' : case 'C' : Operation = FSCTL_REQUEST_BATCH_OPLOCK; ParamReceived = TRUE; break;
case 'd' : case 'D' : Operation = FSCTL_REQUEST_FILTER_OPLOCK; ParamReceived = TRUE; break;
case 'e' : case 'E' : Operation = FSCTL_OPLOCK_BREAK_ACKNOWLEDGE; ParamReceived = TRUE; break;
case 'f' : case 'F' : Operation = FSCTL_OPBATCH_ACK_CLOSE_PENDING; ParamReceived = TRUE; break;
case 'g' : case 'G' : Operation = FSCTL_OPLOCK_BREAK_NOTIFY; ParamReceived = TRUE; break;
case 'h' : case 'H' : Operation = FSCTL_OPLOCK_BREAK_ACK_NO_2; ParamReceived = TRUE; break;
case 'z' : case 'Z' : ParamReceived = FALSE; Operation = (ULONG) -1; break;
default :
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); SwitchBool = FALSE;
if (!SwitchBool) {
// Update the file handle index.
case 'i' : case 'I' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
FileHandleIndex = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
case 'v' : case 'V' :
// Legal values for params are T/t or F/f.
if (*ParamBuffer == 'T' || *ParamBuffer == 't') {
VerboseResults = TRUE; ParamBuffer++;
} else if (*ParamBuffer == 'F' || *ParamBuffer == 'f') {
VerboseResults = FALSE; ParamBuffer++; }
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
case 'y' : case 'Y' :
// Set the display parms flag and jump over this
// character.
DisplayParms = TRUE; ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
case 'z' : case 'Z' :
// Set flag for more input and jump over this char.
LastInput = FALSE; ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
default :
// Swallow to the next white space and continue the
// loop.
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); } }
// Else the text is invalid, skip the entire block.
// Else if there is no input then exit.
} else if (LastInput) {
// Else try to read another line for open parameters.
} else {
// If no parameters were received then display the syntax message.
if (!ParamReceived) {
printf( "\n Usage: oplk -i<digits> -o<char> [options]*\n" ); printf( "\n Options:" ); printf( "\n -i<digits> Open file handle" ); printf( "\n -o<chars> Oplock operation" ); printf( "\n -v[t|f] Verbose results" ); printf( "\n -y Display parameters to query" ); printf( "\n -z Additional input line" ); printf( "\n\n" );
// Else process the call.
} else {
NTSTATUS Status; SIZE_T RegionSize; ULONG TempIndex; USHORT BufferIndex;
HANDLE ThreadHandle; ULONG ThreadId;
RegionSize = sizeof( OPLOCK );
Status = AllocateBuffer( 0, &RegionSize, &TempIndex );
BufferIndex = (USHORT) TempIndex;
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
printf("\n\tInputOplock: Unable to allocate async structure" );
} else {
Oplock = (POPLOCK) Buffers[BufferIndex].Buffer;
Oplock->FileHandleIndex = FileHandleIndex; Oplock->VerboseResults = VerboseResults; Oplock->BufferIndex = BufferIndex;
if (DisplayParms) {
printf( "\nOplock Operation Parameters" ); printf( "\n Handle index -> %ld", FileHandleIndex ); printf( "\n Oplock operation -> %ld", Operation ); printf( "\n Structure buffer index -> %d", BufferIndex ); printf( "\n\n" ); }
switch (Operation) {
ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, RequestOplockI, Oplock, 0, &ThreadId );
ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, RequestOplockII, Oplock, 0, &ThreadId );
ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, RequestBatchOplock, Oplock, 0, &ThreadId );
ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, RequestFilterOplock, Oplock, 0, &ThreadId );
ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, AcknowledgeOplockBreak, Oplock, 0, &ThreadId );
ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, AcknowledgeOpBatchBreakPending, Oplock, 0, &ThreadId );
ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, OplockBreakNotify, Oplock, 0, &ThreadId );
ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, AcknowledgeOplockBreakNo2, Oplock, 0, &ThreadId );
default :
printf( "\nInputOplock: Invalid operation\n" ); return; }
if (ThreadHandle == 0) {
printf( "\nInputOplock: Spawning thread fails -> %d\n", GetLastError() ); } } } return; }
VOID RequestOplockI ( IN POPLOCK Oplock ) { HANDLE Event; NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoSb;
IoSb.Status = 0; IoSb.Information = 0;
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nRequestOplockI: NtCreateEvent failed -> %08lx\n", Status );
} else {
Status = NtFsControlFile( Handles[Oplock->FileHandleIndex].Handle, Event, NULL, NULL, &IoSb, FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK_LEVEL_1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
if (Oplock->VerboseResults) {
bprint "\nRequestOplockI: Status -> %08lx\n", Status );
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
if ((Status = NtWaitForSingleObject( Event, FALSE, NULL )) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
bprint "\n\tRequestOplockI: Wait for event failed -> %08lx", Status ); } }
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nRequestOplockI: IoSb.Status -> %08lx", IoSb.Status ); bprint "\nRequestOplockI: IoSb.Information -> %08lx", IoSb.Information ); }
bprint "\n" ); } }
DeallocateBuffer( Oplock->BufferIndex );
NtTerminateThread( NtCurrentThread(), STATUS_SUCCESS );
bprint "\nRequestOplockI: Thread not terminated\n" ); }
VOID RequestBatchOplock ( IN POPLOCK Oplock ) { HANDLE Event; NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoSb;
IoSb.Status = 0; IoSb.Information = 0;
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nRequestBatchOplock: NtCreateEvent failed -> %08lx\n", Status );
} else {
Status = NtFsControlFile( Handles[Oplock->FileHandleIndex].Handle, Event, NULL, NULL, &IoSb, FSCTL_REQUEST_BATCH_OPLOCK, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
if (Oplock->VerboseResults) {
bprint "\nRequestBatchOplock: Status -> %08lx\n", Status );
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
if ((Status = NtWaitForSingleObject( Event, FALSE, NULL )) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
bprint "\n\tRequestBatchOplock: Wait for event failed -> %08lx", Status ); } }
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nRequestBatchOplock: IoSb.Status -> %08lx", IoSb.Status ); bprint "\nRequestBatchOplock: IoSb.Information -> %08lx", IoSb.Information ); }
bprint "\n" ); } }
DeallocateBuffer( Oplock->BufferIndex );
NtTerminateThread( NtCurrentThread(), STATUS_SUCCESS );
bprint "\nRequestBatchOplock: Thread not terminated\n" ); }
VOID RequestFilterOplock ( IN POPLOCK Oplock ) { HANDLE Event; NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoSb;
IoSb.Status = 0; IoSb.Information = 0;
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nRequestFilterOplock: NtCreateEvent failed -> %08lx\n", Status );
} else {
Status = NtFsControlFile( Handles[Oplock->FileHandleIndex].Handle, Event, NULL, NULL, &IoSb, FSCTL_REQUEST_FILTER_OPLOCK, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
if (Oplock->VerboseResults) {
bprint "\nRequestFilterOplock: Status -> %08lx\n", Status );
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
if ((Status = NtWaitForSingleObject( Event, FALSE, NULL )) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
bprint "\n\tRequestFilterOplock: Wait for event failed -> %08lx", Status ); }
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nRequestFilterOplock: IoSb.Status -> %08lx", IoSb.Status ); bprint "\nRequestFilterOplock: IoSb.Information -> %08lx", IoSb.Information ); } } bprint "\n" ); } }
DeallocateBuffer( Oplock->BufferIndex );
NtTerminateThread( NtCurrentThread(), STATUS_SUCCESS );
bprint "\nRequestFilterOplock: Thread not terminated\n" ); }
IoSb.Status = 0; IoSb.Information = 0;
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nRequestOplockII: NtCreateEvent failed -> %08lx\n", Status );
} else {
Status = NtFsControlFile( Handles[Oplock->FileHandleIndex].Handle, Event, NULL, NULL, &IoSb, FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK_LEVEL_2, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
if (Oplock->VerboseResults) {
bprint "\nRequestOplockII: Status -> %08lx\n", Status );
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
if ((Status = NtWaitForSingleObject( Event, FALSE, NULL )) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
bprint "\n\tRequestOplockII: Wait for event failed -> %08lx", Status ); }
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nRequestOplockII: IoSb.Status -> %08lx", IoSb.Status ); bprint "\nRequestOplockII: IoSb.Information -> %08lx", IoSb.Information ); } } bprint "\n" ); } }
DeallocateBuffer( Oplock->BufferIndex );
NtTerminateThread( NtCurrentThread(), STATUS_SUCCESS );
bprint "\nRequestOplockII: Thread not terminated\n" ); }
VOID AcknowledgeOplockBreak ( IN POPLOCK Oplock ) { HANDLE Event; NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoSb;
IoSb.Status = 0; IoSb.Information = 0;
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nAcknowledgeOplockBreak: NtCreateEvent failed -> %08lx\n", Status );
} else {
Status = NtFsControlFile( Handles[Oplock->FileHandleIndex].Handle, Event, NULL, NULL, &IoSb, FSCTL_OPLOCK_BREAK_ACKNOWLEDGE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
if (Oplock->VerboseResults) {
bprint "\nAcknowledgeOplockBreak: Status -> %08lx\n", Status );
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
if ((Status = NtWaitForSingleObject( Event, FALSE, NULL )) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
bprint "\n\tAcknowledgeOplockBreak: Wait for event failed -> %08lx", Status ); }
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nAcknowledgeOplockBreak: IoSb.Status -> %08lx", IoSb.Status ); bprint "\nAcknowledgeOplockBreak: IoSb.Information -> %08lx", IoSb.Information ); } } bprint "\n" ); } }
DeallocateBuffer( Oplock->BufferIndex );
NtTerminateThread( NtCurrentThread(), STATUS_SUCCESS );
bprint "\nAcknowledgeOplockBreak: Thread not terminated\n" );
VOID AcknowledgeOplockBreakNo2 ( IN POPLOCK Oplock ) { HANDLE Event; NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoSb;
IoSb.Status = 0; IoSb.Information = 0;
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nAcknowledgeOplockBreakNo2: NtCreateEvent failed -> %08lx\n", Status );
} else {
Status = NtFsControlFile( Handles[Oplock->FileHandleIndex].Handle, Event, NULL, NULL, &IoSb, FSCTL_OPLOCK_BREAK_ACK_NO_2, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
if (Oplock->VerboseResults) {
bprint "\nAcknowledgeOplockBreakNo2: Status -> %08lx\n", Status );
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
if ((Status = NtWaitForSingleObject( Event, FALSE, NULL )) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
bprint "\n\tAcknowledgeOplockBreakNo2: Wait for event failed -> %08lx", Status ); }
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nAcknowledgeOplockBreakNo2: IoSb.Status -> %08lx", IoSb.Status ); bprint "\nAcknowledgeOplockBreakNo2: IoSb.Information -> %08lx", IoSb.Information ); } } bprint "\n" ); } }
DeallocateBuffer( Oplock->BufferIndex );
NtTerminateThread( NtCurrentThread(), STATUS_SUCCESS );
bprint "\nAcknowledgeOplockBreak: Thread not terminated\n" );
VOID AcknowledgeOpBatchBreakPending ( IN POPLOCK Oplock ) { HANDLE Event; NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoSb;
IoSb.Status = 0; IoSb.Information = 0;
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nAcknowledgeOpBatchBreakPending: NtCreateEvent failed -> %08lx\n", Status );
} else {
Status = NtFsControlFile( Handles[Oplock->FileHandleIndex].Handle, Event, NULL, NULL, &IoSb, FSCTL_OPBATCH_ACK_CLOSE_PENDING, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
if (Oplock->VerboseResults) {
bprint "\nAcknowledgeOpBatchBreakPending: Status -> %08lx\n", Status );
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
if ((Status = NtWaitForSingleObject( Event, FALSE, NULL )) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
bprint "\n\tAcknowledgeOpBatchBreakPending: Wait for event failed -> %08lx", Status ); }
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nAcknowledgeOpBatchBreakPending: IoSb.Status -> %08lx", IoSb.Status ); bprint "\nAcknowledgeOpBatchBreakPending: IoSb.Information -> %08lx", IoSb.Information ); } } bprint "\n" ); } }
DeallocateBuffer( Oplock->BufferIndex );
NtTerminateThread( NtCurrentThread(), STATUS_SUCCESS );
bprint "\nAcknowledgeOpBatchBreakPending: Thread not terminated\n" );
VOID OplockBreakNotify ( IN POPLOCK Oplock ) { HANDLE Event; NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoSb;
IoSb.Status = 0; IoSb.Information = 0;
Status = NtCreateEvent( &Event, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, NULL, NotificationEvent, FALSE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nOplockBreakNotify: NtCreateEvent failed -> %08lx\n", Status );
} else {
Status = NtFsControlFile( Handles[Oplock->FileHandleIndex].Handle, Event, NULL, NULL, &IoSb, FSCTL_OPLOCK_BREAK_NOTIFY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
if (Oplock->VerboseResults) {
bprint "\nOplockBreakNotify: Status -> %08lx\n", Status );
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
if ((Status = NtWaitForSingleObject( Event, FALSE, NULL )) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
bprint "\n\tOplockBreakNotify: Wait for event failed -> %08lx", Status ); }
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
bprint "\nOplockBreakNotify: IoSb.Status -> %08lx", IoSb.Status ); bprint "\nOplockBreakNotify: IoSb.Information -> %08lx", IoSb.Information ); } } bprint "\n" ); } }
DeallocateBuffer( Oplock->BufferIndex );
NtTerminateThread( NtCurrentThread(), STATUS_SUCCESS );
bprint "\nOplockBreakNotify: Thread not terminated\n" );