Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the scavenging routines in RDBSS.
Balan Sethu Raman [SethuR] 9-sep-1995
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
KMUTEX RxScavengerMutex; //only one of these!
VOID RxScavengerFinalizeEntries( PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject );
PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxGetDeviceObjectOfInstance ( PVOID pInstance );
VOID RxScavengerTimerRoutine( PVOID pContext); //actually a rxdeviceobject
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxPurgeFobxFromCache)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxMarkFobxOnCleanup)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxMarkFobxOnClose)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxPurgeFobx)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxInitializePurgeSyncronizationContext)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxPurgeRelatedFobxs)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxPurgeAllFobxs)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxGetDeviceObjectOfInstance)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxpMarkInstanceForScavengedFinalization)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxpUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxScavengeVNetRoots)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxScavengeRelatedFobxs)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxScavengeAllFobxs)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxScavengerFinalizeEntries)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxScavengerTimerRoutine)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, RxTerminateScavenging)
// Local debug trace level
#ifndef WIN9X
#define RxAcquireFcbScavengerMutex(pFcbScavenger) \
RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); \ (pFcbScavenger)->State |= RX_SCAVENGER_MUTEX_ACQUIRED
#define RxReleaseFcbScavengerMutex(pFcbScavenger) \
(pFcbScavenger)->State &= ~RX_SCAVENGER_MUTEX_ACQUIRED; \ RxReleaseScavengerMutex() #else
#define RxAcquireFcbScavengerMutex(pFcbScavenger) \
#define RxReleaseFcbScavengerMutex(pFcbScavenger) \
(pFcbScavenger)->State &= ~RX_SCAVENGER_MUTEX_ACQUIRED
#define RX_SCAVENGER_FINALIZATION_TIME_INTERVAL (10 * 1000 * 1000 * 10)
extern VOID RxScavengerTimerRoutine( PVOID pContext);
NTSTATUS RxPurgeFobxFromCache( PFOBX pFobxToBePurged) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine purges an FOBX for which a close is pending
pFobxToBePurged -- the FOBX instance
At cleanup there are no more user handles associated with the file object. In such cases the time window between close and clanup is dictated by the additional references maintained by the memory manager / cache manager.
This routine unlike the one that follows does not attempt to force the operations from the memory manager. It merely purges the underlying FCB from the cache
The FOBX must have been referenced on entry to this routine and it will lose that reference on exit.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; PFCB pFcbToBePurged = pFobxToBePurged->SrvOpen->Fcb;
ASSERT(pFcbToBePurged != NULL); Status = RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL,pFcbToBePurged);
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { BOOLEAN fResult;
if (!FlagOn(pFobxToBePurged->Flags,FOBX_FLAG_SRVOPEN_CLOSED) && (pFobxToBePurged->SrvOpen->UncleanFobxCount == 0)) {
Status = RxPurgeFcbInSystemCache( pFcbToBePurged, NULL, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
} else { RxLog(("Skipping Purging %lx\n",pFobxToBePurged)); RxWmiLog(LOG, RxPurgeFobxFromCache, LOGPTR(pFobxToBePurged)); }
if ( !RxDereferenceAndFinalizeNetFcb(pFcbToBePurged,NULL,FALSE,FALSE) ) { RxReleaseFcb( NULL, pFcbToBePurged ); } } else { RxDereferenceNetFobx(pFobxToBePurged,LHS_LockNotHeld); }
return Status; }
VOID RxMarkFobxOnCleanup( PFOBX pFobx, BOOLEAN *pNeedPurge) /*++
Routine Description:
Thie routine marks a FOBX for special processing on cleanup
pFobx -- the FOBX instance
At cleanup there are no more user handles associated with the file object. In such cases the time window between close and clanup is dictated by the additional references maintained by the memory manager / cache manager.
On cleanup the FOBX is put on a close pending list and removed from it when the corresponding list when a close operation is received. In the interim if an OPEN is failing with ACCESS_DENIED status then the RDBSS can force a purge.
Only diskfile type fobxs are placed on the delayed-close list.
--*/ { PAGED_CODE();
if (pFobx != NULL) { PFCB pFcb = pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb; PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger;
PFOBX pFobxToBePurged = NULL;
ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(pFcb)); RxDeviceObject = pFcb->RxDeviceObject; pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger;
if ((NodeType(pFcb) != RDBSS_NTC_STORAGE_TYPE_FILE) || (pFcb->VNetRoot->NetRoot->DeviceType != RxDeviceType(DISK)) ) {
// the markfobxatclose will want to remove this from a list. just fix up
// the list pointers and get out
SetFlag(pFobx->Flags,FOBX_FLAG_MARKED_AS_DORMANT); InitializeListHead(&pFobx->ClosePendingList); pRdbssScavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles++ ; } else { // Ensure that the limit of dormant files specified for the given server is
// not exceeded. If the limit will be exceeded pick an entry from the
// list of files that are currently dormant and purge it.
ASSERT(pRdbssScavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles >= 0); if (pRdbssScavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles >= pRdbssScavenger->MaximumNumberOfDormantFiles) {
// If the number of dormant files exceeds the limit specified for the
// given server a currently dormant file needs to be picked up for
// purging.
pListEntry = pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList.Flink; if (pListEntry != &pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList) { pFobxToBePurged = (PFOBX)(CONTAINING_RECORD( pListEntry, FOBX, ClosePendingList));
if ((pFobxToBePurged->SrvOpen != NULL) && (pFobxToBePurged->SrvOpen->Fcb == pFcb)) {
// The first FOBX in the close pending list and the one about to be
// inserted share the same FCB. Instaed of removing the first one
// a purge is forced on the current FOBX. This avoids the resource
// release/acquire that would have been required otherwise
*pNeedPurge = TRUE; pFobxToBePurged = NULL; } else { RxReferenceNetFobx(pFobxToBePurged); } } }
InsertTailList( &pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList, &pFobx->ClosePendingList);
if (pRdbssScavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles++ == 0) { BOOLEAN PostTimerRequest;
if (pRdbssScavenger->State == RDBSS_SCAVENGER_INACTIVE) { pRdbssScavenger->State = RDBSS_SCAVENGER_DORMANT; PostTimerRequest = TRUE; } else { PostTimerRequest = FALSE; }
if (PostTimerRequest) { LARGE_INTEGER TimeInterval;
// Post a one shot timer request for scheduling the scavenger after a
// predetermined amount of time.
RxPostOneShotTimerRequest( RxFileSystemDeviceObject, &pRdbssScavenger->WorkItem, RxScavengerTimerRoutine, RxDeviceObject, TimeInterval); } } }
if (pFobxToBePurged != NULL) { NTSTATUS Status;
Status = RxPurgeFobxFromCache(pFobxToBePurged);
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { *pNeedPurge = TRUE; } } } }
VOID RxMarkFobxOnClose(PFOBX pFobx) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine undoes the marking done on cleanup
pFobx -- the FOBX instance
At cleanup there are no more user handles associated with the file object. In such cases the time window between close and clanup is dictated by the additional references maintained by the memory manager / cache manager.
On cleanup the FOBX is put on a close pending list and removed from it when the corresponding list when a close operation is received. In the interim if an OPEN is failing with ACCESS_DENIED status then the RDBSS can force a purge.
--*/ { PAGED_CODE();
if (pFobx != NULL) { PFCB pFcb = pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger;
ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(pFcb)); RxDeviceObject = pFcb->RxDeviceObject; pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger;
if (BooleanFlagOn(pFobx->Flags,FOBX_FLAG_MARKED_AS_DORMANT)) { if (!pFobx->fOpenCountDecremented) { PFCB pFcb = pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb;
ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(pFcb)); InterlockedDecrement(&pFcb->OpenCount); pFobx->fOpenCountDecremented = TRUE; }
InterlockedDecrement(&pRdbssScavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles); ClearFlag(pFobx->Flags,FOBX_FLAG_MARKED_AS_DORMANT); }
if (!IsListEmpty(&pFobx->ClosePendingList)) { RemoveEntryList(&pFobx->ClosePendingList); InitializeListHead(&pFobx->ClosePendingList); }
RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); } }
BOOLEAN RxPurgeFobx( PFOBX pFobx) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine purges an FOBX for which a close is pending
pFobx -- the FOBX instance
At cleanup there are no more user handles associated with the file object. In such cases the time window between close and clanup is dictated by the additional references maintained by the memory manager / cache manager.
On cleanup the FOBX is put on a close pending list and removed from it when the corresponding list when a close operation is received. In the interim if an OPEN is failing with ACCESS_DENIED status then the RDBSS can force a purge.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN fResult = TRUE; PFCB pFcb = pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb;
Status = RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL,pFcb);
// Carry out the purge operation
Status = RxPurgeFcbInSystemCache( pFcb, NULL, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
RxReleaseFcb( NULL, pFcb );
fResult = (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS);
if (!fResult) { RxLog(("PurgeFobxCCFail %lx %lx %lx",pFobx,pFcb,fResult)); RxWmiLog(LOG, RxPurgeFobx_1, LOGPTR(pFobx) LOGPTR(pFcb)); return(fResult); }
//try to flush the image section....it may fail
if (!MmFlushImageSection( &pFcb->NonPaged->SectionObjectPointers, MmFlushForWrite )) { RxLog(("PurgeFobxImFail %lx %lx %lx",pFobx,pFcb,FALSE)); RxWmiLog(LOG, RxPurgeFobx_2, LOGPTR(pFobx) LOGPTR(pFcb)); return(FALSE); }
//try to flush the user data sections section....it may fail
if (!MmForceSectionClosed(&pFcb->NonPaged->SectionObjectPointers, TRUE)) { RxLog(("PurgeFobxUsFail %lx %lx %lx",pFobx,pFcb,FALSE)); RxWmiLog(LOG, RxPurgeFobx_3, LOGPTR(pFobx) LOGPTR(pFcb)); return(FALSE); }
RxLog(("PurgeFobx %lx %lx %lx",pFobx,pFcb,TRUE)); RxWmiLog(LOG, RxPurgeFobx_4, LOGPTR(pFobx) LOGPTR(pFcb)); return TRUE; }
VOID RxInitializePurgeSyncronizationContext ( PPURGE_SYNCHRONIZATION_CONTEXT PurgeSyncronizationContext ) { PAGED_CODE();
InitializeListHead(&PurgeSyncronizationContext->ContextsAwaitingPurgeCompletion); PurgeSyncronizationContext->PurgeInProgress = FALSE; }
VOID RxSynchronizeWithScavenger( PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { NTSTATUS Status; RxCaptureFcb; BOOLEAN ReacquireFcbLock = FALSE;
PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger = capFcb->RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger;
if ((pRdbssScavenger->CurrentScavengerThread != PsGetCurrentThread()) && (pRdbssScavenger->CurrentFcbForClosePendingProcessing == capFcb)) {
ReacquireFcbLock = TRUE; RxReleaseFcb(RxContext,capFcb);
while (pRdbssScavenger->CurrentFcbForClosePendingProcessing == capFcb) { RxReleaseScavengerMutex();
KeWaitForSingleObject( &(pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingProcessingSyncEvent), Executive, KernelMode, TRUE, NULL);
RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); } }
if (ReacquireFcbLock) { Status = RxAcquireExclusiveFcb( RxContext, capFcb ); ASSERT(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS); } }
NTSTATUS RxPurgeRelatedFobxs( PNET_ROOT pNetRoot, PRX_CONTEXT pRxContext, BOOLEAN AttemptFinalize, PFCB PurgingFcb ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine purges all the FOBX's associated with a NET_ROOT
pNetRoot -- the NET_ROOT for which the FOBX's need to be purged
pRxContext -- the RX_CONTEXT instance
At cleanup there are no more user handles associated with the file object. In such cases the time window between close and clanup is dictated by the additional references maintained by the memory manager / cache manager.
On cleanup the FOBX is put on a close pending list and removed from it when the corresponding list when a close operation is received. In the interim if an OPEN is failing with ACCESS_DENIED status then the RDBSS can force a purge.
This is a synchronous operation.
--*/ { BOOLEAN ScavengerMutexAcquired = FALSE; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG FobxsSuccessfullyPurged = 0; PPURGE_SYNCHRONIZATION_CONTEXT PurgeSyncronizationContext; LIST_ENTRY FailedToPurgeFobxList; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject = pRxContext->RxDeviceObject; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger;
PurgeSyncronizationContext = &pNetRoot->PurgeSyncronizationContext; InitializeListHead(&FailedToPurgeFobxList);
// If the purge operation for this net root is currently under way hold
// this request till it completes else initiate the operation after
// updating the state of the net root.
if (PurgeSyncronizationContext->PurgeInProgress) { InsertTailList( &PurgeSyncronizationContext->ContextsAwaitingPurgeCompletion, &pRxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks);
RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); }
PurgeSyncronizationContext->PurgeInProgress = TRUE; RxWmiLog(LOG, RxPurgeRelatedFobxs_3, LOGPTR(pRxContext) LOGPTR(pNetRoot));
while (pRdbssScavenger->CurrentNetRootForClosePendingProcessing == pNetRoot) { RxReleaseScavengerMutex();
KeWaitForSingleObject( &(pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingProcessingSyncEvent), Executive, KernelMode, TRUE, NULL);
RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); }
ScavengerMutexAcquired = TRUE;
// An attempt should be made to purge all the FOBX's that had a close
// pending before the purge request was received.
for (;;) { PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry = NULL; PFOBX pFobx; PFCB pFcb; BOOLEAN PurgeResult;
pFobx = NULL; pListEntry = pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList.Flink;
while (pListEntry != &pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList) { PFOBX pTempFobx;
pTempFobx = (PFOBX)(CONTAINING_RECORD( pListEntry, FOBX, ClosePendingList));
RxLog(("TempFobx=%lx",pTempFobx)); RxWmiLog(LOG, RxPurgeRelatedFobxs_1, LOGPTR(pTempFobx));
if ((pTempFobx->SrvOpen != NULL) && (pTempFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb != NULL) && (pTempFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb->VNetRoot != NULL) && ((PNET_ROOT)pTempFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb->VNetRoot->NetRoot == pNetRoot)) { NTSTATUS PurgeStatus = STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED;
if ((PurgingFcb != NULL) && (pTempFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb != PurgingFcb)) { MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH( PurgeStatus, RxDeviceObject->Dispatch, MRxAreFilesAliased,(pTempFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb,PurgingFcb) ); }
if (PurgeStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { RemoveEntryList(pListEntry); InitializeListHead(pListEntry);
pFobx = pTempFobx; break; } else { pListEntry = pListEntry->Flink; } } else { pListEntry = pListEntry->Flink; } }
if (pFobx != NULL) { RxReferenceNetFobx(pFobx); } else { // Try to wake up the next waiter if any.
if (!IsListEmpty(&PurgeSyncronizationContext->ContextsAwaitingPurgeCompletion)) { PLIST_ENTRY pContextListEntry; PRX_CONTEXT pNextContext;
pContextListEntry = PurgeSyncronizationContext->ContextsAwaitingPurgeCompletion.Flink; RemoveEntryList(pContextListEntry);
pNextContext = (PRX_CONTEXT)(CONTAINING_RECORD( pContextListEntry, RX_CONTEXT, RxContextSerializationQLinks));
RxSignalSynchronousWaiter(pNextContext); } else { PurgeSyncronizationContext->PurgeInProgress = FALSE; } }
ScavengerMutexAcquired = FALSE; RxReleaseScavengerMutex();
if (pFobx == NULL) { break; }
// Purge the FOBX.
if (PurgeResult=RxPurgeFobx(pFobx)) { FobxsSuccessfullyPurged++; }
pFcb = pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb;
if (AttemptFinalize && (RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL,pFcb) == STATUS_SUCCESS)) { RxReferenceNetFcb(pFcb); RxDereferenceNetFobx(pFobx,LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); if ( !RxDereferenceAndFinalizeNetFcb(pFcb,NULL,FALSE,FALSE) ) { RxReleaseFcb( NULL, pFcb ); } } else { RxDereferenceNetFobx(pFobx,LHS_LockNotHeld); }
if (!PurgeResult) { RxLog(("SCVNGR:FailedToPurge %lx\n", pFcb)); RxWmiLog(LOG, RxPurgeRelatedFobxs_2, LOGPTR(pFcb)); }
RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); ScavengerMutexAcquired = TRUE; }
if (ScavengerMutexAcquired) { RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); }
Status = (FobxsSuccessfullyPurged > 0) ? (STATUS_SUCCESS) : (STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL);
return Status; }
VOID RxPurgeAllFobxs( PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine purges all the FOBX's while stopping the scavenger
RxDeviceObject -- the mini redirector device for which the purge should be done
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry = NULL; PFOBX pFobx; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger;
for (;;) { PFCB pFcb;
pListEntry = pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList.Flink; ASSERT(pListEntry!=NULL);
if (pListEntry != &pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList) { pFobx = (PFOBX)(CONTAINING_RECORD( pListEntry, FOBX, ClosePendingList));
ASSERT ((pFobx->NodeTypeCode&(~RX_SCAVENGER_MASK))==RDBSS_NTC_FOBX); ASSERT(pListEntry->Flink!=NULL); ASSERT(pListEntry->Blink!=NULL); RemoveEntryList(pListEntry); InitializeListHead(pListEntry);
RxReferenceNetFobx(pFobx); } else { pFobx = NULL; }
if (pFobx == NULL) { break; }
pFcb = pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb; RxPurgeFobx(pFobx);
if (RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL,pFcb) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { RxReferenceNetFcb(pFcb); RxDereferenceNetFobx(pFobx,LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); if ( !RxDereferenceAndFinalizeNetFcb(pFcb,NULL,FALSE,FALSE) ) { RxReleaseFcb( NULL, pFcb ); } } else { RxLog(("RxPurgeAllFobxs: FCB %lx not accqd.\n",pFcb)); RxWmiLog(LOG, RxPurgeAllFobxs, LOGPTR(pFcb)); RxDereferenceNetFobx(pFobx,LHS_LockNotHeld); } } }
PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxGetDeviceObjectOfInstance ( PVOID pInstance ) /*++
Routine Description:
The routine finds out the device object of an upper structure.
pInstance - the instance
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG NodeTypeCode = NodeType(pInstance) & ~RX_SCAVENGER_MASK; PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT( (NodeTypeCode == RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL ) || (NodeTypeCode == RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT ) || (NodeTypeCode == RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT ) || (NodeTypeCode == RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN ) || (NodeTypeCode == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX ) );
switch (NodeTypeCode) {
case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: return((PSRV_CALL)pInstance)->RxDeviceObject; //no break;
case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: return((PNET_ROOT)pInstance)->SrvCall->RxDeviceObject; //no break;
case RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT: return((PV_NET_ROOT)pInstance)->NetRoot->SrvCall->RxDeviceObject; //no break;
case RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN: return((PSRV_OPEN)pInstance)->Fcb->RxDeviceObject; //no break;
case RDBSS_NTC_FOBX: return((PFOBX)pInstance)->SrvOpen->Fcb->RxDeviceObject; //no break;
default: return(NULL); } }
VOID RxpMarkInstanceForScavengedFinalization( PVOID pInstance) /*++
Routine Description:
Thie routine marks a reference counted instance for scavenging
pInstance -- the instance to be marked for finalization by the scavenger
Currently scavenging has been implemented for SRV_CALL,NET_ROOT and V_NET_ROOT. The FCB scavenging is handled separately. The FOBX can and should always be synchronously finalized. The only data structure that will have to be potentially enabled for scavenged finalization are SRV_OPEN's.
The Scavenger as it is implemented currently will not consume any system resources till there is a need for scavenged finalization. The first entry to be marked for scavenged finalization results in a timer request being posted for the scavenger.
In the current implementation the timer requests are posted as one shot timer requests. This implies that there are no guarantess as regards the time interval within which the entries will be finalized. The scavenger activation mechanism is a potential candidate for fine tuning at a later stage.
On Entry -- Scavenger Mutex must have been accquired
On Exit -- no change in resource ownership.
--*/ { BOOLEAN PostTimerRequest = FALSE;
USHORT InstanceType; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject = RxGetDeviceObjectOfInstance(pInstance); PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger;
RxDbgTrace(0,Dbg,("Marking %lx of type %lx for scavenged finalization\n",pInstance,NodeType(pInstance)));
InstanceType = pNode->NodeTypeCode;
if (pNode->NodeReferenceCount <= 1) { // Mark the entry for scavenging.
pNode->NodeTypeCode |= RX_SCAVENGER_MASK; RxLog(("Marked for scavenging %lx",pNode)); RxWmiLog(LOG, RxpMarkInstanceForScavengedFinalization, LOGPTR(pNode));
switch (InstanceType) { case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: { PSRV_CALL pSrvCall = (PSRV_CALL)pInstance;
pRdbssScavenger->SrvCallsToBeFinalized++; pListHead = &pRdbssScavenger->SrvCallFinalizationList; pListEntry = &pSrvCall->ScavengerFinalizationList; } break;
case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: { PNET_ROOT pNetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)pInstance;
pRdbssScavenger->NetRootsToBeFinalized++; pListHead = &pRdbssScavenger->NetRootFinalizationList; pListEntry = &pNetRoot->ScavengerFinalizationList; } break;
pRdbssScavenger->VNetRootsToBeFinalized++; pListHead = &pRdbssScavenger->VNetRootFinalizationList; pListEntry = &pVNetRoot->ScavengerFinalizationList; } break;
case RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN: { PSRV_OPEN pSrvOpen = (PSRV_OPEN)pInstance;
pRdbssScavenger->SrvOpensToBeFinalized++; pListHead = &pRdbssScavenger->SrvOpenFinalizationList; pListEntry = &pSrvOpen->ScavengerFinalizationList; } break;
case RDBSS_NTC_FOBX: { PFOBX pFobx = (PFOBX)pInstance;
pRdbssScavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized++; pListHead = &pRdbssScavenger->FobxFinalizationList; pListEntry = &pFobx->ScavengerFinalizationList; } break;
default: break; }
InterlockedIncrement(&pNode->NodeReferenceCount); }
if (pListHead != NULL) { InsertTailList(pListHead,pListEntry);
if (pRdbssScavenger->State == RDBSS_SCAVENGER_INACTIVE) { pRdbssScavenger->State = RDBSS_SCAVENGER_DORMANT; PostTimerRequest = TRUE; } else { PostTimerRequest = FALSE; } }
if (PostTimerRequest) { LARGE_INTEGER TimeInterval;
// Post a one shot timer request for scheduling the scavenger after a
// predetermined amount of time.
RxPostOneShotTimerRequest( RxFileSystemDeviceObject, &pRdbssScavenger->WorkItem, RxScavengerTimerRoutine, RxDeviceObject, TimeInterval); } }
VOID RxpUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking( PVOID pInstance) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine undoes the marking for scavenged finalization
pInstance -- the instance to be unmarked
This routine is typically invoked when a reference is made to an entry that has been marked for scavenging. Since the scavenger routine that does the finalization needs to acquire the exclusive lock this routine should be called with the appropriate lock held in a shared mode atleast. This routine removes it from the list of entries marked for scavenging and rips off the scavenger mask from the node type.
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry;
PNODE_TYPE_CODE_AND_SIZE pNode = (PNODE_TYPE_CODE_AND_SIZE)pInstance; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject = RxGetDeviceObjectOfInstance(pInstance); PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger;
RxDbgTrace(0,Dbg,("SCAVENGER -- undoing the marking for %lx of type %lx\n",pNode,pNode->NodeTypeCode));
if (pNode->NodeTypeCode & RX_SCAVENGER_MASK) { pNode->NodeTypeCode &= ~RX_SCAVENGER_MASK;
switch (pNode->NodeTypeCode) { case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: { PSRV_CALL pSrvCall = (PSRV_CALL)pInstance;
pRdbssScavenger->SrvCallsToBeFinalized--; pListEntry = &pSrvCall->ScavengerFinalizationList; } break;
case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: { PNET_ROOT pNetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)pInstance;
pRdbssScavenger->NetRootsToBeFinalized--; pListEntry = &pNetRoot->ScavengerFinalizationList; } break;
pRdbssScavenger->VNetRootsToBeFinalized--; pListEntry = &pVNetRoot->ScavengerFinalizationList; } break;
case RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN: { PSRV_OPEN pSrvOpen = (PSRV_OPEN)pInstance;
pRdbssScavenger->SrvOpensToBeFinalized--; pListEntry = &pSrvOpen->ScavengerFinalizationList; } break;
case RDBSS_NTC_FOBX: { PFOBX pFobx = (PFOBX)pInstance;
pRdbssScavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized--; pListEntry = &pFobx->ScavengerFinalizationList; } break;
default: return; }
RemoveEntryList(pListEntry); InitializeListHead(pListEntry);
InterlockedDecrement(&pNode->NodeReferenceCount); } }
VOID RxUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking( PVOID pInstance) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine undoes the marking for scavenged finalization
pInstance -- the instance to be unmarked
--*/ { RxAcquireScavengerMutex();
RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); }
BOOLEAN RxScavengeRelatedFobxs(PFCB pFcb) /*++
Routine Description:
Thie routine scavenges all the file objects pertaining to the given FCB.
On Entry -- FCB must have been accquired exclusive.
On Exit -- no change in resource acquistion.
--*/ { BOOLEAN ScavengerMutexAcquired = FALSE; BOOLEAN AtleastOneFobxScavenged = FALSE; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject = pFcb->RxDeviceObject; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger;
RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); ScavengerMutexAcquired = TRUE;
if (pRdbssScavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized > 0) { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PFOBX pFobx; LIST_ENTRY FobxList;
pEntry = pRdbssScavenger->FobxFinalizationList.Flink; while (pEntry != &pRdbssScavenger->FobxFinalizationList) { pFobx = (PFOBX)CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, FOBX, ScavengerFinalizationList);
pEntry = pEntry->Flink;
if (pFobx->SrvOpen != NULL && pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb == pFcb) { RxpUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking(pFobx); ASSERT(NodeType(pFobx) == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX);
InsertTailList(&FobxList,&pFobx->ScavengerFinalizationList); } }
ScavengerMutexAcquired = FALSE; RxReleaseScavengerMutex();
AtleastOneFobxScavenged = !IsListEmpty(&FobxList);
pEntry = FobxList.Flink; while (!IsListEmpty(&FobxList)) { pEntry = FobxList.Flink; RemoveEntryList(pEntry); pFobx = (PFOBX)CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, FOBX, ScavengerFinalizationList);
RxFinalizeNetFobx(pFobx,TRUE,TRUE); } }
if (ScavengerMutexAcquired) { RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); }
return AtleastOneFobxScavenged; }
VOID RxpScavengeFobxs( PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger, PLIST_ENTRY pFobxList) /*++
Routine Description:
Thie routine scavenges all the file objects in the given list. This routine does the actual work of scavenging while RxScavengeFobxsForNetRoot and RxScavengeAllFobxs gather the file object extensions and call this routine
--*/ { while (!IsListEmpty(pFobxList)) { PFCB pFcb; PFOBX pFobx; NTSTATUS Status;
pEntry = pFobxList->Flink;
pFobx = (PFOBX)CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, FOBX, ScavengerFinalizationList);
pFcb = (PFCB)pFobx->pSrvOpen->pFcb;
Status = RxAcquireExclusiveFcb( NULL, pFcb );
if (Status == (STATUS_SUCCESS)) { BOOLEAN ReleaseFcb;
ReleaseFcb = !RxDereferenceAndFinalizeNetFcb(pFcb,NULL,FALSE,FALSE);
if (ReleaseFcb) { RxReleaseFcb( NULL, pFcb ); } } else { RxDereferenceNetFobx(pFobx,LHS_LockNotHeld); } } }
VOID RxScavengeFobxsForNetRoot( PNET_ROOT pNetRoot, PFCB PurgingFcb) /*++
Routine Description:
Thie routine scavenges all the file objects pertaining to the given net root instance
--*/ { BOOLEAN ScavengerMutexAcquired = FALSE; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject = pNetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger;
RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); ScavengerMutexAcquired = TRUE;
if (pRdbssScavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized > 0) { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PFOBX pFobx; LIST_ENTRY FobxList;
pEntry = pRdbssScavenger->FobxFinalizationList.Flink; while (pEntry != &pRdbssScavenger->FobxFinalizationList) { pFobx = (PFOBX)CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, FOBX, ScavengerFinalizationList);
pEntry = pEntry->Flink;
if (pFobx->SrvOpen != NULL && pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb->pNetRoot == (PMRX_NET_ROOT)pNetRoot) { NTSTATUS PurgeStatus = STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED;
if ((PurgingFcb != NULL) && (pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb != PurgingFcb)) { MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH( PurgeStatus, RxDeviceObject->Dispatch, MRxAreFilesAliased,(pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb,PurgingFcb) ); }
if (PurgeStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { RxReferenceNetFobx(pFobx);
ASSERT(NodeType(pFobx) == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX);
InsertTailList(&FobxList,&pFobx->ScavengerFinalizationList); } } }
ScavengerMutexAcquired = FALSE; RxReleaseScavengerMutex();
RxpScavengeFobxs(pRdbssScavenger,&FobxList); }
if (ScavengerMutexAcquired) { RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); }
return; }
VOID RxScavengeAllFobxs( PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject) /*++
Routine Description:
Thie routine scavenges all the file objects pertaining to the given mini redirector device object
--*/ { PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger;
if (pRdbssScavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized > 0) { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PFOBX pFobx; LIST_ENTRY FobxList;
pEntry = pRdbssScavenger->FobxFinalizationList.Flink; while (pEntry != &pRdbssScavenger->FobxFinalizationList) { pFobx = (PFOBX)CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, FOBX, ScavengerFinalizationList);
pEntry = pEntry->Flink;
ASSERT(NodeType(pFobx) == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX);
InsertTailList(&FobxList,&pFobx->ScavengerFinalizationList); }
RxpScavengeFobxs(pRdbssScavenger,&FobxList); } }
BOOLEAN RxScavengeVNetRoots( PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject) { BOOLEAN AtleastOneEntryScavenged = FALSE; PRX_PREFIX_TABLE pRxNetNameTable = RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger; PV_NET_ROOT pVNetRoot;
do { PVOID pEntry;
RxDbgTrace(0,Dbg,("RDBSS SCAVENGER -- Scavenging VNetRoots\n"));
if (pRdbssScavenger->VNetRootsToBeFinalized > 0) { pEntry = RemoveHeadList(&pRdbssScavenger->VNetRootFinalizationList);
pVNetRoot = (PV_NET_ROOT) CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, V_NET_ROOT, ScavengerFinalizationList);
RxpUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking(pVNetRoot); ASSERT(NodeType(pVNetRoot) == RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT); } else { pVNetRoot = NULL; }
if (pVNetRoot != NULL) { RxFinalizeVNetRoot(pVNetRoot,TRUE,TRUE); AtleastOneEntryScavenged = TRUE; }
RxReleasePrefixTableLock(pRxNetNameTable); } while (pVNetRoot != NULL);
return AtleastOneEntryScavenged; }
VOID RxScavengerFinalizeEntries ( PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
Thie routine initiates the delayed finalization of entries
This routine must always be called only after acquiring the Scavenger Mutex. On return from this routine it needs to be reacquired. This is required to avoid redundant copying of data structures.
The performance metric for the scavenger is different from the other routines. In the other routines the goal is to do as much work as possible once the lock is acquired without having to release it. On the other hand for the scavenger the goal is to hold the lock for as short a duration as possible because this interferes with the regular activity. This is preferred even if it entails frequent relaesing/acquisition of locks since it enables higher degrees of concurrency.
--*/ { BOOLEAN AtleastOneEntryScavenged; PRX_PREFIX_TABLE pRxNetNameTable = RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger;
do { AtleastOneEntryScavenged = FALSE;
if (pRdbssScavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles > 0) { PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry; PFOBX pFobxToBePurged;
// If the number of dormant files exceeds the limit specified for the
// given server a currently dormant file needs to be picked up for
// purging.
pListEntry = pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList.Flink; if (pListEntry != &pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList) { pFobxToBePurged = (PFOBX)(CONTAINING_RECORD( pListEntry, FOBX, ClosePendingList));
RemoveEntryList(&pFobxToBePurged->ClosePendingList); InitializeListHead(&pFobxToBePurged->ClosePendingList);
pRdbssScavenger->CurrentScavengerThread = PsGetCurrentThread();
pRdbssScavenger->CurrentFcbForClosePendingProcessing = (PFCB)(pFobxToBePurged->SrvOpen->Fcb);
pRdbssScavenger->CurrentNetRootForClosePendingProcessing = (PNET_ROOT)(pFobxToBePurged->SrvOpen->Fcb->pNetRoot);
KeResetEvent( &(pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingProcessingSyncEvent)); } else { pFobxToBePurged = NULL; }
if (pFobxToBePurged != NULL) { NTSTATUS Status;
Status = RxPurgeFobxFromCache(pFobxToBePurged);
AtleastOneEntryScavenged = (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS);
pRdbssScavenger->CurrentScavengerThread = NULL; pRdbssScavenger->CurrentFcbForClosePendingProcessing = NULL; pRdbssScavenger->CurrentNetRootForClosePendingProcessing = NULL;
KeSetEvent( &(pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingProcessingSyncEvent), 0, FALSE); } }
if (pRdbssScavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized > 0) { PVOID pEntry; PFOBX pFobx = NULL; PFCB pFcb = NULL;
RxDbgTrace(0,Dbg,("RDBSS SCAVENGER -- Scavenging Fobxs\n"));
if (pRdbssScavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized > 0) { pEntry = pRdbssScavenger->FobxFinalizationList.Flink;
pFobx = (PFOBX) CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, FOBX, ScavengerFinalizationList);
pFcb = pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb; RxReferenceNetFcb(pFcb);
pRdbssScavenger->CurrentScavengerThread = PsGetCurrentThread();
pRdbssScavenger->CurrentFcbForClosePendingProcessing = (PFCB)(pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb);
pRdbssScavenger->CurrentNetRootForClosePendingProcessing = (PNET_ROOT)(pFobx->SrvOpen->Fcb->pNetRoot);
KeResetEvent( &(pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingProcessingSyncEvent)); } else { pFobx = NULL; }
if (pFobx != NULL) { NTSTATUS Status;
Status = RxAcquireExclusiveFcb( NULL, pFcb ); if (Status == (STATUS_SUCCESS)) { BOOLEAN ReleaseFcb;
AtleastOneEntryScavenged = RxScavengeRelatedFobxs(pFcb);
ReleaseFcb = !RxDereferenceAndFinalizeNetFcb(pFcb,NULL,FALSE,FALSE);
if (ReleaseFcb) { RxReleaseFcb( NULL, pFcb ); } } else { RxLog(("Delayed Close Failure FOBX(%lx) FCB(%lx)\n",pFobx,pFcb)); RxWmiLog(LOG, RxScavengerFinalizeEntries, LOGPTR(pFobx) LOGPTR(pFcb)); }
pRdbssScavenger->CurrentScavengerThread = NULL; pRdbssScavenger->CurrentFcbForClosePendingProcessing = NULL; pRdbssScavenger->CurrentNetRootForClosePendingProcessing = NULL;
KeSetEvent( &(pRdbssScavenger->ClosePendingProcessingSyncEvent), 0, FALSE); } }
if (pRdbssScavenger->SrvOpensToBeFinalized > 0) { //SRV_OPEN List should not be empty, potential memory leak
ASSERT(pRdbssScavenger->SrvOpensToBeFinalized == 0); }
if (pRdbssScavenger->FcbsToBeFinalized > 0) { //FCB list should be empty , potential memory leak
ASSERT(pRdbssScavenger->FcbsToBeFinalized == 0); }
if (pRdbssScavenger->VNetRootsToBeFinalized > 0) { PVOID pEntry; PV_NET_ROOT pVNetRoot;
RxDbgTrace(0,Dbg,("RDBSS SCAVENGER -- Scavenging VNetRoots\n"));
if (pRdbssScavenger->VNetRootsToBeFinalized > 0) { pEntry = RemoveHeadList(&pRdbssScavenger->VNetRootFinalizationList);
pVNetRoot = (PV_NET_ROOT) CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, V_NET_ROOT, ScavengerFinalizationList);
RxpUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking(pVNetRoot); ASSERT(NodeType(pVNetRoot) == RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT); } else { pVNetRoot = NULL; }
if (pVNetRoot != NULL) { RxFinalizeVNetRoot(pVNetRoot,TRUE,TRUE); AtleastOneEntryScavenged = TRUE; }
RxReleasePrefixTableLock(pRxNetNameTable); }
if (pRdbssScavenger->NetRootsToBeFinalized > 0) { PVOID pEntry; PNET_ROOT pNetRoot;
RxDbgTrace(0,Dbg,("RDBSS SCAVENGER -- Scavenging NetRoots\n"));
if (pRdbssScavenger->NetRootsToBeFinalized > 0) { pEntry = RemoveHeadList(&pRdbssScavenger->NetRootFinalizationList);
pNetRoot = (PNET_ROOT) CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, NET_ROOT, ScavengerFinalizationList);
RxpUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking(pNetRoot); ASSERT(NodeType(pNetRoot) == RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT); } else { pNetRoot = NULL; }
if (pNetRoot != NULL) { RxFinalizeNetRoot(pNetRoot,TRUE,TRUE); AtleastOneEntryScavenged = TRUE; }
RxReleasePrefixTableLock(pRxNetNameTable); }
if (pRdbssScavenger->SrvCallsToBeFinalized > 0) { PVOID pEntry; PSRV_CALL pSrvCall;
RxDbgTrace(0,Dbg,("RDBSS SCAVENGER -- Scavenging SrvCalls\n"));
if (pRdbssScavenger->SrvCallsToBeFinalized > 0) { pEntry = RemoveHeadList(&pRdbssScavenger->SrvCallFinalizationList);
pSrvCall = (PSRV_CALL) CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, SRV_CALL, ScavengerFinalizationList);
RxpUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking(pSrvCall); ASSERT(NodeType(pSrvCall) == RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL); } else { pSrvCall = NULL; }
if (pSrvCall != NULL) { RxFinalizeSrvCall(pSrvCall,TRUE,TRUE); AtleastOneEntryScavenged = TRUE; }
RxReleasePrefixTableLock(pRxNetNameTable); } } while (AtleastOneEntryScavenged); }
VOID RxScavengerTimerRoutine( PVOID pContext) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is the timer routine that periodically initiates the finalization of entries.
pContext -- the context (actually the RxDeviceObject)
--*/ { PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject = (PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT)pContext; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger; BOOLEAN PostTimerRequest = FALSE;
if (pRdbssScavenger->State == RDBSS_SCAVENGER_DORMANT) { pRdbssScavenger->State = RDBSS_SCAVENGER_ACTIVE;
if (pRdbssScavenger->State == RDBSS_SCAVENGER_ACTIVE) { ULONG EntriesToBeFinalized;
// Check if the scavenger needs to be activated again.
EntriesToBeFinalized = pRdbssScavenger->SrvCallsToBeFinalized + pRdbssScavenger->NetRootsToBeFinalized + pRdbssScavenger->VNetRootsToBeFinalized + pRdbssScavenger->FcbsToBeFinalized + pRdbssScavenger->SrvOpensToBeFinalized + pRdbssScavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized + pRdbssScavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles;
if (EntriesToBeFinalized > 0) { PostTimerRequest = TRUE; pRdbssScavenger->State = RDBSS_SCAVENGER_DORMANT; } else { pRdbssScavenger->State = RDBSS_SCAVENGER_INACTIVE; } }
if (PostTimerRequest) { LARGE_INTEGER TimeInterval;
RxPostOneShotTimerRequest( RxFileSystemDeviceObject, &pRdbssScavenger->WorkItem, RxScavengerTimerRoutine, RxDeviceObject, TimeInterval); } } else { RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); }
// Trigger the event.
KeSetEvent(&pRdbssScavenger->SyncEvent,0,FALSE); }
VOID RxTerminateScavenging( PRX_CONTEXT pRxContext) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine terminates all scavenging activities in the RDBSS. The termination is effected in an orderly fashion after all the entries currently marked for scavenging are finalized.
pRxContext -- the context
In implementing the scavenger there are two options. The scavenger can latch onto a thread and hold onto it from the moment RDBSS comes into existence till it is unloaded. Such an implementation renders a thread useless throughout the lifetime of RDBSS.
If this is to be avoided the alternative is to trigger the scavenger as and when required. While this technique addresses the conservation of system resources it poses some tricky synchronization problems having to do with start/stop of the RDR.
Since the RDR can be started/stopped at any time the Scavenger can be in one of three states when the RDR is stopped.
1) Scavenger is active.
2) Scavenger request is in the timer queue.
3) Scavenger is inactive.
Of these case (3) is the easiest since no special action is required.
If the scavenger is active then this routine has to synchronize with the timer routine that is finzalizing the entries. This is achieved by allowing the termination routine to modify the Scavenger state under a mutex and waiting for it to signal the event on completion. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject = pRxContext->RxDeviceObject; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER pRdbssScavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger;
PreviousState = pRdbssScavenger->State; pRdbssScavenger->State = RDBSS_SCAVENGER_SUSPENDED;
if (PreviousState == RDBSS_SCAVENGER_DORMANT) { // There is a timer request currently active. cancel it
Status = RxCancelTimerRequest( RxFileSystemDeviceObject, RxScavengerTimerRoutine, RxDeviceObject); }
if ((PreviousState == RDBSS_SCAVENGER_ACTIVE) || (Status == STATUS_NOT_FOUND)) { // Either the timer routine was previously active or it could not be cancelled
// Wait for it to complete
KeWaitForSingleObject(&pRdbssScavenger->SyncEvent,Executive,KernelMode,FALSE,NULL); }
RxScavengerFinalizeEntries(pRxContext->RxDeviceObject); }