// Copyright (C) 1992, Microsoft Corporation.
// File: dsysreg.hxx
// Contents: Definitions of classes for manipulating registry entries.
// Classes: CRegKey - class for registry key objects
// CRegValue - base class for registry value objects
// CRegSZ - derived class for registry string values
// CRegDWORD - derived class for registry dword values
// CRegBINARY - derived class for registry binary values
// CRegMSZ - derived class for registry multi-string values
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// 09/22/93 AlokS Took out exception throwing code
// and added proper return code for
// each method.
// 07/26/94 AlokS Made it lightweight for normal set/get
// operations. Threw out all exception code
// Notes: CRegKey can use another CRegKey as a parent, so you can
// build a tree of keys. To kick things off, you can give one
// of the default registry keys like HKEY_CURRENT_USER. When
// you do this, the GetParent method returns NULL. Currently
// however, no ptrs are kept to child and sibling keys.
// CRegValue is a base class for dealing with registry values.
// The other classes (except CRegKey) are for dealing with a
// specific type of registry value in the native data format.
// For example, CRegDWORD lets you call methods just providing
// a dword. The methods take care of figuring out the size and
// casting the dword to a ptr to bytes, etc for use in the Win32
// registry APIs.
// For any registry type not defined here, you can always resort
// to using the CRegValue base class directly, though you then
// must call GetValue or SetValue methods explicitly.
// Sample Usage:
// The following reads the username in the ValueID UserName
// within the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\LogonInfo. It then changes
// it to Rickhi. It also sets the password valueid in the
// the same key to foobar.
// #include <dsysreg.hxx>
// // open the registry key
// CRegKey rkLogInfo(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"LogonInfo");
// // read the user name
// LPWSTR pwszUserName;
// CRegSZ rszUserName(&rkLogInfo, L"UserName", pwszUserName);
// rszUserName.SetString(L"Rickhi");
// // set the password
// CRegSZ rszPassWord(&rkLogInfo, L"PassWord", L"foobar");
#ifndef __DSYSREG_HXX__
#define __DSYSREG_HXX__
#include "wcbuffer.hxx"
// to simplify error creation
#define Creg_ERROR(x) (x)
// forward declarations for use in the following structures
class CRegValue; class CRegKey;
// structure for enumerating subkeys of a key
typedef struct _SRegKeySet { ULONG cKeys; CRegKey *aprkKey[1]; } SRegKeySet;
// structure for enumerating values within a key
typedef struct _SRegValueSet { ULONG cValues; CRegValue *aprvValue[1]; } SRegValueSet;
// structure for dealing with multi-string values
typedef struct _SMultiStringSet { ULONG cStrings; LPWSTR apwszString[1]; } SMultiStringSet;
// Class: CRegKey
// Purpose: class for abstracting Registry Keys
// Interface: CRegKey - constructor for a registry key object
// ~CRegKey - destructor for a registry key object
// GetParentHandle - returns parent key's handle
// GetHandle - returns this key's handle
// GetName - returns key path
// Delete - deletes the key from the registry
// EnumValues - enumerate values stored in the key
// EnumKeys - enumerates subkeys of the key
// NotifyChange - sets up change notification for the key
// QueryErrorStatus - Should be used to determine if constructor
// completed successfully or not
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes:
class CRegKey { public: // constructor using HKEY for parent
// Mode: Create key if not present
CRegKey( HKEY hkParent, const LPWSTR pwszPath,
// remaining parameters are optional
REGSAM samDesiredAccess = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, const LPWSTR pwszClass = NULL, DWORD dwOptions = REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, DWORD *pdwDisposition = NULL, const LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes = NULL ); // constructor using CRegKey as parent
// Mode: Create key if not present
CRegKey(const CRegKey& crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszPath, // remaining parameters are optional
REGSAM samDesiredAccess = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, const LPWSTR pwszClass = NULL, DWORD dwOptions = REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, DWORD *pdwDisposition = NULL, const LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes = NULL );
// Constructor using HKEY for parent
// Mode: Simply Open the key, if exists
CRegKey ( HKEY hkParent, DWORD *pdwErr, const LPWSTR pwszPath, REGSAM samDesiredAccess = KEY_ALL_ACCESS );
// Constructor using CRegKey as parent
// Mode: Simply open the key, if exists
CRegKey (const CRegKey& crkParent, DWORD *pdwErr, const LPWSTR pwszPath, REGSAM samDesiredAccess = KEY_ALL_ACCESS ); // Destructor - Closes registry key
HKEY GetHandle(void) const; DWORD Delete(void); DWORD DeleteChildren(void); DWORD EnumValues(SRegValueSet **pprvs); DWORD EnumKeys(SRegKeySet **pprks);
// This method can be called to determine if
// Object is in sane state or not
DWORD QueryErrorStatus () const { return _dwErr ; }
// Static routine which frees memory allocated during EnumValues/Keys
static void MemFree ( void * pv ) {
delete [] (BYTE*)pv; }
private: DWORD CreateKey( HKEY hkParent, const LPWSTR pwszPath, REGSAM samDesiredAccess, const LPWSTR pwszClass, DWORD dwOptions, DWORD *pdwDisposition, const LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes );
DWORD OpenKey ( HKEY hkParent, const LPWSTR pwszPath, REGSAM samDesiredAccess );
HKEY _hkParent; // Handle to parent
HKEY _hkThis; // handle for this key
LPWSTR _Name; CWCHARBuffer _cwszName; // Buffer containing the registry path
// path from parent key to this key
DWORD _dwErr; // Internal error status
inline HKEY CRegKey::GetHandle(void) const { return _hkThis; }
// Class: CRegValue
// Purpose: base class for abstracting Registry Values
// Interface: CRegValue - constructor for value
// ~CRegValue - destructor for value
// GetKeyHandle - returns handle for parent key
// GetValueID - returns the ValueID name
// GetTypeCode - returns the TypeCode of the data
// GetValue - returns the data associated with the value
// SetValue - sets the data associated with the value
// Delete - deletes the value from the registry
// QueryErrorStatus - Should be used to determine if constructor
// completed successfully or not
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes: This is a base class from which more specific classes are
// derived for each of the different registry value types.
class CRegValue { public: CRegValue(const CRegKey& crkParentKey, const LPWSTR pwszValueID); ~CRegValue(void){;};
HKEY GetParentHandle(void) const; const LPWSTR GetValueID(void) const;
VOID Delete(void);
// Caller supplies buffer
DWORD GetValue(LPBYTE pbData, ULONG *pcbData, DWORD *pdwTypeCode);
DWORD SetValue(const LPBYTE pbData, ULONG cbData, DWORD dwTypeCode);
virtual DWORD QueryErrorStatus (void) const { return _dwErr ; }
private: CWCHARBuffer _cwszValueID; HKEY _hkParent; DWORD _dwErr ; };
// Member: CRegValue::CRegValue
// Purpose: constructor for base registry value
// Arguments: [prkParent] - ptr to parent CRegKey for the key
// [pwszValueID] - the valueID name for the value
// Signals: nothing
// Returns: nothing
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes:
inline CRegValue::CRegValue(const CRegKey& crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID) : _hkParent (crkParent.GetHandle()), _dwErr(crkParent.QueryErrorStatus()) { _cwszValueID.Set(pwszValueID); }
inline HKEY CRegValue::GetParentHandle(void) const { return _hkParent; }
inline const LPWSTR CRegValue::GetValueID(void) const { return (const LPWSTR) (LPWSTR) _cwszValueID; }
inline VOID CRegValue::Delete(void) { _dwErr = RegDeleteValue( _hkParent, _cwszValueID ); }
// Class: CRegSZ
// Purpose: Derived class for abstracting Registry string Values
// Interface: CRegSZ - constructor for registry value using string
// ~CRegSZ - destructor for registry string object
// GetString - returns the string
// SetString - sets a new string value
// QueryErrorStatus - Should be used to determine if constructor
// completed successfully or not
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes: Derived from CRegValue.
// There are three constructors. The first is used if you want
// to create a new value or overwrite the existing value data.
// The second is used if you want to open an existing value
// and read it's data. The third is used if you just want to
// make an object without doing any read/write of the data yet.
// In all three cases, you can always use any of the Get/Set
// operations on the object at a later time.
class CRegSZ : public CRegValue { public: // create/write value constructor
CRegSZ(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID, const LPWSTR pwszData );
// io-less constructor - used by enumerator
CRegSZ(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID );
DWORD SetString(const LPWSTR pwszData);
// Caller supplies buffer (supply the buffer size in bytes)
DWORD GetString( LPWSTR pwszData, ULONG *pcbData);
DWORD GetTypeCode(void);
DWORD QueryErrorStatus(void) const { return _dwErr ; }
private: DWORD _dwErr;
// Member: CRegSZ::CRegSZ
// Purpose: Constructor for registry string value
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes:
inline CRegSZ::CRegSZ(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID, const LPWSTR pwszData) : CRegValue(crkParent, pwszValueID) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (_dwErr = CRegValue::QueryErrorStatus())) _dwErr = SetString(pwszData); }
inline CRegSZ::CRegSZ(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID) : CRegValue(crkParent, pwszValueID) { // automatic actions in header are sufficient
_dwErr = CRegValue::QueryErrorStatus(); }
inline DWORD CRegSZ::SetString(const LPWSTR pwszData) { return SetValue((LPBYTE)pwszData, (wcslen(pwszData)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR), REG_SZ); }
inline DWORD CRegSZ::GetString(LPWSTR pwszData, ULONG* pcbData) { DWORD dwTypeCode;
return GetValue((LPBYTE)pwszData, pcbData, &dwTypeCode); }
inline DWORD CRegSZ::GetTypeCode(void) { return REG_SZ; }
// Class: CRegMSZ
// Purpose: Derived class for abstracting Registry multi-string Values
// Interface: CRegMSZ - constructor for registry value using string
// ~CRegMSZ - destructor for registry string object
// GetString - returns the string
// SetString - sets a new string value
// QueryErrorStatus - Should be used to determine if constructor
// completed successfully or not
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes: Derived from CRegValue.
// There are three constructors. The first is used if you want
// to create a new value or overwrite the existing value data.
// The second is used if you want to open an existing value
// and read it's data. The third is used if you just want to
// make an object without doing any read/write of the data yet.
// In all three cases, you can always use any of the Get/Set
// operations on the object at a later time.
class CRegMSZ : public CRegValue { public: // create/write value constructor
CRegMSZ(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID, const LPWSTR pwszData );
// io-less constructor - used by enumerator
CRegMSZ(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID );
DWORD SetString(const LPWSTR pwszData);
// Caller supplies buffer (supply the buffer size in bytes)
DWORD GetString( LPWSTR pwszData, ULONG *pcbData);
DWORD GetTypeCode(void);
DWORD QueryErrorStatus(void) const { return _dwErr ; }
private: DWORD _dwErr;
// Member: CRegMSZ::CRegMSZ
// Purpose: Constructor for registry string value
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes:
inline CRegMSZ::CRegMSZ(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID, const LPWSTR pwszData) : CRegValue(crkParent, pwszValueID) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (_dwErr = CRegValue::QueryErrorStatus())) _dwErr = SetString(pwszData); }
inline CRegMSZ::CRegMSZ(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID) : CRegValue(crkParent, pwszValueID) { // automatic actions in header are sufficient
_dwErr = CRegValue::QueryErrorStatus(); }
inline DWORD CRegMSZ::SetString(const LPWSTR pwszData) { DWORD cwLen, cbData; LPWSTR pwszNextString;
for (pwszNextString = pwszData, cbData = 0; *pwszNextString != UNICODE_NULL; pwszNextString += cwLen) { cwLen = wcslen(pwszNextString) + 1; cbData += (cwLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); } cbData += sizeof(UNICODE_NULL);
return SetValue((LPBYTE)pwszData, cbData, REG_MULTI_SZ); }
inline DWORD CRegMSZ::GetString(LPWSTR pwszData, ULONG* pcbData) { DWORD dwTypeCode;
return GetValue((LPBYTE)pwszData, pcbData, &dwTypeCode); }
inline DWORD CRegMSZ::GetTypeCode(void) { return REG_MULTI_SZ; }
// Class: CRegDWORD
// Purpose: Derived class for abstracting Registry dword Values
// Interface: CRegDWORD - constructor for registry value using dword
// ~CRegDWORD - destructor for registry dword object
// GetDword - returns the dword
// SetDword - sets a new dword value
// QueryErrorStatus - Should be used to determine if constructor
// completed successfully or not
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes: Derived from CRegValue.
// There are three constructors. The first is used if you want
// to create a new value or overwrite the existing value data.
// The second is used if you want to open an existing value
// and read it's data. The third is used if you just want to
// make an object without doing any read/write of the data yet.
// In all three cases, you can always use any of the Get/Set
// operations on the object at a later time.
class CRegDWORD : public CRegValue { public: // create/write value constructor
CRegDWORD(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID, DWORD dwData);
// open/read value constructor
CRegDWORD(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID, DWORD *pdwData);
// io-less constructor - used by enumerator
CRegDWORD( const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID);
DWORD SetDword(DWORD dwData); DWORD GetDword(DWORD *pdwData); DWORD GetTypeCode(void) ; DWORD QueryErrorStatus(void) const { return _dwErr ; }
private: DWORD _dwErr; };
// Member: CRegDWORD::CRegDWORD
// Purpose: Constructor for registry dword value
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes:
inline CRegDWORD::CRegDWORD(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID, DWORD dwData) : CRegValue(crkParent, pwszValueID) {
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (_dwErr = CRegValue::QueryErrorStatus())) _dwErr = SetDword(dwData); }
inline CRegDWORD::CRegDWORD(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID, DWORD *pdwData) : CRegValue(crkParent, pwszValueID) {
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (_dwErr = CRegValue::QueryErrorStatus())) _dwErr = GetDword(pdwData); }
inline CRegDWORD::CRegDWORD(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID) : CRegValue(crkParent, pwszValueID) { // automatic actions in header are sufficient
_dwErr = CRegValue::QueryErrorStatus(); }
inline DWORD CRegDWORD::GetDword(DWORD *pdwData) { DWORD dwTypeCode; DWORD dwErr; ULONG cbData= sizeof(DWORD); dwErr = GetValue((LPBYTE)pdwData, &cbData, &dwTypeCode); return (dwErr); }
inline DWORD CRegDWORD::SetDword(DWORD dwData) { return SetValue((LPBYTE)&dwData, sizeof(DWORD), REG_DWORD); }
inline DWORD CRegDWORD::GetTypeCode(void) { return REG_DWORD; }
// Class: CRegBINARY
// Purpose: Derived class for abstracting Registry binary Values
// Interface: CRegBINARY - constructor for registry value using binary data
// ~CRegBINARY - destructor for registry binary data object
// GetBinary - returns the binary data
// SetBinary - sets a new binary data value
// QueryErrorStatus - Should be used to determine if constructor
// completed successfully or not
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes: Derived from CRegValue.
// There are three constructors. The first is used if you want
// to create a new value or overwrite the existing value data.
// The second is used if you want to open an existing value
// and read it's data. The third is used if you just want to
// make an object without doing any read/write of the data yet.
// In all three cases, you can always use any of the Get/Set
// operations on the object at a later time.
class CRegBINARY : public CRegValue { public: // create/write value constructor
CRegBINARY(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID, const LPBYTE pbData, ULONG cbData);
// io-less constructor - used by enumerator
CRegBINARY(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID);
DWORD SetBinary(const LPBYTE pbData, ULONG cbData);
// Caller supplies buffer (supply the buffer size in bytes)
DWORD GetBinary(LPBYTE pbData, ULONG *pcbData);
DWORD GetTypeCode(void); DWORD QueryErrorStatus(void) { return _dwErr ; }
private: DWORD _dwErr;
// Purpose: Constructor for registry binary value
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes:
inline CRegBINARY::CRegBINARY(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID, const LPBYTE pbData, ULONG cbData) : CRegValue(crkParent, pwszValueID) {
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (_dwErr = CRegValue::QueryErrorStatus())) _dwErr = SetBinary(pbData, cbData); }
inline CRegBINARY::CRegBINARY(const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszValueID) : CRegValue(crkParent, pwszValueID) { // automatic actions in header are sufficient
_dwErr = CRegValue::QueryErrorStatus(); }
inline DWORD CRegBINARY::SetBinary(const LPBYTE pbData, ULONG cbData) { return SetValue(pbData, cbData, REG_BINARY); }
inline DWORD CRegBINARY::GetBinary(LPBYTE pbData, ULONG* pcbData) { DWORD dwTypeCode; return GetValue(pbData, pcbData, &dwTypeCode); } inline DWORD CRegBINARY::GetTypeCode(void) { return REG_BINARY; }
// Function: DelRegKeyTree
// Purpose: This function can be used to deleting a key and all it's
// children.
// History: 09/30/93 AlokS Created
// Notes: We assume that caller has proper access priviledge
// and the key is non-volatile.
DWORD DelRegKeyTree ( HKEY hParent, LPWSTR lpwszKeyPath);
#endif // __DSYSREG_HXX__