// COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
// Uses an array passed in from the DiskView class called the LineArray that contains the necessary
// data to draw a graphical representation of a disk. Each byte in the LineArray is set to a specific
// value that specifies the color of a corresponding vertical line on the screen when painted using
// the DiskDisplay class. This class also handles the painting of a legend at the bottom of the display
// and data about the size of the disk, etc. All the computational data for the display is done by
// DiskView; DiskDisplay just paints it on the screen.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DiskDisp.h"
#include "Graphix.h"
#include "ErrMacro.h"
METHOD: DiskDisplay::DiskDisplay (Constructor)
METHOD DESCRIPTION: Initializes class variables.
RETURN: None. */
DiskDisplay::DiskDisplay() { int i;
//There is not yet data to draw with, so don't execute drawing functions later on until there is data to draw.
m_bReadyToDraw = FALSE;
m_LineArray = NULL; m_NumLines = 0;
m_SpacerHeight = SPACER_HEIGHT; m_GraphicWellWidth = 0; m_GraphicWellHeight = 0; _tcscpy(m_Label, TEXT(""));
//Allocate internal arrays for the maximum number of colors of lines we will be displaying.
m_ColorArray = NULL; m_PenArray = NULL; m_BrushArray = NULL;
//Initialize the colors for the various lines.
m_ColorArray = new int [NUM_COLORS]; EV(m_ColorArray); ChangeLineColor(SystemFileColor, GREEN); // System files
ChangeLineColor(PageFileColor, YELLOW); // Pagefile
ChangeLineColor(FragmentColor, RED); // Fragmented files
ChangeLineColor(UsedSpaceColor, BLUE); // Contiguous files
ChangeLineColor(FreeSpaceColor, LIGHTGRAY); // Free space
ChangeLineColor(DirectoryColor, LIGHTBLUE); // Directories
ChangeLineColor(MftZoneFreeSpaceColor, BLUE); // MFT Zone sks defrag mft changed from GREEN
m_bStripeMftZone = TRUE;
//Create all the pens that we'll draw with.
m_PenArray = new HPEN [NUM_COLORS]; EV(m_PenArray); for(i=0; i<NUM_COLORS; i++){ m_PenArray[i] = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, m_ColorArray[i]); EH(m_PenArray[i]); }
//Create all the brushes that we'll draw with.
m_BrushArray = new HBRUSH [NUM_COLORS]; EV(m_BrushArray); for(i=0; i<NUM_COLORS; i++){ m_BrushArray[i] = CreateHatchBrush(HS_BDIAGONAL, m_ColorArray[i]); EH(m_BrushArray[i]); }
m_hCurrentPen = 0; }
METHOD: DiskDisplay::~DiskDisplay (Destructor)
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
DiskDisplay::~DiskDisplay() { int i;
if (m_LineArray) delete [] m_LineArray; if (m_PenArray) { for(i=0; i<NUM_COLORS; i++){ if (m_PenArray[i]) DeleteObject(m_PenArray[i]); } delete [] m_PenArray; } if (m_BrushArray) { for(i=0; i<NUM_COLORS; i++){ if (m_BrushArray[i]) DeleteObject(m_BrushArray[i]); } delete [] m_BrushArray; }
if (m_ColorArray) delete [] m_ColorArray; } /*****************************************************************************************************************
METHOD: DiskView::operator=
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
METHOD DESCRIPTION: Duplicates a DiskDisplay.
RETURN: none. */
DiskDisplay& DiskDisplay::operator=(DiskDisplay& InDiskDisplay) { if(this == &InDiskDisplay){ return *this; }
//If the other DiskDisplay has data to draw, then so will we.
m_bReadyToDraw = InDiskDisplay.m_bReadyToDraw;
//Don't need to do anything with m_PenArray, m_BrushArray, or m_ColorArray since these are already created by the constructor.
m_hCurrentPen = InDiskDisplay.m_hCurrentPen;
//If the number of clusters in the cluster array are not identical, realloc the array.
if(m_NumLines != InDiskDisplay.m_NumLines){ //Get the new size for the cluster array.
m_NumLines = InDiskDisplay.m_NumLines; //Redimension the cluster array.
if (m_LineArray) delete [] m_LineArray;
m_LineArray = new char [m_NumLines]; EH(m_LineArray); }
//Copy over the line array.
if (m_LineArray != NULL && InDiskDisplay.m_LineArray != NULL) CopyMemory(m_LineArray, InDiskDisplay.m_LineArray, m_NumLines);
return *this; } /*****************************************************************************************************************
METHOD: DiskDisplay::SetNewOutputDimensions
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
METHOD DESCRIPTION: Given new coordinates to draw in, calculate anew how many lines we can draw in and figure what the m_ClusterFactor now is. Reset all the appropriate variables and redimension the internal arrays.
INPUT + OUTPUT: rect - rectangle that borders the entire graphics area isSingleRow - set to TRUE is the rectangle holds a single row of graphics spacerHeight - number of pixels between each graphic well
RETURN: None. */
void DiskDisplay::SetOutputArea(RECT rect, BOOL isSingleRow, UINT spacerHeight) { m_GraphicWellWidth = rect.right - rect.left - 1; m_Rect = rect;
if (isSingleRow){ m_SpacerHeight = 0; m_NumGraphicsRows = 1; m_GraphicWellHeight = rect.bottom - rect.top - 1; } else { m_SpacerHeight = spacerHeight; m_GraphicWellHeight = GRAPHIC_WELL_HEIGHT; m_NumGraphicsRows = (rect.bottom - rect.top + m_SpacerHeight) / (m_GraphicWellHeight + m_SpacerHeight); }
int numLines = m_NumGraphicsRows * m_GraphicWellWidth; EV_ASSERT(numLines);
if (numLines != m_NumLines){ m_NumLines = numLines;
if (m_LineArray) delete [] m_LineArray;
m_LineArray = new char [m_NumLines]; EV(m_LineArray);
m_bReadyToDraw = FALSE; } } /*****************************************************************************************************************
METHOD: DiskDisplay::ChangeLineColor
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
METHOD DESCRIPTION: Sets the color of in the ColorArray to a passed in color.
CLASS VARIABLES: m_ColorArray - The ColorArray.
INPUT + OUTPUT: iSet - The index in the ColorArray to set to NewColor. NewColor - The new color to put in the array.
RETURN: None. */
void DiskDisplay::ChangeLineColor(int iSet, int NewColor) { require(iSet < NUM_COLORS);
// this is a no-op if there is no color array allocated
if (m_ColorArray != NULL){ //The RGB values define the red, green, and blue contents for each of these colors.
//These numbers give good results over different color setups (256 colors, or 65536 colors).
switch (NewColor){ case BLACK: m_ColorArray[iSet] = RGB(0, 0, 0); break; case RED: m_ColorArray[iSet] = RGB(220, 0, 0); break; case GREEN: m_ColorArray[iSet] = RGB(0, 220, 0); break; case YELLOW: m_ColorArray[iSet] = RGB(220, 220, 0); break; case BLUE: m_ColorArray[iSet] = RGB(0, 0, 220); break; case PURPLE: m_ColorArray[iSet] = RGB(200, 0, 200); break; case LIGHTBLUE: m_ColorArray[iSet] = RGB(0, 255, 255); break; case WHITE: m_ColorArray[iSet] = RGB(255, 255, 255); break; case LIGHTGRAY: m_ColorArray[iSet] = RGB(200, 200, 200); break; default: EV_ASSERT(FALSE); break; } } } /*****************************************************************************************************************
METHOD: DiskDisplay::SetNewLineColor
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
METHOD DESCRIPTION: Changes the color of one of the types of display lines.
INPUT + OUTPUT: iSet - The index in the ColorArray to set to NewColor. NewColor - The new color to put in the array.
RETURN: None. */
void DiskDisplay::SetNewLineColor(int iSet, int NewColor) { require(iSet < NUM_COLORS);
if(m_ColorArray != NULL){
ChangeLineColor(iSet, NewColor);
if (m_PenArray != NULL){ if (m_PenArray[iSet]){ EH_ASSERT(DeleteObject(m_PenArray[iSet])); } m_PenArray[iSet] = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, m_ColorArray[iSet]); EH(m_PenArray[iSet]); }
if (m_BrushArray != NULL){ if (m_BrushArray[iSet]){ EH_ASSERT(DeleteObject(m_BrushArray[iSet])); } m_BrushArray[iSet] = CreateHatchBrush(HS_BDIAGONAL, m_ColorArray[iSet]); EH(m_BrushArray[iSet]); } } } /*****************************************************************************************************************
METHOD: DiskDisplay::StripeMftZoneFreeSpace
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
METHOD DESCRIPTION: Determines whether the MFT zone is displayed as a striped color or as a solid color.
INPUT + OUTPUT: bInStripeMftZone - The value to set to.
RETURN: None. */
void DiskDisplay::StripeMftZoneFreeSpace(BOOL bInStripeMftZone) { m_bStripeMftZone = bInStripeMftZone; }
METHOD: DiskDisplay::DrawLinesInHDC
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
METHOD DESCRIPTION: Draw the display.
INPUT + OUTPUT: hWndOutput - The window handle to use for painting functions. WorkDC - The DC to output to. rcPaint - The rectangle to paint within (usually because a portion of the screen was covered up by another window). NULL if no paint area specified.
RETURN: None. */
void DiskDisplay::DrawLinesInHDC(HDC WorkDC) { RECT BoxRect; m_hCurrentPen = 0;
//Draw each line in the HDC.
BoxRect.left = m_Rect.left; BoxRect.right = m_Rect.right;
::SetBkColor(WorkDC, RGB(255, 255, 255)); ::SetBkMode(WorkDC, OPAQUE); int iLine = 0; int yOffset;
for (int row=0; row<m_NumGraphicsRows; row++) {
yOffset = m_Rect.top + (m_GraphicWellHeight + m_SpacerHeight) * row;
//Make a box around this row
BoxRect.top = yOffset-1; BoxRect.bottom = yOffset + m_GraphicWellHeight;
// Fill the dark gray graphics area
HBRUSH hBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW)); EV_ASSERT(hBrush); ::FillRect(WorkDC, &BoxRect, hBrush); ::DeleteObject(hBrush);
// draw a border
::DrawBorderEx(WorkDC, BoxRect, SUNKEN_BOX);
// draw the label in the center of the first well
if (row==0 && _tcslen(m_Label)) { // make the text white in all color schemes
SetTextColor(WorkDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); SetBkMode(WorkDC, TRANSPARENT); ::DrawText(WorkDC, m_Label, _tcslen(m_Label), &BoxRect, DT_CENTER | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER); }
if (m_bReadyToDraw && m_LineArray){ //Draw the individual lines
for(int line=0; line < m_GraphicWellWidth && iLine < m_NumLines; line++){ DrawLine(WorkDC, m_LineArray[iLine++], m_Rect.left + line + 1, yOffset, yOffset + m_GraphicWellHeight); } } } } /*****************************************************************************************************************
METHOD: DiskDisplay::DrawLine
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
METHOD DESCRIPTION: Draw one line in the display.
CLASS VARIABLES: m_PenArray - An array of pens of different colors that we use to draw the lines. m_BrushArray - An array of brushes we also use to draw the lines. m_xOut - The x coordinate of the upper left-hand corner of the box we can paint in in the HDC. m_yOut - The y coordinate. m_hCurrentPen - The pen selected into the DC last time DrawLine was called (used so we don't keep reselecting the same pen into the same DC). INPUT + OUTPUT: WorkDC - The DC to draw in. Line - The color to draw
RETURN: None. */
inline void DiskDisplay::DrawLine( HDC WorkDC, char Color, int x, int yStart, int yEnd) { if(m_BrushArray != NULL && m_PenArray != NULL){ //Striped colors.
if(m_bStripeMftZone && Color == MftZoneFreeSpaceColor){
RECT Rect;
//Get the appropriate brush.
if (m_hCurrentBrush != (HBRUSH)m_BrushArray[MftZoneFreeSpaceColor]){ m_hCurrentBrush = (HBRUSH)m_BrushArray[MftZoneFreeSpaceColor]; }
//Get the rectangle for one line.
Rect.left = x; Rect.right = x + 1; Rect.top = yStart; Rect.bottom = Rect.top + m_GraphicWellHeight;
//Draw the striped line.
FillRect(WorkDC, &Rect, m_hCurrentBrush); } //Solid colors.
else{ //Get the appropriate pen.
if (m_hCurrentPen != (HPEN)m_PenArray[Color]){ SelectObject(WorkDC, (HPEN)m_PenArray[Color]); m_hCurrentPen = (HPEN)m_PenArray[Color]; }
//Draw the line.
MoveToEx(WorkDC, x, yStart, NULL); LineTo(WorkDC, x, yEnd); } } } /*****************************************************************************************************************
METHOD: DiskDisplay::SetLineArray
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
METHOD DESCRIPTION: Store a new LineArray from the DiskView class.
CLASS VARIABLES: m_NumLines - How many lines we have in m_LineArray. m_LineArray - The array of bytes that store the color code for each line to display.
INPUT + OUTPUT: pInLineArray - Passed in buffer to be copied to m_LineArray. InNumLines - The number of lines in this passed in buffer.
RETURN: TRUE - Success. FALSE - Invalid size buffer was passed in. */
void DiskDisplay::SetLineArray(char* pInLineArray, int InNumLines) { //If the size of the passed in buffer does not match what we're expecting, bail out.
if (InNumLines > 0 && InNumLines == m_NumLines){ //Copy the new buffer into the LineArray buffer.
if (m_LineArray) { CopyMemory(m_LineArray, pInLineArray, m_NumLines); //Note that we now have data to draw with.
m_bReadyToDraw = TRUE; } } }
void DiskDisplay::SetReadyToDraw(IN BOOL bReadyToDraw) { m_bReadyToDraw = bReadyToDraw; }
void DiskDisplay::DeleteAllData(void) { m_bReadyToDraw = FALSE; }
void DiskDisplay::SetLabel(PTCHAR InLabel) { if (InLabel) { if (_tcslen(InLabel) > MAX_PATH * 2 - 3) { _tcsncpy(m_Label, InLabel, MAX_PATH * 2 - 3); m_Label[MAX_PATH * 2 - 3] = TEXT('\0'); _tcscat(m_Label, TEXT("...")); } else { _tcscpy(m_Label, InLabel); } } else { _tcscpy(m_Label, TEXT("")); } }