Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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179 lines
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  1. ;/*++
  2. ;
  3. ;Copyright (c) 1992-2000 Microsoft Corporation
  4. ;
  5. ;Module Name:
  6. ;
  7. ; (will create fsmsg.h when compiled)
  8. ;
  9. ;Abstract:
  10. ;
  11. ; This file contains the FINDSTR messages.
  12. ;
  13. ;Author:
  14. ;
  15. ; Peter Sun (t-petes) 18-June-1992
  16. ;
  17. ;Revision History:
  18. ;
  19. ;--*/
  20. MessageId=1 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_BAD_COMMAND_LINE
  21. Language=English
  22. %1: Bad command line
  23. .
  24. MessageId=2 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_OUT_OF_MEMORY
  25. Language=English
  26. %1: Out of memory
  27. .
  28. MessageId=3 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_USAGE
  29. Language=English
  30. Searches for strings in files.
  31. FINDSTR [/B] [/E] [/L] [/R] [/S] [/I] [/X] [/V] [/N] [/M] [/O] [/P] [/F:file]
  32. [/C:string] [/G:file] [/D:dir list] [/A:color attributes] [/OFF[LINE]]
  33. strings [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]]
  34. /B Matches pattern if at the beginning of a line.
  35. /E Matches pattern if at the end of a line.
  36. /L Uses search strings literally.
  37. /R Uses search strings as regular expressions.
  38. /S Searches for matching files in the current directory and all
  39. subdirectories.
  40. /I Specifies that the search is not to be case-sensitive.
  41. /X Prints lines that match exactly.
  42. /V Prints only lines that do not contain a match.
  43. /N Prints the line number before each line that matches.
  44. /M Prints only the filename if a file contains a match.
  45. /O Prints character offset before each matching line.
  46. /P Skip files with non-printable characters.
  47. /OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set.
  48. /A:attr Specifies color attribute with two hex digits. See "color /?"
  49. /F:file Reads file list from the specified file(/ stands for console).
  50. /C:string Uses specified string as a literal search string.
  51. /G:file Gets search strings from the specified file(/ stands for console).
  52. /D:dir Search a semicolon delimited list of directories
  53. strings Text to be searched for.
  54. [drive:][path]filename
  55. Specifies a file or files to search.
  56. Use spaces to separate multiple search strings unless the argument is prefixed
  57. with /C. For example, 'FINDSTR "hello there" x.y' searches for "hello" or
  58. "there" in file x.y. 'FINDSTR /C:"hello there" x.y' searches for
  59. "hello there" in file x.y.
  60. Regular expression quick reference:
  61. . Wildcard: any character
  62. * Repeat: zero or more occurances of previous character or class
  63. ^ Line position: beginning of line
  64. $ Line position: end of line
  65. [class] Character class: any one character in set
  66. [^class] Inverse class: any one character not in set
  67. [x-y] Range: any characters within the specified range
  68. \x Escape: literal use of metacharacter x
  69. \<xyz Word position: beginning of word
  70. xyz\> Word position: end of word
  71. For full information on FINDSTR regular expressions refer to the online Command
  72. Reference.
  73. .
  74. MessageId=4 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE
  75. Language=English
  76. %1: Cannot open %2
  77. .
  78. MessageId=5 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_WRITE_ERROR
  79. Language=English
  80. %1: Write error
  81. .
  82. MessageId=6 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_SWITCH_IGNORED
  83. Language=English
  84. %1: %2 ignored
  85. .
  86. MessageId=7 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_CANNOT_READ_STRINGS
  87. Language=English
  88. %1: Cannot read strings from %2
  89. .
  90. MessageId=8 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_STRING_COUNT_ERROR
  91. Language=English
  92. String count error: (%1 does not equal %2)
  93. .
  94. MessageId=9 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_CANNOT_READ_FILE_LIST
  95. Language=English
  96. %1: Cannot read file list from %2
  97. .
  98. MessageId=10 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_TOO_MANY_STRING_LISTS
  99. Language=English
  100. Too many string lists
  101. .
  102. MessageId=11 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_ARGUMENT_MISSING
  103. Language=English
  104. %1: Argument missing after /%2
  105. .
  106. MessageId=12 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_NO_SEARCH_STRINGS
  107. Language=English
  108. %1: No search strings
  109. .
  111. Language=English
  112. %1: Read file failed. (Cannot create file mapping.)
  113. .
  114. MessageId=14 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_CANNOT_MAP_VIEW
  115. Language=English
  116. %1: Read file failed. (Cannot map view of file.)
  117. .
  118. MessageId=15 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_READ_ERROR
  119. Language=English
  120. %1: Error reading file %2.
  121. .
  122. MessageId=16 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_SEARCH_STRING_TOO_LONG
  123. Language=English
  124. %1: Search string too long.
  125. .
  127. Language=English
  128. %1: Unable to get current directory.
  129. .
  130. MessageId=18 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_LINE_TOO_LONG
  131. Language=English
  132. %1: Line %2 is too long.
  133. .
  135. Language=English
  136. Specify only /L or /R.
  137. .
  138. MessageId=20 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_UNABLE_TO_SET_LOCALE
  139. Language=English
  140. Unable to set locale.
  141. .
  142. MessageId=21 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_TOO_MANY_SLASH_C_OPTION
  143. Language=English
  144. Too many /C:string specified.
  145. .
  146. MessageId=22 SymbolicName=MSG_FINDSTR_OFFLINE_FILE_SKIPPED
  147. Language=English
  148. %1: Files with offline attribute were skipped.
  149. Use /OFFLINE for not skipping such files.
  150. .