#include <precomp.h>
// patchapi.c
// Implementation of PatchAPI for creating and applying patches to files.
// Author: Tom McGuire (tommcg) 2/97 - 9/97
// Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1997-1999.
typedef struct _PATCH_DATA { PVOID PatchData; ULONG PatchSize; } PATCH_DATA, *PPATCH_DATA;
// If we're building a DLL, and it's not the applyer-only DLL, we need to
// hook DLL_PROCESS_DETACH so we can unload imagehlp.dll if we dynamically
// load it. We only need imagehlp.dll if we're creating patches.
BOOL WINAPI DllEntryPoint( HANDLE hDll, DWORD Reason, PVOID Reserved // NULL for dynamic unload, non-NULL for terminating
) { if ( Reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH ) { DisableThreadLibraryCalls( hDll ); InitImagehlpCritSect(); } else if (( Reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH ) && ( ! Reserved )) { UnloadImagehlp(); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL ProgressCallbackWrapper( IN PPATCH_PROGRESS_CALLBACK ProgressCallback, IN PVOID CallbackContext, IN ULONG CurrentPosition, IN ULONG MaximumPosition ) { BOOL Success = TRUE;
if ( ProgressCallback != NULL ) {
__try {
Success = ProgressCallback( CallbackContext, CurrentPosition, MaximumPosition );
if (( ! Success ) && ( GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS )) { SetLastError( ERROR_CANCELLED ); } }
__except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SetLastError( ERROR_CANCELLED ); Success = FALSE; } }
return Success; }
BOOL WINAPIV NormalizeOldFileImageForPatching( IN PVOID FileMappedImage, IN ULONG FileSize, IN ULONG OptionFlags, IN PVOID OptionData, IN ULONG NewFileCoffBase, IN ULONG NewFileCoffTime, IN ULONG IgnoreRangeCount, IN PPATCH_IGNORE_RANGE IgnoreRangeArray, IN ULONG RetainRangeCount, IN PPATCH_RETAIN_RANGE RetainRangeArray, ... ) { UP_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 NtHeader; PUCHAR MappedFile; BOOL Modified; BOOL Success; ULONG i;
MappedFile = FileMappedImage; Modified = FALSE; Success = TRUE;
__try {
NtHeader = GetNtHeader( MappedFile, FileSize );
if ( NtHeader ) {
// This is a coff image.
Modified = NormalizeCoffImage( NtHeader, MappedFile, FileSize, OptionFlags, OptionData, NewFileCoffBase, NewFileCoffTime );
else {
// Other file type normalizations could be performed here.
// The following test-only code creates a file containing
// the modified coff image to verify that the coff image
// is really a valid coff image. This is for debugging
// only.
if ( Modified ) {
if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
DWORD Actual;
WriteFile( hFile, MappedFile, FileSize, &Actual, NULL );
CloseHandle( hFile );
} }
#endif // TESTCODE
for ( i = 0; i < IgnoreRangeCount; i++ ) { if (( IgnoreRangeArray[ i ].OffsetInOldFile + IgnoreRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes ) <= FileSize ) { ZeroMemory( MappedFile + IgnoreRangeArray[ i ].OffsetInOldFile, IgnoreRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes ); } }
for ( i = 0; i < RetainRangeCount; i++ ) { if (( RetainRangeArray[ i ].OffsetInOldFile + RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes ) <= FileSize ) { ZeroMemory( MappedFile + RetainRangeArray[ i ].OffsetInOldFile, RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes ); } } }
__except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); Success = FALSE; }
return Success; }
BOOL PATCHAPI GetFilePatchSignatureA( IN LPCSTR FileName, IN ULONG OptionFlags, IN PVOID OptionData, IN ULONG IgnoreRangeCount, IN PPATCH_IGNORE_RANGE IgnoreRangeArray, IN ULONG RetainRangeCount, IN PPATCH_RETAIN_RANGE RetainRangeArray, IN ULONG SignatureBufferSize, OUT PVOID SignatureBuffer ) { BOOL Success = FALSE; HANDLE FileHandle;
if ( FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
Success = GetFilePatchSignatureByHandle( FileHandle, OptionFlags, OptionData, IgnoreRangeCount, IgnoreRangeArray, RetainRangeCount, RetainRangeArray, SignatureBufferSize, SignatureBuffer );
CloseHandle( FileHandle ); }
return Success; }
BOOL PATCHAPI GetFilePatchSignatureW( IN LPCWSTR FileName, IN ULONG OptionFlags, IN PVOID OptionData, IN ULONG IgnoreRangeCount, IN PPATCH_IGNORE_RANGE IgnoreRangeArray, IN ULONG RetainRangeCount, IN PPATCH_RETAIN_RANGE RetainRangeArray, IN ULONG SignatureBufferSizeInBytes, OUT PVOID SignatureBuffer ) { CHAR AnsiSignatureBuffer[ 40 ]; // big enough for hex MD5 (33 bytes)
HANDLE FileHandle; INT Converted; BOOL Success = FALSE;
if ( FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
Success = GetFilePatchSignatureByHandle( FileHandle, OptionFlags, OptionData, IgnoreRangeCount, IgnoreRangeArray, RetainRangeCount, RetainRangeArray, sizeof( AnsiSignatureBuffer ), AnsiSignatureBuffer );
if ( Success ) {
// Worst case growth from ANSI to UNICODE is 2X.
if (( SignatureBufferSizeInBytes / 2 ) < ( strlen( AnsiSignatureBuffer ) + 1 )) { SetLastError( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); Success = FALSE; }
else {
Converted = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, AnsiSignatureBuffer, -1, SignatureBuffer, SignatureBufferSizeInBytes / 2 );
Success = Converted ? TRUE : FALSE; } }
CloseHandle( FileHandle ); }
return Success; }
BOOL PATCHAPI GetFilePatchSignatureByHandle( IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN ULONG OptionFlags, IN PVOID OptionData, IN ULONG IgnoreRangeCount, IN PPATCH_IGNORE_RANGE IgnoreRangeArray, IN ULONG RetainRangeCount, IN PPATCH_RETAIN_RANGE RetainRangeArray, IN ULONG SignatureBufferSize, OUT PVOID SignatureBuffer ) { PVOID FileMapped; ULONG FileSize; ULONG FileCrc; MD5_HASH FileMD5; BOOL Success;
Success = MyMapViewOfFileByHandle( FileHandle, &FileSize, &FileMapped );
if ( Success ) {
// Note that we must normalize to a fixed known rebase address,
// so the CRC from this might be different than the OldFileCrc
// in a patch header that is specific to a new file's rebase
// address. Note that if PATCH_OPTION_NO_REBASE is specified
// then the rebase address is ignored.
Success = NormalizeOldFileImageForPatching( FileMapped, FileSize, OptionFlags, OptionData, 0x10000000, // non-zero fixed coff base
0x10000000, // non-zero fixed coff time
IgnoreRangeCount, IgnoreRangeArray, RetainRangeCount, RetainRangeArray );
if ( Success ) {
if ( OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_SIGNATURE_MD5 ) {
Success = SafeCompleteMD5( FileMapped, FileSize, &FileMD5 );
if ( Success ) {
if ( SignatureBufferSize < 33 ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); Success = FALSE; }
else { HashToHexString( &FileMD5, ((LPSTR) SignatureBuffer )); } } }
else { // signature type is CRC-32
Success = SafeCompleteCrc32( FileMapped, FileSize, &FileCrc );
if ( Success ) {
if ( SignatureBufferSize < 9 ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); Success = FALSE; }
else { DwordToHexString( FileCrc, (LPSTR) SignatureBuffer ); } } } }
UnmapViewOfFile( FileMapped ); }
if (( ! Success ) && ( GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS )) {
return Success; }
VOID ReduceRiftTable( IN PRIFT_TABLE RiftTable ) { PRIFT_ENTRY RiftEntryArray = RiftTable->RiftEntryArray; PUCHAR RiftUsageArray = RiftTable->RiftUsageArray; ULONG RiftEntryCount = RiftTable->RiftEntryCount; LONG CurrentDisplacement; LONG ThisDisplacement; ULONG i;
// Essentially we want to remove the usage count from any entry where
// the preceding USED entry would produce the same rift displacement.
// The first used entry should contain a non-zero displacement (any
// USED entries before that should be marked UNUSED because they will
// coast from zero).
CurrentDisplacement = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < RiftEntryCount; i++ ) {
if ( RiftUsageArray[ i ] != 0 ) {
ThisDisplacement = RiftEntryArray[ i ].NewFileRva - RiftEntryArray[ i ].OldFileRva;
if ( ThisDisplacement == CurrentDisplacement ) { RiftUsageArray[ i ] = 0; // not needed
} else { CurrentDisplacement = ThisDisplacement; } } } }
BOOL WINAPIV TransformOldFileImageForPatching( IN ULONG TransformOptions, IN PVOID OldFileMapped, IN ULONG OldFileSize, IN ULONG NewFileResTime, IN PRIFT_TABLE RiftTable, ... ) { UP_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 NtHeader; BOOL Success = TRUE;
__try {
NtHeader = GetNtHeader( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize );
if ( NtHeader ) {
Success = TransformCoffImage( TransformOptions, NtHeader, OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, NewFileResTime, RiftTable, NULL ); }
else {
// Other file type transformations could be performed here.
if ( RiftTable->RiftUsageArray != NULL ) { ReduceRiftTable( RiftTable ); }
__except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); Success = FALSE; }
// The following test-only code creates a file containing
// the modified coff image to verify that the coff image
// is really a valid coff image. This is for debugging
// only.
if ( Success ) {
if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
DWORD Actual;
WriteFile( hFile, OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, &Actual, NULL );
CloseHandle( hFile );
} }
#endif // TESTCODE
return Success; }
PUCHAR __fastcall VariableLengthUnsignedDecode( IN PUCHAR Buffer, OUT PULONG ReturnValue ) { PUCHAR p = Buffer; ULONG Value = 0; ULONG Shift = 0;
do { Value |= (( *p & 0x7F ) << Shift ); Shift += 7; } while (( ! ( *p++ & 0x80 )) && ( Shift < 32 ));
*ReturnValue = Value;
return p; }
PUCHAR __fastcall VariableLengthSignedDecode( IN PUCHAR Buffer, OUT PLONG ReturnValue ) { PUCHAR p = Buffer; ULONG Shift; LONG Value;
Value = *p & 0x3F; Shift = 6;
if ( ! ( *p++ & 0x80 )) { do { Value |= (( *p & 0x7F ) << Shift ); Shift += 7; } while (( ! ( *p++ & 0x80 )) && ( Shift < 32 )); }
if ( *Buffer & 0x40 ) { Value = -Value; }
*ReturnValue = Value;
return p; }
UCHAR PatchVersion( IN ULONG PatchSignature ) { union { ULONG Signature; UCHAR Byte[ 4 ]; } u;
u.Signature = PatchSignature;
if (( u.Byte[ 0 ] == 'P' ) && ( u.Byte[ 1 ] == 'A' ) && ( u.Byte[ 2 ] >= '0' ) && ( u.Byte[ 2 ] <= '9' ) && ( u.Byte[ 3 ] >= '0' ) && ( u.Byte[ 3 ] <= '9' )) {
return (UCHAR)(( u.Byte[ 2 ] - '0' ) * 10 + ( u.Byte[ 3 ] - '0' )); }
return 0; }
BOOL DecodePatchHeader( IN PVOID PatchHeader, IN ULONG PatchHeaderMaxSize, IN HANDLE SubAllocator, OUT PULONG PatchHeaderActualSize, OUT PPATCH_HEADER_INFO *HeaderInfo ) { PHEADER_OLD_FILE_INFO OldFileInfo; PPATCH_HEADER_INFO Header; ULONG i, j; LONG Delta; LONG DeltaNew; ULONG DeltaPos; ULONG Length; ULONG PreviousOffset; ULONG PreviousOldRva; ULONG PreviousNewRva; BOOL Success; PUCHAR p;
// A couple of implementation notes here. The PatchHeaderMaxSize
// value does NOT guarantee that we won't try to read beyond that
// memory address in this routine. This routine should be called
// under try/except to trap the case where we walk off the end of
// a corrupt patch header. The PatchHeaderMaxSize is just a helper
// value that lets us know if we did have a corrupt header in the
// case where we walked too far but not off the end of the page.
Success = FALSE;
p = PatchHeader;
Header = SubAllocate( SubAllocator, sizeof( PATCH_HEADER_INFO ));
// SubAllocate provides zeroed memory.
if ( Header != NULL ) {
__try {
Header->Signature = *(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ); p += sizeof( ULONG );
if ( Header->Signature != PATCH_SIGNATURE ) { if ( PatchVersion( Header->Signature ) > PatchVersion( PATCH_SIGNATURE )) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_NEWER_FORMAT ); } else { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_CORRUPT ); } __leave; }
Header->OptionFlags = *(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ); p += sizeof( ULONG );
// The PATCH_OPTION_NO_TIMESTAMP flag is stored inverse for
// backward compatibility, so flip it back here.
// Now check for invalid flags.
if ( Header->OptionFlags & ~PATCH_OPTION_VALID_FLAGS ) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_CORRUPT ); __leave; }
// If the PATCH_OPTION_EXTENDED_OPTIONS flag is set, the next
// 4 bytes is the ExtendedOptionFlags value.
if ( Header->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_EXTENDED_OPTIONS ) {
Header->ExtendedOptionFlags = *(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ); p += sizeof( ULONG ); }
// No stored OptionData defined for now.
if ( ! ( Header->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_TIMESTAMP )) {
Header->NewFileTime = *(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ); p += sizeof( ULONG ); }
if ( ! ( Header->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_REBASE )) {
Header->NewFileCoffBase = ((ULONG)*(UNALIGNED USHORT *)( p )) << 16; p += sizeof( USHORT );
ASSERT( Header->NewFileCoffBase != 0 );
// If NewFileTime is nonzero, CoffTime is stored as a signed
// delta from NewFileTime since they are usually very close.
// If NewFileTime is zero, CoffTime is encoded as a ULONG.
if ( Header->NewFileTime != 0 ) {
p = VariableLengthSignedDecode( p, &Delta ); Header->NewFileCoffTime = Header->NewFileTime - Delta; }
else {
Header->NewFileCoffTime = *(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ); p += sizeof( ULONG ); } }
if ( ! ( Header->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_RESTIMEFIX )) {
// If NewFileCoffTime is nonzero, ResTime is stored as a
// signed delta from NewFileCoffTime since they are usually
// very close. If NewFileCoffTime is zero, ResTime is
// encoded as a ULONG.
if ( Header->NewFileCoffTime != 0 ) {
p = VariableLengthSignedDecode( p, &Delta ); Header->NewFileResTime = Header->NewFileCoffTime - Delta; }
else {
Header->NewFileResTime = *(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ); p += sizeof( ULONG ); } }
p = VariableLengthUnsignedDecode( p, &Header->NewFileSize );
Header->NewFileCrc = *(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ); p += sizeof( ULONG );
Header->OldFileCount = *p++;
Header->OldFileInfoArray = SubAllocate( SubAllocator, Header->OldFileCount * sizeof( HEADER_OLD_FILE_INFO ));
if ( Header->OldFileInfoArray == NULL ) { __leave; }
for ( i = 0; i < Header->OldFileCount; i++ ) {
OldFileInfo = &Header->OldFileInfoArray[ i ];
p = VariableLengthSignedDecode( p, &Delta );
if ((LONG)( Header->NewFileSize + Delta ) < 0 ) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_CORRUPT ); __leave; }
OldFileInfo->OldFileSize = Header->NewFileSize + Delta;
OldFileInfo->OldFileCrc = *(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ); p += sizeof( ULONG );
OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeCount = *p++;
if ( OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeCount != 0 ) {
OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeArray = SubAllocate( SubAllocator, OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeCount * sizeof( PATCH_IGNORE_RANGE ));
if ( OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeArray == NULL ) { __leave; }
PreviousOffset = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeCount; j++ ) {
p = VariableLengthSignedDecode( p, &Delta ); p = VariableLengthUnsignedDecode( p, &Length );
OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeArray[ j ].OffsetInOldFile = PreviousOffset + Delta; OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeArray[ j ].LengthInBytes = Length;
PreviousOffset = PreviousOffset + Delta + Length;
if ( PreviousOffset > OldFileInfo->OldFileSize ) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_CORRUPT ); __leave; } } }
OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount = *p++;
if ( OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount != 0 ) {
OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray = SubAllocate( SubAllocator, OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount * sizeof( PATCH_RETAIN_RANGE ));
if ( OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray == NULL ) { __leave; }
PreviousOffset = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount; j++ ) {
p = VariableLengthSignedDecode( p, &Delta ); p = VariableLengthSignedDecode( p, &DeltaNew ); p = VariableLengthUnsignedDecode( p, &Length );
OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray[ j ].OffsetInOldFile = PreviousOffset + Delta; OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray[ j ].OffsetInNewFile = PreviousOffset + Delta + DeltaNew; OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray[ j ].LengthInBytes = Length;
PreviousOffset = PreviousOffset + Delta + Length;
if (( PreviousOffset > OldFileInfo->OldFileSize ) || (( PreviousOffset + DeltaNew ) > Header->NewFileSize )) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_CORRUPT ); __leave; } } }
p = VariableLengthUnsignedDecode( p, &OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryCount );
if ( OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryCount != 0 ) {
OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryArray = SubAllocate( SubAllocator, OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryCount * sizeof( RIFT_ENTRY ));
if ( OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryArray == NULL ) { __leave; }
OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftUsageArray = NULL;
PreviousOldRva = 0; PreviousNewRva = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryCount; j++ ) {
p = VariableLengthUnsignedDecode( p, &DeltaPos ); p = VariableLengthSignedDecode( p, &DeltaNew );
OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryArray[ j ].OldFileRva = PreviousOldRva + DeltaPos; OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryArray[ j ].NewFileRva = PreviousNewRva + DeltaNew;
PreviousOldRva += DeltaPos; PreviousNewRva += DeltaNew; } }
p = VariableLengthUnsignedDecode( p, &OldFileInfo->PatchDataSize ); }
if ( p > ((PUCHAR)PatchHeader + PatchHeaderMaxSize )) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_CORRUPT ); __leave; }
Success = TRUE; }
if ( Success ) {
if ( PatchHeaderActualSize ) { *PatchHeaderActualSize = (ULONG)( p - (PUCHAR)PatchHeader ); }
if ( HeaderInfo ) { *HeaderInfo = Header; } }
return Success; }
// Following group of functions and exported apis are exclusively for
// creating patches. If we're only compiling the apply code, ignore
// this group of functions.
PUCHAR __fastcall VariableLengthUnsignedEncode( OUT PUCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG Value ) { UCHAR Byte = (UCHAR)( Value & 0x7F ); // low order 7 bits
Value >>= 7;
while ( Value ) {
*Buffer++ = Byte;
Byte = (UCHAR)( Value & 0x7F ); // next 7 higher order bits
Value >>= 7;
*Buffer++ = (UCHAR)( Byte | 0x80 );
return Buffer; }
PUCHAR __fastcall VariableLengthSignedEncode( OUT PUCHAR Buffer, IN LONG Value ) { UCHAR Byte;
if ( Value < 0 ) { Value = -Value; Byte = (UCHAR)(( Value & 0x3F ) | 0x40 ); } else { Byte = (UCHAR)( Value & 0x3F ); }
Value >>= 6;
while ( Value ) {
*Buffer++ = Byte;
Byte = (UCHAR)( Value & 0x7F ); // next 7 higher order bits
Value >>= 7;
*Buffer++ = (UCHAR)( Byte | 0x80 );
return Buffer; }
ULONG EncodePatchHeader( IN PPATCH_HEADER_INFO HeaderInfo, OUT PVOID PatchHeaderBuffer ) { PHEADER_OLD_FILE_INFO OldFileInfo; ULONG i, j; LONG Delta; ULONG PreviousOffset; ULONG PreviousOldRva; ULONG PreviousNewRva; ULONG ActiveRiftCount;
PUCHAR p = PatchHeaderBuffer;
PUCHAR q; #endif // TESTCODE
ASSERT( HeaderInfo->Signature == PATCH_SIGNATURE ); ASSERT((( HeaderInfo->OptionFlags & ~PATCH_OPTION_VALID_FLAGS ) == 0 )); ASSERT((( HeaderInfo->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_EXTENDED_OPTIONS ) != 0 ) == ( HeaderInfo->ExtendedOptionFlags != 0 )); ASSERT((( HeaderInfo->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_TIMESTAMP ) == 0 ) == ( HeaderInfo->NewFileTime != 0 )); ASSERT((( HeaderInfo->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_REBASE ) == 0 ) == ( HeaderInfo->NewFileCoffBase != 0 )); ASSERT((( HeaderInfo->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_REBASE ) == 0 ) == ( HeaderInfo->NewFileCoffTime != 0 )); ASSERT((( HeaderInfo->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_RESTIMEFIX ) == 0 ) == ( HeaderInfo->NewFileResTime != 0 ));
*(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ) = HeaderInfo->Signature; p += sizeof( ULONG );
// The PATCH_OPTION_NO_TIMESTAMP flag is stored inverse for
// backward compatibility, so flip it when storing it here.
*(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ) = ( HeaderInfo->OptionFlags ^ PATCH_OPTION_NO_TIMESTAMP ); p += sizeof( ULONG );
// If the PATCH_OPTION_EXTENDED_OPTIONS flag is set, the next
// 4 bytes is the ExtendedOptionFlags value.
if ( HeaderInfo->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_EXTENDED_OPTIONS ) {
*(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ) = HeaderInfo->ExtendedOptionFlags; p += sizeof( ULONG ); }
// No stored OptionData defined for now.
if ( ! ( HeaderInfo->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_TIMESTAMP )) {
*(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ) = HeaderInfo->NewFileTime; p += sizeof( ULONG ); }
if ( ! ( HeaderInfo->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_REBASE )) {
ASSERT(( HeaderInfo->NewFileCoffBase >> 16 ) != 0 );
*(UNALIGNED USHORT *)( p ) = (USHORT)( HeaderInfo->NewFileCoffBase >> 16 ); p += sizeof( USHORT );
// If NewFileTime is nonzero, CoffTime is stored as a signed
// delta from NewFileTime since they are usually very close.
// If NewFileTime is zero, CoffTime is encoded as a ULONG.
if ( HeaderInfo->NewFileTime != 0 ) {
Delta = HeaderInfo->NewFileTime - HeaderInfo->NewFileCoffTime; p = VariableLengthSignedEncode( p, Delta ); }
else {
*(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ) = HeaderInfo->NewFileCoffTime; p += sizeof( ULONG ); } }
if ( ! ( HeaderInfo->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_RESTIMEFIX )) {
// If NewFileCoffTime is nonzero, ResTime is stored as a
// signed delta from NewFileCoffTime since they are usually
// very close. If NewFileCoffTime is zero, ResTime is
// encoded as a ULONG.
if ( HeaderInfo->NewFileCoffTime != 0 ) {
Delta = HeaderInfo->NewFileCoffTime - HeaderInfo->NewFileResTime; p = VariableLengthSignedEncode( p, Delta ); }
else {
*(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ) = HeaderInfo->NewFileResTime; p += sizeof( ULONG ); } }
p = VariableLengthUnsignedEncode( p, HeaderInfo->NewFileSize );
*(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ) = HeaderInfo->NewFileCrc; p += sizeof( ULONG );
ASSERT( HeaderInfo->OldFileCount < 256 );
*p++ = (UCHAR)( HeaderInfo->OldFileCount );
for ( i = 0; i < HeaderInfo->OldFileCount; i++ ) {
OldFileInfo = &HeaderInfo->OldFileInfoArray[ i ];
Delta = OldFileInfo->OldFileSize - HeaderInfo->NewFileSize; p = VariableLengthSignedEncode( p, Delta );
*(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( p ) = OldFileInfo->OldFileCrc; p += sizeof( ULONG );
ASSERT( OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeCount < 256 );
*p++ = (UCHAR)( OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeCount );
PreviousOffset = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeCount; j++ ) {
Delta = OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeArray[ j ].OffsetInOldFile - PreviousOffset;
PreviousOffset = OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeArray[ j ].OffsetInOldFile + OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeArray[ j ].LengthInBytes;
ASSERT( PreviousOffset <= OldFileInfo->OldFileSize );
p = VariableLengthSignedEncode( p, Delta );
p = VariableLengthUnsignedEncode( p, OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeArray[ j ].LengthInBytes ); }
ASSERT( OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount < 256 );
*p++ = (UCHAR)( OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount );
PreviousOffset = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount; j++ ) {
Delta = OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray[ j ].OffsetInOldFile - PreviousOffset;
PreviousOffset = OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray[ j ].OffsetInOldFile + OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray[ j ].LengthInBytes;
ASSERT( PreviousOffset <= OldFileInfo->OldFileSize );
p = VariableLengthSignedEncode( p, Delta );
Delta = OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray[ j ].OffsetInNewFile - OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray[ j ].OffsetInOldFile;
p = VariableLengthSignedEncode( p, Delta );
p = VariableLengthUnsignedEncode( p, OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray[ j ].LengthInBytes ); }
ActiveRiftCount = 0;
ASSERT(( OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryCount == 0 ) || ( OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftUsageArray != NULL ));
for ( j = 0; j < OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryCount; j++ ) { if ( OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftUsageArray[ j ] ) { ++ActiveRiftCount; } }
#ifdef TESTCODE2
fprintf( stderr, "\n\n" );
#endif // TESTCODE2
q = p;
#endif // TESTCODE
if (( OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryCount ) && ( ActiveRiftCount == 0 )) {
// This is a special case. We have a rift table but didn't use
// any entries during transformation. This can happen if all the
// rifts coast to zero for extremely similar files. If we encode
// the rift count as zero, no transformations will be performed
// during patch apply. To prevent that, we'll encode one rift of
// 0,0 which is usually just the implied initial rift.
ActiveRiftCount = 1;
p = VariableLengthUnsignedEncode( p, ActiveRiftCount ); p = VariableLengthUnsignedEncode( p, 0 ); p = VariableLengthSignedEncode( p, 0 );
else {
p = VariableLengthUnsignedEncode( p, ActiveRiftCount );
PreviousOldRva = 0; PreviousNewRva = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryCount; j++ ) {
if ( OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftUsageArray[ j ] ) {
#ifdef TESTCODE2
fprintf( stderr, "%9X ", OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryArray[ j ].OldFileRva ); fprintf( stderr, "%9X ", OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryArray[ j ].NewFileRva ); #endif // TESTCODE2
Delta = OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryArray[ j ].OldFileRva - PreviousOldRva;
ASSERT( Delta > 0 ); // sorted by OldFileRva
#ifdef TESTCODE2
fprintf( stderr, "%9d ", Delta );
#endif // TESTCODE2
PreviousOldRva = OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryArray[ j ].OldFileRva;
p = VariableLengthUnsignedEncode( p, Delta );
Delta = OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryArray[ j ].NewFileRva - PreviousNewRva;
#ifdef TESTCODE2
fprintf( stderr, "%9d\n", Delta ); #endif // TESTCODE2
PreviousNewRva = OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryArray[ j ].NewFileRva;
p = VariableLengthSignedEncode( p, Delta ); } } }
if ( ActiveRiftCount > 0 ) { printf( "\r%9d rifts encoded in %d bytes (%.1f bytes per rift)\n", ActiveRiftCount, p - q, ((double)( p - q ) / ActiveRiftCount )); }
#endif // TESTCODE
p = VariableLengthUnsignedEncode( p, OldFileInfo->PatchDataSize ); }
return (ULONG)( p - (PUCHAR) PatchHeaderBuffer ); }
BOOL PATCHAPI CreatePatchFileA( IN LPCSTR OldFileName, IN LPCSTR NewFileName, OUT LPCSTR PatchFileName, IN ULONG OptionFlags, IN PPATCH_OPTION_DATA OptionData // optional
) { PATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_A OldFileInfo = { sizeof( PATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_A ), OldFileName, 0, NULL, 0, NULL };
return CreatePatchFileExA( 1, &OldFileInfo, NewFileName, PatchFileName, OptionFlags, OptionData, NULL, NULL ); }
BOOL PATCHAPI CreatePatchFileW( IN LPCWSTR OldFileName, IN LPCWSTR NewFileName, OUT LPCWSTR PatchFileName, IN ULONG OptionFlags, IN PPATCH_OPTION_DATA OptionData // optional
) { PATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_W OldFileInfo = { sizeof( PATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_W ), OldFileName, 0, NULL, 0, NULL };
return CreatePatchFileExW( 1, &OldFileInfo, NewFileName, PatchFileName, OptionFlags, OptionData, NULL, NULL ); }
BOOL PATCHAPI CreatePatchFileByHandles( IN HANDLE OldFileHandle, IN HANDLE NewFileHandle, OUT HANDLE PatchFileHandle, IN ULONG OptionFlags, IN PPATCH_OPTION_DATA OptionData // optional
) { PATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_H OldFileInfo = { sizeof( PATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_H ), OldFileHandle, 0, NULL, 0, NULL };
return CreatePatchFileByHandlesEx( 1, &OldFileInfo, NewFileHandle, PatchFileHandle, OptionFlags, OptionData, NULL, NULL ); }
BOOL PATCHAPI CreatePatchFileExA( IN ULONG OldFileCount, IN PPATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_A OldFileInfoArray, IN LPCSTR NewFileName, OUT LPCSTR PatchFileName, IN ULONG OptionFlags, IN PPATCH_OPTION_DATA OptionData, // optional
IN PPATCH_PROGRESS_CALLBACK ProgressCallback, IN PVOID CallbackContext ) { PPATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_H OldFileInfoByHandle; HANDLE PatchFileHandle; HANDLE NewFileHandle; BOOL Success; ULONG i;
OldFileInfoByHandle = _alloca( OldFileCount * sizeof( PATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_H )); ZeroMemory( OldFileInfoByHandle, OldFileCount * sizeof( PATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_H ));
if ( OldFileCount == 0 ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
Success = TRUE;
for ( i = 0; i < OldFileCount; i++ ) {
OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].SizeOfThisStruct = sizeof( PATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_H ); OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].IgnoreRangeCount = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].IgnoreRangeCount; OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].IgnoreRangeArray = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].IgnoreRangeArray; OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].RetainRangeCount = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeCount; OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].RetainRangeArray = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeArray;
if ( OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].OldFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { Success = FALSE; break; } }
if ( Success ) {
Success = FALSE;
if ( NewFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
if ( PatchFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
Success = CreatePatchFileByHandlesEx( OldFileCount, OldFileInfoByHandle, NewFileHandle, PatchFileHandle, OptionFlags, OptionData, ProgressCallback, CallbackContext );
CloseHandle( PatchFileHandle );
if ( ! Success ) { DeleteFileA( PatchFileName ); } }
CloseHandle( NewFileHandle ); } }
for ( i = 0; i < OldFileCount; i++ ) { if (( OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].OldFileHandle != NULL ) && ( OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].OldFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )) {
CloseHandle( OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].OldFileHandle ); } }
return Success; }
BOOL PATCHAPI CreatePatchFileExW( IN ULONG OldFileCount, IN PPATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_W OldFileInfoArray, IN LPCWSTR NewFileName, OUT LPCWSTR PatchFileName, IN ULONG OptionFlags, IN PPATCH_OPTION_DATA OptionData, // optional
IN PPATCH_PROGRESS_CALLBACK ProgressCallback, IN PVOID CallbackContext ) { PPATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_H OldFileInfoByHandle; HANDLE PatchFileHandle; HANDLE NewFileHandle; BOOL Success; ULONG i;
OldFileInfoByHandle = _alloca( OldFileCount * sizeof( PATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_H )); ZeroMemory( OldFileInfoByHandle, OldFileCount * sizeof( PATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_H ));
if ( OldFileCount == 0 ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
Success = TRUE;
for ( i = 0; i < OldFileCount; i++ ) {
OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].SizeOfThisStruct = sizeof( PATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_H ); OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].IgnoreRangeCount = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].IgnoreRangeCount; OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].IgnoreRangeArray = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].IgnoreRangeArray; OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].RetainRangeCount = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeCount; OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].RetainRangeArray = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeArray;
if ( OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].OldFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { Success = FALSE; break; } }
if ( Success ) {
Success = FALSE;
if ( NewFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
if ( PatchFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
Success = CreatePatchFileByHandlesEx( OldFileCount, OldFileInfoByHandle, NewFileHandle, PatchFileHandle, OptionFlags, OptionData, ProgressCallback, CallbackContext );
CloseHandle( PatchFileHandle );
if ( ! Success ) { DeleteFileW( PatchFileName ); } }
CloseHandle( NewFileHandle ); } }
for ( i = 0; i < OldFileCount; i++ ) { if (( OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].OldFileHandle != NULL ) && ( OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].OldFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )) {
CloseHandle( OldFileInfoByHandle[ i ].OldFileHandle ); } }
return Success; }
BOOL PATCHAPI CreatePatchFileByHandlesEx( IN ULONG OldFileCount, IN PPATCH_OLD_FILE_INFO_H OldFileInfoArray, IN HANDLE NewFileHandle, OUT HANDLE PatchFileHandle, IN ULONG OptionFlags, IN PPATCH_OPTION_DATA OptionData, // optional
IN PPATCH_PROGRESS_CALLBACK ProgressCallback, IN PVOID CallbackContext ) { PATCH_HEADER_INFO HeaderInfo; UP_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 NtHeader; UP_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 OldFileNtHeader; PPATCH_DATA PatchArray; PFILETIME PatchFileTime; FILETIME NewFileTime; PUCHAR NewFileMapped; ULONG NewFileSize; ULONG NewFileCrc; ULONG NewFileCoffBase; ULONG NewFileCoffTime; ULONG NewFileResTime; ULONG NewFileCompressedSize; PUCHAR OldFileMapped; ULONG OldFileSize; ULONG OldFileCrc; PUCHAR PatchFileMapped; PUCHAR PatchBuffer; ULONG PatchBufferSize; PUCHAR PatchAltBuffer; ULONG PatchAltSize; ULONG PatchDataSize; ULONG PatchFileCrc; ULONG HeaderSize; ULONG HeaderOldFileCount; ULONG ProgressPosition; ULONG ProgressMaximum; ULONG ErrorCode; BOOL TryLzxBoth; BOOL Success; BOOL Transform; HANDLE SubAllocatorHandle; ULONG EstimatedLzxMemory; ULONG ExtendedOptionFlags; ULONG AltExtendedOptionFlags; ULONG OldFileOriginalChecksum; ULONG OldFileOriginalTimeDate; ULONG i, j; PUCHAR p; ULONG LargestOldFileSize = 0;
HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray = _alloca( OldFileCount * sizeof( HEADER_OLD_FILE_INFO )); PatchArray = _alloca( OldFileCount * sizeof( PATCH_DATA ));
ZeroMemory( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray, OldFileCount * sizeof( HEADER_OLD_FILE_INFO )); ZeroMemory( PatchArray, OldFileCount * sizeof( PATCH_DATA ));
if (( OldFileCount == 0 ) || ( OldFileCount > 127 )) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
if ( OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_SIGNATURE_MD5 ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
if (( OptionFlags & 0x0000FFFF ) == PATCH_OPTION_USE_BEST ) { OptionFlags |= PATCH_OPTION_USE_LZX_BEST; }
for ( i = 1; i < OldFileCount; i++ ) { if ( OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeCount != OldFileInfoArray[ 0 ].RetainRangeCount ) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_RETAIN_RANGES_DIFFER ); return FALSE; }
for ( j = 0; j < OldFileInfoArray[ 0 ].RetainRangeCount; j++ ) { if (( OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeArray[ j ].OffsetInNewFile != OldFileInfoArray[ 0 ].RetainRangeArray[ j ].OffsetInNewFile ) || ( OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeArray[ j ].LengthInBytes != OldFileInfoArray[ 0 ].RetainRangeArray[ j ].LengthInBytes )) {
ExtendedOptionFlags = 0;
if (( OptionData ) && ( OptionData->SizeOfThisStruct >= sizeof( PATCH_OPTION_DATA ))) { ExtendedOptionFlags = OptionData->ExtendedOptionFlags; }
Success = MyMapViewOfFileByHandle( NewFileHandle, &NewFileSize, &NewFileMapped );
if ( ! Success ) {
if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
return FALSE; }
GetFileTime( NewFileHandle, NULL, NULL, &NewFileTime ); PatchFileTime = &NewFileTime;
NewFileCoffBase = 0; NewFileCoffTime = 0; NewFileResTime = 0; HeaderOldFileCount = 0; HeaderSize = 0; NewFileCrc = 0; // prevent compiler warning
ProgressPosition = 0; ProgressMaximum = 0; // prevent compiler warning
__try {
NtHeader = GetNtHeader( NewFileMapped, NewFileSize );
if ( ! ( OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_REBASE )) { if ( NtHeader ) { NewFileCoffTime = NtHeader->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp; NewFileCoffBase = NtHeader->OptionalHeader.ImageBase; } else { OptionFlags |= PATCH_OPTION_NO_REBASE; } }
if (( NtHeader ) && ( NtHeader->OptionalHeader.CheckSum == 0 )) { OptionFlags |= PATCH_OPTION_NO_CHECKSUM; }
if ( ! ( OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_RESTIMEFIX )) {
if ( NtHeader ) {
ResDir = ImageDirectoryMappedAddress( NtHeader, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE, NULL, NewFileMapped, NewFileSize );
if ( ResDir ) { NewFileResTime = ResDir->TimeDateStamp; } }
if ( NewFileResTime == 0 ) { OptionFlags |= PATCH_OPTION_NO_RESTIMEFIX; } }
TryLzxBoth = FALSE;
OptionFlags &= ~PATCH_OPTION_USE_LZX_B; // No E8 translation on first try.
if ((( ! NtHeader ) && ( *(UNALIGNED USHORT *)NewFileMapped == 0x5A4D )) || // MZ, not PE
(( NtHeader ) && ( NtHeader->FileHeader.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 ))) { // PE, i386
TryLzxBoth = TRUE; // Will force E8 translation on second try.
} }
else if (( OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_USE_LZX_BEST ) == PATCH_OPTION_USE_LZX_B ) {
// Caller is requesting forced E8 translation, so disable E8
// transformation.
if (( NtHeader ) && ( NtHeader->FileHeader.Machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 )) { // PE, i386
ExtendedOptionFlags |= PATCH_TRANSFORM_NO_RELCALLS; } }
ProgressMaximum = NewFileSize * OldFileCount;
for ( i = 0; i < OldFileCount; i++ ) { OldFileSize = GetFileSize( OldFileInfoArray[ i ].OldFileHandle, NULL );
if ( LargestOldFileSize < OldFileSize ) { LargestOldFileSize = OldFileSize; }
ProgressMaximum += LzxInsertSize( OldFileSize, OptionFlags ); }
if ( TryLzxBoth ) { ProgressMaximum *= 2; }
if ( OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_FAIL_IF_BIGGER ) { ProgressMaximum += NewFileSize; }
Success = ProgressCallbackWrapper( ProgressCallback, CallbackContext, 0, ProgressMaximum );
if ( ! Success ) { __leave; }
for ( j = 0; j < OldFileInfoArray[ 0 ].RetainRangeCount; j++ ) { ZeroMemory( OldFileInfoArray[ 0 ].RetainRangeArray[ j ].OffsetInNewFile + NewFileMapped, OldFileInfoArray[ 0 ].RetainRangeArray[ j ].LengthInBytes ); }
NewFileCrc = Crc32( 0xFFFFFFFF, NewFileMapped, NewFileSize ) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;
PatchBufferSize = ROUNDUP2( NewFileSize + ( NewFileSize / 256 ), 0x10000 );
Success = FALSE;
for ( i = 0; i < OldFileCount; i++ ) {
Success = MyMapViewOfFileByHandle( OldFileInfoArray[ i ].OldFileHandle, &OldFileSize, &OldFileMapped );
if ( ! Success ) { break; }
OldFileOriginalChecksum = 0; OldFileOriginalTimeDate = 0; OldFileNtHeader = NULL;
__try {
OldFileNtHeader = GetNtHeader( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize );
if ( OldFileNtHeader ) {
OldFileOriginalChecksum = OldFileNtHeader->OptionalHeader.CheckSum; OldFileOriginalTimeDate = OldFileNtHeader->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp; } }
Success = NormalizeOldFileImageForPatching( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, OptionFlags, OptionData, NewFileCoffBase, NewFileCoffTime, OldFileInfoArray[ i ].IgnoreRangeCount, OldFileInfoArray[ i ].IgnoreRangeArray, OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeCount, OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeArray );
if ( Success ) {
Success = SafeCompleteCrc32( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, &OldFileCrc );
if ( Success ) {
// First determine if this old file is the same as any already
// processed old files.
Success = FALSE;
for ( j = 0; j < HeaderOldFileCount; j++ ) {
if (( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ j ].OldFileCrc == OldFileCrc ) && ( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ j ].OldFileSize == OldFileSize )) {
// We have to remap the other old file here to make the
// comparison.
PUCHAR CompareFileMapped; ULONG CompareFileSize;
Success = MyMapViewOfFileByHandle( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ j ].OldFileHandle, &CompareFileSize, &CompareFileMapped );
if ( Success ) {
ASSERT( CompareFileSize == HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ j ].OldFileSize );
NormalizeOldFileImageForPatching( CompareFileMapped, CompareFileSize, OptionFlags, OptionData, NewFileCoffBase, NewFileCoffTime, HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ j ].IgnoreRangeCount, HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ j ].IgnoreRangeArray, HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ j ].RetainRangeCount, HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ j ].RetainRangeArray );
__try { Success = ( memcmp( CompareFileMapped, OldFileMapped, OldFileSize ) == 0 ); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); Success = FALSE; }
UnmapViewOfFile( CompareFileMapped );
if ( Success ) { break; } } } }
if ( ! Success ) {
// Now see if old file is same as new file.
HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryAlloc = 0; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryCount = 0; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryArray = NULL; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftUsageArray = NULL;
PatchBuffer = NULL; PatchDataSize = 0;
if (( NewFileCrc == OldFileCrc ) && ( NewFileSize == OldFileSize )) {
__try { Success = ( memcmp( NewFileMapped, OldFileMapped, NewFileSize ) == 0 ); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); Success = FALSE; } }
if ( ! Success ) {
// It's a unique file, so create the patch for it.
// First we need to apply the transforms.
Transform = TRUE;
// NOTE: This test for NtHeader is a perf tweak
// for non-coff files. If we ever have any
// transformations for non-coff files, this
// test should be removed.
if (( NtHeader ) && ( OldFileNtHeader )) {
// See if rift table already provided by
// caller so we don't need to generate it.
if (( OptionData ) && ( OptionData->SizeOfThisStruct >= sizeof( PATCH_OPTION_DATA )) && ( OptionData->SymbolOptionFlags & PATCH_SYMBOL_EXTERNAL_RIFT ) && ( OptionData->OldFileSymbolPathArray ) && ( OptionData->OldFileSymbolPathArray[ i ] )) {
// This hidden private flag that tells us the rift information
// is already specified for us. The LPCSTR pointer at
// OptionData->OldFileSymbolPathArray[ i ] is really a
// PRIFT_TABLE pointer. Note that no validation of external
// rift data is performed (must be in ascending order with
// no OldRva duplicates).
// We need to be careful to treat this external rift table
// differently in that we don't want to free the arrays
// like we do for our internally allocated rift tables.
// So, mark the RiftEntryAlloc field as zero to indicate
// that the rift arrays were not internally allocated.
PRIFT_TABLE ExternalRiftTable = (PVOID) OptionData->OldFileSymbolPathArray[ i ];
HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryAlloc = 0; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryCount = ExternalRiftTable->RiftEntryCount; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryArray = ExternalRiftTable->RiftEntryArray; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftUsageArray = ExternalRiftTable->RiftUsageArray; }
else {
// Need to allocate rift arrays and generate rift data.
// This (NewSize+OldSize)/sizeof(RIFT) allocation will
// provide enough space for one rift entry for every
// four bytes in the files.
ULONG AllocCount = ( NewFileSize + OldFileSize ) / sizeof( RIFT_ENTRY );
HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryCount = 0; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryAlloc = AllocCount; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryArray = MyVirtualAlloc( AllocCount * sizeof( RIFT_ENTRY )); HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftUsageArray = MyVirtualAlloc( AllocCount * sizeof( UCHAR ));
if (( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryArray == NULL ) || ( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftUsageArray == NULL )) {
Transform = FALSE; }
else {
Transform = GenerateRiftTable( OldFileInfoArray[ i ].OldFileHandle, OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, OldFileOriginalChecksum, OldFileOriginalTimeDate, NewFileHandle, NewFileMapped, NewFileSize, OptionFlags, OptionData, i, &HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable );
ASSERT( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryCount <= HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryAlloc );
printf( "\r%9d unique rift entries generated\n", HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryCount ); #endif
} }
if ( Transform ) {
if ( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryCount != 0 ) {
Transform = TransformOldFileImageForPatching( ExtendedOptionFlags, OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, NewFileResTime, &HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable ); } } }
if ( Transform ) {
PatchBuffer = MyVirtualAlloc( PatchBufferSize );
if ( PatchBuffer != NULL ) {
EstimatedLzxMemory = EstimateLzxCompressionMemoryRequirement( OldFileSize, NewFileSize, OptionFlags );
SubAllocatorHandle = CreateSubAllocator( EstimatedLzxMemory, MINIMUM_VM_ALLOCATION );
if ( SubAllocatorHandle != NULL ) {
__try { ErrorCode = CreateRawLzxPatchDataFromBuffers( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, NewFileMapped, NewFileSize, PatchBufferSize, PatchBuffer, &PatchDataSize, OptionFlags, OptionData, SubAllocate, SubAllocatorHandle, ProgressCallback, CallbackContext, ProgressPosition, ProgressMaximum ); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { ErrorCode = GetExceptionCode(); }
DestroySubAllocator( SubAllocatorHandle );
if ( ErrorCode == NO_ERROR ) {
Success = TRUE;
if ( TryLzxBoth ) {
AltExtendedOptionFlags = ExtendedOptionFlags;
if (( NtHeader ) && ( ! ( AltExtendedOptionFlags | PATCH_TRANSFORM_NO_RELCALLS ))) {
// Need to map, normalize, and transform
// old file again without E8 transform.
UnmapViewOfFile( OldFileMapped ); OldFileMapped = NULL;
Success = MyMapViewOfFileByHandle( OldFileInfoArray[ i ].OldFileHandle, &OldFileSize, &OldFileMapped );
if ( Success ) {
Success = NormalizeOldFileImageForPatching( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, OptionFlags, OptionData, NewFileCoffBase, NewFileCoffTime, OldFileInfoArray[ i ].IgnoreRangeCount, OldFileInfoArray[ i ].IgnoreRangeArray, OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeCount, OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeArray );
if ( Success ) {
if ( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryCount != 0 ) {
Success = TransformOldFileImageForPatching( AltExtendedOptionFlags, OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, NewFileResTime, &HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable ); } } } }
if ( Success ) {
PatchAltBuffer = MyVirtualAlloc( PatchBufferSize );
if ( PatchAltBuffer != NULL ) {
SubAllocatorHandle = CreateSubAllocator( EstimatedLzxMemory, MINIMUM_VM_ALLOCATION );
if ( SubAllocatorHandle != NULL ) {
PatchAltSize = 0; // prevent compiler warning
__try { ErrorCode = CreateRawLzxPatchDataFromBuffers( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, NewFileMapped, NewFileSize, PatchBufferSize, PatchAltBuffer, &PatchAltSize, OptionFlags | PATCH_OPTION_USE_LZX_B, OptionData, SubAllocate, SubAllocatorHandle, ProgressCallback, CallbackContext, ProgressPosition + NewFileSize + LzxInsertSize( OldFileSize, OptionFlags ), ProgressMaximum ); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { ErrorCode = GetExceptionCode(); }
DestroySubAllocator( SubAllocatorHandle );
if (( ErrorCode == NO_ERROR ) && ( PatchAltSize <= PatchDataSize )) { MyVirtualFree( PatchBuffer ); PatchBuffer = PatchAltBuffer; PatchDataSize = PatchAltSize; ExtendedOptionFlags = AltExtendedOptionFlags; } else { MyVirtualFree( PatchAltBuffer ); } } } } } }
else { SetLastError( ErrorCode ); } } } } }
if ( Success ) {
PatchArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].PatchData = PatchBuffer; PatchArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].PatchSize = PatchDataSize;
HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].OldFileHandle = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].OldFileHandle; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].OldFileSize = OldFileSize; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].OldFileCrc = OldFileCrc; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].PatchDataSize = PatchDataSize; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].IgnoreRangeCount = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].IgnoreRangeCount; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].IgnoreRangeArray = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].IgnoreRangeArray; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RetainRangeCount = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeCount; HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RetainRangeArray = OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RetainRangeArray;
// We overestimate (worst case) the possible
// header size here. Note that typical rift
// encoding size is around 5 bytes per entry,
// but we expect that to decrease when we switch
// to Huffman encoding for the rift table.
HeaderSize += 32; HeaderSize += HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].IgnoreRangeCount * sizeof( PATCH_IGNORE_RANGE ); HeaderSize += HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RetainRangeCount * sizeof( PATCH_RETAIN_RANGE ); HeaderSize += HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ HeaderOldFileCount ].RiftTable.RiftEntryCount * sizeof( RIFT_ENTRY );
++HeaderOldFileCount; } } } }
if ( OldFileMapped != NULL ) { UnmapViewOfFile( OldFileMapped ); OldFileMapped = NULL; }
if ( Success ) {
ProgressPosition += ( LzxInsertSize( OldFileSize, OptionFlags ) + NewFileSize ) * ( TryLzxBoth ? 2 : 1 );
Success = ProgressCallbackWrapper( ProgressCallback, CallbackContext, ProgressPosition, ProgressMaximum ); }
if ( ! Success ) { break; } } }
__except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); Success = FALSE; }
if ( Success ) {
if (( OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_FAIL_IF_SAME_FILE ) && ( HeaderOldFileCount == 1 ) && ( PatchArray[ 0 ].PatchSize == 0 )) {
SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_SAME_FILE ); Success = FALSE; } }
PatchBuffer = NULL; PatchDataSize = 0;
if ( Success ) {
// Create header
Success = FALSE;
HeaderSize = ROUNDUP2( HeaderSize, 0x10000 );
PatchBuffer = MyVirtualAlloc( HeaderSize );
if ( PatchBuffer != NULL ) {
Success = TRUE;
// Compute size of PatchData without the header.
PatchDataSize = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < HeaderOldFileCount; i++ ) { PatchDataSize += PatchArray[ i ].PatchSize; }
// Don't need to encode NewFileResTime if the patch is simply
// a header with no patch data (new file is same as old file).
// We do still need the NewFileCoffTime and NewFileCoffBase
// though because we still need to normalize the old file.
if ( PatchDataSize == 0 ) { OptionFlags |= PATCH_OPTION_NO_RESTIMEFIX; NewFileResTime = 0; }
if ( ExtendedOptionFlags ) { OptionFlags |= PATCH_OPTION_EXTENDED_OPTIONS; } else { OptionFlags &= ~PATCH_OPTION_EXTENDED_OPTIONS; }
// Don't need to set PATCH_OPTION_LZX_LARGE unless an LZX window larger
// than 8Mb was used. This allows backwards compatibility by default for
// files smaller than 8Mb.
if ( OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_USE_LZX_LARGE ) {
if ( LzxWindowSize( LargestOldFileSize, NewFileSize, OptionFlags ) <= LZX_MAXWINDOW_8 ) {
HeaderInfo.Signature = PATCH_SIGNATURE; HeaderInfo.OptionFlags = OptionFlags; HeaderInfo.ExtendedOptionFlags = ExtendedOptionFlags; HeaderInfo.OptionData = OptionData; HeaderInfo.NewFileCoffBase = NewFileCoffBase; HeaderInfo.NewFileCoffTime = NewFileCoffTime; HeaderInfo.NewFileResTime = NewFileResTime; HeaderInfo.NewFileSize = NewFileSize; HeaderInfo.NewFileCrc = NewFileCrc; HeaderInfo.OldFileCount = HeaderOldFileCount; HeaderInfo.NewFileTime = 0;
if ( ! ( OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_TIMESTAMP )) {
HeaderInfo.NewFileTime = FileTimeToUlongTime( &NewFileTime ); PatchFileTime = NULL; }
HeaderSize = EncodePatchHeader( &HeaderInfo, PatchBuffer );
PatchDataSize += HeaderSize + sizeof( ULONG );
// Now we know the size of the patch file, so if we want to
// make sure it's not bigger than just compressing the new
// file, we need to compress the new file to see (the output
// of the compression is discarded -- we just want to know
// how big it would be. Obviously if the patch file is bigger
// than the raw new file, no need to compress the new file to
// see if that is smaller!
if ( OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_FAIL_IF_BIGGER ) {
if ( PatchDataSize > NewFileSize ) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_BIGGER_THAN_COMPRESSED ); Success = FALSE; }
else {
EstimatedLzxMemory = EstimateLzxCompressionMemoryRequirement( 0, NewFileSize, 0 // CAB has only 2Mb window size
SubAllocatorHandle = CreateSubAllocator( EstimatedLzxMemory, MINIMUM_VM_ALLOCATION );
if ( SubAllocatorHandle != NULL ) {
NewFileCompressedSize = 0; // prevent compiler warning
__try { ErrorCode = RawLzxCompressBuffer( NewFileMapped, NewFileSize, 0, NULL, &NewFileCompressedSize, SubAllocate, SubAllocatorHandle, ProgressCallback, CallbackContext, ProgressPosition, ProgressMaximum ); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { ErrorCode = GetExceptionCode(); }
DestroySubAllocator( SubAllocatorHandle );
if ( ErrorCode == NO_ERROR ) { if ( PatchDataSize > NewFileCompressedSize ) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_BIGGER_THAN_COMPRESSED ); Success = FALSE; } } } }
if ( Success ) {
ProgressPosition += NewFileSize;
Success = ProgressCallbackWrapper( ProgressCallback, CallbackContext, ProgressPosition, ProgressMaximum ); } } } }
UnmapViewOfFile( NewFileMapped );
if ( Success ) {
Success = MyCreateMappedFileByHandle( PatchFileHandle, PatchDataSize, &PatchFileMapped );
if ( Success ) {
__try {
p = PatchFileMapped; CopyMemory( p, PatchBuffer, HeaderSize ); p += HeaderSize;
for ( i = 0; i < HeaderOldFileCount; i++ ) { if ( PatchArray[ i ].PatchSize != 0 ) { CopyMemory( p, PatchArray[ i ].PatchData, PatchArray[ i ].PatchSize ); p += PatchArray[ i ].PatchSize; } }
PatchFileCrc = Crc32( 0xFFFFFFFF, PatchFileMapped, PatchDataSize - sizeof( ULONG ));
*(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( PatchFileMapped + PatchDataSize - sizeof( ULONG )) = PatchFileCrc;
__except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); PatchDataSize = 0; Success = FALSE; }
MyUnmapCreatedMappedFile( PatchFileHandle, PatchFileMapped, PatchDataSize, PatchFileTime ); } }
// Cleanup
if ( PatchBuffer ) { MyVirtualFree( PatchBuffer ); }
for ( i = 0; i < OldFileCount; i++ ) { if ( PatchArray[ i ].PatchData ) { MyVirtualFree( PatchArray[ i ].PatchData ); } if ( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RiftTable.RiftEntryAlloc ) { if ( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RiftTable.RiftEntryArray ) { MyVirtualFree( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RiftTable.RiftEntryArray ); } if ( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RiftTable.RiftUsageArray ) { MyVirtualFree( HeaderInfo.OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RiftTable.RiftUsageArray ); } } }
if ( Success ) { ASSERT( ProgressPosition == ProgressMaximum ); }
if (( ! Success ) && ( GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS )) {
return Success; }
BOOL PATCHAPI ExtractPatchHeaderToFileA( IN LPCSTR PatchFileName, OUT LPCSTR PatchHeaderFileName ) { HANDLE PatchFileHandle; HANDLE HeaderFileHandle; BOOL Success = FALSE;
if ( PatchFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
if ( HeaderFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
Success = ExtractPatchHeaderToFileByHandles( PatchFileHandle, HeaderFileHandle );
CloseHandle( HeaderFileHandle );
if ( ! Success ) { DeleteFileA( PatchHeaderFileName ); } }
CloseHandle( PatchFileHandle ); }
return Success; }
BOOL PATCHAPI ExtractPatchHeaderToFileW( IN LPCWSTR PatchFileName, OUT LPCWSTR PatchHeaderFileName ) { HANDLE PatchFileHandle; HANDLE HeaderFileHandle; BOOL Success = FALSE;
if ( PatchFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
if ( HeaderFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
Success = ExtractPatchHeaderToFileByHandles( PatchFileHandle, HeaderFileHandle );
CloseHandle( HeaderFileHandle );
if ( ! Success ) { DeleteFileW( PatchHeaderFileName ); } }
CloseHandle( PatchFileHandle ); }
return Success; }
BOOL PATCHAPI ExtractPatchHeaderToFileByHandles( IN HANDLE PatchFileHandle, OUT HANDLE PatchHeaderFileHandle ) { PPATCH_HEADER_INFO HeaderInfo; HANDLE SubAllocator; PUCHAR PatchFileMapped; FILETIME PatchFileTime; ULONG PatchFileSize; ULONG PatchFileCrc; ULONG PatchHeaderSize; ULONG ActualSize; ULONG i; BOOL Success; BOOL Mapped;
Success = FALSE;
Mapped = MyMapViewOfFileByHandle( PatchFileHandle, &PatchFileSize, &PatchFileMapped );
if ( Mapped ) {
GetFileTime( PatchFileHandle, NULL, NULL, &PatchFileTime );
PatchFileCrc = 0;
SafeCompleteCrc32( PatchFileMapped, PatchFileSize, &PatchFileCrc );
if ( PatchFileCrc == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
SubAllocator = CreateSubAllocator( 0x10000, 0x10000 );
if ( SubAllocator ) {
Success = DecodePatchHeader( PatchFileMapped, PatchFileSize, SubAllocator, &PatchHeaderSize, &HeaderInfo );
if ( Success ) {
// Header extraction is provided so that a header without
// the bulk of the patch data can be used to determine if
// an old file is correct for this patch header (can be
// patched).
// Since the extracted header will not be used to actually
// apply, we don't need any of the header data that is
// used only for transformation (RiftTable and NewResTime).
// Since NewResTime is typically encoded as one byte (as
// delta from NewCoffTime), we won't bother throwing it
// away, but we will throw away the RiftTable.
// Zero out the rift entry counts, then re-create the
// patch header with the zeroed rift counts (create over
// the write-copy mapped patch file buffer, then write
// that buffer to disk).
for ( i = 0; i < HeaderInfo->OldFileCount; i++ ) { HeaderInfo->OldFileInfoArray[ i ].RiftTable.RiftEntryCount = 0; }
__try {
PatchHeaderSize = EncodePatchHeader( HeaderInfo, PatchFileMapped );
PatchFileCrc = Crc32( 0xFFFFFFFF, PatchFileMapped, PatchHeaderSize );
*(UNALIGNED ULONG *)( PatchFileMapped + PatchHeaderSize ) = PatchFileCrc;
Success = WriteFile( PatchHeaderFileHandle, PatchFileMapped, PatchHeaderSize + sizeof( ULONG ), &ActualSize, NULL ); }
__except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); Success = FALSE; }
if ( Success ) { SetFileTime( PatchHeaderFileHandle, NULL, NULL, &PatchFileTime ); } }
DestroySubAllocator( SubAllocator ); } }
else { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_CORRUPT ); }
UnmapViewOfFile( PatchFileMapped ); }
return Success; }
// Following group of functions and exported apis are exclusively for
// applying patches. If we're only compiling the create code, ignore
// this group of functions.
PVOID SaveRetainRanges( IN PUCHAR MappedFile, IN ULONG FileSize, IN ULONG RetainRangeCount, IN PPATCH_RETAIN_RANGE RetainRangeArray, IN BOOL SaveFromNewFile ) { PUCHAR Buffer, p; ULONG Offset; ULONG TotalSize = 0; ULONG i;
for ( i = 0; i < RetainRangeCount; i++ ) { TotalSize += RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes; }
Buffer = MyVirtualAlloc( TotalSize );
if ( Buffer ) {
__try {
p = Buffer;
for ( i = 0; i < RetainRangeCount; i++ ) {
Offset = SaveFromNewFile ? RetainRangeArray[ i ].OffsetInNewFile : RetainRangeArray[ i ].OffsetInOldFile;
if (( Offset + RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes ) <= FileSize ) { CopyMemory( p, MappedFile + Offset, RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes ); }
p += RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes; } }
__except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); MyVirtualFree( Buffer ); Buffer = NULL; } }
return Buffer; }
BOOL CreateNewFileFromOldFileMapped( IN PUCHAR OldFileMapped, IN ULONG OldFileSize, OUT HANDLE NewFileHandle, IN PFILETIME NewFileTime, IN ULONG NewFileExpectedCrc, IN ULONG RetainRangeCount, IN PPATCH_RETAIN_RANGE RetainRangeArray, IN PUCHAR RetainBuffer, IN PPATCH_PROGRESS_CALLBACK ProgressCallback, IN PVOID CallbackContext ) { PUCHAR NewFileMapped; ULONG NewFileCrc; BOOL Success; ULONG i;
Success = MyCreateMappedFileByHandle( NewFileHandle, OldFileSize, &NewFileMapped );
if ( Success ) {
__try {
CopyMemory( NewFileMapped, OldFileMapped, OldFileSize );
NewFileCrc = Crc32( 0xFFFFFFFF, NewFileMapped, OldFileSize ) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;
if ( NewFileCrc == NewFileExpectedCrc ) {
for ( i = 0; i < RetainRangeCount; i++ ) { if (( RetainRangeArray[ i ].OffsetInNewFile + RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes ) <= OldFileSize ) { CopyMemory( RetainRangeArray[ i ].OffsetInNewFile + NewFileMapped, RetainBuffer, RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes ); } RetainBuffer += RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes; }
Success = ProgressCallbackWrapper( ProgressCallback, CallbackContext, OldFileSize, OldFileSize ); }
else { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_WRONG_FILE ); OldFileSize = 0; Success = FALSE; } }
__except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SetLastError( GetExceptionCode()); OldFileSize = 0; Success = FALSE; }
MyUnmapCreatedMappedFile( NewFileHandle, NewFileMapped, OldFileSize, NewFileTime ); }
return Success; }
BOOL CreateNewFileFromPatchData( IN PUCHAR OldFileMapped, IN ULONG OldFileSize, IN PUCHAR PatchData, IN ULONG PatchDataSize, OUT HANDLE NewFileHandle, IN ULONG NewFileSize, IN PFILETIME NewFileTime, IN ULONG NewFileExpectedCrc, IN ULONG RetainRangeCount, IN PPATCH_RETAIN_RANGE RetainRangeArray, IN PUCHAR RetainBuffer, IN ULONG OptionFlags, IN PVOID OptionData, IN PPATCH_PROGRESS_CALLBACK ProgressCallback, IN PVOID CallbackContext ) { HANDLE SubAllocatorHandle; ULONG EstimatedLzxMemory; PUCHAR NewFileMapped; ULONG NewFileCrc; ULONG ErrorCode; BOOL Success; ULONG i;
Success = MyCreateMappedFileByHandle( NewFileHandle, NewFileSize, &NewFileMapped );
if ( Success ) {
ErrorCode = NO_ERROR;
EstimatedLzxMemory = EstimateLzxDecompressionMemoryRequirement( OldFileSize, NewFileSize, OptionFlags );
SubAllocatorHandle = CreateSubAllocator( EstimatedLzxMemory, MINIMUM_VM_ALLOCATION );
if ( SubAllocatorHandle != NULL ) {
__try {
ErrorCode = ApplyRawLzxPatchToBuffer( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, PatchData, PatchDataSize, NewFileMapped, NewFileSize, OptionFlags, OptionData, SubAllocate, SubAllocatorHandle, ProgressCallback, CallbackContext, 0, NewFileSize );
if ( ErrorCode == NO_ERROR ) {
NewFileCrc = Crc32( 0xFFFFFFFF, NewFileMapped, NewFileSize ) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;
if ( NewFileCrc == NewFileExpectedCrc ) {
for ( i = 0; i < RetainRangeCount; i++ ) { if (( RetainRangeArray[ i ].OffsetInNewFile + RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes ) <= OldFileSize ) { CopyMemory( RetainRangeArray[ i ].OffsetInNewFile + NewFileMapped, RetainBuffer, RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes ); } RetainBuffer += RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes; } }
else {
} }
if ( ErrorCode != NO_ERROR ) {
if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
DWORD Actual;
WriteFile( hFile, NewFileMapped, NewFileSize, &Actual, NULL );
CloseHandle( hFile );
} }
#endif // TESTCODE
__except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { ErrorCode = GetExceptionCode(); }
DestroySubAllocator( SubAllocatorHandle ); }
MyUnmapCreatedMappedFile( NewFileHandle, NewFileMapped, ( ErrorCode == NO_ERROR ) ? NewFileSize : 0, NewFileTime );
if ( ErrorCode == NO_ERROR ) { Success = TRUE; } else { SetLastError( ErrorCode ); Success = FALSE; } }
return Success; }
BOOL PATCHAPI ApplyPatchToFileByHandlesEx( IN HANDLE PatchFileHandle, IN HANDLE OldFileHandle, OUT HANDLE NewFileHandle, IN ULONG ApplyOptionFlags, IN PPATCH_PROGRESS_CALLBACK ProgressCallback, IN PVOID CallbackContext ) { PHEADER_OLD_FILE_INFO OldFileInfo; PPATCH_HEADER_INFO HeaderInfo; PPATCH_RETAIN_RANGE RetainRangeArray; ULONG RetainRangeCount; PUCHAR RetainBuffer; HANDLE SubAllocator; ULONG PatchHeaderSize; FILETIME NewFileTime; PUCHAR PatchFileMapped; ULONG PatchFileSize; ULONG PatchFileCrc; PUCHAR PatchData; PUCHAR OldFileMapped; ULONG OldFileSize; ULONG OldFileCrc; BOOL Mapped; BOOL Success; BOOL Finished; ULONG i;
Success = FALSE;
Mapped = MyMapViewOfFileByHandle( PatchFileHandle, &PatchFileSize, &PatchFileMapped );
if ( Mapped ) {
GetFileTime( PatchFileHandle, NULL, NULL, &NewFileTime );
PatchFileCrc = 0;
SafeCompleteCrc32( PatchFileMapped, PatchFileSize, &PatchFileCrc );
if ( PatchFileCrc == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
SubAllocator = CreateSubAllocator( 0x10000, 0x10000 );
if ( SubAllocator ) {
Success = DecodePatchHeader( PatchFileMapped, PatchFileSize, SubAllocator, &PatchHeaderSize, &HeaderInfo );
if ( Success ) {
// Patch is valid.
Success = ProgressCallbackWrapper( ProgressCallback, CallbackContext, 0, HeaderInfo->NewFileSize );
if ( Success ) {
Finished = FALSE; Success = FALSE;
if (( ! ( HeaderInfo->OptionFlags & PATCH_OPTION_NO_TIMESTAMP )) && ( HeaderInfo->NewFileTime != 0 )) {
UlongTimeToFileTime( HeaderInfo->NewFileTime, &NewFileTime ); }
OldFileSize = GetFileSize( OldFileHandle, NULL );
// First see if the old file is really the new file.
if ( OldFileSize == HeaderInfo->NewFileSize ) {
Mapped = MyMapViewOfFileByHandle( OldFileHandle, &OldFileSize, &OldFileMapped );
if ( ! Mapped ) { Success = FALSE; Finished = TRUE; }
else {
RetainBuffer = NULL; OldFileCrc = 0; OldFileInfo = &HeaderInfo->OldFileInfoArray[ 0 ]; RetainRangeCount = OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount; RetainRangeArray = OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray;
if (( RetainRangeCount != 0 ) && ( ! ( ApplyOptionFlags & APPLY_OPTION_TEST_ONLY ))) {
RetainBuffer = SaveRetainRanges( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, RetainRangeCount, RetainRangeArray, TRUE );
if ( RetainBuffer == NULL ) { Finished = TRUE; } }
if ( ! Finished ) {
__try {
// First see if they match exact, without
// normalizing.
for ( i = 0; i < RetainRangeCount; i++ ) { if (( RetainRangeArray[ i ].OffsetInNewFile + RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes ) <= OldFileSize ) { ZeroMemory( OldFileMapped + RetainRangeArray[ i ].OffsetInNewFile, RetainRangeArray[ i ].LengthInBytes ); } }
OldFileCrc = Crc32( 0xFFFFFFFF, OldFileMapped, OldFileSize ) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF;
if ( OldFileCrc != HeaderInfo->NewFileCrc ) {
// Don't match exact, so try with
// normalizing.
// NOTE: We're assuming here that the
// zeroed retain ranges don't overlap
// with the binding info that we're
// correcting.
NormalizeOldFileImageForPatching( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, HeaderInfo->OptionFlags, HeaderInfo->OptionData, HeaderInfo->NewFileCoffBase, HeaderInfo->NewFileCoffTime, 0, NULL, 0, NULL );
OldFileCrc = Crc32( 0xFFFFFFFF, OldFileMapped, OldFileSize ) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF; } }
__except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SetLastError( GetExceptionCode() ); Finished = TRUE; }
if (( ! Finished ) && ( OldFileCrc == HeaderInfo->NewFileCrc ) && ( OldFileSize == HeaderInfo->NewFileSize )) {
Finished = TRUE;
if ( ApplyOptionFlags & APPLY_OPTION_FAIL_IF_EXACT ) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_NOT_NECESSARY ); Success = FALSE; } else if ( ApplyOptionFlags & APPLY_OPTION_TEST_ONLY ) { Success = TRUE; } else { Success = CreateNewFileFromOldFileMapped( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, NewFileHandle, &NewFileTime, HeaderInfo->NewFileCrc, RetainRangeCount, RetainRangeArray, RetainBuffer, ProgressCallback, CallbackContext ); } }
if ( RetainBuffer != NULL ) { MyVirtualFree( RetainBuffer ); } }
UnmapViewOfFile( OldFileMapped ); } }
if ( ! Finished ) {
// Now see if the old file matches one of the old
// files we have in our patch file. For each set
// of old file info in our patch file, we have to
// remap the old file to check it since each old
// file might have different ignore range parameters
// (we modify the buffer for the ignore ranges).
PatchData = PatchFileMapped + PatchHeaderSize; Success = FALSE;
for ( i = 0; ( i < HeaderInfo->OldFileCount ) && ( ! Finished ) && ( ! Success ); i++ ) {
OldFileInfo = &HeaderInfo->OldFileInfoArray[ i ];
if ( OldFileInfo->OldFileSize == OldFileSize ) {
Mapped = MyMapViewOfFileByHandle( OldFileHandle, &OldFileSize, &OldFileMapped );
if ( ! Mapped ) { Finished = TRUE; }
else {
RetainBuffer = NULL;
if (( OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount != 0 ) && ( ! ( ApplyOptionFlags & APPLY_OPTION_TEST_ONLY ))) {
RetainBuffer = SaveRetainRanges( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount, OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray, FALSE );
if ( RetainBuffer == NULL ) { Finished = TRUE; } }
if ( ! Finished ) {
NormalizeOldFileImageForPatching( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, HeaderInfo->OptionFlags, HeaderInfo->OptionData, HeaderInfo->NewFileCoffBase, HeaderInfo->NewFileCoffTime, OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeCount, OldFileInfo->IgnoreRangeArray, OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount, OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray );
OldFileCrc = 0;
if (( SafeCompleteCrc32( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, &OldFileCrc )) && ( OldFileCrc == OldFileInfo->OldFileCrc ) && ( OldFileSize == OldFileInfo->OldFileSize )) {
// CRC's match
if ( OldFileInfo->PatchDataSize == 0 ) { if ( ApplyOptionFlags & APPLY_OPTION_FAIL_IF_CLOSE ) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_NOT_NECESSARY ); Finished = TRUE; } else if ( ApplyOptionFlags & APPLY_OPTION_TEST_ONLY ) { Success = TRUE; } else { Success = CreateNewFileFromOldFileMapped( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, NewFileHandle, &NewFileTime, HeaderInfo->NewFileCrc, OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount, OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray, RetainBuffer, ProgressCallback, CallbackContext ); if ( ! Success ) { Finished = TRUE; } } }
else {
if ( ApplyOptionFlags & APPLY_OPTION_TEST_ONLY ) { Success = TRUE; } else if (( PatchData + OldFileInfo->PatchDataSize ) > ( PatchFileMapped + PatchFileSize )) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_NOT_AVAILABLE ); Finished = TRUE; } else {
Success = TRUE;
if ( OldFileInfo->RiftTable.RiftEntryCount != 0 ) {
Success = TransformOldFileImageForPatching( HeaderInfo->ExtendedOptionFlags, OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, HeaderInfo->NewFileResTime, &OldFileInfo->RiftTable ); }
if ( Success ) {
Success = CreateNewFileFromPatchData( OldFileMapped, OldFileSize, PatchData, OldFileInfo->PatchDataSize, NewFileHandle, HeaderInfo->NewFileSize, &NewFileTime, HeaderInfo->NewFileCrc, OldFileInfo->RetainRangeCount, OldFileInfo->RetainRangeArray, RetainBuffer, HeaderInfo->OptionFlags, HeaderInfo->OptionData, ProgressCallback, CallbackContext ); }
if ( ! Success ) { Finished = TRUE; } } } }
if ( RetainBuffer != NULL ) { MyVirtualFree( RetainBuffer ); } }
UnmapViewOfFile( OldFileMapped ); } }
PatchData += OldFileInfo->PatchDataSize; }
if (( ! Finished ) && ( ! Success )) { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_WRONG_FILE ); } } } }
DestroySubAllocator( SubAllocator ); } }
else { SetLastError( ERROR_PATCH_CORRUPT ); }
UnmapViewOfFile( PatchFileMapped ); }
if (( ! Success ) && ( GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS )) {
return Success; }
BOOL PATCHAPI TestApplyPatchToFileByHandles( IN HANDLE PatchFileHandle, // requires GENERIC_READ access
IN HANDLE OldFileHandle, // requires GENERIC_READ access
IN ULONG ApplyOptionFlags ) { return ApplyPatchToFileByHandles( PatchFileHandle, OldFileHandle, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, ApplyOptionFlags | APPLY_OPTION_TEST_ONLY ); }
BOOL PATCHAPI ApplyPatchToFileByHandles( IN HANDLE PatchFileHandle, // requires GENERIC_READ access
IN HANDLE OldFileHandle, // requires GENERIC_READ access
IN ULONG ApplyOptionFlags ) { return ApplyPatchToFileByHandlesEx( PatchFileHandle, OldFileHandle, NewFileHandle, ApplyOptionFlags, NULL, NULL ); }
BOOL PATCHAPI TestApplyPatchToFileA( IN LPCSTR PatchFileName, IN LPCSTR OldFileName, IN ULONG ApplyOptionFlags ) { return ApplyPatchToFileA( PatchFileName, OldFileName, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, ApplyOptionFlags | APPLY_OPTION_TEST_ONLY ); }
BOOL PATCHAPI ApplyPatchToFileA( IN LPCSTR PatchFileName, IN LPCSTR OldFileName, OUT LPCSTR NewFileName, IN ULONG ApplyOptionFlags ) { return ApplyPatchToFileExA( PatchFileName, OldFileName, NewFileName, ApplyOptionFlags, NULL, NULL ); }
BOOL PATCHAPI ApplyPatchToFileExA( IN LPCSTR PatchFileName, IN LPCSTR OldFileName, OUT LPCSTR NewFileName, IN ULONG ApplyOptionFlags, IN PPATCH_PROGRESS_CALLBACK ProgressCallback, IN PVOID CallbackContext ) { HANDLE PatchFileHandle; HANDLE OldFileHandle; HANDLE NewFileHandle; BOOL Success = FALSE;
if ( PatchFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
if ( OldFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
if ( NewFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
Success = ApplyPatchToFileByHandlesEx( PatchFileHandle, OldFileHandle, NewFileHandle, ApplyOptionFlags, ProgressCallback, CallbackContext );
CloseHandle( NewFileHandle );
if ( ! Success ) { DeleteFileA( NewFileName ); } }
CloseHandle( OldFileHandle ); }
CloseHandle( PatchFileHandle ); }
return Success; }
BOOL PATCHAPI TestApplyPatchToFileW( IN LPCWSTR PatchFileName, IN LPCWSTR OldFileName, IN ULONG ApplyOptionFlags ) { return ApplyPatchToFileW( PatchFileName, OldFileName, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, ApplyOptionFlags | APPLY_OPTION_TEST_ONLY ); }
BOOL PATCHAPI ApplyPatchToFileW( IN LPCWSTR PatchFileName, IN LPCWSTR OldFileName, OUT LPCWSTR NewFileName, IN ULONG ApplyOptionFlags ) { return ApplyPatchToFileExW( PatchFileName, OldFileName, NewFileName, ApplyOptionFlags, NULL, NULL ); }
BOOL PATCHAPI ApplyPatchToFileExW( IN LPCWSTR PatchFileName, IN LPCWSTR OldFileName, OUT LPCWSTR NewFileName, IN ULONG ApplyOptionFlags, IN PPATCH_PROGRESS_CALLBACK ProgressCallback, IN PVOID CallbackContext ) { HANDLE PatchFileHandle; HANDLE OldFileHandle; HANDLE NewFileHandle; BOOL Success = FALSE;
if ( PatchFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
if ( OldFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
if ( NewFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
Success = ApplyPatchToFileByHandlesEx( PatchFileHandle, OldFileHandle, NewFileHandle, ApplyOptionFlags, ProgressCallback, CallbackContext );
CloseHandle( NewFileHandle );
if ( ! Success ) { DeleteFileW( NewFileName ); } }
CloseHandle( OldFileHandle ); }
CloseHandle( PatchFileHandle ); }
return Success; }