/* demdir.c - SVC handlers for directory calls
* * DemCreateDir * DemDeleteDir * DemQueryCurrentDir * DemSetCurrentDir * * Modification History: * * Sudeepb 04-Apr-1991 Created */
#include "dem.h"
#include "demmsg.h"
#include <softpc.h>
/* demCreateDir - Create a directory
* * * Entry - Client (DS:DX) directory name to create * Client (BX:SI) EAs (NULL if no EAs) * * Exit * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * * FAILURE * Client (CY) = 1 * Client (AX) = system status code * * * Notes : Extended Attributes is not yet taken care of. */
VOID demCreateDir (VOID) { LPSTR lpDir; #ifdef DBCS /* demCreateDir() for CSNW */
CHAR achPath[MAX_PATH]; #endif /* DBCS */
// EAs not yet implemented
if (getBX() || getSI()){ demPrintMsg (MSG_EAS); return; }
lpDir = (LPSTR) GetVDMAddr (getDS(),getDX());
#ifdef DBCS /* demCreateDir() for CSNW */
* convert Netware path to Dos path */ ConvNwPathToDosPath(achPath,lpDir); lpDir = achPath; #endif /* DBCS */
if(CreateDirectoryOem (lpDir,NULL) == FALSE){ demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, *lpDir); return; }
setCF(0); return; }
/* demDeleteDir - Create a directory
* * * Entry - Client (DS:DX) directory name to create * * Exit * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * * FAILURE * Client (CY) = 1 * Client (AX) = system status code * */
VOID demDeleteDir (VOID) { LPSTR lpDir;
lpDir = (LPSTR) GetVDMAddr (getDS(),getDX());
if (RemoveDirectoryOem(lpDir) == FALSE){ demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, *lpDir); return; }
setCF(0); return; }
/* demQueryCurrentDir - Verifies current dir provided in CDS structure
* for $CURRENT_DIR * * First Validates Media, if invalid -> i24 error * Next Validates Path, if invalid set path to root (not an error) * * Entry - Client (DS:SI) Buffer to CDS path to verify * Client (AL) Physical Drive in question (A=0, B=1, ...) * * Exit * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * * FAILURE * Client (CY) = 1 , I24 drive invalid */ VOID demQueryCurrentDir (VOID) { PCDS pcds; DWORD dw; CHAR chDrive; CHAR pPath[]="?:\\"; CHAR EnvVar[] = "=?:";
pcds = (PCDS)GetVDMAddr(getDS(),getSI());
// validate media
chDrive = getAL() + 'A'; pPath[0] = chDrive; dw = GetFileAttributesOem(pPath); if (dw == 0xFFFFFFFF || !(dw & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, chDrive); return; }
// if invalid path, set path to the root
// reset CDS, and win32 env for win32
dw = GetFileAttributesOem(pcds->CurDir_Text); if (dw == 0xFFFFFFFF || !(dw & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { strcpy(pcds->CurDir_Text, pPath); pcds->CurDir_End = 2; EnvVar[1] = chDrive; SetEnvironmentVariableOem(EnvVar,pPath); }
setCF(0); return; }
/* demSetCurrentDir - Set the current directory
* * * Entry - Client (DS:DX) directory name * Dos default drive (AL) , CurDrv, where 1 == A. * * Exit * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * * FAILURE * Client (CY) = 1 * Client (AX) = system status code * */
extern NTSTATUS demSetCurrentDirectoryLCDS(UCHAR, LPSTR);
VOID demSetCurrentDir (VOID) { DWORD dw; LPSTR lpBuf; CHAR EnvVar[] = "=?:"; CHAR ch; PCDS pCDS; BOOL bLongDirName;
lpBuf = (LPSTR) GetVDMAddr (getDS(),getDX()); ch = (CHAR) toupper(*(PCHAR)lpBuf); if (ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z'){ setCF(1); return; }
// got the darn cds ptr
pCDS = (PCDS)GetVDMAddr(getES(), getDI());
// now see if the directory name is too long
bLongDirName = (strlen(lpBuf) > DIRSTRLEN); //
// if the current dir is for the default drive
// set the win32 process's current drive,dir. This
// will open an NT dir handle, and verify that it
// exists.
if (ch == getAL() + 'A') { if (SetCurrentDirectoryOem (lpBuf) == FALSE){ demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, ch); return; } }
// if its not for the default drive, we still need
// to verify that the dir\drive combinations exits.
else { dw = GetFileAttributesOem(lpBuf); if (dw == 0xFFFFFFFF || !(dw & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, ch); return; } }
EnvVar[1] = *(PCHAR)lpBuf; if(SetEnvironmentVariableOem ((LPSTR)EnvVar,lpBuf) == FALSE) setCF(1); else { // this is what '95 is doing for dos apps.
// upon a getcurdir call -- it is going to be invalid
// if we came here -- update a long directory as well
demSetCurrentDirectoryLCDS((UCHAR)(ch - 'A'), lpBuf);
strncpy(pCDS->CurDir_Text, lpBuf, DIRSTRLEN); if (bLongDirName) { setCF(1); } else { setCF(0); } }
return; } #ifdef DBCS /* ConvNwPathToDosPath() for CSNW */
// This routine does change Novell-J-laized file name to
// our well-known filename, but this code is only for the
// request from Novell utilities. these code should be
// laied onto nw16.exe (nw\nw16\tsr\resident.asm).
VOID ConvNwPathToDosPath(CHAR *lpszDos,CHAR *lpszNw) { /*
* check parameter */ if((lpszDos == NULL) || (lpszNw == NULL)) return;
* copy data from vdm buffer to our local buffer */ strcpy(lpszDos,lpszNw);
* replace the specified character */ while(*lpszDos) {
if(IsDBCSLeadByte(*lpszDos)) { /*
* This is a DBCS character, check trailbyte is 0x5C or not. */ lpszDos++;
if( *lpszDos == 0x13 ) { *lpszDos++ = (UCHAR)0x5C; continue; } }
switch((UCHAR)*lpszDos) { case 0x10 : *lpszDos = (UCHAR)0xBF; break; case 0x11 : *lpszDos = (UCHAR)0xAE; break; case 0x12 : *lpszDos = (UCHAR)0xAA; break; }
* next char */ lpszDos++; } } #endif /* DBCS */