/* demfile.c - SVC handlers for calls where file name is specified.
* * demOpen * demCreate * demUnlink * demChMod * demRename * * Modification History: * * Sudeepb 02-Apr-1991 Created * */
#include "dem.h"
#include "demmsg.h"
#include <softpc.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <vrnmpipe.h>
#include <nt_vdd.h>
extern PDOSSF pSFTHead;
extern BOOL LoadVdmRedir(VOID); extern BOOL IsVdmRedirLoaded(VOID);
BOOL IsNamedPipeName( IN LPSTR Name );
BOOL IsNamedPipeName( IN LPSTR Name )
Routine Description:
Lifted from VDMREDIR.DLL - we don't want to load the entire DLL if we need to check for a named pipe
Checks if a string designates a named pipe. As criteria for the decision we use:
DOS (client-side) can only open a named pipe which is created at a server and must therefore be prefixed by a computername
Name - to check for (Dos) named pipe syntax
Return Value:
BOOL TRUE - Name refers to (local or remote) named pipe FALSE - Name doesn't look like name of pipe
{ int CharCount;
if (IS_ASCII_PATH_SEPARATOR(*Name)) { ++Name; if (IS_ASCII_PATH_SEPARATOR(*Name)) { ++Name; CharCount = 0; while (*Name && !IS_ASCII_PATH_SEPARATOR(*Name)) { ++Name; ++CharCount; } if (!CharCount || !*Name) {
// Name is \\ or \\\ or just \\name which I don't understand,
// so its not a named pipe - fail it
return FALSE; }
// bump name past next path separator. Note that we don't have to
// check CharCount for max. length of a computername, because this
// function is called only after the (presumed) named pipe has been
// successfully opened, therefore we know that the name has been
// validated
++Name; } else { return FALSE; }
// We are at <something> (after \ or \\<name>\). Check if <something>
// is [Pp][Ii][Pp][Ee][\\/]
if (!_strnicmp(Name, "PIPE", 4)) { Name += 4; if (IS_ASCII_PATH_SEPARATOR(*Name)) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }
/* demOpen - Open a file
* * * Entry - Client (DS:SI) Full path of File * Client (BL) Open Mode * Client (ES:DI) Address of extended attributes buffer * Client (AL) 0 - No EA's ; 1 - EA's specified * * Exit * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * Client (AX) = Assigned Open Handle (high word) * Client (BP) = Assigned Open Handle (low word) * Client (DX) = 1 if pipe was opened * Client (BX) = High word of the file size * Client (CX) = low word of the file size * * * FAILURE * CY = 1 * AX = system status code * HARD ERROR * CY = 1 * AX = 0FFFFh * * * Notes : Extended Attributes is not yet taken care of. */
VOID demOpen (VOID) { HANDLE hFile; LPSTR lpFileName; UCHAR uchMode,uchAccess; DWORD dwDesiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ; DWORD dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE; BOOL ItsANamedPipe = FALSE; BOOL IsFirst; LPSTR dupFileName; DWORD dwFileSize,dwSizeHigh; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa;
if (getAL()){ demPrintMsg (MSG_EAS); return; }
lpFileName = (LPSTR) GetVDMAddr (getDS(),getSI());
#if DBG
if(fShowSVCMsg & DEMFILIO){ sprintf(demDebugBuffer,"demfile: Opening File <%s>\n",lpFileName); OutputDebugStringOem(demDebugBuffer); } #endif
// the DOS filename must be 'canonicalized': forward slashes (/) must be
// converted to back slashes (\) and the filename should be upper-cased
// using the current code page info
// BUBUG: Kanji? (/other DBCS)
if (strchr(lpFileName, '/')) { char ch= *lpFileName; lpFileName = _strdup(lpFileName); if (lpFileName == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, ch); return; } for (dupFileName = lpFileName; *dupFileName; ++dupFileName) { if (*dupFileName == '/') { *dupFileName = '\\'; } } dupFileName = lpFileName; } else { dupFileName = NULL; }
uchMode = getBL(); uchAccess = uchMode & (UCHAR)ACCESS_MASK;
if (uchAccess == OPEN_FOR_READ) dwDesiredAccess = GENERIC_READ; else if (uchAccess == OPEN_FOR_WRITE) dwDesiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE;
uchMode = uchMode & (UCHAR)SHARING_MASK;
switch (uchMode) { case SHARING_DENY_BOTH: dwShareMode = 0; break; case SHARING_DENY_WRITE: dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ; break; case SHARING_DENY_READ: dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE; break; }
// slightly new scheme - the redir isn't automatically loaded anymore. We
// may perform a named pipe operation before VDMREDIR is loaded. So now we
// load VDMREDIR.DLL if the filespec designates a named pipe
if (IsNamedPipeName(lpFileName)) { if (!LoadVdmRedir()) { goto errorReturn; } ItsANamedPipe = TRUE;
// convert \\<this_computer>\PIPE\foo\bar\etc to \\.\PIPE\...
// if we already allocated a buffer for the slash conversion use
// that else this call will allocate another buffer (we don't
// want to write over DOS memory)
lpFileName = VrConvertLocalNtPipeName(dupFileName, lpFileName); if (!lpFileName) { goto errorReturn; } }
// open the file. If we think its a named pipe then use FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED
// because the client might use DosReadAsyncNmPipe or DosWriteAsyncNmPipe
// and the only way to accomplish that is to open the named pipe handle in
// overlapped I/O mode now
// sudeepb 26-Apr-1993 We are retrying opening the file in case
// of failure without GENERIC_WRITE because of the incompatibility
// of DOS and NT CD ROM driver. DOS CDROM driver ignores the write
// bit which we have to fakeout in this way.
sa.nLength = sizeof (SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
IsFirst = TRUE;
while (TRUE) { if ((hFile = CreateFileOem(lpFileName, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, &sa, OPEN_EXISTING, ItsANamedPipe ? FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED : 0, NULL)) == (HANDLE)-1){ if (IsFirst && dwDesiredAccess & GENERIC_WRITE && IsCdRomFile(lpFileName)) { dwDesiredAccess &= ~GENERIC_WRITE; IsFirst = FALSE; continue; }
demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, *lpFileName); if (dupFileName) { free(dupFileName); } else if (ItsANamedPipe && lpFileName) { LocalFree(lpFileName); } return; } else break; }
// we have to keep some info around when we open a named pipe
if (ItsANamedPipe) { VrAddOpenNamedPipeInfo(hFile, lpFileName); setDX(1); } else { if(((dwFileSize=GetFileSize(hFile,&dwSizeHigh)) == (DWORD)-1) || dwSizeHigh) { CloseHandle (hFile); demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, *lpFileName); return; } setCX ((USHORT)dwFileSize); setBX ((USHORT)(dwFileSize >> 16 )); setDX(0); }
setBP((USHORT)hFile); setAX((USHORT)((ULONG)hFile >> 16)); setCF(0); if (dupFileName) { free(dupFileName); } else if (ItsANamedPipe) { LocalFree(lpFileName); } return; }
#define DEM_CREATE 0
#define DEM_CREATE_NEW 1
/* demCreate - Create a file
* * * Entry - Client (DS:SI) Full path of File * Client (CX) Attributes * 00 - Normal File * 01 - Read-only file * 02 - Hidden File * 04 - System file * * Exit * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * Client (AX) = Assigned Open Handle (high word) * VSF(BP) = Assigned Open Handle (low word) * * FAILURE * CY = 1 * AX = error code * HARD ERROR * CY = 1 * AX = 0FFFFh * */
VOID demCreate (VOID) { demCreateCommon (DEM_CREATE); return; }
/* demCreateNew - Create a New file
* * * Entry - Client (DS:SI) Full path of File * Client (CX) Attributes * 00 - Normal File * 01 - Read-only file * 02 - Hidden File * 04 - System file * * Exit * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * Client (AX) = Assigned Open Handle (high word) * VSF(BP) = Assigned Open Handle (low word) * * FAILURE * CY = 1 * AX = error code * HARD ERROR * CY = 1 * AX = 0FFFFh * */
VOID demCreateNew (VOID) { demCreateCommon (DEM_CREATE_NEW); return; }
/* demFileDelete
* * EXPORTED FUNCTION * * ENTRY: * lpFile -> OEM file name to be deleted * * EXIT: * returns 0 on success, DOS error code on failure * * NOTES: * Some apps keep a file open and delete it. Then rename another file to * the old name. On NT since the orignal object is still open the second * rename fails. * To get around this problem we rename the file before deleteing it * this allows the second rename to work * * But since renaming the file is known to be expensive over the net, we try * first to open the file exclusively to see if there is really any reason to * rename it. If we can get a handle to it, then we should be able to skip the * rename and just delete it. If we can't get a handle to it, then we try * the rename trick. This should cut down our overhead for the normal case. */
DWORD demFileDelete (LPSTR lpFile) { CHAR vdmtemp[MAX_PATH]; CHAR tmpfile[MAX_PATH]; PSZ pFileName; HANDLE hFile;
// First, try to access the file exclusively
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { NTSTATUS status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION fileDispositionInformation; // Member name "DeleteFile" conflicts with win32 definition (it
// becomes "DeleteFileA".
#undef DeleteFile
fileDispositionInformation.DeleteFile = TRUE;
// We got a handle to it, so there can't be any open
// handles to it. Set the disposition to DELETE.
status = NtSetInformationFile(hFile, &ioStatusBlock, &fileDispositionInformation, sizeof(FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION), FileDispositionInformation);
if NT_SUCCESS(status) { SetLastError(NO_ERROR); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } }
// Check to see if the delete went OK. If not, try renaming
// the file.
switch (GetLastError()) {
case NO_ERROR: case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: // Can't find it, forget about it
// The file didn't really go away because there appears to
// be an open handle to the file.
if (GetFullPathNameOem(lpFile,MAX_PATH,vdmtemp,&pFileName)) { if ( pFileName ) *(pFileName) = 0; if (GetTempFileNameOem(vdmtemp,"VDM",0,tmpfile)) { if (MoveFileExOem(lpFile,tmpfile, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { if(DeleteFileOem(tmpfile)) { SetLastError(NO_ERROR); } else { MoveFileOem(tmpfile,lpFile); SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } } } } break; default: //
// We couldn't open or delete the file, and it's not because of a
// sharing violation. Just try a last ditch effort of a
// plain old delete, and see if it works.
if(DeleteFileOem(lpFile)) { SetLastError(NO_ERROR); } }
// Map win32 error code to DOS
switch(GetLastError()) { case NO_ERROR: case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: break; default: // make sure demClientError can see retval
return GetLastError(); }
/* demDelete - Delete a file
* * * Entry - Client (DS:DX) Full path of File * * Exit * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * * FAILURE * CY = 1 * AX = system status code * HARD ERROR * CY = 1 * AX = 0FFFFh * */
VOID demDelete (VOID) { LPSTR lpFileName; DWORD retval;
lpFileName = (LPSTR) GetVDMAddr (getDS(),getDX());
#if DBG
if(fShowSVCMsg & DEMFILIO){ sprintf(demDebugBuffer,"demfile: Deleting File<%s>\n",lpFileName); OutputDebugStringOem(demDebugBuffer); } #endif
if (retval = demFileDelete(lpFileName)){ demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, *lpFileName); return; }
setCF(0); return; }
/* demChMod - Change the file modes
* * Entry - Client (DS:DX) Full path of File * Client (AL) = 0 Get File Modes 1 Set File Modes * Client (CL) new modes * * Exit * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * Client (CL) = file attributes in get case. * * FAILURE * Client (CY) = 1 * Client (AX) = Error Code * HARD ERROR * CY = 1 * AX = 0FFFFh * * Compatibility Notes: * * ATTR_VOLUME_ID,ATTR_DEVICE and ATTR_DIRECTORY are not supported * by WIN32 call. Although these are unpublished for DOS world also * but still a compatibility requirement. */
VOID demChMod (VOID) { LPSTR lpFileName; DWORD dwAttr;
lpFileName = (LPSTR) GetVDMAddr (getDS(),getDX());
#if DBG
if(fShowSVCMsg & DEMFILIO){ sprintf(demDebugBuffer,"demfile: ChMod File <%s>\n",lpFileName); OutputDebugStringOem(demDebugBuffer); } #endif
if(getAL() == 0){ if ((dwAttr = GetFileAttributesOem(lpFileName)) == -1) goto dcerr;
if (dwAttr == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) { dwAttr = 0; } else { dwAttr &= DOS_ATTR_MASK; }
// SudeepB - 28-Jul-1997
// For CDFS, Win3.1/DOS/Win95, only return FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY (10)
// for directories while WinNT returns
// Some VB controls that app setups use, depend on getting
// FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY (10) only or otherwise are broken.
// An example of this is Cliffs StudyWare series.
setCX((USHORT)dwAttr); setCF(0); return; }
if((dwAttr = getCX()) == 0) dwAttr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
dwAttr &= DOS_ATTR_MASK; if (!SetFileAttributesOem(lpFileName,dwAttr)) goto dcerr;
setCF(0); return;
dcerr: demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, *lpFileName); return; }
/* demRename - Rename a file
* * Entry - Client (DS:DX) Source File * Client (ES:DI) Destination File * * Exit * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * * FAILURE * Client (CY) = 1 * Client (AX) = Error Code * */
VOID demRename (VOID) { LPSTR lpSrc,lpDst;
lpSrc = (LPSTR) GetVDMAddr (getDS(),getDX()); lpDst = (LPSTR) GetVDMAddr (getES(),getDI());
#if DBG
if(fShowSVCMsg & DEMFILIO){ sprintf(demDebugBuffer,"demfile: Rename File <%s> to <%s>\n",lpSrc,lpDst); OutputDebugStringOem(demDebugBuffer); } #endif
// DOS rename fails accross drives with 11h error code
// This following check is OK even for UNC names and SUBST drives.
// SUBST drives come to NTVDM as env variables for current directory
// and we will treet them just like a network drive and full qualified
// path will be sent from NTDOS.
if(toupper(lpSrc[0]) != toupper(lpDst[0])) { setCF(1); setAX(0x11); return; }
// Now check that SRC and DEST are not pointing to the same file.
// if they do return error 5.
if (!_stricmp (lpSrc, lpDst)) { setCF(1); setAX(0x5); return; }
if(MoveFileOem(lpSrc,lpDst) == FALSE){ demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, *lpSrc); return; }
setCF(0); return; }
/* demCreateCommon - Create a file or Craete a new file
* * * Entry - flCreateType - DEM_CREATE_NEW create new * DEM_CREATE create * * Exit * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * Client (AX) = Assigned Open Handle (high word) * Client (BP) = Assigned Open Handle (low word) * * FAILURE * CY = 1 * AX = error code * HARD ERROR * CY = 1 * AX = 0FFFFh * */
VOID demCreateCommon (flCreateType) ULONG flCreateType; { HANDLE hFile; LPSTR lpFileName; LPSTR lpDot; DWORD dwAttr; DWORD dwFileSize,dwSizeHigh; USHORT uErr; DWORD dwDesiredAccess; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; CHAR cFOTName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL ttfOnce,IsFirst; DWORD dwLastError;
lpFileName = (LPSTR) GetVDMAddr (getDS(),getSI()); dwAttr = (DWORD)getCX();
// Here is some code stolen from DOS_Create (create.asm) for handling the
// attributes
if (flCreateType == DEM_CREATE || flCreateType == DEM_CREATE_NEW) dwAttr &= 0xff;
if (dwAttr & ~(ATTR_ALL | ATTR_IGNORE | ATTR_VOLUME_ID)) { setCF(1); setAX(5); //Attribute problem
return; }
/* Special case for set volume label (INT 21 Func 3CH, Attr = 8H */
if((flCreateType == DEM_CREATE || flCreateType == DEM_CREATE_NEW) && (dwAttr == ATTR_VOLUME_ID)) { if((uErr = demCreateLabel(lpFileName[DRIVEBYTE], lpFileName+LABELOFF))) { setCF(1); setAX(uErr); return; } setAX(0); setBP(0); // in this case handle = 0 and if we will
setCF(0); // close this handle CF will be 0(!)
return; }
if ((dwAttr & 0xff) == 0) { dwAttr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; } else { dwAttr &= DOS_ATTR_MASK; }
#if DBG
if(fShowSVCMsg & DEMFILIO){ sprintf(demDebugBuffer,"demfile: Creating File <%s>\n",lpFileName); OutputDebugStringOem(demDebugBuffer); } #endif
dwDesiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ; sa.nLength = sizeof (SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; ttfOnce = TRUE; IsFirst = TRUE;
while (TRUE) { if ((hFile = CreateFileOem(lpFileName, // create file with delete access and sharing mode
// so that anybody can delete it without closing
// the file handle returned from create file
if (IsFirst && dwDesiredAccess & GENERIC_WRITE && IsCdRomFile(lpFileName)) { dwDesiredAccess &= ~GENERIC_WRITE; IsFirst = FALSE; continue; }
// Some WOW apps installing .TTF or .FON or Fonts fail to create
// The file because the font is already open by GDI32 server.
// The install/setup programs don't gracefully handle
// this error, they bomb out of the install with retry or cancel
// without offering the user a way to ignore the error (which
// would be the right thing since the font already exists.
// To work around this problem we do a RemoveFontResource here
// which causes GDI32 to unmap the file, we then retry
// the create. - mattfe june 93
// If it is a TTF file then we need to remove the font resource
// for the .FOT file of the same name
if (ttfOnce) {
// Look for the file extension
lpDot = strrchr(lpFileName,'.');
if (lpDot) { if ( (!_strcmpi(lpDot,".TTF")) || (!_strcmpi(lpDot,".FON")) || (!_strcmpi(lpDot,".FOT")) ) {
if ( RemoveFontResourceOem(lpFileName) ) { PostMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE, 0, 0); ttfOnce = FALSE; continue; }
// We failed to remove the .TTF file probably because
// the .FOT file was loaded, so try to remove it
if (!_strcmpi(lpDot,".TTF")) {
RtlZeroMemory(cFOTName,sizeof(cFOTName)); RtlCopyMemory(cFOTName,lpFileName,(ULONG)lpDot-(ULONG)lpFileName); strcat(cFOTName,".FOT"); if ( RemoveFontResourceOem(cFOTName) ) { PostMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE, 0, 0); ttfOnce = FALSE; continue; } } } } } demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, *lpFileName); return; } else break; }
if((dwFileSize=GetFileSize(hFile,&dwSizeHigh) == -1) || dwSizeHigh) { CloseHandle (hFile); demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, *lpFileName); return; } setCX ((USHORT)dwFileSize); setBX ((USHORT)(dwFileSize >> 16 )); setBP((USHORT)hFile); setAX((USHORT)((ULONG)hFile >> 16)); setCF(0); return; }
BOOL IsCdRomFile (PSTR pszPath) { UCHAR pszRootDir[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR file_system[MAX_PATH]; int i, j;
// The given path is either a network path or has D: at the start.
if (!pszPath[0]) { return FALSE; }
if (pszPath[1] == ':') { pszRootDir[0] = pszPath[0]; pszRootDir[1] = ':'; pszRootDir[2] = '\\'; pszRootDir[3] = 0; } else if (IS_ASCII_PATH_SEPARATOR(pszPath[0]) && IS_ASCII_PATH_SEPARATOR(pszPath[1])) { j = 0; for (i = 2; pszPath[i]; i++) { if (IS_ASCII_PATH_SEPARATOR(pszPath[i])) { if (++j == 2) { break; } } } memcpy(pszRootDir, pszPath, i); pszRootDir[i] = '\\'; pszRootDir[i+1] = 0; } else { return FALSE; }
if (GetVolumeInformationOem(pszRootDir, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, file_system, MAX_PATH) && !_stricmp(file_system, "CDFS")) {
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
/* demCheckPath - Check path (for device only)
* * * Entry - Client (DS:SI) Full path (with last '\') * * Exit * SUCCESS * Client (CF) = 0 * * FAILURE * CF = 1 */
VOID demCheckPath (VOID) { HANDLE hFile; LPSTR lpFileName; CHAR cDRV; CHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH];
lpFileName = (LPSTR) GetVDMAddr (getDS(),getSI()); cDRV = getDL()+'A'-1;
// If we have \dev dir then return OK, DOS always has this directory for
// devices.
if(!lstrcmpi(lpFileName, "\\DEV\\")) { setCF(0); return; }
sprintf(szFileName, "%c:%sNUL", cDRV, lpFileName);
#if DBG
if(fShowSVCMsg & DEMFILIO){ sprintf(demDebugBuffer,"demfile: Check Pathe <%s>\n",lpFileName); OutputDebugStringOem(demDebugBuffer); } #endif
// If path exists then we always can open NUL file in this directory,
// if path doesn't exists then CreateFile returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, *lpFileName);
setCF(1); return; }
CloseHandle (hFile); setCF(0);
return; }
*usSFN = 0; for (;;) {
pSft = (PDOSSFT) &(pSfHead->SFTable); for (i = 0; i < pSfHead->SFCount; i++) { if (pSft[i].SFT_Ref_Count == 0) { *usSFN += i; return (pSft + i); } } *usSFN += pSfHead->SFCount;
ulSFLink = pSfHead->SFLink; if (LOWORD(ulSFLink) == 0xFFFF) { break; }
pSfHead = (PDOSSF) Sim32GetVDMPointer (ulSFLink, 0, 0); }
return NULL; }
/** VDDAllocateDosHandle - Allocates an unused DOS file handle.
* * ENTRY - * IN pPDB - OPTIONAL: (16:16) address of the PDB for the task * OUT ppSFT - OPTIONAL: Returns a 32-bit flat pointer to the SFT * associated with the allocated file handle. * OUT ppJFT - OPTIONAL: Returns a 32-bit flat pointer to the JFT * associated with the given PDB. * * * EXIT * SUCCESS - Returns the value of the DOS file handle and associated * pointers. * FAILURE - Returns a negative value. The absolute value of this number * is the DOS error code. * * Comments: * This routine searches for an unused DOS file handle and SFT and "opens" * a file. After the successful completion of this call, the returned file * handle and the corresponding SFT will be reserved for the caller's use, and * will be unavailable to other callers trying to issue DOS Open or Create api * calls. It is the caller's responsibility to release this file handle (with * a call to VDDReleaseDosHandle). * * If the pPDB pointer is not supplied (e.g., is NULL), then the current * PDB as reported by DOS will be used. * * Although the ppSFT parameter is technically optional, it is a required * parameter of the VDDAssociateNtHandle call. This was done to avoid a * second handle lookup in the Associate call. * */
if (!pPDB) { pPDB = (ULONG) (*pusCurrentPDB) << 16; }
// Get the JFT.
pPDBFlat = (PDOSPDB) Sim32GetVDMPointer (pPDB, 0, 0); if ( NULL == pPDBFlat ) { return (- ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); }
pJFT = (PBYTE) Sim32GetVDMPointer (pPDBFlat->PDB_JFN_Pointer, 0, 0);
if ( NULL == pJFT ) { return (- ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); } //
// Check to see if there's a free entry in the JFT.
JFTLength = pPDBFlat->PDB_JFN_Length; for (hDosHandle = 0; hDosHandle < JFTLength; hDosHandle++) { if (pJFT[hDosHandle] == 0xFF) { break; } }
// If no room in the JFT then return ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES
if (hDosHandle == JFTLength) { return (- ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES); }
// Check the SF for a free SFT.
if (!(pSFT = GetFreeSftEntry(pSFTHead, &usSFN))) { return (- ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES); }
pJFT[hDosHandle] = (BYTE)usSFN; RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)pSFT, sizeof(DOSSFT)); pSFT->SFT_Ref_Count = 1;
if (ppSFT) { *ppSFT = (pSFT); }
if (ppJFT) { *ppJFT = pJFT; }
/** VDDAssociateNtHandle - Associates the passed NT handle and access flags
* the given DOS handle. * * ENTRY - * IN pSFT - flat address of the SFT to be updated * IN hFile32 - NT handle to be stored * IN wAccess - access flags to set in the SFT * * EXIT - * This routine has no return value. * * Comments: * This routine takes the passed NT handle value and stores it in a DOS SFT * so that it can later be retrieved by the VDDRetrieveNtHandle api. The * pointer to the SFT is returned by the VDDAllocateDosHandle api. * * The format of the third parameter is the same as the file access flags * defined for DOS Open File with Handle call (Int 21h, func 3dh), documented * in Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference. Only the low order byte of * this parameter is used, the upper byte is reserved and must be zero. * The value of this parameter is placed into the passed SFT. This is provided * to allow the caller to define the access rights for the corresponding * DOS file handle. * */
VOID VDDAssociateNtHandle (pSFT,hFile,wAccess) PDOSSFT pSFT; HANDLE hFile; WORD wAccess; {
pSFT->SFT_Mode = wAccess&0x7f; // take out no_inherit bit
pSFT->SFT_Attr = 0; // Not used.
pSFT->SFT_Flags = (wAccess&0x80) ? 0x1000 : 0; // copy no_inherit bit.
pSFT->SFT_Devptr = (ULONG) -1; pSFT->SFT_NTHandle = (ULONG) hFile;
/** VDDReleaseDosHandle - Release the given DOS file handle.
* * ENTRY - * IN pPDB - OPTIONAL: (16:16) address of the PDB for the task * IN hFile - DOS handle (in low byte) * * EXIT - * TRUE - the file handle was released * FALSE - The file handle was not valid or open * * Comments: * This routine updates the DOS file system data areas to free the passed * file handle. No effort is made to determine if this handle was previously * opened by the VDDAllocateDosHandle call. It is the responsibility of the * caller to insure that the given file handle in the specified PDB should * be closed. * * If the pPDB pointer is not supplied (e.g., is NULL), then the current * PDB as reported by DOS will be used. * */
BOOL VDDReleaseDosHandle (pPDB,hFile) ULONG pPDB; SHORT hFile; { PBYTE pJFT; PDOSSFT pSFT; HANDLE ntHandle;
if (!pPDB) { pPDB = (ULONG) (*pusCurrentPDB) << 16; }
ntHandle = VDDRetrieveNtHandle(pPDB,hFile,(PVOID *)&pSFT,&pJFT); if (!ntHandle) { return(FALSE); }
pJFT[hFile] = 0xFF;
// Decrement reference count.
/** VDDRetrieveNtHandle - Given a DOS file handle get the associated
* NT handle. * * ENTRY - * IN pPDB - OPTIONAL: (16:16) address of the PDB for the task * IN hFile - DOS handle (in low byte) * OUT ppSFT - OPTIONAL: Returns a 32-bit flat pointer to the SFT * associated with the given file. * OUT ppJFT - OPTIONAL: Returns a 32-bit flat pointer to the JFT * associated with the given PDB. * * * EXIT - * SUCCESS - returns 4byte NT handle * FAILURE - returns 0 * * Comments: * The value returned by this function will be the NT handle passed in a * previous VDDAssociateNtHandle call. If no previous call is made to the * the Associate api, then the value returned by this function is undefined. * * If the pPDB pointer is not supplied (e.g., is NULL), then the current * PDB as reported by DOS will be used. * * Although the ppSFT parameter is technically optional, it is a required * parameter of the VDDAssociateNtHandle call. This was done to avoid a * second handle lookup in the Associate call. * * The third and fourth parameters are provided to provide the caller the * ability to update the DOS system data areas directly. This may be useful * for performance reasons, or necessary depending on the application. In * general, care must be taken when using these pointers to avoid causing * system integrity problems. * */
if (!pPDB) { pPDB = (ULONG) (*pusCurrentPDB) << 16; }
// Get flat pointer to PDB
pPDBFlat = (PDOSPDB) Sim32GetVDMPointer(pPDB, 0, 0);
// Check that handle is within JFT
if (hFile >= pPDBFlat->PDB_JFN_Length) { return 0; }
// Get the pointer to JFT
pJFT = (PBYTE) Sim32GetVDMPointer (pPDBFlat->PDB_JFN_Pointer, 0, 0);
// Get the SFN, remember -1 indicates unused JFT
usSFN = (USHORT) pJFT[hFile]; if (usSFN == 0xff) { return 0; }
// Get flat pointer to SF
pSfFlat = pSFTHead;
// Find the right SFT group
while (usSFN >= (usSFTCount = pSfFlat->SFCount)){ usSFN = usSFN - usSFTCount; ulSFLink = pSfFlat->SFLink; if (LOWORD(ulSFLink) == 0xffff) return 0; pSfFlat = (PDOSSF) Sim32GetVDMPointer (ulSFLink, 0, 0); }
// Get the begining of SFT
pSftFlat = (PDOSSFT)&(pSfFlat->SFTable);
// Get the SFN, Finally
if(pSftFlat[usSFN].SFT_Ref_Count == 0) { return 0; }
if (ppSFT) { *ppSFT = (pSftFlat + usSFN); }
if (ppJFT) { *ppJFT = pJFT; }
return (HANDLE) pSftFlat[usSFN].SFT_NTHandle; }