(C) Copyright MICROSOFT Corp., 1988-1992
Title: DEBUGSYS.INC - VMM debugging include file
Version: 1.00
Date: 13-Jun-1988
Author: RAL
Change log:
DATE REV DESCRIPTION ----------- --- ----------------------------------------------------------- 13-Jun-1988 RAL 24-Oct-1988 RAP changed INT from 2E to 41, and added functions for Windows to notify the debugger about segment selectors 14-Dec-1988 RAP split services into ones available through INT 41h for non-ring 0 clients and those available through INT 21h for ring 0 clients 11-Dec-1990 ERH Merged WIN386 copy with file actually used by the debugger. 11-Dec-1990 ERH Merged file describing real mode services with this one. 24-Feb-1997 AJO Converted from inc to h, added WDeb98 stuff, PTrace stuff
#ifndef _DEBUGSYS_H
#define _DEBUGSYS_H
* Note: You must define WDEB98 to use any of the new WDEB98 services... * */
Real mode Debugger services:
// hooked by the debugger in real mode.
#define D386_RM_Int 0x68
// debugger identification code
#define D386_Id 0x0F386
// minimum INT 68 function code
#define D386_MIN 0x43
// returns debugger identification, if debugger loaded
#define D386_Identify 0x43
// partially prepare for protected mode operation.
#define D386_Prepare_PMode 0x44
A pointer to a procedure is returned so that the IDT can also be set in protected mode
INPUT: AL 0 - retail version of Win386 1 - debugging version BX a valid selector that gives access to all of memory CX first of 2 selectors reserved for WDeb386 to use DX is GDT selector DS:SI pointer to working copy of GDT ES:DI pointer to working copy of IDT
RETURN: ES:EDI points to a protected mode procedure (selector:offset32) that can be called to set the IDT when it has been created. Takes a function number in AL. See the PMINIT equates. */
// re-init from real mode after entering pmode
#define D386_Real_Mode_Init 0x45
// set debugging switches
#define D386_Set_Switches 0x46
BL = verbose switch - 00b - no segment display - 01b - display win386 segments only - 10b - display ring 1 segments only - 11b - display win386 & ring 1 segs BH = conditional brkpts 0 - off 1 - on -1 for BX means no change (default) */
// execute conditional BP (/B option)
#define D386_Execute_Cond 0x47
// ES:SI points to NUL terminated string to print if conditional flag set.
// undefine the real mode segment's symbols
#define D386_Free_Segment 0x48
// BX = real mode segment to undefined
// set com port baud rate
#define D386_Set_Baudrate 0x49
// BX = baud rate
// reinitialize debugger for protected mode
#define D386_Reinit 0x4a
AL 0 - retail version of Win386 1 - debugging version of Win386 2 - 286 DOS extender (3.0) 3 - 286 DOS extender under VCPI (3.1) 4 - 286 DOS extender (3.1) BX a valid selector that gives access to all of memory CX first of 2 selectors reserved for wdeb386 to use DX is GDT selector
This function can after a function 45h only if function 44h was executed in the past on the IDT/GDT. */
// define debugger's segments
#define D386_Def_Deb_Segs 0x4b
// set com port number
#define D386_Set_Com_Port 0x4c
// BX = com port number
// returns AX != 0, error bad com port
// link sym file map
#define D386_Link_Sym 0x4d
ES:DI pointer to AddrS struc in front of sym file map. BX loader ID (used to unlink sym file maps) A loader ID of 0 is used for all the maps wdeb386 loads via /S is ran as a program and -1 is used by the device driver version. All loader IDs of 0 are automaticly unlinked when wdeb386 exits. */
// unlink sym file maps
#define D386_Unlink_Sym 0x4e
BX = loader ID - this routine looks at all of the maps that are currently linked and removes the ones that were loaded with this ID. */
// remove any undefined segments from the name module's symbols
#define D386_Remove_Segs 0x4f
// ES:DI pointer to module name
// defines the actual segment/selector for a loaded segment to allow for
// symbol processing
#define D386_Load_Segment 0x50
INPUT: AL segment type 0 - code selector 1 - data selector 10h - code segment 11h - data segment 20h - real-mode EXE 40h - code segment & sel 41h - data segment & sel 80h - device driver code seg 81h - device driver data seg If AL = 20h then CX = paragraph number ES:DI pointer to module name Else If AL < 80h then BX segment # CX actual segment/selector DX actual selector (if 40h or 41h) ES:DI pointer to module name Else ES:DI points to D386_Device_Params struc
RETURN: AL = 1, if successful, else 0 */
// display a character to the debugging terminal
#define D386_Display_Char 0x51
// AL = char to display
// display a string to the debugging terminal
#define D386_Display_Str 0x52
// ES:SI points to NUL terminated string
// returns if debug VxD has been installed
#define D386_IsVxDInstalled 0x53
// AL == 0 if not install, AL != 0 if installed
// sets that the debug VxD installed/uninstalled
#define D386_VxDInstall 0x54
// BL == 0 if uninstall, BL != 0 if installed
// registers dot command
#define D386_RegisterDotCmd 0x55
INPUTS BL = command letter CX:SI = address of dot command routine DX:DI = address of help text
RETURNS AX == 0, no errors AX != 0, dot command already used or out of dot commands
Dot command routine: ------------------- CALLED WITH AL = command character DS:SI = linear address of command line terminated by a NULL or ";". DS,ES = debugger's data selector
RETURNS AX ==0, no errors AX !=0, command line or option error */
// de-registers dot command
#define D386_DeRegisterDotCmd 0x56
// BL = command letter
// Printf
#define D386_Printf 0x57
(DS:SI) = address of format string (ES:DI) = address of the start of parameters set DS_Printf for format char information returns (AX) = number of characters printed */
// link symbol file with physical address
#define D386_Link_Sym_Phys 0x58
(DX:CX) = physical address of one extra paragraph front of map file image. (SI) = XMS handle (0 if just physical) (BX) = load id */
#define D386_CheckMap 0x59
DX:DI = pointer to module name returns AX != 0, map found AX == 0, map not found */
#define D386_SetAutoLoadSym 0x5a
(BL) != 0, auto load symbols (BL) == 0, don't auto load symbols */
#define D386_SetTeftiPort 0x5b
// (BX) = TEFTI port address
// execute debugger command script
#define D386_ExecDebugCommand 0x5c
(DS:SI) = ptr to debugger command script str (CX) = size of script */
// makes the debugger copy its code/data high
#define D386_LoadCodeDataHigh 0x5d
// (DX:BX) = physical address to put debugger
// sets Windows version number
#define D386_SetWinVersion 0x5e
// (DI) = Version number (default if this api not called is 0300h).
// scan for character
#define D386_ScanChar 0x5f
// returns AL == 0, no char. AL != 0, char
// ungetchar scaned character
#define D386_UnGetChar 0x60
// AL = char
// stop at the CS:IP specified
#define D386_Stop 0x61
TOS + 0 = AX TOS + 2 = IP TOS + 4 = CS */
#ifdef WDEB98
// set com port baud rate (beyond 57600)
#define D386_Set_Baudrate_Ex 0x62
// EBX = baud rate, EBX is zero if successful
// programs wdeb with windows info
#define D386_SetBuildInfo 0x63
// DS:EDX points to string of from "4.00.0950" or similar.
// Sets new switches for WDEB
#define D386_Set_Switches_Ex 0x64
// EBX [0:1] controls text packet usage:
// 00 - No change
// 01 - Off
// 10 - On with timeouts (switchbox environment)
// 11 - On with infinite retries
// All other bits in EBX are reserved and must be zero.
#define D386_MAX 0x64 // maximum INT 68 function code
#else // WDEB98
#define D386_MAX 0x61 // maximum INT 68 function code
#endif // WDEB98
// D386_Load_Segment type ates:
#define ST_code_sel 0x0 // code selector
#define ST_data_sel 0x1 // data selector
#define ST_code_seg 0x10 // code segment
#define ST_data_seg 0x11 // data segment
#define ST_dual_code 0x40 // code segment and selector
#define ST_dual_data 0x41 // data segment and selector
#define ST_device_code 0x80 // device driver code segment
#define ST_device_data 0x81 // device driver data segment
// D386_Load_Segment device load parameters structure
// Don't let h2inc see FWORD as it doesn't understand FWORD, QWORD, & TWORD
/*XLATOFF*/ struct D386_Device_Params { WORD DD_logical_seg ; // logical segment # from map
WORD DD_actual_sel ; // actual selector value
DWORD DD_base ; // linear address offset for start of segment
DWORD DD_length ; // actual length of segment
FWORD DD_name ; // 16:32 ptr to null terminated device name
FWORD DD_sym_name ; // 16:32 ptr to null terminated symbolic
// module name (i.e. Win386)
WORD DD_alias_sel ; // alias selector value (0 = none)
} ;
/* ASM
D386_Device_Params STRUC DD_logical_seg DW ? DD_actual_sel DW ? DD_base DD ? DD_length DD ? DD_name DF ? DD_sym_name DF ? DD_alias_sel DW ? D386_Device_Params ENDS */
// WDEB int 2f subfunctions (AH = W386_INT_MULTIPLEX, AL = W386_WDEB)
// Entry: BX = subfunction number
#define WDEB_INT2F_STARTING 0x0 // first time starting
#define WDEB_INT2F_ENDING 0x1 // first time ending
#define WDEB_INT2F_NESTED_STARTING 0x2 // start on level of nesting
#define WDEB_INT2F_NESTED_ENDING 0x3 // end one level of nesting
// PMINIT routine functions
#define PMINIT_INIT_IDT 0x0 // (ES:EDI) = pointer to PM IDT
#define PMINIT_INIT_PAGING 0x1 // (BX) = phys-linear selector
// (ECX) = phys-linear bias
#define PMINIT_ENABLE_DEBUG_QUERYS 0x2 // enables dot commands, etc.
#define PMINIT_INIT_SPARE_PTE 0x3 // (EBX) = lin addr of spare PTE
// (EDX) = lin addr the PTE is
#define PMINIT_SET_ENTER_EXIT_VMM 0x4 // (EBX) = Enter VMM routine addr
// (ECX) = Exit VMM routine addr
// This routines must return
// with a retfd.
#define PMINIT_GET_SIZE_PHYS 0x5 // get debugger size/phys addr
// returns:
// AL = 0 (don't call AL=1)
// ECX = size in bytes
// ESI = starting phys addr
// if this call is ignored
// (AL = 5) then function 1 is
// called with a phys-linear
// region
#define PMINIT_SET_BASE_SPARE_PTE 0x6 // set debugger base/spare PTE
// EBX = laddr of spare PTE
// EDX = laddr the PTE represents
// ESI = starting linear address
#define PMINIT_ENABLE_MEMORY_CONTEXT 0x7 // enables mem context functions
#define PMINIT_MAX 0x7
VCPI information, passed to debugger when client is DOS Extender running as a VCPI client. This information is used to get into and out of protected mode when running under a VCPI server.
This structure is also used by the DOS Extender. */
// Don't let h2inc see FWORD as it doesn't understand FWORD, QWORD, & TWORD
/*XLATOFF*/ struct WdebVCPIInfo { // Enter protected mode information.
FWORD fnVCPI ; // VCPI protect mode server entry point
WORD rdsVCPI ; // Selector for VCPI server
// Enter v86 mode information.
DWORD laVTP ; // linear address of data structure containing
// values for system registers.
WORD Port67 ; // Qualitas magic port for emulating INT 67h
} ; /*XLATON*/
/* ASM
WdebVCPIInfo STRUC fnVCPI DF ? rdsVCPI DW ? laVTP DD ? Port67 DW ? WdebVCPIInfo ENDS */
The following structure contains the system register contents for the VCPI server to use when switching to protected mode. It is taken from dxvcpi.inc in the DOSX project, and is part of the VCPI spec. */
struct VTP { DWORD zaCr3VTP ; // physical addr of page directory
DWORD laGdtrVTP ; // linear addr in first meg of gdtr
DWORD laIdtrVTP ; // linear addr in first meg of idtr
WORD selLdtVTP ; // selector of ldt
WORD selTrVTP ; // selector of tr
WORD ipVTP ; // 48-bit address of protect
WORD unusedVTP ; // mode entry point to xfer to
WORD csVTP ; //
} ;
#define VCPI_RM_CALLOUT_INT 0x67 // v86 mode call to VCPI server
Send this value in AX to the VCPI server to request V86 to protected mode switch or protected to V86 mode switch. */ #define VCPI_PROT_ENTRY 0x0DE0C
Protected mode Debugger services:
#define Debug_Serv_Int 0x41 // Interrupt that calls Deb386 to perform
// debugging I/O, AX selects the function as
// described by the following equates
#define DS_Out_Char 0x0 // function to display the char in DL
#define DS_In_Char 0x1 // function to read a char into AL
#define DS_Out_Str 0x2 // function to display a NUL terminated string
// pointed to by DS:ESI
#define DS_Is_Char 0x3 // Non blocking In_Chr
#define DS_Out_Str16 0x12 // function to display a NUL terminated string
// pointed to by DS:SI
// (same as function 2, but for 16 bit callers)
#define DS_ForcedGO16 0x40 // enter the debugger and perform the equivalent
// of a GO command to force a stop at the
// specified CS:IP
// CX is the desired CS
// BX is the desired IP
#define DS_LinkMap 0x45 // DX:(E)DI = ptr to paragraph in front of map
#define DS_UnlinkMap 0x46 // DX:(E)DI = ptr to paragraph in front of map
#define DS_CheckMap 0x47 // DX:(E)DI = pointer to module name
// returns AX != 0, map found
// AX == 0, map not found
#define DS_IsAutoLoadSym 0x48 // returns AX != 0, auto load symbols
// AX == 0, don't auto load symbols
#define DS_DebLoaded 0x4F // check to see if the debugger is installed and
// knows how to deal with protected mode programs
// return AX = F386h, if true
#define DS_DebPresent 0x0F386
#define DS_LoadSeg 0x50 // define a segment value for the
// debugger's symbol handling
// SI type 0 - code selector
// 1 - data selector
// 80h - code segment
// 81h - data segment
// BX segment #
// CX actual segment/selector
// DX data instance
// ES:(E)DI pointer to module name
// [PTrace]
#define DS_LoadSeg_32 0x0150 // Define a 32-bit segment for Windows 32
// SI type 0 - code selector
// 1 - data selector
// DX:EBX points to a D386_Device_Params STRUC
// with all the necessaries in it
#define DS_MoveSeg 0x51 // notify the debugger that a segment has moved
// BX old segment value
// CX new segment value
// [PTrace]
#define DS_FreeSeg 0x52 // notify the debugger that a segment has been
// freed
// BX segment value
// [PTrace]
#define DS_FreeSeg_32 0x0152 // notify the debugger that a segment has been
// freed
// BX segment number
// DX:EDI pointer to module name
#define DS_DGH 0x56 // register "dump global heap" handler
// BX is code offset
// CX is code segment
// [PTrace]
#define DS_DFL 0x57 // register "dump free list" handler
// BX is code offset
// CX is code segment
// [PTrace]
#define DS_DLL 0x58 // register "dump LRU list" handler
// BX is code offset
// CX is code segment
// [PTrace]
#define DS_StartTask 0x59 // notify debugger that a new task is starting
// BX is task handle
// task's initial registers are stored on the
// stack:
// push cs
// push ip
// pusha
// push ds
// push es
// push ss
// push sp
// [PTrace]
#define DS_Kernel_Vars 0x5a // Used by the Windows kernel to tell the
// debugger the location of kernel variables
// used in the heap dump commands.
// BX = version number of this data (03a0h)
// DX:CX points to:
// WORD hGlobalHeap ****
// WORD pGlobalHeap ****
// WORD hExeHead ****
// WORD hExeSweep
// WORD topPDB
// WORD headPDB
// WORD topsizePDB
// WORD headTDB ****
// WORD curTDB ****
// WORD loadTDB
// WORD SelTableLen ****
// DWORD SelTableStart ****
// The starred fields are used by the
// heap dump commands which are internal
// to WDEB386.
#define DS_VCPI_Notify 0x5b // notify debugger that DOS extender is
// running under a VCPI implementation,
// and register VCPI protect mode interface
// ES:DI points to a data structure used to
// get from V86 mode to Pmode under VCPI.
// This is defined in the VCPI version
// 1.0 spec.
#define DS_ReleaseSeg 0x5c // This does the same as a DS_FreeSeg, but
// it restores any breakpoints first.
// [PTrace]
#define DS_User_Vars 0x5d // DS:SI = pointer to an array of offsets:
// BX = windows version
// CX = number of words in array
// WORD = fDebugUser (1 = DEBUG, 0 = RETAIL)
// WORD = 16 bit offset to hHmenuSel
// WORD = 16 bit offset to hHwndSel
// WORD = 16 bit offset to pclsList
// WORD = 16 bit offset to pdceFirst
// WORD = 16 bit offset to hwndDesktop
// This array MUST BE COPIED it goes away
// when we return from this service.
#define DS_POSTLOAD 0x60 // Used by the RegisterPTrace interface
#define DS_EXITCALL 0x62 // Somebody will fill these in if we ever
#define DS_INT2 0x63 // figure out what they are supposed to do.
#define DS_LOADDLL 0x64
#define DS_DELMODULE 0x65
#define DS_LOGERROR 0x66 // CX==error code, dx:bx = ptr to optional info
#define DS_LOGPARAMERROR 0x67 // ES:BX = ptr to struct { err, lpfn, param } ;
#define DS_RIN 0x09
#define DS_BANKLINE 0x0A
#define DS_NEWTASK 0x0B
#define DS_FLUSHTASK 0x0C
#define DS_SWITCHOUT 0x0D
#define DS_SWITCHIN 0x0E
//#define DS_KEYBOARD 0x0F // Conflicts with DS_Out_Symbol
#define DS_IntRings 0x20 // function to tell debugger which INT 1's & 3's
// to grab
// BX == 0, grab only ring 0 ints
// BX != 0, grab all ints
#define DS_IncludeSegs 0x21 // function to tell debugger to go ahead and
// process INT 1's & 3's which occur in this
// DX:DI points to list of selectors
// (1 word per entry)
// CX = # of selectors (maximum of 20)
// CX = 0, to remove the list of segs
#define MaxDebugSegs 20
#define DS_CondBP 0x0F001 // conditional break pt, if the command line
// switch /B is given when the debugger is run
// or the conditional flag is later set, then
// this int should cause the program to break
// into the debugger, else this int should be
// ignored!
// ESI points to a nul terminated string to
// display if break is to happen.
#define DS_ForcedBP 0x0F002 // break pt, which accomplishes the same thing
// as an INT 1 or an INT 3, but is a break point
// that should be permanently left in the code,
// so that a random search of source code would
// not result in the accidental removal of this
// necessary break_pt
#define DS_ForcedGO 0x0F003 // enter the debugger and perform the equivalent
// of a GO command to force a stop at the
// specified CS:EIP
// CX is the desired CS
// EBX is the desired EIP
#define DS_HardINT1 0x0F004 // check to see if INT 1 hooked for all rings
// ENTER: nothing
// EXIT: AX = 0, if no, 1, if yes
#define DS_Out_Symbol 0x0F // find the symbol nearest to the address in
// CX:EBX and display the result in the format
// symbol name <+offset>
// the offset is only included if needed, and
// no CR&LF is displayed
#define DS_Disasm_Ins 0x10 // function to disassemble the instruction
// pointed to by DS:ESI
#define DS_JumpTableStart 0x70
/*** DS_RegisterDotCommand
This interface is used to register wdeb386 dot commands by FLAT 32 bit code. The following conditions apply:
* The code will be run at ring 0 * Interrupts may be enabled * Must not access any invalid pages or load invalid selectors * Must stay on the stack called with when calling INT 41 services * Must not change DS or ES from the FLAT selector
The help text is printed when .? is executed in the order of registration. The text must include CR/LF at the end; nothing is added to the help text.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0070h (BL) = dot command to register (ESI) = linear address of dot command routine Dot command routine: ENTRY: (AL) = command character (DS, ES) = flat data selector
EXIT: (AX) == 0, no errors (AX) != 0, command line or option error
NOTE: MUST return with a 32 bit FAR return (retfd) (EDI) = linear address of help text
EXIT: (AX) == 0, no errors (AX) != 0, dot command already used or out of dot commands */
#define DS_RegisterDotCommand 0x70
/*** DS_RegisterDotCommand16
This interface is used to register wdeb386 dot commands by 16 bit code. The following conditions apply:
* The code will be run at ring 0 or in real mode * Interrupts may not be enabled * Must not access any not present pages or load invalid selectors * Must stay on the stack called with when calling INT 41 services
The help text is printed when .? is executed in the order of registration. The text must include CR/LF at the end; nothing is added to the help text.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0071h (BL) = dot command to register (CX:SI) = address of dot command routine Dot command routine: ENTRY: (AL) = command character (DS, ES) = debugger's data selector
EXIT: (AX) == 0, no errors (AX) != 0, command line or option error
NOTE: MUST return with a 16 bit FAR return (retf) (DX:DI) = address of help text
EXIT: (AX) == 0, no errors (AX) != 0, dot command already used or out of dot commands */
#define DS_RegisterDotCommand16 0x71
/*** DS_DeRegisterDotCommand
This interface is used to de-register wdeb386 dot commands registered by the above 16 or 32 bit services. Care should be used not to de-register dot commands that weren't registered by your code.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0072h (BL) = dot command to de-register
#define DS_DeRegisterDotCommand 0x72
/*** DS_Printf
This function allows formatted output with the standard "C" printf syntax.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0073h (DS:ESI) = address of format string (ES:EDI) = address of the start of the dword arguments
EXIT: (EAX) = number of characters printed
Supported types are:
%% % %[l][h]c character %[-][+][ ][0][width][.precision][l|h|p|n]d decimal %[-][0][width][.precision][l|h|p|n]u unsigned decimal %[-][#][0][width][.precision][l|h|p|n]x hex %[-][#][0][width][.precision][l|h|p|n]X hex %[-][0][width][.precision][l|h|p|n]o octal %[-][0][width][.precision][l|h|p|n]b binary %[-][width][.precision][l|h|a|F|R|P]s string %[-][width][.precision][l|h|a|p|n|F|L|R|L|H|N|Z]A address %[-][width][.precision][l|h|a|p|n|F|L|R|L|H|N|Z]S symbol %[-][width][.precision][l|h|a|p|n|F|L|R|L|H|N|Z]G group:symbol %[-][width][.precision][l|h|a|p|n|F|L|R|L|H|N|Z]M map:group:symbol %[-][width][.precision][l|h|a|p|n|F|L|R|L|H|N|Z]g group %[-][width][.precision][l|h|a|p|n|F|L|R|L|H|N|Z]m map
Where "width" or "precision" is a decimal number or the '*' character; '*' causes the field width or precision to be picked up from the next parameter. []'ed parameters are optional.
"\r", "\t", "\n", "\a", "\b", are supported directly.
Prefixes --------
Used with c,d,u,x,X,o,b:
Parameter Argument Size ----------------------- word h dword l
Used with s,A,S,G,M,g,m:
Address Argument Size --------------------- 16 bit DS relative h 16:16 segment:offset hF or Fh 32 bit flat relative l 16:32 segment:offset (2 dwords) lF or Fl pointer to AddrS structure a segment is a real mode segment R segment is a protected mode selector P
Default segment type is the current code type.
Used with A,S,G,M,g,m:
Address Display Size or Format ------------------------------ 16 bit offset H 32 bit offset L offset only N no address Z
Default display size depends on the "386env" flag setting.
Used with S,G,M,g,m:
gets the previous symbol p gets the next symbol n
Used with A:
gets the previous symbol address p gets the next symbol address n
Used with d,u,x,X,o,b:
gets the previous symbol offset p gets the next symbol offset n */
#define DS_Printf 0x73
/*** DS_Printf16
This function allows formatted output with the standard "C" printf syntax.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0074h (DS:SI) = address of format string (ES:DI) = address of the start of the word or dword arguments
EXIT: (AX) = number of characters printed
The format options and parameters are the same as DS_Printf except the default parameter size is a word (the h option is implicit). */
#define DS_Printf16 0x74
/*** DS_GetRegisterSet
This function copies the current register set.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0075h (DS:ESI) = address of SaveRegs_Struc structure
#define DS_GetRegisterSet 0x75
/*** DS_SetAlternateRegisterSet
This function temporary sets the debugger's registers to values passed in the structure. If an "r" command is executed or the debugged code is returned to (via the "g", "t" or "p" commands), the register set reverts to the debugged code's registers.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0076h (CX) = thread ID, 0 use current thread ID (DS:ESI) = address of SaveRegs_Struc structure
#define DS_SetAlternateRegisterSet 0x76
/*** DS_GetCommandLineChar
This services gets the next character off the command line.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0077h (BL) = 0 just peek the character, don't increment text pointer leading white space isn't ignored (BL) = 1 get the character, increment text pointer leading white space is skipped (BL) = 2 peek the character, don't increment text pointer leading white space is skipped
EXIT: (AL) = command line character (AH) == 0 if no more characters (EOL) (AH) != 0 if more characters */
#define DS_GetCommandLineChar 0x77
/*** DS_EvaluateExpression
Expressions can be numbers of various radices, symbols, addresses or an combination of the above hooked together with various operators. Expressions are separated by blanks or commas. This function is passed a pointer to the beginning of the text of the expression (i.e. "%80003444+4232"). The expression is either evaluated down into a dword value if there are no addresses or into a linear address.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0078h
EXIT: (AX) == 0, returning a data value (AX) != 0, returning a linear address (CX) = thread id (EBX) = return value
NOTE: If the expression is invalid, this service will not return. A message is printed and control returns to the command loop. */
#define DS_EvaluateExpression 0x78
/*** DS_VerifyMemory
ENTRY: (AX) = 0079h (ECX) = length of memory region (DS:ESI) = address of memory to verify
EXIT: (AX) == 0, no errors (AX) != 0, invalid memory */
#define DS_VerifyMemory 0x79
/*** DS_PrintRegisters
This function prints (just like the "r" command) the either the debugged code's registers or the alternate register set, set with DS_SetAlternateRegisterSet function.
ENTRY: (AX) = 007ah
NOTE: If the CS:EIP is invalid, this service will not return because of an error when the code is disassembled. A message is printed and control returns to the command loop. */
#define DS_PrintRegisters 0x7a
/*** DS_PrintStackDump
This function prints (just like the "k" command) the stack dump based on the current register set that may have been set with DS_SetAlternateRegisterSet function.
ENTRY: (AX) = 007bh (BX) = flags 01h - verbose stack dump 02h - 16 bit stack dump 04h - 32 bit stack dump
NOTE: If the CS:EIP or SS:EBP are invalid, this service will not return because of an error when accessing the stack. A message is printed and control returns to the command loop. */
#define DS_PrintStackDump 0x7b
/*** DS_SetThreadID
This function sets what the debugger thinks the thread ID is for memory address in other address contexts. It stays set until the debugged code is returned to (via "g", "t" or "p") or set back to 0.
ENTRY: (AX) = 007ch (CX) = thread ID or 0 for currently executed thread
#define DS_SetThreadID 0x7c
/*** DS_ExecDebugCommand
This service allows any debugger command to be executed. In can be a multi-lined script with the lines separated by CR, LF. MUST have a "g" command at the end of script so the debugger doesn't stop while in the INT 41.
ENTRY: (AX) = 007dh (DS:ESI) = pointer to debugger command script string (CX) = size of script
NOTE: If the any kind of error happens, this service will not return. A message is printed and control returns to the command loop. */
#define DS_ExecDebugCommand 0x7d
/*** DS_GetDebuggerInfo
This service returns various debugger info and routines.
ENTRY: (AX) = 007eh (DS:ESI) = pointer to DebInfoBuf structure (ECX) = size of the above buffer. Only this many bytes are copied to the buffer this allows more info to be passed in future versions without breaking anything.
EXIT: (AX) == 0, no errors (AX) != 0, error: (AX) == 007eh, function not implemented (AX) == anything else, invalid buffer */
#define DS_GetDebuggerInfo 0x7e
/*** DS_CheckFault
This service checks if the debugger wants control on the fault.
EXIT: (AX) == 0, handle fault normally (AX) != 0, handled by debugger */
#define DS_CheckFault 0x7f
/*** DS_SetBreak
This service allows an error break or ctrl-c handler to be set. The old value that is returned must be save and set back to remove the break handler.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0080h (DS:ESI) = pointer to BreakStruc with the CS:EIP and SS:ESP values to be used when a error break or ctrl-c happens. The old value is copied into this buffer.
EXIT: (AX) == 0, no error (AX) != 0, error on BreakStruc address */
#define DS_SetBreak 0x80
/*** DS_RedirectExec
This service redirects the input and output streams to the specified buffers for the debugger command line passed.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0081h (DS:ESI) = pointer to RedirectExecStruc
EXIT: (ECX) = number of bytes written (AX) == 0, no error (AX) != 0, error 1 to 10 = memory access error -1 = buffer overflow -2 = invalid parameter, not on a 386, or reentered */
#define DS_RedirectExec 0x81
/*** DS_PassOnDebugCommand
Used to tell the debugger to pass this dot command on to the next handler.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0082h
#define DS_PassOnDebugCommand 0x82
/*** DS_TrapFault
Allows ring 3 code to send a fault to the debugger
ENTRY: (AX) = 0083h (BX) = fault number (CX) = faulting CS (EDX) = faulting EIP (ESI) = fault error code (EDI) = faulting flags
EXIT: (CX) = replacement CS (EDX) = replacement EIP */
#define DS_TrapFault 0x83
/*** DS_SetStackTraceCallBack
Sets the "k" command callback filter used to back trace thru thunks.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0084h (EBX) = linear address of call back routine, zero to uninstall (ECX) = linear address of the end of the call back routine (EDX) = EIP to use for for faults in call back routine
CALLBACK: ENTRY: (EAX) = linear base of SS (EBX) = linear address of SS:EBP (DS, ES) = flat ds (SS) = NOT flat ds !!!!!!!!!
EXIT: (EAX) = FALSE, no thunk TRUE, is a thunk (CX:ESI) = new SS:EBP (DX:EDI) = new CS:EIP */
#define DS_SetStackTraceCallBack 0x84
/*** DS_RemoveSegs
Removes all the undefined groups from a map file.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0085h (ES:EDI) pointer to module name
#define DS_RemoveSegs 0x85
/*** DS_DefineDebugSegs
Defines the debugger's code and data symbols.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0086h
#define DS_DefineDebugSegs 0x86
/*** DS_SetBaudRate
Sets the com port's baud rate. Use DS_SetBaudRateEx to get 115200bps (only on WDEB98 and up)
ENTRY: (AX) = 0087h (BX) = baud rate
#define DS_SetBaudRate 0x87
/*** DS_SetComPort
Sets the com port's baud rate
ENTRY: (AX) = 0088h (BX) = com port number
EXIT: (AX) == 0, ok (AX) != 0, error bad com port */
#define DS_SetComPort 0x88
/*** DS_ChangeTaskNum
Changes a task number to another task number or indicates that the task has gone away.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0089h (CX) = old task number (DX) = new task number or -1 if process terminated.
#define DS_ChangeTaskNum 0x89
/*** DS_ExitCleanup
Called when Windows exits.
ENTRY: (AX) = 008ah
#define DS_ExitCleanup 0x8a
/*** DS_InstallVGAHandler
Called when the Debug VxD is initializing (during Device Init), to specify an alternate I/O handler for VGA. The handler accepts the following inputs:
BX == subfunction #: 0 == save screen state (switch to debugger context) No inputs/outputs 1 == restore screen state (switch to windows context) No inputs/outputs 2 == display output character (ie, OEMOutputCharCOM) on input, AL == character 3 == check for input character (ie, OEMScanCharCOM) on output, ZR if no chars, else NZ and AL == char
ENTRY: (AX) = 008bh (DX:EDI) == 16:32 address to call, with BX == subfunction above
#define DS_InstallVGAHandler 0x8b
/*** DS_GetComBase
Called when Debug VxD is initializing (during Device Init), to get the base of the com port being used by wdeb386.
Entry: (AX) == 008ch
Exit: (AX) = base of COM port. */
#define DS_GetComBase 0x8c
/*** DS_GetSymbol
Looks up a symbol and returns the linear address and segment/offset.
ENTRY: (AX) == 008dh (DS:ESI) = ptr to null-terminated symbol
EXIT: (AX) == 0, no error (AX) == 1, symbol not found (AX) == 2, memory not loaded yet (ECX) = linear address of variable (if AX == 0) (EDX) = seg:offset of variable (if AX == 0) */
#define DS_GetSymbol 0x8d
/*** DS_CopyMem
Copys memory from one AddrS to another AddrS
ENTRY: (AX) == 008eh (DS:ESI) = pointer to source AddrS block (ES:EDI) = pointer to destination AddrS block (CX) = number of bytes
EXIT: (AX) == 0, no error (AX) != 0, invalid address */
#define DS_CopyMem 0x8e
/*** DS_LogPrintf
Just like DS_Printf except it prints to the log file
ENTRY: see DS_Printf
*/ #define DS_LogPrintf 0x8f
#ifdef WDEB98
#define DS_Reserved0 0x8f
#define DS_IsCompatibleWDeb 0x90
/*** DS_IsCompatibleWDeb
Used to determine WDeb version.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0090h (BX) = WDeb version, major version in hiword, minor version in low word. For example:
BH == 98T BL == 0
EXIT: (AX) == 0, version is supported, (AX) != 0, version is not supported */
#define DS_SetBaudRateEx 0x91
/*** DS_SetBaudRateEx
Sets the com port's baud rate. Supports >57600kbps Only available on WDEB98 and up
ENTRY: (AX) = 0091h (EBX) = baud rate
EXIT: EBX == 0, no error EBX != 0, error or not supported function (try DS_SetBaudRate) */
#define DS_GetSetDebuggerState 0x92
/*** DS_GetSetDebuggerState
This function can be used to temporarily change the state of the debugger (this function might be called if the comm port were about to turn off or on).
ENTRY: (AX) = 0092h (BX) = Debugger State:
0 == No state change will occur if this value is used. Use this value to retrieve the current state of the debugger.
1 == Debugger is on and responds to all faults, CTRL-C attempts, comm port input requests, and comm port output requests.
2 == Debugger does not respond to traps, but still responds to all CTRL-C attempts, comm port input requests, and comm port output requests. This means the Windows Debug Kernel "Abort, Retry, ..." messages will still work, but no Win32 or Ring0 assertions will stop the machine.
3 == Debugger does not respond to traps, or CTRL-C attempts. Comm port input requests, and comm port input and output requests are honored still, as above.
4 == Debugger does not respond to traps, or CTRL-C attempts, or comm port input requests. Only comm port output requests are processed.
5 == Debugger does not respond to traps, CTRL-C attempts, comm port input requests, or comm port output requests. The debugger is essentially "silent". Most other API calls (DS_LoadSeg, DS_EvaluateExpression, etc) are still supported.
EXIT: AX == 0, if successful. BX is the new state. AX != 0, not successful */
#define DS_TestDebugComPort 0x93
/*** DS_TestDebugComPort
This function determines whether the passed in port range is in use by WDEB98, and determines the state of Rterm98 on the other end of the port. Calling this function can also allow "late" binding on WDeb to a com port (useful if the OS needs to "turn on" the port range first.) If this function finds an Rterm98, an implicit call to DS_GetSetDebuggerState with BX==1 is made.
ENTRY: (AX) = 0093h (BX) = Port range to test (3F8, 2F8, etc) (CX==0) - If WDeb has not found it's com port yet (ie, the port is set to auto, or was not available at boot time), WDeb can acquire this port. In the case of auto port selection, this port will be acquired only if Rterm98 is detected on the other side. (CX==1) - WDeb will _not_ take this com port if it does not already have one.
EXIT: (AX) != 0, API error (for example, called on WDeb386) (AX) == 0, then...
(BH==0) - Debugger is not on this port. (BL==0) - Debugger is on another port already (BL==1) - Debugger does not have a port yet. (BL==2) - Debugger could not initialize this port (BL==3) - Debugger could not find an Rterm98 on this port.
(BH==1) - Debugger is using this port (BL==0) - Rterm98 cannot be found, or not responding. (BL==1) - Rterm98 version is too old. (BL==2) - WDeb98 version is too old. (BL==3) - Rterm present and fully compatible.
#define DS_Reserved4 0x94
#define DS_Reserved5 0x95
#define DS_Reserved6 0x96
#define DS_Reserved7 0x97
#define DS_Reserved8 0x98
#define DS_Reserved9 0x99
#define DS_Reserved10 0x9A
#define DS_Reserved11 0x9B
#define DS_Reserved12 0x9C
#define DS_Reserved13 0x9D
#define DS_Reserved14 0x9E
#define DS_Reserved15 0x9F
/*** DS_InstallVxDThunk
Installs a private callback for WDeb98 and it's accompanying VxD. This routine is the 16 -> 32 bit portion of the thunk layer.
ENTRY: (AX) = 00A0h (DX:EDI) == 16:32 address to call
BUGBUG: DOC this better! */
#define DS_InstallVxDThunk 0xA0
/*** DS_ThunkDownTo16
Entry into a private callback into 16bit WDeb98 for it's VxD. This int is the 32 -> 16 bit portion of the thunk layer.
ENTRY: (AX) = 00A1h
BUGBUG: DOC this better! */
#define DS_ThunkDownTo16 0xA1
#define DS_JumpTableEnd 0xA1
#else // WDEB98
#define DS_JumpTableEnd 0x8f
#endif // WDEB98
struct SaveRegs_Struc { DWORD Debug_EAX ; DWORD Debug_EBX ; DWORD Debug_ECX ; DWORD Debug_EDX ; DWORD Debug_ESP ; DWORD Debug_EBP ; DWORD Debug_ESI ; DWORD Debug_EDI ; WORD Debug_ES ; WORD Debug_SS ; WORD Debug_DS ; WORD Debug_FS ; WORD Debug_GS ; DWORD Debug_EIP ; WORD Debug_CS ; DWORD dwReserved ; DWORD Debug_EFlags ; DWORD Debug_CR0 ; QWORD Debug_GDT ; QWORD Debug_IDT ; WORD Debug_LDT ; WORD Debug_TR ; DWORD Debug_CR2 ; DWORD Debug_CR3 ; DWORD Debug_DR0 ; DWORD Debug_DR1 ; DWORD Debug_DR2 ; DWORD Debug_DR3 ; DWORD Debug_DR6 ; DWORD Debug_DR7 ; DWORD Debug_DR7_2 ; DWORD Debug_TR6 ; DWORD Debug_TR7 ; WORD Debug_TrapNumber ; // -1 means no trap number
WORD Debug_ErrorCode ; // 0 means no error code
} ;
// Don't let h2inc see FWORD as it doesn't understand FWORD, QWORD, & TWORD
/*XLATOFF*/ struct DebInfoBuf { BYTE DIB_MajorVersion ; BYTE DIB_MinorVersion ; BYTE DIB_Revision ; BYTE DIB_Reserved ; DWORD DIB_DebugTrap16 ; // send 16 bit trap to debugger
FWORD DIB_DebugTrap32 ; // send 32 bit trap to debugger
DWORD DIB_DebugBreak16 ; // 16 bit break in debugger
FWORD DIB_DebugBreak32 ; // 32 bit break in debugger
DWORD DIB_DebugCtrlC16 ; // 16 bit check for ctrl C
FWORD DIB_DebugCtrlC32 ; // 32 bit check for ctrl C
} ; /*XLATON*/
/* ASM
DebInfoBuf STRUC DIB_MajorVersion DB ? DIB_MinorVersion DB ? DIB_Revision DB ? DIB_Reserved DB ? DIB_DebugTrap16 DD ? DIB_DebugTrap32 DF ? DIB_DebugBreak16 DD ? DIB_DebugBreak32 DF ? DIB_DebugCtrlC16 DD ? DIB_DebugCtrlC32 DF ? DebInfoBuf ENDS
struct BreakStruc { DWORD BS_BreakEIP ; // CS:EIP, SS:ESP to go to on a error or ctrlc break
WORD BS_BreakCS ; DWORD BS_BreakESP ; WORD BS_BreakSS ; } ;
// Don't let h2inc see FWORD as it doesn't understand FWORD, QWORD, & TWORD
/*XLATOFF*/ struct RedirectExecStruc { FWORD RDE_fpbufDebugCommand ; // debugger command script
WORD RDE_cbDebugCommand ; // debugger command script len
FWORD RDE_fpszInput ; // input stream pointer
WORD RDE_usFlags ; // reserved (must be 0)
DWORD RDE_cbOutput ; // size of output buffer
FWORD RDE_fpbufOutput ; // output buffer pointer
} ; /*XLATON*/ /* ASM
RedirectExecStruc STRUC RDE_fpbufDebugCommand DF ? RDE_cbDebugCommand DW ? RDE_fpszInput DF ? RDE_usFlags DW ? RDE_cbOutput DD ? RDE_fpbufOutput DF ? RedirectExecStruc ENDS */
#define REPEAT_FOREVER_CHAR 0x0fe // send next character until
// end of debugger command
// for printf service
struct AddrS { DWORD AddrOff ; WORD AddrSeg ; BYTE AddrType ; BYTE AddrSize ; WORD AddrTask ; } ;
//AddrTypeSize equ word ptr AddrType
#define EXPR_TYPE_SEG 0x0001 // 00000001b address type segment:offset
#define EXPR_TYPE_SEL 0x0009 // 00001001b address type selector:offset
#define EXPR_TYPE_LIN 0x0002 // 00000010b address type linear
#define EXPR_TYPE_PHY 0x000A // 00001010b address type physical
#define EXPR_TYPE_LOG 0x0008 // 00001000b logical address (no sel yet)
#define EXPR_TYPE_MOD 0x000B // 00001011b module address (no sel yet)
#define DEBUG_FAULT_TYPE_V86 0x0001 // 00000001b
#define DEBUG_FAULT_TYPE_PM 0x0002 // 00000010b
#define DEBUG_FAULT_TYPE_RING0 0x0004 // 00000100b
#define DEBUG_FAULT_TYPE_FIRST 0x0008 // 00001000b
#define DEBUG_FAULT_TYPE_LAST 0x0010 // 00010000b
// Interrupt and services that Win386 provides to the debugger
#define Win386_Query_Int 0x22 // interrupt for Win386 protected mode
// interface requests
#define Win386_Alive 0 // function 0, query Win386 installation
#define Win386_Q_Ack 0x0F386 // good response from func 43h, of
// INT 68h & func 4fh of INT 41h
#define Win386_Query 1 // function 1, query Win386 state
// ds:esi points to command string
// that Win386 needs to process
// ds:edi points to the SaveRegs_Struc
// that the debugger has stored all the
// client register state into.
// (Win386 just writes the query
// answers directly to the output
// device, so no response is returned)
#define Win386_PhysToLinr 2 // function 2, have Win386 convert a
// physical address into a valid
// linear address that Deb386 can
// use. esi is physicaladdress
// cx is # of bytes required
// returns esi as linear address
// returns ax = 1, if okay, else
// 0, if request couldn't be completed
#define Win386_AddrValid 3 // function 3, have Win386 check the
// validity of a linear address
// esi is linear address to check
// cx is # of bytes required
// returns ax = 1, if address okay
// else ax = 0
#define Win386_MapVM 4 // function 4, make sure that the VM's
// low memory is mapped in, in case
// it is touched (a count is maintained)
#define Win386_UnmapVM 5 // function 5, map out the VM's low
// memory (dec the count)
#define Win386_GetDLAddr 6 // function 6, return offset of dyna-link
// service. EBX = Device ID << 10h +
// Service #. Returns EAX = Offset.
#define Win386_GetVXDName 7 // function 7, determines whether an address
// is within a VXD object.
// DS:ESI -> buffer to receive object name
// BX = thread number
// EDX = linear address to query
// If EAX == 0, EDX = base address of object
// If EAX != 0, error
#define Win386_GetPDE 8 // function 8, get pde for a context
// BX = thread number
// EDX = linear address
// if EAX == 0, ECX = PDE
// if EAX != 0, error
#define Win386_GetFrame 9 // function 9, get phys addr for not pres ptes
// BX = thread number
// EDX = linear address
// ECX = PDE or PTE
// ESI = 0 if PDE, !0 if PTE
// if EAX == 0, EDX = physical address
// if EAX != 0, error
#define Win386_GetLDTAddress 10 // function 10,
// BX = thread number
// if EAX == 0,
// EDI = pointer to LDT
// ECX = ldt limit
// if EAX != 0, error
#define Win386_GetThreadID 11 // function 11, AX = Current Thread ID
#define Win386_GetTSHandler 12 // function 12, return offset of transfer-space
// fault handler. EBX = 16:16 addr of
// int 30h. Returns EAX = Offset or 0.
#define Win386_GetArplHandler 13 // function 12, return offset of ARPL fault
// fault handler. Eb = 16:16 addr of
// ARPL. Returns EAX = Offset or 0.
#define Max_Win386_Services 13
#endif // _DEBUGSYS_H