Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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615 lines
9.9 KiB

  1. host_ica_unlock@0
  2. host_ica_lock@0
  3. BlockWOWIdle@4
  4. EndUseLockedPMStack@0
  5. MS_bop_3@0
  6. VDDRetrieveNtHandle@16
  7. getMSW@0
  8. DpmiDispatch@0
  9. FastEnterPm@0
  10. EventVdmBop@0
  11. DpmiFaultHandlerIret16@0
  12. Sim32pGetVDMPointer@8
  13. host_lpt_heart_beat@0
  14. PlaySound@4
  15. clocksSinceCounterUpdate@12
  16. _allmul
  17. SWTMR_time_tick@0
  18. GetPerfCounterUsecs@8
  19. getIdealTime@4
  20. host_timer_event@0
  21. WOWIdle@4
  22. host_GetSysTime@4
  23. DispatchInterrupts@0
  24. issueIREQ0@4
  25. updateCount@0
  26. LazyBeep@8
  27. DemHeartBeat@0
  28. getIF@0
  29. time_strobe@0
  30. PlayContinuousTone@0
  31. updateIdealTime@0
  32. RtcTick@4
  33. timer_generate_int@0
  34. __sbh_alloc_block
  35. updateCounter@0
  36. host_com_heart_beat@0
  37. DelayHeartBeat@4
  38. NtVdmControl@8
  39. host_flpy_heart_beat@0
  40. cpu_interrupt@8
  41. ThreadLookUp@4
  42. DpmiSetFaultHandler@0
  43. getIP@0
  44. HostIdleNoActivity@0
  45. printer_bop_openclose@4
  46. DemDispatch@4
  47. ica_hw_interrupt_cancel@8
  48. getBL@0
  49. NoTranslation@0
  50. getSI@0
  51. demFileTimes@0
  52. DosxTranslated@0
  53. getBX@0
  54. MS_bop_0@0
  55. printer_io@0
  56. DpmiXlatInt21Call@0
  57. DpmiSetDescriptorEntry@0
  58. free
  59. DpmiSwitchToProtectedMode@0
  60. getDX@0
  61. getSS@0
  62. DpmiSetProtectedmodeInterrupt@0
  63. switch_to_protected_mode@0
  64. host_DelayHwInterrupt@12
  65. ica_clear_int@8
  66. DpmiSwitchToDosxStack@4
  67. SetPSP@0
  68. switch_to_real_mode@0
  69. setCF@4
  70. VDDAssociateNtHandle@12
  71. getSP@0
  72. VDDAllocateDosHandle@12
  73. ica_restart_interrupts@4
  74. IgetSP@0
  75. IOCTL@0
  76. cpu_simulate@0
  77. ica_scan_irr@4
  78. getCS@0
  79. setCX@4
  80. DpmiSwitchToRealMode@0
  81. DpmiSaveSegmentsAndStack@4
  82. DpmiSwitchFromDosxStack@0
  83. DpmiRestoreSegmentsAndStack@0
  84. DpmiFreeAllBuffers@0
  85. setSP@4
  86. host_unsimulate@0
  87. SetDTA@0
  88. setIP@4
  89. DpmiPushRmInt@4
  90. GetFreeSftEntry@8
  91. SuspendTimerThread@0
  92. setDX@4
  93. DpmiSimulateIretCF@0
  94. DispatchHwInterrupt@0
  95. ica_accept@4
  96. ica_intack@4
  97. ica_RestartInterrupts@4
  98. DpmiSetX86Descriptor@12
  99. ReinitIdealTime@4
  100. GetPspFFindList@4
  101. FloppyTerminatePDB@4
  102. host_ExitThread@4
  103. VDDTerminateUserHook@4
  104. HostTerminatePDB@4
  105. host_lpt_dos_close@4
  106. demTerminatePDB@0
  107. FdiskTerminatePDB@4
  108. cpu_exitthread@0
  109. __sbh_alloc_block_from_page
  110. __sbh_free_block
  111. malloc
  112. ThreadStartupRoutine@4
  113. cpu_createthread@4
  114. rtc_init@0
  115. host_lpt_dos_open@4
  116. __sbh_find_block
  117. EventVdmIntAck@0
  118. host_init_bda_timer@0
  119. CreatePSP@0
  120. ResetAlarm@0
  121. _nh_malloc
  122. ResumeTimerThread@0
  123. FastLeavePm@0
  124. host_CreateThread@24
  125. _heap_alloc
  126. fla_outb@8
  127. ppi_init@0
  128. get_scanlines@0
  129. find_mode_table@8
  130. hostModeChange@0
  131. demFindFirst@0
  132. calcScreenParams@8
  133. MS_bop_4@0
  134. ShowStartGlass@4
  135. host_com_lock@4
  136. set_index_state@0
  137. nt_set_screen_scale@4
  138. getCH@0
  139. nt_set_border_colour@4
  140. dma_init@0
  141. diskette_post@0
  142. nt_change_plane_mask@4
  143. WriteExpanded@12
  144. diskette_int@0
  145. fast_disk_bios_detach@4
  146. emu_8253@12
  147. load_font@20
  148. fast_disk_bios_attach@4
  149. get_screen_scale@0
  150. nt_cursor_size_changed@8
  151. ica_interrupt_cpu@8
  152. InitScreenDesc@0
  153. CreateDisplayPalette@0
  154. SetupConsoleMode@0
  155. demLoadDos@0
  156. deinstall_host_mouse@0
  157. emm_init@0
  158. mouse_in_use@0
  159. mouse_reset@0
  160. sprintf
  161. SegmentFree@8
  162. loadNativeBIOSfont@4
  163. printer_setup_table@4
  164. resetNowCur@0
  165. MouseAttachMenuItem@4
  166. HeartBeatThread@4
  167. vga_seq_clock@8
  168. loadCounter@0
  169. ConsoleInit@0
  170. setOutputAfterMode@0
  171. setCH@4
  172. vga_init@0
  173. init_vga_globals@0
  174. GetFFindEntryByFindId@4
  175. nt_init_screen@0
  176. vga_dac_outb@8
  177. vga_gc_read_map@8
  178. vga_dac_data_outb@8
  179. vga_ipstat1_inb@8
  180. vga_gc_misc@8
  181. ExpandConfigFiles@4
  182. vga_seq_outb_index@8
  183. vga_gc_dont_care@8
  184. host_gfi_rdiskette_active@12
  185. setCL@4
  186. vga_gc_mask_ff@8
  187. IsDebuggee@0
  188. com_post@4
  189. vga_crtc_outb@8
  190. low_set_mode@4
  191. ega_video_init@0
  192. vga_seq_map_mask@8
  193. vga_misc_inb@8
  194. xmsNotifyHookI15@0
  195. host_main@8
  196. fdisk_reset@0
  197. AddSystemFiles@0
  198. vga_gc_outb_index@8
  199. host_applInit@8
  200. vga_gc_enable_set@8
  201. xmsQueryExtMem@0
  202. RegisterEOIHook@8
  203. vote_vga_mode@0
  204. xmsAllocBlock@0
  205. outputHigh@0
  206. CounterBufferLoaded@0
  207. xmsInitUMB@0
  208. ega_read_routines_update@0
  209. xmsA20@0
  210. xmsMoveBlock@0
  211. demClose@0
  212. mouse_init@0
  213. mouse_outb@8
  214. GfxReset@0
  215. update_shift_count@0
  216. waitingFor2ndWrite@8
  217. setAX@4
  218. DeleteConfigFiles@0
  219. TimerInit@0
  220. memory_size@0
  221. cmos_post@0
  222. cmdGetAutoexecBat@0
  223. InterruptInit@0
  224. init_vga_dac@4
  225. DBGInit@8
  226. vga_gc_set_reset@8
  227. setIF@4
  228. demCreateCommon@4
  229. setCS@4
  230. nt_init_event_thread@0
  231. host_fdisk_active@12
  232. getCL@0
  233. host_fdisk_get_params@16
  234. host_using_fdisk@4
  235. host_com_unlock@4
  236. host_fdisk_valid@16
  237. ica1_init@0
  238. ica1_post@0
  239. com_int_data@12
  240. ica0_post@0
  241. ica0_init@0
  242. demIOCTL@0
  243. fl_disk_type@4
  244. fl_disk_parms@4
  245. disable_gfx_update_routines@0
  246. gfi_drive_type@4
  247. SetupInstallableVDD@0
  248. fdc_command_completed@8
  249. host_runtime_init@0
  250. IgetDX@0
  251. host_runtime_set@8
  252. fla_init@0
  253. trap_ndma@0
  254. fla_inb@8
  255. gfi_high@8
  256. WriteFileAssert@12
  257. DpmiInitRegisterSize@0
  258. flag_mode_change_required@0
  259. getDL@0
  260. MapASCIIZDSDX@0
  261. InitDetect@0
  262. host_mouse_install1@0
  263. demDOSDispRet@0
  264. kb_setup_vectors@0
  265. reset_paint_routines@0
  266. InitSound@4
  267. GetPIFConfigFiles@8
  268. cmdGetNextCmd@0
  269. DpmiDpmiInUse@0
  270. fdisk_ioattach@0
  271. update_banking@0
  272. diskette_io@0
  273. dma_post@0
  274. demEntryDosApp@0
  275. cmdComSpec@0
  276. host_block_timer@0
  277. init_host_uis@0
  278. cmdInitConsole@0
  279. ega_read_init@0
  280. demCreateNew@0
  281. nt_rflop_reset@8
  282. ega_mode_init@0
  283. mouse_installed@0
  284. setDI@4
  285. ConsoleMenuControl@12
  286. host_memset@12
  287. vga_gc_rotate@8
  288. cmdSetInfo@0
  289. strtoul
  290. display_string@4
  291. setBL@4
  292. vga_gc_compare@8
  293. InitPerfCounter@0
  294. set_floppy_parms@4
  295. IsConfigCommand@12
  296. _ioinit
  297. cmdGetInitEnvironment@0
  298. _heap_init
  299. xmsDisableA20Wrapping@0
  300. video_init@0
  301. mouse_install1@0
  302. follow_ptr@4
  303. xmsEnableA20Wrapping@0
  304. vga_misc_outb@8
  305. MS_bop_6@0
  306. MS_bop_1@0
  307. reset@0
  308. CmdDispatch@4
  309. getDI@0
  310. setBX@4
  311. IsVdmRedirLoaded@0
  312. search_for_roms@0
  313. demSetHardErrorInfo@0
  314. demFdiskInit@0
  315. cmos_read@4
  316. demFloppyInit@0
  317. sas_scratch_address@4
  318. demClientErrorEx@12
  319. main
  320. MS_bop_E@0
  321. MS_bop_F@0
  322. WaitIcaLockFullyInitialized@0
  323. DpmiPassTableAddress@0
  324. printer_post@4
  325. nt_rflop_command@8
  326. gfi_fdc_command@8
  327. nt_fdisk_init@12
  328. cmdGetKbdLayout@0
  329. patch_rom@8
  330. in_index_state@0
  331. com_init@4
  332. recalc_screen_params@0
  333. gvi_init@4
  334. nt_rflop_drive_type@4
  335. setDL@4
  336. cmos_inb@8
  337. cmos_pickup@0
  338. host_fdisk_seek0@4
  339. InitializeIcaLock@0
  340. nt_start_event_thread@0
  341. host_com_ioctl@12
  342. set_banking@8
  343. SWTMR_gate@8
  344. scs_init@8
  345. host_com_reset@4
  346. CMDInit@8
  347. outputWaveForm@20
  348. isgraph
  349. setTriggerCond@0
  350. getES@0
  351. gfi_init@0
  352. gfi_floppy_active@12
  353. gfi_empty_active@12
  354. initialise_npx@0
  355. IsCdRomFile@4
  356. screen_refresh_required@0
  357. fdisk_physattach@4
  358. GetROMsMapped@0
  359. ch_malloc@4
  360. DBGDispatch@0
  361. translate_old@4
  362. DpmiGetFastBopEntry@0
  363. CreateNewUMBNode@12
  364. host_fdisk_change@8
  365. uninit@8
  366. IdealTimeInit@0
  367. Timer_init@0
  368. counter_init@4
  369. timer_init@0
  370. timer_post@0
  371. sas_init@4
  372. sas_connect_memory@12
  373. sas_term@0
  374. sas_memory_size@0
  375. sas_memory_type@4
  376. sas_enable_20_bit_wrapping@0
  377. sas_disable_20_bit_wrapping@0
  378. cmos_outb@8
  379. sas_w_at@4
  380. sas_dw_at@4
  381. sas_store@8
  382. sas_storew@8
  383. sas_storedw@8
  384. sas_loads@12
  385. sas_stores@12
  386. mainCRTStartup
  387. demDasdInit@0
  388. sas_hw_at_no_check@4
  389. sas_w_at_no_check@4
  390. sas_store_no_check@8
  391. sas_storew_no_check@8
  392. effective_addr@8
  393. sas_twenty_bit_wrapping_enabled@0
  394. demWOWFiles@0
  395. host_com_da_int_change@12
  396. demIoctlChangeable@0
  397. cpu_init@0
  398. demSetDTALocation@0
  399. demIsDebug@0
  400. cmdCreateTempFile@8
  401. XMSDispatch@4
  402. cmos_write_byte@8
  403. _setargv
  404. time_of_day_init@0
  405. host_print_auto_feed@8
  406. nls_init@0
  407. idle_ctl@4
  408. realloc
  409. vga_ac_outb@8
  410. vga_seq_char_map@8
  411. HostReleaseKbd@0
  412. WaitKbdHdw@4
  413. host_com_disable_open@8
  414. gfi_reset@8
  415. SegmentLoad@20
  416. getIntelRegistersPointer@0
  417. DpmiInitDosx@0
  418. get_total_pages@0
  419. cursor_changed@8
  420. getCF@0
  421. DpmiAllocateXmem@0
  422. ega_seq_reset@8
  423. ReturnESBX@0
  424. equipment@0
  425. sas_loadw@8
  426. GetDriveTypeOem@4
  427. DpmiInitApp@0
  428. keyboard_init@0
  429. getAX@0
  430. setup_vga_globals@0
  431. setup_global_data_ptr@0
  432. DpmiGetMemoryInfo@0
  433. UpdateKbdInt15@8
  434. GetPIFData@8
  435. config@0
  436. config_inquire@8
  437. vga_crtc_inb@8
  438. vga_seq_mem_mode@8
  439. xmsCommitBlock@8
  440. DpmiAllocateVirtualMemory@8
  441. SetPifDefaults@4
  442. ega_write_routines_update@4
  443. xmsQueryFreeExtMem@0
  444. nt_kb_prepare@0
  445. demGetDPBList@0
  446. DpmiPassPmStackInfo@0
  447. InitialiseDosEmulation@8
  448. hda_init@0
  449. fdisk_iodetach@0
  450. host_lpt_flush_initialize@0
  451. enable_gfx_update_routines@0
  452. process_pif_exe@4
  453. vga_gc_mode@8
  454. host_reset@0
  455. IsBlockCommitted@8
  456. SAAllocate@12
  457. SAQueryFree@12
  458. AllocateChunkAt@16
  459. CommitChunk@16
  460. SAInitialize@20
  461. setAH@4
  462. getAH@0
  463. CreateFileOem@28
  464. copyConsoleToRegen@16
  465. disableUpdates@0
  466. setVDMCursorPosition@8
  467. locateNativeBIOSfonts@0
  468. AddTempIVTFixups@0
  469. enableUpdates@0
  470. getCX@0
  471. setBP@4
  472. nt_rdiskette_open_drive@4
  473. nt_gfi_rdiskette_term@4
  474. GetConsoleDisplayMode@4
  475. outb@8
  476. setES@4
  477. getBP@0
  478. cassette_io@0
  479. AT_kbd_init@0
  480. timestamp@0
  481. nt_gfi_rdiskette_init@4
  482. nt_rflop_rate@8
  483. GetPhysicalDriveType@4
  484. CopyDirInfoToDosData@12
  485. FileFindNext@8
  486. FileFindClose@4
  487. FileFindOpen@12
  488. demGetPhysicalDriveType@4
  489. demChgFilePtr@0
  490. cmdCreateVDMEnvironment@4
  491. DpmiMapString@12
  492. _strupr
  493. tolower
  494. NIDDB_Allocate_Instance_Data@12
  495. DpmiUnmapString@8
  496. get_lim_backfill_segment@0
  497. get_lim_configuration_data@4
  498. mouse_driver_initialisation@0
  499. DpmiMapAndCopyBuffer@8
  500. DemInit@8
  501. ega_set_mode@0
  502. video_effective_addr@8
  503. initTextSection@0
  504. GetWowKernelCmdLine@0
  505. host_timer_init@0
  506. setAL@4
  507. InitUMBList@0
  508. inb@8
  509. io_define_inb@8
  510. ica_inb@8
  511. ica_outb@8
  512. ica_hw_interrupt@12
  513. io_connect_port@12
  514. demChMod@0
  515. UpdateCmosTime@0
  516. do_checksum@0
  517. verify_equip_byte@4
  518. cmos_error@24
  519. DpmiFreeBuffer@8
  520. demFileFindFirst@12
  521. DemOemToUni@8
  522. CpuEnvInit@0
  523. GetFileAttributesOem@4
  524. clear_buff_6805@0
  525. getAL@0
  526. clear_string@0
  527. demGetDrives@0
  528. IgetDI@0
  529. init_key_arrays@0
  530. demGetBootDrive@0
  531. demClientError@8
  532. io_init@0
  533. disk_post@0
  534. GetPerfCounter@0
  535. host_runtime_inquire@4
  536. MS_bop_2@0
  537. cmdGetCurrentDir@0
  538. q_event_init@0
  539. RegisterWOWIdle@0
  540. SearchFile@16
  541. io_disconnect_port@8
  542. demOpen@0
  543. IsNamedPipeName@4
  544. FillSrchDta@8
  545. _cinit
  546. fl_disk_reset@4
  547. XMSInit@8
  548. printer_init@4
  549. sas_load@8
  550. keyboard_post@0
  551. KbdResume@0
  552. __initstdio
  553. __crtGetEnvironmentStringsA
  554. _setmbcp
  555. __initmbctable
  556. calloc
  557. demFindNext@0
  558. _setenvp
  559. SafeLoadLibrary@4
  560. _output
  561. ega_write_init@0
  562. host_idle_init@0
  563. getNtScreenState@0
  564. Win32_host_timer@0
  565. controlWordReg@4
  566. cmos_init@0
  567. cmos_read_byte@8
  568. recalc_text@4
  569. host_release_timer@0
  570. ReserveUMB@12
  571. host_com_open@4
  572. UMBNotify@4
  573. DpmiSegmentToSelector@4
  574. do_new_cursor@0
  575. setDH@4
  576. demFileFindNext@4
  577. io_define_in_routines@20
  578. io_define_outb@8
  579. io_define_out_routines@20
  580. GetVolumeInformationOem@32
  581. ica_eoi@12
  582. host_timer2_waveform@20
  583. getDS@0
  584. GetNextVDMCommand@4
  585. SWTMR_init_funcptrs@0
  586. RegisterConsoleVDM@44
  587. waitingFor1stWrite@8
  588. DpmiUnmapBuffer@8
  589. timer_conv@4
  590. GetEnvironmentVariableOem@12
  591. SWTMR_outb@8
  592. WtComplete@0
  593. host_EOI_hook@8
  594. VDDCreateUserHook@4
  595. ExpandEnvironmentStringsOem@12
  596. host_set_hw_int@0
  597. host_printer_setup_table@12
  598. MonitorInitializePrinterInfo@24
  599. __sbh_new_region
  600. base_cursor_shape_changed@0
  601. cmdGetConfigSys@0
  602. xmsRequestUMB@0
  603. AT_kbd_post@0
  604. __sbh_resize_block
  605. strchr
  606. _local_unwind2
  607. _NLG_Notify
  608. _stricmp
  609. _aullrem
  610. _strnicmp
  611. strstr
  612. strncpy
  613. GetFastBopEntryAddress@4
  614. memmove
  615. _aulldiv