/************************************************************/ /* Windows Write, Copyright 1985-1992 Microsoft Corporation */ /************************************************************/
#define NOICON
#define NOATOM
#define NOGDI
#define NOFONT
#define NOBRUSH
#define NOCOLOR
#define NOMB
#define NOMEMMGR
#define NOMINMAX
#define NOPEN
#define NOREGION
#define NOSCROLL
#define NOSOUND
#define NOWH
#define NOCOMM
#include <windows.h>
#include "mw.h"
#include "dlgdefs.h"
#include "cmddefs.h"
#include "propdefs.h"
#include "docdefs.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "printdef.h"
extern HCURSOR vhcArrow; extern int vfCursorVisible;
extern int utCur; /* current conversion unit */
BOOL far PASCAL DialogTabs(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam) HWND hDlg; unsigned message; WORD wParam; LONG lParam; { /* This routine handles input to the Tabs dialog box. */
extern struct DOD (**hpdocdod)[]; extern int docCur; extern int vdocParaCache; extern HWND vhWndMsgBoxParent; extern int ferror;
struct TBD (**hgtbd)[]; int idi;
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: /* Disable modeless dialog boxes. */ EnableOtherModeless(FALSE);
/* Set up the fields for each of the tabs. */ hgtbd = (**hpdocdod)[docCur].hgtbd; if (hgtbd != NULL) { struct TBD *ptbd; unsigned dxa; CHAR szT[cchMaxNum]; CHAR *pch;
for (ptbd = &(**hgtbd)[0], idi = idiTabPos0; (dxa = ptbd->dxa) != 0; ptbd++, idi++) { pch = &szT[0]; CchExpZa(&pch, dxa, utCur, cchMaxNum); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idi, (LPSTR)szT); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, idi + (idiTabDec0 - idiTabPos0), ptbd->jc == (jcTabDecimal - jcTabMin)); } } break;
case WM_SETVISIBLE: if (wParam) EndLongOp(vhcArrow); return(FALSE);
case WM_ACTIVATE: if (wParam) { vhWndMsgBoxParent = hDlg; } if (vfCursorVisible) ShowCursor(wParam); return(FALSE); /* so that we leave the activate message to
the dialog manager to take care of setting the focus correctly */
case WM_COMMAND: switch (wParam) { struct TBD rgtbd[itbdMax]; struct TBD *ptbdLast;
case idiOk: /* Sort the new tab descriptors. */ bltc(rgtbd, 0, itbdMax * cwTBD); ptbdLast = &rgtbd[itbdMax - 1]; for (idi = idiTabPos0; idi <= idiTabPos11; idi++) { unsigned dxa; unsigned dxaTab; struct TBD *ptbd;
/* If an invalid position was entered, then punt. */ if (!FPdxaPosBIt(&dxa, hDlg, idi)) { ferror = FALSE; return (TRUE); }
/* Ignore blank tabs or tabs at zero. */ if (dxa == valNil || dxa == 0) { continue; }
for (ptbd = &rgtbd[0]; (dxaTab = ptbd->dxa) != 0; ptbd++) { /* If there is already a tab at this position, then ignore
the new tab. */ if (dxa == dxaTab) { goto GetNextTab; } /* If the new tab position is smaller than the current tab,
then make room for the new tab. */ if (dxa < dxaTab) { bltbyte(ptbd, ptbd + 1, (unsigned)ptbdLast - (unsigned)ptbd); break; } }
/* Put the tab into rgtbd. */ ptbd->dxa = dxa; ptbd->jc = (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, idi + (idiTabDec0 - idiTabPos0)) ? jcTabDecimal : jcTabLeft) - jcTabMin; GetNextTab:; }
/* Set up the undo stuff. */ SetUndo(uacFormatTabs, docCur, cp0, cp0, docNil, cpNil, cpNil, 0);
/* Ensure that this document has a tab-stop table. */ if ((hgtbd = (**hpdocdod)[docCur].hgtbd) == NULL) { if (FNoHeap(hgtbd = (struct TBD (**)[])HAllocate(itbdMax * cwTBD))) { goto DestroyDlg; } (**hpdocdod)[docCur].hgtbd = hgtbd; } blt(rgtbd, &(**hgtbd)[0], itbdMax * cwTBD);
/* Changing the tabs makes everything dirty. */ (**hpdocdod)[docCur].fDirty = TRUE; vdocParaCache = docNil; TrashAllWws();
case idiCancel: DestroyDlg: /* Destroy the tabs dialog box and enable any existing modeless
dialog boxes.*/ OurEndDialog(hDlg, NULL); break;
case idiTabClearAll: /* Clear all of the tabs. */ for (idi = idiTabPos0; idi <= idiTabPos11; idi++) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idi, (LPSTR)""); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, idi + (idiTabDec0 - idiTabPos0), FALSE); } break;
case idiTabDec0: case idiTabDec1: case idiTabDec2: case idiTabDec3: case idiTabDec4: case idiTabDec5: case idiTabDec6: case idiTabDec7: case idiTabDec8: case idiTabDec9: case idiTabDec10: case idiTabDec11: CheckDlgButton(hDlg, wParam, !IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, wParam)); break;
default: return(FALSE); } break;
case WM_CLOSE: goto DestroyDlg;
default: return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); } /* end of DialogTabs */
BOOL far PASCAL DialogDivision(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam) HWND hDlg; unsigned message; WORD wParam; LONG lParam; { /* This routine handles input to the Division dialog box. */
extern struct DOD (**hpdocdod)[]; extern int docCur; extern struct SEP vsepNormal; extern int vdocSectCache; extern BOOL vfPrinterValid; extern int dxaPrOffset; extern int dyaPrOffset; extern int dxaPrPage; extern int dyaPrPage; extern HWND vhWndMsgBoxParent; extern typeCP cpMinDocument; extern int ferror;
struct SEP **hsep = (**hpdocdod)[docCur].hsep; register struct SEP *psep; CHAR szT[cchMaxNum]; CHAR *pch = &szT[0];
#ifdef KINTL /* Kanji/International version */
static int iRBDown; static int utInit; #endif
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG:
#ifdef KINTL /* Kanji/International version */
/* base initial setting on value in utCur */
utInit = utCur; /* for testing at ok */ if (utCur == utCm) iRBDown = idiDivCm; else iRBDown = idiDivInch;
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, iRBDown, TRUE);
/* Get a pointer to the section properties. */ psep = (hsep == NULL) ? &vsepNormal : *hsep;
/* Initialize the starting page number. */ if (psep->pgnStart != pgnNil) { szT[ncvtu(psep->pgnStart, &pch)] = '\0'; SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivPNStart, (LPSTR)szT); pch = &szT[0]; } else { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivPNStart, (LPSTR)"1"); } SelectIdiText(hDlg, idiDivPNStart);
/* Initialize the margins. */ #ifdef DMARGINS
CommSzNum("Left Twips: ", psep->xaLeft); CommSzNum("Right Twips: ", psep->xaMac - psep->dxaText - psep->xaLeft); CommSzNum("Top Twips: ", psep->yaTop); CommSzNum("Bottom Twips: ", psep->yaMac - psep->dyaText - psep->yaTop); #endif /* DEBUG */
#ifdef KOREA
if (vfPrinterValid) CchExpZa(&pch, imax(psep->xaLeft, dxaPrOffset), utCur,cchMaxNum); else CchExpZa(&pch, psep->xaLeft, utCur, cchMaxNum); #else
CchExpZa(&pch, psep->xaLeft, utCur, cchMaxNum); #endif
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivLMarg, (LPSTR)szT); pch = &szT[0]; #ifdef KOREA /* 90.12.29 sangl */
if ( vfPrinterValid ) CchExpZa (&pch, imax(psep->xaMac - psep->dxaText - psep->xaLeft, vsepNormal.xaMac - dxaPrOffset - dxaPrPage), utCur, cchMaxNum); else CchExpZa(&pch, psep->xaMac - psep->dxaText - psep->xaLeft, utCur, cchMaxNum); #else
CchExpZa(&pch, psep->xaMac - psep->dxaText - psep->xaLeft, utCur, cchMaxNum); #endif
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivRMarg, (LPSTR)szT); pch = &szT[0]; #ifdef KOREA /* 90.12.29 sangl */
if (vfPrinterValid) CchExpZa(&pch, imax( psep->yaTop, dyaPrOffset), utCur, cchMaxNum); else CchExpZa(&pch, psep->yaTop, utCur, cchMaxNum); #else
CchExpZa(&pch, psep->yaTop, utCur, cchMaxNum); #endif
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivTMarg, (LPSTR)szT); pch = &szT[0]; #ifdef KOREA /* 90.12.29 sangl */
if (vfPrinterValid) CchExpZa(&pch, imax(psep->yaMac - psep->dyaText - psep->yaTop, vsepNormal.yaMac - dyaPrOffset - dyaPrPage), utCur, cchMaxNum); else CchExpZa(&pch, psep->yaMac - psep->dyaText - psep->yaTop, utCur, cchMaxNum); #else
CchExpZa(&pch, psep->yaMac - psep->dyaText - psep->yaTop, utCur, cchMaxNum); #endif
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivBMarg, (LPSTR)szT); break;
case WM_SETVISIBLE: if (wParam) EndLongOp(vhcArrow); return(FALSE);
case WM_ACTIVATE: if (wParam) { vhWndMsgBoxParent = hDlg; } if (vfCursorVisible) ShowCursor(wParam); return(FALSE); /* so that we leave the activate message to
the dialog manager to take care of setting the focus correctly */
case WM_COMMAND: switch (wParam) { int pgn; int iza; int za[4]; int zaMin[4]; int dza; int *pza; int dxaMax; int dyaMax;
case idiOk: /* Is the page number valid? */ if (!WPwFromItW3Id(&pgn, hDlg, idiDivPNStart, pgnMin, pgnMax, wNormal, IDPMTNPI)) { ferror = FALSE; /* minor error, stay in dialog */ break; }
/* Determine the minimum margins of the page. */ if (vfPrinterValid) { zaMin[0] = dxaPrOffset; zaMin[1] = imax(0, vsepNormal.xaMac - dxaPrOffset - dxaPrPage); zaMin[2] = dyaPrOffset; zaMin[3] = imax(0, vsepNormal.yaMac - dyaPrOffset - dyaPrPage); } else { zaMin[0] = zaMin[1] = zaMin[2] = zaMin[3] = 0; }
/* Are the margins valid? */ for (iza = 0; iza < 4; iza++) { /* Is the margin a positive measurement? */ if (!FPdxaPosIt(&za[iza], hDlg, iza + idiDivLMarg )) { ferror = FALSE; /* minor error, stay in dialog */ return (TRUE); }
/* Is it less than the minimum? */ if (FUserZaLessThanZa(za[iza], zaMin[iza])) { ErrorBadMargins(hDlg, zaMin[0], zaMin[1], zaMin[2], zaMin[3]); SelectIdiText(hDlg, iza + idiDivLMarg); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, iza + idiDivLMarg)); return (TRUE); } } #ifdef DMARGINS
CommSzNum("New Left Twips: ", za[0]); CommSzNum("New Right Twips: ", za[1]); CommSzNum("New Top Twips: ", za[2]); CommSzNum("New Bottom Twips: ", za[3]); #endif /* DEBUG */
/* Ensure that this document has a valid section property
descriptor. */ if (hsep == NULL) { if (FNoHeap(hsep = (struct SEP **)HAllocate(cwSEP))) { goto DestroyDlg; } blt(&vsepNormal, *hsep, cwSEP); (**hpdocdod)[docCur].hsep = hsep; } psep = *hsep;
/* Are the combined margins longer or wider than the page? */ pza = &za[0]; dxaMax = psep->xaMac - dxaMinUseful; dyaMax = psep->yaMac - dyaMinUseful; if ((dza = *pza) > dxaMax || (dza += *(++pza)) > dxaMax || (dza = *(++pza)) > dyaMax || (dza += *(++pza)) > dyaMax) { Error(IDPMTMTL); ferror = FALSE; /* minor error, stay in dialog */ SelectIdiText(hDlg, (int)(idiDivLMarg + (pza - &za[0]))); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, (int)(idiDivLMarg + (pza - &za[0])))); return (FALSE); }
/* If the margins have changed, then set the new values. */ if (psep->pgnStart != pgn || psep->xaLeft != za[0] || psep->dxaText != psep->xaMac - za[0] - za[1] || psep->yaTop != za[2] || psep->dyaText != psep->yaMac - za[2] - za[3]) { /* Set up the undo stuff. */ SetUndo(uacFormatSection, docCur, cp0, cp0, docNil, cpNil, cpNil, 0); /* Reset psep in case some heap movement has taken place. */ psep = *hsep;
if (psep->pgnStart != pgn) { /* Renumber the page table. */ extern int docMode; register struct PGTB **hpgtb = (**hpdocdod)[docCur].hpgtb; register struct PGD *ppgd; int ipgd; int cpgdMac;
/* Initialize page table if it does not already exist. */ if (hpgtb == NULL) { if (FNoHeap(hpgtb = (struct PGTB **)HAllocate(cwPgtbBase + cpgdChunk * cwPGD))) { NoUndo(); return(TRUE); } (**hpgtb).cpgdMax = cpgdChunk; (**hpgtb).cpgd = 1; (**hpgtb).rgpgd[0].cpMin = cpMinDocument;
/* Reset psep because of heap movement. */ psep = *hsep; }
/* Save the starting page number in the section properties.
*/ psep->pgnStart = pgn;
/* Update the page table with the new starting page number.
*/ for (ipgd = 0, cpgdMac = (**hpgtb).cpgd, ppgd = &((**hpgtb).rgpgd[0]) ; ipgd < cpgdMac; ipgd++, ppgd++) { ppgd->pgn = pgn++; }
/* Force the page info window to be repainted. */ docMode = docNil; }
/* Set the new section properties. */ psep->dxaText = psep->xaMac - (psep->xaLeft = za[0]) - za[1]; psep->dyaText = psep->yaMac - (psep->yaTop = za[2]) - za[3];
/* Invalidate the section cache. */ vdocSectCache = docNil; TrashAllWws();
/* Mark the document as dirty. */ (**hpdocdod)[docCur].fDirty = TRUE; }
#ifdef KINTL /* Kanji/International version */
/* redraw ruler if visible and units changed */ if (utInit != utCur) { ReframeRuler(); } #endif
goto DestroyDlg;
case idiCancel:
#ifdef KINTL /* International version */
utCur = utInit; /* restore units at actual cancel */ #endif /* KINTL */
DestroyDlg: OurEndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break;
#ifdef KINTL /* International version */
{ int margin;
/* Maximum number of characters in the edit control */ #define cchMaxEditText 64
case idiDivInch: utCur = utInch; goto SetUnits; case idiDivCm: utCur = utCm; /* measurment button fall into this code */ SetUnits: /* set up buttons appropriately */ #ifdef INTL
CheckRadioButton(hDlg, idiDivInch, idiDivCm, wParam); #else /* KANJI */
CheckRadioButton(hDlg, idiDivInch, idiDivCch, wParam); #endif
if (wParam != iRBDown) { /* reevaluate margin values based on new units */ iRBDown = wParam;
/* want most recently entered value from screen into
twips, then convert using current unit scale */
szT[0] = GetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivLMarg, (LPSTR) &szT[1], cchMaxNum); if (FZaFromSs (&margin, szT+1, *szT, utCur)) { pch = &szT[0]; CchExpZa(&pch, margin, utCur, cchMaxNum); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivLMarg, (LPSTR)szT); }
szT[0] = GetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivRMarg, (LPSTR) &szT[1], cchMaxNum); if (FZaFromSs (&margin, szT+1, *szT, utCur)) { pch = &szT[0]; CchExpZa(&pch, margin, utCur, cchMaxNum); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivRMarg, (LPSTR)szT); }
szT[0] = GetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivTMarg, (LPSTR) &szT[1], cchMaxNum); if (FZaFromSs (&margin, szT+1, *szT, utCur)) { pch = &szT[0]; CchExpZa(&pch, margin, utCur, cchMaxNum); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivTMarg, (LPSTR)szT); }
szT[0] = GetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivBMarg, (LPSTR) &szT[1], cchMaxNum); if (FZaFromSs (&margin, szT+1, *szT, utCur)) { pch = &szT[0]; CchExpZa(&pch, margin, utCur, cchMaxNum); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiDivBMarg, (LPSTR)szT); } }
break; } #endif /* KINTL */
default: return (FALSE); } break;
default: return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } /* end of DialogDivision */