// DC Cacheing -
// Support for misbehaved apps - which continue to use a DC that has been
// Released. Well the problem is WIN30 allows it, so we need to be
// compatible.
// 03-Feb-92 NanduriR Created.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
BOOL GdiCleanCacheDC (HDC hdc16);
// count of currently cached DCs so that we can quickly check whether any
// ReleasedDCs are pending.
INT iReleasedDCs = 0;
// The head of the linked list of the DCs Info.
// ReleaseCachedDCs -
// ReleaseDC's a cached DC if it meets the 'search criterion'.
// The Search flag indicates which input arguments will be used.
// Unused arguments can be NULL or pure garbage.
// NOTE: this does not free the memory that has been allocated for
// the list.
// We reset the flag 'flState' and thus will be able to
// reuse the structure.
// Returns TRUE
BOOL ReleaseCachedDCs(HAND16 htask16, HAND16 hwnd16, HAND16 hdc16, HWND hwnd32, UINT flSearch) { HAND16 hdcTemp; LPDCCACHE lpT;
if (iReleasedDCs) { for (lpT = lpDCCache; lpT != NULL; lpT = lpT->lpNext) {
if (!(lpT->flState & DCCACHE_STATE_RELPENDING)) continue;
hdcTemp = (HAND16)NULL;
if (flSearch & SRCHDC_TASK16_HWND16) {
if (lpT->htask16 == htask16 && lpT->hwnd16 == hwnd16) hdcTemp = lpT->hdc16;
} else if (flSearch & SRCHDC_TASK16) {
if (lpT->htask16 == htask16) hdcTemp = lpT->hdc16;
} else { LOGDEBUG(0, ("ReleaseCachedDCs:Invalid Search Flag\n")); }
if (hdcTemp) { if (ReleaseDC(lpT->hwnd32, HDC32(hdcTemp))) { LOGDEBUG(6, ("ReleaseCachedDCs: success hdc16 %04x - count %04x\n", hdcTemp, (iReleasedDCs-1))); } else { LOGDEBUG(7, ("ReleaseCachedDCs: FAILED hdc16 %04x\n", hdcTemp)); }
// reset the state evenif ReleaseDC failed
lpT->flState = 0; if (!(--iReleasedDCs)) break; } } }
return TRUE; }
// FreeCachedDCs -
// ReleaseDC's a cached DC - Normally called during taskexit.
// NOTE: this does not free the memory that has been allocated for
// the list.
// We reset the flag 'flState' and thus will be able to
// reuse the structure.
// Returns TRUE
BOOL FreeCachedDCs(HAND16 htask16) { HAND16 hdcTemp; LPDCCACHE lpT;
for (lpT = lpDCCache; lpT != NULL; lpT = lpT->lpNext) {
if ((lpT->flState & DCCACHE_STATE_INUSE) && lpT->htask16 == htask16) {
hdcTemp = lpT->hdc16; if (lpT->flState & DCCACHE_STATE_RELPENDING) {
if (ReleaseDC(lpT->hwnd32, HDC32(hdcTemp))) { LOGDEBUG(6, ("FreeCachedDCs: success hdc16 %04x - task %04x\n", hdcTemp, htask16)); } else { LOGDEBUG(7, ("FreeCachedDCs: FAILED hdc16 %04x - task %04x\n", hdcTemp, htask16)); }
WOW32ASSERT(iReleasedDCs != 0); --iReleasedDCs; }
lpT->flState = 0; } }
return TRUE; }
// StoredDC -
// Initializes a DCCACHE structure with appropriate values.
// Uses an empty slot in the linked list if available else
// allocates a new one and adds to the head of the list.
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
BOOL StoreDC(HAND16 htask16, HAND16 hwnd16, HAND16 hdc16) { HAND16 hdcTemp = (HAND16)NULL; LPDCCACHE lpT, lpNew;
// Check for an 'inuse' slot that will match the one that will be created
// or check for an empty slot.
// An existing 'inuse' slot may match the one that's being created if
// an app makes multiple calls to GetDC(hwnd) without an intervening
// ReleaseDC. eg. MathCad.
// - Nanduri
lpNew = (LPDCCACHE)NULL; for (lpT = lpDCCache; lpT != NULL; lpT = lpT->lpNext) { if (lpT->flState & DCCACHE_STATE_INUSE) { if (lpT->hdc16 == hdc16) { if (lpT->hwnd16 == hwnd16 && lpT->htask16 == htask16 ) { LOGDEBUG(6, ("WOW:An identical second GetDC call without ReleaseDC\n")); } else { LOGDEBUG(6, ("WOW:New DC 0x%04x exists - replacing old cache\n", hdc16)); }
if (lpT->flState & DCCACHE_STATE_RELPENDING) { WOW32ASSERT(iReleasedDCs != 0); --iReleasedDCs; }
lpNew = lpT; break; } } else { if (!lpNew) lpNew = lpT; } } lpT = lpNew;
if (lpT == NULL) { lpT = (LPDCCACHE)malloc_w_small(sizeof(DCCACHE)); if (lpT) { lpT->lpNext = lpDCCache; lpDCCache = lpT; } else { LOGDEBUG(0, ("StoreDC: malloc_w_small for cache failed\n")); } }
if (lpT != NULL) { lpT->flState = DCCACHE_STATE_INUSE; lpT->htask16 = htask16; lpT->hwnd16 = hwnd16; lpT->hdc16 = hdc16; lpT->hwnd32 = HWND32(hwnd16); LOGDEBUG(6, ("StoreDC: Added hdc %04x\n",hdc16)); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
// CacheReleasedDC -
// Increments iReleasedDCs to indicate that a ReleaseDC is pending.
// Increments the iReleasedDC only if there was a corresponding GetDC.
// i.e, only if the DC exists in the DCcache;
// This is to handle the scenrio below:
// hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd,..);
// ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
// EndPaint(hwnd, ..);
// Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
BOOL CacheReleasedDC(HAND16 htask16, HAND16 hwnd16, HAND16 hdc16) { HAND16 hdcTemp = (HAND16)NULL; LPDCCACHE lpT;
for (lpT = lpDCCache; lpT != NULL; lpT = lpT->lpNext) {
if ((lpT->flState & DCCACHE_STATE_INUSE) && lpT->htask16 == htask16 && lpT->hwnd16 == hwnd16 && lpT->hdc16 == hdc16 ) {
// the app might do releasedc twice on the same dc by mistake
if (!(lpT->flState & DCCACHE_STATE_RELPENDING)) { lpT->flState |= DCCACHE_STATE_RELPENDING; iReleasedDCs++; } LOGDEBUG(6, ("CachedReleasedDC: Pending hdc %04x - count %04x\n", hdc16, iReleasedDCs)); GdiCleanCacheDC (HDC32(hdc16));
// Fix apps that draw then do lots
// of disk activity, usually they do
// a releaseDC. This flush will syncronize
// the drawing with the beginning of the
// disk activity. Bug #9704 PackRats install program draws text too late
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }