Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the prefix table utility. The two structures used in a prefix table are the PREFIX_TABLE and PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY. Each table has one prefix table and multiple prefix table entries corresponding to each prefix stored in the table.
A prefix table is a list of prefix trees, where each tree contains the prefixes corresponding to a particular name length (i.e., all prefixes of length 1 are stored in one tree, prefixes of length 2 are stored in another tree, and so forth). A prefixes name length is the number of separate names that appear in the string, and not the number of characters in the string (e.g., Length("\alpha\beta") = 2).
The elements of each tree are ordered lexicalgraphically (case blind) using a splay tree data structure. If two or more prefixes are identical except for case then one of the corresponding table entries is actually in the tree, while the other entries are in a circular linked list joined with the tree member.
Gary Kimura [GaryKi] 3-Aug-1989
Pure utility routine
Revision History:
08-Mar-1993 JulieB Moved Upcase Macro to ntrtlp.h.
#include "ntrtlp.h"
// Local procedures and types used only in this package
typedef enum _COMPARISON { IsLessThan, IsPrefix, IsEqual, IsGreaterThan } COMPARISON;
CLONG ComputeNameLength( IN PSTRING Name );
COMPARISON CompareNamesCaseSensitive ( IN PSTRING Prefix, IN PSTRING Name );
CLONG ComputeUnicodeNameLength( IN PUNICODE_STRING Name );
COMPARISON CompareUnicodeStrings ( IN PUNICODE_STRING Prefix, IN PUNICODE_STRING Name, IN ULONG CaseInsensitiveIndex );
#if defined(ALLOC_PRAGMA) && defined(NTOS_KERNEL_RUNTIME)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ComputeNameLength)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CompareNamesCaseSensitive)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,PfxInitialize)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,PfxInsertPrefix)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,PfxRemovePrefix)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,PfxFindPrefix)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ComputeUnicodeNameLength)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CompareUnicodeStrings)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,RtlInitializeUnicodePrefix)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,RtlInsertUnicodePrefix)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,RtlRemoveUnicodePrefix)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,RtlFindUnicodePrefix)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,RtlNextUnicodePrefix)
// The node type codes for the prefix data structures
#define RTL_NTC_ROOT ((CSHORT)0x0201)
#define RTL_NTC_INTERNAL ((CSHORT)0x0202)
VOID PfxInitialize ( IN PPREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable )
Routine Description:
This routine initializes a prefix table record to the empty state.
PrefixTable - Supplies the prefix table being initialized
Return Value:
PrefixTable->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_PREFIX_TABLE;
PrefixTable->NameLength = 0;
PrefixTable->NextPrefixTree = (PPREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY)PrefixTable;
// return to our caller
return; }
BOOLEAN PfxInsertPrefix ( IN PPREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable, IN PSTRING Prefix, IN PPREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY PrefixTableEntry )
Routine Description:
This routine inserts a new prefix into the specified prefix table
PrefixTable - Supplies the target prefix table
Prefix - Supplies the string to be inserted in the prefix table
PrefixTableEntry - Supplies the entry to use to insert the prefix
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - TRUE if the Prefix is not already in the table, and FALSE otherwise
{ ULONG PrefixNameLength;
COMPARISON Comparison;
// Determine the name length of the input string
PrefixNameLength = ComputeNameLength(Prefix);
// Setup parts of the prefix table entry that we will always need
PrefixTableEntry->NameLength = (CSHORT)PrefixNameLength; PrefixTableEntry->Prefix = Prefix;
// find the corresponding tree, or find where the tree should go
PreviousTree = (PPREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY)PrefixTable; CurrentTree = PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree;
while (CurrentTree->NameLength > (CSHORT)PrefixNameLength) {
PreviousTree = CurrentTree; CurrentTree = CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree;
// If the name length of the current tree is not equal to the
// prefix name length then the tree does not exist and we need
// to make a new tree node.
if (CurrentTree->NameLength != (CSHORT)PrefixNameLength) {
// Insert the new prefix entry to the list between
// previous and current tree
PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree = PrefixTableEntry; PrefixTableEntry->NextPrefixTree = CurrentTree;
// And set the node type code
PrefixTableEntry->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_ROOT;
// And tell our caller everything worked fine
return TRUE;
// The tree does exist so now search the tree for our
// position in it. We only exit the loop if we've inserted
// a new node, and node is left is left pointing to the
// tree position
Node = CurrentTree;
while (TRUE) {
// Compare the prefix in the tree with the prefix we want
// to insert
Comparison = CompareNamesCaseSensitive(Node->Prefix, Prefix);
// If we do match case sensitive then we cannot add
// this prefix so we return false. Note this is the
// only condition where we return false
if (Comparison == IsEqual) {
return FALSE; }
// If the tree prefix is greater than the new prefix then
// we go down the left subtree
if (Comparison == IsGreaterThan) {
// We want to go down the left subtree, first check to see
// if we have a left subtree
if (RtlLeftChild(&Node->Links) == NULL) {
// there isn't a left child so we insert ourselves as the
// new left child
PrefixTableEntry->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_INTERNAL; PrefixTableEntry->NextPrefixTree = NULL;
RtlInsertAsLeftChild(&Node->Links, &PrefixTableEntry->Links);
// and exit the while loop
} else {
// there is a left child so simply go down that path, and
// go back to the top of the loop
Node = CONTAINING_RECORD( RtlLeftChild(&Node->Links), PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY, Links );
} else {
// The tree prefix is either less than or a proper prefix
// of the new string. We treat both cases a less than when
// we do insert. So we want to go down the right subtree,
// first check to see if we have a right subtree
if (RtlRightChild(&Node->Links) == NULL) {
// These isn't a right child so we insert ourselves as the
// new right child
PrefixTableEntry->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_INTERNAL; PrefixTableEntry->NextPrefixTree = NULL;
RtlInsertAsRightChild(&Node->Links, &PrefixTableEntry->Links);
// and exit the while loop
} else {
// there is a right child so simply go down that path, and
// go back to the top of the loop
Node = CONTAINING_RECORD( RtlRightChild(&Node->Links), PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY, Links ); }
// Now that we've inserted the new node we can splay the tree.
// To do this we need to remember how we find this tree in the root
// tree list, set the root to be an internal, splay, the tree, and
// then setup the new root node. Note: we cannot splay the prefix table
// entry because it might be a case match node so we only splay
// the Node variable, which for case match insertions is the
// internal node for the case match and for non-case match insertions
// the Node variable is the parent node.
// Save a pointer to the next tree, we already have the previous tree
NextTree = CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree;
// Reset the current root to be an internal node
CurrentTree->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_INTERNAL; CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree = NULL;
// Splay the tree and get the root
Node = CONTAINING_RECORD(RtlSplay(&Node->Links), PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY, Links);
// Set the new root's node type code and make it part of the
// root tree list
Node->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_ROOT; PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree = Node; Node->NextPrefixTree = NextTree;
// tell our caller everything worked fine
return TRUE; }
VOID PfxRemovePrefix ( IN PPREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable, IN PPREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY PrefixTableEntry )
Routine Description:
This routine removes the indicated prefix table entry from the prefix table
PrefixTable - Supplies the prefix table affected
PrefixTableEntry - Supplies the prefix entry to remove
Return Value:
// case on the type of node that we are trying to delete
switch (PrefixTableEntry->NodeTypeCode) {
// The node is internal or root node so we need to delete it from
// the tree, but first find the root of the tree
Links = &PrefixTableEntry->Links;
while (!RtlIsRoot(Links)) {
Links = RtlParent(Links); }
// Now delete the node
Links = RtlDelete(&PrefixTableEntry->Links);
// Now see if the tree is deleted
if (Links == NULL) {
// The tree is now empty so remove this tree from
// the tree list, by first finding the previous tree that
// references us
PreviousTree = Root->NextPrefixTree;
while ( PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree != Root ) {
PreviousTree = PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree; }
// We've located the previous tree so now just have it
// point around the deleted node
PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree = Root->NextPrefixTree;
// and return the our caller
return; }
// The tree is not deleted but see if we changed roots
if (&Root->Links != Links) {
// Get a pointer to the new root
// We changed root so we better need to make the new
// root part of the prefix data structure, by
// first finding the previous tree that
// references us
PreviousTree = Root->NextPrefixTree;
while ( PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree != Root ) {
PreviousTree = PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree; }
// Set the new root
NewRoot->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_ROOT;
PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree = NewRoot; NewRoot->NextPrefixTree = Root->NextPrefixTree;
// Set the old root to be an internal node
Root->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_INTERNAL;
Root->NextPrefixTree = NULL;
// And return to our caller
return; }
// We didn't change roots so everything is fine and we can
// simply return to our caller
// If we get here then there was an error and the node type
// code is unknown
return; } }
Routine Description:
This routine finds if a full name has a prefix in a prefix table. It returns a pointer to the largest proper prefix found if one exists.
PrefixTable - Supplies the prefix table to search
FullString - Supplies the name to search for
Return Value:
PPREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY - a pointer to the longest prefix found if one exists, and NULL otherwise
{ CLONG NameLength;
COMPARISON Comparison;
// Determine the name length of the input string
NameLength = ComputeNameLength(FullName);
// Locate the first tree that can contain a prefix
PreviousTree = (PPREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY)PrefixTable; CurrentTree = PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree;
while (CurrentTree->NameLength > (CSHORT)NameLength) {
PreviousTree = CurrentTree; CurrentTree = CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree; }
// Now search for a prefix until we find one or until we exhaust
// the prefix trees
while (CurrentTree->NameLength > 0) {
Links = &CurrentTree->Links;
while (Links != NULL) {
// Compare the prefix in the tree with the full name
Comparison = CompareNamesCaseSensitive(Node->Prefix, FullName);
// See if they don't match
if (Comparison == IsGreaterThan) {
// The prefix is greater than the full name
// so we go down the left child
Links = RtlLeftChild(Links);
// And continue searching down this tree
} else if (Comparison == IsLessThan) {
// The prefix is less than the full name
// so we go down the right child
Links = RtlRightChild(Links);
// And continue searching down this tree
} else {
// We found it.
// Now that we've located the node we can splay the tree.
// To do this we need to remember how we find this tree in the root
// tree list, set the root to be an internal, splay, the tree, and
// then setup the new root node.
if (Node->NodeTypeCode == RTL_NTC_INTERNAL) {
//DbgPrint("PrefixTable = %08lx\n", PrefixTable);
//DbgPrint("Node = %08lx\n", Node);
//DbgPrint("CurrentTree = %08lx\n", CurrentTree);
//DbgPrint("PreviousTree = %08lx\n", PreviousTree);
// Save a pointer to the next tree, we already have the previous tree
NextTree = CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree;
// Reset the current root to be an internal node
CurrentTree->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_INTERNAL; CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree = NULL;
// Splay the tree and get the root
Node = CONTAINING_RECORD(RtlSplay(&Node->Links), PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY, Links);
// Set the new root's node type code and make it part of the
// root tree list
Node->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_ROOT; PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree = Node; Node->NextPrefixTree = NextTree; }
return Node; } }
// This tree is done so now find the next tree
PreviousTree = CurrentTree; CurrentTree = CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree; }
// We sesarched everywhere and didn't find a prefix so tell the
// caller none was found
return NULL; }
CLONG ComputeNameLength( IN PSTRING Name )
Routine Description:
This routine counts the number of names appearing in the input string. It does this by simply counting the number of backslashes in the string. To handle ill-formed names (i.e., names that do not contain a backslash) this routine really returns the number of backslashes plus 1.
Name - Supplies the input name to examine
Returns Value:
CLONG - the number of names in the input string
{ ULONG NameLength; ULONG i; ULONG Count;
extern const PUSHORT NlsLeadByteInfo; // Lead byte info. for ACP ( nlsxlat.c )
extern BOOLEAN NlsMbCodePageTag;
// Save the name length, this should make the compiler be able to
// optimize not having to reload the length each time
NameLength = Name->Length - 1;
// Now loop through the input string counting back slashes
if (NlsMbCodePageTag) {
// ComputeNameLength() skip DBCS character when counting '\'
for (i = 0, Count = 1; i < NameLength; ) {
if (NlsLeadByteInfo[(UCHAR)Name->Buffer[i]]) {
i += 2;
} else {
if (Name->Buffer[i] == '\\') {
Count += 1; }
i += 1; } }
} else {
for (i = 0, Count = 1; i < NameLength; i += 1) {
// check for a back slash
if (Name->Buffer[i] == '\\') {
Count += 1; } } }
// return the number of back slashes we found
//DbgPrint("ComputeNameLength(%s) = %x\n", Name->Buffer, Count);
return Count; }
COMPARISON CompareNamesCaseSensitive ( IN PSTRING Prefix, IN PSTRING Name )
Routine Description:
This routine takes a prefix string and a full name string and determines if the prefix string is a proper prefix of the name string (case sensitive)
Prefix - Supplies the input prefix string
Name - Supplies the full name input string
Return Value:
COMPARISON - returns
IsLessThan if Prefix < Name lexicalgraphically, IsPrefix if Prefix is a proper prefix of Name IsEqual if Prefix is equal to Name, and IsGreaterThan if Prefix > Name lexicalgraphically
{ ULONG PrefixLength; ULONG NameLength; ULONG MinLength; ULONG i;
UCHAR PrefixChar; UCHAR NameChar;
extern const PUSHORT NlsLeadByteInfo; // Lead byte info. for ACP ( nlsxlat.c )
extern BOOLEAN NlsMbCodePageTag;
//DbgPrint("CompareNamesCaseSensitive(\"%s\", \"%s\") = ", Prefix->Buffer, Name->Buffer);
// Save the length of the prefix and name string, this should allow
// the compiler to not need to reload the length through a pointer every
// time we need their values
PrefixLength = Prefix->Length; NameLength = Name->Length;
// Special case the situation where the prefix string is simply "\" and
// the name starts with an "\"
if ((Prefix->Length == 1) && (Prefix->Buffer[0] == '\\') && (Name->Length > 1) && (Name->Buffer[0] == '\\')) { //DbgPrint("IsPrefix\n");
return IsPrefix; }
// Figure out the minimum of the two lengths
MinLength = (PrefixLength < NameLength ? PrefixLength : NameLength);
// Loop through looking at all of the characters in both strings
// testing for equalilty, less than, and greater than
i = (ULONG) RtlCompareMemory( &Prefix->Buffer[0], &Name->Buffer[0], MinLength );
if (i < MinLength) {
// Get both characters to examine and keep their case
PrefixChar = ((c = Prefix->Buffer[i]) == '\\' ? (CHAR)0 : c); NameChar = ((c = Name->Buffer[i]) == '\\' ? (CHAR)0 : c);
// Unfortunately life is not so easy in DBCS land.
if (NlsMbCodePageTag) {
// CompareNamesCaseSensitive(): check backslash in trailing bytes
if (Prefix->Buffer[i] == '\\') {
ULONG j; extern const PUSHORT NlsLeadByteInfo; // Lead byte info. for ACP ( nlsxlat.c )
for (j = 0; j < i;) {
j += NlsLeadByteInfo[(UCHAR)Prefix->Buffer[j]] ? 2 : 1; }
if (j != i) {
PrefixChar = '\\'; //DbgPrint("RTL:CompareNamesCaseSensitive encountered a fake backslash!\n");
} }
if (Name->Buffer[i] == '\\') {
ULONG j; extern const PUSHORT NlsLeadByteInfo; // Lead byte info. for ACP ( nlsxlat.c )
for (j = 0; j < i;) {
j += NlsLeadByteInfo[(UCHAR)Name->Buffer[j]] ? 2 : 1; }
if (j != i) {
NameChar = '\\'; //DbgPrint("RTL:CompareNamesCaseSensitive encountered a fake backslash!\n");
} } }
// Now compare the characters
if (PrefixChar < NameChar) {
return IsLessThan;
} else if (PrefixChar > NameChar) {
return IsGreaterThan; } }
// They match upto the minimum length so now figure out the largest string
// and see if one is a proper prefix of the other
if (PrefixLength < NameLength) {
// The prefix string is shorter so if it is a proper prefix we
// return prefix otherwise we return less than (e.g., "\a" < "\ab")
if (Name->Buffer[PrefixLength] == '\\') {
return IsPrefix;
} else {
return IsLessThan; }
} else if (PrefixLength > NameLength) {
// The Prefix string is longer so we say that the prefix is
// greater than the name (e.g., "\ab" > "\a")
return IsGreaterThan;
} else {
// They lengths are equal so the strings are equal
return IsEqual; } }
// The node type codes for the prefix data structures
VOID RtlInitializeUnicodePrefix ( IN PUNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable )
Routine Description:
This routine initializes a unicode prefix table record to the empty state.
PrefixTable - Supplies the prefix table being initialized
Return Value:
PrefixTable->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE; PrefixTable->NameLength = 0; PrefixTable->NextPrefixTree = (PUNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY)PrefixTable; PrefixTable->LastNextEntry = NULL;
// return to our caller
return; }
Routine Description:
This routine inserts a new unicode prefix into the specified prefix table
PrefixTable - Supplies the target prefix table
Prefix - Supplies the string to be inserted in the prefix table
PrefixTableEntry - Supplies the entry to use to insert the prefix
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - TRUE if the Prefix is not already in the table, and FALSE otherwise
{ ULONG PrefixNameLength;
COMPARISON Comparison;
// Determine the name length of the input string
PrefixNameLength = ComputeUnicodeNameLength(Prefix);
// Setup parts of the prefix table entry that we will always need
PrefixTableEntry->NameLength = (CSHORT)PrefixNameLength; PrefixTableEntry->Prefix = Prefix;
// find the corresponding tree, or find where the tree should go
PreviousTree = (PUNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY)PrefixTable; CurrentTree = PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree;
while (CurrentTree->NameLength > (CSHORT)PrefixNameLength) {
PreviousTree = CurrentTree; CurrentTree = CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree; }
// If the name length of the current tree is not equal to the
// prefix name length then the tree does not exist and we need
// to make a new tree node.
if (CurrentTree->NameLength != (CSHORT)PrefixNameLength) {
// Insert the new prefix entry to the list between
// previous and current tree
PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree = PrefixTableEntry; PrefixTableEntry->NextPrefixTree = CurrentTree;
// And set the node type code, case match for the root tree node
PrefixTableEntry->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_UNICODE_ROOT; PrefixTableEntry->CaseMatch = PrefixTableEntry;
// And tell our caller everything worked fine
return TRUE; }
// The tree does exist so now search the tree for our
// position in it. We only exit the loop if we've inserted
// a new node, and node is left is left pointing to the
// tree position
Node = CurrentTree;
while (TRUE) {
// Compare the prefix in the tree with the prefix we want
// to insert. Do the compare case blind
Comparison = CompareUnicodeStrings(Node->Prefix, Prefix, 0);
// If they are equal then this node gets added as a case
// match, provided it doesn't case sensitive match anyone
if (Comparison == IsEqual) {
// Loop through the case match list checking to see if we
// match case sensitive with anyone. Get the first node
Next = Node;
// And loop checking each node until we're back to where
// we started
do {
// If we do match case sensitive then we cannot add
// this prefix so we return false. Note this is the
// only condition where we return false
if (CompareUnicodeStrings(Next->Prefix, Prefix, MAXULONG) == IsEqual) {
return FALSE; }
// Get the next node in the case match list
Next = Next->CaseMatch;
// And continue looping until we're back where we started
} while ( Next != Node );
// We've searched the case match and didn't find an exact match
// so we can insert this node in the case match list
PrefixTableEntry->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_UNICODE_CASE_MATCH; PrefixTableEntry->NextPrefixTree = NULL;
PrefixTableEntry->CaseMatch = Node->CaseMatch; Node->CaseMatch = PrefixTableEntry;
// And exit out of the while loop
break; }
// If the tree prefix is greater than the new prefix then
// we go down the left subtree
if (Comparison == IsGreaterThan) {
// We want to go down the left subtree, first check to see
// if we have a left subtree
if (RtlLeftChild(&Node->Links) == NULL) {
// there isn't a left child so we insert ourselves as the
// new left child
PrefixTableEntry->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_UNICODE_INTERNAL; PrefixTableEntry->NextPrefixTree = NULL; PrefixTableEntry->CaseMatch = PrefixTableEntry;
RtlInsertAsLeftChild(&Node->Links, &PrefixTableEntry->Links);
// and exit the while loop
} else {
// there is a left child so simply go down that path, and
// go back to the top of the loop
Node = CONTAINING_RECORD( RtlLeftChild(&Node->Links), UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY, Links ); }
} else {
// The tree prefix is either less than or a proper prefix
// of the new string. We treat both cases a less than when
// we do insert. So we want to go down the right subtree,
// first check to see if we have a right subtree
if (RtlRightChild(&Node->Links) == NULL) {
// These isn't a right child so we insert ourselves as the
// new right child
PrefixTableEntry->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_UNICODE_INTERNAL; PrefixTableEntry->NextPrefixTree = NULL; PrefixTableEntry->CaseMatch = PrefixTableEntry;
RtlInsertAsRightChild(&Node->Links, &PrefixTableEntry->Links);
// and exit the while loop
} else {
// there is a right child so simply go down that path, and
// go back to the top of the loop
Node = CONTAINING_RECORD( RtlRightChild(&Node->Links), UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY, Links ); } } }
// Now that we've inserted the new node we can splay the tree.
// To do this we need to remember how we find this tree in the root
// tree list, set the root to be an internal, splay, the tree, and
// then setup the new root node. Note: we cannot splay the prefix table
// entry because it might be a case match node so we only splay
// the Node variable, which for case match insertions is the
// internal node for the case match and for non-case match insertions
// the Node variable is the parent node.
// Save a pointer to the next tree, we already have the previous tree
NextTree = CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree;
// Reset the current root to be an internal node
CurrentTree->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_UNICODE_INTERNAL; CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree = NULL;
// Splay the tree and get the root
// Set the new root's node type code and make it part of the
// root tree list
Node->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_UNICODE_ROOT; PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree = Node; Node->NextPrefixTree = NextTree;
// tell our caller everything worked fine
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
This routine removes the indicated prefix table entry from the prefix table
PrefixTable - Supplies the prefix table affected
PrefixTableEntry - Supplies the prefix entry to remove
Return Value:
// Wipe out the next last entry field of the prefix table
PrefixTable->LastNextEntry = NULL;
// case on the type of node that we are trying to delete
switch (PrefixTableEntry->NodeTypeCode) {
// The prefix entry is a case match record so
// we only need to remove it from the case match list.
// Locate the previous PrefixTableEntry that reference this
// case match record
PreviousCaseMatch = PrefixTableEntry->CaseMatch;
while ( PreviousCaseMatch->CaseMatch != PrefixTableEntry ) {
PreviousCaseMatch = PreviousCaseMatch->CaseMatch; }
// Now that we have the previous record just have it point
// around the case match that is being deleted
PreviousCaseMatch->CaseMatch = PrefixTableEntry->CaseMatch;
// And return to our caller
// The prefix entry is an internal/root node so check to see if it
// has any case match nodes with it
if (PrefixTableEntry->CaseMatch != PrefixTableEntry) {
// There is at least one case match that goes with this
// node, so we need to make the next case match the
// new node and remove this node.
// Locate the previous prefix table entry that references this
// case match record
PreviousCaseMatch = PrefixTableEntry->CaseMatch;
while ( PreviousCaseMatch->CaseMatch != PrefixTableEntry ) {
PreviousCaseMatch = PreviousCaseMatch->CaseMatch; }
// Now that we have the previous record just have it point
// around the node being deleted
PreviousCaseMatch->CaseMatch = PrefixTableEntry->CaseMatch;
// Now make the previous case match in the new node
PreviousCaseMatch->NodeTypeCode = PrefixTableEntry->NodeTypeCode; PreviousCaseMatch->NextPrefixTree = PrefixTableEntry->NextPrefixTree; PreviousCaseMatch->Links = PrefixTableEntry->Links;
// Now take care of the back pointers to this new internal
// node in the splay tree, first do the parent's pointer to us.
if (RtlIsRoot(&PrefixTableEntry->Links)) {
// This is the root so make this new node the root
PreviousCaseMatch->Links.Parent = &PreviousCaseMatch->Links;
// Fix up the root tree list, by first finding the previous
// pointer to us
PreviousTree = PrefixTableEntry->NextPrefixTree;
while ( PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree != PrefixTableEntry ) {
PreviousTree = PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree; }
// We've located the previous tree so now have the previous
// tree point to our new root
PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree = PreviousCaseMatch;
} else if (RtlIsLeftChild(&PrefixTableEntry->Links)) {
// The node was the left child so make the new node the
// left child
RtlParent(&PrefixTableEntry->Links)->LeftChild = &PreviousCaseMatch->Links;
} else {
// The node was the right child so make the new node the
// right child
RtlParent(&PrefixTableEntry->Links)->RightChild = &PreviousCaseMatch->Links; }
// Now update the parent pointer for our new children
if (RtlLeftChild(&PreviousCaseMatch->Links) != NULL) {
RtlLeftChild(&PreviousCaseMatch->Links)->Parent = &PreviousCaseMatch->Links; }
if (RtlRightChild(&PreviousCaseMatch->Links) != NULL) {
RtlRightChild(&PreviousCaseMatch->Links)->Parent = &PreviousCaseMatch->Links; }
// And return to our caller
return; }
// The node is internal or root node and does not have any case match
// nodes so we need to delete it from the tree, but first find
// the root of the tree
Links = &PrefixTableEntry->Links;
while (!RtlIsRoot(Links)) {
Links = RtlParent(Links); }
// Now delete the node
Links = RtlDelete(&PrefixTableEntry->Links);
// Now see if the tree is deleted
if (Links == NULL) {
// The tree is now empty so remove this tree from
// the tree list, by first finding the previous tree that
// references us
PreviousTree = Root->NextPrefixTree;
while ( PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree != Root ) {
PreviousTree = PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree; }
// We've located the previous tree so now just have it
// point around the deleted node
PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree = Root->NextPrefixTree;
// and return the our caller
return; }
// The tree is not deleted but see if we changed roots
if (&Root->Links != Links) {
// Get a pointer to the new root
// We changed root so we better need to make the new
// root part of the prefix data structure, by
// first finding the previous tree that
// references us
PreviousTree = Root->NextPrefixTree;
while ( PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree != Root ) {
PreviousTree = PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree; }
// Set the new root
NewRoot->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_UNICODE_ROOT;
PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree = NewRoot; NewRoot->NextPrefixTree = Root->NextPrefixTree;
// Set the old root to be an internal node
Root->NextPrefixTree = NULL;
// And return to our caller
return; }
// We didn't change roots so everything is fine and we can
// simply return to our caller
// If we get here then there was an error and the node type
// code is unknown
return; } }
Routine Description:
This routine finds if a full name has a prefix in a prefix table. It returns a pointer to the largest proper prefix found if one exists.
PrefixTable - Supplies the prefix table to search
FullString - Supplies the name to search for
CaseInsensitiveIndex - Indicates the wchar index at which to do a case insensitive search. All characters before the index are searched case sensitive and all characters at and after the index are searched insensitive.
Return Value:
PPREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY - a pointer to the longest prefix found if one exists, and NULL otherwise
{ CLONG NameLength;
COMPARISON Comparison;
// Determine the name length of the input string
NameLength = ComputeUnicodeNameLength(FullName);
// Locate the first tree that can contain a prefix
PreviousTree = (PUNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY)PrefixTable; CurrentTree = PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree;
while (CurrentTree->NameLength > (CSHORT)NameLength) {
PreviousTree = CurrentTree; CurrentTree = CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree; }
// Now search for a prefix until we find one or until we exhaust
// the prefix trees
while (CurrentTree->NameLength > 0) {
Links = &CurrentTree->Links;
while (Links != NULL) {
// Compare the prefix in the tree with the full name, do the
// compare case blind
Comparison = CompareUnicodeStrings(Node->Prefix, FullName, 0);
// See if they don't match
if (Comparison == IsGreaterThan) {
// The prefix is greater than the full name
// so we go down the left child
Links = RtlLeftChild(Links);
// And continue searching down this tree
} else if (Comparison == IsLessThan) {
// The prefix is less than the full name
// so we go down the right child
Links = RtlRightChild(Links);
// And continue searching down this tree
} else {
// We have either a prefix or a match either way
// we need to check if we should do case sensitive
// seearches
if (CaseInsensitiveIndex == 0) {
// The caller wants case insensitive so we'll
// return the first one we found
// Now that we've located the node we can splay the tree.
// To do this we need to remember how we find this tree in the root
// tree list, set the root to be an internal, splay, the tree, and
// then setup the new root node.
if (Node->NodeTypeCode == RTL_NTC_UNICODE_INTERNAL) {
//DbgPrint("PrefixTable = %08lx\n", PrefixTable);
//DbgPrint("Node = %08lx\n", Node);
//DbgPrint("CurrentTree = %08lx\n", CurrentTree);
//DbgPrint("PreviousTree = %08lx\n", PreviousTree);
// Save a pointer to the next tree, we already have the previous tree
NextTree = CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree;
// Reset the current root to be an internal node
CurrentTree->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_UNICODE_INTERNAL; CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree = NULL;
// Splay the tree and get the root
// Set the new root's node type code and make it part of the
// root tree list
Node->NodeTypeCode = RTL_NTC_UNICODE_ROOT; PreviousTree->NextPrefixTree = Node; Node->NextPrefixTree = NextTree; }
// Now return the root to our caller
return Node; }
// The caller wants an exact match so search the case match
// until we find a complete match. Get the first node
Next = Node;
// Loop through the case match list checking to see if we
// match case sensitive with anyone.
do {
// If we do match case sensitive then we found one
// and we return it to our caller
Comparison = CompareUnicodeStrings( Next->Prefix, FullName, CaseInsensitiveIndex );
if ((Comparison == IsEqual) || (Comparison == IsPrefix)) {
// We found a good one, so return it to our caller
return Next; }
// Get the next case match record
Next = Next->CaseMatch;
// And continue the loop until we reach the original
// node again
} while ( Next != Node );
// We found a case blind prefix but the caller wants
// case sensitive and we weren't able to find one of those
// so we need to go on to the next tree, by breaking out
// of the inner while-loop
break; } }
// This tree is done so now find the next tree
PreviousTree = CurrentTree; CurrentTree = CurrentTree->NextPrefixTree; }
// We sesarched everywhere and didn't find a prefix so tell the
// caller none was found
return NULL; }
Routine Description:
This routine returns the next prefix entry stored in the prefix table
PrefixTable - Supplies the prefix table to enumerate
Restart - Indicates if the enumeration should start over
Return Value:
PPREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY - A pointer to the next prefix table entry if one exists otherwise NULL
// See if we are restarting the sequence
if (Restart || (PrefixTable->LastNextEntry == NULL)) {
// we are restarting the sequence so locate the first entry
// in the first tree
Node = PrefixTable->NextPrefixTree;
// Make sure we've pointing at a prefix tree
if (Node->NodeTypeCode == RTL_NTC_UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE) {
// No we aren't so the table must be empty
return NULL; }
// Find the first node in the tree
Links = &Node->Links;
while (RtlLeftChild(Links) != NULL) {
Links = RtlLeftChild(Links); }
// Set it as our the node we're returning
} else if (PrefixTable->LastNextEntry->CaseMatch->NodeTypeCode == RTL_NTC_UNICODE_CASE_MATCH) {
// The last node has a case match that we should be returning
// this time around
Node = PrefixTable->LastNextEntry->CaseMatch;
} else {
// Move over the last node returned by the case match link, this
// will enable us to finish off the last case match node if there
// was one, and go to the next internal/root node. If this node
// does not have a case match then we simply circle back to ourselves
Node = PrefixTable->LastNextEntry->CaseMatch;
// Find the successor for the last node we returned
Links = RtlRealSuccessor(&Node->Links);
// If links is null then we've exhausted this tree and need to
// the the next tree to use
if (Links == NULL) {
Links = &PrefixTable->LastNextEntry->Links;
while (!RtlIsRoot(Links)) {
Links = RtlParent(Links); }
// Now we've found the root see if there is another
// tree to enumerate
Node = Node->NextPrefixTree;
if (Node->NameLength <= 0) {
// We've run out of tree so tell our caller there
// are no more
return NULL; }
// We have another tree to go down
Links = &Node->Links;
while (RtlLeftChild(Links) != NULL) {
Links = RtlLeftChild(Links); } }
// Set it as our the node we're returning
// Save node as the last next entry
PrefixTable->LastNextEntry = Node;
// And return this entry to our caller
return Node; }
CLONG ComputeUnicodeNameLength( IN PUNICODE_STRING Name )
Routine Description:
This routine counts the number of names appearing in the input string. It does this by simply counting the number of backslashes in the string. To handle ill-formed names (i.e., names that do not contain a backslash) this routine really returns the number of backslashes plus 1.
Name - Supplies the input name to examine
Returns Value:
CLONG - the number of names in the input string
{ WCHAR UnicodeBackSlash = '\\'; ULONG NameLength; ULONG i; ULONG Count;
// Save the name length, this should make the compiler be able to
// optimize not having to reload the length each time
NameLength = (ULONG)Name->Length/2;
// Now loop through the input string counting back slashes
for (i = 0, Count = 1; i < (ULONG)NameLength - 1; i += 1) {
// check for a back slash
if (Name->Buffer[i] == UnicodeBackSlash) {
Count += 1; } }
// return the number of back slashes we found
//DbgPrint("ComputeUnicodeNameLength(%Z) = %x\n", Name, Count);
return Count; }
COMPARISON CompareUnicodeStrings ( IN PUNICODE_STRING Prefix, IN PUNICODE_STRING Name, IN ULONG CaseInsensitiveIndex )
Routine Description:
This routine takes a prefix string and a full name string and determines if the prefix string is a proper prefix of the name string (case sensitive)
Prefix - Supplies the input prefix string
Name - Supplies the full name input string
CaseInsensitiveIndex - Indicates the wchar index at which to do a case insensitive search. All characters before the index are searched case sensitive and all characters at and after the index are searched
Return Value:
COMPARISON - returns
IsLessThan if Prefix < Name lexicalgraphically, IsPrefix if Prefix is a proper prefix of Name IsEqual if Prefix is equal to Name, and IsGreaterThan if Prefix > Name lexicalgraphically
{ WCHAR UnicodeBackSlash = '\\'; ULONG PrefixLength; ULONG NameLength; ULONG MinLength; ULONG i;
WCHAR PrefixChar; WCHAR NameChar;
//DbgPrint("CompareUnicodeStrings(\"%Z\", \"%Z\") = ", Prefix, Name);
// Save the length of the prefix and name string, this should allow
// the compiler to not need to reload the length through a pointer every
// time we need their values
PrefixLength = (ULONG)Prefix->Length/2; NameLength = (ULONG)Name->Length/2;
// Special case the situation where the prefix string is simply "\" and
// the name starts with an "\"
if ((PrefixLength == 1) && (Prefix->Buffer[0] == UnicodeBackSlash) && (NameLength > 1) && (Name->Buffer[0] == UnicodeBackSlash)) { //DbgPrint("IsPrefix\n");
return IsPrefix; }
// Figure out the minimum of the two lengths
MinLength = (PrefixLength < NameLength ? PrefixLength : NameLength);
// Loop through looking at all of the characters in both strings
// testing for equalilty. First to the CaseSensitive part, then the
// CaseInsensitive part.
if (CaseInsensitiveIndex > MinLength) {
CaseInsensitiveIndex = MinLength; }
// CaseSensitive compare
for (i = 0; i < CaseInsensitiveIndex; i += 1) {
PrefixChar = Prefix->Buffer[i]; NameChar = Name->Buffer[i];
if (PrefixChar != NameChar) {
break; } }
// If we didn't break out of the above loop, do the
// CaseInsensitive compare.
if (i == CaseInsensitiveIndex) {
WCHAR *s1 = &Prefix->Buffer[i]; WCHAR *s2 = &Name->Buffer[i];
for (; i < MinLength; i += 1) {
PrefixChar = *s1++; NameChar = *s2++;
if (PrefixChar != NameChar) {
PrefixChar = NLS_UPCASE(PrefixChar); NameChar = NLS_UPCASE(NameChar);
if (PrefixChar != NameChar) { break; } } } }
// If we broke out of the above loop because of a mismatch, determine
// the result of the comparison.
if (i < MinLength) {
// We also need to treat "\" as less than all other characters, so
// if the char is a "\" we'll drop it down to a value of zero.
if (PrefixChar == UnicodeBackSlash) {
return IsLessThan; }
if (NameChar == UnicodeBackSlash) {
return IsGreaterThan; }
// Now compare the characters
if (PrefixChar < NameChar) {
return IsLessThan;
} else if (PrefixChar > NameChar) {
return IsGreaterThan; } }
// They match upto the minimum length so now figure out the largest string
// and see if one is a proper prefix of the other
if (PrefixLength < NameLength) {
// The prefix string is shorter so if it is a proper prefix we
// return prefix otherwise we return less than (e.g., "\a" < "\ab")
if (Name->Buffer[PrefixLength] == UnicodeBackSlash) {
return IsPrefix;
} else {
return IsLessThan; }
} else if (PrefixLength > NameLength) {
// The Prefix string is longer so we say that the prefix is
// greater than the name (e.g., "\ab" > "\a")
return IsGreaterThan;
} else {
// They lengths are equal so the strings are equal
return IsEqual; } }