Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1997 All rights reserved
#include "pch.h"
#include <aclapip.h>
#include <winldap.h>
#include "check.h"
#include "dialogs.h"
#include "setup.h"
#include "check.h"
#define MAX_FILES_SIZE 1920000
#define BIG_BUFFER 4096
static const WCHAR chSlash = TEXT('\\'); typedef LONGLONG INDEX;
SCPDATA scpdata[] = { { L"netbootAllowNewClients", L"TRUE" }, { L"netbootLimitClients", L"FALSE" }, { L"netbootCurrentClientCount", L"0" }, { L"netbootMaxClients", L"100" }, { L"netbootAnswerRequests", L"TRUE" }, { L"netbootAnswerOnlyValidClients", L"FALSE" }, { L"netbootNewMachineNamingPolicy", L"%61Username%#" }, { L"netbootNewMachineOU", NULL }, { L"netbootServer", NULL }
#define BINL_PARAMETERS_KEY L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Binlsvc\\Parameters"
PCWSTR SetupExtensionFromProcessorTag( PCWSTR ProcessorTag ) { if (wcscmp(ProcessorTag,L"i386")==0) { return(L"x86"); } else { return(ProcessorTag); } }
// KeepUIAlive( )
BOOL KeepUIAlive( HWND hDlg ) { MSG Msg; //
// process messages to keep UI alive
while ( PeekMessage( &Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) { TranslateMessage( &Msg ); DispatchMessage( &Msg ); if ( hDlg != NULL && Msg.message == WM_KEYUP && Msg.wParam == VK_ESCAPE ) { VerifyCancel( hDlg ); } }
return( g_Options.fError || g_Options.fAbort ); }
// CreateSCP( )
HRESULT CreateSCP( HWND hDlg ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates SCP information so that BINL can create the SCP when it starts up.
hDlg - dialog window handle for putting up error messages.
Return Value:
HRESULT indicating outcome. --*/ { TraceFunc( "CreateSCP( )\n" );
HRESULT hr; ULONG ulSize; LPWSTR pszMachinePath = NULL; DWORD i,Err; HKEY hKey = 0; DWORD DontCare;
if (Err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( Err ); goto e0; } if ( !GetComputerObjectName( NameFullyQualifiedDN, NULL, &ulSize )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto e1; }
pszMachinePath = (LPWSTR) TraceAlloc( LPTR, ulSize * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( !pszMachinePath ) { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); goto e1; }
if ( !GetComputerObjectName( NameFullyQualifiedDN, pszMachinePath, &ulSize )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); goto e2; } scpdata[MACHINEOU_INDEX].pszValue = pszMachinePath; scpdata[NETBOOTSERVER_INDEX].pszValue = pszMachinePath;
// Add default attribute values
for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(scpdata); i++ ) { Err = RegSetValueEx( hKey, scpdata[i].pszAttribute, NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)scpdata[i].pszValue, (wcslen(scpdata[i].pszValue)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (Err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( Err ); goto e3; } }
hr = S_OK;
Err = 0;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, L"ScpCreated", NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&Err, sizeof(DWORD) );
if (FAILED(hr)) { for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(scpdata); i++ ) { RegDeleteValue( hKey, scpdata[i].pszAttribute ); } }
e2: TraceFree( pszMachinePath ); e1: RegCloseKey(hKey); e0:
if ( FAILED(hr)) { MessageBoxFromStrings( hDlg, IDS_SCPCREATIONFAIL_CAPTION, IDS_SCPCREATIONFAIL_TEXT, MB_OK ); ErrorMsg( "Error 0x%08x occurred.\n", hr ); } HRETURN(hr); }
PWSTR GenerateCompressedName( IN PCWSTR Filename )
Routine Description:
Given a filename, generate the compressed form of the name. The compressed form is generated as follows:
Look backwards for a dot. If there is no dot, append "._" to the name. If there is a dot followed by 0, 1, or 2 charcaters, append "_". Otherwise there is a 3-character or greater extension and we replace the last character with "_".
Filename - supplies filename whose compressed form is desired.
Return Value:
Pointer to buffer containing nul-terminated compressed-form filename. The caller must free this buffer via TraceFree().
{ PWSTR CompressedName,p,q; UINT u;
// The maximum length of the compressed filename is the length of the
// original name plus 2 (for ._).
if(CompressedName = (PWSTR)TraceAlloc(LPTR, (wcslen(Filename)+3)*sizeof(WCHAR))) {
p = wcsrchr(CompressedName,L'.'); q = wcsrchr(CompressedName,L'\\'); if(q < p) {
// If there are 0, 1, or 2 characters after the dot, just append
// the underscore. p points to the dot so include that in the length.
u = wcslen(p); if(u < 4) { wcscat(CompressedName,L"_"); } else { //
// There are at least 3 characters in the extension.
// Replace the final one with an underscore.
p[u-1] = L'_'; } } else { //
// No dot, just add ._.
wcscat(CompressedName,L"._"); } }
return(CompressedName); }
BOOL IsFileOrCompressedVersionPresent( LPCWSTR FilePath, PWSTR *pCompressedName OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check if a file or a compressed version of it is present at the specified location.
FilePath - fully qualified path to the file to check for. pCompressedName - if the file is compressed, this can receive the compressed name
Return Value:
TRUE indicats the file or a compressed copy of it is present. --*/ { BOOL FileIsPresent = FALSE, IsCompressed = FALSE; WCHAR ActualName[MAX_PATH]; PWSTR p;
wcscpy( ActualName, FilePath) ;
if (0xFFFFFFFF != GetFileAttributes( ActualName )) { FileIsPresent = TRUE; } else { //
// the file isn't present, so try generating the compressed name
p = GenerateCompressedName( ActualName ); if (p) { wcscpy( ActualName, p ); TraceFree( p ); p = NULL; if (0xFFFFFFFF != GetFileAttributes( ActualName )) { IsCompressed = TRUE; FileIsPresent = TRUE; } } }
if (FileIsPresent && IsCompressed && pCompressedName) { *pCompressedName = (PWSTR)TraceAlloc( LPTR, (wcslen(ActualName)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (*pCompressedName) { wcscpy( *pCompressedName, ActualName) ; } }
return( FileIsPresent == TRUE);
// Builds the pathes used for installation
HRESULT BuildDirectories( void ) { TraceFunc( "BuildDirectories( void )\n" );
// Create
// "D:\IntelliMirror\Setup\English\Images\nt50.wks"
wcscpy( g_Options.szInstallationPath, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); ConcatenatePaths( g_Options.szInstallationPath, L"\\Setup" ); ConcatenatePaths( g_Options.szInstallationPath, g_Options.szLanguage ); ConcatenatePaths( g_Options.szInstallationPath, REMOTE_INSTALL_IMAGE_DIR_W ); ConcatenatePaths( g_Options.szInstallationPath, g_Options.szInstallationName ); //ConcatenatePaths( g_Options.szInstallationPath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString );
Assert( wcslen(g_Options.szInstallationPath) < ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szInstallationPath) );
// Creates the IntelliMirror directory tree.
HRESULT CreateDirectoryPath( HWND hDlg, LPWSTR DirectoryPath, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes, BOOL fAllowExisting ) { PWCHAR p, pBackslash; BOOL f; DWORD attributes;
// Find the \ that indicates the root directory. There should be at least
// one \, but if there isn't, we just fall through.
p = wcschr( DirectoryPath, L'\\' ); if ( p != NULL ) {
// Find the \ that indicates the end of the first level directory. It's
// probable that there won't be another \, in which case we just fall
// through to creating the entire path.
p = wcschr( p + 1, L'\\' ); while ( p != NULL ) {
// Skip multiple \ that appear together.
pBackslash = p; ++p; while (*p == L'\\') { ++p; } if (*p == 0) {
// These \ are all at the end of the string, so we can
// proceed to the creation of the leaf directory.
break; }
// Terminate the directory path at the current level.
*pBackslash = 0;
// Create a directory at the current level.
attributes = GetFileAttributes( DirectoryPath ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == attributes ) { f = CreateDirectory( DirectoryPath, NULL ); if ( !f ) { if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, DirectoryPath ); HRETURN(E_FAIL); } } } else if ( (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0 ) { MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, DirectoryPath, ERROR_DIRECTORY ); HRETURN(E_FAIL); }
// Restore the \ and find the next one.
*pBackslash = L'\\'; p = wcschr( p, L'\\' ); } }
// Create the target directory.
f = CreateDirectory( DirectoryPath, SecurityAttributes ); if ( !f && (!fAllowExisting || (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, DirectoryPath ); HRETURN(E_FAIL); }
// Creates the IntelliMirror directory tree.
HRESULT CreateDirectories( HWND hDlg ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szCreating[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; HWND hProg = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_P_METER ); DWORD dwLen; DWORD dw; BOOL f; LPARAM lRange; PACL pAcl = NULL; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecDescriptor; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecDescriptor = &SecDescriptor; PSID pWorldSid = NULL; PSID pAdminsSid = NULL; DWORD attributes;
TraceFunc( "CreateDirectories( hDlg )\n" );
lRange = MAKELPARAM( 0 , 0 + ( g_Options.fIMirrorShareFound ? 0 : 1 ) + ( g_Options.fDirectoryTreeExists ? 0 : 7 ) + ( g_Options.fOSChooserInstalled ? 0 : 1 ) + ( g_Options.fNewOSDirectoryExists ? 0 : 1 ) + ( g_Options.fOSChooserScreensDirectory ? 0 : (g_Options.fLanguageSet ? 1 : 0 ) ) );
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, lRange ); SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETSTEP, 1, 0 );
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_CREATINGDIRECTORIES, szCreating, ARRAYSIZE(szCreating)); Assert( dw ); SetWindowText( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION ), szCreating );
if ( !g_Options.fDirectoryTreeExists ) { attributes = GetFileAttributes( g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == attributes ) { EXPLICIT_ACCESS ExplicitEntries[2]; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY ntSidAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY worldSidAuthority = SECURITY_WORLD_SID_AUTHORITY;
// build AccessEntry structure
ZeroMemory( ExplicitEntries, sizeof(ExplicitEntries) );
f = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &ntSidAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pAdminsSid ); if ( !f || (pAdminsSid == NULL) ) { dw = GetLastError(); MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, NULL, dw ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw); goto Error; } BuildTrusteeWithSid( &ExplicitEntries[0].Trustee, pAdminsSid ); ExplicitEntries[0].grfInheritance = SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT; ExplicitEntries[0].grfAccessMode = SET_ACCESS; ExplicitEntries[0].grfAccessPermissions = FILE_ALL_ACCESS;
f = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &worldSidAuthority, 1, SECURITY_WORLD_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pWorldSid ); if ( !f || (pAdminsSid == NULL) ) { dw = GetLastError(); MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, NULL, dw ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw); goto Error; } BuildTrusteeWithSid( &ExplicitEntries[1].Trustee, pWorldSid ); ExplicitEntries[1].grfInheritance = SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT; ExplicitEntries[1].grfAccessMode = SET_ACCESS; ExplicitEntries[1].grfAccessPermissions = FILE_GENERIC_READ | FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE;
// Set the Acl with the ExplicitEntry rights
dw = SetEntriesInAcl( 2, ExplicitEntries, NULL, &pAcl ); if ( dw != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, NULL, dw ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw); goto Error; }
// Create the Security Descriptor
InitializeSecurityDescriptor( pSecDescriptor, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION );
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( pSecDescriptor, TRUE, pAcl, FALSE )) { dw = GetLastError(); }
if ( dw != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, NULL, dw ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw); goto Error; }
// Create the Security Attributes structure
sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSecDescriptor; sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
// Create
// "D:\IntelliMirror"
hr = CreateDirectoryPath( hDlg, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath, &sa, FALSE ); if ( hr != NO_ERROR ) { goto Error; }
} else if ( (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0 ) { MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath, ERROR_DIRECTORY ); hr = E_FAIL; goto Error; }
// Prevent the index server from indexing the IntelliMirror directory.
attributes = GetFileAttributes( g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); attributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED; f = SetFileAttributes( g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath, attributes ); if ( !f ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); } SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1, 0 );
#if 0
// Create
// "D:\IntelliMirror\Clients"
wcscpy( szPath, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, L"\\Clients" ); Assert( wcslen(szPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath) ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { f = CreateDirectory( szPath, NULL ); if ( !f ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, szPath ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); } } SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1, 0 ); #endif
// Create
// "D:\IntelliMirror\Setup"
wcscpy( szPath, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, L"\\Setup" ); Assert( wcslen(szPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath) ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { f = CreateDirectory( szPath, NULL ); if ( !f ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, szPath ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); } } SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1, 0 );
// Create
// "D:\IntelliMirror\Setup\English"
wcscpy( szPath, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, L"\\Setup" ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, g_Options.szLanguage ); Assert( wcslen(szPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath) ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { f = CreateDirectory( szPath, NULL ); if ( !f ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, szPath ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); } } SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1, 0 );
#if 0
// Create
// "D:\IntelliMirror\Setup\English\Tools"
wcscpy( szPath, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, L"\\Setup" ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, g_Options.szLanguage ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, L"\\Tools" ); Assert( wcslen(szPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath) ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { f = CreateDirectory( szPath, NULL ); if ( !f ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, szPath ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); } } SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1, 0 ); #endif
// Create
// "D:\IntelliMirror\Setup\English\Images"
wcscpy( szPath, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, L"\\Setup" ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, g_Options.szLanguage ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, REMOTE_INSTALL_IMAGE_DIR_W ); Assert( wcslen(szPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath) ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { f = CreateDirectory( szPath, NULL ); if ( !f ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, szPath ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); } } SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1, 0 ); }
if ( !g_Options.fNewOSDirectoryExists && g_Options.fNewOS ) { //
// Create
// "D:\IntelliMirror\Setup\English\Images\nt50.wks"
/// by removing the "\i386" from the end.
DWORD dwLen = lstrlen( g_Options.szInstallationPath ); #if 0
LPWSTR psz = StrRChr( g_Options.szInstallationPath, &g_Options.szInstallationPath[dwLen], L'\\' );
if (psz == NULL) { Assert( psz ); SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_NETPATH); ErrorBox( hDlg, g_Options.szInstallationPath ); hr = THR(S_FALSE);
} else {
*psz = L'\0'; // terminate
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( g_Options.szInstallationPath ) ) { f = CreateDirectory( g_Options.szInstallationPath, NULL ); if ( !f ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, g_Options.szInstallationPath ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); } } *psz = L'\\'; // restore
} #endif
// Create
// "D:\IntelliMirror\Setup\English\Images\nt50.wks\i386"
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( g_Options.szInstallationPath ) ) { f = CreateDirectory( g_Options.szInstallationPath, NULL ); if ( !f ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, g_Options.szInstallationPath ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); } } SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1, 0 ); }
if ( !g_Options.fOSChooserDirectory ) { //
// Create the OS Chooser tree
// "D:\IntelliMirror\OSChooser"
wcscpy( g_Options.szOSChooserPath, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); ConcatenatePaths( g_Options.szOSChooserPath, L"\\OSChooser" ); Assert( wcslen(g_Options.szOSChooserPath) < ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szOSChooserPath) ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( g_Options.szOSChooserPath ) ) { f = CreateDirectory( g_Options.szOSChooserPath, NULL ); if ( !f ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, g_Options.szOSChooserPath ); hr = THR(E_FAIL); goto Error; } } SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1, 0 ); }
if ( g_Options.hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && !g_Options.fOSChooserDirectoryTreeExists ) { WCHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ]; BOOL fFound; INFCONTEXT context;
fFound = SetupFindFirstLine( g_Options.hinf, L"OSChooser", NULL, &context ); AssertMsg( fFound, "Could not find 'OSChooser' section in REMINST.INF.\n" );
while ( fFound && SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szFile, ARRAYSIZE(szFile), NULL ) ) { WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwLen = lstrlen( szFile ); LPWSTR psz = StrRChr( szFile, &szFile[ dwLen ], L'\\' ); if ( psz ) { *psz = L'\0'; // terminate
wsprintf( szPath, L"%s\\%s", g_Options.szOSChooserPath, szFile ); Assert( wcslen(szPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath) );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { HRESULT hr2; hr2 = CreateDirectoryPath( hDlg, szPath, NULL, TRUE ); if ( FAILED ( hr2 )) { hr = hr2; } } }
fFound = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); } } if ( FAILED( hr )) goto Error;
if ( !g_Options.fOSChooserScreensDirectory && g_Options.fLanguageSet ) { //
// Create
// "D:\IntelliMirror\OSChooser\English"
wcscpy( szPath, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, L"\\OSChooser" ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, g_Options.szLanguage ); Assert( wcslen(szPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath) ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { f = CreateDirectory( szPath, NULL ); if ( !f ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, szPath ); hr = THR(E_FAIL); // major error
goto Error; } } SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1, 0 ); }
// do this last
if ( !g_Options.fIMirrorShareFound ) { //
// Add the share
hr = CreateRemoteBootShare( hDlg );
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETPOS, 1 , 0 ); }
Error: if ( pWorldSid ) { FreeSid( pWorldSid ); } if ( pAdminsSid ) { FreeSid( pAdminsSid ); } if ( pAcl ) { TraceFree( pAcl ); }
HRETURN(hr); }
// Find the filename part from a complete path.
LPWSTR FilenameOnly( LPWSTR pszPath ) { LPWSTR psz = pszPath;
// find the end
while ( *psz ) psz++;
// find the slash
while ( psz > pszPath && *psz != chSlash ) psz--;
// move in front of the slash
if ( psz != pszPath ) psz++;
return psz; }
// Private structure containing information that the CopyFilesCallback()
// needs.
typedef struct { PVOID pContext; // "Context" for DefaultQueueCallback
HWND hProg; // hwnd to the progress meter
HWND hOperation; // hwnd to the "current operation"
DWORD nCopied; // number of files copied
DWORD nToBeCopied; // number of file to be copied
DWORD dwCopyingLength; // length of the IDS_COPYING
WCHAR szCopyingString[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; // buffer to create "Copying file.ext..."
BOOL fQuiet; // do things quietly
HWND hDlg; // hwnd to the Tasks Dialog
// Callback that the SETUP APIs calls. It handles updating the
// progress meters as well as UI updating. Any messages not
// handled are passed to the default SETUP callback.
UINT CALLBACK CopyFilesCallback( IN PVOID Context, IN UINT Notification, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN UINT_PTR Param2 ) { LPMYCONTEXT pMyContext = (LPMYCONTEXT) Context;
KeepUIAlive( pMyContext->hDlg );
if ( g_Options.fAbort ) { if ( !g_Options.fError ) { WCHAR szAbort[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ];
// change filename text to aborting...
DWORD dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_ABORTING, szAbort, ARRAYSIZE(szAbort) ); Assert( dw ); SetWindowText( pMyContext->hOperation, szAbort );
g_Options.fError = TRUE; }
if ( g_Options.fError ) { SetLastError(ERROR_CANCELLED); return FILEOP_ABORT; } }
switch ( Notification ) { case SPFILENOTIFY_ENDCOPY: if ( !(pMyContext->fQuiet) ) { pMyContext->nCopied++; SendMessage( pMyContext->hProg, PBM_SETPOS, (5000 * pMyContext->nCopied) / pMyContext->nToBeCopied, 0 ); } break;
case SPFILENOTIFY_STARTCOPY: if ( !(pMyContext->fQuiet) ) { DWORD dwLen; LPWSTR * ppszCopyingFile = (LPWSTR *) Param1;
lstrcpy( &pMyContext->szCopyingString[ pMyContext->dwCopyingLength ], FilenameOnly( *ppszCopyingFile ) ); dwLen = lstrlen( pMyContext->szCopyingString ); lstrcpy( &pMyContext->szCopyingString[ dwLen ], L"..." );
SetWindowText( pMyContext->hOperation, pMyContext->szCopyingString ); } break;
case SPFILENOTIFY_LANGMISMATCH: case SPFILENOTIFY_TARGETEXISTS: case SPFILENOTIFY_TARGETNEWER: if ( !pMyContext->fQuiet ) { UINT u = SetupDefaultQueueCallback( pMyContext->pContext, Notification, Param1, Param2 ); return u; } break;
if ( fp->Win32Error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) return FILEOP_SKIP;
case SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDMEDIA: UINT u = SetupDefaultQueueCallback( pMyContext->pContext, Notification, Param1, Param2 ); if ( u == FILEOP_ABORT ) { g_Options.fAbort = g_Options.fError = TRUE; } return u;
return FILEOP_DOIT; }
// CopyInfSection( )
HRESULT CopyInfSection( HSPFILEQ Queue, HINF hinf, LPCWSTR pszSection, LPCWSTR pszSourcePath, LPCWSTR pszSubPath, OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pszDescName, LPCWSTR pszTagFile, LPCWSTR pszDestinationRoot, LPDWORD pdwCount )
Routine Description:
queues up files from the specified section to be installed into the remote install directory.
Queue - queue handle to queue the copy operations to. hinf - handle to inf which specifies the list of files to be copied pszSection - section listing files to be copied pszSourcePath - specifies the base source path,where the files may be found on the *source* media pszSubPath - specifies the subdirectory, if any, where the files may be found on the *source* media pszDescName- user printable description of the media where this file is located. this may be used when the queue is committed. pszTagFile - specifies the tag file that is to uniquely describe the media where these files are located pszDestinationRoot - specifies the root location where files are to be copied to pdwCount - specifies the number of files that were queued from this section on return. if the function fails, this value is undefined.
Return Value:
An HRESULT indicating the outcome.
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; INFCONTEXT context; BOOL b;
TraceFunc( "CopyInfSection( ... )\n" );
// make sure the section we're looking for exists.
// We'll use this context to enumerate the files in the section
b = SetupFindFirstLine( hinf, pszSection, NULL, &context ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing section?" ); if ( !b ) { hr = S_FALSE; }
while ( b ) { LPWSTR pszDestRename = NULL; WCHAR szDestPath[ MAX_PATH ],szRename[100];; WCHAR szSrcName[ 64 ]; DWORD dw;
KeepUIAlive( NULL );
wcscpy(szDestPath, pszSubPath );
dw = SetupGetFieldCount( &context );
if ( dw > 1 ) { //
// first field is the destination name.
// we overload this field to also contain a subdirectory where
// the files should be placed as well
b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szRename, ARRAYSIZE( szRename ), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); if ( b ) { //
// 2nd field is the actual source filename
b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 2, szSrcName, ARRAYSIZE(szSrcName), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); pszDestRename = szRename; } } else { //
// if there's only one field, this is the actual source name. the
// destination name will be the same as the source name.
b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szSrcName, ARRAYSIZE(szSrcName), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); }
if ( !b ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto SkipIt; }
ConcatenatePaths( szDestPath, pszDestRename ? pszDestRename : szSrcName );
// all files are installed into the
b = SetupQueueCopy( Queue, pszSourcePath, pszSubPath, szSrcName, pszDescName, pszTagFile, pszDestinationRoot, szDestPath, SP_COPY_NEWER_ONLY | SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER | SP_COPY_WARNIFSKIP | SP_COPY_SOURCE_ABSOLUTE ); if ( !b ) { ErrorBox( NULL, szSrcName ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); goto SkipIt; }
// increment file count
SkipIt: b = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
HRETURN(hr); }
// ExpandCabList( )
TraceFunc( "ExpandCabList( ... )\n" );
// First make sure the DestPath exists, since we may call this
// before we commit the setup copy queue.
Assert( pParams->pszSection ); Assert( pParams->pszSourcePath ); Assert( pParams->pszDestPath ); Assert( pParams->pszSubDir );
DebugMsg( "Expand section %s from %s to %s\n", pParams->pszSection, pParams->pszSourcePath, pParams->pszDestPath );
wcscpy( TempDstPath, pParams->pszDestPath); ConcatenatePaths( TempDstPath, pParams->pszSubDir ); hr = CreateDirectoryPath( pParams->hDlg, TempDstPath, NULL, TRUE ); if ( hr ) { HRETURN(hr); }
wcscpy( TempSrcPath, pParams->pszSourcePath ); ConcatenatePaths( TempSrcPath, pParams->pszSubDir );
b = SetupFindFirstLine( pParams->hinf, pParams->pszSection, NULL, &context ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing section?" ); if ( !b ) { hr = S_FALSE; }
while ( b && !g_Options.fError && !g_Options.fAbort ) { LPWSTR pszDest = NULL; WCHAR wszCabName[ MAX_PATH ]; CHAR szCabPath[ MAX_PATH ]; CHAR szDestPath[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwSourcePathLen;
b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, wszCabName, ARRAYSIZE(wszCabName), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); if ( !b ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto SkipIt; }
// szCabPath is pszSourcePath\wszCabName, in ANSI
dwSourcePathLen = wcslen(TempSrcPath); wcstombs( szCabPath, TempSrcPath, dwSourcePathLen ); if (szCabPath[dwSourcePathLen-1] != '\\') { szCabPath[dwSourcePathLen] = '\\'; ++dwSourcePathLen; } wcstombs( &szCabPath[dwSourcePathLen], wszCabName, wcslen(wszCabName)+1 );
wcstombs( szDestPath, TempDstPath, wcslen(TempDstPath)+1 );
hr = ExtractFiles( szCabPath, szDestPath, 0, NULL, NULL, 0 );
if ( hr ) { ErrorBox( pParams->hDlg, wszCabName ); goto SkipIt; }
SkipIt: b = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
HRETURN(hr); }
// RecursiveCopySubDirectory
HRESULT RecursiveCopySubDirectory( HSPFILEQ Queue, // Setup queue
LPWSTR pszSrcDir, // points to a buffer MAX_PATH big and contains the source dir to recurse
LPWSTR pszDestDir, // points to a buffer MAX_PATH big and contains the destination dir to recurse
LPWSTR pszDiscName, // CD name, if any
LPWSTR pszTagFile, // tagfile to look for, if any
LPDWORD pdwCount ) // copy file counter
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL b;
TraceFunc( "RecursiveCopySubDirectory( ... )\n" );
LONG uOrginalSrcLength = wcslen( pszSrcDir ); LONG uOrginalDstLength = wcslen( pszDestDir );
ConcatenatePaths( pszSrcDir, L"*" );
hfda = FindFirstFile( pszSrcDir, &fda ); if ( hfda == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { ErrorBox( NULL, pszSrcDir ); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
pszSrcDir[ uOrginalSrcLength ] = L'\0';
do { KeepUIAlive( NULL );
if (( fda.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) && ( wcscmp( fda.cFileName, L"." ) ) && ( wcscmp( fda.cFileName, L".." ) )) // no dot dirs
{ if ( wcslen( fda.cFileName ) + uOrginalDstLength >= MAX_PATH || wcslen( fda.cFileName ) + uOrginalSrcLength >= MAX_PATH ) { SetLastError( ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ); ErrorBox( NULL, fda.cFileName ); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
ConcatenatePaths( pszSrcDir, fda.cFileName ); ConcatenatePaths( pszDestDir, fda.cFileName ); RecursiveCopySubDirectory( Queue, pszSrcDir, pszDestDir, pszDiscName, pszTagFile, pdwCount );
pszSrcDir[ uOrginalSrcLength ] = L'\0'; pszDestDir[ uOrginalDstLength ] = L'\0'; goto SkipFile; } else if (fda.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) goto SkipFile;
b = SetupQueueCopy( Queue, pszSrcDir, NULL, fda.cFileName, pszDiscName, pszTagFile, pszDestDir, NULL, SP_COPY_NEWER_ONLY | SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER | SP_COPY_WARNIFSKIP | SP_COPY_SOURCE_ABSOLUTE ); if ( !b ) { ErrorBox( NULL, fda.cFileName ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); goto SkipFile; }
// increment file counter
(*pdwCount)++; SkipFile: ; // nop
} while ( FindNextFile( hfda, &fda ) );
Cleanup: if ( hfda != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { FindClose( hfda ); hfda = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
HRETURN(hr); }
// CopyOptionalDirs
HRESULT CopyOptionalDirs( HSPFILEQ Queue, HINF hinf, LPWSTR pszSection, LPWSTR pszDiscName, LPWSTR pszTagFile, LPDWORD pdwCount ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; INFCONTEXT context; UINT uLineNum; BOOL b;
TraceFunc( "CopyOptionalDirs( ... )\n" );
b = SetupFindFirstLine( hinf, pszSection, NULL, &context ); #if 0
// this will hit installing a 2195 build because [AdditionalClientDirs]
// is missing, so take it out for now
AssertMsg( b, "Missing section?" ); #endif
if ( !b ) { hr = S_FALSE; }
while ( b && hr == S_OK ) { WCHAR szSrcPath[ 14 ]; // should be 8.3 directory name
WCHAR szSrcDir[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szDestDir[ MAX_PATH ]; WIN32_FIND_DATA fda; HANDLE hfda = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LONG uOrginalSrcLength; LONG uOrginalDestLength;
b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 0, szSrcPath, ARRAYSIZE(szSrcPath), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); if ( !b ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
wcscpy( szSrcDir, g_Options.szSourcePath ); ConcatenatePaths( szSrcDir, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString ); ConcatenatePaths( szSrcDir, szSrcPath ); Assert( wcslen( szSrcDir ) < ARRAYSIZE(szSrcDir) );
wcscpy( szDestDir, g_Options.szInstallationPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szDestDir, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString ); ConcatenatePaths( szDestDir, szSrcPath ); Assert( wcslen( szDestDir ) < ARRAYSIZE(szDestDir) );
hr = RecursiveCopySubDirectory( Queue, szSrcDir, szDestDir, pszDiscName, pszTagFile, pdwCount ); if (hr) goto Cleanup;
b = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
HRETURN(hr); }
// IsEntryInCab( )
BOOL IsEntryInCab( HINF hinf, PCWSTR pszFileName ) {
TraceFunc( "IsEntryInCab( ... )\n" );
INFCONTEXT Context; INFCONTEXT SectionContext; WCHAR szCabinetName[ MAX_PATH ]; UINT uField; UINT uFieldCount; DWORD dwLen = ARRAYSIZE( szCabinetName );
Assert( hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ); Assert( pszFileName );
// Find the cab files listing section
if ( !SetupFindFirstLineW( hinf, L"Version", L"CabFiles", &SectionContext ) ) { RETURN( FALSE ); }
do { uFieldCount = SetupGetFieldCount( &SectionContext );
for( uField = 1; uField <= uFieldCount; uField++ ) { SetupGetStringField( &SectionContext, uField, szCabinetName, dwLen, NULL );
if( SetupFindFirstLineW( hinf, szCabinetName, pszFileName, &Context ) ) { RETURN( TRUE ); // it's in a CAB
} }
} while ( SetupFindNextMatchLine( &SectionContext, L"CabFiles", &SectionContext ) );
// AddEntryToExtractionQueue( )
HRESULT AddEntryToExtractionQueue( LPWSTR pszFileName ) { TraceFunc( "AddEntryToExtractionQueue( ... )\n" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; PLL_FILES_TO_EXTRACT pNode = pExtractionList; DWORD dwLen;
dwLen = wcslen( pszFileName ); while ( pNode ) { if ( dwLen == pNode->dwLen && _wcsicmp( pszFileName, pNode->szFilename ) == 0 ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; // duplicate
} pNode = pNode->Next; }
pNode = (PLL_FILES_TO_EXTRACT) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(LL_FILES_TO_EXTRACT) ); if ( pNode ) { pNode->dwLen = dwLen; pNode->Next = pExtractionList; wcscpy( pNode->szFilename, pszFileName );
pExtractionList = pNode;
DebugMsg( "QUEUEING : %s to be extracted.\n", pszFileName ); } else { hr = THR( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
exit: HRETURN(hr); }
BOOL MySetupGetSourceInfo( IN HINF hInf, IN UINT SrcId, IN UINT InfoDesired, IN PCWSTR ProcessorArchitectureOverride, OPTIONAL OUT PWSTR Buffer, IN DWORD BufferSizeInBytes, OUT LPDWORD RequiredSize OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Wrapper for SetupGetSourceInfo because it doesn't handle platform path override correctly.
--*/ { WCHAR TempSectionName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR SourceId[20]; INFCONTEXT Context; BOOL RetVal = FALSE; if (!ProcessorArchitectureOverride) { return SetupGetSourceInfo( hInf, SrcId, InfoDesired, Buffer, BufferSizeInBytes, RequiredSize ); }
Assert( InfoDesired == SRCINFO_PATH );
wsprintf( TempSectionName, L"SourceDisksNames.%s", ProcessorArchitectureOverride ); wsprintf( SourceId, L"%d", SrcId ); if (!SetupFindFirstLine( hInf, TempSectionName,SourceId, &Context )) { wcscpy( TempSectionName, L"SourceDisksNames" ); if (!SetupFindFirstLine( hInf, TempSectionName,SourceId, &Context )) { goto exit; } }
RetVal = SetupGetStringField( &Context, 4, Buffer, BufferSizeInBytes/sizeof(TCHAR), NULL );
// CopyLayoutInfSection( )
HRESULT CopyLayoutInfSection( HSPFILEQ Queue, HINF hinf, HINF hinfDrivers, LPCWSTR pszSection, LPCWSTR pszDescName, LPCWSTR pszTagFile, LPCWSTR pszDestination, LPDWORD pdwCount ) /*++
Routine Description:
Queues up files from the specified section in layout.inf to be installed into the remote install image directory. This code is similar to what textmode setup does, and it reads several of the extended layout flags that textmode setup reads and setupapi doesn't have intrinsic knowledge about.
Queue - queue handle to queue the copy operations to. hinf - handle to layout.inf hinfDrivers - handle to drvindex.inf, to be used to see if files are located in the driver cabinet or not pszSection - section listing files to be copied pszDescName- user printable description of the media where this file is located. this may be used when the queue is committed. pszTagFile - specifies the tag file that is to uniquely describe the media where these files are located pszDestination - specifies the location where files are to be copied to pdwCount - specifies the number of files that were queued from this section on return. if the function fails, this value is undefined.
Return Value:
An HRESULT indicating the outcome.
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; INFCONTEXT context; BOOL b;
TraceFunc( "CopyLayoutInfSection( ... )\n" );
b = SetupFindFirstLine( hinf, pszSection, NULL, &context ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing section?" ); if ( !b ) { hr = S_FALSE; }
while ( b ) { BOOL fDecompress = FALSE; WCHAR szTemp[ 5 ]; // "_x" is the biggest string right now
DWORD SrcId; WCHAR szSrcName[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szSubDir[20]; WCHAR szSubDirPlusFileName[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pszPeriod;
KeepUIAlive( NULL );
b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 0, szSrcName, ARRAYSIZE(szSrcName), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); if ( !b ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto SkipIt; }
// get the subdirectory that this file is located in, based on the
// sourcedisksnames data in field 1
b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); if ( !b ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto SkipIt; }
SrcId = _wtoi(szTemp);
b = MySetupGetSourceInfo( hinf, SrcId, SRCINFO_PATH, SetupExtensionFromProcessorTag(g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString), szSubDir, sizeof(szSubDir), NULL ); if (!b) { hr = S_FALSE; goto SkipIt; }
// If there is an "_" in the 2nd character of "source" column of the
// layout.inf file, then this file should be decompressed because
// it is a file needed for booting.
szTemp[1] = 0; b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 7, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); if ( szTemp[1] == L'_' ) { fDecompress = TRUE; DebugMsg( "DECOMPRESS: %s is a boot driver.\n", szSrcName ); goto CopyIt; }
// If the 7th field isn't NULL, then the file exists outside the
// CABs so just copy it.
if ( wcslen( szTemp ) > 0 ) { DebugMsg( "BOOTFLOPPY: %s is external from CAB.\n", szSrcName ); goto CopyIt; }
// If it is in the CAB and didn't meet any of the conditions above,
// don't copy the file. It'll be in the CAB when/if setup needs it.
if ( IsEntryInCab( hinfDrivers, szSrcName ) ) { #if DBG
pszPeriod = wcschr(szSrcName, L'.'); if ((pszPeriod != NULL) && (_wcsicmp(pszPeriod, L".inf") == 0)) { DebugMsg( "WARNING: %s is an INF in a cab. This file will not be available for network inf processing .\n", szSrcName ); } #endif
DebugMsg( "SKIPPING : %s in a CAB.\n", szSrcName ); goto SkipIt; }
// If the extension is ".inf", then decompress so binlsvc
// can do its network .inf processing.
pszPeriod = wcschr(szSrcName, L'.'); if ((pszPeriod != NULL) && (_wcsicmp(pszPeriod, L".inf") == 0)) { fDecompress = TRUE; DebugMsg( "DECOMPRESS: %s is an INF.\n", szSrcName ); }
CopyIt: //
// we do this so that files end up in the proper subdirectory
wcscpy(szSubDirPlusFileName, szSubDir ); ConcatenatePaths( szSubDirPlusFileName, szSrcName );
b = SetupQueueCopy( Queue, g_Options.szSourcePath, szSubDir, szSrcName, pszDescName, pszTagFile, pszDestination, szSubDirPlusFileName, SP_COPY_NEWER_ONLY | SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER | SP_COPY_WARNIFSKIP | SP_COPY_SOURCE_ABSOLUTE | ( fDecompress ? 0 : SP_COPY_NODECOMP ) ); if ( !b ) { ErrorBox( NULL, szSrcName ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); goto SkipIt; }
// increment file counter
SkipIt: b = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
HRETURN(hr); }
// EnumNetworkDriversCallback( )
ULONG EnumNetworkDriversCallback( LPVOID pContext, LPWSTR pszInfName, LPWSTR pszFileName ) { TraceFunc( "EnumNetworkDriversCallback( ... )\n" );
MYCONTEXT * pMyContext = (MYCONTEXT *) pContext; HRESULT hr;
Assert( pszFileName ); Assert( pszInfName );
//DebugMsg( "In %s: %s\n", pszInfName, pszFileName );
if ( KeepUIAlive( pMyContext->hDlg ) ) { RETURN(ERROR_CANCELLED); }
hr = AddEntryToExtractionQueue( pszFileName ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { pMyContext->nToBeCopied++; } else if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { // duplicate found in queue... keep going
hr = S_OK; }
HRETURN(hr); }
// EnumCabinetCallback( )
UINT CALLBACK EnumCabinetCallback( IN PVOID Context, IN UINT Notification, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN UINT_PTR Param2 ) { TraceFunc( "EnumCabinetCallback( ... )\n" );
MYCONTEXT *pMyContext = (MYCONTEXT *) Context;
Assert( pMyContext );
KeepUIAlive( pMyContext->hDlg );
if ( g_Options.fAbort ) { if ( !g_Options.fError ) { WCHAR szAbort[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ];
// change filename text to aborting...
DWORD dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_ABORTING, szAbort, ARRAYSIZE(szAbort) ); Assert( dw ); SetWindowText( pMyContext->hOperation, szAbort );
g_Options.fError = TRUE; }
if ( g_Options.fError ) { SetLastError(ERROR_CANCELLED); uResult = FILEOP_ABORT; goto exit; } }
if ( Notification == SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET ) { pfici = (PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO) Param1; Assert( pfici ); Assert( pfici->NameInCabinet );
dwLen = wcslen( pfici->NameInCabinet ); while ( pNode ) { if ( dwLen == pNode->dwLen && _wcsicmp( pfici->NameInCabinet, pNode->szFilename ) == 0 ) { // match! remove it from the list and extract it.
if ( pNode == pExtractionList ) { pExtractionList = pNode->Next; } else { pLast->Next = pNode->Next; } LocalFree( pNode );
// create target path
wcscpy( pfici->FullTargetName, g_Options.szInstallationPath ); ConcatenatePaths( pfici->FullTargetName, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString ); ConcatenatePaths( pfici->FullTargetName, pfici->NameInCabinet );
if ( !(pMyContext->fQuiet) ) { wcscpy( &pMyContext->szCopyingString[ pMyContext->dwCopyingLength ], pfici->NameInCabinet ); dwLen = wcslen( pMyContext->szCopyingString ); wcscpy( &pMyContext->szCopyingString[ dwLen ], L"..." );
SetWindowText( pMyContext->hOperation, pMyContext->szCopyingString ); }
DebugMsg( "EXTRACTING: %s from CAB.\n", pfici->NameInCabinet );
uResult = FILEOP_DOIT; goto exit; } pLast = pNode; pNode = pNode->Next; }
uResult = FILEOP_SKIP; } else if ( Notification == SPFILENOTIFY_FILEEXTRACTED ) { PFILEPATHS pfp = (PFILEPATHS) Param1; Assert( pfp );
pMyContext->nCopied++; SendMessage( pMyContext->hProg, PBM_SETPOS, (5000 * pMyContext->nCopied) / pMyContext->nToBeCopied, 0 );
uResult = pfp->Win32Error; }
exit: RETURN(uResult); }
// AddInfSectionToExtractQueue( )
HRESULT AddInfSectionToExtractQueue( HINF hinf, LPWSTR pszSection, LPMYCONTEXT Context ) { TraceFunc( "AddInfSectionToExtractQueue( ... )\n" );
b = SetupFindFirstLine( hinf, pszSection, NULL, &context ); if ( !b ) goto Cleanup; // nothing to do - don't complain!
while ( b ) { WCHAR szFilename[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwLen = ARRAYSIZE( szFilename ); b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szFilename, dwLen, NULL ); if ( !b ) goto Error;
hr = AddEntryToExtractionQueue( szFilename ); if (FAILED( hr )) goto Cleanup;
if (hr == S_OK) { Context->nToBeCopied += 1; }
b = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
Cleanup: HRETURN(hr); Error: hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); goto Cleanup; }
// Copies the files into the setup directory.
TraceFunc( "CopyClientFiles( hDlg )\n" );
// Setup and display next section of dialog
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, 5000 )); SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0 ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_BUILDINGFILELIST, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, szText );
// Initialize
ZeroMemory( &MyContext, sizeof(MyContext) ); pExtractionList = NULL; ZeroMemory( &ExpandParams, sizeof(ExpandParams) );
hBinlsvc = LoadLibrary( L"BINLSVC.DLL" ); if ( hBinlsvc == NULL ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, L"BINLSVC.DLL" ); goto Cleanup; }
pfnNetInfEnumFiles = (PNETINFENUMFILES) GetProcAddress( hBinlsvc, NETINFENUMFILESENTRYPOINT ); if ( pfnNetInfEnumFiles == NULL ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, L"BINLSVC.DLL" ); goto Cleanup; }
// Make sure the workstation CD is the CD-ROM drive
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_INSERT_MEDIA, szInsertMedia, ARRAYSIZE(szInsertMedia) ); Assert( dw );
AskForDisk: wcscpy(szTempPath, g_Options.szSourcePath); ConcatenatePaths( szTempPath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString);
if ( DPROMPT_SUCCESS != SetupPromptForDisk( hDlg, szInsertMedia, g_Options.szWorkstationDiscName, szTempPath, L"layout.inf", g_Options.szWorkstationTagFile, dwFlags, g_Options.szSourcePath, MAX_PATH, NULL ) ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); goto Cleanup; }
// if they gave us a trailing architecture tag, then remove it
if (g_Options.szSourcePath[wcslen(g_Options.szSourcePath)-1] == L'\\') { //
// lose the trailing backslash if present
g_Options.szSourcePath[wcslen(g_Options.szSourcePath)-1] = L'\0'; }
p = wcsrchr( g_Options.szSourcePath, L'\\'); if (p) { p = StrStrI(p,g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString); if (p) { *(p-1) = L'\0'; } }
dw = CheckImageSource( hDlg ); if ( dw != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dwFlags = IDF_NOSKIP; goto AskForDisk; }
if ( g_Options.fAbort || g_Options.fError ) goto Cleanup;
wcscpy(szFilepath, g_Options.szSourcePath); ConcatenatePaths( szFilepath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString); ConcatenatePaths( szFilepath, L"layout.inf"); Assert( wcslen( szFilepath ) < ARRAYSIZE(szFilepath) );
hinfLayout = SetupOpenInfFile( szFilepath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, &uLineNum); if ( hinfLayout == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szFilepath ); goto Cleanup; }
// Openning layout can take a long time. Update the UI and check to see
// if the user wants to abort.
if ( KeepUIAlive( hDlg ) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_CANCELLED ); goto Cleanup; }
wcscpy(szFilepath, g_Options.szSourcePath); ConcatenatePaths( szFilepath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString); ConcatenatePaths( szFilepath, L"drvindex.inf");
Assert( wcslen( szFilepath ) < ARRAYSIZE(szFilepath) );
hinfDrivers = SetupOpenInfFile( szFilepath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, &uLineNum); if ( hinfDrivers == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szFilepath ); goto Cleanup; }
// Create the Queue
Queue = SetupOpenFileQueue( );
// Copy to REMINST.inf quietly
dw = GetEnvironmentVariable( L"TMP", g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath, ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath) ); Assert( dw );
ConcatenatePaths( g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath, L"\\REMINST.inf" ); Assert( wcslen(g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath) < ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath) );
wcscpy(szTempPath, g_Options.szSourcePath); ConcatenatePaths( szTempPath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString); b = SetupInstallFile( hinfLayout, NULL, L"REMINST.inf", szTempPath, g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath, SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER, NULL, NULL ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); WCHAR szCaption[SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE]; DWORD dw; dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_COPYING_REMINST_TITLE, szCaption, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ); Assert( dw ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szCaption ); AssertMsg( b, "Failed to copy REMINST.INF to TEMP" ); goto Cleanup; }
// The above call will initialize a lot of the SETUPAPI. This might take
// a long time as well. Refresh the UI and check for user abort.
if ( KeepUIAlive( hDlg ) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_CANCELLED ); goto Cleanup; }
// Now check the version of the workstation to make sure it's compatible
hr = CheckServerVersion( ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) goto Cleanup;
// Copy architecture-indepenedent files.
hr = CopyLayoutInfSection( Queue, hinfLayout, hinfDrivers, L"SourceDisksFiles", g_Options.szWorkstationDiscName, g_Options.szWorkstationTagFile, g_Options.szInstallationPath, &dwCount ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Copy architecture-depenedent files.
wsprintf( szTempPath, L"SourceDisksFiles.%s", SetupExtensionFromProcessorTag(g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString) );
hr = CopyLayoutInfSection( Queue, hinfLayout, hinfDrivers, szTempPath, g_Options.szWorkstationDiscName, g_Options.szWorkstationTagFile, g_Options.szInstallationPath, &dwCount ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// build the path to dosnet.inf
wcscpy( szFilepath, g_Options.szSourcePath ); ConcatenatePaths( szFilepath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString ); ConcatenatePaths( szFilepath, L"dosnet.inf" );
Assert( wcslen( szFilepath ) < ARRAYSIZE(szFilepath));
hinfDosnet = SetupOpenInfFile( szFilepath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, &uLineNum); if ( hinfDosnet == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( NULL, szFilepath ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = CopyOptionalDirs( Queue, hinfDosnet, L"OptionalSrcDirs", g_Options.szWorkstationDiscName, g_Options.szWorkstationTagFile, &dwCount ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) goto Cleanup;
SetupCloseInfFile( hinfLayout ); hinfLayout = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
SetupCloseInfFile( hinfDosnet ); hinfDosnet = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Add additional files not specified in the LAYOUT.INF
hinfReminst = SetupOpenInfFile( g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, &uLineNum); if ( hinfReminst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath ); goto Cleanup; }
hr = CopyInfSection( Queue, hinfReminst, L"AdditionalClientFiles", g_Options.szSourcePath, g_Options.szWorkstationSubDir, g_Options.szWorkstationDiscName, g_Options.szWorkstationTagFile, g_Options.szInstallationPath, &dwCount ); if( FAILED(hr) ) goto Cleanup;
// Add additional directories not specified in LAYOUT.INF
hr = CopyOptionalDirs( Queue, hinfReminst, L"AdditionalClientDirs", g_Options.szWorkstationDiscName, g_Options.szWorkstationTagFile, &dwCount ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) goto Cleanup;
// This information will be passed to CopyFileCallback() as
// the Context.
MyContext.nToBeCopied = dwCount; MyContext.nCopied = 0; MyContext.pContext = SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback( hDlg ); MyContext.hProg = hProg; MyContext.hOperation = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION ); MyContext.hDlg = hDlg; MyContext.fQuiet = FALSE; MyContext.dwCopyingLength = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_COPYING, MyContext.szCopyingString, ARRAYSIZE(MyContext.szCopyingString)); Assert(MyContext.dwCopyingLength);
// Start copying
Assert( dwCount ); if ( dwCount != 0 ) { b = SetupCommitFileQueue( NULL, Queue, (PSP_FILE_CALLBACK) CopyFilesCallback, (PVOID) &MyContext ); if ( !b ) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError( ); switch ( dwErr ) { case ERROR_CANCELLED: hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_CANCELLED ) ); goto Cleanup;
default: hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, NULL, dwErr ); goto Cleanup; } } }
SetupCloseFileQueue( Queue ); Queue = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Ask BINL to go through the INFs to find the drivers
// that we need to extract from the CABs.
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_BUILDINGFILELIST, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, szText ); SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0 );
// Re-init these values
MyContext.nCopied = 0; MyContext.nToBeCopied = 0;
// Pre-fill the link list of things to extract from the cab with
// things in the workstations REMINST.INF if needed. The section
// can be missing if there is nothing to pre-fill.
hr = AddInfSectionToExtractQueue( hinfReminst, L"ExtractFromCabs", &MyContext ); if (FAILED( hr )) goto Cleanup;
//!!!!bugbug doesn't seem to be working right!!!!
// compile the list of files
wcscpy( szTempPath, g_Options.szInstallationPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szTempPath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString ); dw = pfnNetInfEnumFiles( szTempPath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitecture, &MyContext, EnumNetworkDriversCallback );
if ( dw != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dw ) ); MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, NULL, dw ); goto Cleanup; }
DebugMsg( "%d files need to be extracted from CABs.\n", MyContext.nToBeCopied );
// Go through the CABs extracting only the ones in the link list
if ( !SetupFindFirstLineW( hinfDrivers, L"Version", L"CabFiles", &context) ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, NULL ); goto Cleanup; }
do { UINT uFieldCount = SetupGetFieldCount( &context ); DebugMsg( "uFieldCount = %u\n", uFieldCount ); for( UINT uField = 1; uField <= uFieldCount; uField++ ) { WCHAR CabinetNameKey[64]; INFCONTEXT DrvContext; WCHAR szCabinetName[ MAX_PATH ];
dwLen = ARRAYSIZE( szCabinetName ); if (!SetupGetStringField( &context, uField, CabinetNameKey, ARRAYSIZE( CabinetNameKey ), NULL ) || !SetupFindFirstLine( hinfDrivers, L"Cabs", CabinetNameKey, &DrvContext) || !SetupGetStringField( &DrvContext, 1, szCabinetName, dwLen, NULL )) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, NULL ); goto Cleanup; }
wcscpy( szFilepath, g_Options.szInstallationPath); ConcatenatePaths( szFilepath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString ); ConcatenatePaths( szFilepath, szCabinetName ); DebugMsg( "Iterating: %s\n", szFilepath ); if ( szCabinetName[0] == L'\0' ) continue; // skip blanks
b = SetupIterateCabinet( szFilepath, 0, EnumCabinetCallback, &MyContext ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szFilepath ); goto Cleanup; } } } while ( SetupFindNextMatchLine( &context, L"CabFiles", &context ) );
// comment out this assert because it always fires -- some files we are
// queuing up (the ones in the ExtractFromCabs section) are not part of
// any cab, so they are handled in the following section.
#if 0
// This should be empty - if not tell someone on the CHKed version.
AssertMsg( pExtractionList == NULL, "Some network drivers are not in the CABs.\n\nIgnore this if you do not care." ); #endif
if ( pExtractionList != NULL ) { WCHAR szDstPath[ MAX_PATH ];
// Ok. Someone decided that these files shouldn't be in the CAB. So
// let's try to get them from outside the CAB.
pNode = pExtractionList; while ( pNode ) { DWORD dwConditionalFlags = 0; WCHAR cTmp; PWSTR CompressedName = NULL; //
// see if we copied the file to the installation image already
// if the file is already at the destination, we can skip copying
// this file or just decompress it (and delete the compressed
// source). In the case where the file is compressed, we may need
// to tweak the file attributes so that the source file can be
// successfully retreived.
wcscpy( szFilepath, g_Options.szInstallationPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szFilepath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString ); ConcatenatePaths( szFilepath, pNode->szFilename ); if ( !IsFileOrCompressedVersionPresent( szFilepath, &CompressedName )) { //
// It's not already there, so check the source.
// Note that we don't care if the file is compressed or not, we
// just want the file to be there, because setupapi can do the
// rest without any help from us.
wcscpy( szFilepath, g_Options.szSourcePath ); ConcatenatePaths( szFilepath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString ); ConcatenatePaths( szFilepath, pNode->szFilename ); if ( !IsFileOrCompressedVersionPresent( szFilepath, &CompressedName )) { //
// it's not there on the source - we must give up
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, pNode->szFilename, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); goto Cleanup; } } else { if (CompressedName) { //
// Make sure we can delete the compressed source file at
// the destination path since we're going to decompress
// this file
DWORD dwAttribs = dwAttribs = GetFileAttributes( CompressedName ); DebugMsg( "!!compressed name!!: %s\n", CompressedName ); if ( dwAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) { dwAttribs &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; SetFileAttributes( CompressedName, dwAttribs ); } dwConditionalFlags = SP_COPY_DELETESOURCE;
TraceFree( CompressedName );
} else { //
// the file is already expanded in the destination - NOP.
goto DeleteIt; } }
// Update UI
wcscpy( &MyContext.szCopyingString[ MyContext.dwCopyingLength ], pNode->szFilename ); wcscpy( &MyContext.szCopyingString[ wcslen( MyContext.szCopyingString ) ], L"..." ); SetWindowText( MyContext.hOperation, MyContext.szCopyingString );
DebugMsg( "!!COPYING!!: %s\n", szFilepath );
wcscpy( szDstPath, g_Options.szInstallationPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szDstPath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString ); ConcatenatePaths( szDstPath, pNode->szFilename );
b= SetupInstallFile( NULL, NULL, szFilepath, NULL, szDstPath, SP_COPY_SOURCE_ABSOLUTE | SP_COPY_NEWER_ONLY | SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER | dwConditionalFlags, NULL, NULL ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szFilepath ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( KeepUIAlive( hDlg ) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_CANCELLED ); goto Cleanup; }
DeleteIt: // Update meter
MyContext.nCopied++; SendMessage( MyContext.hProg, PBM_SETPOS, (5000 * MyContext.nCopied) / MyContext.nToBeCopied, 0 );
pExtractionList = pNode->Next; LocalFree( pNode ); pNode = pExtractionList; } }
// Finally, blow out all the files in these cabs
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_EXPANDING_CABS, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, szText );
ExpandParams.hDlg = hDlg; ExpandParams.hinf = hinfReminst; ExpandParams.pszSection = L"CabsToExpand"; ExpandParams.pszSourcePath = g_Options.szSourcePath; ExpandParams.pszDestPath = g_Options.szInstallationPath; ExpandParams.pszSubDir = g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString;
// Expand CABs in background to keep UI alive
hThread = CreateThread( NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) ExpandCabList, (LPVOID) &ExpandParams, NULL, NULL ); while ( WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject( hThread, 10 ) ) { KeepUIAlive( hDlg ); } GetExitCodeThread( hThread, (ULONG*)&hr ); DebugMsg( "Thread Exit Code was 0x%08x\n", hr ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: if ( hThread != NULL ) CloseHandle( hThread );
if ( MyContext.pContext ) SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback( MyContext.pContext );
if ( Queue != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SetupCloseFileQueue( Queue );
if ( hinfLayout != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SetupCloseInfFile( hinfLayout );
if ( hinfReminst != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SetupCloseInfFile( hinfReminst );
if ( hinfDrivers != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SetupCloseInfFile( hinfDrivers );
if ( hinfDosnet != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SetupCloseInfFile( hinfDosnet );
if ( hBinlsvc != NULL ) FreeLibrary( hBinlsvc );
AssertMsg( pExtractionList == NULL, "The list still isn't empty.\n\nThe image will be missing some drivers.\n" ); while ( pExtractionList ) { PLL_FILES_TO_EXTRACT pNode = pExtractionList; pExtractionList = pExtractionList->Next; LocalFree( pNode ); }
b = DeleteFile( g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath ); AssertMsg( b, "Failed to delete temp\\REMINST.INF\nThis was just a warning and can be ignored." ); g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath[0] = L'\0';
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETPOS, 5000, 0 ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, L"" );
HRETURN(hr); }
// Modifies registry from the registry section of the REMINST.INF
HRESULT ModifyRegistry( HWND hDlg ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HWND hProg = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_P_METER ); WCHAR szText[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szSection[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szFiles[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; BOOL b; DWORD dw; WCHAR szRegSrvDlls[ MAX_PATH ]; UINT spinstFlags = 0;
TraceFunc( "ModifyRegistry( hDlg )\n" );
Assert( g_Options.hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ); if ( g_Options.hinf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) HRETURN( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ) ); // need this handle!
// Update UI
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM( 0, 1 ) ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_UPDATING_REGISTRY, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, szText );
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_INF_SECTION, szSection, ARRAYSIZE(szSection)); Assert( dw );
// Process the INF's registry section
if ( !g_Options.fRegistryIntact ) { spinstFlags |= SPINST_REGISTRY; } if ( !g_Options.fRegSrvDllsRegistered ) { spinstFlags |= SPINST_REGSVR; }
b = SetupInstallFromInfSection( hDlg, // hwndOwner
g_Options.hinf, // inf handle
szSection, // name of component
spinstFlags, NULL, // relative key root
NULL, // source root path
0, // copy flags
NULL, // callback routine
NULL, // callback routine context
NULL, // device info set
NULL); // device info struct
if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szSection ); goto Error; }
// Add the Reg Key for TFTPD
if ( !g_Options.fTFTPDDirectoryFound ) { HKEY hkey; dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_TFTPD_SERVICE_PARAMETERS, szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath)); Assert( dw );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szPath, 0, // options
NULL, // class
0, // options
KEY_WRITE, NULL, // security
&hkey, &dw ) ) { // disposition
ULONG lLen; DWORD dwType; LONG lErr;
// paranoid
Assert( wcslen(g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath) < ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath)); lLen = lstrlen( g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ) * sizeof(WCHAR); lErr = RegSetValueEx( hkey, L"Directory", 0, // reserved
REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath, lLen ); if ( lErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DebugMsg( "TFTPD's Directory RegKey set.\n" ); } else { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szPath ); DebugMsg( "HKLM\\%s could be not created.\n", szPath ); goto Error; }
RegCloseKey( hkey ); } else { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szPath ); DebugMsg( "HKLM\\%s could be not created.\n", szPath ); goto Error; } }
Error: SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETPOS, 1 , 0 ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, L"" ); HRETURN(hr); }
// Stop a specific service
HRESULT StopRBService( HWND hDlg, SC_HANDLE schSystem, LPWSTR pszService ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; SC_HANDLE schService = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS ssStatus; BOOL b; DWORD dwErr;
TraceFunc( "StopRBService( ... )\n" );
Assert( schSystem ); Assert( pszService ); schService = OpenService( schSystem, pszService, SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS ); if ( !schService ) { goto Cleanup; }
b = ControlService( schService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ssStatus );
#define SLEEP_TIME 2000
#define LOOP_COUNT 30
if ( !b && GetLastError() != ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE ) { dwErr = GetLastError( ); } else { DWORD loopCount = 0; do { b = QueryServiceStatus( schService, &ssStatus); if ( !b ) { goto Cleanup; } if (ssStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) { if ( loopCount++ == LOOP_COUNT ) { dwErr = ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT; break; } Sleep( SLEEP_TIME ); } else { if ( ssStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED ) { dwErr = ssStatus.dwWin32ExitCode; if ( dwErr == ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR ) { dwErr = ssStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode; } } else { dwErr = NO_ERROR; } break; } } while ( TRUE ); }
Cleanup: if ( schService ) CloseServiceHandle( schService );
// Start a specific service
HRESULT StartRBService( HWND hDlg, SC_HANDLE schSystem, LPWSTR pszService, LPWSTR pszServiceName, LPWSTR pszServiceDescription ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; SC_HANDLE schService = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS ssStatus; BOOL b; DWORD dwErr;
TraceFunc( "StartRBService( ... )\n" );
Assert( schSystem ); Assert( pszService ); Assert( pszServiceName );
schService = OpenService( schSystem, pszService, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS ); if ( !schService ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, pszServiceName ); goto Cleanup; }
b = ChangeServiceConfig( schService, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, SERVICE_AUTO_START, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( !b ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, pszServiceName ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); }
// If the service is paused, continue it; else try to start it.
b = QueryServiceStatus( schService, &ssStatus); if ( !b ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, pszServiceName ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); goto Cleanup; }
if ( ssStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_PAUSED ) { b = ControlService( schService, SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE, &ssStatus ); } else { b = StartService( schService, 0, NULL ); }
#define SLEEP_TIME 2000
#define LOOP_COUNT 30
if ( !b ) { dwErr = GetLastError( ); } else { DWORD loopCount = 0; do { b = QueryServiceStatus( schService, &ssStatus); if ( !b ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, pszServiceName ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); goto Cleanup; } if ( ssStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING ) { if ( loopCount++ == LOOP_COUNT ) {
if ( (ssStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING) || (ssStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_START_PENDING) ) { dwErr = ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT; } else { dwErr = ssStatus.dwWin32ExitCode; if ( dwErr == ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR ) { dwErr = ssStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode; } } break; }
Sleep( SLEEP_TIME ); } else { dwErr = NO_ERROR; break; }
} while ( TRUE ); }
if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { switch ( dwErr ) { default: hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwErr ) ); MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, pszServiceName, dwErr ); break;
case ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING: { // Attempt to HUP the service
SERVICE_STATUS ss; ControlService( schService, SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE, &ss ); } break; } } else { // There is a pathological case where the service is deleted and then risetup restarts it. When it does so, it doesn't set the description string.
// We check here if there is a description for the service and if not we give it one.
// We can't do this in CreateRemoteBootServices beacuse the services must be started.
SERVICE_DESCRIPTION description; DWORD bytes_needed; if( QueryServiceConfig2( schService, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, ( LPBYTE )&description, sizeof( description ), &bytes_needed )) { // Now, if there were a description the previous call would have failed with a ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER error.
// We do a quick check to make sure that everything is valid.
Assert( description.lpDescription == NULL ); // Now we can change it.
description.lpDescription = pszServiceDescription; ChangeServiceConfig2( schService, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, &description ); // If that caused an error, we'll ignore it since the description is not essential to the operation of RIS.
} // Whatever error the query threw we don't care as the description isn't sufficiently vital to RIS.
Cleanup: if ( schService ) CloseServiceHandle( schService );
HRETURN(hr); }
// Start the services needed for remote boot.
HRESULT StartRemoteBootServices( HWND hDlg ) { WCHAR szService[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szServiceName[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szServiceDescription[ 1024 ]; // Size is the maximum allowed by ChangeServiceConfig2
WCHAR szText[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; SC_HANDLE schSystem; HWND hProg = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_P_METER ); DWORD dw; HRESULT hr; HRESULT hrFatalError = S_OK; HRESULT hrStartFailure = S_OK;
HWND hOper = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION );
TraceFunc( "StartRemoteBootServices( hDlg )\n" );
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM( 0, 2 ) ); SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0 );
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_STARTING_SERVICES, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, szText );
schSystem = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); Assert( schSystem ); if ( !schSystem ) { hrFatalError = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); WCHAR szCaption[SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE]; DWORD dw; dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_OPENING_SERVICE_MANAGER_TITLE, szCaption, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ); Assert( dw ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szCaption ); goto Cleanup; }
// start TFTPD services
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_TFTPD_SERVICENAME, szServiceName, ARRAYSIZE(szServiceName)); Assert( dw ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_TFTPD_DESCRIPTION, szServiceDescription, ARRAYSIZE(szServiceDescription)); Assert( dw ); SetWindowText( hOper, szServiceName );
hr = StartRBService( hDlg, schSystem, L"TFTPD", szServiceName, szServiceDescription ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { hrFatalError = hr; goto Cleanup; } else if ( hr != S_OK ) { hrStartFailure = hr; }
// start BINLSVC services
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_BINL_SERVICENAME, szServiceName, ARRAYSIZE(szServiceName)); Assert( dw ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_BINL_DESCRIPTION, szServiceDescription, ARRAYSIZE(szServiceDescription)); Assert( dw ); SetWindowText( hOper, szServiceName ); if (!g_Options.fBINLSCPFound) { StopRBService( hDlg, schSystem, L"BINLSVC" ); }
hr = StartRBService( hDlg, schSystem, L"BINLSVC", szServiceName, szServiceDescription ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { hrFatalError = hr; goto Cleanup; } else if ( hr != S_OK ) { hrStartFailure = hr; }
// start GROVELER services
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_SISGROVELER_SERVICENAME, szServiceName, ARRAYSIZE(szServiceName)); Assert( dw ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_SISGROVELER_DESCRIPTION, szServiceDescription, ARRAYSIZE(szServiceDescription)); Assert( dw ); SetWindowText( hOper, szServiceName );
hr = StartRBService( hDlg, schSystem, L"GROVELER", szServiceName, szServiceDescription ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { hrFatalError = hr; goto Cleanup; } else if ( hr != S_OK ) { hrStartFailure = hr; }
Cleanup: SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, L"" );
if ( schSystem ) CloseServiceHandle( schSystem );
if ( hrFatalError != S_OK ) { hr = hrFatalError; } else if ( hrStartFailure != S_OK ) { hr = hrStartFailure; } else { hr = S_OK; }
RETURN(hr); }
// create IntelliMirror share
HRESULT CreateRemoteBootShare( HWND hDlg ) { SHARE_INFO_502 si502; SHARE_INFO_1005 si1005; WCHAR szRemark[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szRemoteBoot[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szText[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szPath[ 129 ]; DWORD dwErr; HWND hProg = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_P_METER ); DWORD dw; HRESULT hr;
TraceFunc( "CreateRemoteBootShare( hDlg )\n" );
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_CREATINGSHARES, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, szText );
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_REMOTEBOOTSHAREREMARK, szRemark, ARRAYSIZE(szRemark)); Assert( dw ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_REMOTEBOOTSHARENAME, szRemoteBoot, ARRAYSIZE(szRemoteBoot)); Assert( dw );
wcscpy( szPath, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); if ( wcslen( szPath ) == 2 ) { wcscat( szPath, L"\\" ); }
si502.shi502_netname = szRemoteBoot; si502.shi502_type = STYPE_DISKTREE; si502.shi502_remark = szRemark; si502.shi502_permissions = ACCESS_ALL; si502.shi502_max_uses = -1; // unlimited
si502.shi502_current_uses = 0; si502.shi502_path = szPath; si502.shi502_passwd = NULL; // ignored
si502.shi502_reserved = 0; // must be zero
si502.shi502_security_descriptor = NULL; Assert( wcslen(g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath) < ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath) ); // paranoid
dwErr = NetShareAdd( NULL, 502, (LPBYTE) &si502, NULL ); switch ( dwErr ) { // ignore these
case NERR_Success: case NERR_DuplicateShare: dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; break;
default: MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath, dwErr ); goto Error; }
#error("Remote boot is dead!! Turn off the REMOTE_BOOT flag.")
si1005.shi1005_flags = CSC_CACHE_AUTO_REINT; NetShareSetInfo( NULL, szRemoteBoot, 1005, (LPBYTE)&si1005, &dwErr ); switch ( dwErr ) { // ignore these
case NERR_Success: dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; break;
default: MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath, dwErr ); } #endif // REMOTE_BOOT
Error: hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr) ); HRETURN(hr); }
typedef int (WINAPI * REGISTERDLL)( void );
// Register Dlls
// If hDlg is NULL, this will fail silently.
HRESULT RegisterDll( HWND hDlg, LPWSTR pszDLLPath ) { REGISTERDLL pfnRegisterDll = NULL; HINSTANCE hLib; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceFunc( "RegisterDll( ... )\n" );
// We'll try to register it locally, but if fails MMC should
// grab it from the DS and register it on the machine.
hLib = LoadLibrary( pszDLLPath ); AssertMsg( hLib, "RegisterDll: Missing DLL?" ); if ( !hLib ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
pfnRegisterDll = (REGISTERDLL) GetProcAddress( hLib, "DllRegisterServer" ); AssertMsg( pfnRegisterDll, "RegisterDll: Missing entry point?" ); if ( pfnRegisterDll != NULL ) { hr = THR( pfnRegisterDll() ); if ( FAILED(hr) && hDlg ) { MessageBoxFromStrings( hDlg, IDS_REGISTER_IMADMIU_FAILED_CAPTION, IDS_REGISTER_IMADMIU_FAILED_TEXT, MB_OK ); } }
FreeLibrary( hLib );
Cleanup: HRETURN(hr); }
// Creates the services needed for remote boot.
HRESULT CreateRemoteBootServices( HWND hDlg ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szServiceName[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; // TFTPD service name
WCHAR szText[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; // general use
WCHAR szGroup[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; CHAR szIntelliMirrorDrive[ 3 ]; // eg. "D:" - ASCII not UNICODE
SC_HANDLE schSystem; // Handle to System Services
SC_HANDLE schService; // Temp handle to new service
DWORD dw; // general use
LPARAM lRange;
HWND hProg = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_P_METER ); HWND hOper = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION );
TraceFunc( "CreateRemoteBootServices( hDlg )\n" );
lRange = 0; if ( !g_Options.fBINLServiceInstalled ) { lRange++; } if ( !g_Options.fBINLSCPFound ) { lRange++; } if ( !g_Options.fTFTPDServiceInstalled ) { lRange++; } if ( !g_Options.fSISServiceInstalled ) { lRange++; } lRange = MAKELPARAM( 0, lRange );
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, lRange ); SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0 );
// Display what we are doing in operations area
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_STARTING_SERVICES, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); SetWindowText( hOper, szText );
// Open System Services Manager
schSystem = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); Assert( schSystem ); if ( !schSystem ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); WCHAR szCaption[SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE]; DWORD dw; dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_OPENING_SERVICE_MANAGER_TITLE, szCaption, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ); Assert( dw ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szCaption ); goto Cleanup; }
// Create TFTPD service
if ( !g_Options.fTFTPDServiceInstalled ) { dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_TFTPD_SERVICENAME, szServiceName, ARRAYSIZE(szServiceName)); Assert( dw ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_TFTPD, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); SetWindowText( hOper, szServiceName ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_TFTPD_PATH, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); schService = CreateService( schSystem, L"TFTPD", szServiceName, STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | SERVICE_START, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, SERVICE_AUTO_START, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, szText, NULL, NULL, L"Tcpip\0", NULL, NULL ); if ( !schService ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szServiceName ); } else { CloseServiceHandle( schService ); }
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1 , 0 ); }
// Create BINLSVC
if ( !g_Options.fBINLServiceInstalled ) { dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_BINL_SERVICENAME, szServiceName, ARRAYSIZE(szServiceName)); Assert( dw ); SetWindowText( hOper, szServiceName ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_BINL_PATH, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); schService = CreateService( schSystem, L"BINLSVC", szServiceName, STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | SERVICE_START, SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS, SERVICE_AUTO_START, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, szText, NULL, NULL, L"Tcpip\0LanmanServer\0", NULL, NULL ); if ( !schService ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szServiceName ); } else { CloseServiceHandle( schService ); }
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1 , 0 ); }
// Create SIS
if ( !g_Options.fSISServiceInstalled ) { dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_SIS_SERVICENAME, szServiceName, ARRAYSIZE(szServiceName)); Assert( dw ); SetWindowText( hOper, szServiceName ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_SIS_PATH, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_SIS_GROUP, szGroup, ARRAYSIZE(szGroup)); Assert( dw ); schService = CreateService( schSystem, L"SIS", szServiceName, STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | SERVICE_START, SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER, SERVICE_BOOT_START, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, szText, szGroup, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( !schService ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szServiceName ); } else { CloseServiceHandle( schService ); }
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1 , 0 ); }
// Create SIS Groveler
if ( !g_Options.fSISGrovelerServiceInstalled ) { dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_SISGROVELER_SERVICENAME, szServiceName, ARRAYSIZE(szServiceName)); Assert( dw ); SetWindowText( hOper, szServiceName ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_SISGROVELER_PATH, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_SISGROVELER_GROUP, szGroup, ARRAYSIZE(szGroup)); Assert( dw ); schService = CreateService( schSystem, L"Groveler", szServiceName, STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | SERVICE_START, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, SERVICE_AUTO_START, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, szText, NULL, NULL, L"SIS\0", NULL, NULL ); if ( !schService ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szServiceName ); } else { CloseServiceHandle( schService ); }
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1 , 0 ); }
// Create the BINL SCP
if ( !g_Options.fBINLSCPFound ) { dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_BINL_SERVICECONTROLPOINT, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText) ); Assert( dw ); SetWindowText( hOper, szText );
hr = CreateSCP( hDlg );
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_DELTAPOS, 1 , 0 ); }
Cleanup: SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, L"" ); HRETURN(hr); }
// Reads the server's layout.inf file for disc name, tag file and
// optional sub-dir. All parameters are assumed to be MAX_PATH in
// size except the tag files which can only be 10.3 format.
HRESULT RetrieveServerDiscInfo( HWND hDlg, LPWSTR pszDiscName, LPWSTR pszTagFile, LPWSTR pszSubDir ) { TraceFunc("RetrieveServerDiscInfo()\n");
if ( !GetEnvironmentVariable(L"windir", szSourcePath, ARRAYSIZE(szSourcePath)) ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szSourcePath ); goto Cleanup; } wcscat( szSourcePath, L"\\inf\\layout.inf" );
hinf = SetupOpenInfFile( szSourcePath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, &uLineNum); if ( hinf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szSourcePath ); goto Cleanup; }
b = FALSE; if ( g_Options.ProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL ) { b = SetupFindFirstLine( hinf, L"SourceDisksNames.x86", L"1", &context ); } else if ( g_Options.ProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64 ) { b = SetupFindFirstLine( hinf, L"SourceDisksNames.ia64", L"1", &context ); }
if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szSourcePath ); goto Cleanup; }
if ( pszDiscName ) { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, pszDiscName, MAX_PATH, NULL ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szSourcePath ); goto Cleanup; } }
if ( pszTagFile ) { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 2, pszTagFile, 14 /* 10.3 + NULL */, NULL ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szSourcePath ); goto Cleanup; } }
if ( pszSubDir ) { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 4, pszSubDir, MAX_PATH, NULL ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szSourcePath ); goto Cleanup; } }
Cleanup: if ( hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SetupCloseInfFile( hinf );
HRETURN(hr); }
// Copies the files needed by the server from where the server
// was orginally installed from.
HRESULT CopyServerFiles( HWND hDlg ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HSPFILEQ Queue = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WCHAR szSection[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; HWND hProg = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_P_METER ); DWORD dwCount = 0; DWORD dw; BOOL b; UINT iResult; WCHAR szServerDiscName[ MAX_PATH ] = { L'\0' }; MYCONTEXT MyContext; INFCONTEXT context; UINT uLineNum; ZeroMemory( &MyContext, sizeof(MyContext) );
TraceFunc( "CopyServerFiles( hDlg )\n" );
Assert( g_Options.hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ); if ( g_Options.hinf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { hr = E_FAIL; // need this handle!
goto Cleanup; }
// Setup and display next section of dialog
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, 5000 )); SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0 );
// Ask for CD if any of the Services files are missing.
// Or if the System32\RemBoot directory is missing and we
// need the OS Chooser files (not screens).
if ( !g_Options.fBINLFilesFound || !g_Options.fTFTPDFilesFound || !g_Options.fSISFilesFound || !g_Options.fSISGrovelerFilesFound || !g_Options.fRegSrvDllsFilesFound || ( !g_Options.fRemBootDirectory && !g_Options.fOSChooserInstalled ) ) {
WCHAR szSourcePath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szServerTagFile[ 14 ] = { L'\0' }; WCHAR szInsertMedia[ 64 ]; WCHAR szServerSubDir[ MAX_PATH ] = { L'\0' }; DebugMsg( "Queue and copy reminst files\n" );
// Ask user to check the CDROM to make sure the right CD is in the drive.
// We skip this if it was installed from a share.
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_INSERT_MEDIA, szInsertMedia, ARRAYSIZE(szInsertMedia) ); Assert( dw );
hr = RetrieveServerDiscInfo( hDlg, szServerDiscName, szServerTagFile, szServerSubDir ); // if it fails, try to proceed anyway to see if the user is smart enough
// to fix the problem.
iResult = SetupPromptForDisk( hDlg, // parent window of the dialog box
szInsertMedia, // optional, title of the dialog box
szServerDiscName, // optional, name of disk to insert
NULL, // optional, expected source path
szServerTagFile, // name of file needed
szServerTagFile, // optional, source media tag file
IDF_CHECKFIRST | IDF_NODETAILS | IDF_NOSKIP, // specifies dialog box behavior
szSourcePath, // receives the source location
MAX_PATH, // size of the supplied buffer
NULL ); // optional, buffer size needed
if ( iResult != DPROMPT_SUCCESS ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); goto Cleanup; }
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_INF_SECTION, szSection, ARRAYSIZE(szSection) ); Assert( dw );
// Create the Queue
Queue = SetupOpenFileQueue( );
// Add the files
b = SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection( g_Options.hinf, NULL, Queue, szSection, szSourcePath, SP_COPY_WARNIFSKIP | SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER | SP_COPY_NEWER_ONLY ); // copy flags
Assert( b ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szSection ); goto Cleanup; }
// Add a section that is done during textmode setup
b = SetupQueueCopySection( Queue, szSourcePath, g_Options.hinf, NULL, L"REMINST.OtherSystemFiles", SP_COPY_WARNIFSKIP | SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER | SP_COPY_NEWER_ONLY ); // copy flags
Assert( b ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, L"REMINST.OtherSystemFiles" ); goto Cleanup; }
// This information will be passed to CopyFileCallback() as
// the Context.
MyContext.nToBeCopied = 12; // todo: generate this dynamically
MyContext.nCopied = 0; MyContext.pContext = SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback( hDlg ); MyContext.hProg = hProg; MyContext.hOperation = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION ); MyContext.hDlg = hDlg; MyContext.dwCopyingLength = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_COPYING, MyContext.szCopyingString, ARRAYSIZE(MyContext.szCopyingString)); b = SetupCommitFileQueue( NULL, Queue, (PSP_FILE_CALLBACK) CopyFilesCallback, (PVOID) &MyContext ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, NULL ); }
SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback( MyContext.pContext ); ZeroMemory( &MyContext, sizeof(MyContext) );
SetupCloseFileQueue( Queue ); Queue = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// recheck
HRESULT hr2 = CheckInstallation( ); if ( FAILED(hr2) ) { hr = THR( hr2 ); goto Cleanup; }
// because of the recheck, this flag should be set
Assert( g_Options.fRemBootDirectory ); g_Options.fRemBootDirectory = TRUE; }
// Move OS Chooser files to the IntelliMirror\OSChooser tree.
if ( !g_Options.fOSChooserInstalled && g_Options.fRemBootDirectory ) {
DebugMsg( "Queue and copy os chooser files\n" );
Assert( g_Options.fIMirrorDirectory ); Assert( g_Options.fOSChooserDirectory );
b = SetupFindFirstLine( g_Options.hinf, L"OSChooser", NULL, &context ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing section?" ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); }
if ( szServerDiscName[0] == L'\0' ) { hr = RetrieveServerDiscInfo( hDlg, szServerDiscName, NULL, NULL ); // if it fails, try to proceed anyway to see if the user is smart enough
// to fix the problem.
dwCount = 0;
// Create the Queue
Queue = SetupOpenFileQueue( );
while ( b ) { WCHAR szSrcFile[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szDestFile[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dw; LPWSTR pszDest = NULL;
dw = SetupGetFieldCount( &context );
if ( dw > 1 ) { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szDestFile, ARRAYSIZE(szDestFile) , NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); if ( b ) { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 2, szSrcFile, ARRAYSIZE(szSrcFile), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); pszDest = szDestFile; } } else { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szSrcFile, ARRAYSIZE(szSrcFile), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); }
if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); goto SkipIt; }
b = SetupQueueCopy( Queue, g_Options.szRemBootDirectory, NULL, szSrcFile, szServerDiscName, NULL, g_Options.szOSChooserPath, pszDest, SP_COPY_NEWER_ONLY | SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER | SP_COPY_WARNIFSKIP | SP_COPY_SOURCEPATH_ABSOLUTE ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( NULL, szSrcFile ); goto SkipIt; }
// increment file count
SkipIt: b = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
b = SetupFindFirstLine( g_Options.hinf, L"OSChooser.NoOverwrite", NULL, &context ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing section?" ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); }
while ( b ) { WCHAR szSrcFile[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szDestFile[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dw; LPWSTR pszDest = NULL;
dw = SetupGetFieldCount( &context );
if ( dw > 1 ) { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szDestFile, ARRAYSIZE(szDestFile) , NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); if ( b ) { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 2, szSrcFile, ARRAYSIZE(szSrcFile) , NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); pszDest = szDestFile; } } else { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szSrcFile, ARRAYSIZE(szSrcFile) , NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); }
if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); goto SkipNonCritical; }
b = SetupQueueCopy( Queue, g_Options.szRemBootDirectory, NULL, szSrcFile, szServerDiscName, NULL, g_Options.szOSChooserPath, pszDest, SP_COPY_NOOVERWRITE | SP_COPY_WARNIFSKIP | SP_COPY_SOURCEPATH_ABSOLUTE ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( NULL, szSrcFile ); goto SkipNonCritical; }
// increment file count
SkipNonCritical: b = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
// This information will be passed to CopyFileCallback() as
// the Context.
MyContext.nToBeCopied = dwCount; MyContext.nCopied = 0; MyContext.pContext = SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback( hDlg ); MyContext.hProg = hProg; MyContext.hDlg = hDlg; MyContext.hOperation = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION ); MyContext.dwCopyingLength = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_COPYING, MyContext.szCopyingString, ARRAYSIZE(MyContext.szCopyingString));
b = SetupCommitFileQueue( NULL, Queue, (PSP_FILE_CALLBACK) CopyFilesCallback, (PVOID) &MyContext ); if ( !b ) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError( ); hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwErr ) ); switch ( dwErr ) { case ERROR_CANCELLED: goto Cleanup; break; // expected
default: MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, NULL, dwErr ); goto Cleanup; break; } }
Cleanup: if ( MyContext.pContext ) SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback( MyContext.pContext );
if ( Queue != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SetupCloseFileQueue( Queue );
HRETURN(hr); }
// CopyTemplateFiles( )
HRESULT CopyTemplateFiles( HWND hDlg ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR sz[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szSourcePath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szTemplatePath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; BOOL fNotOverwrite; BOOL b; DWORD dw;
TraceFunc( "CopyTemplateFiles( ... )\n" );
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_UPDATING_SIF_FILE, sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz) ); Assert( dw ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, sz );
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_DEFAULT_SIF, szFileName, ARRAYSIZE(szFileName) ); Assert( dw );
// Create the path "IntelliMirror\Setup\English\nt50.wks\i386\default.sif"
wcscpy( szSourcePath, g_Options.szInstallationPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szSourcePath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString ); ConcatenatePaths( szSourcePath, szFileName ); Assert( wcslen( szSourcePath ) < ARRAYSIZE(szSourcePath) );
// Create the path "IntelliMirror\Setup\English\nt50.wks\i386\Templates"
wcscpy( szTemplatePath, g_Options.szInstallationPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szTemplatePath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString ); ConcatenatePaths( szTemplatePath, L"Templates" ); Assert( wcslen( szTemplatePath ) < ARRAYSIZE(szTemplatePath) ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szTemplatePath ) ) { b = CreateDirectory( szTemplatePath, NULL ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szTemplatePath ); goto Error; } }
// Create the path "IntelliMirror\Setup\English\nt50.wks\i386\Templates\default.sif"
ConcatenatePaths( szTemplatePath, szFileName ); Assert( wcslen( szTemplatePath ) < ARRAYSIZE(szTemplatePath) );
DebugMsg( "Copying %s to %s...\n", szSourcePath, szTemplatePath ); fNotOverwrite = TRUE; while ( hr == S_OK && !CopyFile( szSourcePath, szTemplatePath, fNotOverwrite) ) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError( );
switch (dwErr) { case ERROR_FILE_EXISTS: { dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_OVERWRITE_TEXT, sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz) ); Assert( dw );
if ( IDYES == MessageBox( hDlg, sz, szFileName, MB_YESNO ) ) { fNotOverwrite = FALSE; } else { OPENFILENAME ofn;
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_SAVE_SIF_TITLE, sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz) );
GetFileNameAgain: memset( &ofn, 0, sizeof( ofn ) ); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof( ofn ); ofn.hwndOwner = hDlg; ofn.hInstance = g_hinstance; ofn.lpstrFilter = L"Unattended Setup Answer Files\0*.SIF\0\0"; ofn.lpstrFile = szTemplatePath; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = szTemplatePath; ofn.lpstrTitle = sz; ofn.Flags = OFN_CREATEPROMPT | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON | OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; ofn.nFileOffset = lstrlen( szTemplatePath ) - lstrlen( szFileName ); ofn.nFileExtension = lstrlen( szTemplatePath ) - 3; ofn.lpstrDefExt = L"SIF";
b = GetSaveFileName( &ofn ); if ( !b ) { hr = S_FALSE; }
// paranoid
Assert( wcslen(szTemplatePath) < ARRAYSIZE(szTemplatePath) ); Assert( wcslen(g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath) < ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath) );
if ( wcslen(szTemplatePath) - wcslen(g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath) + 53 >= 128 ) { MessageBoxFromStrings( hDlg, IDS_BOOTP_FILENAME_LENGTH_RESTRICTION_TITLE, IDS_BOOTP_FILENAME_LENGTH_RESTRICTION_TEXT, MB_OK ); goto GetFileNameAgain; } } } break;
default: MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, szFileName, dwErr ); hr = S_FALSE; } }
if ( hr == S_OK ) { //
// Need to add "Quotes" around the text
wsprintf( szDescription, L"\"%s\"", g_Options.szDescription ); Assert( wcslen(szDescription) < ARRAYSIZE(szDescription) ); wsprintf( szHelpText, L"\"%s\"", g_Options.szHelpText ); Assert( wcslen(szHelpText) < ARRAYSIZE(szHelpText) ); wsprintf( szOSVersion, L"\"%s.%s (%d)\"", g_Options.szMajorVersion, g_Options.szMinorVersion, g_Options.dwBuildNumber ); Assert( wcslen(szOSVersion) < ARRAYSIZE(szOSVersion) );
WritePrivateProfileString( L"OSChooser", L"Description", szDescription, szTemplatePath );
WritePrivateProfileString( L"OSChooser", L"Help", szHelpText, szTemplatePath );
WritePrivateProfileString( L"OSChooser", L"ImageType", L"Flat", szTemplatePath );
WritePrivateProfileString( L"OSChooser", L"Version", szOSVersion, szTemplatePath ); }
Error: HRETURN(hr); }
// Create Common Store Volume
HANDLE hVolume; WCHAR szVolumePath[ MAX_PATH ];
TraceFunc( "CreateSISVolume( hDlg )\n" );
// We may have not known the IntelliMirror Drive/Directory
// until now and it was previously an SIS volume.
if ( g_Options.fSISVolumeCreated ) { hr = S_OK; goto Error; }
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_CREATING_SIS_VOLUME, sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz) ); Assert( dw );
SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, sz );
b = GetVolumePathName( g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath, szVolumePath, MAX_PATH ); Assert( b ); Assert( wcslen(szVolumePath) < ARRAYSIZE(szVolumePath) ); TraceMsg( TF_ALWAYS, "Creating %s...\n", szVolumePath );
wsprintf( szSISPath, L"%s\\SIS Common Store", szVolumePath );
// Create and zero SIS store
b = CreateDirectory( szSISPath, NULL ); if ( !b ) {
dw = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != dw) {
hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dw ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szSISPath ); DebugMsg( "Cannot create Common Store directory." ); goto Error; } }
b = SetFileAttributes( szSISPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM ); if ( !b ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, szSISPath ); DebugMsg( "Could not mark SIS Common Store directory as hidden and system. Error: %u\n", GetLastError() ); }
// Create the MaxIndex file.
wsprintf( szIndexFilePath, L"%s\\MaxIndex", szSISPath ); hMaxIndex = CreateFile( szIndexFilePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if ( hMaxIndex == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szIndexFilePath ); DebugMsg( "Can't create %s.\n", szIndexFilePath ); goto Error; } else { DWORD bytesWritten; INDEX maxIndex = 1;
if ( !WriteFile( hMaxIndex, &maxIndex, sizeof maxIndex, &bytesWritten, NULL ) || ( bytesWritten < sizeof maxIndex ) ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szIndexFilePath ); DebugMsg( "Can't write MaxIndex. Error: %u\n", GetLastError() ); CloseHandle( hMaxIndex ); goto Error; } else { CloseHandle( hMaxIndex );
TraceMsg( TF_ALWAYS, "MaxIndex of %lu written\n", maxIndex );
hr = S_OK; } }
// Set security information on the common store directory
// build AccessEntry structure
ZeroMemory( &ExplicitEntries, sizeof(ExplicitEntries) );
b = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &ntSidAuthority, 1, SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID,0, /*2,
if ( !b || (pAdminsSid == NULL) ) { dw = GetLastError(); hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dw ) ); MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, NULL, dw ); goto Error; }
BuildTrusteeWithSid( &ExplicitEntries.Trustee, pAdminsSid ); ExplicitEntries.grfInheritance = SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT; ExplicitEntries.grfAccessMode = SET_ACCESS; ExplicitEntries.grfAccessPermissions = FILE_ALL_ACCESS;
// Set the Acl with the ExplicitEntry rights
dw = SetEntriesInAcl( 1, &ExplicitEntries, NULL, &pAcl ); if ( dw != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw) ); MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, NULL, dw ); goto Error; }
// Create the Security Descriptor
InitializeSecurityDescriptor( &SecDescriptor, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION );
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( &SecDescriptor, TRUE, pAcl, FALSE )) { dw = GetLastError(); hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw) ); MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, NULL, dw ); goto Error; }
// SET security on the Directory
dw = SetFileSecurity(szSISPath, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &SecDescriptor);
if ( !dw ) { dw = GetLastError(); hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw) ); MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, szSISPath, dw ); goto Error; }
Error: if ( pAdminsSid ) { FreeSid( pAdminsSid ); } if ( pAcl ) { TraceFree( pAcl ); }
HRETURN(hr); }
// CopyScreenFiles( )
HRESULT CopyScreenFiles( HWND hDlg ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szText[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szRembootPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szScreenDirectory[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szRemboot[ 14 ]; UINT uLineNum; HINF hinf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwCount = 0; DWORD dw; BOOL b; INFCONTEXT context; HSPFILEQ Queue = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HWND hProg = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_P_METER ); BOOL fWarning = FALSE; MYCONTEXT MyContext; ZeroMemory( &MyContext, sizeof(MyContext) );
TraceFunc( "CopyScreenFiles( ... )\n" );
AssertMsg( !g_Options.fScreenLeaveAlone, "Should not have made it here with this flag set." );
SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, 5000 )); SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0 ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_BUILDINGLIST, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, szText );
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_REMBOOTINF, szRemboot, ARRAYSIZE(szRemboot) ); Assert( dw );
Assert( g_Options.fLanguageSet );
wcscpy( szRembootPath, g_Options.szInstallationPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szRembootPath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString); ConcatenatePaths( szRembootPath, szRemboot ); Assert( wcslen( szRembootPath ) < ARRAYSIZE(szRembootPath) ); DebugMsg( "REMINST.INF: %s\n", szRembootPath );
wcscpy( szScreenDirectory, g_Options.szOSChooserPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szScreenDirectory, g_Options.szLanguage ); Assert( wcslen(szScreenDirectory) < ARRAYSIZE(szScreenDirectory) ); DebugMsg( "Destination: %s\n", szScreenDirectory );
hinf = SetupOpenInfFile( szRembootPath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, &uLineNum); if ( hinf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, szRembootPath ); goto Cleanup; }
Queue = SetupOpenFileQueue( );
b = SetupFindFirstLine( hinf, L"OSChooser Screens", NULL, &context ); if ( !b ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, szRembootPath ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); }
while ( b ) { LPWSTR pszDest = NULL; WCHAR szSrcPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szDestPath[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dw;
dw = SetupGetFieldCount( &context );
if ( dw > 1 ) { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szDestPath, ARRAYSIZE( szDestPath ), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "REMINST: Missing field?" ); if ( b ) { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 2, szSrcPath, ARRAYSIZE(szSrcPath), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "REMINST: Missing field?" ); pszDest = szDestPath; } } else { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szSrcPath, ARRAYSIZE(szSrcPath), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "REMINST: Missing field?" ); }
if ( !b ) { hr = S_FALSE; goto SkipIt; }
if ( g_Options.fScreenSaveOld ) { WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szMovePath[ MAX_PATH ]; LPWSTR psz; DWORD dwLen;
if ( pszDest ) { wcscpy( szPath, szScreenDirectory ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, pszDest ); } else { wcscpy( szPath, szScreenDirectory ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, szSrcPath ); }
// Rename to *.BAK
StrCpy( szMovePath, szPath ); dwLen = lstrlen( szMovePath ); Assert( StrCmpI( &szMovePath[ dwLen - 3 ], L"OSC" ) == 0 ); StrCpy( &szMovePath[ dwLen - 3 ], L"BAK");
DebugMsg( "Renaming %s to %s...\n", szPath, szMovePath );
b = DeleteFile( szMovePath ); b = MoveFile( szPath, szMovePath ); if ( !b ) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError( ); switch ( dwErr ) { #if 0 // blast over files
case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: break; // ignore this error
// It is possible that the user deleted the source files (old OSCs).
default: MessageBoxFromError( hDlg, NULL, dwErr ); break; } } }
b = SetupQueueCopy( Queue, g_Options.szInstallationPath, g_Options.ProcessorArchitectureString, szSrcPath, NULL, NULL, szScreenDirectory, pszDest, g_Options.fScreenOverwrite ? SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER | SP_COPY_WARNIFSKIP : SP_COPY_NOOVERWRITE | SP_COPY_WARNIFSKIP ); if ( !b ) { ErrorBox( hDlg, szSrcPath ); hr = THR(S_FALSE); goto SkipIt; }
SkipIt: b = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
// This information will be passed to CopyFileCallback() as
// the Context.
MyContext.nToBeCopied = dwCount; MyContext.nCopied = 0; MyContext.pContext = SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback( hDlg ); MyContext.hProg = hProg; MyContext.hOperation = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION ); MyContext.hDlg = hDlg; MyContext.fQuiet = FALSE; MyContext.dwCopyingLength = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_COPYING, MyContext.szCopyingString, ARRAYSIZE(MyContext.szCopyingString)); Assert(MyContext.dwCopyingLength);
// Start copying
if ( dwCount != 0 ) { b = SetupCommitFileQueue( NULL, Queue, (PSP_FILE_CALLBACK) CopyFilesCallback, (PVOID) &MyContext ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); ErrorBox( hDlg, NULL ); goto Cleanup; } }
Cleanup: SendMessage( hProg, PBM_SETPOS, 5000, 0 ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_S_OPERATION, L"" );
if ( MyContext.pContext ) SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback( MyContext.pContext );
if ( Queue != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SetupCloseFileQueue( Queue );
if ( hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) SetupCloseInfFile( hinf );
HRETURN( hr ); }
// UpdateRemoteInstallTree( )
HRESULT UpdateRemoteInstallTree( ) { TraceFunc( "UpdateRemoteInstallTree( )\n" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; LRESULT lResult; HKEY hkey; DWORD dw; BOOL b; HINF hinf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WCHAR szServerRemBootInfPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szRemInstSetupPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szRemoteInstallPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; UINT uLineNum; INFCONTEXT context;
// Try finding TFTPD's regkey to find the IntelliMirror Directory
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_TFTPD_SERVICE_PARAMETERS, szPath, ARRAYSIZE( szPath )); Assert( dw );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szPath, 0, // options
KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey ) ) { ULONG l; DWORD dwType; LONG lErr;
l = sizeof(szRemoteInstallPath); lErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, L"Directory", 0, // reserved
&dwType, (LPBYTE) szRemoteInstallPath, &l ); if ( lErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DebugMsg( "Found TFTPD's Directory regkey: %s\n", szRemoteInstallPath ); // now add "OSChooser"
wcscat( szRemoteInstallPath, L"\\OSChooser" );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szRemoteInstallPath ) ) { DebugMsg( "%s - directory doesn't exist.\n", szRemoteInstallPath ); hr = S_FALSE; }
} else { hr = S_FALSE; } RegCloseKey( hkey ); } else { hr = S_FALSE; }
if ( hr == S_OK ) { // make x:\winnt
dw = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( TEXT("%SystemRoot%"), szServerRemBootInfPath, ARRAYSIZE( szServerRemBootInfPath )); Assert( dw );
// make x:\winnt\system32
dw = lstrlen( szServerRemBootInfPath ); StrCpy( &szServerRemBootInfPath[dw], L"\\System32\\" ); StrCpy( szRemInstSetupPath, szServerRemBootInfPath );
// make x:\winnt\system32\reminst.inf
dw = lstrlen( szServerRemBootInfPath ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_REMBOOTINF, &szServerRemBootInfPath[dw], ARRAYSIZE( szServerRemBootInfPath ) - dw ); Assert( dw );
// make x:\winnt\system32\reminst
wcscat( szRemInstSetupPath, L"reminst" );
DebugMsg( "RemBoot.INF Path: %s\n", szServerRemBootInfPath ); DebugMsg( "RemInst Setup Path: %s\n", szRemInstSetupPath );
hinf = SetupOpenInfFile( szServerRemBootInfPath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, &uLineNum); if ( hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
b = SetupFindFirstLine( hinf, L"OSChooser", NULL, &context ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing section?" ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); }
} else { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); } }
if ( hr == S_OK ) { HSPFILEQ Queue;
// Create the Queue
Queue = SetupOpenFileQueue( );
b = TRUE; while ( b ) { WCHAR szSrcFile[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szDestFile[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dw; LPWSTR pszDest = NULL;
dw = SetupGetFieldCount( &context );
if ( dw > 1 ) { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szDestFile, ARRAYSIZE(szDestFile), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); if ( b ) { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 2, szSrcFile, ARRAYSIZE(szSrcFile), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); pszDest = szDestFile; } } else { b = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szSrcFile, ARRAYSIZE(szSrcFile), NULL ); AssertMsg( b, "Missing field?" ); }
if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); goto SkipIt; }
b = SetupQueueCopy( Queue, szRemInstSetupPath, NULL, szSrcFile, NULL, NULL, szRemoteInstallPath, pszDest, SP_COPY_NEWER | SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER | SP_COPY_WARNIFSKIP | SP_COPY_SOURCEPATH_ABSOLUTE ); if ( !b ) { THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); }
SkipIt: b = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
b = SetupCommitFileQueue( NULL, Queue, SetupDefaultQueueCallback, SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback( NULL ) ); if ( !b ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); }
SetupCloseFileQueue( Queue ); }
if ( hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { SetupCloseInfFile( hinf ); }
HRETURN( hr ); }