Copyright(c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the MIDL definitions for the Win32 Registry service.
David J. Gilman (davegi) 27-Jan-1992
// // Interface Attributes //
[ uuid( 338CD001-2244-31F1-AAAA-900038001003 ), pointer_default( unique ), #ifdef __midl ms_union, #endif // __midl version( 1.0 ) ]
// // Interface Keyword //
interface winreg
// // Interface Body //
{ // Start of interface definition
import "imports.idl";
// // Context handle for registry keys. //
typedef [context_handle] HKEY RPC_HKEY; typedef RPC_HKEY *PRPC_HKEY;
// // Server name, binding handles. //
// // RPCable security structures (see winbase.h). //
typedef struct _RPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR { [ size_is( cbInSecurityDescriptor ), length_is( cbOutSecurityDescriptor ) ] PBYTE lpSecurityDescriptor; DWORD cbInSecurityDescriptor; DWORD cbOutSecurityDescriptor; } RPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, *PRPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR;
// // Local function prototypes. //
[local] LONG ClosePredefinedHandle( [ in ] RPC_HKEY Handle );
[local] BOOL CleanupPredefinedHandles( );
[local] BOOL InitializeWinreg( );
[local] RPC_HKEY MapPredefinedHandle( [ in ] RPC_HKEY Handle, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phToClose );
[local] LONG RemapPredefinedHandle( [in] RPC_HKEY Handle, [in] RPC_HKEY NewHandle );
[local] LONG OpenPredefinedKeyForSpecialAccess( [ in ] RPC_HKEY Handle, [ in ] REGSAM AccessMask, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY pKey );
// // Perflib pseudo APIs. Signatures should mirror the real server // (i.e.Base...) functions. //
[local] LONG PerfRegCloseKey ( [ in, out ] PRPC_HKEY hKey );
[local] LONG PerfRegEnumKey ( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] DWORD dwIndex, [ in, out ] PUNICODE_STRING lpName, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpReserved, [ in, out, unique ] PUNICODE_STRING lpClass, [ in, out, unique ] PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime );
[local] LONG PerfRegQueryInfoKey ( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in, out ] PUNICODE_STRING lpClass, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpReserved, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcSubKeys, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbMaxClassLen, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcValues, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueNameLen, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueLen, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptor, [ out ] PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime );
[local] LONG PerfRegQueryValue ( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpValueName, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpReserved, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpType, [ in, out, unique, size_is( lpcbData ? *lpcbData : 0 ), length_is ( lpcbLen ? *lpcbLen : 0 ) ] LPBYTE lpData, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpcbData, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpcbLen );
[local] LONG PerfRegSetValue ( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] LPWSTR lpValueName, [ in ] DWORD Reserved, [ in ] DWORD dwType, [ in, size_is( cbData )] LPBYTE lpData, [ in ] DWORD cbData );
[local] LONG PerfRegEnumValue ( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] DWORD dwIndex, [ in, out ] PUNICODE_STRING lpValueName, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpReserved, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpType, [ in, out, unique, size_is( lpcbData ? *lpcbData : 0 ), length_is ( lpcbLen ? *lpcbLen : 0 ) ] LPBYTE lpData, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpcbData, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpcbLen );
// // RegNotifyChangeKeyValue support functions. //
[local] BOOL MakeSemiUniqueName( [ out ] PUNICODE_STRING Name, [ in ] DWORD Sequence );
[local] BOOL InitializeRegNotifyChangeKeyValue( );
[local] BOOL CleanDeadClientInfo( HKEY hKey );
[local] BOOL CleanupRegNotifyChangeKeyValue( );
// //****** // // Local versions of server functions. Make sure these stay in synch // with the remote (ssrver) versions below. // //****** //
// // RPC stubs for opening predefined handles. //
[local] error_status_t LocalOpenClassesRoot( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
[local] error_status_t LocalOpenCurrentUser( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
[local] error_status_t LocalOpenLocalMachine( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
[local] error_status_t LocalOpenUsers( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
[local] error_status_t LocalOpenPerformanceData( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
[local] error_status_t LocalOpenCurrentConfig( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
[local] error_status_t LocalOpenDynData( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
// // API (server) function prototypes. //
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegCloseKey( [ in, out ] PRPC_HKEY hKey );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegCreateKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpSubKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpClass, [ in ] DWORD dwOptions, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ in, unique ] PRPC_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phkResult, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpdwDisposition );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegDeleteKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpSubKey );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegDeleteValue( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpValueName );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegEnumKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] DWORD dwIndex, [ in, out ] PUNICODE_STRING lpName, [ in, out, unique ] PUNICODE_STRING lpClass, [ in, out, unique ] PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegEnumValue ( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] DWORD dwIndex, [ in, out ] PUNICODE_STRING lpValueName, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpType, [ in, out, unique, size_is( lpcbData ? *lpcbData : 0 ), length_is ( lpcbLen ? *lpcbLen : 0 ) ] LPBYTE lpData, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpcbData, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpcbLen );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegFlushKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegGetKeySecurity( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, [ in, out ] PRPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pRpcSecurityDescriptor );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegLoadKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpSubKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpFile );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegNotifyChangeKeyValue( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] BOOLEAN bWatchSubtree, [ in ] DWORD dwNotifyFilter, [ in ] DWORD hEvent, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING MachineName, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING PipeName, [ in, unique ] PRPC_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pRpcSecurityAttributes );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegOpenKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpSubKey, [ in ] DWORD dwOptions, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phkResult );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegQueryInfoKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in, out ] PUNICODE_STRING lpClass, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcSubKeys, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbMaxClassLen, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcValues, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueNameLen, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueLen, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptor, [ out ] PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegQueryValue( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpValueName, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpType, [ in, out, unique, size_is( lpcbData ? *lpcbData : 0 ), length_is ( lpcbLen ? *lpcbLen : 0 ) ] LPBYTE lpData, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpcbData, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpcbLen );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegQueryMultipleValues( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in, out, size_is(num_vals), length_is(num_vals) ] PRVALENT val_list, [ in ] DWORD num_vals, [ in, out, unique, size_is(*ldwTotsize), length_is(*ldwTotsize) ] LPSTR lpvalueBuf, [ in, out, ref ] LPDWORD ldwTotsize );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegReplaceKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpSubKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpNewFile, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpOldFile );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegRestoreKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpFile, [ in ] DWORD Flags );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegSaveKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpFile, [ in, unique ] PRPC_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegSetKeySecurity( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, [ in ] PRPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pRpcSecurityDescriptor );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegSetValue( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpValueName, [ in ] DWORD dwType, [ in, size_is( cbData )] LPBYTE lpData, [ in ] DWORD cbData );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegUnLoadKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpSubKey );
// //****** // // Remote versions of server functions. Make sure these stay in synch // with the local versions above. // //****** //
// // RPC stubs for opening predefined handles. //
error_status_t OpenClassesRoot( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
error_status_t OpenCurrentUser( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
error_status_t OpenLocalMachine( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
error_status_t OpenPerformanceData( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
error_status_t OpenUsers( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
// // API (server) function prototypes. //
error_status_t BaseRegCloseKey( [ in, out ] PRPC_HKEY hKey );
error_status_t BaseRegCreateKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpSubKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpClass, [ in ] DWORD dwOptions, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ in, unique ] PRPC_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phkResult, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpdwDisposition );
error_status_t BaseRegDeleteKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpSubKey );
error_status_t BaseRegDeleteValue( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpValueName );
error_status_t BaseRegEnumKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] DWORD dwIndex, [ in, out ] PUNICODE_STRING lpName, [ in, out, unique ] PUNICODE_STRING lpClass, [ in, out, unique ] PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime );
error_status_t BaseRegEnumValue ( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] DWORD dwIndex, [ in, out ] PUNICODE_STRING lpValueName, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpType, [ in, out, unique, size_is( lpcbData ? *lpcbData : 0 ), length_is ( lpcbLen ? *lpcbLen : 0 ) ] LPBYTE lpData, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpcbData, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpcbLen );
error_status_t BaseRegFlushKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey );
error_status_t BaseRegGetKeySecurity( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, [ in, out ] PRPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pRpcSecurityDescriptor );
error_status_t BaseRegLoadKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpSubKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpFile );
error_status_t BaseRegNotifyChangeKeyValue( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] BOOLEAN bWatchSubtree, [ in ] DWORD dwNotifyFilter, [ in ] DWORD hEvent, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING MachineName, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING PipeName, [ in, unique ] PRPC_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pRpcSecurityAttributes );
error_status_t BaseRegOpenKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpSubKey, [ in ] DWORD dwOptions, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phkResult );
error_status_t BaseRegQueryInfoKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in, out ] PUNICODE_STRING lpClass, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcSubKeys, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbMaxClassLen, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcValues, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueNameLen, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueLen, [ out ] LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptor, [ out ] PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime );
error_status_t BaseRegQueryValue( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpValueName, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpType, [ in, out, unique, size_is( lpcbData ? *lpcbData : 0 ), length_is ( lpcbLen ? *lpcbLen : 0 ) ] LPBYTE lpData, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpcbData, [ in, out, unique ] LPDWORD lpcbLen );
error_status_t BaseRegReplaceKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpSubKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpNewFile, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpOldFile );
error_status_t BaseRegRestoreKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpFile, [ in ] DWORD Flags );
error_status_t BaseRegSaveKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpFile, [ in, unique ] PRPC_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes );
error_status_t BaseRegSetKeySecurity( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, [ in ] PRPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pRpcSecurityDescriptor );
error_status_t BaseRegSetValue( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpValueName, [ in ] DWORD dwType, [ in, size_is( cbData )] LPBYTE lpData, [ in ] DWORD cbData );
error_status_t BaseRegUnLoadKey( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpSubKey );
// // Shutdown APIs. //
ULONG BaseInitiateSystemShutdown( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in, unique ] PUNICODE_STRING lpMessage, [ in ] DWORD dwTimeout, [ in ] BOOLEAN bForceAppsClosed, [ in ] BOOLEAN bRebootAfterShutdown );
ULONG BaseAbortSystemShutdown( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName );
// // New Remote Registry APIs for Chicago //
error_status_t BaseRegGetVersion( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ out ] LPDWORD lpdwVersion );
error_status_t OpenCurrentConfig( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
error_status_t OpenDynData( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
error_status_t BaseRegQueryMultipleValues( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in, out, size_is(num_vals), length_is(num_vals) ] PRVALENT val_list, [ in ] DWORD num_vals, [ in, out, unique, size_is(*ldwTotsize), length_is(*ldwTotsize) ] LPSTR lpvalueBuf, [ in, out, ref ] LPDWORD ldwTotsize );
// // Dragos Sambotin (dragoss) 01/07/1999 - Moved at the end to persist compatibility with NT4 ! // New Shutdown API . // ULONG BaseInitiateSystemShutdownEx( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in, unique ] PUNICODE_STRING lpMessage, [ in ] DWORD dwTimeout, [ in ] BOOLEAN bForceAppsClosed, [ in ] BOOLEAN bRebootAfterShutdown, [ in ] DWORD dwReason );
[local] BOOL ShutdownWinreg( );
// // needed for setup in order to save hives in %systemroot%\system32 in the latest format // error_status_t BaseRegSaveKeyEx( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpFile, [ in, unique ] PRPC_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes, [ in ] DWORD Flags );
[local] error_status_t LocalBaseRegSaveKeyEx( [ in ] RPC_HKEY hKey, [ in ] PUNICODE_STRING lpFile, [ in, unique ] PRPC_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes, [ in ] DWORD Flags );
// // Adding support for HKEY_PERFORMANCE_TEXT and HKEY_PERFORMANCE_NLSTEXT over remote connections // [local] error_status_t LocalOpenPerformanceText( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
[local] error_status_t LocalOpenPerformanceNlsText( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
error_status_t OpenPerformanceText( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey );
error_status_t OpenPerformanceNlsText( [ in, unique ] PREGISTRY_SERVER_NAME ServerName, [ in ] REGSAM samDesired, [ out ] PRPC_HKEY phKey ); } // End of interface defintion