Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WinDbg Extension Api
Ken Reneris (kenr) 06-June-1994
User Mode.
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
//#include "apic.h"
//#include <ntapic.inc>
#pragma hdrstop
#define LU_SIZE 0x400
#define LU_ID_REGISTER 0x00000020
#define LU_VERS_REGISTER 0x00000030
#define LU_TPR 0x00000080
#define LU_APR 0x00000090
#define LU_PPR 0x000000A0
#define LU_EOI 0x000000B0
#define LU_REMOTE_REGISTER 0x000000C0
#define LU_DEST 0x000000D0
#define LU_DEST_FORMAT 0x000000E0
#define LU_SPURIOUS_VECTOR 0x000000F0
#define LU_FAULT_VECTOR 0x00000370
#define LU_ISR_0 0x00000100
#define LU_TMR_0 0x00000180
#define LU_IRR_0 0x00000200
#define LU_ERROR_STATUS 0x00000280
#define LU_INT_CMD_LOW 0x00000300
#define LU_INT_CMD_HIGH 0x00000310
#define LU_TIMER_VECTOR 0x00000320
#define LU_INT_VECTOR_0 0x00000350
#define LU_INT_VECTOR_1 0x00000360
#define LU_INITIAL_COUNT 0x00000380
#define LU_CURRENT_COUNT 0x00000390
#define LU_DIVIDER_CONFIG 0x000003E0
#define IO_REGISTER_SELECT 0x00000000
#define IO_REGISTER_WINDOW 0x00000010
#define IO_ID_REGISTER 0x00000000
#define IO_VERS_REGISTER 0x00000001
#define IO_ARB_ID_REGISTER 0x00000002
#define IO_REDIR_BASE 0x00000010
#define NMI_VECTOR 0xff
BOOLEAN GetPhysicalAddress ( IN ULONG64 Address, OUT PULONG64 PhysAddress );
ULONG ApicRead ( ULONG64 Address, ULONG Offset ) { ULONG Data, result;
ReadMemoryUncached(Address + Offset, &Data, sizeof (ULONG), &result); return Data; }
ULONG IoApicRead ( ULONG64 PhysAddress, ULONG Offset ) { ULONG Data = 0, result;
PhysAddress += IO_REGISTER_SELECT; WritePhysical(PhysAddress, &Offset, sizeof(ULONG), &result);
PhysAddress += IO_REGISTER_WINDOW - IO_REGISTER_SELECT; ReadPhysical(PhysAddress, &Data, sizeof (ULONG), &result); return Data; }
ULONG IoSApicRead ( ULONG64 VirtualAddress, ULONG Offset ) { ULONG Data = 0, result;
WriteMemoryUncached(VirtualAddress + IO_REGISTER_SELECT, &Offset, sizeof(ULONG), &result);
ReadMemoryUncached(VirtualAddress + IO_REGISTER_WINDOW, &Data, sizeof(Data), &result);
return Data; }
ULONG ApicDumpSetBits ( PUCHAR Desc, PULONG Bits ) { PULONG p; ULONG i; BOOLEAN FoundOne; BOOLEAN InSetRange; BOOLEAN MultipleBitsInRange; BOOLEAN status;
i = 0; p = Bits; FoundOne = FALSE; InSetRange = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) {
if (*p & (1 << (i & 0x1F))) {
if (!InSetRange) {
InSetRange = TRUE; MultipleBitsInRange = FALSE;
if (FoundOne) { dprintf(", "); }
dprintf("%.2X", i);
FoundOne = TRUE;
} else if (!MultipleBitsInRange) {
MultipleBitsInRange = TRUE; dprintf("-"); }
} else {
if (InSetRange) {
if (MultipleBitsInRange == TRUE) { dprintf("%x",i-1); }
InSetRange = FALSE; } }
if ((i & 0x1F) == 0x1F) { p++; } }
if (InSetRange && MultipleBitsInRange) {
if (MultipleBitsInRange == TRUE) { dprintf("%x", i - 1); } }
dprintf ("\n"); return 0; }
ULONG ApicReadAndDumpBits ( PUCHAR Desc, ULONG64 Address, ULONG Offset ) { #define SETREGISTERS (256 / 32)
ULONG Bits [SETREGISTERS]; PULONG p; ULONG i, result; ULONG64 MemAddr; BOOLEAN status;
// Read the bytes
MemAddr = Address + Offset;
for (i = 0; i < SETREGISTERS; i++) {
status = ReadMemoryUncached(MemAddr, &Bits[i], sizeof(DWORD), &result);
if (status == FALSE) { dprintf("Unable to read 4 bytes at offset %UI64\n", MemAddr); return E_INVALIDARG; }
MemAddr += 0x10; }
ApicDumpSetBits(Desc, Bits);
return 0; }
ULONG ApicDumpRedir ( PUCHAR Desc, BOOLEAN CommandReg, BOOLEAN DestSelf, ULONG lh, ULONG ll ) { static PUCHAR DelMode[] = { "FixedDel", "LowestDl", "res010 ", "remoterd", "NMI ", "RESET ", "res110 ", "ExtINTA " };
static PUCHAR DesShDesc[] = { "", " Dest=Self", " Dest=ALL", " Dest=Othrs" };
ULONG del, dest, delstat, rirr, trig, masked, destsh, pol;
del = (ll >> 8) & 0x7; dest = (ll >> 11) & 0x1; delstat = (ll >> 12) & 0x1; pol = (ll >> 13) & 0x1; rirr = (ll >> 14) & 0x1; trig = (ll >> 15) & 0x1; masked = (ll >> 16) & 0x1; destsh = (ll >> 18) & 0x3;
if (CommandReg) { // command reg's don't have a mask
masked = 0; }
dprintf ("%s: %08x Vec:%02X %s ", Desc, ll, ll & 0xff, DelMode [ del ] );
if (DestSelf) { dprintf (DesShDesc[1]); } else if (CommandReg && destsh) { dprintf (DesShDesc[destsh]); } else { if (dest) { dprintf ("Lg:%08x", lh); } else { dprintf ("PhysDest:%02X", (lh >> 56) & 0xFF); } }
dprintf ("%s %s %s %s %s\n", delstat ? "-Pend" : " ", trig ? "lvl" : "edg", pol ? "low " : "high", rirr ? "rirr" : " ", masked ? "masked" : " " );
return 0; }
BOOL ReadKSpecialRegisters(DWORD Cpu, PREGISTER_LOOKUP_TABLE Table, ULONG TableSize) { PUCHAR buffer; ULONG size; ULONG offset; ULONG i;
size = GetTypeSize("nt!KSPECIAL_REGISTERS");
if (size == 0) { dprintf("Can't find the size of KSPECIAL_REGISTERS\n"); return FALSE; }
if ((buffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, size)) == NULL) { dprintf("Can't allocate memory for KSPECIAL_REGISTERS\n"); return FALSE; }
ReadControlSpace64((USHORT)Cpu, IA64_DEBUG_CONTROL_SPACE_KSPECIAL, buffer, size);
for (i = 0; i < TableSize; i++) {
if (GetFieldOffsetEx("KSPECIAL_REGISTERS", Table[i].FieldName, &offset, &size) != S_OK) { dprintf("Can't get offset of %s\n", Table[i].FieldName); return FALSE; }
if (size != sizeof(ULONGLONG)) {
dprintf("Sizeof %s (%d) is not sizeof(ULONGLONG)\n", Table[i].FieldName, size); return FALSE; }
*Table[i].Variable = *(PULONGLONG)&buffer[offset]; }
return TRUE; }
PUCHAR DeliveryModes[8] = { "INT", "INT w/Hint", "PMI", "RSV3", "NMI", "INIT", "RSV6", "ExtINT" };
void DumpSApicRedir( PUCHAR Description, ULONG HighHalf, ULONG LowHalf ) { dprintf("%s: %.8X Vec:%.2X %-10s %.2X%.2X%s %s %s %s\n", Description, LowHalf, (ULONG)(LowHalf & 0xFF), DeliveryModes[(ULONG)(LowHalf >> 8) & 0x7], (HighHalf >> 24) & 0xFF, (HighHalf >> 16) & 0xFF, (LowHalf & (1 << 12)) ? "-Pend" : " ", (LowHalf & (1 << 15)) ? "lvl" : "edg", (LowHalf & (1 << 13)) ? "low" : "high", (LowHalf & (1 << 16)) ? "masked" : " " ); }
REGISTER_LOOKUP_TABLE registerTable[] = { { "SaLID", &SaLID }, { "SaTPR", &SaTPR }, { "SaIRR0", &SaIRR[0] }, { "SaIRR1", &SaIRR[1] }, { "SaIRR2", &SaIRR[2] }, { "SaIRR3", &SaIRR[3] }, { "SaITV", &SaITV }, { "SaPMV", &SaPMV }, { "SaCMCV", &SaCMCV }, { "SaLRR0", &SaLRR[0] }, { "SaLRR1", &SaLRR[1] } };
if (Args[0] == '\0') {
cpu = Processor; } else {
cpu = atoi(Args); }
if (!ReadKSpecialRegisters(cpu, registerTable, sizeof(registerTable) / sizeof(registerTable[0]))) {
return; }
dprintf("Local Sapic for processor %d\n", cpu); dprintf("LID: EID = %d, ID = %d\n", (ULONG)((SaLID >> 16) & 0xFF), (ULONG)((SaLID >> 24) & 0xFF)); dprintf("TPR: Mask Interrupt Class = %d, Mask Maskable Interrupts = %s\n", (ULONG)(SaTPR >> 4) & 0xF, (SaTPR & (1 << 16)) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
ApicDumpSetBits("IRR: ", (PULONG)&SaIRR[0]);
dprintf("ITV: Vector = 0x%.2X, Masked = %s\n", (ULONG)(SaITV & 0xFF), (SaITV & (1 << 16)) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); dprintf("PMV: Vector = 0x%.2X, Masked = %s\n", (ULONG)(SaPMV & 0xFF), (SaPMV & (1 << 16)) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); dprintf("CMCV: Vector = 0x%.2X, Masked = %s\n", (ULONG)(SaCMCV & 0xFF), (SaCMCV & (1 << 16)) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
DumpSApicRedir("LRR0", (ULONG)(SaLRR[0] >> 32), (ULONG)SaLRR[0]); DumpSApicRedir("LRR1", (ULONG)(SaLRR[1] >> 32), (ULONG)SaLRR[1]);
Routine Description:
Dumps local apic
args - Supplies the address in hex.
Return Value:
--*/ { static PUCHAR divbase[] = { "2", "4", "8", "f" }; static PUCHAR clktype[] = { "clk", "tmbase", "%s/%s", "??%s/%s" }; ULONG64 Address; ULONG result, junk, l, ll, lh, clkvec; UCHAR s[40];
if (TargetMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64) {
ULONG processor;
GetCurrentProcessor(Client, &processor, NULL);
DumpLocalSapic(processor, args);
return S_OK; }
if (TargetMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 && TargetMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64) { dprintf("X86 and AMD64 only API.\n"); EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ((Address = GetExpression(args)) == 0) {
// Default Apic address
Address = 0xfffe0000; }
if (Address == 0) {
// Use default for MPS systems.
Address = 0xfffe0000; }
Address = (ULONG64) (LONG64) (LONG) Address;
if ( !ReadMemoryUncached( Address + LU_ID_REGISTER, (PVOID)&junk, 4, &result ) ) { dprintf("Unable to read lapic\n"); EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ( !ReadMemoryUncached( Address + LU_DIVIDER_CONFIG, (PVOID)&junk, 4, &result ) ) { dprintf("Unable to read lapic\n"); EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
dprintf ("Apic @ %08x ID:%x (%x) LogDesc:%08x DestFmt:%08x TPR %02X\n", (ULONG)Address, ApicRead (Address, LU_ID_REGISTER) >> 24, ApicRead (Address, LU_VERS_REGISTER), ApicRead (Address, LU_DEST), ApicRead (Address, LU_DEST_FORMAT), ApicRead (Address, LU_TPR) );
l = ApicRead (Address, LU_SPURIOUS_VECTOR); ll = ApicRead (Address, LU_DIVIDER_CONFIG); clkvec = ApicRead (Address, LU_TIMER_VECTOR); sprintf (s, clktype[ (clkvec >> 18) & 0x3 ], clktype [ (ll >> 2) & 0x1 ], divbase [ ll & 0x3] );
dprintf ("TimeCnt: %08x%s%s SpurVec:%02x FaultVec:%02x error:%x%s\n", ApicRead (Address, LU_INITIAL_COUNT), s, ((clkvec >> 17) & 1) ? "" : "-oneshot", l & 0xff, ApicRead (Address, LU_FAULT_VECTOR), ApicRead (Address, LU_ERROR_STATUS), l & 0x100 ? "" : " DISABLED" );
ll = ApicRead (Address, LU_INT_CMD_LOW); lh = ApicRead (Address, LU_INT_CMD_HIGH); ApicDumpRedir ("Ipi Cmd", TRUE, FALSE, lh, ll); ApicDumpRedir ("Timer..", FALSE, TRUE, 0, clkvec); ApicDumpRedir ("Linti0.", FALSE, TRUE, 0, ApicRead (Address, LU_INT_VECTOR_0)); ApicDumpRedir ("Linti1.", FALSE, TRUE, 0, ApicRead (Address, LU_INT_VECTOR_1));
ApicReadAndDumpBits ("TMR: ", Address, LU_TMR_0); ApicReadAndDumpBits ("IRR: ", Address, LU_IRR_0); ApicReadAndDumpBits ("ISR: ", Address, LU_ISR_0);
EXIT_API(); return S_OK; }
void DumpIoSApic( IN LPCSTR Args ) { ULONG64 address; ULONG ioSapicCount; ULONG index; ULONG64 apicDebugAddresses; ULONG apicDebugSize; ULONG64 apicVirtualAddress; ULONG64 apicPhysicalAddress; ULONG ll, lh; ULONG i, max; UCHAR s[40];
address = GetExpression("hal!HalpMpInfo");
if (address == 0) { dprintf("Can't find hal!HalpMpInfo\n"); return; }
if (GetFieldValue(address, "hal!_MPINFO", "IoSapicCount", ioSapicCount) != 0) { dprintf("Error reading IoSapicCount\n"); return; }
address = GetExpression("Hal!HalpApicDebugAddresses");
if (address == 0) { dprintf("Can't find Hal!HalpApicDebugAddresses\n"); return; }
if (ReadPtr(address, &apicDebugAddresses) != 0) { dprintf("Error reading Hal!HalpApicDebugAddresses\n"); return; }
apicDebugSize = GetTypeSize("hal!_IOAPIC_DEBUG_TABLE");
if (apicDebugSize == 0) { dprintf("Can't find hal!_IOAPIC_DEBUG_TABLE\n"); return; }
for (index = 0; index < ioSapicCount; index++) {
GetFieldValue(apicDebugAddresses + (index * apicDebugSize), "hal!_IOAPIC_DEBUG_TABLE", "IoSapicRegs", apicVirtualAddress);
apicPhysicalAddress = 0;
GetPhysicalAddress(apicVirtualAddress, &apicPhysicalAddress);
ll = IoSApicRead(apicVirtualAddress, IO_VERS_REGISTER);
dprintf("I/O SAPIC @ %.8X, Version = %.2X (0x%.8X)\n", (ULONG)apicPhysicalAddress, (ll & 0xFF), ll);
max = (ll >> 16) & 0xff;
// Dump inti table
max *= 2;
for (i = 0; i <= max; i += 2) { ll = IoSApicRead(apicVirtualAddress, IO_REDIR_BASE + i + 0); lh = IoSApicRead(apicVirtualAddress, IO_REDIR_BASE + i + 1);
sprintf(s, "Inti%02X", i / 2);
DumpSApicRedir(s, lh, ll); } } }
DECLARE_API( ioapic )
Routine Description:
Dumps io apic
args - Supplies the address in hex, if no address is specified, all IOApics will be dumped.
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG64 PhysAddress; ULONG64 Address; ULONG i, ll, lh, max, IOApicCount; UCHAR s[40]; BOOLEAN Converted; ULONG64 addr; UCHAR count;
if (TargetMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64) {
EXIT_API(); return S_OK; }
if (TargetMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 && TargetMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64) { dprintf("X86 or AMD64 only API.\n"); EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
Address = GetExpression(args);
Converted = GetPhysicalAddress (Address, &PhysAddress);
if (Converted) { IOApicCount = 1; } else {
// Get a copy of the global data structure Hal!HalpMpInfoTable.
addr = GetExpression("Hal!HalpMpInfoTable");
if (addr == 0) { dprintf ("Error retrieving address of HalpMpInfoTable\n"); EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (InitTypeRead(addr, Hal!HalpMpInfo)) { dprintf ("Error reading HalpMpInfoTable\n"); EXIT_API(); return E_INVALIDARG; }
IOApicCount = (ULONG) ReadField(IOApicCount); Address = ReadField(IoApicBase[0]); Converted = GetPhysicalAddress ( Address, &PhysAddress); }
for (count = 0; count < IOApicCount; count++) {
ll = IoApicRead (PhysAddress, IO_VERS_REGISTER), max = (ll >> 16) & 0xff; dprintf ("IoApic @ %08x ID:%x (%x) Arb:%x\n", (ULONG)Address, IoApicRead (PhysAddress, IO_ID_REGISTER) >> 24, ll & 0xFF, IoApicRead (PhysAddress, IO_ARB_ID_REGISTER) );
// Dump inti table
max *= 2; for (i=0; i <= max; i += 2) { ll = IoApicRead (PhysAddress, IO_REDIR_BASE+i+0); lh = IoApicRead (PhysAddress, IO_REDIR_BASE+i+1); sprintf (s, "Inti%02X.", i/2); ApicDumpRedir (s, FALSE, FALSE, lh, ll); }
// Get the next IoApic Virtual Address, convert it to Physical
// and break if this conversion fails.
Address = ReadField(IoApicBase[count+1]); Converted = GetPhysicalAddress ( Address, &PhysAddress);
if (!Converted) { break; }
dprintf ("\n"); }
EXIT_API(); return S_OK; }
DECLARE_API( sendnmi )
Routine Description:
Send an IPI to the processors in the argument bitmask (affinity). (Used for debugging when a processor is spinning with interrupts disabled).
KAFFINITY BitMask Supplied a mask of processors to send the IPI to.
Return Value:
{ ULONG64 Address; ULONG64 ApicAddress; UCHAR MaxProcsPerCluster; ULONG i; ULONG64 TargetSet; ULONG64 ActiveProcessors; ULONG Length; ULONG ApicDWord; ULONG junk;
// APIC/XAPIC machines only.
// This should be doable on IA64 and AMD64 as well but I don't know
// how at time of writing. PeterJ.
if (TargetMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { dprintf("Sorry, only know how to send NMI on an APIC machine.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (strstr(args, "?") || ((TargetSet = GetExpression(args)) == 0)) { dprintf("usage: sendnmi bitmask\n" " where bitmask is the set of processors an NMI\n" " is to be sent to.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// See if we can get the cluster mode from the HAL.
// (On AMD64 and IA64, this information would be in the kernel).
Address = GetExpression("hal!HalpMaxProcsPerCluster"); if (!Address) { dprintf("Unable to get APIC configuration information from the HAL\n"); dprintf("Cannot continue.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (!ReadMemoryUncached(Address, &MaxProcsPerCluster, sizeof(MaxProcsPerCluster), &i) || (i != sizeof(MaxProcsPerCluster))) { dprintf("Unable to read system memory, quitting.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
Address = GetExpression("nt!KeActiveProcessors"); Length = GetTypeSize("nt!KeActiveProcessors"); if ((!Address) || (!((Length == 4) || (Length == 8)))) { dprintf("Unable to get processor configuration from kernel\n"); dprintf("Cannot continue.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
ActiveProcessors = 0; if (!ReadMemoryUncached(Address, &ActiveProcessors, Length, &i) || (i != Length) || (ActiveProcessors == 0)) { dprintf("Unable to read processor configuration from kernel.\n"); dprintf("Cannot continue.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ((TargetSet & ActiveProcessors) != TargetSet) { dprintf("Target processor set (%I64x) contains processors not in\n" "system processor set (%I64x).\n", TargetSet, ActiveProcessors); dprintf("Cannot continue.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
ApicAddress = 0xfffe0000;
ApicAddress = (ULONG64) (LONG64) (LONG) ApicAddress;
if ((!ReadMemoryUncached(ApicAddress, &junk, 1, &i)) || (!ReadMemoryUncached(ApicAddress + LU_SIZE - 1, &junk, 1, &i)) || (!ReadMemoryUncached(ApicAddress + LU_INT_CMD_LOW, &ApicDWord, sizeof(ApicDWord), &i)) || (i != sizeof(ApicDWord))) { dprintf("Unable to read lapic\n"); dprintf("Cannot continue.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ((ApicDWord & DELIVERY_PENDING) != 0) { dprintf("Local APIC is busy, can't use it right now.\n"); dprintf("This is probably indicative of an APIC error.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (MaxProcsPerCluster == 0) {
// APIC is not in cluster mode. This makes life easy.
// Sanity: This means there's 8 or less processors.
if (TargetSet > 0xff) { dprintf("APIC is in non-cluster mode thus it cannot support\n" "more than 8 processors yet the target mask includes\n" "processors outside that range. Something is not right.\n" "quitting.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
dprintf("Sending NMI to processors in set %I64x\n", TargetSet);
ApicDWord = ((ULONG)TargetSet) << DESTINATION_SHIFT; WriteMemory(ApicAddress + LU_INT_CMD_HIGH, &ApicDWord, sizeof(ApicDWord), &i); ApicDWord = DELIVER_NMI | LOGICAL_DESTINATION | ICR_USE_DEST_FIELD | NMI_VECTOR; WriteMemory(ApicAddress + LU_INT_CMD_LOW, &ApicDWord, sizeof(ApicDWord), &i);
dprintf("Sent.\n"); } else { dprintf("APIC is in cluster mode, don't know how to do this yet.\n"); }
return S_OK; }