Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WinDbg Extension Api
Lou Perazzoli (LouP) 14-Mar-1994
User Mode.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#define PACKET_MAX_SIZE 4000
#define NUMBER_OF_WSLE_TO_READ 1000 // ((PACKET_MAX_SIZE/sizeof(MMWSLE))-1)
USHORT GetPfnRefCount( IN ULONG64 PageFrameNumber );
Routine Description:
Dumps all wsles for process.
args - Address Flags
Return Value:
{ ULONG Result; ULONG Flags; ULONG index; ULONG64 WorkingSet; ULONG64 WsleBase; ULONG64 Va; ULONG64 Wsle; ULONG next; ULONG j; ULONG k; PCHAR WsleArray; ULONG64 WsleStart; ULONG ReadCount; ULONG result; ULONG found; ULONG64 PteAddress; ULONG SizeofWsle; ULONG64 Quota, HashTable; ULONG FirstFree, FirstDynamic, LastEntry, NextSlot, LastInitializedWsle; ULONG NonDirectCount, HashTableSize; PCHAR pc;
Flags = 0; WorkingSet = 0; Flags = (ULONG) GetExpression(args); pc = strchr(args, ' '); WorkingSet = pc ? GetExpression(pc) : 0;
if (WorkingSet == 0) { if (TargetMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { WorkingSet = GetPointerValue("nt!MmWorkingSetList"); } else if (TargetMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64) { WorkingSet = (ULONG64)0x6FC00a02000; } else if (TargetMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64) { WorkingSet = (ULONG64)0xFFFFF70000082000; } else { dprintf ("No default WSL for target machine %x\n", TargetMachine); return E_INVALIDARG; } }
if (GetFieldValue(WorkingSet, "nt!_MMWSL", "Quota", Quota)) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get contents of WSL\n",WorkingSet ); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (GetTypeSize("nt!_MMWSL") == 0) { dprintf("Type MMWSL not found.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
GetFieldValue(WorkingSet,"nt!_MMWSL","FirstDynamic", FirstDynamic); GetFieldValue(WorkingSet,"nt!_MMWSL","FirstFree", FirstFree); GetFieldValue(WorkingSet,"nt!_MMWSL","Wsle", Wsle); GetFieldValue(WorkingSet,"nt!_MMWSL","LastEntry", LastEntry); GetFieldValue(WorkingSet,"nt!_MMWSL","NextSlot", NextSlot); GetFieldValue(WorkingSet,"nt!_MMWSL","LastInitializedWsle", LastInitializedWsle); GetFieldValue(WorkingSet,"nt!_MMWSL","NonDirectCount", NonDirectCount); GetFieldValue(WorkingSet,"nt!_MMWSL","HashTableSize", HashTableSize); GetFieldValue(WorkingSet,"nt!_MMWSL","HashTable", HashTable);
dprintf ("\nWorking Set @ %8p\n", WorkingSet);
dprintf (" Quota: %8I64lx FirstFree: %8lx FirstDynamic: %8lx\n", Quota, FirstFree, FirstDynamic);
dprintf (" LastEntry %8lx NextSlot: %8lx LastInitialized %8lx\n", LastEntry, NextSlot, LastInitializedWsle);
dprintf (" NonDirect %8lx HashTable: %8p HashTableSize: %8lx\n", NonDirectCount, HashTable, HashTableSize);
if (Flags == 0) { return E_INVALIDARG; } SizeofWsle = GetTypeSize("nt!_MMWSLE"); if (SizeofWsle == 0) { dprintf("Type _MMWSLE not found.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (Flags == 7) { BOOL FirstTime = TRUE;
// Check free entries in the working set list.
WsleArray = VirtualAlloc (NULL, (LastInitializedWsle + 1) * SizeofWsle, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
// Copy the working set list over to the debugger.
if (WsleArray == NULL) { dprintf("Unable to get allocate memory of %ld bytes\n", (LastInitializedWsle + 1) * SizeofWsle); return E_INVALIDARG; }
dprintf("\nVirtual Address Age Locked ReferenceCount\n"); WsleStart = Wsle;
for (j = 0; j <= LastInitializedWsle; j += NUMBER_OF_WSLE_TO_READ) {
if ( CheckControlC() ) { VirtualFree (WsleArray,0,MEM_RELEASE); return E_INVALIDARG; }
ReadCount = (LastInitializedWsle + 1 - j ) > NUMBER_OF_WSLE_TO_READ ? NUMBER_OF_WSLE_TO_READ : LastInitializedWsle + 1 - j;
ReadCount *= SizeofWsle;
// Enough to read and forget - KD will cache the data
if ( !ReadMemory( WsleStart + j*SizeofWsle, WsleArray + j*SizeofWsle, ReadCount, &result) ) { dprintf("Unable to get Wsle table block - " "address %lx - count %lu - page %lu\n", WsleStart + j*SizeofWsle, ReadCount, j); VirtualFree (WsleArray,0,MEM_RELEASE); return E_INVALIDARG; }
for (k=0; k<ReadCount/SizeofWsle; k++) { GetFieldValue(WsleStart + (j+k)*SizeofWsle, "nt!_MMWSLE", "u1.e1.Valid", WsleArray[j+k]); }
dprintf("."); } dprintf("\r");
// Walk the array looking for bad free entries.
for (j = 0; j <= LastInitializedWsle; j += 1) { ULONG Valid, Age, LockedInWs, LockedInMemory; ULONG64 WsleToread = WsleStart + j*SizeofWsle, Long;
if ( CheckControlC() ) { dprintf("j= %x\n",j); VirtualFree (WsleArray,0,MEM_RELEASE); return E_INVALIDARG; }
GetFieldValue(WsleToread, "nt!_MMWSLE", "u1.e1.Valid", Valid);
if (Valid == 0) {
// Locate j in the array.
found = FALSE; for (k = 0; k <= LastInitializedWsle; k += 1) { ULONG k_Valid; ULONG64 k_Long; k_Valid = WsleArray[k]; if (k_Valid == 0) { GetFieldValue(WsleStart + k*SizeofWsle, "nt!_MMWSLE", "u1.Long", k_Long); if ((ULONG) (k_Long >> MM_FREE_WSLE_SHIFT) == j) { found = TRUE; #if 0
dprintf(" free entry located @ index %ld. %lx %ld. %lx\n", j, WsleArray[j].u1.Long,k,WsleArray[k]); #endif
break; } } } if (!found) { if (FirstFree == j) { // dprintf("first index found\n");
} else { GetFieldValue(WsleToread, "nt!_MMWSLE", "u1.VirtualAddress", Long); dprintf(" free entry not located @ index %ld. %p\n", j, Long); } } } else { ULONG PteValid;
GetFieldValue(WsleToread, "nt!_MMWSLE", "u1.VirtualAddress", Long); Va = Long; PteAddress = DbgGetPteAddress (Va);
if (!GetFieldValue(PteAddress, "nt!_MMPTE", "u.Hard.Valid", PteValid) ) {
if (PteValid == 0) { dprintf(" cannot find valid PTE for WS index %d, VA %p\n", j, Long); } else { ULONG64 PageFrameNumber; USHORT ReferenceCount;
GetFieldValue( PteAddress, "nt!_MMPTE", "u.Hard.PageFrameNumber", PageFrameNumber); ReferenceCount = GetPfnRefCount (PageFrameNumber); GetFieldValue(WsleToread, "nt!_MMWSLE", "u1.e1.Age", Age); GetFieldValue(WsleToread, "nt!_MMWSLE", "u1.e1.LockedInWs", LockedInWs); GetFieldValue(WsleToread, "nt!_MMWSLE", "u1.LockedInMemory", LockedInMemory);
dprintf("%16p %2u %8ld %8ld\n", Long, Age, (LockedInWs | LockedInMemory) ? 1 : 0, ReferenceCount); } } else { dprintf(" cannot find valid PDE for WS index %d, VA %p\n", j, Long); } } }
VirtualFree (WsleArray,0,MEM_RELEASE);
} else { ULONG64 nextLong;
next = FirstFree; WsleBase = Wsle;
while (next != (ULONG) WSLE_NULL_INDEX) { if (CheckControlC()) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
if ( GetFieldValue( WsleBase + SizeofWsle*next, "nt!_MMWSLE", "u1.VirtualAddress", nextLong) ) { dprintf("%08p: Unable to get contents of wsle\n", WsleBase+SizeofWsle*next ); return E_INVALIDARG; } dprintf("index %8lx value %8p\n", next, nextLong); next = (ULONG) (nextLong >> MM_FREE_WSLE_SHIFT); } } return S_OK; }
typedef struct _MMSECTION_FLAGS { unsigned BeingDeleted : 1; unsigned BeingCreated : 1; unsigned BeingPurged : 1; unsigned NoModifiedWriting : 1;
unsigned FailAllIo : 1; unsigned Image : 1; unsigned Based : 1; unsigned File : 1;
unsigned Networked : 1; unsigned NoCache : 1; unsigned PhysicalMemory : 1; unsigned CopyOnWrite : 1;
unsigned Reserve : 1; // not a spare bit!
unsigned Commit : 1; unsigned FloppyMedia : 1; unsigned WasPurged : 1;
unsigned UserReference : 1; unsigned GlobalMemory : 1; unsigned DeleteOnClose : 1; unsigned FilePointerNull : 1;
unsigned DebugSymbolsLoaded : 1; unsigned SetMappedFileIoComplete : 1; unsigned CollidedFlush : 1; unsigned NoChange : 1;
unsigned HadUserReference : 1; unsigned ImageMappedInSystemSpace : 1; unsigned UserWritable : 1; unsigned Accessed : 1;
unsigned GlobalOnlyPerSession : 1; unsigned Rom : 1; unsigned filler : 2; } MMSECTION_FLAGS;
typedef struct _MMSUBSECTION_FLAGS { unsigned ReadOnly : 1; unsigned ReadWrite : 1; unsigned CopyOnWrite : 1; unsigned GlobalMemory: 1; unsigned Protection : 5; unsigned LargePages : 1; unsigned StartingSector4132 : 10; // 2 ** (42+12) == 4MB*4GB == 16K TB
unsigned SectorEndOffset : 12; } MMSUBSECTION_FLAGS;
Routine Description:
Dumps a control area.
args - Address Flags
Return Value:
{ LARGE_INTEGER StartingSector; ULONG64 ControlAreaVa; ULONG64 SubsectionVa; ULONG ControlAreaSize; ULONG LargeControlAreaSize; ULONG SubsectionSize; ULONG SubsectionCount; ULONG64 Segment; ULONG64 FileObject; ULONG NumberOfSubsections; MMSECTION_FLAGS ControlAreaFlags; MMSUBSECTION_FLAGS SubsectionFlags; LOGICAL MappedDataFile; LOGICAL PrintedSomething;
ControlAreaVa = GetExpression(args);
dprintf("\n"); dprintf("ControlArea @%08p\n", ControlAreaVa);
ControlAreaSize = GetTypeSize("nt!_CONTROL_AREA"); if (ControlAreaSize == 0) { dprintf("Type CONTROL_AREA not found.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
InitTypeRead(ControlAreaVa, nt!_CONTROL_AREA);
Segment = ReadField(Segment); NumberOfSubsections = (ULONG)ReadField(NumberOfSubsections); FileObject = ReadField(FilePointer);
dprintf (" Segment: %08p Flink %8p Blink %8p\n", Segment, ReadField(DereferenceList.Flink), ReadField(DereferenceList.Blink));
dprintf (" Section Ref %8lx Pfn Ref %8lx Mapped Views %8lx\n", (ULONG) ReadField(NumberOfSectionReferences), (ULONG) ReadField(NumberOfPfnReferences), (ULONG) ReadField(NumberOfMappedViews));
dprintf (" User Ref %8lx Subsections %8lx Flush Count %8lx\n", (ULONG) ReadField(NumberOfUserReferences), NumberOfSubsections, (USHORT) ReadField(FlushInProgressCount));
dprintf (" File Object %08p ModWriteCount%7lx System Views %8lx\n", FileObject, (USHORT) ReadField(ModifiedWriteCount), (USHORT) ReadField(NumberOfSystemCacheViews));
dprintf (" WaitForDel %8p\n", ReadField(WaitingForDeletion));
GetFieldValue(ControlAreaVa, "nt!_CONTROL_AREA", "u.LongFlags", ControlAreaFlags);
dprintf (" Flags (%lx) ", ControlAreaFlags);
if (ControlAreaFlags.BeingDeleted) { dprintf("BeingDeleted "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.BeingCreated) { dprintf("BeingCreated "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.BeingPurged) { dprintf("BeingPurged "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.NoModifiedWriting) { dprintf("NoModifiedWriting "); }
if (ControlAreaFlags.FailAllIo) { dprintf("FailAllIo "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.Image) { dprintf("Image "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.Based) { dprintf("Based "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.File) { dprintf("File "); }
if (ControlAreaFlags.Networked) { dprintf("Networked "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.NoCache) { dprintf("NoCache "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.PhysicalMemory) { dprintf("PhysicalMemory "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.CopyOnWrite) { dprintf("CopyOnWrite "); }
if (ControlAreaFlags.Reserve) { dprintf("Reserve "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.Commit) { dprintf("Commit "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.FloppyMedia) { dprintf("FloppyMedia "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.WasPurged) { dprintf("WasPurged "); }
if (ControlAreaFlags.UserReference) { dprintf("UserReference "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.GlobalMemory) { dprintf("GlobalMemory "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.DeleteOnClose) { dprintf("DeleteOnClose "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.FilePointerNull) { dprintf("FilePointerNull "); }
if (ControlAreaFlags.DebugSymbolsLoaded) { dprintf("DebugSymbolsLoaded "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.SetMappedFileIoComplete) { dprintf("SetMappedFileIoComplete "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.CollidedFlush) { dprintf("CollidedFlush "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.NoChange) { dprintf("NoChange "); }
if (ControlAreaFlags.HadUserReference) { dprintf("HadUserReference "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.ImageMappedInSystemSpace) { dprintf("ImageMappedInSystemSpace "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.UserWritable) { dprintf("UserWritable "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.Accessed) { dprintf("Accessed "); }
if (ControlAreaFlags.GlobalOnlyPerSession) { dprintf("GlobalOnlyPerSession "); } if (ControlAreaFlags.Rom) { dprintf("Rom "); } dprintf ("\n\n");
MappedDataFile = FALSE;
// Dump the file object's name if there is one and it's resident.
if (FileObject != 0) { ULONG64 FileNameLength; ULONG64 FileNameBuffer; PUCHAR tempbuffer; ULONG result; UNICODE_STRING unicodeString;
if (GetTypeSize("nt!_FILE_OBJECT") == 0) { dprintf("Type FILE_OBJECT not found.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } InitTypeRead(FileObject, nt!_FILE_OBJECT);
FileNameBuffer = ReadField(FileName.Buffer);
unicodeString.Length = (USHORT) ReadField(FileName.Length);
tempbuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, unicodeString.Length);
unicodeString.Buffer = (PWSTR)tempbuffer; unicodeString.MaximumLength = unicodeString.Length;
if (FileNameBuffer == 0) { dprintf("\tNo Name for File\n"); } else if (!ReadMemory ( FileNameBuffer, tempbuffer, unicodeString.Length, &result)) { dprintf("\tFile Name paged out\n"); } else { dprintf("\tFile: %wZ\n", &unicodeString); }
if (ControlAreaFlags.Image == 0) { MappedDataFile = TRUE; } }
// Dump the segment information.
dprintf("\nSegment @ %08p:\n", Segment);
if (MappedDataFile == FALSE) { if (GetTypeSize("nt!_SEGMENT") == 0) { dprintf("Type SEGMENT not found.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } InitTypeRead(Segment, nt!_SEGMENT); } else { if (GetTypeSize("nt!_MAPPED_FILE_SEGMENT") == 0) { dprintf("Type MAPPED_FILE_SEGMENT not found.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } InitTypeRead(Segment, nt!_MAPPED_FILE_SEGMENT); }
dprintf(" ControlArea %08p Total Ptes %8lx NonExtendPtes %8lx\n", ReadField(ControlArea), (ULONG) ReadField(TotalNumberOfPtes), (ULONG) ReadField(NonExtendedPtes));
if (ControlAreaVa != ReadField(ControlArea)) { dprintf("SEGMENT is corrupt - bad control area backlink.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
dprintf(" WriteUserRef %8lx SizeOfSegment %I64x PTE Template %I64X\n", (ULONG) ReadField(WritableUserReferences), ReadField(SizeOfSegment), ReadField(SegmentPteTemplate.u.Long));
dprintf(" Committed %8p Extend Info %8p Image Base %8p\n", ReadField(NumberOfCommittedPages), ReadField(ExtendInfo), ReadField(SystemImageBase));
dprintf(" Based Addr %8p\n", ReadField(BasedAddress));
if (MappedDataFile == FALSE) {
if (ControlAreaFlags.Image == 1) { dprintf(" Image commit %8p Image Info. %8p", ReadField(ImageCommitment), ReadField(ImageInformation)); } else { dprintf(" CreatingProcess %8p FirstMappedVa %8p", ReadField(u1.CreatingProcess), ReadField(u2.FirstMappedVa)); }
dprintf(" ProtoPtes %08p\n", ReadField(PrototypePte)); }
// Dump the subsection(s).
SubsectionSize = GetTypeSize("nt!_SUBSECTION");
if (SubsectionSize == 0) { dprintf("Type SUBSECTION not found.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
LargeControlAreaSize = GetTypeSize("nt!_LARGE_CONTROL_AREA");
if (LargeControlAreaSize == 0) { dprintf("Type LARGE_CONTROL_AREA not found.\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (ControlAreaFlags.GlobalOnlyPerSession) { SubsectionVa = ControlAreaVa + LargeControlAreaSize; } else { SubsectionVa = ControlAreaVa + ControlAreaSize; }
SubsectionCount = 0;
do { if (CheckControlC()) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
InitTypeRead(SubsectionVa, nt!_SUBSECTION);
SubsectionCount += 1; dprintf("\nSubsection %ld. @ %8p\n", SubsectionCount, SubsectionVa);
GetFieldValue(SubsectionVa, "nt!_SUBSECTION", "u.LongFlags", SubsectionFlags); StartingSector.LowPart = (ULONG)ReadField(StartingSector); StartingSector.HighPart = (LONG)SubsectionFlags.StartingSector4132;
dprintf(" ControlArea: %08p Starting Sector %I64X Number Of Sectors %lx\n", ReadField(ControlArea), StartingSector, (ULONG) ReadField(NumberOfFullSectors));
dprintf(" Base Pte %08p Ptes In subsect %8lx Unused Ptes %8lx\n", ReadField(SubsectionBase), (ULONG) ReadField(PtesInSubsection), (ULONG) ReadField(UnusedPtes));
dprintf(" Flags %8lx Sector Offset %8lx Protection %8lx\n", SubsectionFlags, SubsectionFlags.SectorEndOffset, SubsectionFlags.Protection);
PrintedSomething = FALSE; if (SubsectionFlags.ReadOnly) { if (PrintedSomething == FALSE) { dprintf(" "); } PrintedSomething = TRUE; dprintf("ReadOnly "); } if (SubsectionFlags.ReadWrite) { if (PrintedSomething == FALSE) { dprintf(" "); } PrintedSomething = TRUE; dprintf("ReadWrite"); } if (SubsectionFlags.CopyOnWrite) { if (PrintedSomething == FALSE) { dprintf(" "); } PrintedSomething = TRUE; dprintf("CopyOnWrite "); } if (SubsectionFlags.GlobalMemory) { if (PrintedSomething == FALSE) { dprintf(" "); } PrintedSomething = TRUE; dprintf("GlobalMemory "); } if (SubsectionFlags.LargePages) { if (PrintedSomething == FALSE) { dprintf(" "); } PrintedSomething = TRUE; dprintf("Large Pages"); }
if (PrintedSomething == TRUE) { dprintf("\n"); } if (MappedDataFile == TRUE) { InitTypeRead(SubsectionVa, nt!_MSUBSECTION); dprintf(" Flink %08p Blink %08p MappedViews %8x\n", ReadField(DereferenceList.Flink), ReadField(DereferenceList.Blink), (ULONG) ReadField(NumberOfMappedViews));
dprintf(" SubsectionDataFlags %8x\n", (ULONG) ReadField(u2.LongFlags2)); }
SubsectionVa = ReadField(NextSubsection); } while (SubsectionVa != 0); return S_OK; }