Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This module wraps library functions, rerouting them to native implementations as available.
Adrian J. Oney - April 21, 2002
Revision History:
#include "WlDef.h"
#include "WlpWrap.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, WdmlibInit)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, WdmlibIoCreateDeviceSecure)
BOOLEAN WdmlibInitialized = FALSE;
// Here is a list of global variables through which we route our function calls
VOID WdmlibInit( VOID ) { UNICODE_STRING functionName;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&functionName, L"IoCreateDeviceSecure");
PfnIoCreateDeviceSecure = MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&functionName);
if (PfnIoCreateDeviceSecure == NULL) {
PfnIoCreateDeviceSecure = IoDevObjCreateDeviceSecure; }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&functionName, L"IoValidateDeviceIoControlAccess");
PfnIoValidateDeviceIoControlAccess = MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&functionName);
WdmlibInitialized = TRUE; }
NTSTATUS WdmlibIoCreateDeviceSecure( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN ULONG DeviceExtensionSize, IN PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName OPTIONAL, IN DEVICE_TYPE DeviceType, IN ULONG DeviceCharacteristics, IN BOOLEAN Exclusive, IN PCUNICODE_STRING DefaultSDDLString, IN LPCGUID DeviceClassGuid, OUT PDEVICE_OBJECT *DeviceObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is a library wrapper for IoCreateDeviceSecure. It calls either the internal library version of IoCreateDeviceSecure, or it calls the native implementation in the Operating System.
See IoCreateDeviceSecure documentation.
Return Value:
See IoCreateDeviceSecure documentation.
--*/ { if (WdmlibInitialized == FALSE) {
WdmlibInit(); }
return PfnIoCreateDeviceSecure( DriverObject, DeviceExtensionSize, DeviceName, DeviceType, DeviceCharacteristics, Exclusive, DefaultSDDLString, DeviceClassGuid, DeviceObject ); }
NTSTATUS WdmlibRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( OUT PUNICODE_STRING DestinationString, IN PCWSTR SourceString OPTIONAL ) { SIZE_T Length;
if (SourceString != NULL) {
Length = wcslen(SourceString);
// We are actually limited to 32765 characters since we want to store a
// meaningful MaximumLength also.
if (Length > (UNICODE_STRING_MAX_CHARS - 1)) {
Length *= sizeof(WCHAR);
DestinationString->Length = (USHORT) Length; DestinationString->MaximumLength = (USHORT) (Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); DestinationString->Buffer = (PWSTR) SourceString;
} else {
DestinationString->Length = 0; DestinationString->MaximumLength = 0; DestinationString->Buffer = NULL; }
NTSTATUS WdmlibIoValidateDeviceIoControlAccess( IN PIRP Irp, IN ULONG RequiredAccess ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine validates ioctl access bits based on granted access information passed in the IRP. This routine is called by a driver to validate IOCTL access bits for IOCTLs that were originally defined as FILE_ANY_ACCESS and cannot be changed for compatibility reasons but really has to be validated for read/write access.
This routine is actually a wrapper around the kernel function exported in XPSP1 and .NET server versions of Windows. This wrapper allows a driver to call this function on all versions of Windows starting with WIN2K. On Windows platforms which don't support the kernel function IoValidateDeviceIoControlAccess this wrapper reverts back to the old behaviour. This wrapper allows a driver to have the same source code and get the added benefit of the security check on newer operating systems.
IRP - IRP for the device control
RequiredAccess - Is the expected access required by the driver. Should be FILE_READ_ACCESS, FILE_WRITE_ACCESS or both.
Return Value:
--*/ {
// In older versions, assume access check succeeds
// to retain old behaviour.
if (PfnIoValidateDeviceIoControlAccess == NULL) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// If the function is present use the appropriate access check.
return (PfnIoValidateDeviceIoControlAccess(Irp, RequiredAccess));