Copyright (c) 1991-1999, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
GB18030 (codepage 54936) smoke test and bug regressions.
NOTE: This code was simply hacked together quickly in order to test the different code modules of the NLS component. This is NOT meant to be a formal regression test.
Revision History:
02-22-02 YSLin Created.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define NLS_CP_CPINFO 0x10000000
#define NLS_CP_CPINFOEX 0x20000000
#define NLS_CP_MBTOWC 0x40000000
#define NLS_CP_WCTOMB 0x80000000
CHAR g_szBuffer[512]; WCHAR g_wszBuffer[512];
HMODULE g_hLangModule; WCHAR g_wszDllName[] = L".\\c_g18030.dll"; typedef DWORD (__stdcall *NlsDllCodePageTranslation)( DWORD CodePage, DWORD dwFlags, LPSTR lpMultiByteStr, int cchMultiByte, LPWSTR lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar, LPCPINFO lpCPInfo);
NlsDllCodePageTranslation g_pGBFunc = NULL;
void PrintBytes(BYTE* lpMultiByteStr, DWORD size) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < size; i++) { printf("\\x%02x", lpMultiByteStr[i]); } }
void PrintWords(WORD* lpWideCharStr, int size) { if (size == -1) { size = wcslen(lpWideCharStr); } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { printf("\\x%04x", lpWideCharStr[i]); } }
BOOL TestIsValidCodePage(int codepage) { BOOL bResult = IsValidCodePage(codepage); printf("IsValidCodePage(%d) = %d\n", codepage, bResult); return (bResult); }
BOOL VerifyResult(int result, int expect) { printf(" Result: [%d]\n", result); if (result != expect) { printf(">> Expect: [%d]\n", expect); return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); }
BOOL VerifyResult(BYTE* result, int nResultLen, BYTE* expect, int nExpectLen) { BOOL bEqual = (nResultLen == nExpectLen); if (bEqual) { for (int i = 0; i < nResultLen; i++) { if (result[i] != expect[i]) { bEqual = FALSE; break; } } }
printf(" Result: ["); PrintBytes(result, nResultLen); printf("]\n"); if (!bEqual) { printf(">> Expect: ["); PrintBytes(expect, nExpectLen); printf("]\n"); }
return (bEqual); }
BOOL VerifyResult(WORD* result, int nResultLen, WORD* expect, int nExpectLen) { BOOL bEqual = (nResultLen == nExpectLen); if (bEqual) { for (int i = 0; i < nResultLen; i++) { if (result[i] != expect[i]) { bEqual = FALSE; break; } } }
printf(" Result: ["); PrintWords(result, nResultLen); printf("]\n"); if (!bEqual) { printf(">> Expect: ["); PrintWords(expect, nExpectLen); printf("]\n"); }
return (bEqual); }
BOOL DoGetCPInfoExTest(int codepage) { CPINFOEX cpInfoEx; if (!GetCPInfoEx(codepage, 0, &cpInfoEx)) { return (FALSE); }
printf(" MaxCharSize = %d\n", cpInfoEx.MaxCharSize); printf(" DefaultChar = [%02x][%02x]\n", cpInfoEx.DefaultChar[0], cpInfoEx.DefaultChar[1]); printf(" LeadByte = [%s]\n", cpInfoEx.LeadByte); wprintf(L" UnicodeDefaultChar = %c\n", cpInfoEx.UnicodeDefaultChar); printf(" CodePage = %d\n", cpInfoEx.CodePage); wprintf(L" CodePageName = [%s]\n", cpInfoEx.CodePageName); return (TRUE); }
BOOL DoWCToMBTest( int codepage, LPWSTR lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar, LPSTR expect, int nExpectLen, BOOL bTestRoundtrip) { BOOL bPassed = TRUE;
int nResult = 0;
printf(" WideCharToMultiByte(%d, 0, \"", codepage); PrintWords(lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar); printf("\", %d)\n", cchWideChar); if (g_pGBFunc) { nExpectLen--; } //
// First test if the byte count is correct.
printf(" --- Test byte count ---\n"); if (g_pGBFunc) { nResult = g_pGBFunc(codepage, NLS_CP_WCTOMB, NULL, 0, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, NULL); } else { nResult = WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); } bPassed &= VerifyResult(nResult, nExpectLen);
printf(" --- Test conversion ---\n"); //
// Test the actual wide-char to multi-byte conversion is correct.
BOOL bUseDefault; if (g_pGBFunc) { nResult = g_pGBFunc(codepage, NLS_CP_WCTOMB, g_szBuffer, sizeof(g_szBuffer), lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, NULL); } else { nResult = WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, g_szBuffer, sizeof(g_szBuffer), NULL, NULL); }
bPassed &= VerifyResult(nResult, nExpectLen); bPassed &= VerifyResult((BYTE*)g_szBuffer, nResult, (BYTE*)expect, nExpectLen);
if (!g_pGBFunc) { nResult = WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, g_szBuffer, nExpectLen, NULL, NULL); } bPassed &= VerifyResult(nResult, nExpectLen); bPassed &= VerifyResult((BYTE*)g_szBuffer, nResult, (BYTE*)expect, nExpectLen); if (bTestRoundtrip) { printf(" --- Test roundtrip ---\n"); if (cchWideChar == -1) { cchWideChar = wcslen(lpWideCharStr) + 1; } if (g_pGBFunc) { nResult = g_pGBFunc(codepage, NLS_CP_MBTOWC, g_szBuffer, nResult, g_wszBuffer, sizeof(g_szBuffer), NULL); cchWideChar--; } else { nResult = MultiByteToWideChar(codepage, 0, g_szBuffer, nResult, g_wszBuffer, sizeof(g_szBuffer)); }
bPassed &= VerifyResult(nResult, cchWideChar); bPassed &= VerifyResult((WORD*)g_wszBuffer, nResult, (WORD*)lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar); }
printf(" --- Test insuffient buffer ---\n"); for (int i = nExpectLen - 1; i >= 1; i--) { if (g_pGBFunc) { nResult = g_pGBFunc(codepage, NLS_CP_WCTOMB, g_szBuffer, i, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, NULL); } else { nResult = WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, g_szBuffer, i, NULL, NULL); } bPassed &= VerifyResult(nResult, 0); bPassed &= VerifyResult(GetLastError(), ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } return (bPassed); }
BOOL DoMBToWCTest( int codepage, LPSTR lpMultiByteStr, int cchMulitByteChar, LPWSTR expect, int nExpectLen) { BOOL bPassed = TRUE;
int nResult = 0;
printf(" MultiByteToWideChar(%d, 0, \"", codepage); PrintBytes((BYTE*)lpMultiByteStr, cchMulitByteChar); printf("\", %d)\n", cchMulitByteChar);
if (g_pGBFunc) { nExpectLen--; } */ //
// First test if the byte count is correct.
printf(" --- Test byte count ---\n"); //if (g_pGBFunc)
// nResult = g_pGBFunc(codepage, NLS_CP_WCTOMB,
// NULL, 0, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, NULL);
//} else
{ nResult = MultiByteToWideChar(codepage, 0, lpMultiByteStr, cchMulitByteChar, NULL, 0); } bPassed &= VerifyResult(nResult, nExpectLen);
printf(" --- Test conversion ---\n"); //
// Test the actual wide-char to multi-byte conversion is correct.
BOOL bUseDefault; //if (g_pGBFunc)
// nResult = g_pGBFunc(codepage, NLS_CP_WCTOMB,
// g_szBuffer, sizeof(g_szBuffer), lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, NULL);
//} else
{ nResult = MultiByteToWideChar(codepage, 0, lpMultiByteStr, cchMulitByteChar, g_wszBuffer, sizeof(g_wszBuffer)); }
bPassed &= VerifyResult(nResult, nExpectLen); bPassed &= VerifyResult((WORD*)g_wszBuffer, nResult, (WORD*)expect, nExpectLen);
//if (!g_pGBFunc)
{ nResult = MultiByteToWideChar(codepage, 0, lpMultiByteStr, cchMulitByteChar, g_wszBuffer, nExpectLen); } bPassed &= VerifyResult(nResult, nExpectLen); bPassed &= VerifyResult((WORD*)g_wszBuffer, nResult, (WORD*)expect, nExpectLen); printf(" --- Test insuffient buffer ---\n"); for (int i = nExpectLen - 1; i >= 1; i--) { //if (g_pGBFunc)
// nResult = g_pGBFunc(codepage, NLS_CP_WCTOMB,
//g_szBuffer, i, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, NULL);
//} else
{ nResult = MultiByteToWideChar(codepage, 0, lpMultiByteStr, cchMulitByteChar, g_wszBuffer, i); } bPassed &= VerifyResult(nResult, 0); bPassed &= VerifyResult(GetLastError(), ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } return (bPassed); }
BOOL TryLoadGB18030DLL() { g_hLangModule = ::LoadLibrary(g_wszDllName);
if (g_hLangModule == NULL) { wprintf(L"Error in loading %s DLL.", g_wszDllName); return (FALSE); }
g_pGBFunc = (NlsDllCodePageTranslation)GetProcAddress(g_hLangModule, "NlsDllCodePageTranslation");
if (g_pGBFunc == NULL) { wprintf(L"Error in loading function.\n"); return (FALSE); } wprintf(L"%s is loaded.\n", g_wszDllName); return (TRUE); }
BOOL DoSmokeTest() { BOOL bPassed = TRUE;
printf("\n--- DoSmokeTest---\n"); //
// Some general tests.
// U+0000 ~ U+007F
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"ABC", -1, "ABC\x00", 4, TRUE); // Unicode to GB18030 two-bytes, compatible with GBK.
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\x00a4", -1, "\xa1\xe8\x00", 3, TRUE); bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\x3011", -1, "\xa1\xbf\x00", 3, TRUE); bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\x3011", -1, "\xa1\xbf\x00", 3, TRUE);
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\x00a4", 1, "\xa1\xe8", 2, TRUE); // Unicode to GB18030 two-bytes, NOT compatible with GBK.
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\x01f9", -1, "\xa8\xbf\x00", 3, TRUE); bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\x4dae", -1, "\xfe\x9f\x00", 3, TRUE); bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\xffe5", -1, "\xA3\xA4\x00", 3, TRUE); // Unicode to GB18030 four-byte.
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\x0081", -1, "\x81\x30\x81\x31\x00", 5, TRUE); bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\xfeff", -1, "\x84\x31\x95\x33\x00", 5, TRUE); bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\xffff", -1, "\x84\x31\xA4\x39\x00", 5, TRUE);
// Surrogate to GB18030 four-byte
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\xd800\xdc00", -1, "\x90\x30\x81\x30\x00", 5, TRUE); // The last surrogate pair to GB18030 four-byte
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\xdbff\xdfff", -1, "\xe3\x32\x9a\x35\x00", 5, TRUE); // Mixed cases.
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\x0081\x00a8", -1, "\x81\x30\x81\x31\xA1\xA7\x00", 7, TRUE); bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"A\x0081\x0042\x0043\x00a8", -1, "A\x81\x30\x81\x31\x42\x43\xA1\xA7\x00", 10, TRUE);
// Some exception cases.
// High surrogate without low surrogate
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\xd800", -1, "?\x00", 2, FALSE); // High surrogate without low surrogate
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\xd800\x0041", -1, "?\x41\x00", 3, FALSE); // High surrogate without low surrogate
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\x0042\xd800\x0041", -1, "\x42?\x41\x00", 4, FALSE);
// Low surrogate without high surrogate
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\xdc00", -1, "?\x00", 2, FALSE); // Low surrogate without high surrogate
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\xdc00\xd800", -1, "??\x00", 3, FALSE); // Low surrogate without high surrogate
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"A\xdc00", -1, "A?\x00", 3, FALSE); // Low surrogate without high surrogate
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"A\xdc00\x42", -1, "A?B\x00", 4, FALSE);
// 1-byte GB18030
bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "ABC", 3, L"ABC", 3); bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\x7d\x7e\x7f", 3, L"\x007d\x007e\x007f", 3);
// 2-byte GB18030
bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\xa1\xe3", 2, L"\x00b0", 1); bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\xd2\xbb", 2, L"\x4e00", 1);
// 4-byte GB18030
bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\x81\x30\x86\x30", 4, L"\x00b8", 1); bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\x84\x31\xA4\x39", 4, L"\xffff", 1); return (bPassed); }
BOOL Regress352949() { BOOL bPassed = true; printf("\n--- Bug 352949 ---\n");
bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(932, L"\x3000\x0045", -1, "\x81\x40\x45", 4, FALSE) ; bPassed &= DoWCToMBTest(54936, L"\x3094", -1, "\x81\x39\xA6\x36", 5, FALSE) ; printf("\n"); return (bPassed); }
BOOL Regress401919() { BOOL bPassed = true; printf("\n--- Bug 401919 ---\n");
// Invalid 4-byte sequence.
bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\x81\x30\x81\x20", 4, L"?\x30?\x20", 4); bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\x81\x20\x81\x30", 4, L"?\x20?\x30", 4); bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\x81\x30\x80\x30", 4, L"?\x30?\x30", 4); bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\x81\x30\xff\x30", 4, L"?\x30?\x30", 4); bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\xff\x30\x81\x30", 4, L"?\x30?\x30", 4); bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\x81\x20", 2, L"?\x20", 2);
// Invalid 2-byte sequence
bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\x81\x7f", 2, L"?\x7f", 2); bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\xff\x40", 2, L"?\x40", 2);
// Invalid 1-byte sequence
bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\x80", 1, L"?", 1); bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\xfe", 1, L"?", 1); bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\x81", 1, L"?", 1); bPassed &= DoMBToWCTest(54936, "\xff", 1, L"?", 1); return (bPassed); }
int _cdecl main(int argc, char* argv[]) { BOOL bPassed = TRUE; if (argc > 2) { if (!TryLoadGB18030DLL()) { return(1); } } else { if (!TestIsValidCodePage(54936)) { printf("54936 is not a installed codepage.\n"); return (1); } } bPassed &= DoGetCPInfoExTest(54936); bPassed &= DoSmokeTest(); bPassed &= Regress352949(); bPassed &= Regress401919(); if (!bPassed) { printf("FAIL"); return(1); }
if (g_hLangModule != NULL) { FreeLibrary(g_hLangModule); } printf("pass"); return(0); }