Copyright (c) 1991-1999, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This file contains the header information for the NLS test module.
NOTE: This code was simply hacked together quickly in order to test the different code modules of the NLS component. This is NOT meant to be a formal regression test.
Revision History:
06-14-91 JulieB Created.
// Includes Files.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <excpt.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winerror.h>
#include <winnlsp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Constant Declarations.
// Error codes.
#ifndef NO_ERROR
#define NO_ERROR 0
// Performance Break Points.
// Uncomment this definition to enable the break points.
//#define PERF
// Typedef Declarations.
// Macro Definitions.
// Macros for getting string lengths.
#define MB_STRING_LEN(pStr) ((int)(strlen(pStr)))
#define MB_STRING_LEN_NULL(pStr) ((int)(strlen(pStr) + 1))
#define WC_STRING_LEN(pStr) ((int)(wcslen(pStr)))
#define WC_STRING_LEN_NULL(pStr) ((int)(wcslen(pStr) + 1))
// Function Prototypes
int CompStringsW( WCHAR *WCStr1, WCHAR *WCStr2, int size);
int CompStringsA( BYTE *MBStr1, BYTE *MBStr2, int size);
void PrintWC( WCHAR *WCStr, int size);
void PrintMB( BYTE *MBStr, int size); LPSTR GetAnsiString( LPSTR str, int count);
LPSTR GetUnicodeString( LPWSTR wstr, int count);
void CheckLastError( DWORD ExpectedLastError, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors);
void CheckReturnBadParam( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, DWORD ExpectedLastError, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors);
void CheckReturnBadParamEnum( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, DWORD ExpectedLastError, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors, int CurrentEnumCtr, int ExpectedEnumCtr);
void CheckReturnEqual( int CurrentReturn, int NonExpectedReturn, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors);
void CheckReturnValidEnumLoop( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, int CurrentCtr, int ExpectedCtr, LPSTR pErrString, DWORD ItemValue, int *pNumErrors);
void CheckReturnValidEnum( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, int CurrentCtr, int ExpectedCtr, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors);
void CheckReturnValidLoopW( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, LPWSTR pCurrentString, LPWSTR pExpectedString, LPSTR pErrString, DWORD ItemValue, int *pNumErrors);
void CheckReturnValidLoopA( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, LPSTR pCurrentString, LPSTR pExpectedString, LPSTR pErrString, DWORD ItemValue, int *pNumErrors);
void CheckReturnValidW( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, LPWSTR pCurrentString, LPWSTR pExpectedString, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors);
void CheckReturnValidA( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, LPSTR pCurrentString, LPSTR pExpectedString, LPBOOL pUsedDef, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors);
void CheckReturnValidInt( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, DWORD CurrentInt, DWORD ExpectedInt, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors);
int TestMBToWC(void);
int TestWCToMB(void);
int TestGetCPInfo(void);
int TestCompareString(void);
int TestGetStringType(void);
int TestFoldString(void);
int TestLCMapString(void);
int TestGetLocaleInfo(void);
int TestSetLocaleInfo(void);
int TestGetCalendarInfo(void);
int TestSetCalendarInfo(void);
int TestGetGeoInfo(void);
int TestIsDBCSLeadByte(void);
int TestIsValidCodePage(void);
int TestIsValidLanguageGroup(void);
int TestIsValidLocale(void);
int TestUtilityAPIs(void);
int TestGetTimeFormat(void);
int TestGetDateFormat(void);
int TestGetNumberFormat(void);
int TestGetCurrencyFormat(void);
int TestEnumUILanguages(void);
int TestEnumSystemLanguageGroups(void);
int TestEnumLanguageGroupLocales(void);
int TestEnumSystemLocales(void);
int TestEnumSystemCodePages(void);
int TestEnumCalendarInfo(void);
int TestEnumTimeFormats(void);
int TestEnumDateFormats(void);
int TestEnumSystemGeoID(void);
// Global Variables
// All of the global variables for the NLSTEST should be put here.
// Globals are included last because they may require some of the types
// being defined above.
extern BOOL Verbose; // verbose flag
extern LCID pAllLocales[]; // all supported locale ids
extern int NumLocales; // number of all supported locale ids