// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// File: Reg.cpp
// Contents: Registration routines
// Classes:
// Notes:
// History: 05-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
// 11-18-97 susia Added Autosync and user reg key functions
#include "precomp.h"
#ifdef _SENS
#include <eventsys.h> // include event system
#include <sens.h>
#include <sensevts.h>
#endif // _SENS
// temporariy define new mstask flag in case hasn't
// propogated to sdk\inc
extern HINSTANCE g_hmodThisDll; // Handle to this DLL itself.
extern OSVERSIONINFOA g_OSVersionInfo; extern CRITICAL_SECTION g_DllCriticalSection; // Global Critical Section for this DLL
// only return success on NT 5.0
BOOL GetUserDefaultSecurityAttribs(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *psa ,PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR psd, PACL *ppOutAcl) { BOOL bRetVal; int cbAcl; PACL pAcl = NULL; PSID pInteractiveUserSid = NULL; PSID pLocalSystemSid = NULL; PSID pAdminsSid = NULL; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY LocalSystemAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY;
*ppOutAcl = NULL;
bRetVal = FALSE; // in the structure.
bRetVal = InitializeSecurityDescriptor( psd, // Pointer to SD
if (!bRetVal) { AssertSz(0,"Unable to Init SecurityDescriptor"); goto errRtn; }
// setup acls.
bRetVal = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &LocalSystemAuthority, // Pointer to identifier authority
1, // Count of subauthority
0, // Subauthority 1
0, // Subauthority 2
0, // Subauthority 3
0, // Subauthority 4
0, // Subauthority 5
0, // Subauthority 6
0, // Subauthority 7
&pInteractiveUserSid // pointer to pointer to SID
if (!bRetVal) { AssertSz(0,"Alocate sid failed"); goto errRtn; }
bRetVal = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &LocalSystemAuthority, // Pointer to identifier authority
0, // Subauthority 4
0, // Subauthority 5
0, // Subauthority 6
0, // Subauthority 7
&pAdminsSid // pointer to pointer to SID
if (!bRetVal) { AssertSz(0,"Alocate sid failed"); goto errRtn; }
bRetVal = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &LocalSystemAuthority,// Pointer to identifier authority
1, // Count of subauthority
0, // Subauthority 1
0, // Subauthority 2
0, // Subauthority 3
0, // Subauthority 4
0, // Subauthority 5
0, // Subauthority 6
0, // Subauthority 7
&pLocalSystemSid // pointer to pointer to SID
if (!bRetVal) { AssertSz(0,"Alocate sid failed"); goto errRtn; }
cbAcl = sizeof (ACL) + 3 * sizeof (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid(pInteractiveUserSid) + GetLengthSid(pLocalSystemSid) + GetLengthSid(pAdminsSid); pAcl = (PACL) new char[cbAcl];
if (NULL == pAcl) { bRetVal = FALSE;
AssertSz(0,"unable to alloc ACL"); goto errRtn; }
bRetVal = InitializeAcl( pAcl, // Pointer to the ACL
cbAcl, // Size of ACL
ACL_REVISION // Revision level of ACL
if (!bRetVal) { AssertSz(0,"InitAcl failed"); goto errRtn; }
bRetVal = AddAccessAllowedAce( pAcl, // Pointer to the ACL
ACL_REVISION, // ACL revision level
pInteractiveUserSid // Pointer to SID
if (!bRetVal) { AssertSz(0,"AddAccessAllowed Failed"); goto errRtn; }
bRetVal = AddAccessAllowedAce( pAcl, // Pointer to the ACL
ACL_REVISION, // ACL revision level
GENERIC_ALL, // Access Mask
pAdminsSid // Pointer to SID
if (!bRetVal) { AssertSz(0,"AddAccessAllowed Failed"); goto errRtn; }
bRetVal = AddAccessAllowedAce( pAcl, // Pointer to the ACL
ACL_REVISION, // ACL revision level
GENERIC_ALL, // Access Mask
pLocalSystemSid // Pointer to SID
if (!bRetVal) { AssertSz(0,"AddAccessAllowed Failed"); goto errRtn; }
bRetVal = SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(psd,TRUE,pAcl,FALSE);
if (!bRetVal) { AssertSz(0,"SetSecurityDescirptorDacl Failed"); goto errRtn; }
psa->nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); psa->lpSecurityDescriptor = psd; psa->bInheritHandle = FALSE;
if (pInteractiveUserSid) { FreeSid(pInteractiveUserSid); }
if (pLocalSystemSid) { FreeSid(pLocalSystemSid); }
if (pAdminsSid) { FreeSid(pAdminsSid); } //
// On failure, we clean the ACL up. On success, the caller cleans
// it up after using it.
if (FALSE == bRetVal) { if (pAcl) { delete pAcl; } } else { Assert(pAcl); *ppOutAcl = pAcl; }
return bRetVal; }
// calls regOpen or create based on fCreate param
LONG RegGetKeyHelper(HKEY hkey,LPCWSTR pszKey,REGSAM samDesired,BOOL fCreate, HKEY *phkResult,DWORD *pdwDisposition) { LONG lRet = -1;
*pdwDisposition = 0; if (fCreate) { lRet = RegCreateKeyEx(hkey,pszKey,0,NULL,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, samDesired,NULL,phkResult,pdwDisposition); } else { lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(hkey,pszKey,0,samDesired,phkResult); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) { *pdwDisposition = REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY; }
return lRet; }
// called to create a new UserKey or subkey
LONG RegCreateUserSubKey( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpSubKey, REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult) { LONG lRet; DWORD dwDisposition;
lRet = RegCreateKeyEx(hKey,lpSubKey,0,NULL,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, samDesired,NULL,phkResult,&dwDisposition);
if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId) { // !! if subkey contains \\ don't traverse back through the list
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, lpSubKey, REG_OPTION_OPEN_LINK, WRITE_DAC,&hKeySecurity) ) { if (GetUserDefaultSecurityAttribs(&sa,&sd,&pOutAcl)) {
RegSetKeySecurity(hKeySecurity, (SECURITY_INFORMATION) DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &sd); delete pOutAcl; }
RegCloseKey(hKeySecurity); }
} } return lRet; }
STDAPI_(HKEY) RegOpenUserKey(HKEY hkeyParent,REGSAM samDesired,BOOL fCreate,BOOL fCleanReg) { TCHAR pszDomainAndUser[MAX_DOMANDANDMACHINENAMESIZE]; HKEY hKeyUser; BOOL fSetUserSid = FALSE; WCHAR szUserSID[MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwDisposition; LONG ret;
// If suppose to clean the settings for the user/ delete the key
if (fCleanReg) { RegDeleteKeyNT(hkeyParent,pszDomainAndUser); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ret = RegGetKeyHelper(hkeyParent,pszDomainAndUser,samDesired,fCreate, &hKeyUser,&dwDisposition))) { hKeyUser = NULL; } // On NT 5.0 Verify sid matches and if doesn't blow away any settings.
// then create again.
if (hKeyUser && (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId)) { WCHAR szRegSID[MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD dwDataSize;
dwDataSize = ARRAY_SIZE(szRegSID); if (ERROR_SUCCESS !=RegQueryValueEx(hKeyUser, SZ_USERSIDKEY,NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szRegSID, &dwDataSize)) { fSetUserSid = TRUE; // if have to set the sid need to make sure openned
// with set Value and if didn't close key and
// let create re-open it with the desired access.
if (!(samDesired & KEY_SET_VALUE)) { RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); hKeyUser = NULL; }
} else { dwDataSize = ARRAY_SIZE(szUserSID); if (GetUserTextualSid(szUserSID, &dwDataSize)) { if (lstrcmp(szRegSID, szUserSID)) { // if don't have access privledges
// to delete the User this will fail.
// may want a call into SENS to delete the
// User Key on Failure.
RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); hKeyUser = NULL; // set to NULL so check below fails.
RegDeleteKeyNT(hkeyParent,pszDomainAndUser); } } } }
if (NULL == hKeyUser) {
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ret = RegGetKeyHelper(hkeyParent,pszDomainAndUser, samDesired,fCreate, &hKeyUser,&dwDisposition))) { hKeyUser = NULL; } else { if (REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY == dwDisposition) { fSetUserSid = TRUE; } } }
// on creation setup the security
if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId) {
// !! should have own call for sync type key security
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyParent,pszDomainAndUser, REG_OPTION_OPEN_LINK, WRITE_DAC,&hKeySecurity) ) { if (GetUserDefaultSecurityAttribs(&sa,&sd,&pOutAcl)) {
RegSetKeySecurity(hKeySecurity, (SECURITY_INFORMATION) DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &sd); delete pOutAcl; }
RegCloseKey(hKeySecurity); } } }
// setup the User sid.
// depends on key being openned with KEY_SET_VALUE
if (hKeyUser && fSetUserSid && (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId) && (samDesired & KEY_SET_VALUE)) { WCHAR szUserSID[MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD dwDataSize;
dwDataSize = ARRAY_SIZE(szUserSID);
if (GetUserTextualSid(szUserSID, &dwDataSize)) { DWORD dwType = REG_SZ;
RegSetValueEx (hKeyUser,SZ_USERSIDKEY,NULL, dwType, (LPBYTE) szUserSID, (lstrlen(szUserSID) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); }
return hKeyUser;
STDAPI_(HKEY) RegGetSyncTypeKey(DWORD dwSyncType,REGSAM samDesired,BOOL fCreate) { HKEY hKeySyncType; LPCWSTR pszKey; LONG ret; DWORD dwDisposition;
// get appropriate key to open based on sync type
switch(dwSyncType) { case SYNCTYPE_MANUAL: pszKey = MANUALSYNC_REGKEY; break; case SYNCTYPE_AUTOSYNC: pszKey = AUTOSYNC_REGKEY; break; case SYNCTYPE_IDLE: pszKey = IDLESYNC_REGKEY; break; case SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED: pszKey = SCHEDSYNC_REGKEY; break; case SYNCTYPE_PROGRESS: pszKey = PROGRESS_REGKEY; break; default: AssertSz(0,"Unknown SyncType"); pszKey = NULL; break; }
if (NULL == pszKey) { return NULL; }
// first try to open the existing key
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ret = RegGetKeyHelper(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,pszKey,samDesired,fCreate, &hKeySyncType,&dwDisposition))) { // if can't open key try to create
if (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == ret ) { // if access denied, call sens to reset
// the security on the topelevel keys.
ret = RegGetKeyHelper(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,pszKey,samDesired,fCreate, &hKeySyncType,&dwDisposition); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ret) { hKeySyncType = NULL; } }
if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId) {
// !! should have own call for sync type key security
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,pszKey, REG_OPTION_OPEN_LINK, WRITE_DAC,&hKeySecurity) ) { if (GetUserDefaultSecurityAttribs(&sa,&sd,&pOutAcl)) {
RegSetKeySecurity(hKeySecurity, (SECURITY_INFORMATION) DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &sd); delete pOutAcl; }
RegCloseKey(hKeySecurity); } } }
return hKeySyncType; }
STDAPI_(HKEY) RegGetCurrentUserKey(DWORD dwSyncType,REGSAM samDesired,BOOL fCreate) { HKEY hKeySyncType; HKEY hKeyUser = NULL;
hKeySyncType = RegGetSyncTypeKey(dwSyncType,samDesired ,fCreate);
if (hKeySyncType) { hKeyUser = RegOpenUserKey(hKeySyncType,samDesired,fCreate,FALSE /* fClean */); RegCloseKey(hKeySyncType); }
return hKeyUser; }
// tries to open and set security if necessary on the handler keys.
STDAPI_(HKEY) RegGetHandlerTopLevelKey(REGSAM samDesired) { HKEY hKeyTopLevel; LONG ret; DWORD dwDisposition;
// if open failed then try a create.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (ret = RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,HANDLERS_REGKEY,0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,samDesired,NULL, &hKeyTopLevel, &dwDisposition))) {
// if got an access denige on the handlers key
// call sens to reset.
if (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == ret ) { // if access denied, call sens to reset
// the security on the topelevel keys.
// and try again
ret = RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,HANDLERS_REGKEY,0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,samDesired,NULL, &hKeyTopLevel, &dwDisposition); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ret) { hKeyTopLevel = NULL; } }
if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId) {
// !! should have own call for toplevel handler key security
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HANDLERS_REGKEY, REG_OPTION_OPEN_LINK, WRITE_DAC,&hKeySecurity) ) { if (GetUserDefaultSecurityAttribs(&sa,&sd,&pOutAcl)) {
RegSetKeySecurity(hKeySecurity, (SECURITY_INFORMATION) DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &sd); delete pOutAcl; }
RegCloseKey(hKeySecurity); } } }
return hKeyTopLevel;
STDAPI_(HKEY) RegGetHandlerKey(HKEY hkeyParent,LPCWSTR pszHandlerClsid,REGSAM samDesired, BOOL fCreate) { HKEY hKeyHandler = NULL; LRESULT lRet; DWORD dwDisposition;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (lRet = RegGetKeyHelper(hkeyParent,pszHandlerClsid,samDesired, fCreate,&hKeyHandler,&dwDisposition))) { hKeyHandler = NULL; }
if (NULL == hKeyHandler) {
// if got an access denied call sens to unlock
if (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == lRet ) { // if access denied, call sens to reset
// the security on the topelevel keys.
// and try again
lRet = RegGetKeyHelper(hkeyParent,pszHandlerClsid,samDesired, fCreate,&hKeyHandler,&dwDisposition); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) { hKeyHandler = NULL; }
if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId) {
// !! should have own call for handler key security
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyParent, pszHandlerClsid, REG_OPTION_OPEN_LINK, WRITE_DAC,&hKeySecurity) ) { if (GetUserDefaultSecurityAttribs(&sa,&sd,&pOutAcl)) {
RegSetKeySecurity(hKeySecurity, (SECURITY_INFORMATION) DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &sd); delete pOutAcl; }
RegCloseKey(hKeySecurity); } } }
return hKeyHandler; }
Function: DWORD RegDeleteKeyNT(HKEY hStartKey , LPTSTR pKeyName )
Summary: Recursively delete a key on NT
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
STDAPI_(DWORD) RegDeleteKeyNT(HKEY hStartKey , LPCWSTR pKeyName ) { DWORD dwRtn, dwSubKeyLength; LPTSTR pSubKey = NULL; TCHAR szSubKey[MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; // (256) this should be dynamic.
HKEY hkey;
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
// do not allow NULL or empty key name
if ( pKeyName && lstrlen(pKeyName)) { if( (dwRtn=RegOpenKeyEx(hStartKey,pKeyName, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | DELETE, &hkey )) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { while (dwRtn == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dwSubKeyLength = MAX_KEY_LENGTH; dwRtn=RegEnumKeyEx( hkey, 0, // always index zero
szSubKey, &dwSubKeyLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if(dwRtn == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { dwRtn = RegDeleteKey(hStartKey, pKeyName); break; } else if(dwRtn == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwRtn=RegDeleteKeyNT(hkey, szSubKey); } RegCloseKey(hkey); // Do not save return code because error
// has already occurred
} } else dwRtn = ERROR_BADKEY;
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return dwRtn; }
Function: RegGetProgressDetailsState()
Summary: Gets the expanded or collapsed user preference for the progress dialog and the pushpin preference
Returns: Returns TRUE if succeeded, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ STDAPI_(BOOL) RegGetProgressDetailsState(REFCLSID clsidDlg,BOOL *pfPushPin, BOOL *pfExpanded) { SCODE sc = S_FALSE; HKEY hkeyUserProgress,hkeyclsidDlg; DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD ; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); WCHAR wszCLSID[GUID_SIZE + 1];
if (0 == StringFromGUID2(clsidDlg, wszCLSID, GUID_SIZE)) { AssertSz(0,"Unable to make Guid a String"); return FALSE; }
//Prgress dialog defaults to collapsed, pushpin out
*pfExpanded = FALSE; *pfPushPin = FALSE;
hkeyUserProgress = RegGetCurrentUserKey(SYNCTYPE_PROGRESS,KEY_READ,FALSE); if (hkeyUserProgress) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyUserProgress,wszCLSID,0,KEY_READ, &hkeyclsidDlg)) { RegQueryValueEx(hkeyclsidDlg,TEXT("Expanded"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) pfExpanded, &dwDataSize); dwType = REG_DWORD ; dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
RegQueryValueEx(hkeyclsidDlg,TEXT("PushPin"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) pfPushPin, &dwDataSize); RegCloseKey(hkeyclsidDlg);
sc = S_OK; }
RegCloseKey(hkeyUserProgress); }
if (sc == S_OK) return TRUE; else return FALSE;
Function: RegSetProgressDetailsState(BOOL fExpanded)
Summary: Sets the expanded or collapsed user preference for the progress dialog
Returns: Returns TRUE if succeeded, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ STDAPI_(BOOL) RegSetProgressDetailsState(REFCLSID clsidDlg,BOOL fPushPin, BOOL fExpanded) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; HKEY hkeyUserProgress,hkeyclsidDlg; WCHAR wszCLSID[GUID_SIZE + 1];
if (0 == StringFromGUID2(clsidDlg, wszCLSID, GUID_SIZE)) { AssertSz(0,"Unable to make Guid a String"); return FALSE; }
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
hkeyUserProgress = RegGetCurrentUserKey(SYNCTYPE_PROGRESS,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ,TRUE);
if (hkeyUserProgress) {
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCreateUserSubKey(hkeyUserProgress,wszCLSID, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hkeyclsidDlg)) { fResult = TRUE;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx(hkeyclsidDlg,TEXT("Expanded"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(fExpanded), sizeof(DWORD))) { fResult = FALSE; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegSetValueEx(hkeyclsidDlg,TEXT("PushPin"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(fPushPin), sizeof(DWORD))) { fResult = FALSE; }
RegCloseKey(hkeyclsidDlg); }
} CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return fResult;
Function: RegGetSyncItemSettings( DWORD dwSyncType, CLSID clsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID ItemId, const TCHAR *pszConnectionName, DWORD *pdwCheckState, DWORD dwDefaultCheckState, TCHAR *pszSchedName)
Summary: Gets the settings per handler, itemID, and connection name. If no selections on this connection, the default is ?
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ STDAPI_(BOOL) RegGetSyncItemSettings( DWORD dwSyncType, CLSID clsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID ItemId, const TCHAR *pszConnectionName, DWORD *pdwCheckState, DWORD dwDefaultCheckState, TCHAR *pszSchedName) { HKEY hKeyUser; *pdwCheckState = dwDefaultCheckState;
// special case schedule
if (SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED == dwSyncType) { // items are always turned off by default and if no schedule name
// don't bother.
*pdwCheckState = FALSE; if (!pszSchedName) { return FALSE; } }
// open the user key for the type
hKeyUser = RegGetCurrentUserKey(dwSyncType,KEY_READ,FALSE);
if (NULL == hKeyUser) { return FALSE; }
// for a schedule we need to go ahead and open up the schedule name
// key
HKEY hKeySchedule = NULL;
// Review if want GetCurrentUserKey to Handle this.
if (SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED == dwSyncType) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx((hKeyUser), pszSchedName,0,KEY_READ, &hKeySchedule)) { hKeySchedule = NULL; RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); return FALSE; } }
BOOL fResult;
fResult = RegLookupSettings(hKeySchedule ? hKeySchedule : hKeyUser, clsidHandler, ItemId, pszConnectionName, pdwCheckState);
if (hKeySchedule) { RegCloseKey(hKeySchedule); }
if (hKeyUser) { RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); }
return fResult; }
Function: RegSetSyncItemSettings( DWORD dwSyncType, CLSID clsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID ItemId, const TCHAR *pszConnectionName, DWORD dwCheckState, TCHAR *pszSchedName)
Summary: Sets the settings per handler, itemID, and connection name.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegSetSyncItemSettings( DWORD dwSyncType, CLSID clsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID ItemId, const TCHAR *pszConnectionName, DWORD dwCheckState, TCHAR *pszSchedName) { HKEY hKeyUser;
if (SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED == dwSyncType) { if (NULL == pszSchedName) { return FALSE; } }
// open the user key for the type
hKeyUser = RegGetCurrentUserKey(dwSyncType,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ,TRUE);
if (NULL == hKeyUser) { return FALSE; }
// for a schedule we need to go ahead and open up the schedule name
// key
HKEY hKeySchedule = NULL;
if (SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED == dwSyncType) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateUserSubKey(hKeyUser, pszSchedName,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hKeySchedule)) { hKeySchedule = NULL; RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); return FALSE; } }
BOOL fResult;
fResult = RegWriteOutSettings(hKeySchedule ? hKeySchedule : hKeyUser, clsidHandler, ItemId, pszConnectionName, dwCheckState); if (hKeySchedule) { RegCloseKey(hKeySchedule); }
if (hKeyUser) { RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); }
return fResult; }
Function: RegQueryLoadHandlerOnEvent( )
Summary: Determines if there is any reason to load this handler for the specified event and Connection
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegQueryLoadHandlerOnEvent(TCHAR *pszClsid,DWORD dwSyncFlags, TCHAR *pConnectionName) { BOOL fLoadHandler = FALSE; DWORD dwSyncType;
switch(dwSyncFlags & SYNCMGRFLAG_EVENTMASK) { case SYNCMGRFLAG_CONNECT: case SYNCMGRFLAG_PENDINGDISCONNECT: { dwSyncType = SYNCTYPE_AUTOSYNC; } break; case SYNCMGRFLAG_IDLE: { dwSyncType = SYNCTYPE_IDLE; } break; default: AssertSz(0,"Unknown SyncType"); return FALSE; break; }
// walk done the list openning keys.
HKEY hkeySyncType;
if (hkeySyncType = RegGetCurrentUserKey(dwSyncType,KEY_READ,FALSE)) { HKEY hkeyConnectionName;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hkeySyncType,pConnectionName,0,KEY_READ,&hkeyConnectionName)) { HKEY hkeyClsid;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyConnectionName,pszClsid,0,KEY_READ,&hkeyClsid)) { DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD fQueryResult;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkeyClsid,TEXT("ItemsChecked"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &fQueryResult, &dwDataSize)) { fLoadHandler = fQueryResult; }
RegCloseKey(hkeyClsid); }
RegCloseKey(hkeyConnectionName); }
RegCloseKey(hkeySyncType); }
return fLoadHandler; }
Function: RegSetSyncHandlerSettings( )
Summary: Sets the handler settings for syncType and Connection.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegSetSyncHandlerSettings(DWORD dwSyncType, const TCHAR *pszConnectionName, CLSID clsidHandler, BOOL fItemsChecked) { HKEY hKeyUser;
hKeyUser = RegGetCurrentUserKey(dwSyncType,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ,TRUE);
if (NULL == hKeyUser) { return FALSE; }
SCODE sc; HKEY hkeyConnection; HKEY hkeyCLSID; DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
smChkTo(EH_Err2,RegCreateUserSubKey(hKeyUser, pszConnectionName, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hkeyConnection));
StringFromGUID2(clsidHandler, szCLSID, 2*GUID_SIZE);
// Write entries under CLSID.
smChkTo(EH_Err3,RegCreateUserSubKey(hkeyConnection, szCLSID,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hkeyCLSID));
RegSetValueEx(hkeyCLSID,TEXT("ItemsChecked"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &fItemsChecked, sizeof(DWORD));
RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); RegCloseKey(hkeyCLSID); CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE;
EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); EH_Err2: RegCloseKey(hKeyUser);
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return FALSE; }
Function: RegLookupSettings(const TCHAR *hkeyName, CLSID clsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID ItemID, const TCHAR *pszMachineName, const TCHAR *pszConnectionName, DWORD pdwCheckState)
Summary: Gets the settings per handler, itemID, and connection name.
Returns: Returns TRUE if there are settings for this item and connection, flase otherwise.
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegLookupSettings(HKEY hKeyUser, CLSID clsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID ItemID, const TCHAR *pszConnectionName, DWORD *pdwCheckState) { SCODE sc; HKEY hkeyConnection; HKEY hkeyItem; HKEY hKeyHandler; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwDataSize = MAX_PATH + 1;
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
dwType = REG_DWORD; dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
smChkTo(EH_Err2,RegOpenKeyEx(hKeyUser, pszConnectionName,0,KEY_READ, &hkeyConnection));
StringFromGUID2(clsidHandler, szCLSID, 2*GUID_SIZE); StringFromGUID2(ItemID, szID, GUID_SIZE);
// Read entries under CLSID.
smChkTo(EH_Err3,RegOpenKeyEx((hkeyConnection), szCLSID, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyHandler));
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegOpenKeyEx((hKeyHandler), szID, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyItem));
RegQueryValueEx(hkeyItem,TEXT("CheckState"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pdwCheckState, &dwDataSize);
RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); RegCloseKey(hkeyItem); RegCloseKey(hKeyHandler);
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE;
EH_Err4: RegCloseKey(hKeyHandler); EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); EH_Err2: CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return FALSE; }
Function: RegWriteOutSettings(const TCHAR *hkeyName, CLSID clsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID ItemID, const TCHAR *pszConnectionName, DWORD dwCheckState)
Summary: Sets the settings per handler, itemID, and connection name.
Returns: Returns TRUE if we can set them, FALSE if there is an error
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegWriteOutSettings(HKEY hKeyUser, CLSID clsidHandler, SYNCMGRITEMID ItemID, const TCHAR *pszConnectionName, DWORD dwCheckState) { SCODE sc; HKEY hkeyConnection; HKEY hKeyHandler; HKEY hkeyItem; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwDataSize = MAX_PATH;
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
smChkTo(EH_Err2,RegCreateUserSubKey(hKeyUser, pszConnectionName,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hkeyConnection));
StringFromGUID2(clsidHandler, szCLSID, 2*GUID_SIZE); StringFromGUID2(ItemID, szID, GUID_SIZE);
smChkTo(EH_Err3,RegCreateUserSubKey(hkeyConnection, szCLSID,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hKeyHandler));
// Write entries under CLSID.
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegCreateUserSubKey(hKeyHandler, szID,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hkeyItem));
RegSetValueEx(hkeyItem,TEXT("CheckState"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwCheckState, sizeof(DWORD));
RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); RegCloseKey(hkeyItem); RegCloseKey(hKeyHandler);
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE;
EH_Err4: RegCloseKey(hKeyHandler); EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); EH_Err2: CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return FALSE; }
AutoSync Registry Functions
Function: RegGetAutoSyncSettings( LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings)
Summary: Gets the logon, logoff and prompt me first user selections. If no selections on this connection, the default is ?
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ STDAPI_(BOOL) RegGetAutoSyncSettings(LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings) { SCODE sc; HKEY hkeyConnection; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ ; DWORD dwDataSize = MAX_PATH;
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
// Set these first to default values, in case there are no current
// user preferences in the registry
lpConnectionSettings->dwLogon = FALSE; lpConnectionSettings->dwLogoff = FALSE; lpConnectionSettings->dwPromptMeFirst = FALSE;
HKEY hKeyUser;
if (NULL == hKeyUser) { goto EH_Err; }
dwType = REG_DWORD ; dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
smChkTo(EH_Err3,RegOpenKeyEx(hKeyUser, lpConnectionSettings->pszConnectionName,0,KEY_READ, &hkeyConnection));
RegQueryValueEx(hkeyConnection,TEXT("Logon"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwLogon), &dwDataSize);
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
RegQueryValueEx(hkeyConnection,TEXT("Logoff"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwLogoff), &dwDataSize);
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
RegQueryValueEx(hkeyConnection,TEXT("PromptMeFirst"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwPromptMeFirst), &dwDataSize);
RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); CMutexRegistry.Leave();
return TRUE;
EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); EH_Err: CMutexRegistry.Leave();
return FALSE;
Function: RegUpdateUserAutosyncKey
Summary: given an Autosync User Key makes sure it is in the latest format and if not updates it.
void RegUpdateUserAutosyncKey(HKEY hkeyUser,BOOL fForce) { DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD ; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwUserLogonLogoff; DWORD dwIndex = 0; TCHAR lpName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbName = MAX_PATH;
DWORD dwLogon = 0; DWORD dwLogoff = 0;
if (!fForce && (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkeyUser,TEXT("Logon"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserLogonLogoff, &dwDataSize)) ) { // if can open Logon Key this is up to date.
return; }
// need to enum connection names and update the toplevel information.
while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKey(hkeyUser,dwIndex, lpName,cbName) ) { LONG lRet; HKEY hKeyConnection;
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyUser, lpName, NULL, KEY_READ, &hKeyConnection );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) {
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKeyConnection,TEXT("Logon"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserLogonLogoff, &dwDataSize) ) { dwLogon |= dwUserLogonLogoff; }
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKeyConnection,TEXT("Logoff"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserLogonLogoff, &dwDataSize) ) { dwLogoff |= dwUserLogonLogoff; }
RegCloseKey(hKeyConnection); }
dwIndex++; }
// write out new flags even if errors occured. work thing that happens is
// we don't set up someones autosync automatically.
RegSetValueEx(hkeyUser,TEXT("Logon"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(dwLogon), sizeof(DWORD)); RegSetValueEx(hkeyUser,TEXT("Logoff"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(dwLogoff), sizeof(DWORD));
RegWriteTimeStamp(hkeyUser); }
Function: RegUpdateAutoSyncKeyValueSettings
Summary: walks through the UserList Updating the AutoSync
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ void RegUpdateAutoSyncKeyValue(HKEY hkeyAutoSync,DWORD dwLogonDefault,DWORD dwLogoffDefault) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; WCHAR lpName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbName = MAX_PATH; LONG lRet; DWORD dwLogon = 0; DWORD dwLogoff = 0; BOOL fSetLogon,fSetLogoff;
// need to walk the autosync user key and set the top level information
// based on whther someone logon/logoff
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == (lRet = RegEnumKey(hkeyAutoSync,dwIndex, lpName,cbName) )) { DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD ; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwUserLogonLogoff; HKEY hKeyDomainUser;
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyAutoSync, lpName, NULL, KEY_READ, &hKeyDomainUser );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) { // If Query fails don't want to count this as a failed to enum
// error so don't set lRet
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (RegQueryValueEx(hKeyDomainUser,TEXT("Logon"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserLogonLogoff, &dwDataSize) )) { dwLogon |= dwUserLogonLogoff; }
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (RegQueryValueEx(hKeyDomainUser,TEXT("Logoff"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserLogonLogoff, &dwDataSize) ) ) { dwLogoff |= dwUserLogonLogoff; } }
RegCloseKey(hKeyDomainUser); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) { break; }
dwIndex++; }
fSetLogon = FALSE; fSetLogoff = FALSE;
// if an error occured, then use the passed in defaults,
// if set to 1, else don't set.
if ( (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) && (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != lRet)) { if ( (-1 != dwLogonDefault) && (0 != dwLogonDefault)) { fSetLogon = TRUE; dwLogon = dwLogonDefault; }
if ( (-1 != dwLogoffDefault) && (0 != dwLogoffDefault)) { fSetLogoff = TRUE; dwLogoff = dwLogoffDefault; }
} else { fSetLogon = TRUE; fSetLogoff = TRUE; }
// write out new flags even if errors occured. work thing that happens is
// we don't set up someones autosync automatically.
if (fSetLogon) { RegSetValueEx(hkeyAutoSync,TEXT("Logon"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(dwLogon), sizeof(DWORD)); }
if (fSetLogoff) { RegSetValueEx(hkeyAutoSync,TEXT("Logoff"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(dwLogoff), sizeof(DWORD)); }
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); }
Function: RegUpdateUserIdleKey
Summary: given an Idle User Key makes sure it is in the latest format and if not updates it.
void RegUpdateUserIdleKey(HKEY hkeyUser,BOOL fForce) { DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD ; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwUserIdleEnabled; DWORD dwIndex = 0; TCHAR lpName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbName = MAX_PATH;
DWORD dwIdleEnabled = 0;
if (!fForce && (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkeyUser,TEXT("IdleEnabled"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserIdleEnabled, &dwDataSize)) ) { // if can open Logon Key this is up to date.
return; }
// need to enum connection names and update the toplevel information.
while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKey(hkeyUser,dwIndex, lpName,cbName) ) { LONG lRet; HKEY hKeyConnection;
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyUser, lpName, NULL, KEY_READ, &hKeyConnection );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) {
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKeyConnection,TEXT("IdleEnabled"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserIdleEnabled, &dwDataSize) ) { dwIdleEnabled |= dwUserIdleEnabled; }
RegCloseKey(hKeyConnection); }
dwIndex++; }
// write out new flags even if errors occured. work thing that happens is
// we don't set up someones autosync automatically.
RegSetValueEx(hkeyUser,TEXT("IdleEnabled"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(dwIdleEnabled), sizeof(DWORD)); RegWriteTimeStamp(hkeyUser); }
Function: RegUpdateIdleKeyValue
Summary: walks through the UserList Updating the Idle RegKey
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ void RegUpdateIdleKeyValue(HKEY hkeyIdle,DWORD dwDefault) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; WCHAR lpName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbName = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwIdleEnabled = 0; LONG lRet = -1; BOOL fSetDefault;
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
// need to walk the idle user key and set the top level information
// based on whther someone logon/logoff
fSetDefault = FALSE;
while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == (lRet = RegEnumKey(hkeyIdle,dwIndex, lpName,cbName)) ) { DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD ; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwUserIdleEnabled; HKEY hKeyDomainUser;
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyIdle, lpName, NULL, KEY_READ, &hKeyDomainUser );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) { // if query fails don't consider this an error as far as
// setDefault goes.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (RegQueryValueEx(hKeyDomainUser,TEXT("IdleEnabled"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserIdleEnabled, &dwDataSize) )) { dwIdleEnabled |= dwUserIdleEnabled; }
RegCloseKey(hKeyDomainUser); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) { break; }
dwIndex++; }
// if an error occured, then use the passed in defaults,
// if set to 1, else don't set.
if ( (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) && (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != lRet)) { if ( (-1 != dwDefault) && (0 != dwDefault)) { fSetDefault = TRUE; dwIdleEnabled = dwDefault; }
} else { fSetDefault = TRUE; }
// write out new flags even if errors occured. work thing that happens is
// we don't set up someones autosync automatically.
if (fSetDefault) { RegSetValueEx(hkeyIdle,TEXT("IdleEnabled"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(dwIdleEnabled), sizeof(DWORD)); }
RegWriteTimeStamp(hkeyIdle); CMutexRegistry.Leave(); }
Function: RegSetAutoSyncSettings( LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings, int iNumConnections)
Summary: Sets the logon, logoff and prompt me first user selections.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ STDAPI_(BOOL) RegSetAutoSyncSettings(LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings, int iNumConnections, CRasUI *pRas, BOOL fCleanReg, BOOL fSetMachineState, BOOL fPerUser) { SCODE sc = S_OK; HKEY hAutoSync; HKEY hKeyUser; HKEY hkeyConnection; DWORD dwUserConfigured = 1; DWORD dwLogonDefault = -1; DWORD dwLogoffDefault = -1; int i;
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
// make sure keys are converted to newest format
RegUpdateTopLevelKeys(); Assert(-1 != TRUE); // we rely on TRUE boolean being something other than -1
if (NULL == hAutoSync) { goto EH_Err; }
hKeyUser = RegOpenUserKey(hAutoSync,KEY_WRITE| KEY_READ,TRUE,fCleanReg);
if (NULL == hKeyUser) { goto EH_Err2; }
if (fPerUser) { smChkTo(EH_Err3,RegSetValueEx(hKeyUser,TEXT("UserConfigured"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwUserConfigured, sizeof(DWORD))); } else { DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); //If this value isn't added yet,
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKeyUser,TEXT("UserConfigured"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserConfigured, &dwDataSize)) { //if the user setup their configuration, we won't override on a
//subsequent handler registration.
if (dwUserConfigured) { RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); RegCloseKey(hAutoSync); CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE; } } }
for (i=0; i<iNumConnections; i++) {
smChkTo(EH_Err3,RegCreateUserSubKey (hKeyUser, lpConnectionSettings[i].pszConnectionName, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hkeyConnection));
if (-1 != lpConnectionSettings[i].dwLogon) {
if (0 != lpConnectionSettings[i].dwLogon) { dwLogonDefault = lpConnectionSettings[i].dwLogon; }
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegSetValueEx(hkeyConnection,TEXT("Logon"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings[i].dwLogon), sizeof(DWORD))); }
if (-1 != lpConnectionSettings[i].dwLogoff) {
if (0 != lpConnectionSettings[i].dwLogoff) { dwLogoffDefault = lpConnectionSettings[i].dwLogoff; }
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegSetValueEx(hkeyConnection,TEXT("Logoff"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings[i].dwLogoff), sizeof(DWORD))); }
if (-1 != lpConnectionSettings[i].dwPromptMeFirst) { smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegSetValueEx(hkeyConnection,TEXT("PromptMeFirst"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings[i].dwPromptMeFirst), sizeof(DWORD))); }
// update the toplevel User information
RegUpdateUserAutosyncKey(hKeyUser,TRUE /* fForce */);
// update the top-level key
RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); RegCloseKey(hAutoSync);
// update our global sens state based on Autosync and Registration
if (fSetMachineState) { RegRegisterForEvents(FALSE /* fUninstall */); }
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE;
EH_Err4: RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); EH_Err2: RegCloseKey(hAutoSync); EH_Err: CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return FALSE;
Scheduled Sync Registry Functions
***************************************************************************F-F*/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FUNCTION: RegGetSchedFriendlyName(LPCTSTR ptszScheduleGUIDName,
// LPTSTR ptstrFriendlyName)
// PURPOSE: Get the friendly name of this Schedule.
// History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created.
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegGetSchedFriendlyName(LPCTSTR ptszScheduleGUIDName, LPTSTR ptstrFriendlyName)
{ BOOL fResult = FALSE; HKEY hkeySchedName; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwDataSize = (MAX_PATH + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
HKEY hKeyUser;
hKeyUser = RegGetCurrentUserKey(SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED,KEY_READ,FALSE); if (NULL == hKeyUser) { return FALSE; }
if (NOERROR == RegOpenKeyEx (hKeyUser, ptszScheduleGUIDName, 0,KEY_READ, &hkeySchedName)) {
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkeySchedName,TEXT("FriendlyName"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) ptstrFriendlyName, &dwDataSize)) { fResult = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); }
RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); return fResult; }
// FUNCTION: RegSetSchedFriendlyName(LPCTSTR ptszScheduleGUIDName,
// LPCTSTR ptstrFriendlyName)
// PURPOSE: Set the friendly name of this Schedule.
// History: 27-Feb-98 susia Created.
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegSetSchedFriendlyName(LPCTSTR ptszScheduleGUIDName, LPCTSTR ptstrFriendlyName)
{ SCODE sc; HKEY hkeySchedName; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; HKEY hKeyUser;
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
hKeyUser = RegGetCurrentUserKey(SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ,TRUE); if (NULL == hKeyUser) { goto EH_Err; }
smChkTo(EH_Err3,RegCreateUserSubKey (hKeyUser, ptszScheduleGUIDName, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hkeySchedName));
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegSetValueEx (hkeySchedName,TEXT("FriendlyName"),NULL, dwType, (LPBYTE) ptstrFriendlyName, (lstrlen(ptstrFriendlyName) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)));
RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE;
EH_Err4: RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); EH_Err: CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return FALSE;
Function: RegGetSchedSyncSettings( LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings, TCHAR *pszSchedName)
Summary: Gets the MakeAutoConnection user selections. If no selections on this connection, the default is FALSE
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ STDAPI_(BOOL) RegGetSchedSyncSettings(LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings, TCHAR *pszSchedName) { SCODE sc; HKEY hkeySchedName, hkeyConnection; DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); HKEY hKeyUser;
// Set these first to default values, in case there are no current
// user preferences in the registry
lpConnectionSettings->dwConnType = SYNCSCHEDINFO_FLAGS_CONNECTION_LAN; lpConnectionSettings->dwMakeConnection = FALSE; lpConnectionSettings->dwHidden = FALSE; lpConnectionSettings->dwReadOnly = FALSE;
hKeyUser = RegGetCurrentUserKey(SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED,KEY_READ,FALSE); if (NULL == hKeyUser) { goto EH_Err2; }
smChkTo(EH_Err3,RegOpenKeyEx (hKeyUser, pszSchedName,0,KEY_READ, &hkeySchedName));
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegQueryValueEx(hkeySchedName,TEXT("ScheduleHidden"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwHidden), &dwDataSize));
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegQueryValueEx(hkeySchedName,TEXT("ScheduleReadOnly"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwReadOnly), &dwDataSize));
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegOpenKeyEx (hkeySchedName, lpConnectionSettings->pszConnectionName, 0,KEY_READ, &hkeyConnection));
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
smChkTo(EH_Err5,RegQueryValueEx(hkeyConnection,TEXT("MakeAutoConnection"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwMakeConnection), &dwDataSize));
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
smChkTo(EH_Err5,RegQueryValueEx(hkeyConnection,TEXT("Connection Type"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwConnType), &dwDataSize));
RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); return TRUE;
EH_Err5: RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); EH_Err4: RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); EH_Err2: return FALSE;
Function: RegSetSchedSyncSettings( LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings, TCHAR *pszSchedName)
Summary: Sets the hidden and readonly schedule flags.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ STDAPI_(BOOL) RegSetSchedSyncSettings(LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings, TCHAR *pszSchedName) { SCODE sc; HKEY hKeyUser, hkeySchedName, hkeyConnection;
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
if (NULL == hKeyUser) { goto EH_Err; }
smChkTo(EH_Err3,RegCreateUserSubKey (hKeyUser, pszSchedName, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hkeySchedName));
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegSetValueEx(hkeySchedName,TEXT("ScheduleHidden"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwHidden), sizeof(DWORD)));
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegSetValueEx(hkeySchedName,TEXT("ScheduleReadOnly"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwReadOnly), sizeof(DWORD)));
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegCreateUserSubKey ( hkeySchedName, lpConnectionSettings->pszConnectionName, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hkeyConnection));
smChkTo(EH_Err5,RegSetValueEx(hkeyConnection,TEXT("MakeAutoConnection"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwMakeConnection), sizeof(DWORD)));
smChkTo(EH_Err5,RegSetValueEx(hkeyConnection,TEXT("Connection Type"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwConnType), sizeof(DWORD)));
RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); RegCloseKey(hKeyUser);
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE;
EH_Err5: RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); EH_Err4: RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); EH_Err: CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return FALSE;
Function: RegGetSchedConnectionName(TCHAR *pszSchedName, TCHAR *pszConnectionName, DWORD cbConnectionName)
Summary: returns the Connection Name for the Scheduled Item.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegGetSchedConnectionName(TCHAR *pszSchedName,TCHAR *pszConnectionName, DWORD cbConnectionName) { SCODE sc; BOOL fResult = FALSE; HKEY hKeyUser,hkeySchedName; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD cb = cbConnectionName; DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
//First Set the connectionName to a default.
// for now we always assume a LAN card is present.
// if add support for connection manager should
// update this.
LoadString(g_hmodThisDll, IDS_LAN_CONNECTION, pszConnectionName, cbConnectionName);
if (NULL == hKeyUser) { goto EH_Err; }
smChkTo(EH_Err3, RegOpenKeyEx (hKeyUser,pszSchedName, 0,KEY_READ, &hkeySchedName));
// next enumeration of keys is the names of the Schedules connection
// currently just have one so only get the first.
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == (sc = RegEnumKeyEx(hkeySchedName,dwIndex, pszConnectionName,&cb,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)) ) { fResult = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); RegCloseKey(hKeyUser);
return fResult;
EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); EH_Err: return FALSE;
Function: BOOL RegSetSIDForSchedule( TCHAR *pszSchedName)
Summary: sets the SID for this schedule
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ STDAPI_(BOOL) RegSetSIDForSchedule(TCHAR *pszSchedName)
{ SCODE sc; HKEY hkeySchedName; TCHAR pszSID[MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ;
if (!GetUserTextualSid(pszSID, &dwSize)) { return FALSE; }
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
if (NULL == hKeyUser) { goto EH_Err2; }
smChkTo(EH_Err3,RegCreateUserSubKey (hKeyUser, pszSchedName, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hkeySchedName));
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegSetValueEx (hkeySchedName,TEXT("SID"),NULL, dwType, (LPBYTE) pszSID, (lstrlen(pszSID) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)));
RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE;
EH_Err4: RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); EH_Err2: CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return FALSE;
} /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Function: BOOL RegGetSIDForSchedule( TCHAR *ptszTextualSidSched, DWORD *dwSizeSid, TCHAR *pszSchedName)
Summary: returns the SID for this schedule
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ STDAPI_(BOOL) RegGetSIDForSchedule(TCHAR *ptszTextualSidSched, DWORD *pdwSizeSid, TCHAR *pszSchedName) { SCODE sc; HKEY hkeySchedName; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwSizeSidSave = *pdwSizeSid, dwSizeSidSave2 = *pdwSizeSid; DWORD dwTouched = TRUE;
ptszTextualSidSched[0] = TEXT('\0'); *pdwSizeSid = 0;
if (NULL == hKeyUser) { goto EH_Err2; }
smChkTo(EH_Err3, RegOpenKeyEx (hKeyUser,pszSchedName, 0,KEY_READ, &hkeySchedName));
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (sc = RegQueryValueEx(hkeySchedName,TEXT("SID"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) ptszTextualSidSched, &dwSizeSidSave))) { //handle migration from schedules without SIDs
// like from Beta to current builds
RegSetSIDForSchedule(pszSchedName); RegQueryValueEx(hkeySchedName,TEXT("SID"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) ptszTextualSidSched, &dwSizeSidSave2); *pdwSizeSid = dwSizeSidSave2; } else { *pdwSizeSid = dwSizeSidSave; }
RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); return TRUE;
EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); EH_Err2: return FALSE;
BOOL RemoveScheduledJobFile(TCHAR *pszTaskName)
Summary: Remove the TaskScheduler .job file Note: Try to use ITask->Delete first Call only when TaskScheduler isn't present or if ITask->Delete failed
Returns: Returns TRUE always
STDAPI_(BOOL) RemoveScheduledJobFile(TCHAR *pszTaskName) { SCODE sc; TCHAR pszFullFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR pszTaskFolderPath[MAX_PATH+1]; HKEY hkeyTaskSchedulerPath; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwDataSize = MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (sc = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\SchedulingAgent"), NULL,KEY_READ,&hkeyTaskSchedulerPath))) { sc = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyTaskSchedulerPath,TEXT("TasksFolder"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) pszTaskFolderPath, &dwDataSize); RegCloseKey(hkeyTaskSchedulerPath); } //If this get doesn't exist then bail.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != sc) { return FALSE; } ExpandEnvironmentStrings(pszTaskFolderPath,pszFullFileName,MAX_PATH); wcscat(pszFullFileName, L"\\"); wcscat(pszFullFileName,pszTaskName); //if we fail this, ignore the error. We tried, there isn't much else we can do.
//So we have a turd file.
sc = DeleteFile(pszFullFileName); return TRUE; }
BOOL RegRemoveScheduledTask(TCHAR *pszTaskName)
Summary: Remove the Scheduled task info from the registry.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegRemoveScheduledTask(TCHAR *pszTaskName) { HKEY hKeyUser;
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
hKeyUser = RegGetCurrentUserKey(SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED,KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE,FALSE); if (hKeyUser) { RegDeleteKeyNT(hKeyUser, pszTaskName); RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); }
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE; }
BOOL RegUninstallSchedules()
Summary: Uninstall the scheduled tasks.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ STDAPI_(BOOL) RegUninstallSchedules() { SCODE sc; ITaskScheduler *pITaskScheduler = NULL; HKEY hkeySchedSync;
// Obtain a task scheduler class instance.
sc = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CTaskScheduler, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITaskScheduler, (VOID **)&pITaskScheduler);
if (NOERROR != sc) { pITaskScheduler = NULL; }
//now go through and delete the schedules
if (hkeySchedSync) { int iUserCount = 0;
while (sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { HKEY hkeyDomainUser; TCHAR szDomainUser[MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; SCODE sc2; DWORD dwDataSize;
dwDataSize = MAX_KEY_LENGTH; sc = RegEnumKeyEx(hkeySchedSync,iUserCount,szDomainUser,&dwDataSize,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); iUserCount++;
if(sc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; }
sc2 = RegOpenKeyEx (hkeySchedSync,szDomainUser,0,KEY_READ, &hkeyDomainUser);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == sc2) { int iScheduleCount = 0;
while (sc2 == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { TCHAR ptszScheduleGUIDName[MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; //Add 4 to ensure that we can hold the .job extension if necessary
dwDataSize = MAX_KEY_LENGTH; sc2 = RegEnumKeyEx(hkeyDomainUser,iScheduleCount,ptszScheduleGUIDName,&dwDataSize,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
if(sc2 == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { continue; } else { ConvertString(pwszScheduleGUIDName,ptszScheduleGUIDName,MAX_SCHEDULENAMESIZE); if ((!pITaskScheduler) || FAILED(pITaskScheduler->Delete(pwszScheduleGUIDName))) { wcscat(pwszScheduleGUIDName, L".job"); RemoveScheduledJobFile(pwszScheduleGUIDName); }
} }
RegCloseKey(hkeyDomainUser); }
RegCloseKey(hkeySchedSync); }
if (pITaskScheduler) { pITaskScheduler->Release(); }
return TRUE; }
Idle Registry Functions
Function: RegGetIdleSyncSettings( LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings)
Summary: Gets the Idle Specific settings.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ STDAPI_(BOOL) RegGetIdleSyncSettings(LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings) { SCODE sc; HKEY hkeyConnection; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ ; DWORD dwDataSize = MAX_PATH;
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
// set up defaults
lpConnectionSettings->dwIdleEnabled = 0;
// following are really per user not per connection
lpConnectionSettings->ulIdleWaitMinutes = UL_DEFAULTIDLEWAITMINUTES; lpConnectionSettings->ulIdleRetryMinutes = UL_DEFAULTIDLERETRYMINUTES; lpConnectionSettings->ulDelayIdleShutDownTime = UL_DELAYIDLESHUTDOWNTIME; lpConnectionSettings->dwRepeatSynchronization = UL_DEFAULTREPEATSYNCHRONIZATION; lpConnectionSettings->dwRunOnBatteries = UL_DEFAULTFRUNONBATTERIES;
HKEY hKeyUser = RegGetCurrentUserKey(SYNCTYPE_IDLE,KEY_READ,FALSE); if (NULL == hKeyUser) { goto EH_Err2; }
dwType = REG_DWORD ; dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
// if got the Idle key open then fill in global settings
RegQueryValueEx(hKeyUser,SZ_IDLEWAITAFTERIDLEMINUTESKEY,NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->ulIdleWaitMinutes), &dwDataSize);
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKeyUser,SZ_IDLEREPEATESYNCHRONIZATIONKEY,NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwRepeatSynchronization), &dwDataSize);
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKeyUser,SZ_IDLERETRYMINUTESKEY,NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->ulIdleRetryMinutes), &dwDataSize);
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKeyUser,SZ_IDLEDELAYSHUTDOWNTIMEKEY,NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->ulDelayIdleShutDownTime), &dwDataSize);
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hKeyUser,SZ_IDLERUNONBATTERIESKEY,NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwRunOnBatteries), &dwDataSize);
smChkTo(EH_Err3,RegOpenKeyEx(hKeyUser, lpConnectionSettings->pszConnectionName,0,KEY_READ, &hkeyConnection));
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hkeyConnection,TEXT("IdleEnabled"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings->dwIdleEnabled), &dwDataSize);
RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); RegCloseKey(hKeyUser);
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE;
EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); EH_Err2: CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return FALSE;
Function: RegSetIdleSyncSettings(LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings, int iNumConnections, CRasUI *pRas, BOOL fCleanReg, BOOL fPerUser)
Summary: Sets the Idle Information user selections.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ STDAPI_(BOOL) RegSetIdleSyncSettings(LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings, int iNumConnections, CRasUI *pRas, BOOL fCleanReg, BOOL fPerUser) { HKEY hkeyIdleSync = NULL; HKEY hKeyUser;; HKEY hkeyConnection; HRESULT hr; ULONG ulWaitMinutes = UL_DEFAULTWAITMINUTES; DWORD dwIdleEnabled; BOOL fRunOnBatteries = UL_DEFAULTFRUNONBATTERIES; int i; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwDataSize; DWORD dwUserConfigured; DWORD dwTopLevelDefaultValue = -1;
RegUpdateTopLevelKeys(); // make sure top-level keys are latest version
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
Assert(-1 != TRUE); // we rely on TRUE boolean being something other than -1
if (NULL == hkeyIdleSync) { goto EH_Err; }
hKeyUser = RegOpenUserKey(hkeyIdleSync,KEY_WRITE| KEY_READ,TRUE,fCleanReg);
if (NULL == hKeyUser) { goto EH_Err2; }
if (fPerUser) {
dwUserConfigured = 1; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx(hKeyUser,TEXT("UserConfigured"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwUserConfigured, sizeof(DWORD))) { goto EH_Err3; } } else { dwType = REG_DWORD; dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); //If this value isn't added yet,
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKeyUser,TEXT("UserConfigured"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserConfigured, &dwDataSize)) { //if the user setup their configuration, we won't override on a
//subsequent handler registration.
if (dwUserConfigured) { RegCloseKey(hkeyIdleSync); RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE; } } }
for (i=0; i<iNumConnections; i++) {
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateUserSubKey (hKeyUser, lpConnectionSettings[i].pszConnectionName, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, &hkeyConnection)) { goto EH_Err3; }
hr = RegSetValueEx(hkeyConnection,TEXT("IdleEnabled"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings[i].dwIdleEnabled), sizeof(DWORD)); if (lpConnectionSettings[i].dwIdleEnabled) { dwTopLevelDefaultValue = lpConnectionSettings[i].dwIdleEnabled; }
} // write out the global idle information for Retry minutes and DelayIdleShutDown.
// then call function to reg/unregister with TS.
Assert(hkeyIdleSync); // should have already returned if this failed.
if (iNumConnections) // make sure at least one connection
if (-1 != lpConnectionSettings[0].ulIdleRetryMinutes) { hr = RegSetValueEx(hKeyUser,SZ_IDLERETRYMINUTESKEY,NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings[0].ulIdleRetryMinutes), sizeof(DWORD)); }
if (-1 != lpConnectionSettings[0].ulDelayIdleShutDownTime) { hr = RegSetValueEx(hKeyUser,SZ_IDLEDELAYSHUTDOWNTIMEKEY,NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings[0].ulDelayIdleShutDownTime), sizeof(DWORD)); }
if (-1 != lpConnectionSettings[0].dwRepeatSynchronization) { hr = RegSetValueEx(hKeyUser,SZ_IDLEREPEATESYNCHRONIZATIONKEY,NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings[0].dwRepeatSynchronization), sizeof(DWORD)); }
if (-1 != lpConnectionSettings[0].ulIdleWaitMinutes) { hr = RegSetValueEx(hKeyUser,SZ_IDLEWAITAFTERIDLEMINUTESKEY,NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings[0].ulIdleWaitMinutes), sizeof(DWORD)); }
if (-1 != lpConnectionSettings[0].dwRunOnBatteries) { hr = RegSetValueEx(hKeyUser,SZ_IDLERUNONBATTERIESKEY,NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(lpConnectionSettings[0].dwRunOnBatteries), sizeof(DWORD)); }
ulWaitMinutes = lpConnectionSettings[0].ulIdleWaitMinutes; fRunOnBatteries = lpConnectionSettings[0].dwRunOnBatteries;
// if -1 is passed in for ulWait or fRun on Batteries we need to
// get these and set them up so they can be passed onto Task Schedule
if (-1 == ulWaitMinutes) { dwType = REG_DWORD ; dwDataSize = sizeof(ulWaitMinutes);
if (!(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKeyUser,SZ_IDLEWAITAFTERIDLEMINUTESKEY,NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &ulWaitMinutes, &dwDataSize)) ) { ulWaitMinutes = UL_DEFAULTIDLEWAITMINUTES; } }
if (-1 == fRunOnBatteries) { dwType = REG_DWORD ; dwDataSize = sizeof(fRunOnBatteries);
if (!(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKeyUser,SZ_IDLERUNONBATTERIESKEY,NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &fRunOnBatteries, &dwDataSize)) ) { fRunOnBatteries = UL_DEFAULTFRUNONBATTERIES; } }
RegUpdateUserIdleKey(hKeyUser,TRUE /* fForce */); // set userlevel IdleFlags
// read in dwIdleEnabled key now that the UserKey is Updated.
dwType = REG_DWORD ; dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
if (!(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKeyUser,TEXT("IdleEnabled"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwIdleEnabled, &dwDataSize)) ) { AssertSz(0,"Unable to query User IdleEnabledKey"); dwIdleEnabled = FALSE; }
// update the toplevel IdleSyncInfo
return TRUE;
EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); EH_Err2: RegCloseKey(hkeyIdleSync); EH_Err: CMutexRegistry.Leave();
return FALSE; }
Function: RegRegisterForIdleTrigger()
Summary: Sets or removes the Idle trigger.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegRegisterForIdleTrigger(BOOL fRegister,ULONG ulWaitMinutes,BOOL fRunOnBatteries) { HRESULT hr; CSyncMgrSynchronize *pSyncMgrSynchronize; LPSYNCSCHEDULEMGR pScheduleMgr;
// Review - Currently the mobsync dll is registered as apartment
// and this function can be called from Logon/Logoff which is FreeThreaded
// Correct fix is to change DLL to be registered as BOTH but until then
// just create the class directly.
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SyncMgr,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ISyncScheduleMgr,(void **) &pScheduleMgr); #endif // _WHENREGUPDATED
pSyncMgrSynchronize = new CSyncMgrSynchronize; hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (pSyncMgrSynchronize) { hr = pSyncMgrSynchronize->QueryInterface(IID_ISyncScheduleMgr,(void **) &pScheduleMgr); pSyncMgrSynchronize->Release(); }
if (NOERROR != hr) { return FALSE; }
if (fRegister) { ISyncSchedule *pSyncSchedule = NULL; SYNCSCHEDULECOOKIE SyncScheduleCookie; BOOL fNewlyCreated = FALSE;
SyncScheduleCookie = GUID_IDLESCHEDULE;
// if there isn't an existing schedule create one, else update
// the existing.
if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == (hr = pScheduleMgr->OpenSchedule(&SyncScheduleCookie,0,&pSyncSchedule))) { SyncScheduleCookie = GUID_IDLESCHEDULE; // see if it is an exiting schedule.
hr = pScheduleMgr->CreateSchedule(L"Idle",0,&SyncScheduleCookie,&pSyncSchedule); fNewlyCreated = TRUE; }
// If created or found a schedule update the trigger settings.
if (NOERROR == hr) { ITaskTrigger *pTrigger;
if (NOERROR == pSyncSchedule->GetTrigger(&pTrigger)) { TASK_TRIGGER trigger; ITask *pTask;
trigger.cbTriggerSize = sizeof(TASK_TRIGGER);
if (SUCCEEDED(pTrigger->GetTrigger(&trigger))) { DWORD dwFlags;
// need to set Idle, ULONG ulWaitMinutes,BOOL fRunOnBatteries
trigger.cbTriggerSize = sizeof(TASK_TRIGGER); trigger.TriggerType = TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_ON_IDLE; trigger.rgFlags = 0; pTrigger->SetTrigger(&trigger);
if (SUCCEEDED(pSyncSchedule->GetITask(&pTask))) { // set up if run on battery.
if (SUCCEEDED(pTask->GetFlags(&dwFlags))) { dwFlags &= ~TASK_FLAG_DONT_START_IF_ON_BATTERIES; dwFlags |= !fRunOnBatteries ? TASK_FLAG_DONT_START_IF_ON_BATTERIES : 0;
dwFlags |= TASK_FLAG_RUN_ONLY_IF_LOGGED_ON; // don't require password.
pTask->SetFlags(dwFlags); }
// if this schedule was just created, get the current user name and reset
// account information password to NULL, If existing schedule don't change
// since user may have added a password for schedule to run while not logged on.
if (fNewlyCreated) { TCHAR szAccountName[MAX_DOMANDANDMACHINENAMESIZE]; WCHAR *pszAccountName = NULL; DWORD dwAccountName = sizeof(szAccountName); #ifndef _UNICODE
// Review, this never returns an errorl
*szAccountName = TCHAR('\0'); GetDefaultDomainAndUserName( (LPTSTR) &szAccountName,TEXT("\\"),dwAccountName);
#ifndef _UNICODE
// if we are compiled as ansi need to convert to wchar
pszAccountName = pwszDomainAndUser; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szAccountName, -1, pwszDomainAndUser,sizeof(pwszDomainAndUser)); #else
pszAccountName = szAccountName; #endif _UNICODE
if (pszAccountName) { pTask->SetAccountInformation(pszAccountName,NULL); }
// set up the IdleWaitTime.
pTask->SetIdleWait((WORD) ulWaitMinutes,1);
// turn off the option to kill task after xxx minutes.
pTask->Release(); }
pSyncSchedule->Save(); }
pSyncSchedule->Release(); }
// see if there is an existing schedule and if so remove it.
// set the temporary sens flags according so it can start on an idle trigger.
// not an error to not be able to get and set key since sens will
// be running anyways eventually.
HKEY hkeyAutoSync; DWORD dwFlags = 0; DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
hkeyAutoSync = RegGetSyncTypeKey(SYNCTYPE_AUTOSYNC,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ,TRUE); if (NULL == hkeyAutoSync) { CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return FALSE; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkeyAutoSync,TEXT("Flags"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(dwFlags),&dwDataSize)) { // Here we are setting Idle only so retail the other settings.
dwFlags &= ~AUTOSYNC_IDLE; dwFlags |= (fRegister? AUTOSYNC_IDLE : 0);
RegSetValueEx(hkeyAutoSync,TEXT("Flags"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(dwFlags), sizeof(DWORD)); } RegCloseKey(hkeyAutoSync); CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE;
BOOL RegGetSyncSettings(DWORD dwSyncType,LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings)
Summary: Get ConnectionSettings appropriate to the synctype..
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegGetSyncSettings(DWORD dwSyncType,LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS lpConnectionSettings) {
switch(dwSyncType) { case SYNCTYPE_AUTOSYNC: return RegGetAutoSyncSettings(lpConnectionSettings); break; case SYNCTYPE_IDLE: return RegGetIdleSyncSettings(lpConnectionSettings); break; default: AssertSz(0,"Unknown SyncType in RegGetSyncSettings"); break; }
return FALSE; }
Manual Sync Registry Functions
BOOL RegRemoveManualSyncSettings(TCHAR *pszTaskName)
Summary: Remove the manual settings info from the registry.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegRemoveManualSyncSettings(TCHAR *pszConnectionName) { HKEY hkeyUser; CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
if (hkeyUser) { RegDeleteKeyNT(hkeyUser, pszConnectionName); RegCloseKey(hkeyUser); }
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE; } /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
BOOL RegWriteEvents(BOOL fWanLogon,BOOL fWanLogoff,BOOL fLanLogon,BOOL fLanLogoff)
Summary: Write out the Wan/Lan Logon/Logoff preferences fo SENS knows whether to invoke us.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
// Run key under HKLM
const WCHAR wszRunKey[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run"); const WCHAR wszRunKeyCommandLine[] = TEXT("%SystemRoot%\\system32\\mobsync.exe /logon");
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegWriteEvents(BOOL Logon,BOOL Logoff) { HRESULT hr; HKEY hkeyAutoSync; DWORD dwFlags = 0; DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
hkeyAutoSync = RegGetSyncTypeKey(SYNCTYPE_AUTOSYNC,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ,TRUE); if (NULL == hkeyAutoSync) {
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return FALSE; }
RegQueryValueEx(hkeyAutoSync,TEXT("Flags"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(dwFlags), &dwDataSize);
// Review, Shouldn't need to worry about schedule/idle once IsNetworkAlive
// is setup properly. Leave for now first time anyone sets idle or schedule
// stuck
// Here we are setting autosync only,
// so retain the registry settings for scheduled and idle.
// don't set logoff flags unless on platform logoff is supported
// !!! warning, if you change this also need to update settings
// and registry which are the other places we block this.
if ((VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId && g_OSVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 5) ) { dwFlags |= (Logoff ? AUTOSYNC_WAN_LOGOFF : 0); dwFlags |= (Logoff ? AUTOSYNC_LAN_LOGOFF : 0); }
// Since now use Run key instead of SENS always set both Logon Flags
// that SENS looks for to do a CreateProcess on us to FALSE.
// Then set the AUTOSYNC_LOGONWITHRUNKEY key to true so sens still gets loaded.
dwFlags |= (Logon ? AUTOSYNC_LOGONWITHRUNKEY : 0);
hr = RegSetValueEx(hkeyAutoSync,TEXT("Flags"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(dwFlags), sizeof(DWORD));
// now add /delete the run key appropriately.
HKEY hKeyRun;
// call private RegOpen since don't want to set security on RunKey
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExXp(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,wszRunKey, NULL,KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE,&hKeyRun,FALSE /*fSetSecurity*/)) { if (Logon) { RegSetValueEx(hKeyRun, SZ_SYNCMGRNAME, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (BYTE *) wszRunKeyCommandLine,(lstrlen(wszRunKeyCommandLine) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); } else { RegDeleteValue(hKeyRun, SZ_SYNCMGRNAME); } RegCloseKey(hKeyRun); } else { // if can't open run key try calling SENS if that fails give up.
SyncMgrExecCmd_UpdateRunKey(Logon); }
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE; }
BOOL RegFixRunKey(BOOL fScheduled)
Summary: The original version of SyncMgr for WinMe/Win2000 wrote the "run" value as "mobsync.exe /logon". Since this is not a fully- qualified path to the mobsync.exe image, the system's search path is utilized to locate the image. This can create an opportunity for someone to build a 'trojan' mobsync.exe, place it in the search path ahead of the real mobsync.exe and have the 'trojan' code run whenever a synchronization is invoked. To fix this, the path must be stored in the registry using fully-qualified syntax.
i.e. "%SystemRoot%\System32\mobsync.exe /logon"
This function is called from DllRegisterServer to correct this registry entry during setup.
Returns: Always returns TRUE.
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegFixRunKey(void) { HKEY hKeyRun;
// call private RegOpen since don't want to set security on RunKey
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExXp(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszRunKey, NULL, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hKeyRun, FALSE /*fSetSecurity*/)) { TCHAR szRunValue[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbValue = sizeof(szRunValue); DWORD dwType; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKeyRun, SZ_SYNCMGRNAME, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szRunValue, &cbValue)) { if (REG_SZ == dwType && 0 == lstrcmp(szRunValue, TEXT("mobsync.exe /logon"))) { //
// Upgrade only if it's our original value.
RegSetValueEx(hKeyRun, SZ_SYNCMGRNAME, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (BYTE *)wszRunKeyCommandLine, (lstrlen(wszRunKeyCommandLine) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); } } RegCloseKey(hKeyRun); } return TRUE; }
BOOL RegRegisterForScheduledTasks(BOOL fScheduled)
Summary: Register/unregister for scheduled tasks so SENS knows whether to invoke us.
Returns: Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegRegisterForScheduledTasks(BOOL fScheduled) { HKEY hkeyAutoSync; DWORD dwFlags = 0; DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
if (NULL == hkeyAutoSync) { CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return FALSE; }
RegQueryValueEx(hkeyAutoSync,TEXT("Flags"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &(dwFlags), &dwDataSize);
// Here we are setting schedsync only,
// so retain the registry settings for autosync and idle.
dwFlags |= (fScheduled? AUTOSYNC_SCHEDULED : 0);
RegSetValueEx(hkeyAutoSync,TEXT("Flags"),NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(dwFlags), sizeof(DWORD));
RegCloseKey(hkeyAutoSync); CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE; }
// Member: RegGetCombinedUserRegFlags, private
// Synopsis: Gets an or'ing together of user settings for setting up globals.
// Arguments: [dwSyncMgrRegisterFlags] - On Success gets set to flags
// on failure they are set to zero
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 24-Aug-98 rogerg Created.
BOOL RegGetCombinedUserRegFlags(DWORD *pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags) { HKEY hkey; BOOL fResult = TRUE; DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD ; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
*pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags = 0;
// update the AutoSync Key
if (hkey) { DWORD dwUserLogonLogoff;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey,TEXT("Logon"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserLogonLogoff, &dwDataSize) ) { *pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags |= dwUserLogonLogoff ? SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_CONNECT : 0; }
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey,TEXT("Logoff"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserLogonLogoff, &dwDataSize) ) { *pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags |= dwUserLogonLogoff ? SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_PENDINGDISCONNECT : 0; }
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
// update the Idle Key
if (hkey) { DWORD dwIdleEnabled; dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey,TEXT("IdleEnabled"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwIdleEnabled, &dwDataSize) ) { *pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags |= dwIdleEnabled ? SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_IDLE : 0; }
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
return TRUE; // always return true but don't set flags on error.
// Member: RegGetCombinedHandlerRegFlags, private
// Synopsis: Gets an or'ing together of handler registration Keys
// Arguments: [dwSyncMgrRegisterFlags] - On Success gets set to flags
// on failure they are set to zero
// [ft] - On Success filed with timestamp
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 24-Aug-98 rogerg Created.
BOOL RegGetCombinedHandlerRegFlags(DWORD *pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags,FILETIME *pft) { HKEY hkey; BOOL fResult = TRUE; DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD ; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
*pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags = 0;
hkey = RegGetHandlerTopLevelKey(KEY_READ);
if (hkey) { DWORD dwRegistrationFlags;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey,SZ_REGISTRATIONFLAGSKEY,NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwRegistrationFlags, &dwDataSize) ) { *pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags = dwRegistrationFlags; }
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
return TRUE; // always return true but don't set flags on error.
// Member: RegGetChangedHandlerFlags, private
// Synopsis: Gets an or'ing together of handler registration Keys
// that have changed since the given FILETIME
// Arguments: [pft] - Pointer to FileTime for Compare
// [pdwChangedFlags] - On Success filed with flags that channged
// Returns: TRUE if could gather flags.
// Modifies:
// History: 24-Aug-98 rogerg Created.
BOOL RegGetChangedHandlerFlags(FILETIME *pft,DWORD *pdwHandlerChandedFlags) { HKEY hkeyHandler;
*pdwHandlerChandedFlags = 0;
hkeyHandler = RegGetHandlerTopLevelKey(KEY_READ);
if (hkeyHandler) { TCHAR lpName[MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD cbName = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwRegistrationFlags = 0; FILETIME ftHandlerReg; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD ; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwHandlerRegFlags; LONG lRet; HKEY hKeyClsid;
// enumerate the keys
while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKey(hkeyHandler,dwIndex,lpName,cbName) ) { lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyHandler, lpName, NULL, KEY_READ, &hKeyClsid );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) {
// handler reg is new time than our gvien time add it to the flags.
if (CompareFileTime(pft,&ftHandlerReg) < 0) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKeyClsid,SZ_REGISTRATIONFLAGSKEY,NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwHandlerRegFlags, &dwDataSize) ) { dwRegistrationFlags |= dwHandlerRegFlags; } }
RegCloseKey(hKeyClsid); }
dwIndex++; }
*pdwHandlerChandedFlags = dwRegistrationFlags;
RegCloseKey(hkeyHandler); }
return TRUE; }
// Member: RegRegisterForEvents, private
// Synopsis: Registers/UnRegisters for appropriate SENS and WinLogon Events.
// and any other per machine registration we need to do
// Arguments: [fUninstall] - set to true by uninstall to force us to unregister
// regardless of current machine state.
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
// !!!Warning - Assumes toplevel key information is up to date.
STDAPI RegRegisterForEvents(BOOL fUninstall) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; BOOL fLogon = FALSE; BOOL fLogoff = FALSE; BOOL fIdle = FALSE; #ifdef _SENS
IEventSystem *pEventSystem; #endif // _SENS
CCriticalSection cCritSect(&g_DllCriticalSection,GetCurrentThreadId());
if (!fUninstall) { FILETIME ftHandlerReg; DWORD dwSyncMgrUsersRegisterFlags; // or'ing of all Users settings
DWORD dwSyncMgrHandlerRegisterFlags; // or'ing of all handler settings.
DWORD dwCombinedFlags; // or together user and handler.
// if not an uninstall determine the true machine state
// if Logon set for handler or user set or if handler
// wants an idle set.
// If Logoff set we register for Logoff.
RegGetCombinedUserRegFlags(&dwSyncMgrUsersRegisterFlags); RegGetCombinedHandlerRegFlags(&dwSyncMgrHandlerRegisterFlags,&ftHandlerReg);
dwCombinedFlags = dwSyncMgrUsersRegisterFlags | dwSyncMgrHandlerRegisterFlags;
if ( (dwCombinedFlags & SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_CONNECT) || (dwSyncMgrHandlerRegisterFlags & SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_IDLE) ) { fLogon = TRUE; }
if ( (dwCombinedFlags & SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_PENDINGDISCONNECT) ) { fLogoff = TRUE; } }
// update Registry entries for SENS to lookup
#ifdef _SENS
// we were able to load ole automation so reg/unreg with the event system.
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CEventSystem,NULL,CLSCTX_SERVER,IID_IEventSystem, (LPVOID *) &pEventSystem);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IEventSubscription *pIEventSubscription; WCHAR szGuid[GUID_SIZE+1]; BSTR bstrSubscriberID = NULL; BSTR bstrPROGID_EventSubscription = NULL;
bstrPROGID_EventSubscription = SysAllocString(PROGID_EventSubscription);
StringFromGUID2(GUID_SENSSUBSCRIBER_SYNCMGRP,szGuid, GUID_SIZE); bstrSubscriberID = SysAllocString(szGuid);
if (bstrSubscriberID && bstrPROGID_EventSubscription) { // register for RasConnect
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CEventSubscription, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IEventSubscription, (LPVOID *) &pIEventSubscription ); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BSTR bstrPublisherID = NULL; BSTR bstrSubscriptionID = NULL; BSTR bstrSubscriptionName = NULL; BSTR bstrSubscriberCLSID = NULL; BSTR bstrEventID = NULL; BSTR bstrEventClassID = NULL; BSTR bstrIID = NULL;
// if there are any events, register with ens for messages.
if (fLogon) {
StringFromGUID2(GUID_SENSLOGONSUBSCRIPTION_SYNCMGRP,szGuid, GUID_SIZE); bstrSubscriptionID = SysAllocString(szGuid);
if (bstrSubscriptionID && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pIEventSubscription->put_SubscriptionID(bstrSubscriptionID); }
StringFromGUID2(CLSID_SyncMgrp,szGuid, GUID_SIZE); bstrSubscriberCLSID = SysAllocString(szGuid);
if (bstrSubscriberCLSID && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pIEventSubscription->put_SubscriberCLSID(bstrSubscriberCLSID); }
StringFromGUID2(SENSGUID_PUBLISHER,szGuid, GUID_SIZE); bstrPublisherID = SysAllocString(szGuid); if (bstrPublisherID && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pIEventSubscription->put_PublisherID(bstrPublisherID); }
bstrSubscriptionName = SysAllocString(SZ_SYNCMGRNAME); if (bstrSubscriptionName && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pIEventSubscription->put_SubscriptionName(bstrSubscriptionName); }
bstrEventID = SysAllocString(L"ConnectionMade"); if (bstrEventID && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pIEventSubscription->put_MethodName(bstrEventID); }
StringFromGUID2(SENSGUID_EVENTCLASS_NETWORK,szGuid,GUID_SIZE); bstrEventClassID = SysAllocString(szGuid); if (bstrEventClassID && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pIEventSubscription->put_EventClassID(bstrEventClassID); }
// set this up for roaming
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // hr = pIEventSubscription->put_PerUser(TRUE); // don't register PerUser for Nw
StringFromGUID2(IID_ISensNetwork,szGuid,GUID_SIZE); bstrIID = SysAllocString(szGuid); if (bstrIID && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pIEventSubscription->put_InterfaceID(bstrIID); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pEventSystem->Store(bstrPROGID_EventSubscription,pIEventSubscription); }
if (bstrIID) { SysFreeString(bstrIID); }
if (bstrPublisherID) SysFreeString(bstrPublisherID);
if (bstrSubscriberCLSID) SysFreeString(bstrSubscriberCLSID);
if (bstrEventClassID) SysFreeString(bstrEventClassID);
if (bstrEventID) SysFreeString(bstrEventID);
if (bstrSubscriptionID) SysFreeString(bstrSubscriptionID);
if (bstrSubscriptionName) SysFreeString(bstrSubscriptionName); } else // don't need to be registered, remove.
if (NOERROR == hr) { int errorIndex;
bstrSubscriptionID = SysAllocString(L"SubscriptionID={6295df30-35ee-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327}");
if (bstrSubscriptionID) { hr = pEventSystem->Remove(bstrPROGID_EventSubscription,bstrSubscriptionID /* QUERY */,&errorIndex); SysFreeString(bstrSubscriptionID); } }
if (bstrSubscriberID) { SysFreeString(bstrSubscriberID); }
if (bstrPROGID_EventSubscription) { SysFreeString(bstrPROGID_EventSubscription); }
#endif // _SENS
return hr; }
// helper functions for handler registration
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegGetTimeStamp(HKEY hKey, FILETIME *pft) { DWORD dwType; FILETIME ft; LONG lr; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(FILETIME);
lr = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, SZ_REGISTRATIONTIMESTAMPKEY, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)&ft, &dwSize );
if ( lr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Assert( dwSize == sizeof(FILETIME) && dwType == REG_BINARY ); *pft = ft; } else { // set the filetime to way back when to
// any compares will just say older instead
// of having to check success code
(*pft).dwLowDateTime = 0; (*pft).dwHighDateTime = 0; }
return TRUE; }
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegWriteTimeStamp(HKEY hkey) { SYSTEMTIME sysTime; FILETIME ft; LONG lr = -1;
GetSystemTime(&sysTime); // void can't check for errors
if (SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysTime,&ft) ) { CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
// write out the UpdateTime
lr = RegSetValueEx( hkey, SZ_REGISTRATIONTIMESTAMPKEY, NULL, REG_BINARY, (BYTE *)&ft, sizeof(ft) ); CMutexRegistry.Leave(); } return (ERROR_SUCCESS == lr) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// Function: UpdateHandlerKeyInformation
// Synopsis: Updates the top-level handler key information
// Arguments:
// Returns: void
// Modifies: enumerates the handlers underneath the given key
// updating the registrationFlags which is an || or
// all registered handler flags and then updates the
// timestamp on this key
// History: 05-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
void UpdateHandlerKeyInformation(HKEY hKeyHandler) { DWORD dwSyncMgrTopLevelRegisterFlags = 0; DWORD dwIndex = 0; TCHAR lpName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbName = MAX_PATH;
while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKey(hKeyHandler,dwIndex, lpName,cbName) ) { DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD ; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwHandlerRegFlags; LONG lRet; HKEY hKeyClsid;
lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyHandler, lpName, NULL, KEY_READ, &hKeyClsid );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) {
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKeyClsid,SZ_REGISTRATIONFLAGSKEY,NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwHandlerRegFlags, &dwDataSize) ) { dwSyncMgrTopLevelRegisterFlags |= dwHandlerRegFlags; }
RegCloseKey(hKeyClsid); }
dwIndex++; }
// not much we can do if RegFlags are messed up other than assert and mask out
Assert(dwSyncMgrTopLevelRegisterFlags <= SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS_MASK); dwSyncMgrTopLevelRegisterFlags &= SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS_MASK;
// write out new flags even if errors occured. work thing that happens is
// we don't set up someones autosync automatically.
RegSetValueEx(hKeyHandler,SZ_REGISTRATIONFLAGSKEY,NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(dwSyncMgrTopLevelRegisterFlags), sizeof(DWORD));
RegWriteTimeStamp(hKeyHandler); }
// Function: RegUpdateTopLevelKeys
// Synopsis: Looks at toplevel AutoSync,Idle, etc. keys and determines
// if they need to be updated and if so goes for it.
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: set pfFirstRegistration out param to true if this is
// the first handler that has registered so we can setup defaults.
// History: 24-Aug-98 rogerg Created.
STDAPI_(void) RegUpdateTopLevelKeys() { HKEY hkey; CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME);
// update the AutoSync Key
if (hkey) { DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD ; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwUserLogonLogoff;
// see if has a logon value and if it is either newly created or
// old format. Call Update to setthings up
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hkey,TEXT("Logon"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwUserLogonLogoff, &dwDataSize) ) { RegUpdateAutoSyncKeyValue(hkey,-1,-1); }
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
// update the Idle Key
if (hkey) { DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD ; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwIdleEnabled;
// see if has a Idle value and if it is either newly created or
// old format. Call Update to setthings up
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hkey,TEXT("IdleEnabled"),NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwIdleEnabled, &dwDataSize) ) { RegUpdateIdleKeyValue(hkey,-1); }
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
// Function: RegRegisterHandler
// Synopsis: Registers Handlers with SyncMgr.
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: set pfFirstRegistration out param to true if this is
// the first handler that has registered so we can setup defaults.
// History: 05-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegRegisterHandler(REFCLSID rclsidHandler, WCHAR const* pwszDescription, DWORD dwSyncMgrRegisterFlags, BOOL *pfFirstRegistration) { LONG lRet;
RegUpdateTopLevelKeys(); // make sure other top-level keys are up to date.
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
*pfFirstRegistration = FALSE; HKEY hKeyHandler;
hKeyHandler = RegGetHandlerTopLevelKey(KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE);
if (NULL == hKeyHandler) { CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return FALSE; }
XRegKey xRegKeyHandler( hKeyHandler );
// Check if this is the first handler being registerd
lRet = RegEnumKeyEx( hKeyHandler, 0, szGuid, &cbGuid, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if ( lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) *pfFirstRegistration = TRUE;
// Convert guid and description to TCHAR
TCHAR *pszDesc; BOOL fOk = FALSE;
StringFromGUID2( rclsidHandler, szGuid, GUID_SIZE+1 ); pszDesc = (TCHAR *)pwszDescription;
// write out the registration flags. If fail go ahead
// and succed registration anyways.
if (hKeyHandler) { HKEY hKeyClsid;
hKeyClsid = RegGetHandlerKey(hKeyHandler,szGuid,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ,TRUE);
if (hKeyClsid) {
fOk = TRUE; // if make handle key say registered okay
if (pszDesc) { RegSetValueEx(hKeyClsid,NULL,NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) pszDesc, (lstrlen(pszDesc) +1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); }
RegSetValueEx(hKeyClsid,SZ_REGISTRATIONFLAGSKEY,NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &(dwSyncMgrRegisterFlags), sizeof(DWORD)); // update the TimeStamp on the handler clsid
RegWriteTimeStamp(hKeyClsid); RegCloseKey( hKeyClsid );
// update the toplevel key
UpdateHandlerKeyInformation(hKeyHandler); } }
// update the user information.
RegSetUserDefaults(); RegRegisterForEvents(FALSE /* fUninstall */);
return fOk; }
// Function: RegRegRemoveHandler
// Synopsis: UnRegisters Handlers with SyncMgr.
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: set pfAllHandlerUnRegistered out param to true if this is
// the last handler that needs to be unregistered before
// turning off our defaults..
// History: 05-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegRegRemoveHandler(REFCLSID rclsidHandler) { HKEY hKeyHandler; CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME);
hKeyHandler = RegGetHandlerTopLevelKey(KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ);
if (NULL == hKeyHandler) { //
// Non-existent key, so nothing to remove
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return TRUE; }
XRegKey xKeyHandler( hKeyHandler );
#ifdef _UNICODE
StringFromGUID2( rclsidHandler, szGuid, GUID_SIZE+1 ); #else
WCHAR wszGuid[GUID_SIZE+1]; StringFromGUID2( rclsidHandler, wszGuid, GUID_SIZE+1 );
BOOL fOk = ConvertString( szGuid, wszGuid, GUID_SIZE+1 ); Assert( fOk ); #endif
HKEY hKeyClsid; hKeyClsid = RegGetHandlerKey(hKeyHandler,szGuid,KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ,FALSE); if (hKeyClsid) { RegCloseKey( hKeyClsid ); RegDeleteKey( hKeyHandler, szGuid );
// update the toplevel key
} else { //
// Non-existent key, so nothing to remove
RegRegisterForEvents(FALSE /* fUninstall */); // UPDATE EVENT REGISTRATION.
return TRUE; }
// Function: RegGetHandlerRegistrationInfo
// Synopsis: Gets Information of the specified handler.
// Arguments:
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies: pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags
// History: 20-Aug-98 rogerg Created.
STDAPI_(BOOL) RegGetHandlerRegistrationInfo(REFCLSID rclsidHandler,LPDWORD pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags) { HKEY hKeyHandler;
*pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags = 0;
hKeyHandler = RegGetHandlerTopLevelKey(KEY_READ);
if (NULL == hKeyHandler) { //
// Non-existent key
return FALSE; }
XRegKey xKeyHandler( hKeyHandler );
#ifdef _UNICODE
StringFromGUID2( rclsidHandler, szGuid, GUID_SIZE+1 ); #else
WCHAR wszGuid[GUID_SIZE+1]; StringFromGUID2( rclsidHandler, wszGuid, GUID_SIZE+1 );
BOOL fOk = ConvertString( szGuid, wszGuid, GUID_SIZE+1 ); Assert( fOk ); #endif
HKEY hKeyClsid; BOOL fResult = FALSE;
hKeyClsid = RegGetHandlerKey(hKeyHandler,szGuid,KEY_READ,FALSE); if (hKeyClsid) { DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD ; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); LONG lRet;
lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hKeyClsid,SZ_REGISTRATIONFLAGSKEY,NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags, &dwDataSize); RegCloseKey( hKeyClsid );
fResult = (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else { //
// Non-existent key, so nothing to remove
return fResult; }
// Function: RegSetUserDefaults
// Synopsis: Registers default values for auto and idle sync
// Setup based on Handler and UserPreferences
// History: 20-May-98 SitaramR Created
STDAPI_(void) RegSetUserDefaults() { HKEY hKeyUser = NULL; BOOL fLogon = FALSE; BOOL fLogoff = FALSE; FILETIME ftHandlerReg; DWORD dwHandlerRegistrationFlags;
CMutex CMutexRegistry(NULL, FALSE,SZ_REGSITRYMUTEXNAME); CMutexRegistry.Enter();
// get the combined handler registration toplevel flags and timeStamp
// to see if should bother enumerating the rest.
if (!RegGetCombinedHandlerRegFlags(&dwHandlerRegistrationFlags,&ftHandlerReg)) { CMutexRegistry.Leave(); return; }
// See if AutoSync key needs to be updated
if (hKeyUser) { FILETIME ftUserAutoSync;
// if got the User get the timestamp and see if it is older than the handlers
// If this is a new user filetime will be 0
if (CompareFileTime(&ftUserAutoSync,&ftHandlerReg) < 0) { DWORD dwHandlerChangedFlags;
// need to walk through handlers and update what we need to set based
// on each handlers timestamp since we don't want a handler that registered
// for idle to cause us to turn AutoSync back on and vis-a-versa
if (RegGetChangedHandlerFlags(&ftUserAutoSync,&dwHandlerChangedFlags)) { BOOL fLogon = (dwHandlerChangedFlags & SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_CONNECT) ? TRUE : FALSE; BOOL fLogoff = (dwHandlerChangedFlags & SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_PENDINGDISCONNECT) ? TRUE : FALSE;
RegSetAutoSyncDefaults(fLogon,fLogoff); }
RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); hKeyUser = NULL; } } if (0 != (dwHandlerRegistrationFlags & SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_IDLE ) ) {
// now check for Idle same logic as above could probably combine
// into a function
// See if AutoSync key needs to be updated
if (hKeyUser) { FILETIME ftUserIdleSync;
// if got the User get the timestamp and see if it is older than the handlers
// If this is a new user filetime will be 0
if (CompareFileTime(&ftUserIdleSync,&ftHandlerReg) < 0) { DWORD dwHandlerChangedFlags;
// need to walk through handlers and update what we need to set based
// on each handlers timestamp since we don't want a handler that registered
// for AutoSync to cause us to turn Idle back on and vis-a-versa
if (RegGetChangedHandlerFlags(&ftUserIdleSync,&dwHandlerChangedFlags)) { if (dwHandlerChangedFlags & SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_IDLE) { RegSetIdleSyncDefaults(TRUE); }
RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); hKeyUser = NULL; } }
CMutexRegistry.Leave(); }
// Function: RegSetAutoSyncDefaults
// Synopsis: Registers default values for auto sync
// History: 20-May-98 SitaramR Created
STDAPI_(void) RegSetAutoSyncDefaults(BOOL fLogon,BOOL fLogoff) { CONNECTIONSETTINGS *pConnection = (LPCONNECTIONSETTINGS) ALLOC(sizeof(CONNECTIONSETTINGS)); if ( pConnection == 0 ) return;
XPtr<CONNECTIONSETTINGS> xConnection( pConnection );
INT iRet = LoadString(g_hmodThisDll, IDS_LAN_CONNECTION, pConnection->pszConnectionName, ARRAYLEN(pConnection->pszConnectionName) ); Assert( iRet != 0 );
// -1 values are ignored by RegSetAutoSyncSettings.
// if not turning on leave the User Preferences alone,
pConnection->dwConnType = 0; pConnection->dwLogon = fLogon ? TRUE : -1; pConnection->dwLogoff = fLogoff ? TRUE : -1; pConnection->dwPromptMeFirst = -1; pConnection->dwMakeConnection = -1; pConnection->dwIdleEnabled = -1;
// since this bases settings on what is already set no need to
// do a cleanreg or update the machine state
RegSetAutoSyncSettings(pConnection, 1, 0, FALSE /* fCleanReg */, FALSE /* fSetMachineState */, FALSE /* fPerUser */); }
// Function: RegSetUserAutoSyncDefaults
// Synopsis: Registers user default values for auto sync
// History: 39-March-99 rogerg Created
STDAPI RegSetUserAutoSyncDefaults(DWORD dwSyncMgrRegisterMask, DWORD dwSyncMgrRegisterFlags) {
// if not changing either logon or logoff just return
XPtr<CONNECTIONSETTINGS> xConnection( pConnection );
INT iRet = LoadString(g_hmodThisDll, IDS_LAN_CONNECTION, pConnection->pszConnectionName, ARRAYLEN(pConnection->pszConnectionName) ); Assert( iRet != 0 );
// -1 values are ignored by RegSetAutoSyncSettings.
// if not turning on leave the User Preferences alone,
pConnection->dwConnType = 0; pConnection->dwLogon = -1; pConnection->dwLogoff = -1; pConnection->dwPromptMeFirst = -1; pConnection->dwMakeConnection = -1; pConnection->dwIdleEnabled = -1;
if (dwSyncMgrRegisterMask & SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_CONNECT) { pConnection->dwLogon = (dwSyncMgrRegisterFlags & SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_CONNECT) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// since this bases settings on what is already set no need to
// do a cleanreg or update the machine state
RegSetAutoSyncSettings(pConnection, 1, 0, FALSE /* fCleanReg */, TRUE /* fSetMachineState */, TRUE /* fPerUser */);
return NOERROR; }
// Function: RegSetIdleSyncDefaults
// Synopsis: Registers default values for idle sync
// History: 20-May-98 SitaramR Created
STDAPI_(void) RegSetIdleSyncDefaults(BOOL fIdle) {
Assert(fIdle); // for now this should only be called when true;
if (!fIdle) { return; }
XPtr<CONNECTIONSETTINGS> xConnection( pConnection );
INT iRet = LoadString(g_hmodThisDll, IDS_LAN_CONNECTION, pConnection->pszConnectionName, ARRAYLEN(pConnection->pszConnectionName) ); Assert( iRet != 0 );
pConnection->dwConnType = 0; pConnection->dwLogon = -1; pConnection->dwLogoff = -1; pConnection->dwPromptMeFirst = -1; pConnection->dwMakeConnection = -1; pConnection->dwIdleEnabled = TRUE;
// set all userLevel items to -1 so user gets the defaults if new
// but keep their settings if have already tweaked them.
pConnection->ulIdleRetryMinutes = -1; pConnection->ulDelayIdleShutDownTime = -1; pConnection->dwRepeatSynchronization = -1; pConnection->ulIdleWaitMinutes = -1; pConnection->dwRunOnBatteries = -1;
RegSetIdleSyncSettings(pConnection, 1, 0, FALSE /* fCleanReg */, FALSE /* fPerUser */); }
// Function: RegSetIdleSyncDefaults
// Synopsis: Registers default values for idle sync
// History: 30-March-99 ROGERG Created
STDAPI RegSetUserIdleSyncDefaults(DWORD dwSyncMgrRegisterMask, DWORD dwSyncMgrRegisterFlags) {
// RegSetIdleSyncSettings doesn't handle idle enabled of -1 so only
// call if Idle actually is set in the flags, if not just return
if (!(dwSyncMgrRegisterMask & SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_IDLE)) { return NOERROR; }
XPtr<CONNECTIONSETTINGS> xConnection( pConnection );
INT iRet = LoadString(g_hmodThisDll, IDS_LAN_CONNECTION, pConnection->pszConnectionName, ARRAYLEN(pConnection->pszConnectionName) ); Assert( iRet != 0 );
pConnection->dwConnType = 0; pConnection->dwLogon = -1; pConnection->dwLogoff = -1; pConnection->dwPromptMeFirst = -1; pConnection->dwMakeConnection = -1;
pConnection->dwIdleEnabled = (SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_IDLE & dwSyncMgrRegisterFlags) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// set all userLevel items to -1 so user gets the defaults if new
// but keep their settings if have already tweaked them.
pConnection->ulIdleRetryMinutes = -1; pConnection->ulDelayIdleShutDownTime = -1; pConnection->dwRepeatSynchronization = -1; pConnection->ulIdleWaitMinutes = -1; pConnection->dwRunOnBatteries = -1;
RegSetIdleSyncSettings(pConnection, 1, 0, FALSE /* fCleanReg */, TRUE /* fPerUser */);
return NOERROR; }
// Function: RegGetUserRegisterFlags
// Synopsis: returns current registration flags for the User.
// History: 30-March-99 ROGERG Created
STDAPI RegGetUserRegisterFlags(LPDWORD pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags) { CONNECTIONSETTINGS connectSettings;
*pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags = 0;
INT iRet = LoadString(g_hmodThisDll, IDS_LAN_CONNECTION, connectSettings.pszConnectionName, ARRAYLEN(connectSettings.pszConnectionName) ); if (0 == iRet) { Assert( iRet != 0 ); return E_UNEXPECTED; } RegGetSyncSettings(SYNCTYPE_AUTOSYNC,&connectSettings);
if (connectSettings.dwLogon) { *pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags |= (SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_CONNECT); }
if (connectSettings.dwLogoff) { *pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags |= (SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_PENDINGDISCONNECT); }
if (connectSettings.dwIdleEnabled) { *pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags |= (SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_IDLE); }
return NOERROR; }
Function: BOOL RegSchedHandlerItemsChecked(TCHAR *pszHandlerName, TCHAR *pszConnectionName, TCHAR *pszScheduleName) Summary: Determine if any items are checked on this handler for this schedule
Returns: Returns TRUE if one or more are checked, FALSE otherwise
------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/ BOOL RegSchedHandlerItemsChecked(TCHAR *pszHandlerName, TCHAR *pszConnectionName, TCHAR *pszScheduleName) { SCODE sc; HKEY hKeyUser, hkeySchedName, hkeyConnection, hkeyHandler, hkeyItem; DWORD cbName = MAX_PATH, dwIndex = 0, dwCheckState = 0, dwType = REG_DWORD, dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD);
BOOL fItemsChecked = FALSE; TCHAR lpName[MAX_PATH + 1]; hKeyUser = RegGetCurrentUserKey(SYNCTYPE_SCHEDULED,KEY_READ,FALSE);
if (NULL == hKeyUser) { return FALSE; }
smChkTo(EH_Err3,RegOpenKeyEx (hKeyUser, pszScheduleName,0,KEY_READ, &hkeySchedName));
smChkTo(EH_Err4,RegOpenKeyEx (hkeySchedName, pszConnectionName, 0,KEY_READ, &hkeyConnection)); smChkTo(EH_Err5,RegOpenKeyEx (hkeyConnection, pszHandlerName, 0,KEY_READ, &hkeyHandler)); // need to enum handler items.
while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKey(hkeyHandler,dwIndex, lpName,cbName) ) { LONG lRet; lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyHandler, lpName, NULL, KEY_READ, &hkeyItem);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) { RegQueryValueEx(hkeyItem,TEXT("CheckState"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwCheckState, &dwDataSize); RegCloseKey(hkeyItem); } else { goto EH_Err5; } if (dwCheckState) { fItemsChecked = TRUE; break; } dwIndex++; }
RegCloseKey(hkeyHandler); RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); RegCloseKey(hKeyUser); return fItemsChecked;
EH_Err5: RegCloseKey(hkeyConnection); EH_Err4: RegCloseKey(hkeySchedName); EH_Err3: RegCloseKey(hKeyUser);
return fItemsChecked; }