// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1998.
// File: util.cxx
// Contents: utility functions
// History: 12-05-1997 SusiA
#include "lib.h"
#ifndef SECURITY_WIN32
#define SECURITY_WIN32
#include "security.h"
extern "C" CRITICAL_SECTION g_CritSectCommonLib; // initialized by InitCommonLib
extern OSVERSIONINFOA g_OSVersionInfo; // osVersionInfo.
STRING_FILENAME(szSecur32Dll, "SECUR32.DLL"); STRING_INTERFACE(szGetUserNameEx,"GetUserNameExW"); BOOL g_fLoadedSecur32 = FALSE; HINSTANCE g_hinstSecur32 = NULL; PFNGETUSERNAMEEX g_pfGetUserNameEx = NULL;
// FUNCTION: RegGetCurrentUser(LPTSTR pszName, LPDWORD pdwCount)
// PURPOSE: Gets the currently logged on user name from the Reg
BOOL RegGetCurrentUser(LPTSTR pszName, LPDWORD pdwCount) { HRESULT hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hkeyUser; DWORD dwDataSize = *pdwCount * sizeof(TCHAR); DWORD dwType = REG_SZ;
// Get the current user name from the reg
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (hr = RegOpenKeyExXp(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TOPLEVEL_REGKEY,0,KEY_QUERY_VALUE,&hkeyUser,FALSE /*fSetSecurity*/))) { hr = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyUser,TEXT("CurrentUserName"), NULL, &dwType , (LPBYTE) pszName, &dwDataSize); *pdwCount = dwDataSize; RegCloseKey(hkeyUser); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS == hr) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
// FUNCTION: RegSetCurrentUser(LPTSTR pszName)
// PURPOSE: sets the current user name in the reg
BOOL RegSetCurrentUser(LPTSTR pszName) { HRESULT hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hkeyUser;
// write out the Handler to the Registry.
hr = RegSetValueEx(hkeyUser,TEXT("CurrentUserName"), NULL, REG_SZ , (LPBYTE) pszName, UNLEN + 1);
RegCloseKey(hkeyUser); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == hr) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
// Function: CenterDialog
// Synopsis: Helper to center a dialog on screen.
// Arguments: [hDlg] -- Dialog handle.
// Returns: None.
// Notes: None.
void CenterDialog(HWND hDlg) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(hDlg, &rc);
SetWindowPos(hDlg, NULL, ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - (rc.right - rc.left)) / 2), ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - (rc.bottom - rc.top)) / 2), 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); }
// Function: GetDomainAndMachineName
// Synopsis: Fill [ptszDomainAndMachineName] with "domain\machine" string
// Arguments: [ptszDomainAndMachineName] - buffer to receive string
// [cchBuf] - should be at least UNLEN
// Modifies: *[ptszDomainAndMachineName].
// History: 01-12-1998 SusiA Created
// Notes: If an error occurs while retrieving the domain name, only
// the machine name is returned. If even that cannot be
// retrieved, the buffer is set to an empty string.
VOID GetDomainAndMachineName( LPTSTR ptszDomainAndMachineName, ULONG cchBuf) {
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LONG lr; HKEY hkWinlogon = NULL; ULONG cchRemain = cchBuf;
do { //
// Get the domain name of the currently logged on user. Open the
// winlogon key.
lr = RegOpenKeyExXp(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_WINLOGON, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkWinlogon,FALSE /*fSetSecurity*/);
if (lr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Query for the default domain, which is what the user logged on to.
ULONG cbBuf = cchBuf * sizeof(TCHAR); DWORD dwType;
lr = RegQueryValueEx(hkWinlogon, REGSTR_DEFAULT_DOMAIN, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) ptszDomainAndMachineName, &cbBuf);
if (lr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
Assert(dwType == REG_SZ);
// Account for the characters used up by the domain name, but
// don't count the trailing NULL.
cchRemain -= (cbBuf / sizeof(TCHAR)) - 1;
if (cchRemain < 2) { break; }
lstrcat(ptszDomainAndMachineName, TEXT("/")); cchRemain--;
hr = S_OK; } while (0);
// If there was any problem with the domain name, put only the user name
// in the buffer.
if (FAILED(hr)) { *ptszDomainAndMachineName = TEXT('\0'); cchRemain = cchBuf; }
// Get the machine name, which is going either at the start of the buffer
// or just after the backslash appended to the domain name.
lr = GetComputerName(&ptszDomainAndMachineName[cchBuf - cchRemain], &cchRemain);
if (!lr) { *ptszDomainAndMachineName = TEXT('\0'); }
if (hkWinlogon) { RegCloseKey(hkWinlogon); } }
void LoadSecur32Dll() { if (g_fLoadedSecur32) return;
CCriticalSection cCritSect(&g_CritSectCommonLib,GetCurrentThreadId());
// make sure not loaded again in case someone took lock first
if (!g_fLoadedSecur32) { g_hinstSecur32 = LoadLibrary(szSecur32Dll);
if (g_hinstSecur32) { g_pfGetUserNameEx = (PFNGETUSERNAMEEX) GetProcAddress(g_hinstSecur32, szGetUserNameEx);
// won't get the export on NT 4.0
g_fLoadedSecur32 = TRUE; }
} //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: GetNT4UserDomainName
// Synopsis: Fill [ptszDomainAndUserName] with "domain\user" string
// Arguments: [ptszDomainAndUserName] - buffer to receive string
// [cchBuf] - should be at least UNLEN
// Modifies: *[ptszDomainAndUserName].
// History: 06-03-1997 DavidMun Created
// Notes: If an error occurs while retrieving the domain name, only
// the user name is returned. If even that cannot be
// retrieved, the buffer is set to an empty string.
BOOL GetNT4UserDomainName(LPTSTR ptszDomainAndUserName, LPTSTR ptszSeparator, ULONG cchBuf) { HKEY hkWinlogon = NULL; ULONG cchRemain = cchBuf; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LONG lr; ULONG cchTemp = UNLEN + DNLEN + 1;
do { //
// Get the domain name of the currently logged on user. Open the
// winlogon key.
lr = RegOpenKeyExXp(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_WINLOGON, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkWinlogon,FALSE /*fSetSecurity*/);
if (lr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Query for the default domain, which is what the user logged on to.
ULONG cbBuf = cchBuf * sizeof(TCHAR); DWORD dwType;
lr = RegQueryValueEx(hkWinlogon, REGSTR_DEFAULT_DOMAIN, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) ptszDomainAndUserName, &cbBuf);
if (lr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
Assert(dwType == REG_SZ);
// Account for the characters used up by the domain name, but
// don't count the trailing NULL.
cchRemain -= (cbBuf / sizeof(TCHAR)) - 1;
if (cchRemain < 2) { break; }
lstrcat(ptszDomainAndUserName, ptszSeparator); cchRemain--;
hr = S_OK; } while (0);
// If there was any problem with the domain name, put only the user name
// in the buffer.
if (FAILED(hr)) { *ptszDomainAndUserName = TEXT('\0'); cchRemain = cchBuf; }
// Get the user name, which is going either at the start of the buffer
// or just after the backslash appended to the domain name.
cchTemp = cchRemain;
lr = GetUserName(&ptszDomainAndUserName[cchBuf - cchTemp], &cchTemp); if (hkWinlogon) { RegCloseKey(hkWinlogon); }
return (S_OK == hr) ? TRUE: FALSE; }
// Function: GetDefaultDomainAndUserName
// Synopsis: Fill [ptszDomainAndUserName] with "domain\user" string
// Arguments: [ptszDomainAndUserName] - buffer to receive string
// [cchBuf] - should be at least UNLEN
// Modifies: *[ptszDomainAndUserName].
// History: 06-03-1997 DavidMun Created
// Notes: If an error occurs while retrieving the domain name, only
// the user name is returned. If even that cannot be
// retrieved, the buffer is set to an empty string.
// if output buffer is too small it gets truncated.
VOID GetDefaultDomainAndUserName( LPTSTR ptszDomainAndUserName, LPTSTR ptszSeparator, ULONG cchBuf) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LONG lr = 0; ULONG cchTemp = UNLEN + DNLEN + 1; BOOL fIsNT = (g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT); if (fIsNT) { LoadSecur32Dll(); if (g_pfGetUserNameEx) { lr = g_pfGetUserNameEx(NameSamCompatible,ptszDomainAndUserName, &cchTemp); if (lr) { LPTSTR ptszWorker = ptszDomainAndUserName;
while ( (TEXT('\0') != *ptszWorker) && *ptszWorker != TEXT('\\')) { ptszWorker++; }
if ( TEXT('\0') != *ptszWorker) { *ptszWorker = ptszSeparator[0]; } } }
if ((NULL == g_pfGetUserNameEx) || (0 == lr)) { GetNT4UserDomainName(ptszDomainAndUserName,ptszSeparator,cchBuf); }
} else { // Win9x Stuff.
cchTemp = cchBuf;
if (!(lr = RegGetCurrentUser(ptszDomainAndUserName, &cchTemp))) { cchTemp = cchBuf;
lr = GetUserName(ptszDomainAndUserName,&cchTemp);
if (!lr || (*ptszDomainAndUserName == NULL)) { // on Win9x user can work without a user Name in this case
// or any other GetUserName file the user is forced
// to be called Default
lstrcpy(ptszDomainAndUserName,SZ_DEFAULTDOMAINANDUSERNAME); }
// write out currentUser setting so can use next time.
RegSetCurrentUser(ptszDomainAndUserName); }
Assert(NULL != *ptszDomainAndUserName); return;
// FUNCTION: BOOL ConvertString(LPTSTR pszOut, LPWSTR pwszIn, DWORD dwSize)
// PURPOSE: utility function for ANSI/UNICODE conversion
// RETURN VALUE: return TRUE if we process it ok.
BOOL ConvertString(char * pszOut, LPWSTR pwszIn, DWORD dwSize) {
if(WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP,0,pwszIn,-1,pszOut,dwSize,NULL,NULL)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE;
// FUNCTION: BOOL ConvertString(LPWSTR pwszOut, LPTSTR pszIn, DWORD dwSize)
// PURPOSE: utility function for ANSI/UNICODE conversion
// RETURN VALUE: return TRUE if we process it ok.
BOOL ConvertString(LPWSTR pwszOut,char * pszIn, DWORD dwSize) {
if(MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP,0,pszIn,-1,pwszOut,dwSize)) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
// FUNCTION: Bogus function temporary until get transitioned to unicode
// so I don't have to fix up every existing converstring call.
// PURPOSE: utility function for ANSI/UNICODE conversion
// RETURN VALUE: return TRUE if we process it ok.
BOOL ConvertString(LPWSTR pszOut, LPWSTR pwszIn, DWORD dwSize) { #ifdef _UNICODE
lstrcpy(pszOut,pwszIn); #else
AssertSz(0,"Shouldn't be called in ASCII mode"); #endif // _UNICODE
return TRUE; }
// Function: ConvertMultiByteToWideChar
// Synopsis: Converts multibyte strings to Unicode
/// Arguments: [pszBufIn] -- Input multibyte string
// [cbBufIn] -- Count of chars/bytes in input buffer
// [xwszBufOut] -- Smart pointer to output Unicode string
// [fOem] -- If true use CP_OEMCP
// Returns: TRUE if we process it ok
// History: 14-Jul-98 SitaramR Created
BOOL ConvertMultiByteToWideChar( const char *pszBufIn, ULONG cbBufIn, XArray<WCHAR>& xwszBufOut, BOOL fOem ) { Assert( pszBufIn != 0 );
if ( 0 == cbBufIn ) { xwszBufOut[0] = 0; return TRUE; }
BOOL fOk; if ( xwszBufOut.Get() == 0 ) { ULONG cbBufOut;
cbBufOut = (-1 == cbBufIn) ? lstrlenA(pszBufIn) + 1: cbBufIn; cbBufOut += 6; // give it a little extra room
fOk = xwszBufOut.Init(cbBufOut); if ( !fOk ) return FALSE; }
UINT codePage = CP_ACP; if ( fOem && !AreFileApisANSI() ) codePage = CP_OEMCP;
ULONG cwcBufOut = (ULONG)xwszBufOut.Count(); ULONG cwcConvert = 0;
do { cwcConvert = MultiByteToWideChar( codePage, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pszBufIn, cbBufIn, xwszBufOut.Get(), cwcBufOut - 1 ); if ( 0 == cwcConvert ) { if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { //
// Double buffer size and then retry
delete xwszBufOut.Acquire();
cwcBufOut *= 2; fOk = xwszBufOut.Init( cwcBufOut ); if ( !fOk ) return FALSE; } else { //
// Error during conversion
Assert( FALSE ); return FALSE; } } else xwszBufOut[cwcConvert] = 0;
} while ( 0 == cwcConvert );
return TRUE; }
// Function: ConvertMultiByteToWideChar
// Synopsis: Converts multibyte strings to Unicode
/// Arguments: [pszBufIn] -- Input to null terminated multibyte string
// [xwszBufOut] -- Smart pointer to output Unicode string
// [fOem] -- If true use CP_OEMCP
// Returns: TRUE if we process it ok
// History: 14-Jul-98 SitaramR Created
BOOL ConvertMultiByteToWideChar( const char *pszBufIn, XArray<WCHAR>& xwszBufOut, BOOL fOem ) { if ( pszBufIn == 0) { void *pBuf;
if (pBuf = xwszBufOut.Acquire()) { delete pBuf; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL fRet = ConvertMultiByteToWideChar( pszBufIn, -1 /* lstrlenA(pszBufIn) + 1 */, xwszBufOut, fOem );
return fRet; }
// Function: ConvertWideCharToMultiByte
// Synopsis: Converts Unicode to multibyte strings
/// Arguments: [pwszBufIn] -- Input Unicode string
// [cwcBufIn] -- Count of wide chars in input buffer
// [xwszBufOut] -- Smart pointer to output multibyte string
// [fOem] -- If true use CP_OEMCP
// Returns: TRUE if we process it ok
// History: 14-Jul-98 SitaramR Created
BOOL ConvertWideCharToMultiByte( const WCHAR *pwszBufIn, ULONG cwcBufIn, XArray<char>& xszBufOut, BOOL fOem ) { Assert( pwszBufIn != 0 );
if ( 0 == cwcBufIn ) { xszBufOut[0] = 0; return TRUE; }
BOOL fOk; if ( xszBufOut.Get() == 0 ) { ULONG cbBufOut;
cbBufOut = (-1 == cwcBufIn) ? lstrlenX(pwszBufIn) + 1: cwcBufIn; cbBufOut += 6; // give it a little extra room.
fOk = xszBufOut.Init(cbBufOut); if ( !fOk ) return FALSE; }
UINT codePage = CP_ACP; if ( fOem && !AreFileApisANSI() ) codePage = CP_OEMCP;
ULONG cbConvert; ULONG cbBufOut = (ULONG)xszBufOut.Count();
do { cbConvert = WideCharToMultiByte( codePage, WC_COMPOSITECHECK, pwszBufIn, cwcBufIn, xszBufOut.Get(), cbBufOut - 1, NULL, NULL );
if ( 0 == cbConvert ) { if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { //
// Double buffer size and then retry
delete xszBufOut.Acquire();
cbBufOut *= 2; fOk = xszBufOut.Init( cbBufOut ); if ( !fOk ) return FALSE; } else { //
// Error during conversion
Assert( FALSE ); return FALSE; } } else xszBufOut[cbConvert] = 0; } while ( 0 == cbConvert );
return TRUE; }
// Function: ConvertWideCharToMultiByte
// Synopsis: Converts Unicode to multibyte strings
/// Arguments: [pwszBufIn] -- Input to null terminated Unicode string
// [xwszBufOut] -- Smart pointer to output multibyte string
// [fOem] -- If true use CP_OEMCP
// Returns: TRUE if we process it ok
// History: 14-Jul-98 SitaramR Created
BOOL ConvertWideCharToMultiByte( const WCHAR *pwszBufIn, XArray<char>& xszBufOut, BOOL fOem ) { if ( pwszBufIn == 0) { void *pBuf;
if (pBuf = xszBufOut.Acquire()) { delete pBuf; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL fRet = ConvertWideCharToMultiByte( pwszBufIn, lstrlenX(pwszBufIn) + 1, xszBufOut, fOem );
return fRet; }
// Local constants
// DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT - what to use if there's a problem getting format
// from system.
#define ARRAYLEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
#define DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT TEXT("hh:mm tt")
#define GET_LOCALE_INFO(lcid) \
{ \ cch = GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, \ (lcid), \ tszScratch, \ ARRAYLEN(tszScratch)); \ if (!cch) \ { \ break; \ } \ } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: UpdateTimeFormat
// Synopsis: Construct a time format containing hour and minute for use
// with the date picker control.
// Arguments: [tszTimeFormat] - buffer to fill with time format
// [cchTimeFormat] - size in chars of buffer
// Modifies: *[tszTimeFormat]
// History: 11-18-1996 DavidMun Created
// Notes: This is called on initialization and for wininichange
// processing.
void UpdateTimeFormat( LPTSTR tszTimeFormat, ULONG cchTimeFormat) { ULONG cch; TCHAR tszScratch[80]; BOOL fAmPm; BOOL fAmPmPrefixes; BOOL fLeadingZero;
do { GET_LOCALE_INFO(LOCALE_ITIME); fAmPm = (*tszScratch == TEXT('0'));
if (fAmPm) { GET_LOCALE_INFO(LOCALE_ITIMEMARKPOSN); fAmPmPrefixes = (*tszScratch == TEXT('1')); }
GET_LOCALE_INFO(LOCALE_ITLZERO); fLeadingZero = (*tszScratch == TEXT('1'));
// See if there's enough room in destination string
cch = 1 + // terminating nul
1 + // first hour digit specifier "h"
2 + // minutes specifier "mm"
(fLeadingZero != 0) + // leading hour digit specifier "h"
lstrlen(tszScratch) + // separator string
(fAmPm ? 3 : 0); // space and "tt" for AM/PM
if (cch > cchTimeFormat) { cch = 0; // signal error
} } while (0);
// If there was a problem in getting locale info for building time string
// just use the default and bail.
if (!cch) { lstrcpy(tszTimeFormat, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); return; }
// Build a time string that has hours and minutes but no seconds.
tszTimeFormat[0] = TEXT('\0');
if (fAmPm) { if (fAmPmPrefixes) { lstrcpy(tszTimeFormat, TEXT("tt ")); }
lstrcat(tszTimeFormat, TEXT("h"));
if (fLeadingZero) { lstrcat(tszTimeFormat, TEXT("h")); } } else { lstrcat(tszTimeFormat, TEXT("H"));
if (fLeadingZero) { lstrcat(tszTimeFormat, TEXT("H")); } }
lstrcat(tszTimeFormat, tszScratch); // separator
lstrcat(tszTimeFormat, TEXT("mm"));
if (fAmPm && !fAmPmPrefixes) { lstrcat(tszTimeFormat, TEXT(" tt")); } }
// Function: FillInStartDateTime
// Synopsis: Fill [pTrigger]'s starting date and time values from the
// values in the date/time picker controls.
// Arguments: [hwndDatePick] - handle to control with start date
// [hwndTimePick] - handle to control with start time
// [pTrigger] - trigger to init
// Modifies: *[pTrigger]
// History: 12-08-1997 SusiA Stole from task scheduler
VOID FillInStartDateTime( HWND hwndDatePick, HWND hwndTimePick,TASK_TRIGGER *pTrigger) { SYSTEMTIME st;
DateTime_GetSystemtime(hwndDatePick, &st);
pTrigger->wBeginYear = st.wYear; pTrigger->wBeginMonth = st.wMonth; pTrigger->wBeginDay = st.wDay;
DateTime_GetSystemtime(hwndTimePick, &st);
pTrigger->wStartHour = st.wHour; pTrigger->wStartMinute = st.wMinute; }
// function: InsertListViewColumn, private
// Synopsis: Inserts a column into the ListView..
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 30-Jul-98 rogerg Created.
BOOL InsertListViewColumn(CListView *pListView,int iColumnId,LPWSTR pszText,int fmt,int cx) { LV_COLUMN columnInfo;
columnInfo.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_SUBITEM; columnInfo.fmt = fmt; columnInfo.cx = cx; columnInfo.pszText = pszText; columnInfo.iSubItem = 0;
return pListView->InsertColumn(iColumnId,&columnInfo); }
// Function: InitResizeItem
// Synopsis: Setups the ResizeInfo Structure.
// !!Can either pass in a ParentScreenRect or
// function will calculate. If passing in
// make sure you don't include the NC area
// of the window. See code below GetClientRect on parent
// then ClientToScreen.
// Arguments:
// Modifies:
// History: 30-07-1998 rogerg
BOOL InitResizeItem(int iCtrlId,DWORD dlgResizeFlags,HWND hwndParent, LPRECT pParentClientRect,DLGRESIZEINFO *pDlgResizeInfo) { RECT rectCtrl; RECT rectLocalParentScreenRect;
Assert(0 == pParentClientRect->left); // catch any case not handing in ClientRect.
pDlgResizeInfo->iCtrlId = -1; // set ctrlId to -1 so GetDlgItem will fail in resize
// if dont' have parentScreenRect get it ourselves
if (!pParentClientRect) { pParentClientRect = &rectLocalParentScreenRect;
if (!GetClientRect(hwndParent,&rectLocalParentScreenRect)) { AssertSz(0,"Unable to get Parent Rects"); return FALSE; }
if (!GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndParent,iCtrlId),&rectCtrl)) { AssertSz(0,"Failed to GetWindowRect"); return FALSE; }
MapWindowPoints(NULL,hwndParent,(LPPOINT) &rectCtrl,2);
pDlgResizeInfo->iCtrlId = iCtrlId; pDlgResizeInfo->hwndParent = hwndParent; pDlgResizeInfo->dlgResizeFlags = dlgResizeFlags;
// calc the offsets
pDlgResizeInfo->rectParentOffsets.left = rectCtrl.left - pParentClientRect->left; pDlgResizeInfo->rectParentOffsets.top = rectCtrl.top - pParentClientRect->top;
pDlgResizeInfo->rectParentOffsets.right = pParentClientRect->right - rectCtrl.right; pDlgResizeInfo->rectParentOffsets.bottom = pParentClientRect->bottom - rectCtrl.bottom;
return TRUE;
// Function: ResizeItems
// Synopsis: Resizes the Item.
// Arguments:
// Modifies:
// History: 30-07-1998 rogerg
void ResizeItems(ULONG cbNumItems,DLGRESIZEINFO *pDlgResizeInfo) { RECT rectLocalParentClientCoord; // used if caller doesn't pass in parent coords.
DWORD dlgResizeFlags; LPRECT prectOffsets; RECT rectClient; HWND hwndCtrl; HWND hwndLastParent = NULL; LPRECT prectParentClientCoords = NULL; ULONG ulCount; DLGRESIZEINFO *pCurDlgResizeInfo; int x,y,cx,cy;
if (!pDlgResizeInfo) { Assert(pDlgResizeInfo); }
for (ulCount = 0; ulCount < cbNumItems; ulCount++) {
pCurDlgResizeInfo = &(pDlgResizeInfo[ulCount]);
dlgResizeFlags = pCurDlgResizeInfo->dlgResizeFlags; prectOffsets = &(pCurDlgResizeInfo->rectParentOffsets);
// if not pinright or pin bottom there is nothing
// to do.
if (!(dlgResizeFlags & DLGRESIZEFLAG_PINRIGHT) && !(dlgResizeFlags & DLGRESIZEFLAG_PINBOTTOM) ) { continue; }
if (NULL == prectParentClientCoords || (hwndLastParent != pCurDlgResizeInfo->hwndParent)) { prectParentClientCoords = &rectLocalParentClientCoord;
if (!GetClientRect(pCurDlgResizeInfo->hwndParent,&rectLocalParentClientCoord)) { prectParentClientCoords = NULL; // if GetClientRect failed for a recalc on next item
continue; }
hwndLastParent = pCurDlgResizeInfo->hwndParent; // set lastparent now that we calc'd the rect.
hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem(pCurDlgResizeInfo->hwndParent,pCurDlgResizeInfo->iCtrlId);
if ( (NULL == hwndCtrl) || !(GetWindowRect(hwndCtrl,&rectClient)) ) { continue; }
// get current values
x = (prectParentClientCoords->left + prectOffsets->left); y = (prectParentClientCoords->top + prectOffsets->top);
cx = WIDTH(rectClient); cy = HEIGHT(rectClient);
// if pinned both right and left adjust the width
if ((dlgResizeFlags & DLGRESIZEFLAG_PINLEFT) && (dlgResizeFlags & DLGRESIZEFLAG_PINRIGHT)) { cx = prectParentClientCoords->right - (prectOffsets->right + prectOffsets->left); }
// if pinned both top and bottom adjust height
if ((dlgResizeFlags & DLGRESIZEFLAG_PINTOP) && (dlgResizeFlags & DLGRESIZEFLAG_PINBOTTOM)) { cy = prectParentClientCoords->bottom - (prectOffsets->bottom + prectOffsets->top); }
// adjust the x position if pin right
if (dlgResizeFlags & DLGRESIZEFLAG_PINRIGHT) { x = (prectParentClientCoords->right - prectOffsets->right) - cx; }
// adjust the y position if pin bottom
if (dlgResizeFlags & DLGRESIZEFLAG_PINBOTTOM) { y = (prectParentClientCoords->bottom - prectOffsets->bottom) - cy; }
SetWindowPos(hwndCtrl, 0,x,y,cx,cy,SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); }
// now that the items are moved, loop through them again invalidating
// any items with the nocopy bits flag set
for (ulCount = 0; ulCount < cbNumItems; ulCount++) { pCurDlgResizeInfo = &(pDlgResizeInfo[ulCount]);
if (pCurDlgResizeInfo->dlgResizeFlags & DLGRESIZEFLAG_NOCOPYBITS) { hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem(pCurDlgResizeInfo->hwndParent,pCurDlgResizeInfo->iCtrlId);
if (hwndCtrl && GetClientRect(hwndCtrl,&rectClient)) { InvalidateRect(hwndCtrl,&rectClient,FALSE); } }
// Function: CalcListViewWidth
// Synopsis: Calcs width of listview - scroll bars
// Arguments:
// Modifies:
// History: 30-07-1998 rogerg
int CalcListViewWidth(HWND hwndList,int iDefault) { NONCLIENTMETRICSA metrics; RECT rcClientRect;
metrics.cbSize = sizeof(metrics);
// explicitly ask for ANSI version of SystemParametersInfo since we just
// care about the ScrollWidth and don't want to conver the LOGFONT info.
if (GetClientRect(hwndList,&rcClientRect) && SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS,sizeof(metrics),(PVOID) &metrics,0)) { // subtract off scroll bar distance
rcClientRect.right -= (metrics.iScrollWidth); } else { rcClientRect.right = iDefault; // if fail, use default
return rcClientRect.right; }
// Function: SetCtrlFont
// Synopsis: Sets the appropriate font on the hwnd
// based on the platform and langID passed in.
// Arguments:
// Modifies:
// History: 25-09-1998 rogerg
// Example: SetCtrlFont(hwndList,g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId,g_LangIdSystem);
void SetCtrlFont(HWND hwnd,DWORD dwPlatformID,LANGID langId) {
// IE is in the process of cleaning up their controls as
// of 8/27/98 the controls we would need to set the font on are
// Edit,Static and ListBox (listView is okay). Haven't tested the Combo Box
// If want to turn this on need to make sure all the proper controls
// are wrapped for now we don't do anything
// if on Win95J platform need to do font substitution ourselfs.
// Review what we do on Win98
if ((VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS == dwPlatformID) && (LANG_JAPANESE == PRIMARYLANGID(langId)) ) { SendMessage(hwnd,WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),0); }
// Function: IsHwndRightToLeft
// Synopsis: determine if hwnd is right to left.
// Arguments:
// Modifies:
// History: 04-02-1999 rogerg
BOOL IsHwndRightToLeft(HWND hwnd) { LONG_PTR ExStyles;
if (NULL == hwnd) { Assert(hwnd); return FALSE; }
ExStyles = GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,GWL_EXSTYLE);
if (WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL & ExStyles) { // this is righ to left
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Function: GetDateFormatReadingFlags
// Synopsis: returns necessary flags settings for passing proper
// Reading order flags to GetDateFormat()
// Arguments:
// Modifies:
// History: 09-07-1999 rogerg
DWORD GetDateFormatReadingFlags(HWND hwnd) { DWORD dwDateReadingFlags = 0; LCID locale = GetUserDefaultLCID();
// only set on NT 5.0 or higher.
if ( (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId) && ( 5 <= g_OSVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion) ) { if ((PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(locale)) == LANG_ARABIC) || (PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(locale)) == LANG_HEBREW)) { LONG_PTR dwExStyle = GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE);
if ((!!(dwExStyle & WS_EX_RTLREADING)) != (!!(dwExStyle & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL))) { dwDateReadingFlags = DATE_RTLREADING; } else { dwDateReadingFlags = DATE_LTRREADING; } } } return dwDateReadingFlags; }
// Function: SetRegKeySecurityEveryone
// Synopsis: Gives Everyone all access to the specified RegKey.
// Arguments:
// Modifies:
// History: 01-19-1999 rogerg
BOOL SetRegKeySecurityEveryone(HKEY hKeyParent,LPCWSTR lpSubKey) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; HKEY hKey = NULL;
if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT != g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId) { return TRUE; }
// key must be openned with WRITE_DAC
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyExXp(hKeyParent, lpSubKey, REG_OPTION_OPEN_LINK, WRITE_DAC,&hKey,FALSE /*fSetSecurity*/) ) { hKey = NULL; }
if (hKey) { SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor;
// Initialize an empty security descriptor and use this to set DACL. Since
// no DACL list in new Security Descriptor everyone will get access to the Key.
if (InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&SecurityDescriptor,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegSetKeySecurity(hKey, (SECURITY_INFORMATION) DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &SecurityDescriptor) ) { fResult = TRUE; } }
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
Assert(TRUE == fResult); // debugging lets find out when this fails.
return fResult; }
#endif // _SETSECURITY
// Function: QueryHandleException
// Synopsis: in debug prompts user how to handle the exception
// return always handle.
// Arguments:
// Modifies:
// History: 01-04-1999 rogerg
extern DWORD g_dwDebugLogAsserts; // conform to logAsserts
BOOL QueryHandleException(void) { #ifndef _DEBUG
int iMsgResult = 0; BOOL fQueryResult = EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER;
// if logging asserts just execute the handler
if (g_dwDebugLogAsserts) { return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; }
iMsgResult = MessageBoxA(NULL, "An Exception Occured.\nWould you like to Debug this Exception?", "Exception Failure.", MB_YESNO | MB_SYSTEMMODAL);
if (iMsgResult == IDYES) { fQueryResult = EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; }
// ask the User what they want to do
return fQueryResult;
#endif // _DEBUG
// convert a hex char to an int - used by str to guid conversion
// we wrote our own, since the ole one is slow, and requires ole32.dll
// we use ansi strings here, since guids won't get internationalized
int GetDigit(LPSTR lpstr) { char ch = *lpstr;
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return(ch - '0'); if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') return(ch - 'a' + 10); if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') return(ch - 'A' + 10); return(0); } // walk the string, writing pairs of bytes into the byte stream (guid)
// we need to write the bytes into the byte stream from right to left
// or left to right as indicated by fRightToLeft
void ConvertField(LPBYTE lpByte,LPSTR * ppStr,int iFieldSize,BOOL fRightToLeft) { int i;
for (i=0;i<iFieldSize ;i++ ) { // don't barf on the field separators
if ('-' == **ppStr) (*ppStr)++; if (fRightToLeft == TRUE) { // work from right to left within the byte stream
*(lpByte + iFieldSize - (i+1)) = 16*GetDigit(*ppStr) + GetDigit((*ppStr)+1); } else { // work from left to right within the byte stream
*(lpByte + i) = 16*GetDigit(*ppStr) + GetDigit((*ppStr)+1); } *ppStr+=2; // get next two digit pair
} } // ConvertField
int WideToAnsi(LPSTR lpStr,LPWSTR lpWStr,int cchStr) {
int rval; BOOL bDefault;
// use the default code page (CP_ACP)
// -1 indicates WStr must be null terminated
rval = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,lpWStr,-1,lpStr,cchStr,"-",&bDefault);
return rval;
} // WideToAnsi
int AnsiToWide(LPWSTR lpWStr,LPSTR lpStr,int cchWStr) { int rval;
rval = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,lpStr,-1,lpWStr,cchWStr);
return rval; } // AnsiToWide
// convert the passed in string to a real GUID
// walk the guid, setting each byte in the guid to the two digit hex pair in the
// passed string
HRESULT GUIDFromString(LPWSTR lpWStr, GUID * pGuid) { BYTE * lpByte; // byte index into guid
int iFieldSize; // size of current field we're converting
// since its a guid, we can do a "brute force" conversion
char lpTemp[GUID_STRING_SIZE]; char *lpStr = lpTemp;
// make sure we have a {xxxx-...} type guid
if ('{' != *lpStr) return E_FAIL; lpStr++;
lpByte = (BYTE *)pGuid; // data 1
iFieldSize = sizeof(unsigned long); ConvertField(lpByte,&lpStr,iFieldSize,TRUE); lpByte += iFieldSize;
// data 2
iFieldSize = sizeof(unsigned short); ConvertField(lpByte,&lpStr,iFieldSize,TRUE); lpByte += iFieldSize;
// data 3
iFieldSize = sizeof(unsigned short); ConvertField(lpByte,&lpStr,iFieldSize,TRUE); lpByte += iFieldSize;
// data 4
iFieldSize = 8*sizeof(unsigned char); ConvertField(lpByte,&lpStr,iFieldSize,FALSE); lpByte += iFieldSize;
// make sure we ended in the right place
if ('}' != *lpStr) { memset(pGuid,0,sizeof(GUID)); return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }// GUIDFromString
// following are routines for calling sens service directly to write HKLM data
// for us on a locked down machine
#define _SENSCALLS
#include "notify.h"
// may or may not need depending on if in sensapip.h
DWORD SyncMgrExecCmd(DWORD nCmdID, DWORD nCmdOpt);
// functions for if want to call sens internal without
// dependency on sensapip.lib
// these defines are from Sens common.h
#define SENS_PROTSEQ TEXT("ncalrpc")
#define SENS_ENDPOINT TEXT("senssvc")
RPC_STATUS GetSensNotifyBindHandle(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE *phSensNotify) { RPC_STATUS status = RPC_S_OK; WCHAR * BindingString = NULL;
status = RpcStringBindingCompose( NULL, // NULL ObjUuid
SENS_PROTSEQ, NULL, // Local machine
&BindingString );
if (BindingString != NULL) { *phSensNotify = NULL;
status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding(BindingString,phSensNotify);
if (status == RPC_S_OK) { RPC_SECURITY_QOS RpcSecQos;
status= RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx(*phSensNotify, L"NT Authority\\System", RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, (RPC_SECURITY_QOS *)&RpcSecQos);
if (RPC_S_OK != status) { RpcBindingFree(phSensNotify); *phSensNotify = NULL; } } RpcStringFree(&BindingString); }
return (status); }
RPC_STATUS SyncMgrExecCmdInternal(DWORD nCmdID, DWORD nCmdOpt) { RPC_STATUS status; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hSensNotify;
status = GetSensNotifyBindHandle(&hSensNotify); if (RPC_S_OK != status) { return status; } status = RPC_SyncMgrExecCmd(hSensNotify,nCmdID,nCmdOpt);
RpcBindingFree(&hSensNotify); return status; }
// Function: SyncMgrExecCmdp
// Synopsis: helper function that actually calls into sensapip.lib
// Arguments:
// Modifies:
// History: 03-11-99 rogerg created
BOOL SyncMgrExecCmdp(DWORD nCmdID, DWORD nCmdOpt) { RPC_STATUS RpcStatus; HRESULT hr; BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
__try {
RpcStatus = SyncMgrExecCmdInternal(nCmdID,nCmdOpt); #else
RpcStatus = SyncMgrExecCmd(nCmdID,nCmdOpt); #endif // _SENSINTERNAL
fReturn = (RPC_S_OK == RpcStatus ) ? TRUE: FALSE;
} __except(QueryHandleException()) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetExceptionCode()); AssertSz(0,"Exception Calling SensApip_SyncMgrExecCmd"); }
return fReturn; }
#endif // _SENSCALLS
// Function: SyncMgrExecCmd_UpdateRunKey
// Synopsis: Calls SENS Service to write or remove the run Key
// Arguments:
// Modifies:
// History: 03-11-99 rogerg created
BOOL SyncMgrExecCmd_UpdateRunKey(BOOL fSet) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; CCriticalSection cCritSect(&g_CritSectCommonLib,GetCurrentThreadId());
// IF NOT NT 5.0 or higher just return
if ( (g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) || (g_OSVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion < 5)) { return FALSE; }
cCritSect.Enter(); // DoRpcSetup in Sensapip is not thread safe.
fReturn = SyncMgrExecCmdp( SYNCMGRCMDEXECID_UPDATERUNKEY,fSet ? 1 : 0); #endif // _SENSCALLS
return fReturn; }
// Function: SyncMgrExecCmd_ResetRegSecurity
// Synopsis: Calls SENS Service to reset the security on regkeys
// to everyone.
// Arguments:
// Modifies:
// History: 03-11-99 rogerg created
BOOL SyncMgrExecCmd_ResetRegSecurity(void) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; CCriticalSection cCritSect(&g_CritSectCommonLib,GetCurrentThreadId());
// IF NOT NT 5.0 or higher just return
if ( (g_OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) || (g_OSVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion < 5)) { return FALSE; }
cCritSect.Enter(); // DoRpcSetup in Sensapip is not thread safe.
return fReturn; }