// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994.
// File: mwclass.cxx
// Contents: implementation for the main window class
// Classes: CMainWindow
// Functions: Exists
// History: 9-30-94 stevebl Created
#include "test.h"
#include "mwclass.h"
#include "about.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <oledlg.h>
#include "linkcntr.h"
CMyOleUILinkContainer MyOleUILinkContainer;
// Member: CMainWindow::CMainWindow
// Synopsis: constructor
// History: 9-30-94 stevebl Created
CMainWindow::CMainWindow() { }
// Member: CMainWindow::~CMainWindow
// Synopsis: destructor
// History: 9-30-94 stevebl Created
// Notes: Destruction of the main window indicates that the app should
// quit.
CMainWindow::~CMainWindow() { PostQuitMessage(0); }
// Member: CMainWindow::InitInstance
// Synopsis: Instantiates an instance of the Galactic War window.
// Arguments: [hInstance] - instance of the app
// [nCmdShow] - command to pass to ShowWindow
// Returns: TRUE on success
// FALSE on failure
// History: 9-30-94 stevebl Created
// Notes: This method must be called only once, immediately after
// class construction.
BOOL CMainWindow::InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow) { // Note, the Create method sets the _hwnd member for me so I don't
// need to set it myself.
ShowWindow(_hwnd, nCmdShow); UpdateWindow(_hwnd);
return(TRUE); }
// Member: CMainWindow::WindowProc
// Synopsis: main window procedure
// Arguments: [uMsg] - Windows message
// [wParam] - first message parameter
// [lParam] - second message parameter
// History: 9-30-94 stevebl Created
// Notes: See CHlprWindow for a description of how this method gets
// called by the global WinProc.
LRESULT CMainWindow::WindowProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_CREATE: return(TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: return DoMenu(wParam, lParam); case WM_QUIT: case WM_CLOSE: default: return(DefWindowProc(_hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)); } return(FALSE); }
// Member: CMainWindow::DoMenu
// Synopsis: implements the main menu commands
// Arguments: [wParam] - first window parameter
// [lParam] - second window parameter
// History: 9-30-94 stevebl Created
LRESULT CMainWindow::DoMenu(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDM_INSERTOBJECT: TestInsertObject(); break; case IDM_PASTESPECIAL: TestPasteSpecial(); break; case IDM_EDITLINKS: TestEditLinks(); break; case IDM_CHANGEICON: TestChangeIcon(); break; case IDM_CONVERT: TestConvert(); break; case IDM_CANCONVERT: TestCanConvert(); break; case IDM_BUSY: TestBusy(); break; case IDM_CHANGESOURCE: TestChangeSource(); break; case IDM_OBJECTPROPS: TestObjectProps(); break; case IDD_LINKSOURCEUNAVAILABLE: case IDD_CANNOTUPDATELINK: case IDD_SERVERNOTREG: case IDD_LINKTYPECHANGED: case IDD_SERVERNOTFOUND: case IDD_OUTOFMEMORY: TestPromptUser((int)LOWORD(wParam)); break; case IDM_UPDATELINKS: TestUpdateLinks(); break; case IDM_EXIT: SendMessage(_hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); break; case IDM_ABOUT: { CAbout dlgAbout; dlgAbout.ShowDialog(_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDM_ABOUT), _hwnd); } break; default: return(DefWindowProc(_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, wParam, lParam)); } return(FALSE); }
void CMainWindow::TestInsertObject() { TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; OLEUIINSERTOBJECT io; memset(&io, 0, sizeof(OLEUIINSERTOBJECT)); io.cbStruct = sizeof(io); io.dwFlags = IOF_SELECTCREATECONTROL | IOF_SHOWINSERTCONTROL; // io.dwFlags = IOF_SHOWINSERTCONTROL;
io.hWndOwner = _hwnd; io.lpszFile = szFile; io.cchFile = MAX_PATH; io.lpszCaption = TEXT("Testing OleUIInsertObject dialog"); memset(szFile, 0, sizeof(szFile));
UINT uReturn = OleUIInsertObject(&io);
MessageBoxFromStringIdsAndArgs( _hwnd, _hInstance, IDS_INSERTOBJECT, IDS_RETURN, MB_OK, uReturn, io.dwFlags, io.lpszFile, io.sc); }
void CMainWindow::TestPasteSpecial() { LPDATAOBJECT lpClipboardDataObj = NULL; HRESULT hr = OleGetClipboard(&lpClipboardDataObj); if (SUCCEEDED(NOERROR)) { OLEUIPASTEENTRY rgPe[1]; rgPe[0].fmtetc.cfFormat = CF_TEXT; rgPe[0].fmtetc.ptd = NULL; rgPe[0].fmtetc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; rgPe[0].fmtetc.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; rgPe[0].fmtetc.lindex = -1; rgPe[0].lpstrFormatName = TEXT("Text"); rgPe[0].lpstrResultText = TEXT("Text"); rgPe[0].dwFlags = OLEUIPASTE_PASTEONLY;
OLEUIPASTESPECIAL ps; memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(ps)); ps.cbStruct = sizeof(ps); ps.dwFlags = IOF_SHOWHELP | PSF_SELECTPASTE; ps.hWndOwner = _hwnd; ps.lpszCaption = TEXT("Paste Special"); ps.lpSrcDataObj = lpClipboardDataObj; ps.arrPasteEntries = rgPe; ps.cPasteEntries = 1; ps.lpszCaption = TEXT("Testing OleUIPasteSpecial dialog");
UINT uReturn = OleUIPasteSpecial(&ps);
MessageBoxFromStringIdsAndArgs( _hwnd, _hInstance, IDS_PASTESPECIAL, IDS_RETURN, MB_OK, uReturn, ps.dwFlags, ps.nSelectedIndex, ps.fLink, ps.sizel); if (lpClipboardDataObj) { lpClipboardDataObj->Release(); } } else { MessageBoxFromStringIdsAndArgs( _hwnd, _hInstance, IDS_NOCLIPBOARD, IDS_ERROR, MB_OK, hr); // report failure getting clipboard object
} }
void CMainWindow::TestEditLinks() { OLEUIEDITLINKS el; memset(&el, 0, sizeof(el)); el.cbStruct = sizeof(el); el.dwFlags = ELF_SHOWHELP; el.hWndOwner = _hwnd; el.lpOleUILinkContainer = &MyOleUILinkContainer; el.lpszCaption = TEXT("Testing OleUIEditLinks dialog");
UINT uReturn = OleUIEditLinks(&el);
MessageBoxFromStringIdsAndArgs( _hwnd, _hInstance, IDS_EDITLINKS, IDS_RETURN, MB_OK, uReturn, el.dwFlags); }
void CMainWindow::TestChangeIcon() { OLEUICHANGEICON ci; memset(&ci, 0, sizeof(ci)); ci.cbStruct = sizeof(ci); ci.dwFlags = CIF_SHOWHELP | CIF_SELECTCURRENT; ci.hWndOwner = _hwnd; ci.lpszCaption = TEXT("Testing OleUIChangeIcon dialog");
UINT uReturn = OleUIChangeIcon(&ci);
MessageBoxFromStringIdsAndArgs( _hwnd, _hInstance, IDS_CHANGEICON, IDS_RETURN, MB_OK, uReturn, ci.dwFlags); }
void CMainWindow::TestConvert() { OLEUICONVERT cv; memset(&cv, 0, sizeof(cv)); cv.cbStruct = sizeof(cv); cv.dwFlags = CF_SHOWHELPBUTTON; cv.hWndOwner = _hwnd; cv.lpszCaption = TEXT("Testing OleUIConvert dialog");
UINT uReturn = OleUIConvert(&cv);
MessageBoxFromStringIdsAndArgs( _hwnd, _hInstance, IDS_CONVERT, IDS_RETURN, MB_OK, uReturn, cv.dwFlags); }
void CMainWindow::TestCanConvert() { CLSID cid = { /* 00030003-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 ("Word Document") */ 0x00030003, 0x0000, 0x0000, {0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46} }; BOOL fReturn = OleUICanConvertOrActivateAs(cid, FALSE, CF_TEXT);
MessageBoxFromStringIdsAndArgs( _hwnd, _hInstance, IDS_CANCONVERT, IDS_RETURN, MB_OK, fReturn); }
void CMainWindow::TestBusy() { OLEUIBUSY bz; memset(&bz, 0, sizeof(bz)); bz.cbStruct = sizeof(bz); bz.hWndOwner = _hwnd; bz.lpszCaption = TEXT("Testing OleUIBusy dialog");
UINT uReturn = OleUIBusy(&bz);
MessageBoxFromStringIdsAndArgs( _hwnd, _hInstance, IDS_BUSY, IDS_RETURN, MB_OK, uReturn, bz.dwFlags); }
void CMainWindow::TestChangeSource() { OLEUICHANGESOURCE cs; memset(&cs, 0, sizeof(cs)); cs.cbStruct = sizeof(cs); cs.hWndOwner = _hwnd; cs.lpszCaption = TEXT("Testing OleUIChangeSource dialog");
UINT uReturn = OleUIChangeSource(&cs);
MessageBoxFromStringIdsAndArgs( _hwnd, _hInstance, IDS_CHANGESOURCE, IDS_RETURN, MB_OK, uReturn, cs.dwFlags); }
void CMainWindow::TestObjectProps() { OLEUIOBJECTPROPS op; memset(&op, 0, sizeof(op)); op.cbStruct = sizeof(op);
UINT uReturn = OleUIObjectProperties(&op);
MessageBoxFromStringIdsAndArgs( _hwnd, _hInstance, IDS_OBJECTPROPS, IDS_RETURN, MB_OK, uReturn, op.dwFlags); }
void CMainWindow::TestPromptUser(int nTemplate) { UINT uReturn = OleUIPromptUser( nTemplate, _hwnd, // string arguments:
TEXT("Testing OleUIPromptUser"), TEXT("BAR"), TEXT("FOO")); MessageBoxFromStringIdsAndArgs( _hwnd, _hInstance, IDS_PROMPTUSER, IDS_RETURN, MB_OK, uReturn); }
void CMainWindow::TestUpdateLinks() { UINT cLinks = 0; BOOL fReturn = OleUIUpdateLinks( &MyOleUILinkContainer, _hwnd, TEXT("Testing OleUIUpdateLinks dialog"), cLinks);
MessageBoxFromStringIdsAndArgs( _hwnd, _hInstance, IDS_UPDATELINKS, IDS_RETURN, MB_OK, fReturn); }
// Function: Exists
// Synopsis: simple function to test for the existance of a file
// History: 6-16-93 stevebl Created
int Exists(TCHAR *sz) { HANDLE h; h = CreateFile(sz, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(h); return(1); } return (0); }