// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
// File: dclassInfo.cxx
// Contents: Display registry class information
// Functions: classInfoHelp
// displayclassInfo
// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
// DOLATERIFEVER: Add threading model flags
#include <ole2int.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "ole.h"
#include "dinfolvl.h"
#include "debnot.h"
BOOL ScanCLSID(char *szClsid, CLSID *pClsid); void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
static void GetSomeClsidValues(HKEY hKey, char *szName, char *szInprocHandler, char *szInprocHandler32, char *szInprocServer, char *szInprocServer32, char *szLocalServer, char *szLocalServer32, char *szProgid, char *szTreatAs, char *szAutoConvertTo, char *szOle1Class);
static void DisplayValues(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, char *szName, char *szInprocHandler, char *szInprocHandler32, char *szInprocServer, char *szInprocServer32, char *szLocalServer, char *szLocalServer32, char *szProgid, char *szTreatAs, char *szAutoConvertTo, char *szOle1Class);
static void MungePath(char *szPath);
static DWORD dwRESERVED = 0;
// Function: classInfoHelp
// Synopsis: Display a menu for the command 'id'
// Arguments: -
// Returns: -
// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
void classInfoHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis) { Printf("ci - Display registry class information\n"); Printf("ci clsid - Display registry class information for clsid\n");
// Function: displayclassInfo
// Synopsis: Display/set debug info levels
// Arguments: [hProcess] - Handle of this process
// [lpExtensionApis] - Table of extension functions
// [CLSID *] - Get info for this clsid
// Returns: -
// History: 07-Mar-95 BruceMa Created
BOOL displayClassInfo(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, CLSID *pClsid) { HKEY hKey; char szCLSID[CLSIDSTR_MAX]; char szClsid[5 + 1 + CLSIDSTR_MAX]; char szName[64]; char szInprocHandler[64]; char szInprocHandler32[64]; char szInprocServer[64]; char szInprocServer32[64]; char szLocalServer[64]; char szLocalServer32[64]; char szProgid[64]; char szTreatAs[64]; char szAutoConvertTo[64]; char szOle1Class[64];
// Information for a specific clsid?
if (pClsid) { // Prepare to open the "...CLSID\<clsid>" key
FormatCLSID(*pClsid, szCLSID); lstrcpy(szClsid, "CLSID\\"); lstrcat(szClsid, szCLSID);
// Open the key for the specified clsid
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szClsid, dwRESERVED, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
// Read interesting values for this clsid
GetSomeClsidValues(hKey, szName, szInprocHandler, szInprocHandler32, szInprocServer, szInprocServer32, szLocalServer, szLocalServer32, szProgid, szTreatAs, szAutoConvertTo, szOle1Class);
// Only display "interesting" entries
if ((szInprocHandler[0] && _stricmp(szInprocHandler, "ole2.dll") != 0) || (szInprocHandler32[0] && _stricmp(szInprocHandler32, "ole32.dll") != 0) || (szInprocServer[0] && _stricmp(szInprocServer, "ole2.dll") != 0) || (szInprocServer32[0] && _stricmp(szInprocServer32, "ole32.dll") != 0) || szLocalServer[0] || szLocalServer32[0] || szTreatAs[0] || szAutoConvertTo[0]) { // Display them
DisplayValues(lpExtensionApis, szName, szInprocHandler, szInprocHandler32, szInprocServer, szInprocServer32, szLocalServer, szLocalServer32, szProgid, szTreatAs, szAutoConvertTo, szOle1Class); }
// Close registry handle and return success
CloseHandle(hKey); return TRUE; }
// Else display all of them
else { HKEY hKey2; DWORD dwErr; DWORD cbSubKey = 0; char szClsid[64]; DWORD cbClsid; DWORD cbClass; FILETIME sLastWrite;
// Open the key for the root "CLSID"
// Enumerate over the keys under "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID"
do { // Enumerate the next subkey
cbClsid = 64; dwErr = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, cbSubKey, szClsid, &cbClsid, NULL, NULL, NULL, &sLastWrite);
// Prepare for next subkey
// If it does look like a clsid, skip it
CLSID clsid;
if (!ScanCLSID(szClsid, &clsid)) { continue; }
// Open this clsid key
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, szClsid, dwRESERVED, KEY_READ, &hKey2) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
// Get the interesting values
GetSomeClsidValues(hKey2, szName, szInprocHandler, szInprocHandler32, szInprocServer, szInprocServer32, szLocalServer, szLocalServer32, szProgid, szTreatAs, szAutoConvertTo, szOle1Class);
// Only display "interesting" entries
if ((szInprocHandler[0] && _stricmp(szInprocHandler, "ole2.dll") != 0) || (szInprocHandler32[0] && _stricmp(szInprocHandler32, "ole32.dll") != 0) || (szInprocServer[0] && _stricmp(szInprocServer, "ole2.dll") != 0) || (szInprocServer32[0] && _stricmp(szInprocServer32, "ole32.dll") != 0) || szLocalServer[0] || szLocalServer32[0] || szTreatAs[0] || szAutoConvertTo[0]) { // Display the clsid
Printf("%s ", szClsid);
// Display its values
DisplayValues(lpExtensionApis, szName, szInprocHandler, szInprocHandler32, szInprocServer, szInprocServer32, szLocalServer, szLocalServer32, szProgid, szTreatAs, szAutoConvertTo, szOle1Class); }
// Close registry handle
} until_(dwErr == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS || dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS);
// Close clsid registry handle
return TRUE; } }
// Function: GetSomeClsidValues
// Synopsis: Given an open registry key to a clsid, read some of
// the more interesting subkey values
// Arguments: [hkey] Open registry key
// [szName] Where to store the name
// [szInprocHandler] Where to store the InprocHandler
// [szInprocHandler32] Where to store the InprocHandler32
// [szInprocServer] Where to store the InprocServer
// [szInprocServer32] Where to store the InprocServer32
// [szLocalServer] Where to store the LocalServer
// [szLocalServer32] Where to store the LocalServer32
// [ProgId] Where to store the ProgId
// [TreatAs] Where to store the TreatAs
// [AutoConvertTo] Where to store the AutoConvertTo
// [Ole1Class] Where to store the Ole1Class
// Returns: -
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
static void GetSomeClsidValues(HKEY hKey, char *szName, char *szInprocHandler, char *szInprocHandler32, char *szInprocServer, char *szInprocServer32, char *szLocalServer, char *szLocalServer32, char *szProgId, char *szTreatAs, char *szAutoConvertTo, char *szOle1Class) { DWORD dwRESERVED = 0; HKEY hKey2; DWORD dwValueType; DWORD cbValue;
// Initialize
szName[0] = '\0'; szInprocHandler[0] = '\0'; szInprocHandler32[0] = '\0'; szInprocServer[0] = '\0'; szInprocServer32[0] = '\0'; szLocalServer[0] = '\0'; szLocalServer32[0] = '\0'; szProgId[0] = '\0'; szTreatAs[0] = '\0'; szAutoConvertTo[0] = '\0'; szOle1Class[0] = '\0';
// Name
cbValue = 64; if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE) szName, &cbValue) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; }
// InprocHandler
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "InprocHandler", dwRESERVED, KEY_READ, &hKey2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbValue = 64; RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE) szInprocHandler, &cbValue); MungePath(szInprocHandler); CloseHandle(hKey2); }
// InprocHandler32
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "InprocHandler32", dwRESERVED, KEY_READ, &hKey2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbValue = 64; RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE) szInprocHandler32, &cbValue); MungePath(szInprocHandler32); CloseHandle(hKey2); }
// InprocServer
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "InprocServer", dwRESERVED, KEY_READ, &hKey2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbValue = 64; RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE) szInprocServer, &cbValue); MungePath(szInprocServer); CloseHandle(hKey2); }
// InprocServer32
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "InprocServer32", dwRESERVED, KEY_READ, &hKey2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbValue = 64; RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE) szInprocServer32, &cbValue); MungePath(szInprocServer32); CloseHandle(hKey2); }
// LocalServer
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "LocalServer", dwRESERVED, KEY_READ, &hKey2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbValue = 64; RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE) szLocalServer, &cbValue); MungePath(szLocalServer); CloseHandle(hKey2); }
// LocalServer32
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "LocalServer32", dwRESERVED, KEY_READ, &hKey2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbValue = 64; RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE) szLocalServer32, &cbValue); MungePath(szLocalServer32); CloseHandle(hKey2); }
// ProgId
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "ProgId", dwRESERVED, KEY_READ, &hKey2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbValue = 64; RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE) szProgId, &cbValue); CloseHandle(hKey2); }
// TreatAs
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "TreatAs", dwRESERVED, KEY_READ, &hKey2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbValue = 64; RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE) szTreatAs, &cbValue); CloseHandle(hKey2); }
// AutoConvertTo
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "AutoConvertTo", dwRESERVED, KEY_READ, &hKey2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbValue = 64; RegQueryValueEx(hKey2, NULL, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE) szAutoConvertTo, &cbValue); CloseHandle(hKey2); }
// Ole1Class
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, "Ole1Class", dwRESERVED, KEY_READ, &hKey2) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { szOle1Class[0] = '1'; CloseHandle(hKey2); } }
// Function: DisplayValues
// Synopsis: Display the values read above
// Arguments: [hkey] Open registry key
// [szName] Where to store the name
// [szInprocHandler] Where to store the InprocHandler
// [szInprocHandler32] Where to store the InprocHandler32
// [szInprocServer] Where to store the InprocServer
// [szInprocServer32] Where to store the InprocServer32
// [szLocalServer] Where to store the LocalServer
// [szLocalServer32] Where to store the LocalServer32
// [ProgId] Where to store the ProgId
// [TreatAs] Where to store the TreatAs
// [AutoConvertTo] Where to store the AutoConvertTo
// [Ole1Class] Where to store the Ole1Class
// Returns: -
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
static void DisplayValues(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, char *szName, char *szInprocHandler, char *szInprocHandler32, char *szInprocServer, char *szInprocServer32, char *szLocalServer, char *szLocalServer32, char *szProgId, char *szTreatAs, char *szAutoConvertTo, char *szOle1Class)
{ // Display the name
Printf("%s ", szName);
// Display ProgId (if unique)
if (szProgId[0] && lstrcmp(szProgId, szName) != 0) { Printf("%s ", szProgId); }
// Display the server executable
if (szLocalServer[0]) { Printf("%s ", szLocalServer32); } else if (szInprocServer32[0]) { Printf("%s ", szInprocServer32); } else if (szLocalServer[0]) { Printf("%s(16) ", szLocalServer); } else if (szInprocServer[0]) { Printf("%s(16) ", szInprocServer); }
// Display handler information
if (szInprocHandler32[0] && _stricmp(szInprocHandler32, "ole32.dll") != 0) { Printf("Hndlr: %s ", szInprocHandler32); } else if (szInprocHandler[0] && _stricmp(szInprocHandler, "ole2.dll") != 0) { Printf("Hndlr: %s(16) ", szInprocHandler); }
// Display any TreatAs or AutoConvertTo information
if (szTreatAs[0]) { Printf("TA: %s", szTreatAs); } if (szAutoConvertTo[0]) { Printf("ACT: %s", szAutoConvertTo); }
// Check if this is an ole1 class
if (szOle1Class[0]) { Printf("ole1 class"); }
// We're done
Printf("\n"); }
// Function: MungePath
// Synopsis: Remove directory components from a file path
// Arguments: [szPath] Path to munge
// Returns: -
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
static void MungePath(char *szPath) { int cbLen = lstrlen(szPath); DWORD cbPath;
for (cbPath = cbLen; cbPath > 0 && szPath[cbPath] != '\\'; cbPath--) { } if (cbPath > 0) { lstrcpy(szPath, &szPath[cbPath + 1]); } }