// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
// File: ole.cxx
// Contents: Implements ntsd extensions to dump ole tables
// Functions:
// History: 06-01-95 BruceMa Created
#include <ole2int.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include "ole.h"
#include "ddllcach.h"
#include "dshrdmem.h"
#define OLE_VERSION "1.0"
void getArgument(LPSTR *lpArgumentString, LPSTR a); void checkForScm(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void NotInScm(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void NotInOle(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); ULONG ScanAddr(char *lpsz);
void channelHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayChannel(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, ULONG pChannel, char *arg);
void classCacheHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayClassCache(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayClassCacheCk(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
void classInfoHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); BOOL displayClassInfo(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, CLSID *clsid);
void dllCacheHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayDllCache(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, SDllCache *p);
void displayHr(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, char *arg);
void fileExtHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayFileExtTbl(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl, CLSID *pClsid, WCHAR *wszExt);
void filePatHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayFilePatTbl(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl, CLSID *pClsid);
void stdidHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayStdidEntry(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, ULONG p, char *arg); void displayStdid(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, ULONG p);
void infoLevelHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayInfoLevel(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, LPSTR lpArgumentString);
void monikerHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); BOOL displayMoniker(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, ULONG pMoniker);
void psClsidHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayPsClsidTbl(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl, CLSID *clisd);
void ipidHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayIpid(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayIpidEntry(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, char *arg);
void oxidHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayOxid(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayOxidEntry(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, char *arg);
void displayCliRot(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayScmRot(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void cliRotHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void scmRotHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis);
void vtblHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayVtbl(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, void *lpObj);
void treatAsCacheHelp(PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis); void displayTreatAsCache(HANDLE hProcess, PNTSD_EXTENSION_APIS lpExtensionApis, CLSID *clsid);
void determineIfScm(void); BOOL ScanCLSID(LPSTR lpsz, LPGUID pguid); void FormatCLSID(REFGUID rguid, LPSTR lpsz);
BOOL fScmNeedsInit = TRUE; BOOL fInScm = FALSE;
// Extension: !ole.help
// Synopsis: Display a help menu of all the supported extensions
// in this dll
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(help) { Arg arg;
// Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Help menu for an OLE client or server
if (!fInScm) { // Check for any argument
// CRpcChannelBuffer help
if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ch") == 0) { channelHelp(lpExtensionApis); }
// Class information help
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ci") == 0) { classInfoHelp(lpExtensionApis); } // DllCache help
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ds") == 0 || lstrcmpA(arg, "dh") == 0) { dllCacheHelp(lpExtensionApis); }
// File extension cache help
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "fe") == 0) { fileExtHelp(lpExtensionApis); }
// File type patterns cache help
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ft") == 0) { filePatHelp(lpExtensionApis); }
// Standard identity table
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "id") == 0) { stdidHelp(lpExtensionApis); }
// Debug info levels
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "in") == 0) { infoLevelHelp(lpExtensionApis); }
// IPID table
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ip") == 0) { ipidHelp(lpExtensionApis); }
// A moniker
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "mk") == 0) { monikerHelp(lpExtensionApis); }
// OXID table
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ox") == 0) { oxidHelp(lpExtensionApis); }
// IID to class mapping
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ps") == 0) { psClsidHelp(lpExtensionApis); } // ROT help
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "rt") == 0) { cliRotHelp(lpExtensionApis); } // TreatAs help
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "ta") == 0) { treatAsCacheHelp(lpExtensionApis); } // Vtbl help
else if (lstrcmpA(arg, "vt") == 0) { vtblHelp(lpExtensionApis); } // Print the full help menu
else { Printf("Ole32 NTSD extensions - Version %s\n\n", OLE_VERSION); Printf("ch addr - Decode addr as an RPC channel\n"); Printf("ci [clsid] - Display registry class information\n"); Printf("ck - Is this a checked or retail version of ole32?\n"); Printf("dh - Display Inproc Handler dll/class cache\n"); Printf("ds - Display Inproc Server dll/class cache\n"); Printf("ep - Display current RPC endpoints\n"); Printf("er err - Display the message for error number err \n"); Printf("fe [e|c] - Display file extensions cache\n"); Printf("ft [clsid] - Display file type pattern(s)\n"); Printf("help [cmd] - Display this menu or specific help\n"); Printf("id - Display CStdIdentity table\n"); Printf("in - Set/reset debug info level\n"); Printf("ip - Display IPID table information\n"); Printf("mk addr - Decode addr as a moniker\n"); Printf("ox - Display OXID table information\n"); Printf("pg addr - Display addr as a guid\n"); Printf("pl - Display platform information\n"); Printf("ps - Display proxy/stub clsid cache\n"); Printf("rh addr - Decode addr as a remote handler\n"); Printf("rt - Display Running Object Table\n"); Printf("ta [clsid] - Display TreatAs cache\n"); Printf("vt obj - Interpret vtbl for object obj\n"); } }
// Help menu for the scm
else { // Check for any argument
if (lstrcmp(arg, "rt") == 0) { scmRotHelp(lpExtensionApis); }
if (lstrcmp(arg, "cc") == 0) { classCacheHelp(lpExtensionApis); }
// Print the full help menu
else { Printf("Ole32 NTSD extensions - Version %s\n\n", OLE_VERSION); Printf("cc - Display class cache info\n"); Printf("ck - Is this a checked or retail version of scm?\n"); Printf("ep - Display current RPC endpoints\n"); Printf("er err - Display the message for error number err \n"); Printf("help [cmd] - Display this menu or specific help\n"); Printf("in - Set/reset debug info level\n"); Printf("mk addr - Decode addr as a moniker\n"); Printf("pg addr - Display addr as a guid\n"); Printf("rh - Display active remote handlers\n"); Printf("rt - Display Running Object Table\n"); Printf("ts - Display thread information\n"); Printf("vt obj - Interpret vtbl for object obj\n"); } } }
// Extension: !ole.cc
// Synopsis: Display the scm class cache
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(cc) { ULONG padr; // Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Determine if thisis checked or retail scm
padr = GetExpression("scm!_CairoleInfoLevel");
// Display the scm's class cache
if (padr == NULL) { displayClassCache(hProcess, lpExtensionApis); } else { displayClassCacheCk(hProcess, lpExtensionApis); } }
// Extension: !ole.ch
// Synopsis: Display a channel controller
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(ch) { Arg arg; ULONG addr;
// Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Fetch the argument
GetArg(arg); if (!arg[0]) { Printf("...use !ole.ch <address CRpcChannelBuffer>\n"); return; }
// Parse it as a hexadecimal address
if (arg[0] != '?') { addr = ScanAddr(arg); if (addr == NULL) { Printf("...%s is not a valid address\n", arg); return; } }
// DOLATERIFEVER: Check that this is indeed an CRpcChannelBuffer
// Display the parsed address as a CRpcChannelBuffer
displayChannel(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, addr, arg); }
// Extension: !ole.ci
// Synopsis: Display registry class information
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(ci) { Arg arg; CLSID clsid;
// Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Fetch the argument
// Parse it as a clsid
if (arg[0]) { if (!ScanCLSID(arg, &clsid)) { Printf("...%s is not a valid clsid\n", arg); return; } }
// Display all or particular registry class information
if (arg[0]) { displayClassInfo(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, &clsid); } else { displayClassInfo(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, NULL); } }
// Extension: !ole.ck
// Synopsis: Is this the checked or retail version of OLE?
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(ck) { ULONG padr;
// Check whether debuggee is the scm
if (fInScm) { padr = GetExpression("scm!_CairoleInfoLevel"); } else { padr = GetExpression("ole32!_CairoleInfoLevel"); } if (padr == NULL) { Printf("Retail\n"); } else { Printf("Checked\n"); } }
// Extension: !ole.dh
// Synopsis: Display the dll/class cache for inproc handlers
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(dh) { SDllCache dllCache; ULONG padr;
// Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Fetch the dll/class cache object
padr = GetExpression("ole32!gdllcacheHandler"); ReadMem((void *) &dllCache, padr, sizeof(SDllCache)); Printf("Dll/class cache for in-process handlers\n\n"); displayDllCache(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, &dllCache); }
// Extension: !ole.ds
// Synopsis: Display the dll/class cache for inproc servers
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(ds) { SDllCache dllCache; ULONG padr;
// Check whether debuggee is the scm
padr = GetExpression("ole32!gdllcacheInprocSrv"); ReadMem(&dllCache, padr, sizeof(SDllCache)); Printf("Dll/class cache for in-process servers\n\n"); displayDllCache(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, &dllCache); }
// Extension: !ole.er
// Synopsis: Display a Win32 or OLE error message
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(er) { Arg arg;
// Check whether debuggee is the scm
GetArg(arg); displayHr(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, arg); }
// Extension: !ole.fe
// Synopsis: Display file extension information
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(fe) { Arg arg; ULONG pAdr; SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl; CLSID clsid; WCHAR wszExt[16]; // Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Check for any argument
GetArg(arg); if (arg[0]) { if (arg[0] == '{') { if(!ScanCLSID(arg, &clsid)) { Printf("...%s is not a valid CLSID\n", arg); return; } } else if (arg[0] == '.') { if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, arg, -1, wszExt, 16 * sizeof(WCHAR))) { Printf("..%ws\n", wszExt); Printf("...invalid extension %s\n", arg); return; } } else { Printf("...can't understand argument\n"); } }
// Fetch the address of the shared memory table
pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!g_pShrdTbl"); ReadMem(&pShrdTbl, pAdr, sizeof(ULONG)); if (arg[0]) { if (arg[0] == '{') { displayFileExtTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, &clsid, NULL); } else { displayFileExtTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, NULL, wszExt); } } else { displayFileExtTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, NULL, NULL); } }
// Extension: !ole.ft
// Synopsis: Display file type patterns
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(ft) { Arg arg; ULONG pAdr; SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl; CLSID clsid; // Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Check for an argument
GetArg(arg); if (arg[0]) { if (arg[0] == '{') { if(!ScanCLSID(arg, &clsid)) { Printf("...%s is not a valid CLSID\n", arg); return; } } else { Printf("...%s is not a valid CLSID\n", arg); return; } }
// Fetch the address of the shared memory table
pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!g_pShrdTbl"); ReadMem(&pShrdTbl, pAdr, sizeof(ULONG)); if (arg[0] == '{') { displayFilePatTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, &clsid); } else { displayFilePatTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, NULL); } }
// Extension: !ole.id
// Synopsis: Display the CStdIdentity taable
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(id) { ULONG pAdr; Arg arg; // Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Fetch the address of the standard identity table
pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!sg_idtable");
// Check for any argument
// Display all or one entry
if (arg[0]) { displayStdidEntry(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pAdr, arg); } else { displayStdid(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pAdr); } }
// Extension: !ole.in
// Synopsis: Display/change debug info levels
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(in) { // Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Set/display an info level
displayInfoLevel(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, lpArgumentString); }
// Extension: !ole.ip
// Synopsis: Display IPID table
// History: 11-Aug-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(ip) { Arg arg; // Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Check for an argument
// The whole table or a single entry
if (arg[0]) { displayIpidEntry(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, arg); } else { displayIpid(hProcess, lpExtensionApis); } }
// Extension: !ole.mk
// Synopsis: Interpret a moniker object
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(mk) { Arg arg; ULONG pAdr; // Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Scan the argument
GetArg(arg); if (!arg[0]) { Printf("...use !ole.mk <moniker address>\n"); return; } pAdr = ScanAddr(arg);
// Interpret this address as a moniker
if (!displayMoniker(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pAdr)) { Printf("...%08x isn't a system moniker\n", pAdr); } }
// Extension: !ole.ox
// Synopsis: Display OXID table
// History: 11-Aug-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(ox) { Arg arg; // Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Check for an argument
// The whole table or a single entry
if (arg[0]) { displayOxidEntry(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, arg); } else { displayOxid(hProcess, lpExtensionApis); } }
// Extension: !ole.pg
// Synopsis: Pretty print a guid
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(pg) { Arg arg; ULONG addr; GUID guid; char szGuid[CLSIDSTR_MAX]; // Fetch the argument
GetArg(arg); if (!arg[0]) { Printf("...requires an addr argument\n"); return; } addr = ScanAddr(arg);
// Fetch the guid
ReadMem(&guid, addr, sizeof(GUID));
// Format and print the guid
FormatCLSID((GUID &) guid, szGuid); Printf("%s\n", szGuid); }
// Extension: !ole.pl
// Synopsis: Display platform information
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
osInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if (GetVersionEx(&osInfo)) { Printf("Cairo %d.%d Build %d\n", osInfo.dwMajorVersion, osInfo.dwMinorVersion, osInfo.dwBuildNumber); } else { Printf("...Unable to get version/platform info\n"); } }
// Extension: !ole.ps
// Synopsis: Display CLSID of proxy/stub handler dll for given IID
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(ps) { Arg arg; ULONG pAdr; SDllShrdTbl *pShrdTbl; IID iid; WCHAR wszExt[16]; // Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Check for any argument
GetArg(arg); if (arg[0]) { if(!ScanCLSID(arg, &iid)) { Printf("...%s is not a valid CLSID\n", arg); return; } }
// Fetch the address of the shared memory table
pAdr = GetExpression("ole32!g_pShrdTbl"); ReadMem(&pShrdTbl, pAdr, sizeof(ULONG)); if (arg[0]) { displayPsClsidTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, &iid); } else { displayPsClsidTbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, pShrdTbl, NULL); } }
// Extension: !ole.rt
// Synopsis: Display the ROT
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(rt) { // Check whether debuggee is the scm
CheckForScm(); if (fInScm) { displayScmRot(hProcess, lpExtensionApis); } else { displayCliRot(hProcess, lpExtensionApis); } }
// Extension: !ole.ta
// Synopsis: Display TreatAs cache
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(ta) { Arg arg; CLSID clsid; // Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Check whether a clsid was supplied
GetArg(arg); if (arg[0]) { if (!ScanCLSID(arg, &clsid)) { Printf("..%s is not a valid CLSID\n", arg); return; } displayTreatAsCache(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, &clsid); }
// Display the entire TreatAs class cache
else { displayTreatAsCache(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, NULL); } }
// Extension: !ole.ts
// Synopsis: Display thread information
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(ts) { // Check whether debuggee is the scm
Printf("...NOT IMPLEMENTED YET\n"); }
// Extension: !ole.vt
// Synopsis: Display a vtbl
// History: 01-Jun-95 BruceMa Created
DEFINE_EXT(vt) { Arg arg; DWORD dwObj = NULL; char *s;
// Check whether debuggee is the scm
// Get the object
GetArg(arg); for (s = arg; *s; s++) { dwObj = 16 * dwObj + *s - '0'; if ('A' <= *s && *s <= 'F') { dwObj -= 7; } if ('a' <= *s && *s <= 'f') { dwObj -= 39; } }
// Display the vtbl
if (dwObj != NULL) { displayVtbl(hProcess, lpExtensionApis, (LPVOID) dwObj); } else { Printf("...vtbl address of NULL is not meaningful\n"); } }