// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996.
// File: dir.hxx
// Contents: Directory header for Mstream project
// Classes: CDirEntry - Information on a single stream
// CDirSect - Sector sized array of DirEntry
// CDirVector - Resizable array of CDirSect
// CDirectory - Grouping of DirSectors
// Notes: Properties and storage elements are kept in the same
// child list so the *ChildProp functions are unused. 1/18/93
#include "msf.hxx"
#include "wchar.h"
#include "vect.hxx"
#ifndef __DIR_HXX__
#define __DIR_HXX__
#define DIR_HIT 0x01
struct SPreDirEntry { protected: CDfName _dfn; // Name (word-aligned)
BYTE _mse; // STGTY_...
BYTE _bflags;
SID _sidLeftSib; // Siblings
SID _sidRightSib; // Siblings
SID _sidChild; // Storage - Child list
GUID _clsId; // Storage - Class id
DWORD _dwUserFlags; // Storage - User flags
TIME_T _time[2]; // Storage - time stamps
SECT _sectStart; // Stream - start
ULONG _ulSize; // Stream - size
//DFPROPTYPE _dptPropType; // Property - type
#define STGTY_ROOT 5
// Macros which tell whether a direntry has stream fields,
// storage fields or property fields
#define STREAMLIKE(mse) \
(((mse) & STGTY_REAL) == STGTY_STREAM || (mse) == STGTY_ROOT) #define STORAGELIKE(mse) \
(((mse) & STGTY_REAL) == STGTY_STORAGE || (mse) == STGTY_ROOT)
// Class: CDirEntry (de)
// Purpose: Holds information on one stream
// Interface: GetName - returns name of stream
// GetStart - return first sector for stream
// GetSize - returns size of stream
// GetFlags - returns flag byte
// SetName - sets name
// SetStart - sets first sector
// SetSize - sets size
// SetFlags - sets flag byte
// IsFree - returns 1 if element is not in use
// IsEntry - returns 1 is element name matches argument
// Notes: B-flat,C-sharp
const CBDIRPAD = DIRENTRYSIZE - sizeof(SPreDirEntry);
// DirEntry bit flags are used for the following private state
// Usage Bit
#define DECOLORBIT 0x01
#define DERESERVED 0xfe
typedef enum { DE_RED = 0, DE_BLACK = 1 } DECOLOR;
class CDirEntry: private SPreDirEntry {
public: CDirEntry();
inline void Init(MSENTRYFLAGS mse);
inline CDfName const * GetName(VOID) const; inline SECT GetStart(VOID) const; inline ULONG GetSize(VOID) const; inline SID GetLeftSib(VOID) const; inline SID GetRightSib(VOID) const; inline SID GetChild(VOID) const; inline MSENTRYFLAGS GetFlags(VOID) const; inline DECOLOR GetColor(VOID) const; inline TIME_T GetTime(WHICHTIME tt) const; inline GUID GetClassId(VOID) const; inline DWORD GetUserFlags(VOID) const;
inline void SetName(const CDfName *pdfn); inline void SetStart(const SECT); inline void SetSize(const ULONG); inline void SetLeftSib(const SID); inline void SetRightSib(const SID); inline void SetChild(const SID); inline void SetFlags(const MSENTRYFLAGS mse); inline void SetColor(DECOLOR); inline void SetTime(WHICHTIME tt, TIME_T nt); inline void SetClassId(GUID cls); inline void SetUserFlags(DWORD dwUserFlags, DWORD dwMask);
inline BOOL IsFree(VOID) const; inline BOOL IsEntry(CDfName const *pdfn) const; inline void ByteSwap(void);
private: inline BYTE GetBitFlags(VOID) const; inline void SetBitFlags(BYTE bValue, BYTE bMask);
BYTE _bpad[CBDIRPAD]; };
// Class: CDirSect (ds)
// Purpose: Provide sector sized block of DirEntries
// Interface:
// Notes:
class CDirSect { public: SCODE Init(USHORT cbSector);
inline CDirEntry* GetEntry(DIROFFSET iEntry); inline void ByteSwap(USHORT cbSector); private: #ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable: 4200)
CDirEntry _adeEntry[]; #pragma warning(default: 4200)
#ifdef __GNUC__
CDirEntry _adeEntry[0]; #endif
// Class: CDirVector (dv)
// Purpose: Provide resizable array of DirSectors.
// Interface:
// Notes:
class CDirVector: public CPagedVector { public: inline CDirVector(USHORT cbSector); inline ~CDirVector() {}
inline SCODE GetTable( const DIRINDEX iTable, const DWORD dwFlags, CDirSect **ppds); inline USHORT GetSectorSize(void) const { return _cbSector; }
private: const USHORT _cbSector; #ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4512)
// since there is a const member, there should be no assignment operator
#endif // _MSC_VER
}; #ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default:4512)
// since there is a const member, there should be no assignment operator
#endif // _MSC_VER
// Class: CDirectory (dir)
// Purpose: Main interface for directory functionality
// Interface: GetFree - returns an SID for a free DirEntry
// Find - finds its argument in the directory list
// SetEntry - sets up a DirEntry and writes out its sector
// GetName - returns the name of a DirEntry
// GetStart - returns the start sector of a DirEntry
// GetSize - returns the size of a DirEntry
// GetFlags - returns the flag byte of a DirEntry
// Notes:
class CDirectory { public: CDirectory(USHORT cbSector); ~CDirectory() {}
SCODE Init(CMStream *pmsParent, DIRINDEX cSect);
SCODE InitNew(CMStream *pmsParent);
SCODE FindGreaterEntry( SID sidChildRoot, CDfName const *pdfn, SID *psidResult);
SCODE SetStart(const SID sid, const SECT sect); SCODE SetTime(const SID sid, WHICHTIME tt, TIME_T nt); SCODE SetChild(const SID sid, const SID sidChild); SCODE SetSize(const SID sid, const ULONG cbSize); SCODE SetClassId(const SID sid, const GUID cls); SCODE SetFlags(const SID sid, const MSENTRYFLAGS mse); SCODE SetUserFlags(const SID sid, DWORD dwUserFlags, DWORD dwMask);
inline SCODE GetName(const SID sid, CDfName *pdfn); inline SCODE GetStart(const SID sid, SECT * psect); inline SCODE GetSize(const SID sid, ULONG *pulSize);
inline SCODE GetChild(const SID sid, SID *psid); inline SCODE GetFlags(const SID sid, MSENTRYFLAGS *pmse); inline SCODE GetClassId(const SID sid, GUID *pcls); inline SCODE GetTime(const SID sid, WHICHTIME tt, TIME_T *ptime); inline SCODE GetUserFlags(const SID sid, DWORD *pdwUserFlags);
SCODE GetDirEntry( const SID sid, const DWORD dwFlags, CDirEntry **ppde);
void ReleaseEntry(SID sid);
SCODE CreateEntry( SID sidParent, CDfName const *pdfn, MSENTRYFLAGS mef, SID *psidNew);
SCODE RenameEntry( SID const sidParent, CDfName const *pdfn, CDfName const *pdfnNew);
inline SCODE IsEntry( SID const sidParent, CDfName const *pdfn, SEntryBuffer *peb);
SCODE DestroyAllChildren( SID const sidParent);
SCODE DestroyChild( SID const sidParent, CDfName const *pdfn);
SCODE StatEntry(SID const sid, CDfName *pNextKey, STATSTGW *pstatstg);
inline SCODE Flush(VOID);
inline void SetParent(CMStream * pmsParent);
CDirVector _dv; DIRINDEX _cdsTable; CMStream * _pmsParent; DIROFFSET _cdeEntries;
SID _sidFirstFree; SCODE Resize(DIRINDEX); inline DIRINDEX SidToTable(SID sid) const; inline SID PairToSid( DIRINDEX iTable, DIROFFSET iEntry) const;
inline SCODE SidToPair( SID sid, DIRINDEX* pipds, DIROFFSET* pide) const;
SCODE GetFree(SID * psid);
SCODE InsertEntry( SID sidParent, SID sidInsert, CDfName const *pdfnInsert);
SCODE FindEntry( SID sidParent, CDfName const *pdfnFind, DIRENTRYOP deop, SEntryBuffer *peb);
static int NameCompare( CDfName const *pdfn1, CDfName const *pdfn2);
SCODE SplitEntry( CDfName const *pdfn, SID sidTree, SID sidGreat, SID sidGrand, SID sidParent, SID sidChild, SID *psid);
SCODE RotateEntry( CDfName const *pdfn, SID sidTree, SID sidParent, SID *psid);
SCODE SetColorBlack(const SID sid); #ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4512)
// since there is a const member, there should be no assignment operator
#endif // _MSC_VER
}; #ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default:4512)
#endif // _MSC_VER
#endif //__DIR_HXX__