// File: smarshal.cxx
// Synopsis: Source code for Interface Marshaling stress test main
// driver functions. Source for individual tests is in
// testvar.cxx
// History: 21-Aug-95 Rickhi Created
#include <smarshal.hxx>
// Globals:
BOOL gfVerbose = FALSE; // print execution messages
BOOL gfDebug = FALSE; // print debug messages
DWORD giThreadModel = OPF_INITAPARTMENT; // threading model to use
int giTestVar = 0; // test variation to run
int giHighestTestVar = 2; // highest test var supported
int gicReps = 5; // number of repetitions of each test
int gicThreads = 1; // number of threads to use on each test
// Private Function ProtoTypes:
HRESULT DoIfOperation(DWORD dwFlags, INTERFACEPARAMS *pIFD); void DisplayHelp(void); BOOL GetSwitch(CHAR *pCmdParam, CHAR *pszSwitch); BOOL GetSwitchInt(CHAR *pCmdParam, CHAR *pszSwitch, int *pInt); BOOL ParseCmdLine(int argc, char **argv); int _cdecl main(int argc, char **argv);
BOOL FreeWaitForEvent(HANDLE hEvent); BOOL AptWaitForEvent(HANDLE hEvent);
// Misc:
#ifndef _CAIRO_
// COM initialization flags; passed to CoInitialize.
typedef enum tagCOINIT { COINIT_MULTITHREADED = 0, // OLE calls objects on any thread.
COINIT_SINGLETHREADED = 1, // OLE calls objects on single thread.
WINOLEAPI CoInitializeEx(LPVOID pvReserved, DWORD); #endif
// Function: main
// Synopsis: Entry point to EXE. Parse the command line, then run
// whatever test variations were selected.
// Notes: The test variation code is in testvars.cxx.
// The rest of this file is helper routines.
int _cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) { // parse the command line
BOOL fRes = ParseCmdLine(argc, argv);
if (fRes) { // run the selected test variations
switch (giTestVar) { case 1: fRes = TestVar1(); break; case 2: fRes = TestVar2(); break; default: break; } }
// check the results
CHKTESTRESULT(fRes, "Marshal Stress Tests"); return 0; }
// Function: ParseCmdLine
// Synopsis: parses the execution parameters
BOOL ParseCmdLine(int argc, char **argv) { BOOL fDontRun = (argc == 1) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// the first parameter is the EXE name, skip it.
argc--; argv++;
for (int i=0; i<argc; i++, argv++) { if (GetSwitch(*argv, "v")) { // run verbose
gfVerbose = TRUE; } else if (GetSwitch(*argv, "d")) { // run debug mode
gfVerbose = TRUE; gfDebug = TRUE; } else if (GetSwitch(*argv, "h") || GetSwitch(*argv, "?")) { // help wanted
fDontRun = TRUE; } else if (GetSwitchInt(*argv, "var:", &giTestVar)) { // selected test variation, ensure the variation is valid
if (giTestVar > giHighestTestVar) { ERROUT("Unknown Test Variation:%x\n", giTestVar); fDontRun = TRUE; } } else if (GetSwitchInt(*argv, "reps:", &gicReps)) { ; // selected repetition count
} else if (GetSwitchInt(*argv, "threads:", &gicThreads)) { ; // selected thread count
} else if (GetSwitch(*argv, "model:apt")) { // run apartment model
giThreadModel = OPF_INITAPARTMENT; } else if (GetSwitch(*argv, "model:free")) { // run freethreaded model
giThreadModel = OPF_INITFREE; } else { // unknown switch, show help
ERROUT("Unknown command line switch:<%s>\n", *argv); fDontRun = TRUE; } }
if (fDontRun) { // help is wanted
DisplayHelp(); return FALSE; }
// success, run the test
return TRUE; }
// Function: DisplayHelp
// Synopsis: displays a command line help message
void DisplayHelp(void) { printf("\nCommand Line Switches for Marshal Stress Test:\n\n");
printf("-d - debug mode\n"); printf("-v - verbose mode\n"); printf("-h | -? - display this help message\n\n");
printf("-model:[apt|free] - threading model to use for test\n"); printf("-var:# - test variation to execute 1-%x\n", giHighestTestVar); printf("-threads:# - number of threads per variation\n"); printf("-reps:# - number of repetitions of the test\n");
printf("\n"); }
// Function: GetSwitch
// Synopsis: returns TRUE if the specified cmd line switch is set.
BOOL GetSwitch(CHAR *pCmdParam, CHAR *pszSwitch) { if (*pCmdParam == '-' || *pCmdParam == '/') { pCmdParam++; return (!stricmp(pCmdParam, pszSwitch)); } return FALSE; }
// Function: GetSwitchInt
// Synopsis: returns TRUE if the specified cmd line switch is set,
// and sets the value of that switch.
BOOL GetSwitchInt(CHAR *pCmdParam, CHAR *pszSwitch, int *pInt) { if (*pCmdParam == '-' || *pCmdParam == '/') { pCmdParam++; int len = strlen(pszSwitch); if (!strnicmp(pCmdParam, pszSwitch, len)) { pCmdParam += len; *pInt = atoi(pCmdParam); return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Function: CHKRESULT
// Synopsis: prints a failure message if the result code indicates
// failure., and success message only in verbose mode.
void CHKRESULT(HRESULT hr, CHAR *pszOperation) { if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("FAILED hr:%x Op:%s\n", hr, pszOperation); } else if (gfVerbose) { printf("PASSED hr:%x Op:%s\n", hr, pszOperation); } }
// Function: CHKOP
// Synopsis: prints a failure message if the result code indicates
// failure, and success message only in debug mode.
void CHKOP(HRESULT hr, CHAR *pszOperation) { if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("FAILED hr:%x Op:%s\n", hr, pszOperation); } else if (gfDebug) { printf("PASSED hr:%x Op:%s\n", hr, pszOperation); } }
// Synopsis: prints a pass or fail message
void CHKTESTRESULT(BOOL fRes, CHAR *pszMsg) { if (fRes) printf("%s PASSED\n", pszMsg); else printf("%s FAILED\n", pszMsg); }
// Function: GetEvent / ReleaseEvent
// Synopsis: allocates or releases an event
// CODEWORK: cache these for frequent use
HANDLE GetEvent() { HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (hEvent == NULL) { ERROUT("GetEvent FAILED\n"); } DBGOUT("CreateEvent hEvent:%x\n", hEvent); return hEvent; }
void ReleaseEvent(HANDLE hEvent) { if (hEvent) { DBGOUT("ReleaseEvent hEvent:%x\n", hEvent); CloseHandle(hEvent); } }
// Function: WaitForEvent
// Synopsis: waits on the given event (if there is one) for a
// certain amount of time, returns FALSE if timedout.
BOOL WaitForEvent(HANDLE hEvent) { if (hEvent) { // CODEWORK: base off the Threading Model
return (TRUE) ? AptWaitForEvent(hEvent) : FreeWaitForEvent(hEvent); } return TRUE; }
// Function: FreeWaitForEvent
// Synopsis: FreeThreaded version of WaitForEvent. Waits on the
// given event.
BOOL FreeWaitForEvent(HANDLE hEvent) { DBGOUT("FreeWaitForEvent hEvent:%x\n", hEvent); if (WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 30000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { ERROUT("WaitForSingleObject TimedOut"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: AptWaitForEvent
// Synopsis: Apartment model version of WaitForEvent. Waits on the
// given event. Dispatches all incoming windows messages
// while waiting.
BOOL AptWaitForEvent(HANDLE hEvent) { DBGOUT("AptWaitForEvent hEvent:%x\n", hEvent);
while (1) { HANDLE arEvent[] = {hEvent}; DWORD dwWakeReason = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, arEvent, FALSE, 1000, QS_ALLINPUT);
if (dwWakeReason == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // event was signalled. exit.
break; } else { // check for and dispatch any messages that have arrived
MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, WM_NULL, WM_NULL, PM_REMOVE)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } return TRUE; }
// Function: SignalEvent
// Synopsis: signals an event (if there is one)
void SignalEvent(HANDLE hEvent) { if (hEvent) { DBGOUT("SignalEvent hEvent:%x\n", hEvent); SetEvent(hEvent); } }
// Function: GetStream / ReleaseStream
// Synopsis: allocates or releases a Stream
// CODEWORK: cache these for frequent use
// CODEWORK: use CStreamOnFile for cross process/machine marshaling.
IStream * GetStream(void) { IStream *pStm = CreateMemStm(600, NULL); if (pStm == NULL) { ERROUT("ERROR: GetStream FAILED\n"); } DBGOUT("GetStream pStm:%x\n", pStm); return pStm; }
void ReleaseStream(IStream *pStm) { if (pStm) { DBGOUT("ReleaseStream pStm:%x\n", pStm); pStm->Release(); } }
// Function: ResetStream
// Synopsis: resets a steam back to the start
HRESULT ResetStream(IStream *pStm) { DBGOUT("ResetStream pStm:%x\n", pStm);
LARGE_INTEGER libMove; libMove.LowPart = 0; libMove.HighPart = 0;
HRESULT hr = pStm->Seek(libMove, STREAM_SEEK_SET, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERROUT("ERROR: ResetStream FAILED hr:%x\n",hr); } return hr; }
// Function: GetInterface / ReleaseInterface
// Synopsis: allocates or releases an object interface
IUnknown *GetInterface(void) { IUnknown *punk = (IUnknown *) new CTestUnk(); if (punk == NULL) { ERROUT("ERROR: GetInterface FAILED\n"); } DBGOUT("GetInterface punk:%x\n", punk); return punk; }
void ReleaseInterface(IUnknown *punk) { if (punk) { DBGOUT("ReleaseInterface punk:%x\n", punk); punk->Release(); } }
// Function: GenericExecute
// Synopsis: run all the parameter blocks on different threads
// simultaneously.
BOOL GenericExecute(ULONG cEPs, EXECPARAMS *pEP[]) { BOOL fRes = TRUE; DBGOUT("Start GenericExecute cEPs:%x\n", cEPs);
HANDLE hThread[50];
// launch a thread to run each command block
for (ULONG i=0; i<cEPs; i++) { // launch a thread to execute the parameter block
DWORD dwThreadId; hThread[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, WorkerThread, pEP[i], 0, &dwThreadId); }
// signal all the threads to start their work
for (i=0; i<cEPs; i++) { SignalEvent(pEP[i]->hEventThreadStart); }
// wait for all the threads to complete their work
for (i=0; i<cEPs; i++) { if (pEP[i]->hEventThreadDone) { WaitForSingleObject(pEP[i]->hEventThreadDone, 60000); } }
// signal all the threads to exit
for (i=0; i<cEPs; i++) { HANDLE hEventThreadExit = pEP[i]->hEventThreadExit; pEP[i]->hEventThreadExit = NULL;// set to NULL so only the thread will
// release it, genericcleanup wont.
SignalEvent(hEventThreadExit); }
// wait for all the threads to exit
for (i=0; i<cEPs; i++) { WaitForSingleObject(hThread[i], 5000); CloseHandle(hThread[i]); }
DBGOUT("Done GenericExecute fRes:%x\n", fRes); return fRes; }
// Function: GenericCleanup
// Synopsis: clean all the parameter blocks
void GenericCleanup(ULONG cEPs, EXECPARAMS *pEP[]) { DBGOUT("GenericCleanup\n");
// delete the execution parameter blocks
for (ULONG i=0; i<cEPs; i++) { ReleaseExecParam(pEP[i]); // CODEWORK: get results from the parameter block?
} }
// Function: WorkerThread
// Synopsis: entry point for thread that executes a series of
// interface commands
DWORD _stdcall WorkerThread(void *params) { DBGOUT("StartWorkerThread TID:%x pEP:%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), params);
EXECPARAMS *pEP = (EXECPARAMS *)params; if (pEP == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Initialize OLE for this thread.
if (pEP->dwFlags & OPF_INITAPARTMENT) { hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); } else { hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { ERROUT("ERROR: CoInitializeEx FAILED\n"); return hr; }
// wait for signal to start the test
if (!WaitForEvent(pEP->hEventThreadStart)) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; // BUGBUG
// loop for the number of reps requested
for (ULONG iRep = 0; iRep < pEP->cReps; iRep++) { // wait for the start signal
if (!WaitForEvent(pEP->hEventRepStart)) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; // BUGBUG
MSGOUT(" TID:%x Rep:%x of %x\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), iRep, pEP->cReps);
// loop for the number of INTERFACEPARAMSs, performing
// the requested operation(s) on each interface.
for (ULONG iIP=0; iIP < pEP->cIPs; iIP++) { hr = DoIfOperation(pEP->dwFlags, &(pEP->aIP[iIP])); }
// signal the completion event
SignalEvent(pEP->hEventRepDone); }
// signal the thread completion event. Cant touch pEP after this
// point in time since the main thread may delete it. We extract
// the ThreadExit event and NULL it in the parameter block so that
// the main thread wont release it. We release it after the event
// has been signaled.
HANDLE hEventThreadExit = pEP->hEventThreadExit; SignalEvent(pEP->hEventThreadDone);
// wait on the thread exit event. This allows other threads to
// complete their work (eg unmarshaling/Releasing interfaces on
// object in this thread.
WaitForEvent(hEventThreadExit); ReleaseEvent(hEventThreadExit);
// uninitialize OLE for this thread
DBGOUT("ExitWorkerThread TID:%x hr:%x\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), hr); return hr; }
// Function: DoIfOperation
// Synopsis: executes one interface operation
HRESULT DoIfOperation(DWORD dwFlags, INTERFACEPARAMS *pIP) { // find the interface pointers and IID in the params
IUnknown *punk = pIP->punk; IStream *pStm = pIP->pStm; REFIID riid = pIP->iid; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DBGOUT("DoIfOperation Oper:%x pUnk:%x pStm:%x\n", dwFlags, punk, pStm);
// wait for the start signal
if (!WaitForEvent(pIP->hEventStart)) { return -1; }
// do the requested operation(s) on the interface
if (dwFlags & OPF_MARSHAL) { // marshal the interface into the stream
ResetStream(pStm); hr = CoMarshalInterface(pStm, riid, punk, 0, NULL, MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL); CHKOP(hr, "CoMarshalInterface"); }
if (dwFlags & OPF_DISCONNECT) { hr = CoDisconnectObject(punk, 0); CHKOP(hr, "CoDisconnectObject"); }
if (dwFlags & OPF_RELEASEMARSHALDATA) { // call RMD on the stream
ResetStream(pStm); hr = CoReleaseMarshalData(pStm); CHKOP(hr, "CoReleaseMarshalData"); }
if (dwFlags & OPF_UNMARSHAL) { // unmarshal the interface from the stream
ResetStream(pStm); hr = CoUnmarshalInterface(pStm, riid, (void **)&punk); CHKOP(hr, "CoUnmarshalInterface"); }
if (dwFlags & OPF_RELEASE) { // release the interface pointer (if there is one).
if (punk != NULL) { ULONG cRefs = punk->Release(); } }
DBGOUT("DoIfOperation Oper:%x hr:%x\n", dwFlags, hr); return hr; }
// Function: CreateExecParam
// Synopsis: allocates an exec parameter packet for the given # of
EXECPARAMS *CreateExecParam(ULONG cIP) { // allocate memory
ULONG ulSize = sizeof(EXECPARAMS) + (cIP * sizeof(INTERFACEPARAMS));
EXECPARAMS *pEP = (EXECPARAMS *) new BYTE[ulSize]; if (pEP == NULL) { DBGOUT("CreateExecParams OOM\n"); return NULL; }
// zero fill the packet
memset((BYTE*)pEP, 0, ulSize); pEP->cIPs = cIP;
DBGOUT("CreateExecParam pEP:%x\n", pEP); return pEP; }
// Function: FillExecParam
// Synopsis: fills an exec parameter packet
void FillExecParam(EXECPARAMS *pEP, DWORD dwFlags, ULONG cReps, HANDLE hEventRepStart, HANDLE hEventRepDone, HANDLE hEventThreadStart, HANDLE hEventThreadDone) { DBGOUT("FillExecParam pEP:%x\n", pEP);
pEP->dwFlags = dwFlags; pEP->hEventThreadStart = hEventThreadStart; pEP->hEventThreadDone = hEventThreadDone; pEP->hEventThreadExit = GetEvent();
pEP->cReps = cReps; pEP->hEventRepStart = hEventRepStart; pEP->hEventRepDone = hEventRepDone; }
// Function: ReleaseExecParam
// Synopsis: releases an exec parameter packet
void ReleaseExecParam(EXECPARAMS *pEP) { DBGOUT("ReleaseExecParam pEP:%x\n", pEP);
if (!pEP) return;
// release the events.
ReleaseEvent(pEP->hEventThreadStart); ReleaseEvent(pEP->hEventThreadDone); ReleaseEvent(pEP->hEventThreadExit); ReleaseEvent(pEP->hEventRepStart); ReleaseEvent(pEP->hEventRepDone);
// release the interface parameter blocks
for (ULONG i=0; i<pEP->cIPs; i++) { ReleaseInterfaceParam(&(pEP->aIP[i])); }
// free the memory
delete pEP; }
// Function: FillInterfaceParam
// Synopsis: fills default info into the interface parms
void FillInterfaceParam(INTERFACEPARAMS *pIP, REFIID riid, IUnknown *punk, IStream *pStm, HANDLE hEventStart, HANDLE hEventDone) { DBGOUT("FillInterfaceParam pIP:%x\n", pIP);
pIP->iid = riid; pIP->punk = punk; pIP->pStm = pStm; pIP->hEventStart = hEventStart; pIP->hEventDone = hEventDone; }
// Function: ReleaseInterfaceParam
// Synopsis: releases an interface parameter packet
void ReleaseInterfaceParam(INTERFACEPARAMS *pIP) { DBGOUT("ReleaseInterfaceParam pIP:%x\n", pIP);
if (!pIP) return;
// release the interfaces
ReleaseInterface(pIP->punk); ReleaseInterface(pIP->pStm);
// release the events
ReleaseEvent(pIP->hEventStart); ReleaseEvent(pIP->hEventDone); }