// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: cliptest.cpp
// Contents: Data Advise Holder tests
// Classes: CDataAdviseTestFormatEtc
// CTestAdviseSink
// CTestDaHolder
// Functions: TestPrimeFirstOnlyOnceNoData
// TestPrimeFirstOnlyOnceData
// DoRegisterNotifyDeregister
// TestRegisterNotifyDegister
// TestRegisterNotifyDegisterNoData
// TestNotifyOnStop
// TestNotifyOnce
// CreateMassRegistration
// DoMassUnadvise
// TestEnumerator
// LEDataAdviseHolderTest
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 25-May-94 ricksa author
#include "oletest.h"
#include "gendata.h"
#include "genenum.h"
// Class: CDataAdviseTestFormatEtc
// Purpose: Hold FORMATETC used by the data advise holder unit tests
// Interface: GetFormatEtc - get a pointer to the FORMATETC
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
// Notes:
class CDataAdviseTestFormatEtc { public: CDataAdviseTestFormatEtc(void);
FORMATETC * GetFormatEtc(void);
FORMATETC _formatetc; };
// Member: CDataAdviseTestFormatEtc::CDataAdviseTestFormatEtc
// Synopsis: Initialize object
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
CDataAdviseTestFormatEtc::CDataAdviseTestFormatEtc(void) { _formatetc.cfFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat("OleTest Storage Format"); _formatetc.ptd = NULL; _formatetc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; _formatetc.lindex = -1; _formatetc.tymed = TYMED_ISTORAGE; }
// Member: CDataAdviseTestFormatEtc::GetFormatEtc
// Synopsis: Get pointer to standard format etc
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
FORMATETC *CDataAdviseTestFormatEtc::GetFormatEtc(void) { return &_formatetc; }
// Global Formatec for all the data advise tests
CDataAdviseTestFormatEtc g_datfeDaTest;
// Class: CTestAdviseSink
// Purpose: Advise sink used to verify data advise holder
// Interface: QueryInterface - get new interface pointer
// AddRef - bump reference count
// Release - decrement reference count
// OnDataChange - data change notification
// OnViewChange - not implemented
// OnRename - not implemented
// OnSave - not implemented
// OnClose - not implemented
// ValidOnDataChange - verify all expected data change notification
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
// Notes: We only implement interface methods required for
// test of data advise holder.
class CTestAdviseSink : public IAdviseSink { public: CTestAdviseSink(CGenDataObject *pgdo);
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(void);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(void);
// IAdviseSink methods
STDMETHOD_(void, OnDataChange)(FORMATETC *pFormatetc, STGMEDIUM *pStgmed);
STDMETHOD_(void, OnViewChange)( DWORD dwAspect, LONG lindex);
STDMETHOD_(void, OnRename)(IMoniker *pmk);
STDMETHOD_(void, OnSave)(void);
STDMETHOD_(void, OnClose)(void);
// Test methods used for verification
BOOL ValidOnDataChange(void);
LONG _lRefs;
CGenDataObject * _pgdo;
BOOL _fValidOnDataChange;
// Member: CTestAdviseSink::CTestAdviseSink
// Synopsis: Initialize object
// Arguments: [pgdo] - generic data object
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
// Notes: pgdo being NULL means we don't expect a STGMEDIUM when
// the OnDataChange notification occurs.
CTestAdviseSink::CTestAdviseSink(CGenDataObject *pgdo) : _lRefs(1), _fValidOnDataChange(FALSE) { _pgdo = pgdo; }
// Member: CTestAdviseSink::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Return a new interface
// Arguments: [riid] - interface id requested
// [ppvObj] - where to put the interface
// Returns: S_OK - we are returning an interface
// E_NOINTERFACE - we do not support the requested interface
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
STDMETHODIMP CTestAdviseSink::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj) { if (IsEqualGUID(IID_IUnknown, riid) || IsEqualGUID(IID_IAdviseSink, riid)) { AddRef(); *ppvObj = this; return NOERROR; }
*ppvObj = NULL;
// Member: CTestAdviseSink::AddRef
// Synopsis: Bump reference count
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTestAdviseSink::AddRef(void) { return _lRefs++; }
// Member: CTestAdviseSink::Release
// Synopsis: Decrement reference count
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTestAdviseSink::Release(void) { assert(_lRefs >= 1);
return --_lRefs; }
// Member: CTestAdviseSink::OnDataChange
// Synopsis: Notify of change in data
// Arguments: [pFormatetc] - FORMATETC of data
// [pStgmed] - storage medium for data
// Algorithm: Verify that the we recieved the expected FORMATEC. Then
// verify that we recieved the expected STGMEDIUM.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
STDMETHODIMP_(void) CTestAdviseSink::OnDataChange( FORMATETC *pFormatetc, STGMEDIUM *pStgmed) { // Verify the format
if (memcmp(g_datfeDaTest.GetFormatEtc(), pFormatetc, sizeof(FORMATETC)) == 0) { if (_pgdo != NULL) { // We have a data object that we can use to verify the format
// so we do.
_fValidOnDataChange = _pgdo->VerifyFormatAndMedium(pFormatetc, pStgmed); } // We are expecting an empty STGMEDIUM so verify that it is
else if ((pStgmed->tymed == TYMED_NULL) && (pStgmed->pUnkForRelease == NULL)) { _fValidOnDataChange = TRUE; } } }
// Member: CTestAdviseSink::OnViewChange
// Synopsis: Notify that view should change
// Arguments: [dwAspect] - specifies view of the object
// [lindex] - which piece of view changed
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
// Notes: Not supported for this object
STDMETHODIMP_(void) CTestAdviseSink::OnViewChange( DWORD dwAspect, LONG lindex) { OutputString("CTestAdviseSink::OnViewChange Unexpectedly Called!\r\n"); }
// Member: CTestAdviseSink::OnRename
// Synopsis: Notifies of rename operation
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
// Notes: Not supported for this object
STDMETHODIMP_(void) CTestAdviseSink::OnRename(IMoniker *pmk) { OutputString("CTestAdviseSink::OnRename Unexpectedly Called!\r\n"); }
// Member: CTestAdviseSink::OnSave
// Synopsis: Notify that object was saved
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
// Notes: Not supported for this object
STDMETHODIMP_(void) CTestAdviseSink::OnSave(void) { OutputString("CTestAdviseSink::OnSave Unexpectedly Called!\r\n"); }
// Member: CTestAdviseSink::OnClose
// Synopsis: Notify object closed
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
// Notes: Not supported for this object
STDMETHODIMP_(void) CTestAdviseSink::OnClose(void) { OutputString("CTestAdviseSink::OnClose Unexpectedly Called!\r\n"); }
// Member: CTestAdviseSink::ValidOnDataChange
// Synopsis: Verify that we recieved the expected OnDataChange notification
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
BOOL CTestAdviseSink::ValidOnDataChange(void) { BOOL fResult = _fValidOnDataChange; _fValidOnDataChange = FALSE; return fResult; }
// Preallocated structure used to mass advise registration testing
#define MAX_REGISTER 100
struct { CTestAdviseSink * ptas; DWORD dwConnection; } aMassAdvise[MAX_REGISTER];
// Class: CTestDaHolder
// Purpose: Test enumerator for data advise holder
// Interface: Verify - verify particular entry being enumerated
// VerifyAllEnmerated - verify all entries were enumerated once
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
class CTestDaHolder : public CEnumeratorTest { public:
CTestDaHolder(IEnumSTATDATA *penumAdvise, HRESULT& rhr);
BOOL Verify(void *);
BOOL VerifyAllEnmerated(void);
BOOL VerifyAll(void *, LONG);
// Member: CTestDaHolder::CTestDaHolder
// Synopsis: Initialize object
// Arguments: [penumAdvise] - data advise holder enumerator
// [rhr] - HRESULT reference thorugh which to return an error
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
CTestDaHolder::CTestDaHolder(IEnumSTATDATA *penumAdvise, HRESULT& rhr) : CEnumeratorTest(penumAdvise, sizeof(STATDATA), MAX_REGISTER, rhr) { // Zero out our table of counts
memset(&_cdwFound[0], 0, sizeof(_cdwFound)); }
// Member: CTestDaHolder::VerifyAllEnmerated
// Synopsis: Verify all objects got enumerated
// Returns: TRUE - all objects enumerated
// FALSE - error in enumeration
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
BOOL CTestDaHolder::VerifyAllEnmerated(void) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTER; i++) { if (_cdwFound[i] != 1) { OutputString("Entry %d enumerated %d times\r\n", i, _cdwFound[i]); return FALSE; }
// Reset for another test
_cdwFound[i] = 0; }
return TRUE; }
// Member: CTestDaHolder::Verify
// Synopsis: Verify an enumeration entry
// Arguments: [pvEntry] - entry enumerated
// Returns: TRUE - enumerated entry is valid
// FALSE - obvious error in enumeration
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
BOOL CTestDaHolder::Verify(void *pvEntry) { STATDATA *pstatdata = (STATDATA *) pvEntry;
// Verify the advf field
if ((pstatdata->advf == 0) && (memcmp(g_datfeDaTest.GetFormatEtc(), &pstatdata->formatetc, sizeof(FORMATETC)) == 0)) { // Can we find the connection?
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTER; i++) { if (pstatdata->dwConnection == aMassAdvise[i].dwConnection) { // Bump found count
// Everything is OK so tell the caller
return TRUE; } } }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CTestDaHolder::VerifyAll
// Synopsis: Verify that an array of all entries is valid
// Arguments: [pvEntries] - array of enumerated data
// [clEntries] - number of enumerated entries
// Returns: TRUE - enumerated entry is valid
// FALSE - obvious error in enumeration
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
BOOL CTestDaHolder::VerifyAll(void *pvEntries, LONG clEntries) { // Verify that the count is as expected.
if (clEntries != MAX_REGISTER) { return FALSE; }
// Verify each entry in the array is reasonable
STATDATA *pstatdata = (STATDATA *) pvEntries;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTER; i++, pstatdata++) { if (!Verify(pstatdata)) { return FALSE; } }
// Verify that each entry was only referred to once
return VerifyAllEnmerated(); }
// Function: TestPrimeFirstOnlyOnceNoData
// Synopsis: Test one notification of
// Arguments: [pdahTest] - data advise holder we are testing
// [pgdo] - generic data object
// Returns: NOERROR - notification was correct
// E_FAIL - error in notification
// Algorithm: Create an test advise sink object. Register it with the
// advise holder which should cause the notification. Verify
// that the advise was notified and that no connection was
// returned.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
HRESULT TestPrimeFirstOnlyOnceNoData( IDataAdviseHolder *pdahTest, CGenDataObject *pgdo) { // Create an advise sink - the NULL means we don't want to validate
CTestAdviseSink tas(NULL);
DWORD dwConnection = 0;
// Register the advise
HRESULT hr = pdahTest->Advise(pgdo, g_datfeDaTest.GetFormatEtc(), ADVF_NODATA | ADVF_PRIMEFIRST | ADVF_ONLYONCE, &tas, &dwConnection);
// Confirm that the advise is notified and in the correct state
if (!tas.ValidOnDataChange()) { OutputString("TestPrimeFirstOnlyOnceNoData OnDataChange invalid!\r\n"); return E_FAIL; }
// Make sure the advise was not registered
if (dwConnection != 0) { OutputString("TestPrimeFirstOnlyOnceNoData got Connection!\r\n"); return E_FAIL; }
return NOERROR; }
// Function: TestPrimeFirstOnlyOnceData
// Synopsis: Test one notification of
// Arguments: [pdahTest] - data advise holder we are testing
// [pgdo] - generic data object
// Returns: NOERROR - notification was correct
// E_FAIL - error in notification
// Algorithm: Create an test advise sink object. Register it with the
// advise holder which should cause the notification. Verify
// that the advise was notified and that no connection was
// returned.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
HRESULT TestPrimeFirstOnlyOnceData( IDataAdviseHolder *pdahTest, CGenDataObject *pgdo) { // Create an advise sink that we can verify the STGMEDIUM
CTestAdviseSink tas(pgdo);
// Where to store the connection
DWORD dwConnection = 0;
// Register the advise
HRESULT hr = pdahTest->Advise(pgdo, g_datfeDaTest.GetFormatEtc(), ADVF_PRIMEFIRST | ADVF_ONLYONCE, &tas, &dwConnection);
// Confirm that the advise is notified and in the correct state
if (!tas.ValidOnDataChange()) { OutputString("TestPrimeFirstOnlyOnceData OnDataChange invalid!\r\n"); return E_FAIL; }
// Make sure the advise was not registered
if (dwConnection != 0) { OutputString("TestPrimeFirstOnlyOnceData got Connection!\r\n"); return E_FAIL; }
return NOERROR; }
// Function: DoRegisterNotifyDeregister
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pdahTest] - data advise holder we are testing
// [pdo] - IDataObject interface
// [pgdo] - generic data object
// [advf] - advise flags to use
// [pszCaller] - name of test
// Returns: NOERROR - notification was correct
// E_FAIL - error in notification
// Algorithm: Create a test advise sink object. Register for an notification
// with the data advise holder. Confirm that the prime first
// notification worked. Confirm that the object did get
// registered. Tell the advise holder to notify all registered
// advises that the data changed. Confirm that the appropriate
// notification was sent. Then deregister the advise. Do it
// again to make sure the connection is no longer valid.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
HRESULT DoRegisterNotifyDeregister( IDataAdviseHolder *pdahTest, IDataObject *pdo, CGenDataObject *pgdo, DWORD advf, char *pszCaller) { // Create an advise sink that we can verify the STGMEDIUM
CTestAdviseSink tas(pgdo);
// Where to store the connection
DWORD dwConnection;
// Register the advise
HRESULT hr = pdahTest->Advise(pdo, g_datfeDaTest.GetFormatEtc(), ADVF_PRIMEFIRST | advf, &tas, &dwConnection);
// Confirm that the advise is notified and in the correct state
if (!tas.ValidOnDataChange()) { OutputString("%s First OnDataChange invalid!\r\n", pszCaller); return E_FAIL; }
// Make sure the advise is registered
if (dwConnection == 0) { OutputString("%s did not get Connection!\r\n", pszCaller); return E_FAIL; }
// Test regular data change
hr = pdahTest->SendOnDataChange(pdo, 0, 0);
if (hr != NOERROR) { OutputString("%s SendOnDataChange unexpected HRESULT = %lx!\r\n", pszCaller, hr); return E_FAIL; }
// Confirm that the advise is notified and in the correct state
if (!tas.ValidOnDataChange()) { OutputString("%s Second OnDataChange invalid!\r\n", pszCaller); return E_FAIL; }
// Test unadvise
hr = pdahTest->Unadvise(dwConnection);
if (hr != NOERROR) { OutputString("%s Unadvise unexpected HRESULT = %lx!\r\n", pszCaller, hr); return E_FAIL; }
// Test second unadvise on the same connection
hr = pdahTest->Unadvise(dwConnection);
if (hr != OLE_E_NOCONNECTION) { OutputString("%s Second Unadvise Bad Hresult = %lx!\r\n", pszCaller, hr); return E_FAIL; }
return NOERROR; }
// Function: TestRegisterNotifyDegister
// Synopsis: Test a simple register/notify/deregister sequence
// Arguments: [pdahTest] - data advise holder we are testing
// [pgdo] - generic data object
// Returns: NOERROR - notification was correct
// E_FAIL - error in notification
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
HRESULT TestRegisterNotifyDegister( IDataAdviseHolder *pdahTest, CGenDataObject *pgdo) { return DoRegisterNotifyDeregister(pdahTest, pgdo, pgdo, 0, "TestRegisterNotifyDegister"); }
// Function: TestRegisterNotifyDegisterNoData
// Synopsis: Test a simple register/notify/deregister sequence with
// no data being returned.
// Arguments: [pdahTest] - data advise holder we are testing
// [pgdo] - generic data object
// Returns: NOERROR - notification was correct
// E_FAIL - error in notification
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
HRESULT TestRegisterNotifyDegisterNoData( IDataAdviseHolder *pdahTest, CGenDataObject *pgdo) { return DoRegisterNotifyDeregister(pdahTest, pgdo, NULL, ADVF_NODATA, "TestRegisterNotifyDegisterNoData"); }
// Function: TestNotifyOnStop
// Synopsis: Test a registration with a call of notify on stop
// Arguments: [pdahTest] - data advise holder we are testing
// [pgdo] - generic data object
// Returns: NOERROR - notification was correct
// E_FAIL - error in notification
// Algorithm: Create a test object. Register it with the advise holder.
// Confirm that the connection was returned and that no
// notification occurred. Then tell the data advise holder
// to notify its registrations of a data change. Make sure
// that the advise was correctly notified. Finally, verify
// that we can deregister the advise and that its connection
// becomes invalid.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
HRESULT TestNotifyOnStop( IDataAdviseHolder *pdahTest, CGenDataObject *pgdo) { // Routine name for messages
char *pszCaller = "TestNotifyOnStop";
// Create an advise sink that we can verify the STGMEDIUM
CTestAdviseSink tas(pgdo);
// Where to store the connection
DWORD dwConnection;
// Register the advise
HRESULT hr = pdahTest->Advise(pgdo, g_datfeDaTest.GetFormatEtc(), ADVF_DATAONSTOP, &tas, &dwConnection);
// Make sure the advise is registered
if (dwConnection == 0) { OutputString("%s did not get Connection!\r\n", pszCaller); return E_FAIL; }
// Confirm that the data object was not notified
if (tas.ValidOnDataChange()) { OutputString("%s Registration caused notification!\r\n", pszCaller); return E_FAIL; }
// Test regular data change
hr = pdahTest->SendOnDataChange(pgdo, 0, ADVF_DATAONSTOP);
if (hr != NOERROR) { OutputString("%s SendOnDataChange unexpected HRESULT = %lx!\r\n", pszCaller, hr); return E_FAIL; }
// Confirm that the advise is notified and in the correct state
if (!tas.ValidOnDataChange()) { OutputString("%s Second OnDataChange invalid!\r\n", pszCaller); return E_FAIL; }
// Test unadvise
hr = pdahTest->Unadvise(dwConnection);
if (hr != NOERROR) { OutputString("%s Unadvise unexpected HRESULT = %lx!\r\n", pszCaller, hr); return E_FAIL; }
// Test second unadvise on the same connection
hr = pdahTest->Unadvise(dwConnection);
if (hr != OLE_E_NOCONNECTION) { OutputString("%s Second Unadvise Bad Hresult = %lx!\r\n", pszCaller, hr); return E_FAIL; }
return NOERROR; }
// Function: TestNotifyOnce
// Synopsis: Test a notify once advise
// Arguments: [pdahTest] - data advise holder we are testing
// [pgdo] - generic data object
// Returns: NOERROR - notification was correct
// E_FAIL - error in notification
// Algorithm: Create a test advise object. Register it to be advised only
// once of a change. Confirm that we got a registration. Then
// tell the advise holder to notify its advises of a data
// change. Confirm that the correct notification occurred. Finally,
// confirm that we are no longer registered with the advise
// holder.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
HRESULT TestNotifyOnce( IDataAdviseHolder *pdahTest, CGenDataObject *pgdo) { // Routine name for messages
char *pszCaller = "TestNotifyOnce";
// Create an advise sink that we can verify the STGMEDIUM
CTestAdviseSink tas(pgdo);
// Where to store the connection
DWORD dwConnection;
// Register the advise
HRESULT hr = pdahTest->Advise(pgdo, g_datfeDaTest.GetFormatEtc(), ADVF_ONLYONCE, &tas, &dwConnection);
// Make sure the advise is registered
if (dwConnection == 0) { OutputString("%s did not get Connection!\r\n", pszCaller); return E_FAIL; }
// Test regular data change
hr = pdahTest->SendOnDataChange(pgdo, 0, 0);
if (hr != NOERROR) { OutputString("%s SendOnDataChange unexpected HRESULT = %lx!\r\n", pszCaller, hr); return E_FAIL; }
// Confirm that the advise is notified and in the correct state
if (!tas.ValidOnDataChange()) { OutputString("%s Send OnDataChange invalid!\r\n", pszCaller); return E_FAIL; }
// Try a second notify
hr = pdahTest->SendOnDataChange(pgdo, 0, 0);
// Confirm that the advise is *not* notified
if (tas.ValidOnDataChange()) { OutputString("%s Second OnDataChange unexpectedly succeeded!\r\n", pszCaller); return E_FAIL; }
// Test unadvise - should fail since we requested to be notified
// only once.
hr = pdahTest->Unadvise(dwConnection);
if (hr != OLE_E_NOCONNECTION) { OutputString("%s Second Unadvise Bad Hresult = %lx!\r\n", pszCaller, hr); return E_FAIL; }
return NOERROR; }
// Function: CreateMassRegistration
// Synopsis: Register a large number of advise objects with a holder
// Arguments: [pdahTest] - data advise holder we are testing
// [pgdo] - generic data object
// [pszCaller] - name of test
// Returns: NOERROR - all advises were registered
// E_FAIL - error in registration
// Algorithm: Create a MAX_REGISTER number of test advise objects and
// store them in the aMassAdvise array. Then register them
// all with the input advise holder.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
HRESULT CreateMassRegistration( IDataAdviseHolder *pdahTest, CGenDataObject *pgdo, char *pszCaller) { // Create the advise sinks for the test for the test
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTER; i++) { aMassAdvise[i].ptas = new CTestAdviseSink(pgdo);
if (aMassAdvise[i].ptas == NULL) { OutputString( "%s Advise create of test advise failed on %d!\r\n", pszCaller, i); return E_FAIL; }
aMassAdvise[i].dwConnection = 0; }
// Register the advise sinks
for (i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTER; i++) { // Register the advise
hr = pdahTest->Advise(pgdo, g_datfeDaTest.GetFormatEtc(), 0, aMassAdvise[i].ptas, &aMassAdvise[i].dwConnection);
if (hr != NOERROR) { OutputString( "%s Advise unexpected HRESULT = %lx on %d!\r\n", pszCaller, hr, i); return E_FAIL; } }
return S_OK; }
// Function: DoMassUnadvise
// Synopsis: Deregister all entries in the aMassAdvise array
// Arguments: [pdahTest] - data advise holder we are testing
// [pszCaller] - name of test
// Returns: NOERROR - deregistration worked
// E_FAIL - error in deregistration
// Algorithm: For each entry in the aMassAdvise array, deregister it
// from the holder. Then confirm that its connection is
// no longer valid.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
HRESULT DoMassUnadvise( IDataAdviseHolder *pdahTest, char *pszCaller) { HRESULT hr;
// Unadvise them
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTER; i++) { // Test unadvise
hr = pdahTest->Unadvise(aMassAdvise[i].dwConnection);
if (hr != NOERROR) { OutputString( "%s Unadvise unexpected HRESULT = %lx on %d!\r\n", pszCaller, hr, i); return E_FAIL; }
// Test second unadvise on the same connection
hr = pdahTest->Unadvise(aMassAdvise[i].dwConnection);
if (hr != OLE_E_NOCONNECTION) { OutputString( "%s Second Unadvise Bad Hresult = %lx on %d!\r\n", pszCaller, hr, i); return E_FAIL; } }
// Delete the advise sinks for the test
for (i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTER; i++) { delete aMassAdvise[i].ptas ; }
return S_OK; }
// Function: TestMassRegister
// Synopsis: Test registering a large number of advises with a holder
// Arguments: [pdahTest] - data advise holder we are testing
// [pgdo] - generic data object
// Returns: NOERROR - notification was correct
// E_FAIL - error in notification
// Algorithm: Register a large number of test advises with the data advise
// holder. Then tell the advise holder to notify them of
// a change. Confirm that all registered entries were notified.
// Finally, deregister all the test advises.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
HRESULT TestMassRegister( IDataAdviseHolder *pdahTest, CGenDataObject *pgdo) { char *pszCaller = "TestMassRegister";
HRESULT hr = CreateMassRegistration(pdahTest, pgdo, "TestMassRegister");
if (hr != NOERROR) { return hr; }
// Notify them of a change
hr = pdahTest->SendOnDataChange(pgdo, 0, 0);
// Verify that each was notified
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTER; i++) { if (!aMassAdvise[i].ptas->ValidOnDataChange()) { OutputString( "%s OnDataChange invalid for entry %d!\r\n", pszCaller, i); return E_FAIL; } }
// Unadvise them and free the memory
return DoMassUnadvise(pdahTest, "TestMassRegister"); }
// Function: TestEnumerator
// Synopsis: Test the data advise holder enumerator
// Arguments: [pdahTest] - data advise holder we are testing
// [pgdo] - generic data object
// Returns: NOERROR - notification was correct
// E_FAIL - error in notification
// Algorithm: Create a large number of test advises and register them
// with the advise holder. Get an advise enumerator. Create
// a test enumerator object. Tell the test enumerator object
// to enumerate all the object in the holder. Verify that
// all objects were correctly enumerated. Then release the
// advise holder enumerator. Finally, deregister all the
// test advises from the advise holder.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
HRESULT TestEnumerator( IDataAdviseHolder *pdahTest, CGenDataObject *pgdo) { char *pszCaller = "TestEnumerator";
// Do a mass register
HRESULT hr = CreateMassRegistration(pdahTest, pgdo, pszCaller);
if (hr != NOERROR) { return hr; }
// Get an enumerator for this registration
IEnumSTATDATA *penumAdvise;
hr = pdahTest->EnumAdvise(&penumAdvise);
if (hr != NOERROR) { OutputString("%s EnumAdvise failed %lx!\r\n", pszCaller, hr); return E_FAIL; }
// Create a test enumerator object
CTestDaHolder tdh(penumAdvise, hr);
if (hr != NOERROR) { OutputString( "%s Failed creating CTestDaHolder %lx!\r\n", pszCaller, hr); return E_FAIL; }
// Enmerate all 1 by 1
if (tdh.TestNext() != NOERROR) { OutputString( "%s tdh.TestNext failed during enumeration\r\n", pszCaller); return E_FAIL; }
// Verify that all entries were enumerated
if (!tdh.VerifyAllEnmerated()) { OutputString( "%s tdh.VerifyAllEnmerated failed verification pass\r\n", pszCaller); return E_FAIL; }
// Do a test all
if (tdh.TestAll() != NOERROR) { OutputString( "%s tdh.TestAll failed during enumeration\r\n", pszCaller); return E_FAIL; }
// Release the advise enumerator
if (penumAdvise->Release() != 0) { OutputString( "%s Failed freeing advise enumerator %lx!\r\n", pszCaller, hr); return E_FAIL; }
// Release the registrations
return DoMassUnadvise(pdahTest, pszCaller); }
// Function: LEDataAdviseHolderTest
// Synopsis: Unit test for the data advise holder.
// Returns: NOERROR - test passed
// E_FAIL - test failed.
// Algorithm: Create an advise holder object. Run through all the test
// cases. Return NOERROR if they succeed or stop with the first
// that fails.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 01-Jun-94 Ricksa Created
HRESULT LEDataAdviseHolderTest(void) { // Create a data object for use in the test
CGenDataObject *pgdo = new CGenDataObject;
// Create a data advise holder
IDataAdviseHolder *pdahTest;
HRESULT hr = CreateDataAdviseHolder(&pdahTest);
if (hr != NOERROR) { OutputString( "LEDataAdviseHolderTest CreateDataAdviseHolder Faild hr = %lx", hr); return hr; }
if ((hr = TestPrimeFirstOnlyOnceNoData(pdahTest, pgdo)) != NOERROR) { return hr; }
if ((hr = TestPrimeFirstOnlyOnceNoData(pdahTest, pgdo)) != NOERROR) { return hr; }
// Case 3: Register/Notify/Deregister
if ((hr = TestRegisterNotifyDegister(pdahTest, pgdo)) != NOERROR) { return hr; }
// Case 4: Register/Notify/Deregister with no data returned
if ((hr = TestRegisterNotifyDegisterNoData(pdahTest, pgdo)) != NOERROR) { return hr; }
// Case 5: Test notify on stop
if ((hr = TestNotifyOnStop(pdahTest, pgdo)) != NOERROR) { return hr; }
// Case 6: Test notify only once
if ((hr = TestNotifyOnce(pdahTest, pgdo)) != NOERROR) { return hr; }
// Case 7: Test mass Register/Notify/Deregister
if ((hr = TestMassRegister(pdahTest, pgdo)) != NOERROR) { return hr; }
// Case 8: Test Enumerator
if ((hr = TestEnumerator(pdahTest, pgdo)) != NOERROR) { return hr; }
// We are done
DWORD dwFinalRefs = pdahTest->Release();
if (dwFinalRefs != 0) { OutputString( "LEDataAdviseHolderTest Final Release is = %d", dwFinalRefs); return E_FAIL; }
return NOERROR; }