// File: perfsrv.cxx
// Contents: This file contins the DLL entry points
// LibMain
// DllGetClassObject (Bindings key func)
// CPerfCF (class factory)
// CPerf (actual class implementation)
// Classes: CPerfCF, CPerf
// History: 30-Nov-92 SarahJ Created
// Turn off ole Cairol IUnknown
#define __IUNKNOWN_TMP__
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include "perfsrv.hxx"
extern "C" { #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "wterm.h"
// These are Cairo symbols. Just define them here so I don't have to rip
// out or conditionally compile all references to them.
#define IDM_DEBUG 0x100
// Count of objects we have instantiated. When we detect 0, we quit.
ULONG g_cUsage = 0;
const TCHAR *szAppName = L"Performance Server";
HWND g_hMain; DWORD thread_mode = COINIT_SINGLETHREADED; DWORD MainThread; DWORD junk;
void Display(TCHAR *pszFmt, ...) { va_list marker; TCHAR szBuffer[256];
va_start(marker, pszFmt);
int iLen = vswprintf(szBuffer, pszFmt, marker);
// Display the message on terminal window
SendMessage(g_hMain, WM_PRINT_LINE, iLen, (LONG) szBuffer); }
// Function: ProcessMenu
// Synopsis: Gets called when a WM_COMMAND message received.
// Arguments: [hWindow] - handle for the window
// [uiMessage] - message id
// [wParam] - word parameter
// [lParam] - long parameter
// Returns: DefWindowProc result
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
long ProcessMenu(HWND hWindow, UINT uiMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, void *) { if ((uiMessage == WM_SYSCOMMAND) && (wParam == IDM_DEBUG)) { // Request for a debug breakpoint!
DebugBreak(); }
return (DefWindowProc(hWindow, uiMessage, wParam, lParam)); }
// Function: ProcessChar
// Synopsis: Gets called when a WM_CHAR message received.
// Arguments: [hWindow] - handle for the window
// [uiMessage] - message id
// [wParam] - word parameter
// [lParam] - long parameter
// Returns: DefWindowProc result
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
long ProcessChar(HWND hWindow, UINT uiMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, void *) { return (DefWindowProc(hWindow, uiMessage, wParam, lParam)); }
// Function: ProcessClose
// Synopsis: Gets called when a NC_DESTROY message received.
// Arguments: [hWindow] - handle for the window
// [uiMessage] - message id
// [wParam] - word parameter
// [lParam] - long parameter
// Returns: DefWindowProc result
// History: 06-Aug-92 Ricksa Created
long ProcessClose( HWND hWindow, UINT uiMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, void *pvCallBackData) { // Take default action with message
return (DefWindowProc(hWindow, uiMessage, wParam, lParam)); }
// Function: WinMain
// Synopsis: Entry point to DLL - does little else
// Arguments:
// Returns: TRUE
// History: 21-Nov-92 SarahJ Created
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, char *lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { // For windows message
MSG msg; DWORD dwRegistration; int len; TCHAR buffer[80]; MainThread = GetCurrentThreadId();
// Look up the thread mode from the win.ini file.
#if 0
len = GetProfileString( L"My Section", L"ThreadMode", L"MultiThreaded", buffer, sizeof(buffer) ); if (lstrcmp(buffer, L"SingleThreaded") == 0) thread_mode = COINIT_SINGLETHREADED; else if (lstrcmp(buffer, L"MultiThreaded") == 0) thread_mode = COINIT_MULTITHREADED; #endif
// Initialize the OLE libraries
// Create our class factory
CPerfCF *perf_cf = new CPerfCF();
// Register our class with OLE
CoRegisterClassObject(CLSID_IPerf, perf_cf, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, &dwRegistration);
// CoRegister bumps reference count so we don't have to!
// Register the window class
TermRegisterClass(hInstance, (LPTSTR) szAppName, (LPTSTR) szAppName, (LPTSTR) (1));
// Create the server window
TermCreateWindow( (LPTSTR) szAppName, (LPTSTR) szAppName, NULL, ProcessMenu, ProcessChar, ProcessClose, SW_SHOWNORMAL, &g_hMain, NULL);
// Add debug option to system menu
HMENU hmenu = GetSystemMenu(g_hMain, FALSE);
AppendMenu(hmenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); AppendMenu(hmenu, MF_STRING | MF_ENABLED, IDM_DEBUG, L"Debug");
// Print the process id.
Display( L"Hi, I am %x.\n", GetCurrentProcessId() );
// Echo the mode.
if (thread_mode == COINIT_SINGLETHREADED) Display(L"Server running in single threaded mode.\n"); else Display(L"Server running in multithreaded mode.\n");
// Message processing loop
while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage (&msg); DispatchMessage (&msg); }
// Deregister out class - should release object as well
// Tell OLE we are going away.
return (msg.wParam); /* Returns the value from PostQuitMessage */ }
/***************************************************************************/ void CheckThread( TCHAR *name ) { if (thread_mode == COINIT_SINGLETHREADED) { if (GetCurrentThreadId() != MainThread) goto complain; } else { if (GetCurrentThreadId() == MainThread) goto complain; } return;
complain: Display( L"*********************************************************\n" ); Display( L"* *\n" ); Display( L"* Error *\n" ); Display( L"* *\n" ); Display( L"* Method called on wrong thread. *\n" ); Display( name ); Display( L"* *\n" ); Display( L"*********************************************************\n" ); }
/***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPerf::AddRef( THIS ) { CheckThread(L"STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPerf::AddRef( THIS )"); InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &ref_count ); return ref_count; }
/***************************************************************************/ CPerf::CPerf() { ref_count = 1; g_cUsage++; }
/***************************************************************************/ CPerf::~CPerf() { if (--g_cUsage == 0) { SendMessage(g_hMain, WM_TERM_WND, 0, 0); } }
/***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CPerf::GetAnotherObject( IPerf **another ) { CheckThread(L"STDMETHODIMP CPerf::GetAnotherObject( IPerf **another )"); *another = NULL; CPerf *perf = new FAR CPerf();
if (perf == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
*another = perf; return S_OK; }
/***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CPerf::HResultCall() { CheckThread(L"STDMETHODIMP CPerf::HResultCall()"); return S_OK; }
/***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CPerf::NullCall() { return S_OK; }
/***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CPerf::PassMoniker( IMoniker *moniker ) { HRESULT result; IBindCtx *bindctx; WCHAR *wide_name;
// Get a bind context.
result = CreateBindCtx( NULL, &bindctx ); if (FAILED(result)) { Display( L"Could not create bind context: 0x%x\n", result ); return E_FAIL; }
// Display name.
result = moniker->GetDisplayName( bindctx, NULL, &wide_name ); if (FAILED(result)) { Display( L"Could not get display name: 0x%x\n", result ); return E_FAIL; }
// Display the name.
Display( L"The moniker is called <%s>\n", wide_name );
// Free string.
CoTaskMemFree( wide_name );
// Release everything.
moniker->Release(); bindctx->Release(); return S_OK; }
/***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CPerf::QueryInterface( THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) { CheckThread(L"STDMETHODIMP CPerf::QueryInterface( THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)" ); if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IPerf)) { *ppvObj = (IUnknown *) this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } else { *ppvObj = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } }
/***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPerf::Release( THIS ) { CheckThread(L"STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPerf::Release( THIS )"); if (InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &ref_count ) == 0) { delete this; return 0; } else return ref_count; }
/***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPerfCF::AddRef( THIS ) { CheckThread(L"STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPerfCF::AddRef( THIS )"); InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &ref_count ); return ref_count; }
/***************************************************************************/ CPerfCF::CPerfCF() { ref_count = 1; }
/***************************************************************************/ CPerfCF::~CPerfCF() { }
/***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CPerfCF::CreateInstance( IUnknown FAR* pUnkOuter, REFIID iidInterface, void FAR* FAR* ppv) { CheckThread(L"STDMETHODIMP CPerfCF::CreateInstance(" ); Display(L"CPerfCF::CreateInstance called\n");
*ppv = NULL; if (pUnkOuter != NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
if (!IsEqualIID( iidInterface, IID_IPerf )) return E_NOINTERFACE;
CPerf *perf = new FAR CPerf();
if (perf == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
*ppv = perf; return S_OK; }
/***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CPerfCF::LockServer(BOOL fLock) { CheckThread( L"STDMETHODIMP CPerfCF::LockServer(BOOL fLock)" ); return E_FAIL; }
/***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CPerfCF::QueryInterface( THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) { CheckThread(L"STDMETHODIMP CPerfCF::QueryInterface( THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)"); if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IClassFactory)) { *ppvObj = (IUnknown *) this; AddRef(); return S_OK; }
*ppvObj = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
/***************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPerfCF::Release( THIS ) { CheckThread(L"STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPerfCF::Release( THIS )"); if (InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &ref_count ) == 0) { delete this; return 0; } else return ref_count; }