// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993.
// File: procswap.cxx
// Contents: Program for measuring task switching performance
// between two windows programs. The program creates
// CTaskSwitch objects...
// Each Object can wait on one of three things...
// 1. GetMessage
// 2. MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
// 3. WaitForSingleObject (event)
// and when awoken, will signal another Object in one
// of three ways...
// 1. PostMessage
// 2. SendMessage
// 3. SetEvent
// These cases can be combined in any manner to obtain
// a maxtrix of possible scenarios.
// The CTaskSwitch objects can be in the same process on
// different threads, or in different processes.
// Classes: CEvent - event handling class
// CTaskSwitch - main task switch class
// Functions: WinMain - entry point of process
// ThreadEntry - entry point of spawned threads
// ThreadWndProc - processes windows messages
// History: 08-Feb-94 Rickhi Created
#include <benchmrk.hxx>
#include <tchar.h>
// execution parameter structure
typedef struct tagSExecParms { int oloop; // outer loop count
int iloop; // inner loop count
HWND hWndOther; // HWND of other process
HANDLE hEventOther; // Event Handle of other process
WNDPROC pfnWndProc; // ptr to WndProc function
TCHAR szFile[20]; // output file name
TCHAR szWaitEvent[20]; // event name to wait on
TCHAR szSignalEvent[20]; // event name to signal
} SExecParms;
// input names corresponding to the wait types
LPSTR aszWait[] = {"", "event", "msgwait", "getmsg", "sync", NULL};
// input names corresponding to the signal types
LPSTR aszSignal[] = {"", "event", "postmsg", "sendmsg", "sync", NULL};
// Name of window class for dispatching messages.
#define MY_WINDOW_CLASS TEXT("ProcSwapWindowClass")
#define MAX_OLOOP 100
// globals
DWORD g_fFullInfo = 0; // write full info or not
HINSTANCE g_hInst = NULL; // misc windows junk.
ATOM g_MyClass = 0; UINT g_MyMessage = WM_USER;
// function prototype
LRESULT ThreadWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); DWORD ThreadEntry(void *param);
// Class: CEvent
// Purpose: class for blocking & starting threads.
class CEvent { public: CEvent(LPTSTR szName, HRESULT &hr) { Init(szName, hr); } CEvent(void) {m_hdl = NULL; }
~CEvent() { CloseHandle(m_hdl); }
void Signal(void) { SetEvent(m_hdl); } void Reset(void) { ; } // ResetEvent(m_hdl); }
void BlockS(void) { WaitForSingleObject(m_hdl, 60000); } void BlockM(void) { WaitForMultipleObjects(1, &m_hdl, FALSE, 60000); } HANDLE *GetHdl(void) { return &m_hdl; };
void Init(LPTSTR szName, HRESULT &hr);
HANDLE m_hdl; };
void CEvent::Init(LPTSTR szName, HRESULT &hr) { hr = S_OK;
// first try opening the event
m_hdl = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, szName);
if (m_hdl == NULL) { // doesnt exist yet so create it.
m_hdl = CreateEvent(NULL, // security
FALSE, // auto reset
FALSE, // initially not signalled
if (m_hdl == NULL) { _tprintf (TEXT("Error Creating CEvent (%s)\n"), szName); hr = GetLastError(); } else { _tprintf (TEXT("Created CEvent (%s)\n"), szName); } } else { _tprintf (TEXT("Opened CEvent (%s)\n"), szName); } }
// Class: CTaskSwitch
// Purpose: class for timing task switches.
class CTaskSwitch { public: CTaskSwitch(LPSTR lpszCmdLine, HRESULT &hr); ~CTaskSwitch(void);
int MainProcessLoop(void); LRESULT ThreadWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); HRESULT SpawnOtherSide(void);
// initialization / cleanup methods
HRESULT ParseCmdLine(LPSTR lpszCmdLine, SExecParms &execp); HRESULT WindowInitialize(WNDPROC pfnWndProc, HWND &hWnd); void WindowUninitialize(HWND hWnd); void CreateOtherParms(void); void WriteExecParms(void); void WriteResults(void); void Help(void); DWORD GetWaitType(LPSTR pszCmd); DWORD GetSignalType(LPSTR pszCmd); DWORD CreateProc(void);
// processing methods
HRESULT SendOrWaitFirstSignal(void); void ProcessMsgWaitForMultiple(DWORD dwRet); void ProcessIncommingEvent(void); void UpdateLoopCounters(void); void SignalOtherSide(void);
// data
BOOL g_fDone; // when to exit the loop
BOOL g_fKicker; // we kick the other guy
BOOL g_fThreadSwitch; // thread or process switching?
BOOL g_fWaitMultiple; // wait single or multiple
ULONG g_oloop; // outer loop counter
ULONG g_iloop; // inner loop counter
DWORD g_WaitType; // what to wait on
DWORD g_SignalType; // what to signal
// used only for parameter parseing
DWORD g_WaitType1; // what to wait on
DWORD g_SignalType1; // what to signal
DWORD g_WaitType2; // what to wait on
DWORD g_SignalType2; // what to signal
HWND g_hWndOther; // hWnd of other side
HWND g_hWndMe; // my hWnd
CEvent g_WaitEvent; // event to wait on
CEvent g_SignalEvent; // event to signal
ULONG g_time[MAX_OLOOP]; // place to store the timings.
CStopWatch g_timer; // global timer proc 1
SExecParms g_execp; // execution parameters
CTestOutput * g_output; // output log
HRESULT g_hr; // result code
CHAR g_szOtherParms[MAX_PATH]; // parm string for other guy
// task switch objects - must be global for ThreadWndProc
CTaskSwitch *g_pTaskSwitch1 = NULL; CTaskSwitch *g_pTaskSwitch2 = NULL;
// WinMain - main entry point of program. May just call ThreadEntry, or
// may spawn another thread in the case of thread switching.
int WinMain(HINSTANCE hinst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int CmdShow) { HRESULT hr;
// create the first task switch object for this process
g_pTaskSwitch1 = new CTaskSwitch(lpszCmdLine, hr);
if (hr == S_OK) { // spawn a new thread or a new process to do task switching with.
hr = g_pTaskSwitch1->SpawnOtherSide();
if (hr == S_OK) { // enter the main processing loop
g_pTaskSwitch1->MainProcessLoop(); } }
// print the results
delete g_pTaskSwitch1; return 1; }
// ThreadEntry - main entry point for a thread spawned by CreateThread
// in the case of task switching between threads.
// Creates an instance of the CTaskSwitch class and invokes it
// main function.
DWORD ThreadEntry(void *param) { LPSTR lpszCmdLine = (LPSTR) param;
// create the second task switch object for this process
g_pTaskSwitch2 = new CTaskSwitch(lpszCmdLine, hr);
if (hr == S_OK) { // enter the main processing loop
g_pTaskSwitch2->MainProcessLoop(); }
// print the results
delete g_pTaskSwitch2; return hr; }
// Dipatch to the correct CTaskSwitch object if the message is our
// special message.
LRESULT ThreadWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { if (msg == g_MyMessage) { // its my special message, go handle it.
// here i have to select which object to dispatch to for the
// multithreaded case. i base that decision on lparam.
if (lparam == 0) { // use the first task switch object
return g_pTaskSwitch1->ThreadWndProc(hWnd, msg, wparam, lparam); } else { // use the second task switch object
return g_pTaskSwitch2->ThreadWndProc(hWnd, msg, wparam, lparam); } } else { // let the default window procedure have the message.
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wparam, lparam); } }
// Constructor : parse the command line, create the events, create the
// window, and open a log file.
CTaskSwitch::CTaskSwitch(LPSTR lpszCmdLine, HRESULT &hr) : g_fDone(FALSE), g_fKicker(FALSE), g_fThreadSwitch(FALSE), g_fWaitMultiple(FALSE), g_oloop(10), g_iloop(100), g_WaitType(WAIT_EVENT), g_SignalType(SIGNAL_EVENT), g_hWndMe(NULL), g_hWndOther(NULL), g_output(NULL), g_hr(S_OK) { // parse command line and write the parms to log file.
g_hr = ParseCmdLine(lpszCmdLine, g_execp);
if (g_hr == S_OK) { // Create a log file & write execution parameters
g_output = new CTestOutput(g_execp.szFile); WriteExecParms();
// create the window for this thread
g_hr = WindowInitialize(g_execp.pfnWndProc, g_hWndMe); if (g_hr == S_OK) { // Create the Wait event.
g_WaitEvent.Init(g_execp.szWaitEvent, g_hr); if (g_hr == S_OK) { // Create the Signal event.
g_SignalEvent.Init(g_execp.szSignalEvent, g_hr);
if (g_hr == S_OK) { // create paramters to send to other side.
CreateOtherParms(); } } } }
// return the results
hr = g_hr; }
// Desructor
CTaskSwitch::~CTaskSwitch(void) { // write the results
// cleanup window registration
// close the log file
delete g_output; }
// Spawns either another process or another thread to perform the task
// switching with.
HRESULT CTaskSwitch::SpawnOtherSide(void) { if (g_fKicker) { // i'm already the second entry, dont spawn anything.
// sleep for a bit to make sure both sides are ready
// when i kick things off.
Sleep(1000); return S_OK; }
if (g_fThreadSwitch) { // spawn a thread
HANDLE hdl; DWORD dwId; hdl = CreateThread(NULL, // default security
0, // default stack size
ThreadEntry, // entry point
g_szOtherParms, // command line parms
0, // flags
&dwId); // threadid
if (hdl) { // dont need the handle
CloseHandle(hdl); } else { // what went wrong?
return GetLastError(); } } else { // spawn a process
DWORD dwRet = CreateProc(); if (dwRet != S_OK) { return dwRet; } }
return S_OK; }
// MainProcessLoop - does the main wait & process the event
int CTaskSwitch::MainProcessLoop(void) { MSG msg; DWORD dwRet;
// Send, or wait on, the first signal.
// Reset the timer and enter the main loop.
// wait loop - based on the type of event we should receive, we
// wait here until such an event occurs. Then we send a signal
// to the other side based on what it expects from us.
while (!g_fDone) { switch (g_WaitType) {
// wait here for a message or an event to be signalled
dwRet = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, g_WaitEvent.GetHdl(), FALSE, 600000, QS_ALLINPUT);
// Dispatch to ThreadWndProc if a message, or
// to ProcessEvent if an event was signalled
ProcessMsgWaitForMultiple(dwRet); break;
// wait for a windows message
if (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { // dispatches to my ThreadWndProc
DispatchMessage(&msg); } break;
// wait for the event to be signalled
if (g_fWaitMultiple) g_WaitEvent.BlockM(); else g_WaitEvent.BlockS();
// process the event
ProcessIncommingEvent(); break;
// we have a synchronous singal to the other side, so there is
// nothing to wait on, we will just go make another synchronous
// call. this is valid only if the g_SignalType is
ProcessIncommingEvent(); break;
// unknown event
break; }
} // while
return msg.wParam; // Return value from PostQuitMessage
// processes a wakeup from MsgWaitForMultiple. Determines if the event was
// a message arrival (in which case it Peeks it and Dispatches it, or if it
// was an event signalled, in which case it calls the event handler.
void CTaskSwitch::ProcessMsgWaitForMultiple(DWORD dwRet) { MSG msg;
if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // our event got signalled, update the counters
ProcessIncommingEvent(); }
else if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { // some windows message was received. dispatch it.
if (PeekMessage(&msg, g_hWndMe, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } } else { // our event timed out or our event was abandoned or
// an error occurred.
g_fDone = TRUE; } }
// processes an incomming event. Just updates the counters and
// signals the other side.
void CTaskSwitch::ProcessIncommingEvent(void) { // update the loop counters
// Signal the other side
SignalOtherSide(); }
// process the incomming message
LRESULT CTaskSwitch::ThreadWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { // save the callers hWnd
g_hWndOther = (HWND) wparam;
// process as usual
return 0; }
// updates the global loop counters, reseting the time when the inner
// loop counter expires, and setting the fDone when the outer and inner
// loop counters expire.
void CTaskSwitch::UpdateLoopCounters(void) { if (g_iloop == 0) { // get time for latest outer loop
g_time[g_oloop] = g_timer.Read();
if (g_oloop == 0) { // that was the last outerloop, we're done.
g_fDone = TRUE; } else { // update the counters
g_iloop = g_execp.iloop; --g_oloop;
// restart the timer
g_timer.Reset(); } } else { // just update the inner loop count
--g_iloop; } }
// signals the other process or thread according to the SendType (either
// signals an event or posts a message).
void CTaskSwitch::SignalOtherSide(void) { switch (g_SignalType) {
// signal the other sides event
g_SignalEvent.Signal(); break;
// post a message to the other sides window handle.
// lparam tells ThreadWndProc which object to dispatch to, either
// g_pTaskSwitch1 or g_pTaskSwitch2. We only go to 2 if we are
// doing thread switches AND the poster is not the kicker.
PostMessage(g_hWndOther, g_MyMessage, (WPARAM)g_hWndMe, (g_fThreadSwitch && !g_fKicker)); break;
// send a message to the other side. this is a synchronous
// event. see comment in PostMessage above regarding lparam.
SendMessage(g_hWndOther, g_MyMessage, (WPARAM)g_hWndMe, (g_fThreadSwitch && !g_fKicker)); break;
// the event we received is a synchronous event. there is no need
// to do anything to wake the other side.
// unknown signal type
break; } }
// signals the other process or thread that it can begin the test. this
// avoids timings skewed due to process startup latency.
HRESULT CTaskSwitch::SendOrWaitFirstSignal(void) { if (g_fKicker) { // send a signal to drop the otherside into its wait loop, and
// then call SignalOtherSide to start the cycle, kicking the
// other side out of his first wait.
printf ("Initial Signal to Other Side\n"); g_SignalEvent.Signal(); SignalOtherSide(); } else { printf ("Waiting for Signal From Other Side\n"); g_WaitEvent.BlockS(); }
return S_OK; }
// initializes the window with the specified window proc.
HRESULT CTaskSwitch::WindowInitialize(WNDPROC pfnWndProc, HWND &hWnd) {
if (!g_MyMessage) { // Register my message type
g_MyMessage = RegisterWindowMessage( TEXT("Component Object Model Remote Request Arrival") ); }
if (!g_MyClass) { // Register my window class.
wcls.style = 0; wcls.lpfnWndProc = pfnWndProc; wcls.cbClsExtra = 0; wcls.cbWndExtra = 0; wcls.hInstance = g_hInst; wcls.hIcon = NULL; wcls.hCursor = NULL; wcls.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) COLOR_BACKGROUND + 1; wcls.lpszMenuName = NULL; wcls.lpszClassName = MY_WINDOW_CLASS;
g_MyClass = RegisterClass( &wcls ); }
if (g_MyClass) { // Create a hidden window.
if (hWnd) { printf ("Created Window with hWnd %x\n", hWnd); return S_OK; } }
// destroys the window and unregisters the class.
void CTaskSwitch::WindowUninitialize(HWND hWnd) { if (hWnd != NULL) { DestroyWindow(hWnd); }
if (g_MyClass != 0) { UnregisterClass(MY_WINDOW_CLASS, g_hInst); } }
// parses the command line and returns the execution parameters
HRESULT CTaskSwitch::ParseCmdLine(LPSTR lpszCmdLine, SExecParms &execp) { BOOL fFile = FALSE;
// set the default values for execution parameters.
execp.oloop = 10; execp.iloop = 100; execp.hWndOther = NULL; execp.pfnWndProc = ::ThreadWndProc;
// check the input parameters
LPSTR pszCmd = lpszCmdLine; LPSTR pszCmdNext = NULL;
while (pszCmd) { pszCmdNext = strchr(pszCmd, ' '); if (pszCmdNext) { *pszCmdNext = '\0'; pszCmdNext++; }
// check for outer loop count
if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/o:", 3)) { execp.oloop = atoi (pszCmd+3); if (execp.oloop > MAX_OLOOP) execp.oloop = MAX_OLOOP; }
// check for inner loop count
else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/i:", 3)) { execp.iloop = atoi (pszCmd+3); if (execp.iloop < 1) execp.iloop = 1; }
// check for window handle
else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/hwnd:", 6)) { execp.hWndOther = (HWND) atoi (pszCmd+6); }
// check for waiter or Kicker
else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/k", 2)) { g_fKicker = TRUE; }
// check for thread or process switch
else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/p", 2)) { g_fThreadSwitch = FALSE; }
// check for thread or process switch
else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/t", 2)) { g_fThreadSwitch = TRUE; }
// check for wait single or multiple
else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/m", 2)) { g_fWaitMultiple = TRUE; }
// check for wait event name
else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/e1:", 4)) { #ifdef UNICODE
mbstowcs(execp.szWaitEvent, pszCmd+4, strlen(pszCmd+4)+1); #else
strcpy(execp.szWaitEvent, pszCmd+4); #endif
// check for signal event name
else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/e2:", 4)) { #ifdef UNICODE
mbstowcs(execp.szSignalEvent, pszCmd+4, strlen(pszCmd+4)+1); #else
strcpy(execp.szSignalEvent, pszCmd+4); #endif
// check for output file name
else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/f:", 3)) { fFile = TRUE; #ifdef UNICODE
mbstowcs(execp.szFile, pszCmd+3, strlen(pszCmd+3)+1); #else
strcpy(execp.szFile, pszCmd+3); #endif
// check for wait type
else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/w1:", 4)) { g_WaitType1 = GetWaitType(pszCmd+4); } else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/w2:", 4)) { g_WaitType2 = GetWaitType(pszCmd+4); }
// check for signal type
else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/s1:", 4)) { g_SignalType1 = GetSignalType(pszCmd+4); } else if (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/s2:", 4)) { g_SignalType2 = GetSignalType(pszCmd+4); }
// check for help request
else if ((!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/?", 2)) || (!_strnicmp(pszCmd, "/h", 2))) { Help(); return -1; }
pszCmd = pszCmdNext; }
g_iloop = execp.iloop; g_oloop = execp.iloop; g_hWndOther = execp.hWndOther;
if (g_fKicker) { g_WaitType = g_WaitType2; g_SignalType = g_SignalType2; if (!fFile) _tcscpy(execp.szFile, TEXT("kicker")); } else { g_WaitType = g_WaitType1; g_SignalType = g_SignalType1; if (!fFile) _tcscpy(execp.szFile, TEXT("waiter"));
return S_OK; }
DWORD CTaskSwitch::GetWaitType(LPSTR pszCmd) { ULONG i=0;
while (aszWait[++i]) // slot 0 is not used
{ if (!_stricmp(pszCmd, aszWait[i])) return i; }
Help(); return 0; }
DWORD CTaskSwitch::GetSignalType(LPSTR pszCmd) { ULONG i=0;
while (aszSignal[++i]) // slot 0 is not used
{ if (!_stricmp(pszCmd, aszSignal[i])) return i; }
Help(); return 0; }
// creates the command line parameters for the other guy
void CTaskSwitch::CreateOtherParms(void) {
// write the formatted parms to the parm string
sprintf(g_szOtherParms, "/k %s %s /i:%d /o:%d /hWnd:%ld " "/e1:%hs /e2:%hs /w1:%s /s1:%s /w2:%s /s2:%s", (g_fThreadSwitch) ? "/t" : "/p", (g_fWaitMultiple) ? "/m" : " ", g_execp.iloop, // same loop counts as me
g_execp.oloop, g_hWndMe, // posts to my window
g_execp.szSignalEvent, // it waits on my signal event
g_execp.szWaitEvent, // it signals my wait event
aszWait[g_WaitType1], // signal what i wait on
aszSignal[g_SignalType1], // wait on what i signal
aszWait[g_WaitType2], // signal what i wait on
aszSignal[g_SignalType2]); // wait on what i signal
// writes the execution parameters to a log file.
void CTaskSwitch::WriteExecParms() { // write the run parameters to the output file
g_output->WriteString(TEXT("Using Parametes:\n")); g_output->WriteResult(TEXT("\tInner Loop Count = "), g_execp.iloop); g_output->WriteResult(TEXT("\tOuter Loop Count = "), g_execp.oloop); g_output->WriteString(TEXT("\n\n"));
// flush to avoid disk io during the test
g_output->Flush(); }
// writes the results to a log file.
void CTaskSwitch::WriteResults(void) { if (g_hr == S_OK) { // compute the averages
ULONG tTotal = 0;
// skip the first & last value as they are sometimes skewed
for (int i=0; i<g_execp.oloop; i++) { tTotal += g_time[i]; }
// compute average for 1 call/response
tTotal /= (g_execp.oloop * g_execp.iloop);
// display the results
g_output->WriteResults(TEXT("Times "), g_execp.oloop, g_time); g_output->WriteResult(TEXT("\nAverage "), tTotal); } }
// writes the help info to the screen
void CTaskSwitch::Help() { printf ("msgtask\n"); printf ("\t/o:<nnn> - outer loop count def 10\n"); printf ("\t/i:<nnn> - inner loop count def 100\n"); printf ("\t/f:<name> - name of output file. def [kick | wait]\n"); printf ("\t/w1:<event|getmsg|msgwait> - what to wait on\n"); printf ("\t/s1:<event|postmsg> - what to signal\n"); printf ("\t/w2:<event|getmsg|msgwait> - what to wait on\n"); printf ("\t/s2:<event|postmsg> - what to signal\n"); printf ("\t/e1:<name> - name of wait event\n"); printf ("\t/e2:<name> - name of signal event\n"); printf ("\t/k - kicker (as opposed to waiter)\n"); printf ("\t/t - use thread switching\n"); printf ("\t/p - use process switching\n"); printf ("\t/m - use WaitMultiple vs WaitSingle\n"); printf ("\t/hWnd:<nnnn> - window handle of other side\n");
printf ("\n"); printf ("timings are given for the inner loop count calls\n");
return; }
// creates a process
DWORD CTaskSwitch::CreateProc(void) { // create the command line
TCHAR szCmdLine[256];
_stprintf(szCmdLine, TEXT("ntsd procswap %hs"), g_szOtherParms);
// build the win32 startup info structure
STARTUPINFO startupinfo; startupinfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); startupinfo.lpReserved = NULL; startupinfo.lpDesktop = NULL; startupinfo.lpTitle = TEXT("Task Switcher"); startupinfo.dwX = 40; startupinfo.dwY = 40; startupinfo.dwXSize = 80; startupinfo.dwYSize = 40; startupinfo.dwFlags = 0; startupinfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; startupinfo.cbReserved2 = 0; startupinfo.lpReserved2 = NULL;
BOOL fRslt = CreateProcess(NULL, // app name
szCmdLine, // command line
NULL, // lpsaProcess
NULL, // lpsaThread
FALSE, // inherit handles
CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE,// creation flags
NULL, // lpEnvironment
NULL, // curr Dir
&startupinfo, // Startup Info
&ProcInfo); // process info
if (fRslt) { // we dont need the handles
CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread); printf ("Created Process (%ws) pid=%x\n", szCmdLine, ProcInfo.dwProcessId); return S_OK; } else { // what went wrong?
DWORD dwRet = GetLastError(); printf ("CreateProcess (%ws) failed %x\n", szCmdLine, dwRet); return dwRet; } }