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// File: ctestemb.cxx
// Contents: CTestEmbed class implementation.
// Classes: CTestEmbed
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
#pragma optimize("",off)
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include "testsrv.hxx"
// Method: CTestEmbed::CTestEmbed
// Synopsis: Constructor for CTestEmbed objects
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
CTestEmbed::CTestEmbed() : _cRef(1) { _ptsaServer = NULL; _pDataObject = NULL; _pOleObject = NULL; _pPersStg = NULL; _hwnd = NULL; }
// Method: CTestEmbed::~CTestEmbed
// Synopsis: Performs cleanup for CTestEmbed objects by releasing
// internal pointers.
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
CTestEmbed::~CTestEmbed() { // Inform controlling server app this object is gone
// Delete all of this objects interface classes
delete _pDataObject; delete _pOleObject; delete _pPersStg; }
// Method: CTestEmbed::InitObject
// Synopsis: Initialize this CTestEmbed object - ie, set everything
// up for actual use.
// Parameters: None
// Returns: S_OK if everything is okay to use, or an error code
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
// Notes: The state of the object must be cleaned up in case of
// failure - so the destructor will not blow up.
SCODE CTestEmbed::InitObject(CTestServerApp *ptsaServer, HWND hwnd) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Initialize controlling server app
if (NULL != ptsaServer) { _ptsaServer = ptsaServer; } else { sc = E_ABORT; }
// Initilize this objects window handle
_hwnd = hwnd;
// Create a CDataObject
if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { _pDataObject = new CDataObject(this); if (NULL == _pDataObject) { sc = E_ABORT; } }
// Create a COleObject
if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { _pOleObject = new COleObject(this); if (NULL == _pOleObject) { sc = E_ABORT; } }
// Create a CPersistStorage
if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { _pPersStg = new CPersistStorage(this); if (NULL == _pPersStg) { sc = E_ABORT; } }
if (FAILED(sc)) { delete _pDataObject; delete _pOleObject; delete _pPersStg; _pDataObject = NULL; _pOleObject = NULL; _pPersStg = NULL; _ptsaServer = NULL; _hwnd = NULL; }
// Inform controlling server we are a new embedded object
if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { _ptsaServer->IncEmbeddedCount(); }
return(sc); }
// Method: CTestEmbed::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: IUnknown, IOleObject, IPersist, IPersistStorage supported
// return pointer to the actual object
// Parameters: [iid] - Interface ID to return.
// [ppv] - Pointer to pointer to object.
// Returns: S_OK if iid is supported, or E_NOINTERFACE if not.
// History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created
STDMETHODIMP CTestEmbed::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void FAR * FAR * ppv) { SCODE scRet;
if (GuidEqual(IID_IUnknown, iid)) { *ppv = (IUnknown *)this; AddRef(); scRet = S_OK; } else if (GuidEqual(IID_IOleObject, iid)) { *ppv = _pOleObject; AddRef(); scRet = S_OK; } else if (GuidEqual(IID_IPersist, iid) || GuidEqual(IID_IPersistStorage, iid)) { *ppv = _pPersStg; AddRef(); scRet = S_OK; } else if (GuidEqual(IID_IDataObject, iid)) { *ppv = _pDataObject; AddRef(); scRet = S_OK; } else { *ppv = NULL; scRet = E_NOINTERFACE; }
return(scRet); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTestEmbed::AddRef(void) { return ++_cRef; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTestEmbed::Release(void) { ULONG cRefs = --_cRef;
if (cRefs == 0) { delete this; }
return cRefs; } SCODE CTestEmbed::GetWindow(HWND *phwnd) { if (NULL != phwnd) { *phwnd = _hwnd; return(S_OK); } else { return(E_ABORT); } }