// File: cintcmd.cxx
// Contents: implementation for CIntCmdlineObj
// Synoposis: Encapsulates a command line switch which takes an
// integer value, eg: /maxusers:10
// Classes: CIntCmdlineObj
// Functions:
// History: 12/27/91 Lizch Created
// 04/17/92 Lizch Converted to NLS_STR
// 07/29/92 davey Added nlsType and nlsLineArgType
// 09/09/92 Lizch Changed SUCCESS to NO_ERROR
// 09/18/92 Lizch Precompile headers
// 11/14/92 DwightKr Updates for new version of NLS_STR
// 10/14/93 DeanE Converted to WCHAR
#include <comtpch.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <cmdlinew.hxx> // public cmdlinew stuff
#include "_clw.hxx" // private cmdlinew stuff
#include <ctype.h> // is functions
INT StringToInt (LPCNSTR nszInt, INT *pInt);
LPCNSTR nszCmdlineInt = _TEXTN("Takes an integer "); LPCNSTR nszLineArgInt = _TEXTN("<int> ");
// Member: CIntCmdlineObj destructor
// Synoposis: Frees any memory associated with the object
// History: Added to allow casting of pValue 05/12/92 Lizch
CIntCmdlineObj::~CIntCmdlineObj() { delete (INT *)_pValue; _pValue = NULL; }
// Member: CIntCmdlineObj::SetValue, public
// Synposis: Stores the integer value specified after the switch
// string, eg. 10 for /maxusers:10
// Effects: This implementation for the virtual method SetValue
// converts the characters following the switch to an integer.
// It allocates memory for the integer. If there is no
// equator character, or if there is no character following
// the equator character, _pValue remains NULL.
// Arguments: [nszArg] - the string following the switch on the
// command line. Includes the equator (eg.
// ':' or '=' ), if any.
// Requires:
// History: Created 12/27/91 Lizch
// Converted to NLS_STR 04/17/92 Lizch
INT CIntCmdlineObj::SetValue(LPCNSTR nszArg) { INT nRet;
// delete any existing _pValue
delete (INT *)_pValue; _pValue = NULL;
_pValue = new INT; if (_pValue == NULL) { nRet = CMDLINE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { // I'm using this rather than c runtime atoi so that I
// can detect error conditions like overflow and non-digits.
nRet = StringToInt(nszArg, (INT *)_pValue); if (nRet != CMDLINE_NO_ERROR) { delete (INT *)_pValue; _pValue = NULL; } }
return(nRet); }
// Member: CIntCmdlineObj::GetValue, public
// Synopsis: Returns a pointer to the switch value
// Arguments: none
// Returns: a integer pointer to the switch value, not including
// the equater character
// History: Created 05/27/92 Lizch
const int * CIntCmdlineObj::GetValue() { return((int *)_pValue); }
// Member: CIntCmdlineObj::DisplayValue, public
// Synoposis: Prints the stored command line value according to
// current display method. This will generally be to stdout.
// History: Created 12/27/91 Lizch
// Converted to NLS_STR 04/17/92 Lizch
void CIntCmdlineObj::DisplayValue() { if (_pValue != NULL) { _sNprintf(_nszErrorBuf, _TEXTN("Command line switch %s has value %d\n"), _pnszSwitch, *(int *)_pValue); (*_pfnDisplay)(_nszErrorBuf); } else { DisplayNoValue(); } }
// Function: StringToInt
// Synoposis: Converts ascii string to integer, checking for overflow,
// and illegal characters. Only +, - and digits are accepted
// Arguments: [nszInt] - ascii string to convert
// [pInt] - pointer to converted integer
// History: Created 12/17/91 Lizch
// Notes: I'm using this rather than c runtime atoi so that I
// can detect error conditions like overflow and non-digits.
INT StringToInt(LPCNSTR nszInt, INT *pInt) { short sNegator = 1; INT iResult = 0; INT iRC = CMDLINE_NO_ERROR;
// Skip any leading spaces - these can occur if the command line
// switch incorporates spaces, eg "/a: 123"
while (_isnspace(*nszInt)) { nszInt++; }
switch (*nszInt) { case L'-': sNegator = -1; nszInt++; break;
case L'+': sNegator = 1; nszInt++; break;
default: break; }
for (;*nszInt != nchClNull; nszInt++) { if (!_isndigit(*nszInt)) { iResult = 0; iRC = CMDLINE_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; break; }
iResult = (iResult * 10) + (*nszInt - '0');
// Since iResult doesn't get it's sign added until later,
// I can test for overflow by checking if it goes negative
if (iResult < 0) { iResult = 0; iRC = CMDLINE_ERROR_TOO_BIG; break; } }
*pInt = ((int)(iResult * sNegator));
return(iRC); }
// Method: CIntCmdlineObj::QueryCmdlineType, protected, const
// Synoposis: returns a character pointer to the cmdline type.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: const NCHAR pointer to string.
// History: 28-Jul-92 davey Created.
LPCNSTR CIntCmdlineObj::QueryCmdlineType() const { return(nszCmdlineInt); }
// Method: CIntCmdlineObj::QueryLineArgType, protected, const
// Synoposis: returns a character pointer to the line arg type.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: const NCHAR pointer to string.
// History: 28-Jul-92 davey Created.
LPCNSTR CIntCmdlineObj::QueryLineArgType() const { // if user has not defined one then give default one
if (_pnszLineArgType == NULL) { return(nszLineArgInt); } else { return(_pnszLineArgType); } }