// File: cmdline.cxx
// Contents: implementation of CCmdline class
// Synopsis: CCmdline encapsulates the actual command line, and
// parses it looking for expected switches.
// Classes: CCmdline
// Functions:
// History: 12/23/91 Lizch Created
// 04/17/92 Lizch Converted to NLS_STR
// 09/09/92 Lizch Changed SUCCESS to NO_ERROR
// 09/18/92 Lizch Precompile headers
// 11/14/92 DwightKr Updates for new version of NLS_STR
#include <comtpch.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <cmdlinew.hxx> // public cmdlinew stuff
#include "_clw.hxx" // private cmdlinew stuff
#include <ctype.h> // is functions
static void DelimitWithNulls(LPNSTR pnszArgline, LPNSTR pnszDest, UINT *puiArgc);
// Member: CCmdline::CCmdline(int, char **, BOOL = FALSE)
// Synopsis: Copies argv and argc, and initialises defaults.
// Effects: Makes a copy of argv and argc. Argv (minus argv[0]) is
// copied into an array of CCmdlineArg objects.
// Argv[0] is copied into a program name data member.
// Arguments: [argc] - count of arguments.
// [argv] - arguments.
// [fInternalUsage] - Use internal Usage.
// Returns: None
// Modifies: aeLastError
// History: 12/23/91 Lizch Created.
// 04/17/92 Lizch Converted to NLS_STR
// 07/28/92 Davey Intialize _pfExtraUsage, _usIndent,
// _usDisplayWidth.
// Modified call to SetProgName,
// Added fInternalUsage parameter.
// 10/11/94 XimingZ Initialize _pnszProgName.
// Call SetError before the first error return.
// Set _apArgs to NULL as it is deleted in
// case of memory allocatio failure.
CCmdline::CCmdline(int argc, char *argv[], BOOL fInternalUsage) : _apArgs(NULL), _uiNumArgs(0), _pfExtraUsage(NULL), _usIndent(CMD_INDENT), _usDisplayWidth(CMD_DISPLAY_WIDTH), _usSwitchIndent(CMD_SWITCH_INDENT), _pbcInternalUsage(NULL), _pnszProgName(NULL) { INT iRC; PNSTR pnszBuf;
if (fInternalUsage) { iRC = SetInternalUsage(); if (CMDLINE_NO_ERROR != iRC) return; }
pnszBuf = new NCHAR[strlen(argv[0])+1]; if (NULL == pnszBuf) { SetError(CMDLINE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return; } else { #ifdef CTUNICODE
mbstowcs(pnszBuf, argv[0], strlen(argv[0])+1); #else
strcpy(pnszBuf, argv[0]); #endif
iRC = SetProgName(pnszBuf); delete pnszBuf; if (iRC != CMDLINE_NO_ERROR) { SetError(iRC); return; }
// Don't include argv[0] in the argument count.
_uiNumArgs = argc - 1;
// Now set up an array of CCmdlineArg objects, each of which
// encapsulates one argv element
_apArgs = new (CCmdlineArg *[_uiNumArgs]); if (_apArgs == NULL) { SetError(CMDLINE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return; }
for (INT i=0; i< (INT)_uiNumArgs; i++) { // Convert argv[i] to unicode
pnszBuf = new NCHAR[strlen(argv[i+1])+1]; if (NULL == pnszBuf) { _apArgs[i] = NULL; } else { // We check for errors in the next block
mbstowcs(pnszBuf, argv[i+1], strlen(argv[i+1])+1); #else
strcpy(pnszBuf, argv[i+1]); #endif
_apArgs[i] = new CCmdlineArg(pnszBuf); delete pnszBuf; }
// If an allocation failed, rewind through those we have
// allocated
if ((_apArgs[i] == NULL) || (_apArgs[i]->QueryError() != CMDLINE_NO_ERROR)) { for (; i>=0; i--) { delete _apArgs[i]; }
delete [] _apArgs; _apArgs = NULL; SetError(CMDLINE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); break; } } }
// Member: CCmdline::CCmdline(BOOL fInternalUsage = FALSE)
// Synopsis: Takes arguments from GetCommandLine(). To be used
// with Windows programs whose startpoint is WinMain()
// Effects: Takes the arguments out of GetCommandLine(), and
// copies them into an array of CCmdlineArg objects.
// Arguments: [fInternalUsage] Use internal usage
// Returns: None
// Modifies: Not much really
// History: 2/6/1995 jesussp Created
// Note: For 16 bit, this will set the error to
// CMDLINE_ERROR_USAGE_FOUND, as the GetCommandLine is
// not support in WIN16.
CCmdline::CCmdline(BOOL fInternalUsage) : _apArgs(NULL), _uiNumArgs(0), _pfExtraUsage(NULL), _usIndent(CMD_INDENT), _usDisplayWidth(CMD_DISPLAY_WIDTH), _usSwitchIndent(CMD_SWITCH_INDENT), _pbcInternalUsage(NULL), _pnszProgName(NULL) {
#if !defined (_WIN32)
INT iRC; NCHAR *pnszArgs, *pnszProg, *pnszDst; NCHAR *pncArg;
INT iError;
if (fInternalUsage) { iRC = SetInternalUsage(); if (CMDLINE_NO_ERROR != iRC) return; }
// Obtain a copy of the command line
#if defined(CTUNICODE)
pnszProg = new NCHAR[1+wcslen(GetCommandLineW())]; #else
pnszProg = new NCHAR[1+strlen(GetCommandLineA())]; #endif
if (NULL == pnszProg) { SetError(CMDLINE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return; }
#if defined(CTUNICODE)
wcscpy(pnszProg, GetCommandLineW()); #else
strcpy(pnszProg, GetCommandLineA()); #endif
// Skip through the command line looking for arguments
pnszArgs = pnszProg; while (nchClSpace != *pnszArgs && nchClNull != *pnszArgs) { ++pnszArgs; }
if (nchClSpace == *pnszArgs) { *pnszArgs++ = nchClNull; }
// Now pnszProg points to a null-terminated string containing the
// program name, and pnszArgs points to a null-terminated string
// containing the program arguments...
// Allocate memory for a buffer containing the different arguments
// separated by nulls
INT cBufSize = 1+_ncslen(pnszArgs);
// to accomodate for an extra null character
pnszDst = new NCHAR[1+cBufSize]; if (NULL == pnszDst) { SetError(CMDLINE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); delete pnszProg; return; }
// Parse the argument line and get a null-terminated string
DelimitWithNulls(pnszArgs, pnszDst, &_uiNumArgs);
// Set up an array of CCmdlineArg objects, each of which
// encapsulates one argument
_apArgs = new (CCmdlineArg *[_uiNumArgs]); if (_apArgs == NULL) { SetError(CMDLINE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return; }
pncArg = pnszDst;
for (INT i=0; i< (INT)_uiNumArgs; i++) {
// Copy argument string
NCHAR *pnszBuf = new NCHAR[_ncslen(pncArg)+1];
if (NULL == pnszBuf) { _apArgs[i] = NULL; } else // We check for errors until the next block
{ _ncscpy(pnszBuf, pncArg); _apArgs[i] = new CCmdlineArg(pnszBuf); delete pnszBuf; }
// If an allocation failed, rewind through those we have
// allocated
if ((_apArgs[i] == NULL) || (_apArgs[i]->QueryError() != CMDLINE_NO_ERROR)) { for (; i>=0; i--) { delete _apArgs[i]; }
delete [] _apArgs; _apArgs = NULL; SetError(CMDLINE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); break; }
// Skip to the next argument (past a null byte)
while (*pncArg++) { ; } }
// Release allocated memory
delete pnszProg; delete pnszDst;
#endif // if !defined (_WIN32)
// Member: CCmdline::~CCmdline()
// Synopsis: Destructor for CCmdline
// Effects: Deletes _apArgs
// History: 12/23/91 Lizch Created.
// 04/17/92 Lizch Converted to NLS_STR
// 08/10/92 Davey Added delete of _pnlsEquater/_pnlsSeparator
// 10/11/94 XimingZ Added checking _apArgs != NULL
CCmdline::~CCmdline() { if (_apArgs != NULL) { for (UINT i=0; i<_uiNumArgs; i++) { delete _apArgs[i]; } delete [] _apArgs; }
delete _pbcInternalUsage;
delete _pnszProgName; }
// Member: CCmdline::Parse, public
// Synoposis: Parses the stored command line, matching actual with
// expected command line switches.
// Effects: Calls FindSwitch which stores the command line values
// (eg. "lizch" in "/user:lizch") in the individual command
// line objects, via the polymorphic SetValue call.
// Arguments: [apExpectedArgs] - an array of all possible command line
// objects
// [iMaxArgs] - the number of elements in that array.
// [fExtras] - if TRUE, a warning is given if an
// unexpected command line argument is given.
// History: 12/23/91 Lizch Created.
// 04/17/92 Lizch Converted to NLS_STR.
// 08/10/92 Davey Added internal usage check.
// 06/13/97 MariusB Reset found flag for each expected
// arg. Reset the value of the arg if it
// is not found, no default and not
// required.
INT CCmdline::Parse( CBaseCmdlineObj *apExpectedArgs[], UINT uiMaxArgs, BOOL fCheckForExtras) { INT iRC = CMDLINE_NO_ERROR; UINT i;
// Traverse the array of objects given, making sure none have errors
for (i=0; i<uiMaxArgs; i++) { iRC = apExpectedArgs[i]->QueryError(); if (CMDLINE_NO_ERROR != iRC) { return(iRC); }
apExpectedArgs[i]->SetFoundFlag(FALSE); }
// check for internal usage if defined.
if (_pbcInternalUsage != NULL) { iRC = FindSwitch(_pbcInternalUsage, fCheckForExtras); if (iRC != CMDLINE_NO_ERROR) { DisplayUsage(apExpectedArgs, uiMaxArgs); return(iRC); }
// if found, print out usage and return.
if (_pbcInternalUsage->IsFound() == TRUE) { DisplayUsage(apExpectedArgs, uiMaxArgs); return(CMDLINE_ERROR_USAGE_FOUND); } }
// look for each expected argument in turn.
for (i=0; i<uiMaxArgs; i++) { CBaseCmdlineObj *pArg = apExpectedArgs[i];
// Go along the actual command line, looking for this switch
// CMDLINE_NO_ERROR doesn't necessarily indicate we found it,
// just that nothing went wrong
iRC = FindSwitch(pArg, fCheckForExtras); if (iRC != CMDLINE_NO_ERROR) { break; }
// We've gone through the entire command line. Check if any
// switch was omitted. For those that had defaults specified,
// set the default. For mandatory switches, generate an error.
// Note that you should never have a default value for a
// mandatory switch!
if ((pArg->IsFound()) == FALSE) { if (pArg->IsDefaultSpecified() == TRUE) { iRC = pArg->SetValueToDefault(); if (iRC != CMDLINE_NO_ERROR) { break; } } else { if ((pArg->IsRequired()) == TRUE) { pArg->DisplayUsageDescr( _usSwitchIndent, _usDisplayWidth, _usIndent);
iRC = CMDLINE_ERROR_ARGUMENT_MISSING; break; } else { // If the object is not found, it has no default
// value and it is not required, reset it. This
// action will not harm for normal use, but it
// will allow you to reuse the same set of command
// line object within the same app.
pArg->ResetValue(); } } } }
if (iRC == CMDLINE_NO_ERROR) { // We've got all our expected switches. Now check to see if
// any switches are left on the command line unparsed,
// if that's what the user wanted.
if (fCheckForExtras == TRUE) { for (i=0; i<_uiNumArgs; i++) { if (_apArgs[i]->IsProcessed() != TRUE) { _sNprintf(_nszErrorBuf, _TEXTN("Unrecognised switch %s\n"), _apArgs[i]->QueryArg()); (*_pfnDisplay)(_nszErrorBuf); iRC = CMDLINE_ERROR_UNRECOGNISED_ARG; } } } } else { DisplayUsage(apExpectedArgs, uiMaxArgs); }
return(iRC); }
// Member: CCmdline::FindSwitch, private
// Synoposis: Searches the command line for a given switch, checking
// for separator and equator characters.
// Effects: Stores the value of the given switch, if any
// Arguments: [pArg] - pointer to the switch object to search
// for
// [fCheckForExtras] - flag to see if should check for extra
// args.
// History: 12/23/91 Lizch Created.
// 04/17/92 Lizch Converted to NLS_STR
// 07/29/92 Davey Converted to use DisplayUsageDescr
// Also fixed error output, was using
// printf, changed to sprintf. Added
// Check for extras flag.
// 02/27/95 jesussp Corrected the case when the switch
// name is non-existent
// 06/25/97 mariusb Make /<switch>: and /<switch>
// equivalent when the switch takes a
// second argument (i.e. no equator
// means the switch does not take a
// second arg). Useful to specify NULL
// values.
// Notes: Terminology to help understand this:
// Example: /username:lizch
// The '/' is the separator
// The ':' is the equator
// 'username' is the switch
// 'lizch' is the value
INT CCmdline::FindSwitch(CBaseCmdlineObj * const pArg, BOOL fCheckForExtras) { INT iRC = CMDLINE_NO_ERROR; LPCNSTR nszArg; LPCNSTR nszSep; LPCNSTR nszSwitch; LPCNSTR nszThisSwitch; LPCNSTR nszEquater; USHORT cchSwitch; USHORT usSecondArg = 1; NCHAR nchSeparator = pArg->GetSeparator(); NCHAR nchEquater = pArg->GetEquater(); NCHAR nszSeparator[2];
// If this switch does NOT take a second argument, we don't advance
// past the equater when setting the value
if (!pArg->SecondArg()) { usSecondArg = 0; }
nszSeparator[0] = nchSeparator; nszSeparator[1] = nchClNull;
for (UINT i=0; i<_uiNumArgs; i++) { nszArg = _apArgs[i]->QueryArg();
// Find the separator character - it should be the first
// character in the command line argument. If not, return
// an error if fCheckForExtras == TRUE.
nszSep = nszArg; if (0 == _ncscspn(nszSep, nszSeparator)) { // Get the switch value - first character after separator
// up to but not including the equater
nszSwitch = nszSep+1; nszEquater = nszSwitch;
// Look for equater
while ((nchClNull != *nszEquater) && (nchEquater != *nszEquater)) { nszEquater++; } cchSwitch = (USHORT) (nszEquater - nszSwitch);
nszThisSwitch = pArg->QuerySwitchString();
// See if this switch is for this argument
if (0 != cchSwitch && cchSwitch == _ncslen(nszThisSwitch) && 0 == _ncsnicmp(nszSwitch, nszThisSwitch, cchSwitch)) { // If we couldn't find the equater, decrease usSecondArg
// which means we accept a NULL value for the switch. Thus
// we make /<switch>: and /<switch> equivalent.
if (nchEquater != *nszEquater && 1 == usSecondArg) { --usSecondArg; } // It is - get this switch's value
// Now set the value of the switch (if any). How this is
// done will vary from object to object: some won't take
// values, some take lists of values etc. The polymorphic
// SetValue call handles this. We don't want to pass
// in the equater so add one to get to the beginning
// of the value.
iRC = pArg->SetValue(nszSwitch+cchSwitch+usSecondArg); if (iRC != CMDLINE_NO_ERROR) { pArg->DisplayUsageDescr( _usSwitchIndent, _usDisplayWidth, _usIndent); }
pArg->SetFoundFlag(TRUE); // We have found the value for the given switch.
break; } //if
} else { // Error out if didn't find separator, only if checking for
// extras
if (fCheckForExtras == TRUE) { _sNprintf( _nszErrorBuf, _TEXTN("The initial separator %c was not found on switch %s\n"), nchSeparator, nszArg);
return(iRC); }
// Member: CCmdline::SetProgName, public
// Synoposis: Sets the program name to the passed value
// This value can later be used in usage statements
// Arguments: [nszProgName] - the program name
// Returns: Error code
// History: Created 05/23/91 Lizch
INT CCmdline::SetProgName(PNSTR nszProgName) {
INT nRet = CMDLINE_NO_ERROR; NCHAR *pnchStart = nszProgName; NCHAR *pnchDot;
// check for last slash.
if (NULL != (pnchStart = _ncsrchr(nszProgName, '\\'))) { pnchStart++; // get past slash
} else { // there was no slash so check for colon
if (NULL != (pnchStart = _ncschr(nszProgName, ':'))) { pnchStart++; // get past colon
} else { // there was no colon or slash so set to beginning of name
pnchStart = nszProgName; } }
if (NULL != (pnchDot = _ncschr(pnchStart, _TEXTN('.')))) { *pnchDot = nchClNull; }
_pnszProgName = new NCHAR[_ncslen(pnchStart)+1]; if (NULL == _pnszProgName) { nRet = CMDLINE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { _ncscpy(_pnszProgName, pnchStart); }
// Member: CCmdline::GetProgName, public
// Synoposis: Returns a pointer to the program name
// Arguments: none
// Returns: a const NCHAR pointer to the program name
// History: Created 05/23/91 Lizch
const NCHAR *CCmdline::GetProgName() { return(_pnszProgName); }
// Member: CCmdline::SetExtraUsage, public
// Synoposis: Sets the extra usage file pointer.
// Arguments: [pfUsage] - function pointer to usage function.
// History: 07/28/92 Davey Created.
void CCmdline::SetExtraUsage(PFVOID pfUsage) { _pfExtraUsage = pfUsage; }
// Member: CCmdline::SetIndent, public
// Synoposis: Sets the indent parameter for usage display.
// Arguments: [usIndent] - how much to indent second lines.
// Returns: codes from CheckParamerterConsistency
// History: 07/28/92 Davey Created.
INT CCmdline::SetIndent(USHORT usIndent) { _usIndent = usIndent; return(CheckParameterConsistency()); }
// Member: CCmdline::SetSwitchIndent, public
// Synoposis: Sets the switch indent parameter for usage display.
// Arguments: [usSwitchIndent] - how much to indent switch.
// Returns: codes from CheckParamerterConsistency
// History: 07/28/92 Davey Created.
INT CCmdline::SetSwitchIndent(USHORT usSwitchIndent) { _usSwitchIndent = usSwitchIndent; return(CheckParameterConsistency()); }
// Member: CCmdline::SetDisplayWidth, public
// Synoposis: Sets the amount of line space available for the
// usage display.
// Arguments: [usDisplayWidth] - line space available
// Returns: codes from CheckParamerterConsistency
// History: 07/28/92 Davey Created.
INT CCmdline::SetDisplayWidth(USHORT usDisplayWidth) { _usDisplayWidth = usDisplayWidth; return(CheckParameterConsistency()); }
// Member: CCmdline::CheckParameterConsistency, private const
// Synoposis: Checks to make sure the display parameters are
// useable.
// Arguments: None.
// History: 07/28/92 Davey Created.
INT CCmdline::CheckParameterConsistency(void) const { if (_usSwitchIndent >= _usIndent) { return(CMDLINE_ERROR_DISPLAY_PARAMS); } if (_usIndent >= _usDisplayWidth) { return(CMDLINE_ERROR_DISPLAY_PARAMS); }
// Member: CCmdline::QueryDisplayParameters, public
// Synoposis: Returns the three parameters which control the
// usage display output.
// Arguments: [pusDisplayWidth] - returns display width
// [pusSwitchIndent] - returns switch indent
// [pusIndent] - returns indent of second lines
// History: 07/28/92 Davey Created.
void CCmdline::QueryDisplayParameters( USHORT *pusDisplayWidth, USHORT *pusSwitchIndent, USHORT *pusIndent) const { *pusDisplayWidth = _usDisplayWidth; *pusSwitchIndent = _usSwitchIndent; *pusIndent = _usIndent; }
// Member: CCmdline::DisplayUsage, public
// Synoposis: Displays usage of switches,
// Arguments: apExpectedArgs: the array of command line objects
// uiMaxArgs: number of elements in the array
// Returns: Error code from QueryError
// History: 07/28/92 Davey Created.
// Notes: Looks like:
// Usage Instructions
// test2 /mc:<worker> [/ml:<log_server>] [/mt:<test>]
// [/mn:<tester-email>] [/mp:<path>] [/mo:<obj_name>]
// [/md:<dispatcher>] [/?]
// /mc Takes a list of strings specifying worker names.
// These workers should have full names.
// Don't you think so?
// The strings in the list are separated by one of the following
// character(s): ",; ".
// /ml Takes a string specifying log server name.
// /mt Takes a string specifying name of the test.
// /mn Takes a string specifying email name of the tester.
// /mp Takes a string specifying path name to log to.
// /mo Takes a string specifying name of the object.
// /md Takes a string specifying name of the dispatcher to use.
// /? Flag specifying command line usage. It defaults to FALSE.
// ***following is whatever is output by the function pfnExtraUsage****
INT CCmdline::DisplayUsage( CBaseCmdlineObj * const apExpectedArgs[], UINT uiMaxArgs) { USHORT usWidth = _usDisplayWidth; USHORT StrLen; INT iRC; USHORT cchProgName; PNSTR pnszLine; USHORT i;
(*_pfnDisplay)(_TEXTN("\nUsage Instructions\n"));
// Start creating usage line.
// Determine length to make line buffer - if the size of the program
// name is less than the indentation, the buffer needs to be at
// least as big as the indentation, less 1 for an extra space that
// gets printed.
cchProgName = (USHORT) _ncslen(_pnszProgName);
if (cchProgName < _usIndent) { // Add 1 for null term
StrLen = (USHORT) (_usIndent + 1); } else { // Add 1 for null term, 1 for new line and indent in next line
StrLen = (USHORT) (cchProgName + _usIndent + 2); }
// copy program name
pnszLine = new NCHAR[StrLen]; if (NULL == pnszLine) { return(CMDLINE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); }
_ncscpy(pnszLine, _pnszProgName);
// if the size of the program name is less than indentation then
// add in padding; else add in a new line and then padding.
if (cchProgName >= _usIndent) { _ncscat(pnszLine, nszClNewLine); } // fill in with spaces until get to indent position
for (i = (USHORT) _ncslen(pnszLine); i < StrLen - 1; i++) { _ncscat(pnszLine, nszClSpace); }
// output program name
// update remaining display width
usWidth = (USHORT) (usWidth - _usIndent);
// done with pnszLine - delete it now to avoid leaks in case of
// errors
delete pnszLine;
// display the command line usage statement, required ones first
for (i=0; i<uiMaxArgs; i++) { if (apExpectedArgs[i]->IsRequired() == TRUE) { iRC = apExpectedArgs[i]->DisplayUsageLine( &usWidth, _usDisplayWidth, _usIndent); if (iRC) { SetError(iRC); return(iRC); } } }
for (i=0; i<uiMaxArgs; i++) { if (apExpectedArgs[i]->IsRequired() == FALSE) { iRC = apExpectedArgs[i]->DisplayUsageLine( &usWidth, _usDisplayWidth, _usIndent); if (iRC) { SetError(iRC); return(iRC); } } }
// print out if using internal usage.
if (_pbcInternalUsage != NULL) { iRC = _pbcInternalUsage->DisplayUsageLine( &usWidth, _usDisplayWidth, _usIndent); if (iRC) { SetError(iRC); return(iRC); } }
// separate the line and descriptions
// display the switch descriptions, required ones first
for (i=0; i<uiMaxArgs; i++) { if (apExpectedArgs[i]->IsRequired() == TRUE) { iRC = apExpectedArgs[i]->DisplayUsageDescr( _usSwitchIndent, _usDisplayWidth, _usIndent); if (iRC) { SetError(iRC); return(iRC); } } }
for (i=0; i<uiMaxArgs; i++) { if (apExpectedArgs[i]->IsRequired() == FALSE) { iRC = apExpectedArgs[i] -> DisplayUsageDescr( _usSwitchIndent, _usDisplayWidth, _usIndent); if (iRC) { SetError(iRC); return(iRC); } } }
// print out if using internal usage.
if (_pbcInternalUsage != NULL) { iRC = _pbcInternalUsage->DisplayUsageDescr( _usSwitchIndent, _usDisplayWidth, _usIndent); if (iRC) { SetError(iRC); return(iRC); } }
// invoke the special usage function if defined.
if (_pfExtraUsage != NULL) { _pfExtraUsage(); }
// Member: CCmdline::SetInternalUsage, private
// Synposis: Sets the internal usage flag
// Effects: Modifies _pcbInternalUsage, so that it displays
// Arguments: none
// History: 02/06/95 jesussp Created
// Notes:
INT CCmdline::SetInternalUsage(void) { INT iError; // Error to be returned
_pbcInternalUsage = new CBoolCmdlineObj(_TEXTN("?"), _TEXTN("command line usage.")); if (NULL == _pbcInternalUsage) { SetError(CMDLINE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } else { SetError(_pbcInternalUsage->QueryError()); } iError = QueryError(); if (CMDLINE_NO_ERROR != iError) { // Since QueryError always sets CMDLINE_NO_ERROR, we need to
// call SetError to put the error back.
SetError(iError); } return iError; }
// Function: DelimitWithNulls, private
// Synposis: Delimits an argument string, putting a null byte
// between parameters and an additional extra null byte
// at the end of the string. For use by CCmdline
// constructor.
// Effects: Copies pnszArgLine to pnszDest. Space must be
// allocated for both strings. Modifies uiArgc.
// Arguments: [pnszArgLine] The line with arguments
// [pnszDest] Null-delimited destination
// [puiArgc] Pointer to an argument count
// Returns: Nothing
// History: 02/10/95 jesussp Created
// Notes: Inspired on parse_cmdline(), crt32\startup\stdargv.c
// pnszArgLine and pnszDest must point to valid memory
// allocations. Also, the space allocation for
// pnszDest must be greater than that of pnszArgLine.
static void DelimitWithNulls(LPNSTR pnszArgLine, LPNSTR pnszDest, UINT *puiArgc) { LPNSTR pncSrc = pnszArgLine; LPNSTR pncDst = pnszDest;
BOOL fInQuote = 0; USHORT ucBackSlash = 0; USHORT ucQuotes = 0;
*puiArgc = 0;
// Loop through the entire argument line
for (;;) { // skip blanks
while (*pncSrc && _isnspace(*pncSrc)) { ++pncSrc; }
// Reached the end of the string?
if (nchClNull == *pncSrc) { // Put a null byte at the end only if we haven't had
// any argument...
if (0 == *puiArgc) { *pncDst++ = nchClNull; } break; }
// We now have one more argument...
// process one argument
for (;;) {
ucBackSlash = 0;
while (nchClBackSlash == *pncSrc) { ++pncSrc; ++ucBackSlash; }
if (nchClQuote == *pncSrc) { if (ucBackSlash % 2 == 0) // Even number of backslashes?
{ fInQuote = !fInQuote; ++pncSrc; // Eat up quote
} ucBackSlash /= 2; }
while (ucBackSlash--) { *pncDst++ = nchClBackSlash; }
if (nchClNull == *pncSrc || (!fInQuote && _isnspace(*pncSrc))) { break; }
*pncDst++ = *pncSrc++; }
if (fInQuote) { *pncDst++ = nchClSpace; } else { *pncDst++ = nchClNull; } }
// Complete the string, adding an extra nul character
*pncDst = nchClNull;