// File name: simpsvr.cpp
// Main source file for the simple OLE 2.0 server
// Functions:
// WinMain - Program entry point
// MainWndProc - Processes messages for the frame window
// About - Processes messages for the about dialog
// DocWndProc - Processes messages for the doc window
// Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include "pre.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "doc.h"
#include "icf.h"
// This line is needed for the debug utilities in OLE2UI
CSimpSvrApp FAR * lpCSimpSvrApp; CClassFactory FAR * lpClassFactory; BOOL fBeVerbose = FALSE; extern "C" void TestDebugOut(LPSTR psz) { if (fBeVerbose) { OutputDebugString(psz); } }
// WinMain
// Purpose:
// Program entry point
// Parameters:
// HANDLE hInstance - Instance handle for this instance
// HANDLE hPrevInstance - Instance handle for the last instance
// LPSTR lpCmdLine - Pointer to the command line
// int nCmdShow - Window State
// Return Value:
// msg.wParam
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// CSimpSvrApp::CSimpSvrApp APP.CPP
// CSimpSvrApp::fInitApplication APP.CPP
// CSimpSvrApp::fInitInstance APP.CPP
// CSimpSvrApp::HandleAccelerators APP.CPP
// CSimpSvrApp::~CSimpSvrApp APP.CPP
// OleUIInitialize OLE2UI
// OleUIUninitialize OLE2UI
// GetMessage Windows API
// TranslateMessage Windows API
// DispatchMessage Windows API
// Comments:
int PASCAL WinMain(HANDLE hInstance,HANDLE hPrevInstance,LPSTR lpCmdLine,int nCmdShow)
{ MSG msg; fBeVerbose = GetProfileInt("OLEUTEST","BeVerbose",0);
if(fBeVerbose == 0) { fBeVerbose = GetProfileInt("OLEUTEST","spsvr16",0); }
// recommended size for OLE apps
lpCSimpSvrApp = new CSimpSvrApp;
lpCSimpSvrApp->AddRef(); // need the app ref. count at 1 to hold the
// app alive.
// app initialization
if (!hPrevInstance) if (!lpCSimpSvrApp->fInitApplication(hInstance)) return (FALSE);
// instance initialization
if (!lpCSimpSvrApp->fInitInstance(hInstance, nCmdShow, lpClassFactory)) return (FALSE);
/* Initialization required for OLE 2 UI library. This call is
** needed ONLY if we are using the static link version of the UI ** library. If we are using the DLL version, we should NOT call ** this function in our application. */ if (!OleUIInitialize(hInstance, hPrevInstance)) { OleDbgOut("Could not initialize OLEUI library\n"); return FALSE; }
// message loop
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { if (lpCSimpSvrApp->IsInPlaceActive())
// Only key messages need to be sent to OleTranslateAccelerator. Any other message
// would result in an extra FAR call to occur for that message processing...
if ( (msg.message >= WM_KEYFIRST) && (msg.message <= WM_KEYLAST) )
// OleTranslateAccelerator MUST be called, even though this application does
// not have an accelerator table. This has to be done in order for the
// mneumonics for the top level menu items to work properly.
if ( OleTranslateAccelerator ( lpCSimpSvrApp->GetDoc()->GetObj()->GetInPlaceFrame(), lpCSimpSvrApp->GetDoc()->GetObj()->GetFrameInfo(), &msg) == NOERROR) continue;
TranslateMessage(&msg); /* Translates virtual key codes */ DispatchMessage(&msg); /* Dispatches message to window */ }
// De-initialization for UI libraries. Just like OleUIInitialize, this
// funciton is needed ONLY if we are using the static link version of the
// OLE UI library.
return (msg.wParam); /* Returns the value from PostQuitMessage */ }
// MainWndProc
// Purpose:
// Processes messages for the frame window
// Parameters:
// HWND hWnd - Window handle for frame window
// UINT message - Message value
// WPARAM wParam - Message info
// LPARAM lParam - Message info
// Return Value:
// long
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// CSimpSvrApp::lCommandHandler APP.CPP
// CSimpSvrApp::DestroyDocs APP.CPP
// CSimpSvrApp::lCreateDoc APP.CPP
// CSimpSvrApp::lSizeHandler APP.CPP
// CGameDoc::lAddVerbs DOC.CPP
// PostQuitMessage Windows API
// DefWindowProc Windows API
// Comments:
long FAR PASCAL _export MainWndProc(HWND hWnd,UINT message,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
switch (message) { case WM_CLOSE: TestDebugOut("*** In WM_CLOSE *** \r\n");
// if there is still a document
if (lpCSimpSvrApp->GetDoc())
// if there is still an object within a document
if (lpCSimpSvrApp->GetDoc()->GetObj()) // this case occurs if there is still
// an outstanding Ref count on the object
// when the app is trying to go away.
// typically this case will occur in
// the "open" editing mode.
// Close the document
// hide the app window
// if we were started by ole, unregister the class factory, otherwise
// remove the ref count on our dummy OLE object
if (lpCSimpSvrApp->IsStartedByOle()) CoRevokeClassObject(lpCSimpSvrApp->GetRegisterClass()); else lpCSimpSvrApp->GetOleObject()->Release();
lpCSimpSvrApp->Release(); // This should close the app.
case WM_COMMAND: // message: command from application menu
return lpCSimpSvrApp->lCommandHandler(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); break;
case WM_CREATE: return lpCSimpSvrApp->lCreateDoc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); break;
case WM_DESTROY: // message: window being destroyed
PostQuitMessage(0); break;
case WM_SIZE: return lpCSimpSvrApp->lSizeHandler(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
default: // Passes it on if unproccessed
return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); } return (NULL); }
// About
// Purpose:
// Processes dialog box messages
// Parameters:
// HWND hWnd - Window handle for dialog box
// UINT message - Message value
// WPARAM wParam - Message info
// LPARAM lParam - Message info
// Return Value:
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// EndDialog Windows API
// Comments:
BOOL FAR PASCAL _export About(HWND hDlg,unsigned message,WORD wParam,LONG lParam)
{ switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: /* message: initialize dialog box */ return (TRUE);
case WM_COMMAND: /* message: received a command */ if (wParam == IDOK /* "OK" box selected? */ || wParam == IDCANCEL) { /* System menu close command? */ EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); /* Exits the dialog box */ return (TRUE); } break; } return (FALSE); /* Didn't process a message */ }
// DocWndProc
// Purpose:
// Processes dialog box messages
// Parameters:
// HWND hWnd - Window handle for doc window
// UINT message - Message value
// WPARAM wParam - Message info
// LPARAM lParam - Message info
// Return Value:
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// CSimpSvrApp::PaintApp APP.CPP
// BeginPaint Windows API
// EndPaint Windows API
// DefWindowProc Windows API
// IOleObject::QueryInterface Object
// IOleInPlaceObject::UIDeactivate Object
// IOleObject::DoVerb Object
// IOleInPlaceObject::Release Object
// Comments:
long FAR PASCAL _export DocWndProc(HWND hWnd,UINT message,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HDC hDC; PAINTSTRUCT ps;
switch (message) { case WM_COMMAND: // message: command from application menu
return lpCSimpSvrApp->lCommandHandler(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); break;
case WM_PAINT: hDC = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
// tell the app class to paint itself
if (lpCSimpSvrApp) lpCSimpSvrApp->PaintApp (hDC);
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); break;
case WM_MENUSELECT: lpCSimpSvrApp->SetStatusText(); break;
default: /* Passes it on if unproccessed */ return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); } return (NULL); }