Copyright (c) 1993 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
This file contains the marshalling routines called by MIDL generated stubs and the interpreter.
Author :
David Kays dkays September 1993.
Revision History :
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "..\..\ndr20\ndrole.h"
void Ndr64SimpleTypeMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, uchar FormatChar ) /*++
Routine Description :
Marshalls a simple type.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the data to be marshalled. FormatChar - Simple type format character.
Return :
--*/ { switch ( FormatChar ) { case FC64_CHAR : case FC64_UINT8: case FC64_INT8: *(pStubMsg->Buffer)++ = *pMemory; break; case FC64_WCHAR : case FC64_UINT16: case FC64_INT16: ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer,1);
*((NDR64_UINT16 *)pStubMsg->Buffer) = *((NDR64_UINT16 *)pMemory); pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_UINT16); break;
case FC64_UINT32: case FC64_INT32: case FC64_ERROR_STATUS_T: case FC64_FLOAT32: ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer,3);
*((NDR64_UINT32 *)pStubMsg->Buffer) = *((NDR64_UINT32 *)pMemory); pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_UINT32); break;
case FC64_UINT64: case FC64_INT64: case FC64_FLOAT64: ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer,7); *((NDR64_UINT64 *)pStubMsg->Buffer) = *((NDR64_UINT64 *)pMemory); pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_UINT64); break;
case FC64_IGNORE: break;
default : NDR_ASSERT(0,"Ndr64SimpleTypeMarshall : bad format char"); RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR ); return; } }
void Ndr64UDTSimpleTypeMarshall1( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT FormatString ) { Ndr64SimpleTypeMarshall(pStubMsg,pMemory,*(PFORMAT_STRING)FormatString); }
void Ndr64pRangeMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
--*/ { const NDR64_RANGE_FORMAT * pRangeFormat = (const NDR64_RANGE_FORMAT*)pFormat;
Ndr64SimpleTypeMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, pRangeFormat->RangeType ); }
void Ndr64pInterfacePointerMarshall ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Marshalls an interface pointer.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the interface pointer being marshalled. pFormat - Interface pointer's format string description.
Return :
Notes : There is now one representation of a marshalled interface pointer.
// wire representation of a marshalled interface pointer
typedef struct tagMInterfacePointer { ULONG ulCntData; // size of data
[size_is(ulCntData)] BYTE abData[]; // data (OBJREF)
} MInterfacePointer;
--*/ {
const NDR64_CONSTANT_IID_FORMAT *pConstInterfaceFormat = (NDR64_CONSTANT_IID_FORMAT*)pFormat; const NDR64_IID_FORMAT *pInterfaceFormat = (NDR64_IID_FORMAT*)pFormat;
// Get an IID pointer.
IID *piid; if ( ((NDR64_IID_FLAGS*)&pInterfaceFormat->Flags)->ConstantIID ) { piid = (IID*)&pConstInterfaceFormat->Guid; } else {
piid = (IID *) Ndr64EvaluateExpr( pStubMsg, pInterfaceFormat->IIDDescriptor, EXPR_IID ); if(piid == 0) { RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_INVALID_ARG ); return; }
// Leave space in the buffer for the conformant size.
ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_ALIGN ); NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE * pMaxCount = (NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE *) pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE); ulong *pulCntData = (ulong *) pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(ulong);
//Calculate the maximum size of the stream.
ulong position = (ulong)( pStubMsg->Buffer - (uchar *)pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer); ulong cbMax = pStubMsg->RpcMsg->BufferLength - position;
//Create a stream on memory.
#if defined(DEBUG_WALKIP)
{ CHAR AppName[MAX_PATH]; memset(AppName, 0, sizeof(AppName ) ); GetModuleFileNameA( NULL, AppName, sizeof(AppName ) ); DbgPrint("MRSHL64 %s %p\n", AppName, pStubMsg->Buffer ); } #endif
IStream *pStream = NdrpCreateStreamOnMemory(pStubMsg->Buffer, cbMax); if(pStream == 0) { RpcRaiseException(RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return; }
RpcTryFinally { HRESULT hr = (*pfnCoMarshalInterface)(pStream, *piid, (IUnknown *)pMemory, pStubMsg->dwDestContext, pStubMsg->pvDestContext, 0); if(FAILED(hr)) { RpcRaiseException(hr); return; } ULARGE_INTEGER libPosition; LARGE_INTEGER libMove; libMove.QuadPart = 0; pStream->Seek(libMove, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &libPosition);
//Update the array bounds.
*pMaxCount = libPosition.QuadPart;
//Advance the stub message buffer pointer.
pStubMsg->Buffer += (*pulCntData = Ndr64pConvertTo2GB(libPosition.QuadPart));
} RpcFinally { pStream->Release(); } RpcEndFinally }
__forceinline void Ndr64pPointerMarshallInternal( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE *pBufferMark, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat )
Routine Description :
Private routine for marshalling a pointer and its pointee. This is the entry point for pointers embedded in structures, arrays, and unions.
Used for FC64_RP, FC64_UP, FC64_FP, FC64_OP.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pBufferMark - Pointer to the pointer in the wire buffer. pMemory - Pointer to the data to be marshalled. pFormat - Pointer format string description.
pStubMsg->Buffer - the place for the pointee.
Return :
{ const NDR64_POINTER_FORMAT *pPointerFormat = (NDR64_POINTER_FORMAT*) pFormat;
// Check the pointer type.
switch ( pPointerFormat->FormatCode ) {
case FC64_RP : if ( pBufferMark ) { // Put the pointer in the buffer.
*((NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE*)pBufferMark) = PTR_WIRE_REP(pMemory); }
if ( !pMemory ) { RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_NULL_REF_POINTER ); } break;
case FC64_UP : case FC64_OP : // Put the pointer in the buffer.
*((NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE*)pBufferMark) = PTR_WIRE_REP(pMemory);
if ( ! pMemory ) { return; }
case FC64_IP : // Put the pointer in the buffer
*((NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE*)pBufferMark) = PTR_WIRE_REP(pMemory);
if ( ! pMemory ) { return; }
Ndr64pInterfacePointerMarshall (pStubMsg, pMemory, pPointerFormat->Pointee ); return;
case FC64_FP : //
// Marshall the pointer's ref id and see if we've already
// marshalled the pointer's data.
{ ulong RefId; BOOL Result = Ndr64pFullPointerQueryPointer( pStubMsg, pMemory, FULL_POINTER_MARSHALLED, &RefId ); *(NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE*)pBufferMark = Ndr64pRefIdToWirePtr( RefId ); if ( Result ) return; } break;
default : NDR_ASSERT(0,"Ndr64pPointerMarshall : bad pointer type"); RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR ); return; }
if ( NDR64_SIMPLE_POINTER( pPointerFormat->Flags ) ) { Ndr64SimpleTypeMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, *(PFORMAT_STRING)pPointerFormat->Pointee ); return; }
if ( NDR64_POINTER_DEREF( pPointerFormat->Flags ) ) pMemory = *((uchar **)pMemory);
SAVE_CONTEXT<uchar> uFlagsSave( pStubMsg->uFlags ); NDR64_RESET_EMBEDDED_FLAGS_TO_STANDALONE(pStubMsg->uFlags); Ndr64TopLevelTypeMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, pPointerFormat->Pointee );
pBufferMark(pBufferMarkNew), pMemory(pMemoryNew), pFormat(pFormatNew), uFlags(pStubMsg->uFlags), pCorrMemory(pStubMsg->pCorrMemory) {
SAVE_CONTEXT<uchar> uFlagsSave(pStubMsg->uFlags, uFlags ); CORRELATION_CONTEXT CorrCtxt( pStubMsg, pCorrMemory ); Ndr64pPointerMarshallInternal( pStubMsg, pBufferMark, pMemory, (PNDR64_FORMAT)pFormat ); }
#if defined(DBG)
void NDR64_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT::Print() { DbgPrint("NDR_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT\n"); DbgPrint("pNext: %p\n", pNext ); DbgPrint("pBufferMark: %p\n", pBufferMark ); DbgPrint("pMemory: %p\n", pMemory ); DbgPrint("pFormat: %p\n", pFormat ); DbgPrint("pCorrMemory: %p\n", pCorrMemory ); DbgPrint("uFlags: %x\n", uFlags ); } #endif
void Ndr64pEnquePointerMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE *pBufferMark, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) {
NDR64_POINTER_CONTEXT PointerContext( pStubMsg );
RpcTryFinally { NDR64_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT*pElement = new(PointerContext.GetActiveState()) NDR64_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT(pStubMsg, pBufferMark, pMemory, (PFORMAT_STRING)pFormat); PointerContext.Enque( pElement ); PointerContext.DispatchIfRequired(); } RpcFinally { PointerContext.EndContext(); } RpcEndFinally
void Ndr64pPointerMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE *pBufferMark, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) { SAVE_CONTEXT<uchar> uFlagsSave(pStubMsg->uFlags); if ( !NdrIsLowStack(pStubMsg) ) { Ndr64pPointerMarshallInternal( pStubMsg, pBufferMark, pMemory, pFormat ); return; }
Ndr64pEnquePointerMarshall( pStubMsg, pBufferMark, pMemory, pFormat ); }
__forceinline void Ndr64TopLevelPointerMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) {
NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE *pBufferMark = NULL;
// Non embedded ref pointers do not have a wire representation
if ( *(PFORMAT_STRING)pFormat != FC64_RP ) { ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, NDR64_PTR_WIRE_ALIGN ); pBufferMark = (NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE*)pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE); }
Ndr64pPointerMarshall( pStubMsg, pBufferMark, pMemory, pFormat ); }
__forceinline void Ndr64EmbeddedPointerMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) {
ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, NDR64_PTR_WIRE_ALIGN ); NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE* pBufferMark = (NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE*)pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE);
Ndr64pPointerMarshall( pStubMsg, pBufferMark, *(uchar**)pMemory, pFormat );
void Ndr64SimpleStructMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
Routine description :
Marshalls a simple structure.
Used for FC64_STRUCT and FC64_PSTRUCT.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the structure to be marshalled. pFormat - Structure's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { const NDR64_STRUCTURE_HEADER_FORMAT * const pStructFormat = (NDR64_STRUCTURE_HEADER_FORMAT*) pFormat; const NDR64_UINT32 StructSize = pStructFormat->MemorySize;
ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer, pStructFormat->Alignment);
uchar *pBufferSave = pStubMsg->Buffer;
RpcpMemoryCopy( pBufferSave, pMemory, pStructFormat->MemorySize );
pStubMsg->Buffer += pStructFormat->MemorySize;
// Marshall embedded pointers.
if ( pStructFormat->Flags.HasPointerInfo ) { CORRELATION_CONTEXT CorrCtxt( pStubMsg, pMemory);
Ndr64pPointerLayoutMarshall( pStubMsg, pStructFormat + 1, 0, pMemory, pBufferSave ); }
void Ndr64ConformantStructMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
Routine description :
Marshalls a conformant structure.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the structure to be marshalled. pFormat - Structure's format string description.
Return :
--*/ {
const NDR64_CONF_STRUCTURE_HEADER_FORMAT * const pStructFormat = (NDR64_CONF_STRUCTURE_HEADER_FORMAT*) pFormat; const NDR64_CONF_ARRAY_HEADER_FORMAT * const pArrayFormat = (NDR64_CONF_ARRAY_HEADER_FORMAT *) pStructFormat->ArrayDescription;
CORRELATION_CONTEXT CorrCtxt( pStubMsg, pMemory ); NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE MaxCount = Ndr64EvaluateExpr( pStubMsg, pArrayFormat->ConfDescriptor, EXPR_MAXCOUNT );
if ( NDR64_IS_CONF_MARK_VALID( pStubMsg->uFlags ) ) *(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE *)pStubMsg->ConformanceMark = MaxCount; else { ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_ALIGN );
*((NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE *)pStubMsg->Buffer) = MaxCount; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE); }
ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer, pStructFormat->Alignment); uchar *pBufferStart = pStubMsg->Buffer;
NDR64_UINT32 StructSize = Ndr64pConvertTo2GB( (NDR64_UINT64)pStructFormat->MemorySize + ( MaxCount * (NDR64_UINT64)pArrayFormat->ElementSize ) );
RpcpMemoryCopy( pBufferStart, pMemory, StructSize );
pStubMsg->Buffer += StructSize;
if ( pStructFormat->Flags.HasPointerInfo ) {
Ndr64pPointerLayoutMarshall( pStubMsg, pStructFormat + 1, (NDR64_UINT32)MaxCount, pMemory, pBufferStart ); } }
void Ndr64ComplexStructMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
Routine description :
Marshalls a complex structure.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the structure being marshalled. pFormat - Structure's format string description. Return :
None. Notes :
uchar * pBufferSave = pStubMsg->Buffer;
bool fSetPointerBufferMark = ! pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark; // Compute where the pointees should be unmarshalled to.
if ( fSetPointerBufferMark ) { BOOL fOldIgnore = pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers; pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers = TRUE;
// Set BufferLength equal to the current buffer pointer, and then
// when we return from NdrComplexStructBufferSize it will pointer to
// the location in the buffer where the pointees should be marshalled.
// pStubMsg->BufferLength = pBufferSave;
// Instead of pointer, we now calculate pointer increment explicitly.
// Set the pointer alignment as a base.
// We use pBufferSave as the sizing routine accounts for the conf sizes.
ulong BufferLenOffset = 0xf & PtrToUlong( pBufferSave ); ulong BufferLengthSave = pStubMsg->BufferLength; pStubMsg->BufferLength = BufferLenOffset;
Ndr64ComplexStructBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
// Pointer increment including alignments.
BufferLenOffset = pStubMsg->BufferLength - BufferLenOffset;
// Set the location in the buffer where pointees will be marshalled.
pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = pStubMsg->Buffer + BufferLenOffset; pStubMsg->BufferLength = BufferLengthSave; pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers = fOldIgnore; }
PFORMAT_STRING pFormatPointers = (PFORMAT_STRING)pStructFormat->PointerLayout; PFORMAT_STRING pFormatArray = NULL; BOOL fIsFullBogus = ( *(PFORMAT_STRING)pFormat == FC64_BOGUS_STRUCT || *(PFORMAT_STRING)pFormat == FC64_CONF_BOGUS_STRUCT );
PFORMAT_STRING pMemberLayout = ( *(PFORMAT_STRING)pFormat == FC64_CONF_BOGUS_STRUCT || *(PFORMAT_STRING)pFormat == FC64_FORCED_CONF_BOGUS_STRUCT ) ? (PFORMAT_STRING)( pConfStructFormat + 1) : (PFORMAT_STRING)( pStructFormat + 1);
SAVE_CONTEXT<uchar*> ConformanceMarkSave(pStubMsg->ConformanceMark); SAVE_CONTEXT<uchar> uFlagsSave( pStubMsg->uFlags ); CORRELATION_CONTEXT CorrCtxt( pStubMsg, pMemory );
// Get conformant array description.
if ( pStructFormat->Flags.HasConfArray ) { pFormatArray = (PFORMAT_STRING)pConfStructFormat->ConfArrayDescription;
if ( !NDR64_IS_CONF_MARK_VALID( pStubMsg->uFlags ) ) { // Align for conformance marshalling.
// Remember where the conformance count(s) will be marshalled.
pStubMsg->ConformanceMark = pStubMsg->Buffer;
// Increment the buffer pointer for every array dimension.
pStubMsg->Buffer += pConfStructFormat->Dimensions * sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE);
NDR64_SET_CONF_MARK_VALID( pStubMsg->uFlags ); } } else pFormatArray = 0;
// Align buffer on struct's alignment.
ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer, pStructFormat->Alignment);
// Marshall the structure member by member.
for ( ; ; ) { switch ( *pMemberLayout ) {
case FC64_STRUCT: { const NDR64_SIMPLE_REGION_FORMAT *pRegion = (NDR64_SIMPLE_REGION_FORMAT*) pMemberLayout; ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, pRegion->Alignment ); RpcpMemoryCopy( pStubMsg->Buffer, pMemory, pRegion->RegionSize );
pStubMsg->Buffer += pRegion->RegionSize; pMemory += pRegion->RegionSize;
pMemberLayout += sizeof( *pRegion ); break; }
case FC64_STRUCTPADN : { const NDR64_MEMPAD_FORMAT *pMemPad = (NDR64_MEMPAD_FORMAT*)pMemberLayout; pMemory += pMemPad->MemPad; pMemberLayout += sizeof(*pMemPad); break; }
case FC64_POINTER : {
NDR_ASSERT(pFormatPointers, "Ndr64ComplexStructMarshall: pointer field but no pointer layout");
Ndr64EmbeddedPointerMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormatPointers );
pMemory += PTR_MEM_SIZE;
pFormatPointers += sizeof(NDR64_POINTER_FORMAT); pMemberLayout += sizeof(NDR64_SIMPLE_MEMBER_FORMAT);
break; }
{ const NDR64_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX_FORMAT * pEmbeddedFormat = (NDR64_EMBEDDED_COMPLEX_FORMAT*) pMemberLayout;
Ndr64EmbeddedTypeMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, pEmbeddedFormat->Type );
pMemory = Ndr64pMemoryIncrement( pStubMsg, pMemory, pEmbeddedFormat->Type, FALSE );
pMemberLayout += sizeof(*pEmbeddedFormat); break; }
case FC64_BUFFER_ALIGN: { const NDR64_BUFFER_ALIGN_FORMAT *pBufAlign = (NDR64_BUFFER_ALIGN_FORMAT*) pMemberLayout; ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer, pBufAlign->Alignment); pMemberLayout += sizeof( *pBufAlign ); break; } case FC64_CHAR : case FC64_WCHAR : case FC64_INT8: case FC64_UINT8: case FC64_INT16: case FC64_UINT16: case FC64_INT32: case FC64_UINT32: case FC64_INT64: case FC64_UINT64: case FC64_FLOAT32 : case FC64_FLOAT64 : case FC64_ERROR_STATUS_T: Ndr64SimpleTypeMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, *pMemberLayout );
pMemory += NDR64_SIMPLE_TYPE_MEMSIZE(*pMemberLayout); pMemberLayout += sizeof(NDR64_SIMPLE_MEMBER_FORMAT); break;
case FC64_IGNORE : ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer, NDR64_PTR_WIRE_ALIGN ); pMemory += PTR_MEM_SIZE; *(NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE*)pStubMsg->Buffer = 0; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE); pMemberLayout += sizeof(NDR64_SIMPLE_MEMBER_FORMAT); break;
case FC64_END : goto ComplexMarshallEnd;
default : NDR_ASSERT(0,"Ndr64ComplexStructMarshall : bad format char"); RpcRaiseException( RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR ); return; } // switch
} // for
// Marshall conformant array if we have one.
if ( pFormatArray ) {
Ndr64EmbeddedTypeMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormatArray );
} else { // If the structure doesn't have a conformant array, align it again
ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, pStructFormat->Alignment ); }
if ( fSetPointerBufferMark ) { pStubMsg->Buffer = pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark; pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = 0; } }
void Ndr64NonConformantStringMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
Routine description :
Marshalls a non conformant string.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the string to be marshalled. pFormat - String's format string description.
Return :
NDR64_UINT32 CopySize = Ndr64pCommonStringSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, &pStringFormat->Header );
if ( CopySize > pStringFormat->TotalSize ) RpcRaiseException(RPC_X_INVALID_BOUND);
ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_ALIGN ); ((NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE*)pStubMsg->Buffer)[0] = pStubMsg->Offset; ((NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE*)pStubMsg->Buffer)[1] = pStubMsg->ActualCount; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE) * 2;
// Copy the string.
RpcpMemoryCopy( pStubMsg->Buffer, pMemory, CopySize );
pStubMsg->Buffer += CopySize;
void Ndr64ConformantStringMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
Routine description :
Marshalls a conformant string.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the string to be marshalled. pFormat - String's format string description.
Return :
--*/ {
NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE *pMaxCountMark; if ( !NDR64_IS_CONF_MARK_VALID( pStubMsg->uFlags ) ) { ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_ALIGN ); pMaxCountMark = (NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE*)pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE); } else { pMaxCountMark = (NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE*)pStubMsg->ConformanceMark; } NDR64_UINT32 CopySize = Ndr64pCommonStringSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, &pStringFormat->Header ); //
// If the string is sized then compute the max count, otherwise the
// max count is equal to the actual count.
NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE MaxCount = pStubMsg->ActualCount; if ( pStringFormat->Header.Flags.IsSized ) { MaxCount = Ndr64EvaluateExpr( pStubMsg, pSizedStringFormat->SizeDescription, EXPR_MAXCOUNT );
if ( pStubMsg->ActualCount > MaxCount ) RpcRaiseException(RPC_X_INVALID_BOUND); }
// Marshall the max count.
*pMaxCountMark = MaxCount;
ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_ALIGN); ((NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE*)pStubMsg->Buffer)[0] = pStubMsg->Offset; ((NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE*)pStubMsg->Buffer)[1] = pStubMsg->ActualCount; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE) * 2;
RpcpMemoryCopy( pStubMsg->Buffer, pMemory, CopySize );
// Update the Buffer pointer.
pStubMsg->Buffer += CopySize;
void Ndr64FixedArrayMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Marshalls a fixed array of any number of dimensions.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array to be marshalled. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ {
// Align the buffer.
ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, pArrayFormat->Alignment ); uchar *pBufferStart = pStubMsg->Buffer; // Copy the array.
RpcpMemoryCopy( pBufferStart, pMemory, pArrayFormat->TotalSize );
// Increment stub message buffer pointer.
pStubMsg->Buffer += pArrayFormat->TotalSize;
// Marshall embedded pointers.
if ( pArrayFormat->Flags.HasPointerInfo ) {
Ndr64pPointerLayoutMarshall( pStubMsg, pArrayFormat + 1, 0, pMemory, pBufferStart ); }
void Ndr64ConformantArrayMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Marshalls a top level one dimensional conformant array.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being marshalled. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { const NDR64_CONF_ARRAY_HEADER_FORMAT *pArrayFormat = (NDR64_CONF_ARRAY_HEADER_FORMAT*) pFormat; uchar *pConformanceMark; if ( !NDR64_IS_CONF_MARK_VALID( pStubMsg->uFlags ) ) { // Align the buffer for conformance marshalling.
ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer,NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_ALIGN); pConformanceMark = pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE); } else { pConformanceMark = pStubMsg->ConformanceMark; }
NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE MaxCount = Ndr64EvaluateExpr( pStubMsg, pArrayFormat->ConfDescriptor, EXPR_MAXCOUNT );
*(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE*)pConformanceMark = MaxCount;
ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, pArrayFormat->Alignment );
// Compute the total array size in bytes.
NDR64_UINT32 CopySize = Ndr64pConvertTo2GB(MaxCount * (NDR64_UINT64)pArrayFormat->ElementSize);
RpcpMemoryCopy( pStubMsg->Buffer, pMemory, CopySize );
// Update buffer pointer.
uchar *pBufferStart = pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer += CopySize;
// Marshall embedded pointers.
if ( pArrayFormat->Flags.HasPointerInfo ) {
Ndr64pPointerLayoutMarshall( pStubMsg, pArrayFormat + 1, (NDR64_UINT32)MaxCount, pMemory, pBufferStart ); } }
void Ndr64ConformantVaryingArrayMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Marshalls a top level one dimensional conformant varying array.
Used for FC64_CVARRAY.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being marshalled. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { const NDR64_CONF_VAR_ARRAY_HEADER_FORMAT * pArrayFormat = (NDR64_CONF_VAR_ARRAY_HEADER_FORMAT*) pFormat; uchar *pConformanceMark; if ( ! NDR64_IS_CONF_MARK_VALID( pStubMsg->uFlags ) ) { ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_ALIGN); pConformanceMark = pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE); } else { pConformanceMark = pStubMsg->ConformanceMark; }
NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE MaxCount = Ndr64EvaluateExpr( pStubMsg, pArrayFormat->ConfDescriptor, EXPR_MAXCOUNT );
NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE ActualCount = Ndr64EvaluateExpr( pStubMsg, pArrayFormat->VarDescriptor, EXPR_ACTUALCOUNT ); if ( ActualCount > MaxCount ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_INVALID_BOUND ); *(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE*)pConformanceMark = MaxCount;
// Align the buffer for variance marshalling.
// Marshall variance.
((NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE *)pStubMsg->Buffer)[0] = 0; ((NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE *)pStubMsg->Buffer)[1] = ActualCount; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE) * 2;
NDR64_UINT32 CopySize = Ndr64pConvertTo2GB( ActualCount * (NDR64_UINT64)pArrayFormat->ElementSize );
ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, pArrayFormat->Alignment );
RpcpMemoryCopy( pStubMsg->Buffer, pMemory, CopySize );
uchar *pBufferStart = pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer += CopySize;
// Marshall embedded pointers.
if ( pArrayFormat->Flags.HasPointerInfo ) {
Ndr64pPointerLayoutMarshall( pStubMsg, pArrayFormat + 1, (NDR64_UINT32)ActualCount, pMemory, pBufferStart ); }
void Ndr64VaryingArrayMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Marshalls a top level or embedded one dimensional varying array.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being marshalled. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { const NDR64_VAR_ARRAY_HEADER_FORMAT * pArrayFormat = (NDR64_VAR_ARRAY_HEADER_FORMAT*) pFormat;
// Compute the variance offset and count.
NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE ActualCount = Ndr64EvaluateExpr( pStubMsg, pArrayFormat->VarDescriptor, EXPR_ACTUALCOUNT ); NDR64_UINT32 CopySize = Ndr64pConvertTo2GB( ActualCount * (NDR64_UINT64)pArrayFormat->ElementSize );
// Align the buffer for variance marshalling.
// Marshall variance.
((NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE *)pStubMsg->Buffer)[0] = 0; ((NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE *)pStubMsg->Buffer)[1] = ActualCount; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE) * 2;
ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer, pArrayFormat->Alignment); // Copy the array.
RpcpMemoryCopy( pStubMsg->Buffer, pMemory, CopySize );
// Update buffer pointer.
uchar *pBufferStart = pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer += CopySize;
// Marshall embedded pointers.
if ( pArrayFormat->Flags.HasPointerInfo ) {
Ndr64pPointerLayoutMarshall( pStubMsg, pArrayFormat + 1, (NDR64_UINT32)ActualCount, pMemory, pBufferStart ); }
void Ndr64ComplexArrayMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Marshalls a top level complex array.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the array being marshalled. pFormat - Array's format string description.
Return :
bool fSetPointerBufferMark = ! pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark;
if ( fSetPointerBufferMark ) { BOOL fOldIgnore = pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers;
pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers = TRUE;
ulong BufferLenOffset = 0xf & PtrToUlong( pStubMsg->Buffer ); ulong BufferLengthSave = pStubMsg->BufferLength; pStubMsg->BufferLength = BufferLenOffset;
Ndr64ComplexArrayBufferSize( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat );
// Pointer increment including alignments.
BufferLenOffset = pStubMsg->BufferLength - BufferLenOffset;
// This is the buffer pointer to the position where embedded pointers
// will be marshalled.
pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = pStubMsg->Buffer + BufferLenOffset; pStubMsg->BufferLength = BufferLengthSave; pStubMsg->IgnoreEmbeddedPointers = fOldIgnore; }
BOOL IsFixed = ( pArrayFormat->FormatCode == FC64_FIX_BOGUS_ARRAY ) || ( pArrayFormat->FormatCode == FC64_FIX_FORCED_BOGUS_ARRAY );
PFORMAT_STRING pElementFormat = (PFORMAT_STRING)pArrayFormat->Element;
NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE Elements = pArrayFormat->NumberElements; NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE Count = Elements; NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE Offset = 0;
SAVE_CONTEXT<uchar*> ConformanceMarkSave( pStubMsg->ConformanceMark ); SAVE_CONTEXT<uchar*> VarianceMarkSave( pStubMsg->VarianceMark ); SAVE_CONTEXT<uchar> uFlagsSave( pStubMsg->uFlags );
if ( pConfVarFormat->ConfDescription != 0 ) {
if ( ! NDR64_IS_CONF_MARK_VALID( pStubMsg->uFlags ) ) { //
// Outer most dimension sets the conformance marker.
// Align the buffer for conformance marshalling.
// Mark where the conformance count(s) will be marshalled.
pStubMsg->ConformanceMark = pStubMsg->Buffer;
// Increment past where the conformance will go.
pStubMsg->Buffer += pArrayFormat->NumberDims * sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE);
NDR64_SET_CONF_MARK_VALID( pStubMsg->uFlags ); }
Elements = Ndr64EvaluateExpr( pStubMsg, pConfVarFormat->ConfDescription, EXPR_MAXCOUNT );
*(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE*) pStubMsg->ConformanceMark = Elements; pStubMsg->ConformanceMark += sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE);
Offset = 0; Count = Elements; }
// Check for variance description.
if ( pConfVarFormat->VarDescription != 0 ) { if ( ! NDR64_IS_VAR_MARK_VALID( pStubMsg->uFlags ) ) {
NDR64_UINT32 Dimensions; //
// Set the variance marker.
Dimensions = ( pArrayFormat->Flags.IsArrayofStrings ) ? ( pArrayFormat->NumberDims - 1) : ( pArrayFormat->NumberDims );
// Increment past where the variance will go.
pStubMsg->VarianceMark = pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer += Dimensions * sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE) * 2;
if ( NDR64_IS_ARRAY_OR_STRING( *pElementFormat ) ) NDR64_SET_VAR_MARK_VALID( pStubMsg->uFlags );
else if ( !NDR64_IS_ARRAY_OR_STRING( *pElementFormat ) ) NDR64_RESET_VAR_MARK_VALID( pStubMsg->uFlags ); Count = Ndr64EvaluateExpr( pStubMsg, pConfVarFormat->VarDescription, EXPR_ACTUALCOUNT );
Offset = Ndr64EvaluateExpr( pStubMsg, pConfVarFormat->OffsetDescription, EXPR_OFFSET );
if ( Count + Offset > Elements ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_INVALID_BOUND );
((NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE*)pStubMsg->VarianceMark)[0] = Offset; ((NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE*)pStubMsg->VarianceMark)[1] = Count; pStubMsg->VarianceMark += sizeof(NDR64_WIRE_COUNT_TYPE) * 2;
NDR64_UINT32 ElementMemorySize = Ndr64pMemorySize( pStubMsg, pElementFormat, FALSE );
pMemory += Ndr64pConvertTo2GB( Offset * (NDR64_UINT64)ElementMemorySize);
Ndr64pConvertTo2GB( Elements * (NDR64_UINT64)ElementMemorySize ); Ndr64pConvertTo2GB( Count * (NDR64_UINT64)ElementMemorySize );
ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer, pArrayFormat->Alignment);
for ( ; Count--; ) { Ndr64EmbeddedTypeMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, pElementFormat ); pMemory += ElementMemorySize; }
if ( fSetPointerBufferMark ) { pStubMsg->Buffer = pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark; pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = 0; } }
void Ndr64UnionMarshall ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) /*++
Routine Description :
Marshalls an encapsulated union.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the union being marshalled. pFormat - Union's format string description.
Return :
--*/ { const NDR64_UNION_ARM_SELECTOR* pArmSelector;
uchar *pArmMemory; switch(*(PFORMAT_STRING)pFormat) { case FC64_NON_ENCAPSULATED_UNION: { const NDR64_NON_ENCAPSULATED_UNION* pNonEncapUnionFormat = (const NDR64_NON_ENCAPSULATED_UNION*) pFormat;
ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer, pNonEncapUnionFormat->Alignment); SwitchType = pNonEncapUnionFormat->SwitchType; pArmSelector = (NDR64_UNION_ARM_SELECTOR*)(pNonEncapUnionFormat + 1); SwitchIs = Ndr64EvaluateExpr( pStubMsg, pNonEncapUnionFormat->Switch, EXPR_SWITCHIS );
pArmMemory = pMemory; break; } case FC64_ENCAPSULATED_UNION: { const NDR64_ENCAPSULATED_UNION* pEncapUnionFormat = (const NDR64_ENCAPSULATED_UNION*)pFormat;
ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer, pEncapUnionFormat->Alignment); SwitchType = pEncapUnionFormat->SwitchType; pArmSelector = (NDR64_UNION_ARM_SELECTOR*)(pEncapUnionFormat + 1);
SwitchIs = Ndr64pSimpleTypeToExprValue(SwitchType, pMemory);
pArmMemory = pMemory + pEncapUnionFormat->MemoryOffset; break; } default: NDR_ASSERT(0, "Bad union format\n"); }
Ndr64SimpleTypeMarshall( pStubMsg, (uchar *)&SwitchIs, SwitchType );
ALIGN(pStubMsg->Buffer, pArmSelector->Alignment); PNDR64_FORMAT pArmFormat = Ndr64pFindUnionArm( pStubMsg, pArmSelector, SwitchIs );
if ( !pArmFormat ) return;
Ndr64EmbeddedTypeMarshall( pStubMsg, pArmMemory, pArmFormat ); }
void Ndr64XmitOrRepAsMarshall ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat, bool bIsEmbedded ) /*++
Routine Description :
Marshalls a transmit as or represent as argument: - translate the presented object into a transmitted object - marshall the transmitted object - free the transmitted object
Format string layout: check out ndr64types.h
Arguments :
pStubMsg - a pointer to the stub message pMemory - presented type translated into transmitted type and than to be marshalled pFormat - format string description
--*/ {
// Skip the token itself and Oi flag. Fetch the QuintupleIndex.
NDR_ASSERT( pTransFormat->FormatCode == FC64_TRANSMIT_AS || pTransFormat->FormatCode , "invalid format string for user marshal" ); unsigned short QIndex = pTransFormat->RoutineIndex;
// First translate the presented type into the transmitted type.
// This includes an allocation of a transmitted type object.
pStubMsg->pPresentedType = pMemory; pStubMsg->pTransmitType = NULL; const XMIT_ROUTINE_QUINTUPLE * pQuintuple = pStubMsg->StubDesc->aXmitQuintuple; pQuintuple[ QIndex ].pfnTranslateToXmit( pStubMsg );
unsigned char * pTransmittedType = pStubMsg->pTransmitType; // In NDR64, Xmit/Rep cannot be a pointer or contain a pointer.
// So we don't need to worry about the pointer queue here.
if ( bIsEmbedded ) { Ndr64EmbeddedTypeMarshall( pStubMsg, pTransmittedType, pTransFormat->TransmittedType ); } else { Ndr64TopLevelTypeMarshall( pStubMsg, pTransmittedType, pTransFormat->TransmittedType ); }
pStubMsg->pTransmitType = pTransmittedType;
// Free the temporary transmitted object (it was allocated by the user).
pQuintuple[ QIndex ].pfnFreeXmit( pStubMsg );
void Ndr64TopLevelXmitOrRepAsMarshall ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) { Ndr64XmitOrRepAsMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat, false ); }
void Ndr64EmbeddedXmitOrRepAsMarshall ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) { Ndr64XmitOrRepAsMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat, true ); }
void Ndr64UserMarshallMarshallInternal( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat, NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE *pWirePtr ) {
unsigned char * pUserBuffer = pStubMsg->Buffer; unsigned char * pUserBufferSaved = pUserBuffer;
// We always call user's routine to marshall.
USER_MARSHAL_CB UserMarshalCB; Ndr64pInitUserMarshalCB( pStubMsg, pUserFormat, USER_MARSHAL_CB_MARSHALL, & UserMarshalCB );
unsigned short QIndex = pUserFormat->RoutineIndex; const USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_QUADRUPLE * pQuadruple = (const USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_QUADRUPLE *)( ( NDR_PROC_CONTEXT *)pStubMsg->pContext )->pSyntaxInfo->aUserMarshalQuadruple;
if ((pUserBufferSaved < (uchar *) pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer) || ((unsigned long) (pUserBufferSaved - (uchar *) pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer) > pStubMsg->RpcMsg->BufferLength)) { RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_INVALID_BUFFER ); }
pUserBuffer = pQuadruple[ QIndex ].pfnMarshall( (ulong*) &UserMarshalCB, pUserBuffer, pMemory );
if ((pUserBufferSaved > pUserBuffer) || ((unsigned long) (pUserBuffer - (uchar *) pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Buffer) > pStubMsg->RpcMsg->BufferLength )) { RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_INVALID_BUFFER ); }
if ( pUserBuffer == pUserBufferSaved ) { // This is valid only if the wire type was a unique type.
if ( ( pUserFormat->Flags & USER_MARSHAL_UNIQUE) ) { *pWirePtr = 0; return; } else RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_NULL_REF_POINTER ); }
pStubMsg->Buffer = pUserBuffer; }
void NDR64_USR_MRSHL_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT::Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg) { Ndr64UserMarshallMarshallInternal( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat, pWireMarkerPtr ); }
#if defined(DBG)
void NDR64_USR_MRSHL_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT::Print() { DbgPrint("NDR_USR_MRSHL_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT\n"); DbgPrint("pMemory: %p\n", pMemory ); DbgPrint("pFormat: %p\n", pFormat ); DbgPrint("pWireMarkerPtr: %p\n", pWireMarkerPtr ); } #endif
void Ndr64UserMarshallPointeeMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat, NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE *pWirePtr ) {
if ( !pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState || !pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState->GetActiveQueue() ) {
Ndr64UserMarshallMarshallInternal( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat, pWirePtr ); return; }
NDR64_USR_MRSHL_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT*pElement = new(pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState) NDR64_USR_MRSHL_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT(pMemory, (PFORMAT_STRING)pFormat, pWirePtr); pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState->GetActiveQueue()->Enque( pElement );
void Ndr64UserMarshalMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat, bool bIsEmbedded ) /*++
Routine Description :
Marshals a usr_marshall object.
Arguments :
pStubMsg - Pointer to the stub message. pMemory - Pointer to the usr_marshall object to marshall. pFormat - Object's format string description.
Return :
--*/ {
NDR_ASSERT( pUserFormat->FormatCode == FC64_USER_MARSHAL, "invalid format string for user marshal" );
ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, pUserFormat->TransmittedTypeWireAlignment );
if ( pUserFormat->Flags & USER_MARSHAL_POINTER ) { NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE *pWireMarkerPtr = NULL; if ( ( pUserFormat->Flags & USER_MARSHAL_UNIQUE ) || (( pUserFormat->Flags & USER_MARSHAL_REF ) && bIsEmbedded) ) { pWireMarkerPtr = (NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE *) pStubMsg->Buffer; *((NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE *)pStubMsg->Buffer) = NDR64_USER_MARSHAL_MARKER; pStubMsg->Buffer += sizeof(NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE);
} Ndr64UserMarshallPointeeMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat, pWireMarkerPtr ); return;
Ndr64UserMarshallMarshallInternal( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat, NULL );
void Ndr64TopLevelUserMarshalMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) { Ndr64UserMarshalMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat, false ); }
void Ndr64EmbeddedUserMarshalMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, uchar * pMemory, PNDR64_FORMAT pFormat ) { Ndr64UserMarshalMarshall( pStubMsg, pMemory, pFormat, true ); }
void Ndr64ServerContextNewMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, NDR_SCONTEXT ContextHandle, NDR_RUNDOWN RundownRoutine, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ) /*
This is a non-optimized NDR engine entry for context handle marshaling. In particular it is able to handle all the new NT5 context handle flavors. The optimized routine follows below. ContextHandle - note, this is not the user's handle but a NDR_SCONTEXT pointer from the stub local stack. User's handle is a field in that object. Note that intepreter calls Ndr64MarshallHandle. However, we can't use it as it assumes a helper array of saved context handles that we don't need. */ { void * pGuard = RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DEFAULT_GUARD; DWORD Flags = RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DEFAULT_FLAGS; NDR64_CONTEXT_HANDLE_FORMAT * pContextFormat;
pContextFormat = ( NDR64_CONTEXT_HANDLE_FORMAT * )pFormat; NDR_ASSERT( pContextFormat->FormatCode == FC64_BIND_CONTEXT, "invalid format char " ); // NT5 beta2 features: strict context handle, serialize and noserialize.
if ( pContextFormat->ContextFlags & NDR_STRICT_CONTEXT_HANDLE ) { pGuard = pStubMsg->StubDesc->RpcInterfaceInformation; pGuard = & ((PRPC_SERVER_INTERFACE)pGuard)->InterfaceId; } if ( pContextFormat->ContextFlags & NDR_CONTEXT_HANDLE_NOSERIALIZE ) { Flags = RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_DONT_SERIALIZE; } else if ( pContextFormat->ContextFlags & NDR_CONTEXT_HANDLE_SERIALIZE ) { Flags = RPC_CONTEXT_HANDLE_SERIALIZE; }
ALIGN( pStubMsg->Buffer, 0x3 );
NDRSContextMarshall2( pStubMsg->RpcMsg->Handle, ContextHandle, pStubMsg->Buffer, RundownRoutine, pGuard, Flags );
// define the jump table
#define NDR64_BEGIN_TABLE \
PNDR64_MARSHALL_ROUTINE extern const Ndr64MarshallRoutinesTable[] = \ {
#define NDR64_TABLE_END \
#define NDR64_UNUSED_TABLE_ENTRY( number, tokenname ) ,NULL
#define NDR64_TABLE_ENTRY( number, tokenname, marshall, embeddedmarshall, unmarshall, embeddedunmarshall, buffersize, embeddedbuffersize, memsize, embeddedmemsize, free, embeddedfree, typeflags ) \
#define NDR64_SIMPLE_TYPE_TABLE_ENTRY( number, tokenname, typebuffersize, memorysize) \
#include "tokntbl.h"
C_ASSERT( sizeof(Ndr64MarshallRoutinesTable)/sizeof(PNDR64_MARSHALL_ROUTINE) == 256 );
#define NDR64_TABLE_ENTRY( number, tokenname, marshall, embeddedmarshall, unmarshall, embeddedunmarshall, buffersize, embeddedbuffersize, memsize, embeddedmemsize, free, embeddedfree, typeflags ) \
,embeddedmarshall #define NDR64_BEGIN_TABLE \
PNDR64_MARSHALL_ROUTINE extern const Ndr64EmbeddedMarshallRoutinesTable[] = \ {
#include "tokntbl.h"
C_ASSERT( sizeof(Ndr64EmbeddedMarshallRoutinesTable) / sizeof(PNDR64_MARSHALL_ROUTINE) == 256 );