Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 Module Name: DTCommon.c
Abstract: Common stuff for the Data Tranfer tests
Author: Brian Wong (t-bwong) 27-Mar-96
Revision History:
#include <rpcperf.h>
#include "DTCommon.h"
// Strings
const char *szFormatCantOpenTempFile="%s: cannot open %s.\n"; const char *szFormatCantOpenServFile="%s: cannot open file on server.\n";
void PrintSysErrorStringA (DWORD dwWinErrCode) /*++
Routine Description: Given a Win32 error code, print a string that describes the error condition.
Arguments: dwWinErrCode - the error code.
Return Value: NONE --*/ { const DWORD ulBufLength = 255; char szErrorString[256];
// Use the Win32 API FormatMessage().
if (0 != FormatMessageA (FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwWinErrCode, MAKELANGID (LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL), szErrorString, ulBufLength, NULL)) { printf(szErrorString); }
return; }
BOOL CreateTempFile (LPCTSTR pszPath, // [in]
LPCTSTR pszPrefix, // [in]
DWORD ulLength, // [in]
LPTSTR pszFileName) // [out]
Routine Description: Creates a temporary file.
Arguments: pszPath - the system temp path is used of NULL pszPrefix - the prefix for the temporary file ulLength - the length of the file is set to this value pszFileName - where to store the name of the temporary file
Return Value: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise --*/ { static const char *szFuncName = "CreateTempFile"; TCHAR pTempPath[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFile;
// Use the Win32 API GetTempPath() if a path is not provide.
if (NULL == pszPath) GetTempPath (MAX_PATH, pTempPath);
// Note: GetTempFileName() also creates the file.
if (0 == GetTempFileName ((NULL == pszPath ? pTempPath : pszPath), pszPrefix, 0, pszFileName)) { printf("%s: GetTempFileName failed. %s\n", szFuncName); PrintSysErrorStringA(GetLastError()); return FALSE; }
// If ulLength != 0, we set the temp file to the specified length.
if (ulLength != 0) { //
// Open the file for writing.
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf(szFormatCantOpenTempFile, szFuncName, pszFileName); PrintSysErrorStringA(GetLastError());
DeleteFile(pszFileName); return FALSE; }
// If SEND_BLANKS is defined, then we don't do any pre-initializing
// of the files transferred. Otherwise, we fill the file up with
// stuff. (See below.)
if (Length != SetFilePointer (hFile, ulLength, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) { DWORD dwErrCode = GetLastError(); printf("%s: %ld.\n", szFuncName, dwErrCode); PrintSysErrorStringA(dwErrCode);
CloseHandle (hFile); DeleteFile (pszFileName);
return FALSE; } SetEndOfFile(hFile); #else // ! defined (SEND_BLANKS)
// Here we fill the file up with 8-byte blocks of the form
// "#######<blank>", where ####### is a descending number
// indicating the number of bytes till EOF. If the length
// is not a multiple of 8, then the file is padded with $'s
{ long i; DWORD dwBytesWritten; char pTempString[9];
for (i = ulLength; i >= 8; i -= 8) { sprintf(pTempString, "%7ld ",i); WriteFile (hFile, pTempString, 8, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); } if (i > 0) { WriteFile (hFile, "$$$$$$$", i, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); } } #endif // SEND_BLANKS
CloseHandle(hFile); }
return TRUE; }