Copyright (c) 1991, 1992, 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the code that does the legacy configuration and initialization of the comm ports. As the driver gets more PnP functionality and the PnP manager appears, most of this module should go away.
Kernel mode
#include "precomp.h"
#if !defined(NO_LEGACY_DRIVERS)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,SerialEnumerateLegacy)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,SerialMigrateLegacyRegistry)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,SerialBuildResourceList)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,SerialTranslateResourceList)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,SerialBuildRequirementsList)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,SerialIsUserDataValid)
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
static const PHYSICAL_ADDRESS SerialPhysicalZero = {0};
Routine Description:
This routine will create a resource list of translated resources based on PResourceList.
This is pageable INIT because it is only called from SerialEnumerateLegacy which is also pageable INIT.
Arguments: DriverObject - Only used for logging. UserSubKey - Only used for logging.
PPResourceList - Pointer to a PCM_RESOURCE_LIST that we are creating. PResourceList - PCM_RESOURCE_LIST that we are translating. ParitalCount - Number of Partial Resource lists in PResourceList. PUserData - Data retrieved as defaults or from the registry.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS on success, apropriate error value otherwise.
--*/ { KIRQL outIrql; KAFFINITY outAffinity = (KAFFINITY)-1; ULONG outAddrSpace; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS outPhysAddr; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Enter SerialTranslateResourceList\n"));
outIrql = (KIRQL)(PUserData->UserLevel ? PUserData->UserLevel : PUserData->UserVector);
// Copy the list over to the translated buffer and fixup and translate
// what we need.
RtlCopyMemory(PTrResourceList, PResourceList, sizeof(CM_RESOURCE_LIST) + sizeof(CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) * 2);
outAddrSpace = PTrResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList .PartialDescriptors[0].Flags; outPhysAddr = PTrResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList .PartialDescriptors[0].u.Port.Start;
if (HalTranslateBusAddress(PUserData->UserInterfaceType, PUserData->UserBusNumber, PUserData->UserPort, &outAddrSpace, &outPhysAddr) == 0) { SerialLogError(DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 60, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_NO_TRANSLATE_PORT, UserSubKey->NameLength + sizeof(WCHAR), &UserSubKey->Name[0], 0, NULL);
SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Port map failed attempt was \n" "------- Interface: %x\n" "------- Bus Number: %x\n" "------- userPort: %x\n" "------- AddrSpace: %x\n" "------- PhysAddr: %x\n", PUserData->UserInterfaceType, PUserData->UserBusNumber, PUserData->UserPort, PTrResourceList->List[0]. PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[0] .Flags, PTrResourceList->List[0]. PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[0] .u.Port.Start.QuadPart));
status = STATUS_NONE_MAPPED; goto SerialTranslateError; }
PTrResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[0].Flags = (USHORT)outAddrSpace; PTrResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[0] .u.Port.Start = outPhysAddr;
if ((PTrResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList .PartialDescriptors[1].u.Interrupt.Vector = HalGetInterruptVector(PUserData->UserInterfaceType, PUserData->UserBusNumber, PUserData->UserLevel ? PUserData->UserLevel : PUserData->UserVector, PUserData->UserVector, &outIrql, &outAffinity)) == 0) {
SerialLogError(DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 61, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_NO_GET_INTERRUPT, UserSubKey->NameLength + sizeof(WCHAR), &UserSubKey->Name[0], 0, NULL);
status = STATUS_NONE_MAPPED; goto SerialTranslateError; }
PTrResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList .PartialDescriptors[1].u.Interrupt.Level = outIrql;
PTrResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList .PartialDescriptors[1].u.Interrupt.Affinity = outAffinity;
outAddrSpace = PTrResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList .PartialDescriptors[2].Flags; outPhysAddr = PTrResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList .PartialDescriptors[2].u.Port.Start;
if (PartialCount == 3) { if (HalTranslateBusAddress(PUserData->UserInterfaceType, PUserData->UserBusNumber, PUserData->UserInterruptStatus, &outAddrSpace, &outPhysAddr) == 0) {
SerialLogError(DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 62, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_NO_TRANSLATE_ISR, UserSubKey->NameLength + sizeof(WCHAR), &UserSubKey->Name[0], 0, NULL);
SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: ISR map failed attempt was \n" "------- Interface: %x\n" "------- Bus Number: %x\n" "------- IntStatus: %x\n" "------- AddrSpace: %x\n" "------- PhysAddr: %x\n", PUserData->UserInterfaceType, PUserData->UserBusNumber, PUserData->UserInterruptStatus, PTrResourceList->List[0]. PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[2] .Flags, PTrResourceList->List[0]. PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[2] .u.Port.Start.QuadPart));
status = STATUS_NONE_MAPPED; goto SerialTranslateError; }
SerialDump(SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: ISR map was %x\n", outPhysAddr.QuadPart));
PTrResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList. PartialDescriptors[2].Flags = (USHORT)outAddrSpace; PTrResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[2] .u.Port.Start = outPhysAddr; }
SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Enter SerialTranslateResourceList\n"));
return status; }
Routine Description:
This routine will build an IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST based on the defaults and user-supplied registry info.
This is pageable INIT because it is only called from SerialEnumerateLegacy which is also pageable INIT.
DriverObject - Used only for logging. PRequiredList - PIO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST we are building. PartialCount - Number of partial descriptors needed in PPRequiredList. PUserData - Default and user-supplied values from the registry.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS on success, apropriate error value otherwise.
SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Enter SerialBuildRequirementsList\n"));
// Build requirements list
RtlZeroMemory(PRequiredList, sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST) + sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) * 2);
PRequiredList->ListSize = sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST) + sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) * (PartialCount - 1); PRequiredList->InterfaceType = PUserData->UserInterfaceType; PRequiredList->BusNumber = PUserData->UserBusNumber; PRequiredList->SlotNumber = 0; PRequiredList->AlternativeLists = 1;
reqResList = &PRequiredList->List[0];
reqResList->Version = 1; reqResList->Revision = 1; reqResList->Count = PartialCount;
reqResDesc = &reqResList->Descriptors[0];
// Port Information
reqResDesc->Flags = (USHORT)PUserData->UserAddressSpace; reqResDesc->Type = CmResourceTypePort; reqResDesc->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareDriverExclusive; reqResDesc->u.Port.Length = SERIAL_REGISTER_SPAN; reqResDesc->u.Port.Alignment= 1; reqResDesc->u.Port.MinimumAddress = PUserData->UserPort; reqResDesc->u.Port.MaximumAddress.QuadPart = PUserData->UserPort.QuadPart + SERIAL_REGISTER_SPAN - 1;
// Interrupt information
if (PUserData->UserInterruptMode == Latched) { reqResDesc->Flags = CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LATCHED; } else { reqResDesc->Flags = CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE; }
// We have to globally share resources even though this is a **BAD**
// thing. We must do it for multiport cards. DO NOT replicate
// this in other drivers.
reqResDesc->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareShared;
reqResDesc->Type = CmResourceTypeInterrupt; reqResDesc->u.Interrupt.MinimumVector = PUserData->UserVector; reqResDesc->u.Interrupt.MaximumVector = PUserData->UserVector;
// ISR register information (if needed)
if (PartialCount == 3) {
reqResDesc->Type = CmResourceTypePort;
// We have to globally share resources even though this is a **BAD**
// thing. We must do it for multiport cards. DO NOT replicate
// this in other drivers.
reqResDesc->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareShared;
reqResDesc->Flags = (USHORT)PUserData->UserAddressSpace; reqResDesc->u.Port.Length = 1; reqResDesc->u.Port.Alignment= 1; reqResDesc->u.Port.MinimumAddress = PUserData->UserInterruptStatus; reqResDesc->u.Port.MaximumAddress = PUserData->UserInterruptStatus; }
SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Leave SerialBuildRequirementsList\n"));
return status; }
NTSTATUS SerialBuildResourceList(OUT PCM_RESOURCE_LIST PResourceList, OUT PULONG PPartialCount, IN PSERIAL_USER_DATA PUserData) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will build a resource list based on the information supplied by the registry.
This is pageable INIT because it is only called from SerialEnumerateLegacy which is also pageable INIT.
PResourceList - Pointer to PCM_RESOURCE_LIST we are building. PPartialCount - Number of Partial Resource Lists we required. PUserData - Pointer to user-supplied and default info from registry.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS on success, apropriate error value otherwise.
SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Enter SerialBuildResourceList\n")); SerialDump(SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: Building cmreslist in %x\n", PResourceList));
*PPartialCount = 0;
// If we have a separate ISR register requirement, we then have 3
// partials instead of 2.
countOfPartials = (PUserData->UserInterruptStatus.LowPart != 0) ? 3 : 2;
RtlZeroMemory(PResourceList, sizeof(CM_RESOURCE_LIST) + sizeof(CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) * 2);
PResourceList->Count = 1;
PResourceList->List[0].InterfaceType = PUserData->UserInterfaceType; PResourceList->List[0].BusNumber = PUserData->UserBusNumber; PResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList.Count = countOfPartials;
pPartial = &PResourceList->List[0].PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[0];
// Port information
pPartial->Type = CmResourceTypePort; pPartial->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareDeviceExclusive; pPartial->Flags = (USHORT)PUserData->UserAddressSpace; pPartial->u.Port.Start = PUserData->UserPort; pPartial->u.Port.Length = SERIAL_REGISTER_SPAN;
// Interrupt information
pPartial->Type = CmResourceTypeInterrupt;
// We have to globally share resources even though this is a **BAD**
// thing. We must do it for multiport cards. DO NOT replicate
// this in other drivers.
pPartial->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareShared;
if (PUserData->UserInterruptMode == Latched) { pPartial->Flags = CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LATCHED; } else { pPartial->Flags = CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE; }
pPartial->u.Interrupt.Vector = PUserData->UserVector;
if (PUserData->UserLevel == 0) { pPartial->u.Interrupt.Level = PUserData->UserVector; } else { pPartial->u.Interrupt.Level = PUserData->UserLevel; }
// ISR register information (if needed)
if (countOfPartials == 3) {
pPartial->Type = CmResourceTypePort;
// We have to globally share resources even though this is a **BAD**
// thing. We must do it for multiport cards. DO NOT replicate
// this in other drivers.
pPartial->ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareShared;
pPartial->Flags = (USHORT)PUserData->UserAddressSpace; pPartial->u.Port.Start = PUserData->UserInterruptStatus; pPartial->u.Port.Length = SERIAL_STATUS_LENGTH; }
*PPartialCount = countOfPartials;
SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Leave SerialBuildResourceList\n"));
return status; }
Routine Description:
This routine will copy information stored in the registry for a legacy device over to the PnP Device Parameters section.
This is pageable INIT because it is only called from SerialEnumerateLegacy which is also pageable INIT.
PPdo - Pointer to the Device Object we are migrating. PUserData - Pointer to user supplied values.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS on success, apropriate error value otherwise.
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; HANDLE pnpKey; UNICODE_STRING pnpNameBuf; ULONG isMultiport = 1; ULONG one = 1;
SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Enter SerialMigrateLegacyRegistry\n"));
status = IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey(PPdo, PLUGPLAY_REGKEY_DEVICE, STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE, &pnpKey);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Leave (1) SerialMigrateLegacyRegistry" "\n")); return status; }
// Allocate a buffer to copy the port name over.
pnpNameBuf.MaximumLength = sizeof(WCHAR) * 256; pnpNameBuf.Length = 0; pnpNameBuf.Buffer = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(WCHAR) * 257);
if (pnpNameBuf.Buffer == NULL) { SerialLogError(PPdo->DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 63, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't allocate buffer for the PnP " "link\n")); status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto MigrateLegacyExit;
RtlZeroMemory(pnpNameBuf.Buffer, pnpNameBuf.MaximumLength + sizeof(WCHAR));
// Add the port name -- ALWAYS
RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&pnpNameBuf, &PUserData->UserSymbolicLink); RtlZeroMemory(((PUCHAR)(&pnpNameBuf.Buffer[0])) + pnpNameBuf.Length, sizeof(WCHAR));
status = SerialPutRegistryKeyValue(pnpKey, L"PortName", sizeof(L"PortName"), REG_SZ, pnpNameBuf.Buffer, pnpNameBuf.Length + sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't migrate PortName\n")); goto MigrateLegacyExit; }
// If it was part of a multiport card, save that info as well
if (IsMulti) { status = SerialPutRegistryKeyValue(pnpKey, L"MultiportDevice", sizeof(L"MultiportDevice"), REG_DWORD, &isMultiport, sizeof(ULONG));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't mark multiport\n")); goto MigrateLegacyExit; } }
// If a port index was specified, save it
if (PUserData->UserPortIndex != 0) { status = SerialPutRegistryKeyValue(pnpKey, L"PortIndex", sizeof(L"PortIndex"), REG_DWORD, &PUserData->UserPortIndex, sizeof(ULONG));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't migrate PortIndex\n")); goto MigrateLegacyExit; } }
// If not default clock rate, save it
if (PUserData->UserClockRate != SERIAL_BAD_VALUE) { status = SerialPutRegistryKeyValue(pnpKey, L"ClockRate", sizeof(L"ClockRate"), REG_DWORD, &PUserData->UserClockRate, sizeof(ULONG));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't migrate ClockRate\n")); goto MigrateLegacyExit; } }
// If there is a user index, save it.
if (PUserData->UserIndexed != SERIAL_BAD_VALUE) { status = SerialPutRegistryKeyValue(pnpKey, L"Indexed", sizeof(L"Indexed"), REG_DWORD, &PUserData->UserIndexed, sizeof(ULONG));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't migrate Indexed\n")); goto MigrateLegacyExit; } }
// If the port was disabled, save that.
if (PUserData->DisablePort != SERIAL_BAD_VALUE) { status = SerialPutRegistryKeyValue(pnpKey, L"DisablePort", sizeof(L"DisablePort"), REG_DWORD, &PUserData->DisablePort, sizeof(ULONG)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't migrate DisablePort\n")); goto MigrateLegacyExit; } }
// If Fifo's were forced enabled, save that.
if (PUserData->ForceFIFOEnable != SERIAL_BAD_VALUE) { status = SerialPutRegistryKeyValue(pnpKey, L"ForceFifoEnable", sizeof(L"ForceFifoEnable"), REG_DWORD, &PUserData->ForceFIFOEnable, sizeof(ULONG));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't migrate ForceFifoEnable\n")); goto MigrateLegacyExit; } }
// If RxFIFO had an override, save that.
if (PUserData->RxFIFO != SERIAL_BAD_VALUE) { status = SerialPutRegistryKeyValue(pnpKey, L"RxFIFO", sizeof(L"RxFIFO"), REG_DWORD, &PUserData->RxFIFO, sizeof(ULONG));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't migrate RxFIFO\n")); goto MigrateLegacyExit; } }
// If TxFIFO had an override, save that.
if (PUserData->TxFIFO != SERIAL_BAD_VALUE) { status = SerialPutRegistryKeyValue(pnpKey, L"TxFIFO", sizeof(L"TxFIFO"), REG_DWORD, &PUserData->TxFIFO, sizeof(ULONG));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't migrate TxFIFO\n")); goto MigrateLegacyExit; } }
// If MaskInverted had an override, save that.
if (PUserData->MaskInverted != SERIAL_BAD_VALUE) { status = SerialPutRegistryKeyValue(pnpKey, L"MaskInverted", sizeof(L"MaskInverted"), REG_DWORD, &PUserData->MaskInverted, sizeof(ULONG)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't migrate MaskInverted\n")); goto MigrateLegacyExit; } }
SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Leave (2) SerialMigrateLegacyRegistry" "\n"));
return status; }
Routine Description:
This routine will do some basic sanity checking on the data found in the registry.
This is pageable INIT because it is only called from SerialEnumerateLegacy which is also pageable INIT.
DriverObject - Used only for logging. UserSubKey - Used only for logging. Parameters - Used only for logging. DefaultInterfaceType - Default bus type we found. PUserData - Pointer to the values found in the registry we need to validate.
Return Value:
TRUE if data appears valid, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { ULONG zero = 0; BOOLEAN rval = TRUE;
SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Enter SerialIsUserDataValid\n"));
// Make sure that the interrupt is non zero (which we defaulted
// it to).
// Make sure that the portaddress is non zero (which we defaulted
// it to).
// Make sure that the DosDevices is not NULL (which we defaulted
// it to).
// We need to make sure that if an interrupt status
// was specified, that a port index was also specfied,
// and if so that the port index is <= maximum ports
// on a board.
// We should also validate that the bus type and number
// are correct.
// We will also validate that the interrupt mode makes
// sense for the bus.
if (!PUserData->UserPort.LowPart) {
// Ehhhh! Lose Game.
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 64, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INVALID_USER_CONFIG, UserSubKey->NameLength+sizeof(WCHAR), &UserSubKey->Name[0], (wcslen(Parameters[1].Name)*sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR), Parameters[1].Name ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Bogus port address %ws\n", Parameters[1].Name) ); rval = FALSE; goto SerialIsUserDataValidError; }
if (!PUserData->UserVector) {
// Ehhhh! Lose Game.
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 65, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INVALID_USER_CONFIG, UserSubKey->NameLength+sizeof(WCHAR), &UserSubKey->Name[0], (wcslen(Parameters[2].Name)*sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR), Parameters[2].Name ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Bogus vector %ws\n", Parameters[2].Name) );
rval = FALSE; goto SerialIsUserDataValidError; }
if (!PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Length) {
// Ehhhh! Lose Game.
SerialLogError(DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 66, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INVALID_USER_CONFIG, UserSubKey->NameLength + sizeof(WCHAR), &UserSubKey->Name[0], (wcslen(Parameters[3].Name) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR), Parameters[3].Name);
SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: bogus value for %ws\n", Parameters[3].Name) );
rval = FALSE; goto SerialIsUserDataValidError; }
if (PUserData->UserInterruptStatus.LowPart != 0) {
if (PUserData->UserPortIndex == MAXULONG) {
// Ehhhh! Lose Game.
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 67, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INVALID_PORT_INDEX, PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Length+sizeof(WCHAR), PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Buffer, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Bogus port index %ws\n", Parameters[0].Name) );
rval = FALSE; goto SerialIsUserDataValidError;
} else if (!PUserData->UserPortIndex) {
// So sorry, you must have a non-zero port index.
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 68, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INVALID_PORT_INDEX, PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Length+sizeof(WCHAR), PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Buffer, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Port index must be > 0 for any\n" "------- port on a multiport card: %ws\n", Parameters[0].Name) );
rval = FALSE; goto SerialIsUserDataValidError;
} else {
if (PUserData->UserIndexed) {
if (PUserData->UserPortIndex > SERIAL_MAX_PORTS_INDEXED) {
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 69, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_PORT_INDEX_TOO_HIGH, PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Length+sizeof(WCHAR), PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Buffer, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: port index to large %ws\n", Parameters[0].Name) );
rval = FALSE; goto SerialIsUserDataValidError; }
} else {
if (PUserData->UserPortIndex > SERIAL_MAX_PORTS_NONINDEXED) {
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 70, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_PORT_INDEX_TOO_HIGH, PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Length+sizeof(WCHAR), PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Buffer, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: port index to large %ws\n", Parameters[0].Name) );
rval = FALSE; goto SerialIsUserDataValidError; }
// We don't want to cause the hal to have a bad day,
// so let's check the interface type and bus number.
// We only need to check the registry if they aren't
// equal to the defaults.
if ((PUserData->UserBusNumber != 0) || (PUserData->UserInterfaceType != DefaultInterfaceType)) {
BOOLEAN foundIt; if (PUserData->UserInterfaceType >= MaximumInterfaceType) {
// Ehhhh! Lose Game.
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 71, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_UNKNOWN_BUS, PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Length+sizeof(WCHAR), PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Buffer, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Invalid Bus type %ws\n", Parameters[0].Name) );
rval = FALSE; goto SerialIsUserDataValidError; }
IoQueryDeviceDescription( (INTERFACE_TYPE *)&PUserData->UserInterfaceType, &zero, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SerialItemCallBack, &foundIt );
if (!foundIt) {
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 72, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_BUS_NOT_PRESENT, PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Length+sizeof(WCHAR), PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Buffer, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: There aren't that many of those\n" "------- busses on this system,%ws\n", Parameters[0].Name) );
rval = FALSE; goto SerialIsUserDataValidError; }
if ((PUserData->UserInterfaceType == MicroChannel) && (PUserData->UserInterruptMode == CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LATCHED)) {
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, PUserData->UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 73, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_BUS_INTERRUPT_CONFLICT, PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Length+sizeof(WCHAR), PUserData->UserSymbolicLink.Buffer, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Latched interrupts and MicroChannel\n" "------- busses don't mix,%ws\n", Parameters[0].Name) );
rval = FALSE; goto SerialIsUserDataValidError; }
SerialDump( SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: 'user registry info - userPort: %x\n", PUserData->UserPort.LowPart) ); SerialDump( SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: 'user registry info - userInterruptStatus: %x\n", PUserData->UserInterruptStatus.LowPart) ); SerialDump( SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: 'user registry info - userPortIndex: %d\n", PUserData->UserPortIndex) ); SerialDump( SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: 'user registry info - userClockRate: %d\n", PUserData->UserClockRate) ); SerialDump( SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: 'user registry info - userBusNumber: %d\n", PUserData->UserBusNumber) ); SerialDump( SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: 'user registry info - userAddressSpace: %d\n", PUserData->UserAddressSpace) ); SerialDump( SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: 'user registry info - userInterruptMode: %d\n", PUserData->UserInterruptMode) ); SerialDump( SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: 'user registry info - userInterfaceType: %d\n", PUserData->UserInterfaceType) ); SerialDump( SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: 'user registry info - userVector: %d\n", PUserData->UserVector) ); SerialDump( SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: 'user registry info - userLevel: %d\n", PUserData->UserLevel) ); SerialDump( SERDIAG1, ("SERIAL: 'user registry info - userIndexed: %d\n", PUserData->UserIndexed) );
SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Leave SerialIsUserDataValid\n"));
return rval;
Routine Description:
This routine will enumerate and initialize all legacy serial ports that have just been scribbled into the registry. These are usually non- intelligent multiport boards, but can be any type of "standard" serial port.
This is pageable INIT because it is only called from DriverEntry.
DriverObject - Used only for logging errors.
RegistryPath - Path to this drivers service node in the current control set.
DriverDefaultsPtr - Pointer to structure of driver-wide defaults.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if consistant configuration was found - otherwise. returns STATUS_SERIAL_NO_DEVICE_INITED.
INTERFACE_TYPE interfaceType; ULONG defaultInterfaceType;
PULONG countSoFar = &IoGetConfigurationInformation()->SerialCount;
// Default values for user data.
ULONG maxUlong = MAXULONG; ULONG zero = 0; ULONG nonzero = 1; ULONG badValue = (ULONG)-1;
ULONG defaultInterruptMode; ULONG defaultAddressSpace = CM_RESOURCE_PORT_IO;
// Where user data from the registry will be placed.
SERIAL_USER_DATA userData; ULONG legacyDiscovered;
UNICODE_STRING parametersPath; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES parametersAttributes; HANDLE parametersKey; HANDLE pnpKey; PKEY_BASIC_INFORMATION userSubKey = NULL; ULONG i;
SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Enter SerialEnumerateLegacy\n"));
PnPID.Buffer = NULL; legacyKeys.Buffer = NULL; userData.UserSymbolicLink.Buffer = NULL; parametersPath.Buffer = NULL;
userData.ForceFIFOEnableDefault = DriverDefaultsPtr->ForceFifoEnableDefault; userData.PermitShareDefault = DriverDefaultsPtr->PermitShareDefault; userData.LogFIFODefault = DriverDefaultsPtr->LogFifoDefault; userData.DefaultPermitSystemWideShare = FALSE; userData.RxFIFODefault = DriverDefaultsPtr->RxFIFODefault; userData.TxFIFODefault = DriverDefaultsPtr->TxFIFODefault;
// Start of normal configuration and detection.
// Query the registry one more time. This time we
// look for the first bus on the system (that isn't
// the internal bus - we assume that the firmware
// code knows about those ports). We will use that
// as the default bus if no bustype or bus number
// is specified in the "user" configuration records.
defaultInterfaceType = (ULONG)Isa; defaultInterruptMode = CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LATCHED;
for ( interfaceType = 0; interfaceType < MaximumInterfaceType; interfaceType++ ) {
ULONG busZero = 0; BOOLEAN foundOne = FALSE;
if (interfaceType != Internal) {
IoQueryDeviceDescription( &interfaceType, &busZero, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SerialItemCallBack, &foundOne );
if (foundOne) {
defaultInterfaceType = (ULONG)interfaceType; if (defaultInterfaceType == MicroChannel) {
// Microchannel machines can permit the interrupt to be
// shared system wide.
userData.DefaultPermitSystemWideShare = TRUE;
// Gonna get the user data now. Allocate the
// structures that we will be using throughout
// the search for user data. We will deallocate
// them before we leave this routine.
userData.UserSymbolicLink.Buffer = NULL; parametersPath.Buffer = NULL;
// Allocate the rtl query table. This should have an entry for each value
// we retrieve from the registry as well as a terminating zero entry as
// well the first "goto subkey" entry.
parameters = ExAllocatePool( PagedPool, sizeof(RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE)*22 );
if (!parameters) {
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, SerialPhysicalZero, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 74, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't allocate table for rtl query\n" "------ to parameters for %wZ", RegistryPath) );
goto LegacyInitLeave;
RtlZeroMemory( parameters, sizeof(RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE)*22 );
// Allocate the place where the user's symbolic link name
// for the port will go.
// We will initially allocate space for 257 wchars.
// we will then set the maximum size to 256
// This way the rtl routine could return a 256
// WCHAR wide string with no null terminator.
// We'll remember that the buffer is one WCHAR
// longer then it says it is so that we can always
// have a NULL terminator at the end.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&userData.UserSymbolicLink, NULL); userData.UserSymbolicLink.MaximumLength = sizeof(WCHAR) * 256; userData.UserSymbolicLink.Buffer = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(WCHAR) * 257);
if (!userData.UserSymbolicLink.Buffer) {
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, SerialPhysicalZero, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 75, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't allocate buffer for the symbolic link\n" "------ for parameters items in %wZ", RegistryPath) );
goto LegacyInitLeave;
// We will initially allocate space for 257 wchars.
// we will then set the maximum size to 256
// This way the rtl routine could return a 256
// WCHAR wide string with no null terminator.
// We'll remember that the buffer is one WCHAR
// longer then it says it is so that we can always
// have a NULL terminator at the end.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&PnPID, NULL); PnPID.MaximumLength = sizeof(WCHAR) * 256; PnPID.Buffer = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(WCHAR) * 257);
if (PnPID.Buffer == 0) {
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, SerialPhysicalZero, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 76, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't allocate buffer for the PnP ID\n" "------ for parameters items in %wZ", RegistryPath) );
goto LegacyInitLeave;
// Initialize the legacy key buffer
RtlInitUnicodeString(&legacyKeys, NULL); legacyKeys.MaximumLength = sizeof(WCHAR) * 256; legacyKeys.Buffer = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(WCHAR) * 257);
if (!legacyKeys.Buffer) {
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, SerialPhysicalZero, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 77, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL, 0, NULL );
SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't allocate buffer for the legacy" " keys\n"));
goto LegacyInitLeave;
resourceList = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(CM_RESOURCE_LIST) + sizeof(CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) * 2);
if (resourceList == NULL) { SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, userData.UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 78, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ); goto LegacyInitLeave; }
trResourceList = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(CM_RESOURCE_LIST) + sizeof(CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) * 2);
if (trResourceList == NULL) { SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, userData.UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 79, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ); goto LegacyInitLeave; }
pRequiredList = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST) + sizeof(IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) * 2);
if (pRequiredList == NULL) { SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, userData.UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 80, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL, 0, NULL );
goto LegacyInitLeave; }
// Form a path to our drivers Parameters subkey.
RtlInitUnicodeString( ¶metersPath, NULL );
parametersPath.MaximumLength = RegistryPath->Length + sizeof(L"\\") + sizeof(L"Parameters");
parametersPath.Buffer = ExAllocatePool( PagedPool, parametersPath.MaximumLength );
if (!parametersPath.Buffer) {
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, SerialPhysicalZero, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 81, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't allocate string for path\n" "------ to parameters for %wZ", RegistryPath) );
goto LegacyInitLeave;
// Form the parameters path.
RtlZeroMemory( parametersPath.Buffer, parametersPath.MaximumLength ); RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString( ¶metersPath, RegistryPath ); RtlAppendUnicodeToString( ¶metersPath, L"\\" ); RtlAppendUnicodeToString( ¶metersPath, L"Parameters" );
// Form the start of the legacy keys string
RtlZeroMemory(legacyKeys.Buffer, legacyKeys.MaximumLength); RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&legacyKeys, ¶metersPath);
userSubKey = ExAllocatePool( PagedPool, sizeof(KEY_BASIC_INFORMATION)+(sizeof(WCHAR)*256) );
if (!userSubKey) {
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, SerialPhysicalZero, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 82, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't allocate memory basic information\n" "------ structure to enumerate subkeys for %wZ", ¶metersPath) );
goto LegacyInitLeave;
// Open the key given by our registry path & Parameters.
InitializeObjectAttributes( ¶metersAttributes, ¶metersPath, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ZwOpenKey( ¶metersKey, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, ¶metersAttributes ))) {
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, SerialPhysicalZero, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 83, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_NO_PARAMETERS_INFO, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't open the drivers Parameters key %wZ\n", RegistryPath) ); goto LegacyInitLeave;
parameters[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_SUBKEY;
parameters[1].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[1].Name = L"PortAddress"; parameters[1].EntryContext = &userData.UserPort.LowPart; parameters[1].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[1].DefaultData = &zero; parameters[1].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[2].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[2].Name = L"Interrupt"; parameters[2].EntryContext = &userData.UserVector; parameters[2].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[2].DefaultData = &zero; parameters[2].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[3].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[3].Name = DEFAULT_DIRECTORY; parameters[3].EntryContext = &userData.UserSymbolicLink; parameters[3].DefaultType = REG_SZ; parameters[3].DefaultData = L""; parameters[3].DefaultLength = 0;
parameters[4].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[4].Name = L"InterruptStatus"; parameters[4].EntryContext = &userData.UserInterruptStatus.LowPart; parameters[4].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[4].DefaultData = &zero; parameters[4].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[5].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[5].Name = L"PortIndex"; parameters[5].EntryContext = &userData.UserPortIndex; parameters[5].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[5].DefaultData = &zero; parameters[5].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[6].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[6].Name = L"BusNumber"; parameters[6].EntryContext = &userData.UserBusNumber; parameters[6].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[6].DefaultData = &zero; parameters[6].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[7].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[7].Name = L"BusType"; parameters[7].EntryContext = &userData.UserInterfaceType; parameters[7].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[7].DefaultData = &defaultInterfaceType; parameters[7].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[8].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[8].Name = L"ClockRate"; parameters[8].EntryContext = &userData.UserClockRate; parameters[8].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[8].DefaultData = &badValue; parameters[8].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[9].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[9].Name = L"Indexed"; parameters[9].EntryContext = &userData.UserIndexed; parameters[9].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[9].DefaultData = &badValue; parameters[9].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[10].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[10].Name = L"InterruptMode"; parameters[10].EntryContext = &userData.UserInterruptMode; parameters[10].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[10].DefaultData = &defaultInterruptMode; parameters[10].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[11].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[11].Name = L"AddressSpace"; parameters[11].EntryContext = &userData.UserAddressSpace; parameters[11].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[11].DefaultData = &defaultAddressSpace; parameters[11].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[12].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[12].Name = L"InterruptLevel"; parameters[12].EntryContext = &userData.UserLevel; parameters[12].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[12].DefaultData = &zero; parameters[12].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[13].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[13].Name = L"DisablePort"; parameters[13].EntryContext = &userData.DisablePort; parameters[13].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[13].DefaultData = &badValue; parameters[13].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[14].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[14].Name = L"ForceFifoEnable"; parameters[14].EntryContext = &userData.ForceFIFOEnable; parameters[14].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[14].DefaultData = &badValue; parameters[14].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[15].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[15].Name = L"RxFIFO"; parameters[15].EntryContext = &userData.RxFIFO; parameters[15].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[15].DefaultData = &badValue; parameters[15].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[16].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[16].Name = L"TxFIFO"; parameters[16].EntryContext = &userData.TxFIFO; parameters[16].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[16].DefaultData = &badValue; parameters[16].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[17].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[17].Name = L"MaskInverted"; parameters[17].EntryContext = &userData.MaskInverted; parameters[17].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[17].DefaultData = &zero; parameters[17].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
parameters[18].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[18].Name = L"PnPDeviceID"; parameters[18].EntryContext = &PnPID; parameters[18].DefaultType = REG_SZ; parameters[18].DefaultData = L""; parameters[18].DefaultLength = 0;
parameters[19].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[19].Name = L"LegacyDiscovered"; parameters[19].EntryContext = &legacyDiscovered; parameters[19].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[19].DefaultData = &zero; parameters[19].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
// This is for a buggy Digi serial.ini that worked with pre-NT5.0
// by accident. DO NOT USE "Interrupt Status" in the future; its
// use is deprecated. Use the correct "InterruptStatus"
parameters[20].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; parameters[20].Name = L"Interrupt Status"; parameters[20].EntryContext = &brokenStatus; parameters[20].DefaultType = REG_DWORD; parameters[20].DefaultData = &zero; parameters[20].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG);
i = 0;
while (TRUE) {
NTSTATUS status; ULONG actuallyReturned; PDEVICE_OBJECT newDevObj = NULL; PSERIAL_DEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; PDEVICE_OBJECT lowerDevice;
// We lie about the length of the buffer, so that we can
// MAKE SURE that the name it returns can be padded with
// a NULL.
status = ZwEnumerateKey( parametersKey, i, KeyBasicInformation, userSubKey, sizeof(KEY_BASIC_INFORMATION)+(sizeof(WCHAR)*255), &actuallyReturned );
if (status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) {
break; }
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, SerialPhysicalZero, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 84, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_UNABLE_TO_ACCESS_CONFIG, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Overflowed the enumerate buffer\n" "------- for subkey #%d of %wZ\n", i,parametersPath) ); i++; continue;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, SerialPhysicalZero, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 85, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_UNABLE_TO_ACCESS_CONFIG, 0, NULL, 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Bad status returned: %x \n" "------- on enumeration for subkey # %d of %wZ\n", status,i,parametersPath) ); i++; continue;
// Pad the name returned with a null.
RtlZeroMemory( ((PUCHAR)(&userSubKey->Name[0]))+userSubKey->NameLength, sizeof(WCHAR) );
parameters[0].Name = &userSubKey->Name[0];
// Make sure that the physical addresses start
// out clean.
RtlZeroMemory(&userData.UserPort, sizeof(userData.UserPort)); RtlZeroMemory(&userData.UserInterruptStatus, sizeof(userData.UserInterruptStatus));
// Make sure the symbolic link buffer starts clean
RtlZeroMemory(userData.UserSymbolicLink.Buffer, userData.UserSymbolicLink.MaximumLength); userData.UserSymbolicLink.Length = 0;
status = RtlQueryRegistryValues( RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, parametersPath.Buffer, parameters, NULL, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialLogError( DriverObject, NULL, SerialPhysicalZero, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 86, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_INVALID_USER_CONFIG, userSubKey->NameLength+sizeof(WCHAR), &userSubKey->Name[0], 0, NULL ); SerialDump( SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Bad status returned: %x \n" "------- for the value entries of\n" "------- %ws\n", status,parameters[0].Name) );
i++; continue; }
// Well! Some supposedly valid information was found!
// We'll see about that.
// If this is PnP, skip it -- it will be found by an enumerator
if (PnPID.Length != 0) { i++; continue; }
// If this was found on a previous boot, skip it -- PnP will send
// us an add_device()/start_device() for it.
if (legacyDiscovered != 0) { i++; continue; }
// Let's just jam the WCHAR null at the end of the
// user symbolic link. Remember that we left room for
// one when we allocated it's buffer.
RtlZeroMemory(((PUCHAR)(&userData.UserSymbolicLink.Buffer[0])) + userData.UserSymbolicLink.Length, sizeof(WCHAR));
// See if this has a busted serial.ini and convert it over.
if (brokenStatus != 0) { userData.UserInterruptStatus.LowPart = brokenStatus; }
// Call a function to validate the data.
if (SerialIsUserDataValid(DriverObject, userSubKey, parameters, defaultInterfaceType, &userData) == FALSE) { i++; continue; }
// Well ok, I guess we can take the data.
// There be other tests later on to make
// sure it doesn't have any other kinds
// of conflicts.
// Report this device to the PnP Manager and create the device object
// Also update the registry entry for this device so we don't enumerate
// it next time.
// Build resource lists
status = SerialBuildResourceList(resourceList, &countOfPartials, &userData);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { i++; continue; }
ASSERT(countOfPartials >= 2);
status = SerialTranslateResourceList(DriverObject, userSubKey, trResourceList, resourceList, countOfPartials, &userData);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { i++; continue; }
status = SerialBuildRequirementsList(pRequiredList, countOfPartials, &userData);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { i++; continue; }
newPdo = NULL;
// We want **untranslated** resources passed to this call
// since it calls IoReportResourceUsage() for us.
status = IoReportDetectedDevice( DriverObject, InterfaceTypeUndefined, -1, -1, resourceList, pRequiredList, FALSE, &newPdo );
// If we fail, we can keep going but we need to see this device next
// time, so we won't write its discovery into the registry.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if (status == STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES) { SerialLogError(DriverObject, NULL, userData.UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 89, status, SERIAL_NO_DEVICE_REPORT_RES, userSubKey->NameLength + sizeof(WCHAR), &userSubKey->Name[0], 0, NULL); } else { SerialLogError(DriverObject, NULL, userData.UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 87, status, SERIAL_NO_DEVICE_REPORT, userSubKey->NameLength + sizeof(WCHAR), &userSubKey->Name[0], 0, NULL); }
SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Could not report legacy device - %x\n", status)); i++; continue; }
// Scribble our name in PnP land
status = SerialMigrateLegacyRegistry(newPdo, &userData, (BOOLEAN)(countOfPartials == 3 ? TRUE : FALSE));
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { //
// For now leave pdo floating until there is a cleanup
// for IoReportDetectedDevice()
i++; continue; }
// Now, we call our add device and start device for this PDO
status = SerialCreateDevObj(DriverObject, &newDevObj);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { //
// For now leave pdo floating until there is a cleanup
// for IoReportDetectedDevice()
i++; continue; }
lowerDevice = IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack(newDevObj, newPdo); deviceExtension = newDevObj->DeviceExtension; deviceExtension->LowerDeviceObject = lowerDevice; deviceExtension->Pdo = newPdo; newDevObj->Flags |= DO_POWER_PAGABLE | DO_BUFFERED_IO;
// Try to start the device...
status = SerialFinishStartDevice(newDevObj, resourceList, trResourceList, &userData);
// If the port is disabled, SerialFinishStartDevice returns
// an error, but we should still mark legacydiscovered and
// leave the registry migrated.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { //
// For now leave pdo floating until there is a cleanup
// for IoReportDetectedDevice()
i++; continue; }
// Fix up the path to the entry we are currently working on
RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&legacyKeys, L"\\"); RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&legacyKeys, &userSubKey->Name[0]);
status = RtlWriteRegistryValue(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, legacyKeys.Buffer, L"LegacyDiscovered", REG_DWORD, &nonzero, sizeof(nonzero));
// Clean up our path buffer
RtlZeroMemory(legacyKeys.Buffer, legacyKeys.MaximumLength); legacyKeys.Length = 0; RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&legacyKeys, ¶metersPath);
// Failure is non-fatal; it just means that the device will be
// re-enumerated next time, and a collision will occur.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SerialLogError(DriverObject, NULL, userData.UserPort, SerialPhysicalZero, 0, 0, 0, 88, STATUS_SUCCESS, SERIAL_REGISTRY_WRITE_FAILED, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
SerialDump(SERERRORS, ("SERIAL: Couldn't write registry value" "for LegacyDiscovered in %wZ\n", legacyKeys)); }
i++; (*countSoFar)++;
} // while(TRUE)
if (userSubKey != NULL) { ExFreePool(userSubKey); }
if (PnPID.Buffer != NULL) { ExFreePool(PnPID.Buffer); }
if (legacyKeys.Buffer != NULL) { ExFreePool(legacyKeys.Buffer); }
if (userData.UserSymbolicLink.Buffer != NULL) { ExFreePool(userData.UserSymbolicLink.Buffer); }
if (parametersPath.Buffer != NULL) { ExFreePool(parametersPath.Buffer); }
if (parameters != NULL) { ExFreePool(parameters); }
if (resourceList != NULL) { ExFreePool(resourceList); }
if (trResourceList != NULL) { ExFreePool(trResourceList); }
if (pRequiredList != NULL) { ExFreePool(pRequiredList); }
SerialDump(SERTRACECALLS, ("SERIAL: Leave SerialEnumerateLegacy\n"));