Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999
Module Name:
WinDbg Extension Api for interpretting AIC78XX debugging structures
Peter Wieland (peterwie) 16-Oct-1995
User Mode.
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
typedef struct { char *extname; char *extdesc; } exthelp;
exthelp extensions[] = { {"help", "displays this message"}, {"srbdata", "dumps the specified SRB_DATA tracking block"}, {"", ""}, {"The following take either the device object or device extension", ""}, {"scsiext", "dumps the specified scsiport extension"}, {"classext", "dumps the specified classpnp extension"}, {"cdromext", "dumps the specified cdrom extension"}, {"diskext", "dumps the specified disk extension"}, {"", ""}, {"Commands for partition tables", ""}, {"layout", "dumps the drive layout at the the specified address"}, {"layoutex", "dumps the extended drive layout at the specified address"}, {"part", "dumps the partition at the specified address"}, {"partex", "dumps the extended partition at the specified address"}, {NULL, NULL}};
DECLARE_API( help ) { int i = 0;
dprintf("\nSCSIPORT Debugger Extension\n"); while(extensions[i].extname != NULL) { dprintf("\t%10s - \t%s\n", extensions[i].extname, extensions[i].extdesc); i++; } dprintf("\n"); return S_OK; }