// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995
// File: ccolinfo.cxx
// Contents: IColumnsInfo implementation for LDAP rowsets
// History: 07/10/96 RenatoB Created, lifted from EricJ code
// Includes
#include "oleds.hxx"
// CLdap_ColumnsInfo object
// This object is just a wrapper for the CColInfo object.
// It is separate because of refcount usage.
// (It is also shared by Command and Rowset objects.)
// - Delegate QI, AddRef, Release to CLdap_RowProvider.
// - Delegate IColumnsInfo functions to CColInfo.
// Function: CLdap_ColumnsInfo::CLdap_ColumnsInfo
// Synopsis: @mfunc Ctor
// Arguments:
// Returns: @rdesc NONE
// Modifies:
// History: 07/10/96 RenatoB Created
PUBLIC CLdap_ColumnsInfo::CLdap_ColumnsInfo( CLdap_RowProvider * pObj) // @parm IN |
{ m_pObj = pObj; };
// Function: CLdap_ColumnsInfo::FInit
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 07/10/96 RenatoB Created
PUBLIC STDMETHODIMP CLdap_ColumnsInfo::FInit( ULONG cColumns, DBCOLUMNINFO *rgInfo, OLECHAR *pStringsBuffer ) { ULONG cChars; ULONG cCharDispl; ULONG i; HRESULT hr; void* Null1 = NULL; void* Null2 = NULL;
m_ColInfo = NULL; m_pwchBuf = NULL;
hr = CoGetMalloc( MEMCTX_TASK, &m_pMalloc);
if (! SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto error; }
m_cColumns= cColumns;
Null1 = m_pMalloc->Alloc( cColumns*sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO) ); if (Null1 == NULL) goto error;
memset(Null1, 0, cColumns*sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO));
memcpy( (void*) Null1, (void*) rgInfo, cColumns*sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO)); m_ColInfo = (DBCOLUMNINFO*) Null1;
cChars= m_pMalloc->GetSize(pStringsBuffer); Null2 = m_pMalloc->Alloc(cChars); if (Null2 == NULL) goto error;
memset(Null2, 0, cChars); memcpy( (void*) Null2, (void*)pStringsBuffer , cChars); m_pwchBuf= (OLECHAR*) Null2;
for (i=0; i<m_cColumns; i++) { cCharDispl = rgInfo[i].pwszName - pStringsBuffer; m_ColInfo[i].pwszName = m_pwchBuf+ cCharDispl; };
error: if (m_ColInfo != NULL) m_pMalloc->Free(m_ColInfo); if (m_pwchBuf != NULL) m_pMalloc->Free(m_pwchBuf);
m_ColInfo = NULL; m_pwchBuf = NULL; m_cColumns = 0;
// Function: CLdap_ColumnsInfo::~CLdap_ColumnsInfo
// Synopsis: @mfunc Dtor
// Arguments:
// Returns: @rdesc NONE
// Modifies:
// History: 07/10/96 RenatoB Created
PUBLIC CLdap_ColumnsInfo::~CLdap_ColumnsInfo() {
// Assume we are only being called by CLdap_RowProvider
// (i.e. backpointer) therefore we don't delete.
// Delete m_ColInfo, m_CharBuf, and release the memory allocator
if (m_pMalloc != NULL) { if (m_ColInfo != NULL) m_pMalloc->Free(m_ColInfo);
if (m_pwchBuf != NULL) m_pMalloc->Free(m_pwchBuf);
m_pMalloc->Release(); }
// Function: CLdap_ColumnsInfo::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: @mfunc QueryInterface.
// We delegate to the CLdap_RowProvider.
// Called by: Client.
// Called when: Any time.
// Arguments:
// Returns: @rdesc HRESULT
// Modifies:
// History: 07/10/96 RenatoB Created
PUBLIC STDMETHODIMP CLdap_ColumnsInfo::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, // IN | Interface ID of the interface being queried for
LPVOID * ppv // OUT | Pointer to interface that was instantiated
) { return m_pObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
// Function: CLdap_ColumnsInfo::AddRef
// Synopsis: @mfunc AddRef.
// We delegate to the CLdap_RowProvider.
// Called by: Client.
// Called when: Any time.
// Arguments:
// Returns: @rdesc Refcount
// Modifies:
// History: 07/10/96 RenatoB Created
PUBLIC STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CLdap_ColumnsInfo::AddRef() { return m_pObj->AddRef(); }
// Function: CLdap_ColumnsInfo::Release
// Synopsis: @mfunc Release.
// We delegate to the CLdap_RowProvider.
// Called by: Client.
// Called when: Any time.
// Arguments:
// Returns: @rdesc Refcount
// Modifies:
// History: 07/10/96 RenatoB Created
PUBLIC STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CLdap_ColumnsInfo::Release() { return m_pObj->Release(); }
// Function: CLdap_ColumnsInfo::GetColumnInfo
// Synopsis: @mfunc Get Column Info.
// Delegate.
// @rdesc See CColInfo::GetColumnInfo.
// Arguments:
// Returns: @rdesc See CColInfo::GetColumnInfo.
// Modifies:
// History: 07/10/96 RenatoB Created
PUBLIC STDMETHODIMP CLdap_ColumnsInfo::GetColumnInfo( DBORDINAL *pcColumns, //@parm OUT | .
DBCOLUMNINFO **prgInfo, //@parm OUT | .
WCHAR **ppStringsBuffer //@parm OUT | .
) {
ULONG i, cChars, cCharDispl; HRESULT hr= S_OK; void* Null1 = NULL; void* Null2 = NULL;
if ((pcColumns == NULL ) || (prgInfo == NULL) || (ppStringsBuffer == NULL)) BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr=E_INVALIDARG);
*pcColumns= m_cColumns; Null1 = m_pMalloc->Alloc(m_cColumns*sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO)); if (Null1 == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; }; memset(Null1, 0, m_cColumns*sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO)); memcpy( (void*) Null1, (void*) m_ColInfo,m_cColumns*sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO)); *prgInfo = (DBCOLUMNINFO*) Null1;
cChars= m_pMalloc->GetSize(m_pwchBuf); Null2 = m_pMalloc->Alloc(cChars); if (Null2 == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto error; };
memset(Null2, 0, cChars); memcpy( (void*) Null2, (void*)m_pwchBuf , cChars); *ppStringsBuffer= (OLECHAR*) Null2;
for (i=0; i<m_cColumns; i++) { cCharDispl = m_ColInfo[i].pwszName - m_pwchBuf; (*prgInfo)[i].pwszName =(*ppStringsBuffer) + cCharDispl; };
error: if (Null1 != NULL) m_pMalloc->Free(Null1); if (Null2 != NULL) m_pMalloc->Free(Null2);
*prgInfo = NULL; *ppStringsBuffer = NULL; *pcColumns= 0;
// Function: CLdap_ColumnsInfo::MapColumnIDs
// Synopsis: @mfunc Map Column IDs.
// Just delegate to the CColInfo object we have.
// @rdesc See CColInfo::MapColumnIDs.
// Arguments:
// Returns: @rdesc See CColInfo::MapColumnIDs
// Modifies:
// History: 07/10/96 RenatoB Created
PUBLIC STDMETHODIMP CLdap_ColumnsInfo::MapColumnIDs( DBORDINAL cColumnIDs, //@parm IN | .
const DBID rgColumnIDs[], //@parm IN | .
DBORDINAL rgColumns[] //@parm INOUT | .
) { // It is a logical (programming) error to fail here.
// this data must have already been established.
// Delegate the actual work.
ULONG found = 0; DBORDINAL i;
if (cColumnIDs == 0) RRETURN(S_OK);
if (rgColumnIDs == NULL || rgColumns == NULL) RRETURN(E_INVALIDARG);
for (i=0; i<cColumnIDs; i++) { if (rgColumnIDs[i].eKind!= DBKIND_PROPID) { found = 1; rgColumns[i]= DB_INVALIDCOLUMN; } else { if ((rgColumnIDs[i].uName.ulPropid > 3) || (rgColumnIDs[i].uName.ulPropid<2)) { found = 1; rgColumns[i]= DB_INVALIDCOLUMN; } else rgColumns[i] = rgColumnIDs[i].uName.ulPropid -2; } }
if (found == 1) RRETURN(DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED); else return S_OK; }