* Data Logging -- Debug only * \*****************************************/
// Need local header ONLY to allow precompiled header.
// Nothing in this module depends on specific DNS resolver
// definitions.
#include "local.h"
// NT Headers
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
// Windows Headers
#include <windows.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "logit.h"
// #if DBG
int LoggingMode; time_t long_time; // has to be in DS, assumed by time() funcs
int LineCount;
char * month[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" } ;
- LogInit - * Purpose: * Determines if logging is desired and if so, adds a header to log file. * * Parameters: * */ void LogInit() { FILE *fp; struct tm *newtime; char am_pm[] = "a.m.";
LoggingMode = 0; LineCount = 0;
if ( fp = fopen( "dnsrslvr.log", "r+" ) ) { LoggingMode = 1; fclose( fp );
// Get time and date information
long_time = time( NULL); /* Get time as long integer. */ newtime = localtime( &long_time ); /* Convert to local time. */
if( newtime->tm_hour > 12 ) /* Set up extension. */ am_pm[0] = 'p'; if( newtime->tm_hour > 12 ) /* Convert from 24-hour */ newtime->tm_hour -= 12; /* to 12-hour clock. */ if( newtime->tm_hour == 0 ) /*Set hour to 12 if midnight. */ newtime->tm_hour = 12;
// Write out a header to file
fp = fopen("dnsrslvr.log", "w" ); if ( !fp ) { return; }
fprintf( fp, "Logging information for DNS Caching Resolver service\n" ); fprintf( fp, "****************************************************\n" ); fprintf( fp, "\tTime: %d:%02d %s\n\tDate: %s %d, 19%d\n", newtime->tm_hour, newtime->tm_min, am_pm, month[newtime->tm_mon], newtime->tm_mday, newtime->tm_year ); fprintf( fp, "****************************************************\n\n" ); fclose( fp ); } }
- LogIt - * Purpose: * Formats a string and prints it to a log file with handle hLog. * * Parameters: * LPSTR - Pointer to string to format * ... - variable argument list */
#ifdef WIN32
#define S16
#define S16 static
void CDECL LogIt( char * lpszFormat, ... ) { FILE *fp; #ifndef _ALPHA_
va_list pArgs = NULL; // reference to quiet compiler
va_list pArgs = {NULL,0}; #endif
S16 char szLogStr[1024]; int i;
if ( !LoggingMode ) return; #ifdef WIN32 // parse parameters and insert in string
va_start( pArgs, lpszFormat); vsprintf(szLogStr, lpszFormat, pArgs); va_end(pArgs);
i = lstrlenA( szLogStr); #else // parsing doesn't work, just give them string.
_fstrcpy( szLogStr, lpszFormat); i = _fstrlen( szLogStr); #endif
szLogStr[i] = '\n'; szLogStr[i+1] = '\0';
if ( LineCount > 50000 ) { fp = fopen( "dnsrslvr.log", "w" ); LineCount = 0; } else { fp = fopen( "dnsrslvr.log", "a" ); } if( fp ) { fprintf( fp, szLogStr ); LineCount++; fclose( fp ); } }
void LogTime() { struct tm *newtime; char am_pm[] = "a.m.";
if ( !LoggingMode ) return;
// Get time and date information
long_time = time( NULL); /* Get time as long integer. */ newtime = localtime( &long_time ); /* Convert to local time. */
if ( !newtime ) return;
if( newtime->tm_hour > 12 ) /* Set up extension. */ am_pm[0] = 'p'; if( newtime->tm_hour > 12 ) /* Convert from 24-hour */ newtime->tm_hour -= 12; /* to 12-hour clock. */ if( newtime->tm_hour == 0 ) /*Set hour to 12 if midnight. */ newtime->tm_hour = 12;
// Write out a header to file
LogIt( "DNS Caching Resolver service" ); LogIt( "System Time Information" ); LogIt( "****************************************************" ); LogIt( "\tTime: %d:%02d %s\n\tDate: %s %d, 19%d", newtime->tm_hour, newtime->tm_min, am_pm, month[newtime->tm_mon], newtime->tm_mday, newtime->tm_year ); LogIt( "****************************************************" ); LogIt( "" ); }
DWORD LogIn( char * string ) { LogIt( "%s", string ); return GetTickCount(); }
void LogOut( char * string, DWORD InTime ) { LogIt( "%s --- Duration: %ld milliseconds", string, GetTickCount() - InTime ); }
// #endif
// Special logging routines
// ENHANCE: print routines here are really log routines
// - they are really log routines
// - should print generically so can be hooked to any print duty
// - and have macros to log desired structure
VOID PrintIpAddress( IN DWORD dwIpAddress ) { DNSLOG_F5( " %d.%d.%d.%d", ((BYTE *) &dwIpAddress)[0], ((BYTE *) &dwIpAddress)[1], ((BYTE *) &dwIpAddress)[2], ((BYTE *) &dwIpAddress)[3] ); }
VOID PrintAddressInfo( IN DNS_ADDRESS_INFO AddressInfo ) { DNSLOG_F1( " ipAddress : " ); PrintIpAddress( AddressInfo.ipAddress ); DNSLOG_F1( " subnetMask : " ); PrintIpAddress( AddressInfo.subnetMask ); DNSLOG_F1( "" ); }
VOID PrintSearchList( IN PSEARCH_LIST pSearchList ) { DWORD iter;
DNSLOG_F1( "" ); DNSLOG_F1( " DNS Search List :" );
for ( iter = 0; iter < pSearchList->cNameCount; iter++ ) { DNSLOG_F3( " %s (Flags: 0x%X)", pSearchList->SearchNameArray[iter].pszName, pSearchList->SearchNameArray[iter].Flags ); }
DNSLOG_F1( "" );
if ( pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName ) DNSLOG_F2( " Primary domain name : %s", pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName );
DNSLOG_F1( "" ); }
VOID PrintServerInfo( IN DNS_SERVER_INFO ServerInfo ) { DNSLOG_F1( " IpAddress : " ); PrintIpAddress( ServerInfo.IpAddress ); DNSLOG_F2( " Priority : %d", ServerInfo.Priority ); DNSLOG_F2( " status : %d", ServerInfo.Status ); DNSLOG_F1( "" ); }
VOID PrintAdapterInfo( IN PDNS_ADAPTER pAdapter ) { DWORD iter;
DNSLOG_F2( " %s", pAdapter->pszAdapterGuidName ); DNSLOG_F1( " ----------------------------------------------------" ); DNSLOG_F2( " pszAdapterDomain : %s", pAdapter->pszAdapterDomain ); if ( pAdapter->pAdapterIPAddresses ) { PIP_ARRAY pIp = pAdapter->pAdapterIPAddresses;
DNSLOG_F1( " Adapter Ip Address(es) :" ); for ( iter = 0; iter < pIp->AddrCount; iter++ ) { PrintIpAddress( pIp->AddrArray[iter] ); } }
if ( pAdapter->pAdapterIPSubnetMasks ) { PIP_ARRAY pMask = pAdapter->pAdapterIPSubnetMasks;
DNSLOG_F1( " Adapter Ip Subnet Mask(s) :" ); for ( iter = 0; iter < pMask->AddrCount; iter++ ) { PrintIpAddress( pMask->AddrArray[iter] ); } }
DNSLOG_F2( " Status : 0x%x", pAdapter->Status ); DNSLOG_F2( " InfoFlags : 0x%x", pAdapter->InfoFlags ); DNSLOG_F2( " ReturnFlags : 0x%x", pAdapter->ReturnFlags ); DNSLOG_F1( " IpLastSend : " ); PrintIpAddress( pAdapter->IpLastSend ); DNSLOG_F2( " cServerCount : %d", pAdapter->cServerCount ); DNSLOG_F2( " cTotalListSize : %d", pAdapter->cTotalListSize ); DNSLOG_F1( "" );
for ( iter = 0; iter < pAdapter->cServerCount; iter++ ) { DNSLOG_F1( " ------------------------" ); DNSLOG_F2( " DNS Server Info (%d)", iter + 1 ); DNSLOG_F1( " ------------------------" ); PrintServerInfo( pAdapter->ServerArray[iter] ); }
DNSLOG_F1( "" ); }
VOID PrintNetworkInfoToLog( IN PDNS_NETINFO pNetworkInfo ) { DWORD iter;
if ( pNetworkInfo ) { DNSLOG_F1( "Current network adapter information is :" ); DNSLOG_F1( "" ); DNSLOG_F2( " pNetworkInfo->ReturnFlags : 0x%x", pNetworkInfo->ReturnFlags );
if ( pNetworkInfo->pSearchList ) PrintSearchList( pNetworkInfo->pSearchList );
DNSLOG_F2( " pNetworkInfo->cAdapterCount : %d", pNetworkInfo->cAdapterCount ); DNSLOG_F2( " pNetworkInfo->cTotalListSize : %d", pNetworkInfo->cTotalListSize ); DNSLOG_F1( "" );
for ( iter = 0; iter < pNetworkInfo->cAdapterCount; iter++ ) { DNSLOG_F1( " ----------------------------------------------------" ); DNSLOG_F2( " Adapter Info (%d)", iter + 1 ); DNSLOG_F1( "" ); PrintAdapterInfo( pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[iter] ); } } else { DNSLOG_F1( "Current network adapter information is empty" ); DNSLOG_F1( "" ); } }
VOID PrintIpAddressListToLog ( IN PDNS_ADDRESS_INFO AddressInfoList, IN DWORD AddressInfoListCount ) { DWORD iter;
if ( AddressInfoList && AddressInfoListCount ) { DNSLOG_F1( "Current IP address list is :" );
for ( iter = 0; iter < AddressInfoListCount; iter++ ) { PrintAddressInfo( AddressInfoList[iter] ); } DNSLOG_F1( "" ); } else { DNSLOG_F1( "Current IP address list is empty" ); DNSLOG_F1( "" ); } }
// End of logit.c