Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
DNS Resolver Service
Multicast routines.
Glenn Curtis (glennc) December 1999
Revision History:
James Gilroy (jamesg) February 2000 cleanup
#include "local.h"
// Globals
HANDLE g_hMulticastThread = NULL;
BOOL g_MulticastStop = FALSE; SOCKET g_MulticastUnicastSocket = 0; PSOCKET_CONTEXT g_MulticastIoContextList = NULL;
HANDLE g_MulticastCompletionPort = NULL;
// Should be read from netinfo blob
PSTR g_HostName = NULL;
// Multicast config globals
// DCR: regkeys for multicast values
DWORD g_MulticastRecordTTL = DNS_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_RESOLVER_RECORD_TTL; BOOL g_AllowMulticastAsProxy = FALSE; BOOL g_AllowMulticastDnsSrvRecord = FALSE;
// Private prototypes
BOOL IsLocalMachineQuery( IN LPSTR pName, IN WORD Type, OUT PDNS_RECORD * ppRecord );
VOID FixupNameOwnerPointers( IN OUT PDNS_RECORD pRecord );
PDNS_RECORD BuildPTR( IN LPSTR pName, IN LPSTR pHostname, IN LPSTR pDomain, IN LPSTR pPrimaryDomain );
PDNS_RECORD BuildDNSServerRecord( IN IP_ADDRESS Address );
PDNS_RECORD BuildLocalAddressRecords( IN LPSTR Name );
BOOL IsLocalAddress( IN IP_ADDRESS Ip );
PSOCKET_CONTEXT AllocateIoContext( IN IP_ADDRESS ipAddr );
VOID FreeIoContextList( IN PSOCKET_CONTEXT pContext, IN BOOL fIssueSocketShutdown );
VOID DropReceive( IN PSOCKET_CONTEXT pContext );
VOID MulticastThread( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Multicast response thread.
Runs while cache is running, responding to multicast queries.
Return Value:
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status = NO_ERROR; PDNS_NETINFO ptempNetInfo = NULL; PSOCKET_CONTEXT pcontext; DWORD iter; DWORD bytesRecvd; LPOVERLAPPED poverlapped;
// init globals for safe cleanup on failure
g_MulticastStop = FALSE; g_MulticastCompletionPort = NULL; g_MulticastUnicastSocket = 0; g_MulticastIoContextList = NULL;
// We are going to create a completion port with
// socket contexts for each of the primary IP addresses of each
// adapter on the system.
// Get a copy of the network adapter information
ptempNetInfo = GrabNetworkInfo(); if ( ! ptempNetInfo ) { goto Cleanup; }
// create multicast completion port
g_MulticastCompletionPort = CreateIoCompletionPort( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 0 ); if ( ! g_MulticastCompletionPort ) { DNSLOG_F1( "Error: Failed to create io completion port." ); goto Cleanup; }
// We create two sockets here, one for multicast receives and
// one for the unicast response. This shouldn't be necessary;
// there should be nothing preventing us from responding via
// unicast even with a socket that's joined to a multicast address.
// In most cases, it does in fact work; but it seems that
// packets sent to the local address do not arrive if they are
// sent from a socket that is configured for multicast receive.
// Apparently, such a socket sends all packets onto the wire
// without checking the destination address. I imagine this is
// a bug in the TCP stack, perhaps, but for now, creating two
// separate sockets is a simple workaround. - tbrown 10/19/99
g_MulticastUnicastSocket = Dns_CreateSocket( SOCK_DGRAM, INADDR_ANY, DNS_PORT_NET_ORDER );
if ( g_MulticastUnicastSocket == 0 || g_MulticastUnicastSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { DNSLOG_F1( "Error: Failed to create unicast socket." ); goto Cleanup; }
// build context list
// - create socket\context for each adapters first IP
// - associate socket with completion port
g_MulticastIoContextList = NULL; pcontext = NULL;
for ( iter = 0; iter < ptempNetInfo->cAdapterCount; iter++ ) { PIP_ARRAY pipArray;
pipArray = ptempNetInfo->AdapterArray[iter]->pAdapterIPAddresses;
if ( pipArray && pipArray->AddrCount ) { PSOCKET_CONTEXT pnewContext;
pnewContext = AllocateIoContext( pipArray->AddrArray[0] ); if ( pnewContext ) { HANDLE hport = NULL;
if ( pcontext ) { pcontext->pNext = pnewContext; pcontext = pnewContext; } else { g_MulticastIoContextList = pnewContext; pcontext = pnewContext; }
hport = CreateIoCompletionPort( (HANDLE) pnewContext->Socket, g_MulticastCompletionPort, (UINT_PTR) pnewContext, 0 );
if ( !hport ) { DNSLOG_F1( "Error: Failed to add socket to io completion port." ); goto Cleanup; } } } }
// if no sockets -- done
if ( ! g_MulticastIoContextList ) { goto Cleanup; }
// drop listen on sockets
pcontext = g_MulticastIoContextList; while ( pcontext ) { DropReceive( pcontext ); pcontext = pcontext->pNext; }
// main listen loop
do { if ( g_LogTraceInfo ) { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: Going to listen for message." ); DNSLOG_F1( "" ); }
if ( GetQueuedCompletionStatus( g_MulticastCompletionPort, & bytesRecvd, & (ULONG_PTR) pcontext, & poverlapped, INFINITE ) ) { //
// We received notice that something happened on a given
// completion port, get the socket from the context and
// do a receive to see what we got.
if ( pcontext && bytesRecvd ) { WORD Xid; IP4_ADDRESS Ip; BYTE Opcode; WORD QuestionCount; WORD AnswerCount; WORD NameServerCount; WORD AdditionalCount;
Ip = MSG_REMOTE_IP4( pcontext->pMsg ); Xid = pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.Xid; Opcode = pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.Opcode; QuestionCount = pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.QuestionCount; AnswerCount = pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.AnswerCount; NameServerCount = pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.NameServerCount; AdditionalCount = pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.AdditionalCount;
if ( g_LogTraceInfo ) { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: Received DNS message." ); DNSLOG_F1( " Message contained . . ." ); DNSLOG_F2( " Xid : 0x%x", Xid ); DNSLOG_F2( " IP Address : %s", IP_STRING( Ip ) ); DNSLOG_F2( " Opcode : 0x%x", Opcode ); DNSLOG_F1( "" ); }
if ( g_MulticastStop ) { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver detected stop signal." ); DNSLOG_F1( " Will not process last received message." ); DNSLOG_F1( "" ); continue; }
if ( IsLocalAddress( Ip ) ) { if ( g_LogTraceInfo ) { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: Skip query from local machine." ); DNSLOG_F1( "" ); } continue; }
if ( Opcode == DNS_OPCODE_QUERY && QuestionCount == 1 && AnswerCount == 0 && NameServerCount == 0 && AdditionalCount == 0 ) { char QuestionName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; WORD QuestionNameLength = DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH; PCHAR pch; WORD QuestionType = 0; WORD QuestionClass = 0; PDNS_RECORD pRecord = NULL;
pch = (PCHAR) &pcontext->pMsg->MessageBody;
// Get DNS Question name from packet
pch = Dns_ReadPacketName( QuestionName, &QuestionNameLength, 0, 0, pch, (PCHAR) &pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead, pcontext->pMsg->pBufferEnd );
if ( !pch ) { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: Dns_ReadPacketName failed" ); DNSLOG_F2( " with error: 0x%x" , DNS_RCODE_FORMAT_ERROR ); DNSLOG_F1( "" ); continue; }
// Get DNS Question type from packet
QuestionType = ntohs( *(UNALIGNED WORD *) pch ); pch += sizeof( WORD );
// Get DNS Question class from packet
QuestionClass = ntohs( *(UNALIGNED WORD *) pch ); pch += sizeof( WORD );
DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver - Valid query for . . ." ); DNSLOG_F2( " Name : %s", QuestionName ); DNSLOG_F2( " Type : %d", QuestionType ); DNSLOG_F2( " Class : %d", QuestionClass ); DNSLOG_F1( "" );
// Set pCurrent so that question section is included
// in response packet.
pcontext->pMsg->pCurrent = pch;
pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.IsResponse = TRUE; pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.ResponseCode = 0; pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.RecursionAvailable = 0; pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.Authoritative = 0;
if ( IsLocalMachineQuery( QuestionName, QuestionType, &pRecord ) ) { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: Got valid local machine query" ); pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.Authoritative = TRUE;
status = Dns_AddRecordsToMessage( pcontext->pMsg, pRecord, FALSE );
Dns_RecordListFree( pRecord );
// Switch to the unicast socket
pcontext->pMsg->Socket = g_MulticastUnicastSocket;
Dns_Send( pcontext->pMsg ); } else if ( g_AllowMulticastAsProxy ) { LPSTR lpTempName = NULL; WORD wNameLen;
DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: Going to proxy query for client" );
wNameLen = (WORD) strlen( QuestionName );
lpTempName = MCAST_HEAP_ALLOC_ZERO( (wNameLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( lpTempName == NULL ) { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: HeapAlloc failed" ); continue; }
Dns_NameCopy( lpTempName, NULL, QuestionName, wNameLen, DnsCharSetUtf8, DnsCharSetUnicode );
status = R_ResolverQuery( NULL, (LPWSTR) lpTempName, QuestionType, 0, &pRecord );
MCAST_HEAP_FREE( lpTempName );
if ( status == DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR ) { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: returning DNS_RCODE_NAME_ERROR" ); pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.ResponseCode = DNS_RCODE_NAME_ERROR;
// Switch to the unicast socket
pcontext->pMsg->Socket = g_MulticastUnicastSocket;
Dns_Send( pcontext->pMsg ); } else if ( status == DNS_ERROR_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST ) { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: returning DNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN" ); pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.ResponseCode = DNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN;
// Switch to the unicast socket
pcontext->pMsg->Socket = g_MulticastUnicastSocket;
Dns_Send( pcontext->pMsg ); } else if ( status == DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NXRRSET ) { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: returning DNS_RCODE_NXRRSET" ); pcontext->pMsg->MessageHead.ResponseCode = DNS_RCODE_NXRRSET;
// Switch to the unicast socket
pcontext->pMsg->Socket = g_MulticastUnicastSocket;
Dns_Send( pcontext->pMsg ); } else if ( status == NO_ERROR ) { if ( pRecord ) { FixupNameOwnerPointers( pRecord );
status = Dns_AddRecordsToMessage( pcontext->pMsg, pRecord, FALSE );
Dns_RecordListFree( pRecord );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: Dns_AddRecordsToMessage failed" ); DNSLOG_F2( " with error: 0x%x" , status ); continue; }
// Switch to the unicast socket
pcontext->pMsg->Socket = g_MulticastUnicastSocket;
Dns_Send( pcontext->pMsg ); } } else if ( pRecord ) { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: Nothing to return" ); Dns_RecordListFree( pRecord ); } } else { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: Nothing can be done for this client query" ); }
DNSLOG_F1( "" ); }
// Now send down another receive request to wait on.
DropReceive( pcontext ); } else { DNSLOG_F1( " Multicast Resolver: GQCP returned no context!" ); DNSLOG_F1( " Could be terminating resolver service?" ); DNSLOG_F1( "" ); } } else { //
// GQCP failed, see what the failure was and handle accordingly
status = GetLastError();
if ( !pcontext ) { continue; }
// Now send down another receive request to wait on.
DropReceive( pcontext ); } } while( !g_MulticastStop );
Cleanup :
// cleanup multicast stuff
// - sockets, contexts, i/o completion port
NetInfo_Free( ptempNetInfo );
if ( g_MulticastUnicastSocket ) { Dns_CloseSocket( g_MulticastUnicastSocket ); g_MulticastUnicastSocket = 0; }
FreeIoContextList( g_MulticastIoContextList, FALSE ); g_MulticastIoContextList = NULL;
if ( g_MulticastCompletionPort ) { CloseHandle( g_MulticastCompletionPort ); g_MulticastCompletionPort = 0; }
DNSLOG_F1( "MulticastThread exiting." ); }
VOID MulticastThreadSignalStop( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Stop the multicast thread.
Note, not synchronous, simply signals shutdown.
Return Value:
--*/ { g_MulticastStop = TRUE;
PostQueuedCompletionStatus( g_MulticastCompletionPort, 0, 0, NULL ); }
BOOL IsLocalMachineQuery( IN LPSTR pName, IN WORD Type, OUT PDNS_RECORD * ppRecord ) { PDNS_NETINFO ptempNetworkInfo = NULL; LPSTR pszPrimaryDomain = NULL; DWORD iter; DWORD iter2; PDNS_RECORD presultRecords = NULL;
// if no hostname -- bail
// note: MUST INSURE hostname is never NULL afterwards or
// (preferred) take local copy under lock
if ( !g_HostName ) { return FALSE; }
// get local copy of network info
// DCR_FIX: cleanup net-info creation
ptempNetworkInfo = GrabNetworkInfo(); if ( ! ptempNetworkInfo ) { return FALSE; }
// get primary domain name -- if any
if ( ptempNetworkInfo->pSearchList ) { pszPrimaryDomain = ptempNetworkInfo->pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName; }
// A record query
if ( Type == DNS_TYPE_A ) { char testName[DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2];
// host name with PDN if available
strcpy( testName, g_HostName ); if ( pszPrimaryDomain ) { strcat( testName, "." ); strcat( testName, pszPrimaryDomain ); }
// name matches hostname -- return name (with PDN if available)
if ( Dns_NameCompare_UTF8( pName, g_HostName ) ) { presultRecords = BuildLocalAddressRecords( testName ); goto Done; }
// name matches full PDN -- return full PDN
if ( pszPrimaryDomain && Dns_NameCompare_UTF8( pName, testName ) ) { presultRecords = BuildLocalAddressRecords( testName ); goto Done; }
// is name ".local" query
strcpy( testName, g_HostName ); strcat( testName, "." ); strcat( testName, MULTICAST_DNS_LOCAL_DOMAIN );
if ( Dns_NameCompare_UTF8( pName, testName ) ) { presultRecords = BuildLocalAddressRecords( testName ); goto Done; }
// see if name matches any adapter name
for ( iter = 0; iter < ptempNetworkInfo->cAdapterCount; iter++ ) { PIP_ARRAY pipArray = ptempNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[iter]-> pAdapterIPAddresses; LPSTR pszDomain = ptempNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[iter]-> pszAdapterDomain;
if ( pszDomain ) { strcpy( testName, g_HostName ); strcat( testName, "." ); strcat( testName, pszDomain );
if ( pipArray && Dns_NameCompare_UTF8( pName, testName ) ) { PDNS_RECORD pPrev = NULL;
for ( iter2 = 0; iter2 < pipArray->AddrCount; iter2++ ) { PDNS_RECORD pNew = BuildARecord( testName, pipArray->AddrArray[iter2] ); if ( pNew ) { if ( pPrev ) pPrev->pNext = pNew; else presultRecords = pNew;
pPrev = pNew; } } } } } goto Done; }
// PTR query
else if ( Type == DNS_TYPE_PTR ) { //
// check for loopback
// Dnslib uses this address to 'ping' adapters, must always respond
if ( Dns_NameCompare_UTF8( pName, "" ) ) { presultRecords = BuildPTR( pName, g_HostName, NULL, pszPrimaryDomain ); goto Done; }
// check all IPs on box (one adapter at a time)
for ( iter = 0; iter < ptempNetworkInfo->cAdapterCount; iter++ ) { PIP_ARRAY pipArray = ptempNetworkInfo -> AdapterArray[iter] -> pAdapterIPAddresses; LPSTR pszDomain = ptempNetworkInfo -> AdapterArray[iter] -> pszAdapterDomain;
if ( pipArray ) { // check if query matches IP for this adapter
// ENHANCE: this is backwards; ought to covert query to IP
// and then check IPs, rather than turning every IP into
// reverse name; then could even use standard routines
// to build PTR
for ( iter2 = 0; iter2 < pipArray->AddrCount; iter2++ ) { CHAR reverseName[DNS_MAX_REVERSE_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH]; IP4_ADDRESS ip = pipArray->AddrArray[iter2];
Dns_Ip4AddressToReverseName_A( reverseName, ip );
if ( Dns_NameCompare_UTF8( pName, reverseName ) ) { presultRecords = BuildPTR( pName, g_HostName, pszDomain, pszPrimaryDomain ); goto Done; } } } } }
// SRV query
else if ( Type == DNS_TYPE_SRV ) { //
// check if ".local" query
if ( Dns_NameCompare_UTF8( pName, MULTICAST_DNS_SRV_RECORD_NAME ) ) { if ( g_AllowMulticastDnsSrvRecord && ptempNetworkInfo->cAdapterCount && ptempNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[0]->cServerCount ) { presultRecords = BuildDNSServerRecord( ptempNetworkInfo-> AdapterArray[0]-> ServerArray[0].IpAddress ); goto Done; } } }
// cleanup
// return records
// if found records TRUE; otherwise FALSE
NetInfo_Free( ptempNetworkInfo );
*ppRecord = presultRecords;
return( presultRecords != NULL ); }
VOID FixupNameOwnerPointers( IN OUT PDNS_RECORD pRpcRecord ) { PDNS_RECORD pTempRecord = pRpcRecord; LPWSTR lpNameOwner = pRpcRecord->pName;
DNSDBG( TRACE, ( "FixupNameOwnerPointers()\n" ));
while ( pTempRecord ) { if ( pTempRecord->pName == NULL ) pTempRecord->pName = lpNameOwner; else lpNameOwner = pTempRecord->pName;
pTempRecord = pTempRecord->pNext; } }
PDNS_RECORD BuildPTR( IN LPSTR pName, IN LPSTR pHostname, IN LPSTR pDomain, IN LPSTR pPrimaryDomain ) { PDNS_RECORD prr1 = NULL; PDNS_RECORD prr2 = NULL; LPSTR pdata1 = NULL; LPSTR pdata2 = NULL; LPSTR pnameOwner = NULL; DWORD length;
// DCR_FIX: duplicates a lot of Dns_CreatePtrRecord
// DCR_FIX: build generic name-appending counter and
// builder
// DCR_FIX0: records are not unicode is this ok?
prr1 = Dns_AllocateRecord( sizeof( DNS_PTR_DATA ) ); if ( !prr1 ) { return( NULL ); }
// create owner name
// create data name
pnameOwner = RECORD_HEAP_ALLOC( strlen(pName) + 1 ); if ( !pnameOwner ) { goto Failed; } strcpy( pnameOwner, pName );
// create PTR data
length = strlen( pHostname ) + 2; if ( pDomain ) { length += strlen( pDomain ) + 2; } strcpy( pdata1, pHostname ); strcat( pdata1, "." ); if ( pDomain ) { strcat( pdata1, pDomain ); }
// create, fill-in record
pdata1 = RECORD_HEAP_ALLOC( length ); if ( !pdata1 ) { goto Failed; }
prr1->pNext = NULL; prr1->pName = (PDNS_NAME) pnameOwner; prr1->wType = DNS_TYPE_PTR; prr1->Flags.S.Section = DNSREC_ANSWER; SET_FREE_DATA( prr1 ); SET_FREE_OWNER( prr1 ); prr1->dwTtl = g_MulticastRecordTTL; prr1->Data.Ptr.pNameHost = (PDNS_NAME) pdata1;
// build record for primary domain name
// - if exists and different from domain name
if ( pPrimaryDomain && ! Dns_NameCompare_UTF8( pDomain, pPrimaryDomain ) ) { pdata2 = RECORD_HEAP_ALLOC( strlen( pHostname ) + strlen( pPrimaryDomain ) + 2 ); if ( !pdata2 ) { goto Failed; } strcpy( pdata2, pHostname ); strcat( pdata2, "." ); strcat( pdata2, pPrimaryDomain );
prr2 = Dns_AllocateRecord( sizeof( DNS_PTR_DATA ) ); if ( !prr2 ) { goto Failed; } prr2->pNext = NULL; prr2->pName = (PDNS_NAME) pnameOwner; prr2->wType = DNS_TYPE_PTR; prr2->Flags.S.Section = DNSREC_ANSWER; SET_FREE_DATA( prr2 ); prr2->dwTtl = g_MulticastRecordTTL; prr2->Data.Ptr.pNameHost = (PDNS_NAME) pdata2; }
// set next field
// - appends record for primary name (if any)
// - or sets pNext=NULL
prr1->pNext = prr2;
return prr1;
RECORD_HEAP_FREE( prr1 ); RECORD_HEAP_FREE( pnameOwner ); RECORD_HEAP_FREE( pdata1 ); RECORD_HEAP_FREE( prr2 ); RECORD_HEAP_FREE( pdata2 ); return NULL; }
PDNS_RECORD BuildARecord( IN LPSTR pName, IN IP_ADDRESS IpAddress ) { PDNS_RECORD prr; LPSTR pnameOwner;
prr = Dns_AllocateRecord( sizeof(DNS_A_DATA) ); if ( !prr ) { return NULL; }
pnameOwner = RECORD_HEAP_ALLOC( strlen(pName) + 1 ); if ( ! pnameOwner ) { goto Failed; }
strcpy( pnameOwner, pName );
prr->pNext = NULL; prr->pName = (PDNS_NAME) pnameOwner; prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; prr->dwTtl = g_MulticastRecordTTL; prr->Flags.S.Section = DNSREC_ANSWER; SET_FREE_OWNER( prr ); SET_FREE_DATA( prr ); prr->Data.A.IpAddress = IpAddress;
return prr;
RECORD_HEAP_FREE( prr ); return NULL; }
PDNS_RECORD BuildDNSServerRecord( IN IP_ADDRESS IpAddress ) { PDNS_RECORD prr = NULL; PDNS_RECORD prrAdditional = NULL; LPSTR pnameOwner = NULL; LPSTR pnameTarget = NULL;
// DCR_FIX: where to start? geez
// DCR_FIX: character set issue -- what's the paradigm here?
// build additional record
prrAdditional = BuildARecord( MULTICAST_DNS_A_RECORD_NAME, IpAddress ); if ( ! prrAdditional ) { goto Failed; } prrAdditional->Flags.S.Section = DNSREC_ADDITIONAL;
// build SRV record
prr = Dns_AllocateRecord( sizeof( DNS_SRV_DATA ) ); if ( !prr ) { return( NULL ); }
pnameOwner = RECORD_HEAP_ALLOC( strlen(MULTICAST_DNS_SRV_RECORD_NAME) + 1 ); if ( !pnameOwner ) { goto Failed; } strcpy( pnameOwner, MULTICAST_DNS_SRV_RECORD_NAME );
prr->pNext = prrAdditional; prr->pName = (PDNS_NAME) pnameOwner; prr->Flags.S.Section = DNSREC_ANSWER; SET_FREE_OWNER( prr ); prr->wType = DNS_TYPE_SRV; prr->dwTtl = g_MulticastRecordTTL; prr->Data.SRV.pNameTarget = RECORD_HEAP_ALLOC( strlen( MULTICAST_DNS_A_RECORD_NAME ) + 1 ); if ( ! pnameTarget ) { goto Failed; } strcpy( pnameTarget, MULTICAST_DNS_A_RECORD_NAME );
prr->Data.SRV.wPriority = 0; prr->Data.SRV.wWeight = 0; prr->Data.SRV.wPort = DNS_PORT_HOST_ORDER; prr->Data.SRV.pNameTarget = (PDNS_NAME) pnameTarget; SET_FREE_DATA( prr );
return prr;
// cleanup
// - additional rr done wholesale
// - SRV record done in pieces
Dns_RecordFree( prrAdditional ); RECORD_HEAP_FREE( pnameOwner ); RECORD_HEAP_FREE( pnameTarget ); RECORD_HEAP_FREE( prr ); return NULL; }
PDNS_RECORD BuildLocalAddressRecords( IN LPSTR Name ) { return NULL;
#if 0
EnterCriticalSection( &NetworkListCritSec );
if ( g_IpAddressList && g_IpAddressListCount ) { for ( iter = 0; iter < g_IpAddressListCount; iter++ ) { PDNS_RECORD pNew = BuildARecord( Name, g_IpAddressList[iter].ipAddress );
if ( pNew ) { if ( pPrev ) pPrev->pNext = pNew; else pList = pNew;
pPrev = pNew; } } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &NetworkListCritSec );
return pList; #endif
BOOL IsLocalAddress( IN IP_ADDRESS IpAddress ) { return( FALSE );
#if 0
DWORD iter; BOOL bisLocal = FALSE;
EnterCriticalSection( &NetworkListCritSec );
if ( g_IpAddressList ) { for ( iter = 0; iter < g_IpAddressListCount; iter++ ) { if ( IpAddress == g_IpAddressList[iter].ipAddress ) { bisLocal = TRUE; break; } } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &NetworkListCritSec );
return bisLocal; #endif
PSOCKET_CONTEXT AllocateIoContext( IN IP_ADDRESS IpAddr ) { PSOCKET_CONTEXT pcontext; SOCKET socket = 0;
// allocate and clear context
pcontext = MCAST_HEAP_ALLOC_ZERO( sizeof(SOCKET_CONTEXT) ); if ( !pcontext ) { DNSLOG_F1( "Error: Failed to allocate multicast socket context." ); return NULL; }
// create multicast socket
// - bound to this address and DNS port
socket = Dns_CreateMulticastSocket( SOCK_DGRAM, IpAddr, DNS_PORT_NET_ORDER, FALSE, TRUE );
if ( socket == 0 || socket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { DNSLOG_F1( "Error: Failed to create multicast socket." ); goto Failed; }
// create message buffer for socket
pcontext->pMsg = Dns_AllocateMsgBuf( 0 ); if ( !pcontext->pMsg ) { DNSLOG_F1( "Error: Failed to allocate message buffer." ); goto Failed; }
pcontext->Socket = socket; pcontext->IpAddress = IpAddr; pcontext->pMsg->fTcp = FALSE;
return pcontext;
if ( socket ) { Dns_CloseSocket( socket ); } MCAST_HEAP_FREE( pcontext ); return NULL; }
VOID FreeIoContextList( IN OUT PSOCKET_CONTEXT pContext, IN BOOL fIssueSocketShutdown ) { PSOCKET_CONTEXT ptempContext;
// cleanup context list
// - shutdown socket
// - close socket
// - free message buffer
// - free context
while ( pContext ) { ptempContext = pContext; pContext = pContext->pNext;
if ( fIssueSocketShutdown ) { shutdown( ptempContext->Socket, SD_BOTH ); }
Dns_CloseSocket( ptempContext->Socket );
if ( ptempContext->pMsg ) { Dns_Free( ptempContext->pMsg ); }
// QUESTION: should we tag memory free?
MCAST_HEAP_FREE( ptempContext ); } }
VOID DropReceive( IN OUT PSOCKET_CONTEXT pContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Drop down UDP receive request.
pContext -- context for socket being recieved
Return Value:
--*/ { DNS_STATUS status; WSABUF WsaBuf; DWORD bytesRecvd; DWORD dwFlags = 0;
if ( !pContext->pMsg ) { return; }
WsaBuf.len = DNS_MAX_UDP_PACKET_BUFFER_LENGTH; WsaBuf.buf = (PCHAR) (&pContext->pMsg->MessageHead);
pContext->pMsg->Socket = pContext->Socket;
// loop until successful WSARecvFrom() is down
// this loop is only active while we continue to recv
// WSAECONNRESET or WSAEMSGSIZE errors, both of which
// cause us to dump data and retry;
// note loop rather than recursion (to this function) is
// required to aVOID possible stack overflow from malicious
// send
// normal returns from WSARecvFrom() are
// SUCCESS -- packet was waiting, GQCS will fire immediately
// WSA_IO_PENDING -- no data yet, GQCS will fire when ready
while ( 1 ) { status = WSARecvFrom( pContext->Socket, & WsaBuf, 1, & bytesRecvd, & dwFlags, (PSOCKADDR) & pContext->pMsg->RemoteAddress, & pContext->pMsg->RemoteAddressLength, & pContext->Overlapped, NULL );
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return; }
status = GetLastError(); if ( status == WSA_IO_PENDING ) { return; }
// when last send ICMP'd
// - set flag to indicate retry and repost send
// - if over some reasonable number of retries, assume error
// and fall through recv failure code
if ( status == WSAECONNRESET ) { continue; }
if ( status == WSAEMSGSIZE ) { continue; }
return; } }
// End mcast.c