Copyright (c) 1990-91 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Net path canonicalization routines:
The Nt versions of these routines are kept in the NetApi Dll and are (usually) called locally. If the caller specifies a remote computer name then we try to RPC the request. If that fails the wrapper routine which attempts RPC will call down-level.
OLDPATHS support has been removed from this module in keeping with the N-1 (this product and its immediate predecessor) philosophy of NT. Therefore, we always expect a down-level server to be able to handle a remoted canonicalization request. We don't cover for Lan Manager 1.x
Types of paths we expect to receive in this routine:
- relative path e.g. foo\bar
- absolute path (path specified from root, but no drive or computer name) e.g. \foo\bar
- UNC path e.g. \\computer\share\foo
- disk path (full path specified with disk drive) e.g. d:\foo\bar
Richard L Firth (rfirth) 06-Jan-1992 from an original script by danny glasser (dannygl)
Revision History:
#include "nticanon.h"
// routines
NET_API_STATUS NetpwPathCanonicalize( IN LPTSTR PathName, IN LPTSTR Outbuf, IN DWORD OutbufLen, IN LPTSTR Prefix OPTIONAL, IN OUT LPDWORD PathType, IN DWORD Flags )
Routine Description:
NetpPathCanonicalize produces the canonical version of the specified pathname.
The canonical form of PRN is LPT1 The canonical form of AUX is COM1
If the value of <PathType> on entry has not been determined by a prior (successful) call to NetpPathType, it must be set to 0. Even if it is set to the correct non-zero value on entry, it may be changed by this function, since the canonicalized version of a name may be of a different type than the original version (e.g. if the prefix is used).
PathName - The pathname to canonicalize
Outbuf - The place to store the canonicalized version of the pathname
OutbufLen - The size, in bytes, of <Outbuf>
Prefix - Optional prefix to use when canonicalizing a relative pathname
PathType - The place to store the type. If the type does not contain zero on function entry, the function assumes that this type has been determined already by a call to NetpPathType
Flags - Flags to determine operation. MBZ
Return Value:
{ DWORD rc = 0; BOOL noPrefix = ((Prefix == NULL) || (*Prefix == TCHAR_EOS)); DWORD typeOfPrefix; DWORD typeOfPath;
NetpKdPrint(("NetpwPathCanonicalize\n")); #endif
typeOfPath = *PathType;
// Determine type of pathname, if it hasn't been determined yet
// Abort on error
if (!typeOfPath) { if (rc = NetpwPathType(PathName, &typeOfPath, 0)) { return rc; } }
// Validate prefix, if there is one
// Abort on error
if (!noPrefix) { if (rc = NetpwPathType(Prefix, &typeOfPrefix, 0)) { return rc; } }
// Set the output buffer to the null string (or return with an error, if
// it's zero length). Note that we've already set the caller's
// <PathType> parameter.
if (OutbufLen == 0) { return NERR_BufTooSmall; } else { *Outbuf = TCHAR_EOS; }
rc = CanonicalizePathName(Prefix, PathName, Outbuf, OutbufLen, NULL); if (rc == NERR_Success) { rc = NetpwPathType(Outbuf, PathType, 0); } return rc; }