Copyright (c) 1991-92 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains NetpAdjustPreferedMaximum.
John Rogers (JohnRo) 24-Mar-1991
Portable to any flat, 32-bit environment. (Uses Win32 typedefs.) Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
Revision History:
24-Mar-91 JohnRo Created. 03-May-1991 JohnRo Added (quiet) debug output. Fixed massive bug (I was using % for division - it must have been a long day). 03-Apr-1992 JohnRo Handle preferred maximum of (DWORD)-1. Avoid NT-specific header files if we don't need them. 04-Apr-1992 JohnRo Use MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH equate.
// These must be included first:
#include <windef.h> // IN, DWORD, etc.
#include <lmcons.h> // NET_API_STATUS.
// These may be included in any order:
#include <debuglib.h> // IF_DEBUG().
#include <netdebug.h> // FORMAT_DWORD, NetpKdPrint(()).
#include <netlib.h> // My prototype, NetpSetOptionalArg().
VOID NetpAdjustPreferedMaximum ( IN DWORD PreferedMaximum, IN DWORD EntrySize, IN DWORD Overhead, OUT LPDWORD BytesToAllocate OPTIONAL, OUT LPDWORD EntriesToAllocate OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
NetpAdjustPreferedMaximum analyzes the prefered maximum length and compares it with the size of an entry and the total overhead.
PreferedMaximum - the number of bytes "prefered" by the application for a given buffer.
EntrySize - the number of bytes for each entry.
Overhead - the number of bytes (if any) of overhead. For instance, some enum operations have a null at the end of the array returned.
BytesToAllocate - optionally points to a DWORD which will be set on output to the number of bytes to allocate (consistent with the prefered maximum, entry size, and overhead).
EntriesToAllocate - optionally points to a DWORD which will be set with the number of entries which BytesToAllocate can contain.
Return Value:
if ( (PreferedMaximum <= (EntrySize+Overhead)) || (PreferedMaximum == MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH) ) {
NetpSetOptionalArg(BytesToAllocate, EntrySize+Overhead); NetpSetOptionalArg(EntriesToAllocate, 1); } else { DWORD EntryCount;
EntryCount = (PreferedMaximum-Overhead) / EntrySize; NetpSetOptionalArg( BytesToAllocate, (EntryCount*EntrySize) + Overhead); NetpSetOptionalArg(EntriesToAllocate, EntryCount); }
IF_DEBUG(PREFMAX) { NetpKdPrint(("NetpAdjustPreferedMaximum: " "pref max=" FORMAT_DWORD ", " "entry size=" FORMAT_DWORD ", " "overhead=" FORMAT_DWORD ".\n", PreferedMaximum, EntrySize, Overhead)); if (BytesToAllocate != NULL) { NetpKdPrint(("NetpAdjustPreferedMaximum: bytes to allocate=" FORMAT_DWORD ".\n", *BytesToAllocate)); } if (EntriesToAllocate != NULL) { NetpKdPrint(("NetpAdjustPreferedMaximum: Entries to allocate=" FORMAT_DWORD ".\n", *EntriesToAllocate)); } }