Copyright (c) 1990-1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This is the main routine for the NT LAN Manager Browser service.
Larry Osterman (LarryO) 3-23-92
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#if DBG
// //
// Local structure definitions //
// //
ULONG UpdateAnnouncementPeriodicity[] = {1*60*1000, 2*60*1000, 5*60*1000, 10*60*1000, 15*60*1000, 30*60*1000, 60*60*1000};
ULONG UpdateAnnouncementMax = (sizeof(UpdateAnnouncementPeriodicity) / sizeof(ULONG)) - 1;
// //
// Global variables //
// //
BR_GLOBAL_DATA BrGlobalData = {0};
ULONG BrDefaultRole = {0};
HANDLE BrGlobalEventlogHandle;
// //
// Function prototypes //
// //
NET_API_STATUS BrInitializeBrowser( OUT LPDWORD BrInitState );
NET_API_STATUS BrInitializeBrowserService( OUT LPDWORD BrInitState );
VOID BrUninitializeBrowser( IN DWORD BrInitState ); VOID BrShutdownBrowser( IN NET_API_STATUS ErrorCode, IN DWORD BrInitState );
VOID BrowserControlHandler( IN DWORD Opcode );
VOID SvchostPushServiceGlobals ( PSVCHOST_GLOBAL_DATA pGlobals ) { BrLmsvcsGlobalData = pGlobals; }
VOID ServiceMain ( // (BROWSER_main)
DWORD NumArgs, LPTSTR *ArgsArray ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the main routine of the Browser Service which registers itself as an RPC server and notifies the Service Controller of the Browser service control entry point.
NumArgs - Supplies the number of strings specified in ArgsArray.
ArgsArray - Supplies string arguments that are specified in the StartService API call. This parameter is ignored by the Browser service.
Return Value:
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; DWORD BrInitState = 0; BrGlobalBrowserSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
// Make sure svchost.exe gave us the global data
ASSERT(BrLmsvcsGlobalData != NULL);
NetStatus = BrInitializeBrowserService(&BrInitState);
// Process requests in this thread, and wait for termination.
if ( NetStatus == NERR_Success) {
// Set the browser threads to time critical priority.
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL);
BrWorkerThread((PVOID)-1); }
BrShutdownBrowser( NetStatus, BrInitState );
return; }
NET_API_STATUS BrInitializeBrowserService( OUT LPDWORD BrInitState ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function initializes the Browser service.
BrInitState - Returns a flag to indicate how far we got with initializing the Browser service before an error occured.
Return Value:
NET_API_STATUS - NERR_Success or reason for failure.
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS Status; NTSTATUS NtStatus;
// Initialize event logging
BrGlobalEventlogHandle = NetpEventlogOpen ( SERVICE_BROWSER, 2*60*60*1000 ); // 2 hours
if ( BrGlobalEventlogHandle == NULL ) { BrPrint((BR_CRITICAL, "Cannot NetpEventlogOpen\n" )); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Initialize all the status fields so that subsequent calls to
// SetServiceStatus need to only update fields that changed.
BrGlobalData.Status.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; BrGlobalData.Status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; BrGlobalData.Status.dwControlsAccepted = 0; BrGlobalData.Status.dwCheckPoint = 0; BrGlobalData.Status.dwWaitHint = BR_WAIT_HINT_TIME;
SET_SERVICE_EXITCODE( NO_ERROR, BrGlobalData.Status.dwWin32ExitCode, BrGlobalData.Status.dwServiceSpecificExitCode );
#if DBG
BrInitializeTraceLog(); #endif
BrPrint(( BR_INIT, "Browser starting\n"));
// Initialize Browser to receive service requests by registering the
// control handler.
if ((BrGlobalData.StatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( SERVICE_BROWSER, BrowserControlHandler )) == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE) 0) {
Status = GetLastError(); BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "Cannot register control handler " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", Status));
return Status; }
// Create an event which is used by the service control handler to notify
// the Browser service that it is time to terminate.
if ((BrGlobalData.TerminateNowEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // Event attributes
TRUE, // Event must be manually reset
FALSE, NULL // Initial state not signalled
)) == NULL) {
Status = GetLastError();
BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "Cannot create termination event " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", Status));
return Status; } (*BrInitState) |= BR_TERMINATE_EVENT_CREATED;
// Notify the Service Controller for the first time that we are alive
// and we are start pending
if ((Status = BrGiveInstallHints( SERVICE_START_PENDING )) != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "SetServiceStatus error " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", Status));
return Status; }
// Create well known SIDs for browser.dll
NtStatus = NetpCreateWellKnownSids( NULL );
if( !NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ) { Status = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( NtStatus ); BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "NetpCreateWellKnownSids error " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", Status));
return Status; }
// Create the security descriptors we'll use for the APIs
NtStatus = BrCreateBrowserObjects();
if( !NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ) { Status = NetpNtStatusToApiStatus( NtStatus ); BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "BrCreateBrowserObjects error " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", Status));
return Status; }
// Open a handle to the driver.
if ((Status = BrOpenDgReceiver()) != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "BrOpenDgReceiver error " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", Status));
return Status; }
BrPrint(( BR_INIT, "Devices initialized.\n")); (*BrInitState) |= BR_DEVICES_INITIALIZED;
// Enable PNP to start queueing PNP notifications in the bowser driver.
// We won't actually get any notifications until we later call
// PostWaitForPnp ().
if ((Status = BrEnablePnp( TRUE )) != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "BrEnablePnp error " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", Status));
return Status; }
BrPrint(( BR_INIT, "PNP initialized.\n"));
// Initialize NetBios synchronization with the service controller.
BrLmsvcsGlobalData->NetBiosOpen(); (*BrInitState) |= BR_NETBIOS_INITIALIZED;
// Read the configuration information to initialize the browser service.
if ((Status = BrInitializeBrowser(BrInitState)) != NERR_Success) {
BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "Cannot start browser " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", Status));
if (Status == NERR_ServiceInstalled) { Status = NERR_WkstaInconsistentState; } return Status; }
BrPrint(( BR_INIT, "Browser initialized.\n")); (*BrInitState) |= BR_BROWSER_INITIALIZED;
// Service install still pending.
(void) BrGiveInstallHints( SERVICE_START_PENDING );
// Initialize the browser service to receive RPC requests
if ((Status = BrLmsvcsGlobalData->StartRpcServer( BROWSER_INTERFACE_NAME, browser_ServerIfHandle )) != NERR_Success) {
BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "Cannot start RPC server " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", Status));
return Status; }
// Update our announcement bits based on our current role.
// This will force the server to announce itself. It will also update
// the browser information in the driver.
if ((Status = BrUpdateAnnouncementBits( NULL, BR_PARANOID )) != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "BrUpdateAnnouncementBits error " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", Status)); return Status; }
BrPrint(( BR_INIT, "Network status updated.\n"));
// We are done with starting the browser service. Tell Service
// Controller our new status.
if ((Status = BrGiveInstallHints( SERVICE_RUNNING )) != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "SetServiceStatus error " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", Status)); return Status; }
if ((Status = PostWaitForPnp()) != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "PostWaitForPnp error " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", Status)); return Status; }
BrPrint(( BR_MAIN, "Successful Initialization\n"));
return NERR_Success; }
NET_API_STATUS BrInitializeBrowser( OUT LPDWORD BrInitState )
Routine Description:
This function shuts down the Browser service.
ErrorCode - Supplies the error code of the failure
BrInitState - Supplies a flag to indicate how far we got with initializing the Browser service before an error occured, thus the amount of clean up needed.
Return Value:
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus;
// The browser depends on the following services being started:
// WORKSTATION (to initialize the bowser driver)
// SERVER (to receive remote APIs)
// Check to make sure that the services are started.
if ((NetStatus = CheckForService(SERVICE_WORKSTATION, &ServiceStatus)) != NERR_Success) { LPWSTR SubStrings[2]; CHAR ServiceStatusString[10]; WCHAR ServiceStatusStringW[10];
_ultoa(ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState, ServiceStatusString, 10);
mbstowcs(ServiceStatusStringW, ServiceStatusString, 10);
SubStrings[1] = ServiceStatusStringW;
try_return ( NetStatus ); }
if ((NetStatus = CheckForService(SERVICE_SERVER, &ServiceStatus)) != NERR_Success) { LPWSTR SubStrings[2]; CHAR ServiceStatusString[10]; WCHAR ServiceStatusStringW[10];
SubStrings[0] = SERVICE_SERVER; _ultoa(ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState, ServiceStatusString, 10);
mbstowcs(ServiceStatusStringW, ServiceStatusString, 10);
SubStrings[1] = ServiceStatusStringW;
try_return ( NetStatus ); }
BrPrint(( BR_INIT, "Dependant services are running.\n"));
// We now know that our dependant services are started.
// Look up our configuration information.
if ((NetStatus = BrGetBrowserConfiguration()) != NERR_Success) { try_return ( NetStatus ); }
BrPrint(( BR_INIT, "Configuration read.\n"));
// Initialize the browser statistics now.
NumberOfServerEnumerations = 0;
NumberOfDomainEnumerations = 0;
NumberOfOtherEnumerations = 0;
NumberOfMissedGetBrowserListRequests = 0;
// MaintainServerList == -1 means No
if (BrInfo.MaintainServerList == -1) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "MaintainServerList value set to NO. Stopping\n"));
try_return ( NetStatus = NERR_BrowserConfiguredToNotRun ); }
// Initialize the worker threads.
(void) BrGiveInstallHints( SERVICE_START_PENDING ); if ((NetStatus = BrWorkerInitialization()) != NERR_Success) { try_return ( NetStatus ); }
BrPrint(( BR_INIT, "Worker threads created.\n"));
// Initialize the networks module
(void) BrGiveInstallHints( SERVICE_START_PENDING ); BrInitializeNetworks(); (*BrInitState) |= BR_NETWORKS_INITIALIZED;
// Initialize the Domains module (and create networks for primary domain)
(void) BrGiveInstallHints( SERVICE_START_PENDING ); NetStatus = BrInitializeDomains(); if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { try_return ( NetStatus ); } (*BrInitState) |= BR_DOMAINS_INITIALIZED;
NetStatus = NERR_Success; try_exit:NOTHING; } finally {
#if DBG
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { KdPrint( ("[Browser.dll]: Error <%lu>. Failed to initialize browser\n", NetStatus ) ); } #endif
} return NetStatus; }
VOID BrUninitializeBrowser( IN DWORD BrInitState ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function shuts down the parts of the browser service started by BrInitializeBrowser.
BrInitState - Supplies a flag to indicate how far we got with initializing the Browser service before an error occured, thus the amount of clean up needed.
Return Value:
--*/ { if (BrInitState & BR_CONFIG_INITIALIZED) { BrDeleteConfiguration(BrInitState); }
if (BrInitState & BR_DOMAINS_INITIALIZED) { BrUninitializeDomains(); }
if (BrInitState & BR_NETWORKS_INITIALIZED) { BrUninitializeNetworks(BrInitState); }
NET_API_STATUS BrElectMasterOnNet( IN PNETWORK Network, IN PVOID Context ) { DWORD Event = PtrToUlong(Context); PWSTR SubString[1]; REQUEST_ELECTION ElectionRequest;
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { return NERR_InternalError; }
if (!(Network->Flags & NETWORK_RAS)) {
// Indicate we're forcing an election in the event log.
SubString[0] = Network->NetworkName.Buffer;
// Force an election on this net.
ElectionRequest.Type = Election;
ElectionRequest.ElectionRequest.Version = 0; ElectionRequest.ElectionRequest.Criteria = 0; ElectionRequest.ElectionRequest.TimeUp = 0; ElectionRequest.ElectionRequest.MustBeZero = 0; ElectionRequest.ElectionRequest.ServerName[0] = '\0';
SendDatagram( BrDgReceiverDeviceHandle, &Network->NetworkName, &Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainNameString, Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, BrowserElection, &ElectionRequest, sizeof(ElectionRequest));
return NERR_Success; }
NET_API_STATUS BrShutdownBrowserForNet( IN PNETWORK Network, IN PVOID Context ) { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus;
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { return NERR_InternalError; }
NetStatus = BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncementBits(Network, (PVOID)BR_SHUTDOWN );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "%ws: %ws: BrShutdownBrowserForNet: Cannot BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncementBits %ld\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, NetStatus )); }
// Force an election if we are the master for this network - this will
// cause someone else to become master.
// Continue with next network regardless of success or failure of this one.
return NERR_Success; }
VOID BrShutdownBrowser ( IN NET_API_STATUS ErrorCode, IN DWORD BrInitState ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function shuts down the Browser service.
ErrorCode - Supplies the error code of the failure
BrInitState - Supplies a flag to indicate how far we got with initializing the Browser service before an error occured, thus the amount of clean up needed.
Return Value:
--*/ { if (BrInitState & BR_RPC_SERVER_STARTED) { //
// Stop the RPC server
BrLmsvcsGlobalData->StopRpcServer(browser_ServerIfHandle); }
// Don't need to ask redirector to unbind from its transports when
// cleaning up because the redirector will tear down the bindings when
// it stops.
// Disable PNP to prevent any new networks from being created.
BrEnablePnp( FALSE );
// Delete any networks.
if (BrInitState & BR_NETWORKS_INITIALIZED) { BrEnumerateNetworks(BrShutdownBrowserForNet, NULL ); }
// Shut down the datagram receiver.
// This will cancel all I/O outstanding on the browser for this
// handle.
BrShutdownDgReceiver(); }
// Clean up the browser threads.
// This will guarantee that there are no operations outstanding in
// the browser when it is shut down.
if (BrInitState & BR_THREADS_STARTED) { BrWorkerKillThreads(); }
if (BrInitState & BR_BROWSER_INITIALIZED) { //
// Shut down the browser (including removing networks).
BrUninitializeBrowser(BrInitState); }
// Now that we're sure no one will try to use the worker threads,
// Unitialize the subsystem.
if (BrInitState & BR_THREADS_STARTED) { BrWorkerTermination(); }
// Close handle to termination event
CloseHandle(BrGlobalData.TerminateNowEvent); }
if (BrInitState & BR_DEVICES_INITIALIZED) { NtClose(BrDgReceiverDeviceHandle);
BrDgReceiverDeviceHandle = NULL; }
// Tell service controller we are done using NetBios.
if (BrInitState & BR_NETBIOS_INITIALIZED) { BrLmsvcsGlobalData->NetBiosClose(); }
// Delete well known SIDs if they are allocated already.
if ( BrGlobalBrowserSecurityDescriptor != NULL ) { NetpDeleteSecurityObject( &BrGlobalBrowserSecurityDescriptor ); BrGlobalBrowserSecurityDescriptor = NULL; }
#if DBG
BrUninitializeTraceLog(); #endif
// Free the list of events that have already been logged.
NetpEventlogClose ( BrGlobalEventlogHandle ); BrGlobalEventlogHandle = NULL;
// We are done with cleaning up. Tell Service Controller that we are
// stopped.
SET_SERVICE_EXITCODE( ErrorCode, BrGlobalData.Status.dwWin32ExitCode, BrGlobalData.Status.dwServiceSpecificExitCode );
(void) BrGiveInstallHints( SERVICE_STOPPED ); }
NET_API_STATUS BrGiveInstallHints( DWORD NewState ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function updates the Browser service status with the Service Controller.
NewState - State to tell the service contoller
Return Value:
NET_API_STATUS - NERR_Success or reason for failure.
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS status = NERR_Success;
// If we're not starting,
// we don't need this install hint.
if ( BrGlobalData.Status.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_START_PENDING && NewState == SERVICE_START_PENDING ) { return NERR_Success; }
// Update our state for the service controller.
BrGlobalData.Status.dwCurrentState = NewState; switch ( NewState ) { case SERVICE_RUNNING: BrGlobalData.Status.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP; //
// On DCs, shut down cleanly.
if (BrInfo.IsLanmanNt) { BrGlobalData.Status.dwControlsAccepted |= SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN; } BrGlobalData.Status.dwCheckPoint = 0; BrGlobalData.Status.dwWaitHint = 0; break;
case SERVICE_START_PENDING: BrGlobalData.Status.dwCheckPoint++; break;
case SERVICE_STOPPED: BrGlobalData.Status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; BrGlobalData.Status.dwControlsAccepted = 0; BrGlobalData.Status.dwCheckPoint = 0; BrGlobalData.Status.dwWaitHint = 0; break;
case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: BrGlobalData.Status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; BrGlobalData.Status.dwCheckPoint = 1; BrGlobalData.Status.dwWaitHint = BR_WAIT_HINT_TIME; break; }
// Tell the service controller our current state.
if (BrGlobalData.StatusHandle == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE) 0) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "Cannot call SetServiceStatus, no status handle.\n" ));
if (! SetServiceStatus(BrGlobalData.StatusHandle, &BrGlobalData.Status)) {
status = GetLastError();
BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "SetServiceStatus error %lu\n", status)); }
return status; }
NET_API_STATUS BrUpdateAnnouncementBits( IN PDOMAIN_INFO DomainInfo OPTIONAL, IN ULONG Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This will update the service announcement bits appropriately depending on the role of the browser server.
DomainInfo - Domain the announcement is to be made for NULL implies the primary domain.
Flags - Control flags to pass to BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncement
Return Value:
Status - Status of the update..
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS Status;
Status = BrEnumerateNetworksForDomain(DomainInfo, BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncementBits, ULongToPtr(Flags));
return Status; }
ULONG BrGetBrowserServiceBits( IN PNETWORK Network ) { DWORD ServiceBits = 0; if (Network->Role & ROLE_POTENTIAL_BACKUP) { ServiceBits |= SV_TYPE_POTENTIAL_BROWSER; }
if (Network->Role & ROLE_BACKUP) { ServiceBits |= SV_TYPE_BACKUP_BROWSER; }
if (Network->Role & ROLE_MASTER) { ServiceBits |= SV_TYPE_MASTER_BROWSER; }
if (Network->Role & ROLE_DOMAINMASTER) { ServiceBits |= SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_MASTER;
return ServiceBits;
VOID BrUpdateAnnouncementTimerRoutine( IN PVOID TimerContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called periodically until we've successfully updated our announcement status.
Return Value:
{ PNETWORK Network = TimerContext; ULONG Periodicity; NET_API_STATUS Status;
// Prevent the network from being deleted while we're in this timer routine.
if ( BrReferenceNetwork( Network ) == NULL ) { return; }
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { return; }
BrPrint(( BR_NETWORK, "%ws: %ws: Periodic try to BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncementBits\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer ));
// If we still need an announcement,
// do it now.
if ( Network->Flags & NETWORK_ANNOUNCE_NEEDED ) { (VOID) BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncementBits( Network, (PVOID) BR_PARANOID ); }
UNLOCK_NETWORK(Network); BrDereferenceNetwork( Network ); }
NET_API_STATUS BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncementBits( IN PNETWORK Network, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the informs the bowser driver and the SMB server the current status of this transport.
Network - Network being updated
Context - Flags describing the circumstance of the call.
BR_SHUTDOWN - Transport is being shutdown. BR_PARANOID - This is a superfluous call ensuring the services are in sync with us.
Return Value:
{ NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; NET_API_STATUS NetStatusToReturn = NERR_Success; ULONG Flags = PtrToUlong(Context); ULONG Periodicity; BOOL fUpdateNow;
ULONG ServiceBits;
if (!LOCK_NETWORK(Network)) { return NERR_InternalError; }
ServiceBits = BrGetBrowserServiceBits(Network);
// Have the browser update it's information.
// Don't ever tell the browser to turn off the potential bit - this
// has the side effect of turning off the election name.
NetStatus = BrUpdateBrowserStatus( Network, (Flags & BR_SHUTDOWN) ? 0 : ServiceBits | SV_TYPE_POTENTIAL_BROWSER);
if (NetStatus != NERR_Success) { BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "%ws: %ws: BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncementBits: Cannot BrUpdateBrowserStatus %ld\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, NetStatus )); NetStatusToReturn = NetStatus; }
#if DBG
BrUpdateDebugInformation(L"LastServiceStatus", L"LastServiceBits", Network->NetworkName.Buffer, NULL, ServiceBits); #endif
// Tell the SMB server what the status is.
// On shutdown, tell it that we have no services.
// When paranoid (or pseudo), don't force an announcement.
if ( (Flags & BR_PARANOID) && BrInfo.PseudoServerLevel != BROWSER_PSEUDO ) { fUpdateNow = TRUE; } else { fUpdateNow = FALSE; } #else
fUpdateNow = (Flags & BR_PARANOID) ? TRUE : FALSE; #endif
NetStatus = I_NetServerSetServiceBitsEx( NULL, Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeComputerName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, BROWSER_SERVICE_BITS_OF_INTEREST, ( Flags & BR_SHUTDOWN) ? 0 : ServiceBits, fUpdateNow );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success) {
BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "%ws: %ws: BrUpdateNetworkAnnouncementBits: Cannot I_NetServerSetServiceBitsEx %ld\n", Network->DomainInfo->DomUnicodeDomainName, Network->NetworkName.Buffer, NetStatus ));
// If the only problem is that the transport doesn't exist in
// the SMB server, don't even bother reporting the problem.
// Or if it's a shutdown, filter out log failures. In some cases the
// smb svr is already unavailable & we get unexpected failures. Reporting
// to event log can mislead the admin.
if ( NetStatus != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND && NetStatus != NERR_NetNameNotFound && !(Flags & BR_SHUTDOWN) ) { BrLogEvent(EVENT_BROWSER_STATUS_BITS_UPDATE_FAILED, NetStatus, 0, NULL); NetStatusToReturn = NetStatus; #if 0
// debugging when we get service update bit failures
OutputDebugStringA("\nBrowser.dll: Update service bits tracing.\n"); ASSERT( NetStatus != NERR_Success ); #endif
// Either way. Mark that we need to announce again later.
Periodicity = UpdateAnnouncementPeriodicity[Network->UpdateAnnouncementIndex];
BrSetTimer(&Network->UpdateAnnouncementTimer, Periodicity, BrUpdateAnnouncementTimerRoutine, Network);
if (Network->UpdateAnnouncementIndex != UpdateAnnouncementMax) { Network->UpdateAnnouncementIndex += 1; }
// If we successfully informed the server,
// mark it.
} else { Network->Flags &= ~NETWORK_ANNOUNCE_NEEDED; Network->UpdateAnnouncementIndex = 0; }
return NetStatusToReturn; }
VOID BrowserControlHandler( IN DWORD Opcode ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the service control handler of the Browser service.
Opcode - Supplies a value which specifies the action for the Browser service to perform.
Arg - Supplies a value which tells a service specifically what to do for an operation specified by Opcode.
Return Value:
--*/ { BrPrint(( BR_MAIN, "In Control Handler\n"));
switch (Opcode) {
if (BrGlobalData.Status.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) {
BrPrint(( BR_MAIN, "Stopping Browser...\n"));
if (! SetEvent(BrGlobalData.TerminateNowEvent)) {
// Problem with setting event to terminate Browser
// service.
BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "Error setting TerminateNowEvent " FORMAT_API_STATUS "\n", GetLastError())); NetpAssert(FALSE); } }
// Send the status response.
(void) BrGiveInstallHints( SERVICE_STOP_PENDING );
default: BrPrint(( BR_CRITICAL, "Unknown Browser opcode " FORMAT_HEX_DWORD "\n", Opcode)); }
// Send the status response.
(void) BrGiveInstallHints( SERVICE_START_PENDING ); }