Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains functions that handle the displaying of messages.
Currently a message box is used to display messages. A message queueing scheme has been setup so that the messenger worker threads can call a function with a pointer to a message buffer. That message will get copied into the queue so that the worker thread can go on gathering more messages. When the display thread will be doing one of the following: 1) Displaying a message - waiting for the user to press "ok". 2) Sleeping - waiting for an event that will _tell it to _read the message queue.
When the display thread completes displaying a message, it will check the queue for the next message to display. If there are no further messages, it will go to sleep until a message comes in.
Dan Lafferty (danl) 24-Feb-1992
User Mode -Win32
Revision History:
04-Nov-1992 danl MsgDisplayThread: Handle Extended Characters. This was done by translating the Oem-style characters in the message to the unicode equivalent, and then calling the Unicode version of the MessageBox Api. It will still call the Ansi version of the MessageBox if the string cannot be translated for some reason.
26-Oct-1992 danl MsgDisplayQueueAdd: Added Beep when message is added to queue. Fixed bug where "if (status = TRUE)" caused the GlobalMsgDisplayEvent to always be set.
24-Feb-1992 danl created
#include "msrv.h"
#include <msgdbg.h> // STATIC and MSG_LOG
#include <string.h> // memcpy
#include <winuser.h> // MessageBox
#include "msgdata.h" // GlobalMsgDisplayEvent
#define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 25
#define WAIT_FOREVER 0xffffffff
// Queue Entry Structure
typedef struct _QUEUE_ENTRY { struct _QUEUE_ENTRY *Next; ULONG SessionId; SYSTEMTIME BigTime; CHAR Message[1]; }QUEUE_ENTRY, *LPQUEUE_ENTRY;
// This critical section serializes access to all the other globals.
CRITICAL_SECTION MsgDisplayCriticalSection;
// Used to wakeup the display thread if it was put to sleep due to
// not having a user desktop to display the message on.
HANDLE hGlobalDisplayEvent;
// These are the Display Queue pointers & counts.
LPQUEUE_ENTRY GlobalMsgQueueHead; LPQUEUE_ENTRY GlobalMsgQueueTail; DWORD GlobalMsgQueueCount;
BOOL fGlobalInitialized;
// This indicates whether there is a display thread already available that
// can service requests. If this is false, it means a new thread will
// need to be created.
HANDLE GlobalDisplayThread;
// Function Prototypes
BOOL MsgDisplayQueueRead( OUT LPQUEUE_ENTRY *pQueueEntry );
DWORD MsgDisplayThread( LPVOID parm );
VOID MsgMakeNewFormattedMsg( LPWSTR *ppHead, LPWSTR *ppTime, LPWSTR *ppBody, SYSTEMTIME BigTime );
BOOL MsgDisplayQueueAdd( IN LPSTR pMsgBuffer, IN DWORD MsgSize, IN ULONG SessionId, IN SYSTEMTIME BigTime )
Routine Description:
This function adds a Message to the display queue. If the queue is full, the message is rejected.
pMsgBuffer - This is a pointer to the buffer where the message is stored. The message must be in the form of a pre-formatted (with message header) NUL-terminated string of ansi characters.
MsgSize - Indicates the size (in bytes) of the message in the message buffer, including the NUL terminator.
BigTime - This is a SYSTEMTIME that indicates the time the message was received.
Return Value:
TRUE - The message was successfully stored in the queue.
FALSE - The message was rejected. Either the queue was full, or there was not enough memory to store the message in the queue.
--*/ { LPQUEUE_ENTRY pQueueEntry; BOOL status; DWORD threadId;
MSG_LOG(TRACE,"Adding a message to the display queue\n",0);
// ***************************
// **** LOCK QUEUE ACCESS ****
// ***************************
// Is there room for the message in the queue?
if (GlobalMsgQueueCount >= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) { MSG_LOG(TRACE,"DisplayQueueAdd: Max Queue Size Exceeded\n",0); status = FALSE; goto CleanExit; }
// Allocate memory for the message in the queue.
pQueueEntry = (LPQUEUE_ENTRY)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, MsgSize + sizeof(QUEUE_ENTRY));
if (pQueueEntry == NULL) { MSG_LOG(ERROR,"DisplayQueueAdd: Unable to allocate memory\n",0); status = FALSE; goto CleanExit; }
// Copy the message into the queue entry.
pQueueEntry->Next = NULL; memcpy(pQueueEntry->Message, pMsgBuffer, MsgSize); pQueueEntry->BigTime = BigTime; pQueueEntry->SessionId = SessionId;
// Update the queue management pointer.
if (GlobalMsgQueueCount == 0) { //
// There are no entries in the queue. So make the head
// and the tail equal.
GlobalMsgQueueTail = pQueueEntry; GlobalMsgQueueHead = pQueueEntry; } else { //
// Create the new Queue Tail and have the old tail's next pointer
// point to the new tail.
GlobalMsgQueueTail->Next = pQueueEntry; GlobalMsgQueueTail = pQueueEntry; } GlobalMsgQueueCount++; status = TRUE;
// If a display thread doesn't exist, then create one.
if (GlobalDisplayThread == NULL) {
// No use to create the event in Hydra case, since the thread will never go asleep.
if (!g_IsTerminalServer) {
hGlobalDisplayEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, // auto-reset
FALSE, // init to non-signaled
GlobalDisplayThread = CreateThread ( NULL, // Thread Attributes
0, // StackSize -- process default
MsgDisplayThread, // lpStartAddress
(PVOID)NULL, // lpParameter
0L, // Creation Flags
&threadId); // lpThreadId
if (GlobalDisplayThread == (HANDLE) NULL) { //
// If we couldn't create the display thread, then we can't do
// much about it. Might as well leave the entry in the queue.
// Perhaps we can display it the next time around.
MSG_LOG(ERROR,"MsgDisplayQueueAdd:CreateThread FAILURE %ld\n", GetLastError());
if (hGlobalDisplayEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(hGlobalDisplayEvent); hGlobalDisplayEvent = NULL; } } }
// *****************************
// *****************************
// If we actually put something in the queue, then beep.
if (status == TRUE) { if (g_IsTerminalServer) { MsgArrivalBeep( SessionId ); } else { MessageBeep(MB_OK); } } return(status); }
VOID MsgDisplayThreadWakeup()
Routine Description:
This function is called at shutdown, or for API requests. It causes the display thread to wake up and read the queue again.
If the display thread cannot display the message because the MessageBox call fails, then we assume it is because the user desktop is not avaiable because the screensaver is on, or because the workstation is locked. In this case, the display thread hangs around waiting for this Event to get signalled. Winlogon calls one of the API entry points in order to stimulate the display thread into action again.
Return Value:
--*/ { // ***************************
// **** LOCK QUEUE ACCESS ****
// ***************************
if ( hGlobalDisplayEvent != (HANDLE)NULL ) { SetEvent( hGlobalDisplayEvent ); } // *****************************
// *****************************
LeaveCriticalSection(&MsgDisplayCriticalSection); }
DWORD MsgDisplayInit( VOID )
Routine Description:
This function initializes everything having to do with the displaying of messages. It does the following:
Initializes the Locks on global data Creates event for display thread to wait on. Starts the display thread that will read the msg queue.
Return Value:
Always TRUE.
--*/ { DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR; NTSTATUS status;
MSG_LOG(TRACE,"Initializing the Message Display Code\n",0);
// Initialize the Critical Section that protects access to global data.
status = MsgInitCriticalSection(&MsgDisplayCriticalSection);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { fGlobalInitialized = TRUE; } else { MSG_LOG1(ERROR, "MsgDisplayInit: MsgInitCriticalSection failed %#x\n", status);
GlobalMsgQueueHead = NULL; GlobalMsgQueueTail = NULL; GlobalMsgQueueCount = 0; GlobalDisplayThread = NULL;
return dwError; }
VOID MsgDisplayEnd( VOID )
Routine Description:
This function makes sure the Display Thread has completed its work, and free's up all of its resources.
*** IMPORTANT *** NOTE: This function should only be called when it is no longer possible for the MsgDisplayQueueAdd function to get called.
Return Value:
--*/ { LPQUEUE_ENTRY freeEntry;
if (!fGlobalInitialized) { return; }
// ***************************
// **** LOCK QUEUE ACCESS ****
// ***************************
if (GlobalDisplayThread != NULL) { TerminateThread(GlobalDisplayThread,0); CloseHandle( GlobalDisplayThread ); }
// To make sure a new thread won't be created...
GlobalDisplayThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Free memory in the queue
while(GlobalMsgQueueCount > 0) {
freeEntry = GlobalMsgQueueHead; GlobalMsgQueueHead = GlobalMsgQueueHead->Next; LocalFree(freeEntry); GlobalMsgQueueCount--;
} if (hGlobalDisplayEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(hGlobalDisplayEvent); hGlobalDisplayEvent = NULL; }
fGlobalInitialized = FALSE;
// *****************************
// *****************************
MSG_LOG(TRACE,"The Display has free'd resources and is terminating\n",0); }
BOOL MsgDisplayQueueRead( OUT LPQUEUE_ENTRY *pQueueEntry )
Routine Description:
Pulls a display entry out of the display queue.
pQueueEntry - This is a pointer to a location where a pointer to the queue entry structure can be placed.
Return Value:
TRUE - If an entry was found. FALSE- If an entry wasn't found.
Note on LOCKS:
The caller MUST hold the MsgDisplayCriticalSection Lock prior to calling this function!!!
--*/ { BOOL status;
// If there is data in the queue, then get the pointer to the queue
// entry from the queue head. Then decrement the queue count and
// set the queue head to the next entry (which could be zero if there
// are no more).
if (GlobalMsgQueueCount != 0) { *pQueueEntry = GlobalMsgQueueHead; GlobalMsgQueueCount--; GlobalMsgQueueHead = (*pQueueEntry)->Next; status = TRUE; MSG_LOG(TRACE,"A message was read from the display queue\n",0); } else{ status = FALSE; *pQueueEntry = NULL; }
DWORD MsgDisplayThread( LPVOID parm )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
This worker thread expects that the critical section guarding the global queue data is already initialized.
--*/ { LPQUEUE_ENTRY pQueueEntry; INT displayStatus; DWORD msgrState; UNICODE_STRING unicodeString; OEM_STRING oemString; NTSTATUS ntStatus; USHORT unicodeLength; LPWSTR pHead; // pointer to header portion of message
LPSTR pHeadAnsi; // pointer to header of message pulled from queue
LPWSTR pTime; // pointer to time portion of message
LPWSTR pBody; // pointer to body of message (just after time)
SYSTEMTIME BigTime; ULONG SessionId; // SessionId of the recipient (found in QUEUE_ENTRY)
BOOL MsgToRead = TRUE; // tells us whether or not to sleep.
pHead = NULL; pQueueEntry = NULL;
do {
// If we are not currently working on displaying a message,
// then get a new message from the queue.
if (pHead == NULL) { // ***************************
// **** LOCK QUEUE ACCESS ****
// ***************************
if (!MsgDisplayQueueRead(&pQueueEntry)) { //
// No display entries in the queue. We can leave.
MsgToRead = FALSE;
CloseHandle(GlobalDisplayThread); GlobalDisplayThread = NULL;
if (hGlobalDisplayEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(hGlobalDisplayEvent); hGlobalDisplayEvent = NULL; }
// *****************************
// *****************************
LeaveCriticalSection(&MsgDisplayCriticalSection); //
// From this point on, we can't access any global
// variables.
} else { // *****************************
// *****************************
// Process the entry.
BigTime = pQueueEntry->BigTime; SessionId = pQueueEntry->SessionId;
// Here we trash the pQueueEntry structure by pointing to the
// beginning and copying the message data starting at the
// first address. This is because MsgMakeNewFormattedMsg
// expects the message to begin at a address that can be
// released with LocalFree();
pHeadAnsi = (LPSTR) pQueueEntry; strcpy(pHeadAnsi, pQueueEntry->Message);
// Convert the data from the OEM character set to the
// Unicode character set.
RtlInitAnsiString(&oemString, pHeadAnsi);
unicodeLength = oemString.Length * sizeof(WCHAR);
unicodeString.Buffer = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, unicodeLength + sizeof(WCHAR));
if (unicodeString.Buffer == NULL) { //
// Couldn't allocate for unicode buffer. Therefore we will
// display the message with the Ansi version of the
// message box API.
LocalFree(pHeadAnsi); pHeadAnsi = NULL; } else { unicodeString.Length = unicodeLength; unicodeString.MaximumLength = unicodeLength + sizeof(WCHAR);
ntStatus = RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &unicodeString, // Destination
&oemString, // Source
FALSE); // Don't allocate the destination.
LocalFree(pHeadAnsi); pHeadAnsi = NULL;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { MSG_LOG(ERROR, "MsgDisplayThread:RtlOemStringToUnicodeString Failed rc=%X\n", ntStatus);
LocalFree(unicodeString.Buffer); unicodeString.Buffer = NULL; } else { pHead = unicodeString.Buffer; pTime = wcsstr(pHead, GlobalTimePlaceHolderUnicode);
if (pTime != NULL) { pBody = pTime + wcslen(GlobalTimePlaceHolderUnicode); } else { pTime = pBody = pHead; } } } } }
if (pHead != NULL) { MsgMakeNewFormattedMsg(&pHead, &pTime, &pBody, BigTime);
// Display the data in the QueueEntry
MSG_LOG(TRACE, "Calling MessageBox\n",0);
if (g_IsTerminalServer) { displayStatus = DisplayMessage(pHead, GlobalMessageBoxTitle, SessionId);
// In Hydra case do not care about the error, since DisplayMessageW returns FALSE
// only if the user cannot be found on any Winstation. No use to try again in that case !
// So free up the data in the QueueEntry in any case
LocalFree(pHead); pHead = NULL; } else { displayStatus = MessageBox(NULL, pHead, GlobalMessageBoxTitle, MB_OK | MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY);
if (displayStatus == 0) { //
// MessageBoxW can fail in case the current desktop is not the application desktop
// So wait and try again later (Winlogon will "tickle" messenger at desktop switching)
MSG_LOG1(TRACE,"MessageBox (unicode) Call failed %d\n",GetLastError()); WaitForSingleObject( hGlobalDisplayEvent, INFINITE ); } else { //
// Free up the data in the QueueEntry
LocalFree(pHead); pHead = NULL; } } }
msgrState = GetMsgrState(); } while(MsgToRead && (msgrState != STOPPING) && (msgrState != STOPPED));
return 0; }
VOID MsgMakeNewFormattedMsg( LPWSTR *ppHead, LPWSTR *ppTime, LPWSTR *ppBody, SYSTEMTIME BigTime )
Routine Description:
This function returns a buffer containing an entire message that consists of a single string of ansi (actually oem) characters. Pointers to various areas (time and body) within this buffer are also returned.
MEMORY MANAGEMENT NOTE: *ppHead is expected to point to the top of the buffer. If the message is reformatted, then this buffer will have been freed, and a new buffer will have been allocated. It is expected that the caller allocates the original buffer passed in, and that the caller will free it when it is no longer needed.
ppHead - Pointer to location that contains the pointer to the message buffer.
ppTime - Pointer to location that contains the pointer to the time portion of the message buffer.
ppBody - Pointer to location that immediately follows the time string.
Return Value:
none. If this fails to allocate memory for the formatted message, then the unformatted message should be displayed.
--*/ { WCHAR TimeBuf[TIME_BUF_SIZE + 1]; DWORD BufSize; LPWSTR pTemp; DWORD numChars; LPWSTR pOldHead;
// Create a properly formatted time string.
BufSize = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, // flags
&BigTime, // date message was received
NULL, // use default format
TimeBuf, // buffer
sizeof(TimeBuf) / sizeof(WCHAR)); // size (in characters)
if (BufSize != 0) { //
// Return value includes the trailing NUL
TimeBuf[BufSize - 1] = ' ';
BufSize += GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, // flags
&BigTime, // time message was received
NULL, // use default format
TimeBuf + BufSize, // buffer
sizeof(TimeBuf) / sizeof(WCHAR) - BufSize);
ASSERT(wcslen(TimeBuf) == (BufSize - 1)); }
if (BufSize == 0) { //
// Something went wrong
MSG_LOG1(ERROR, "MsgMakeNewFormattedMsg: Date/time formatting failed %d\n", GetLastError());
TimeBuf[0] = L'\0'; }
if (wcsncmp(TimeBuf, *ppTime, BufSize - 1) == 0) { //
// If the newly formatted time string is the same as the existing
// time string, there is nothing to do so we just return.
MSG_LOG0(TRACE, "MsgMakeNewFormattedMsg: Time Format has not changed - no update.\n");
return; }
// Allocate a new message buffer
BufSize--; BufSize += wcslen(*ppHead) + sizeof(WCHAR) - (DWORD) (*ppBody - *ppTime);
pTemp = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, BufSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (pTemp == NULL) { MSG_LOG0(ERROR,"MsgMakeNewFormattedMsg: LocalAlloc failed\n"); return; }
pOldHead = *ppHead;
// Copy the header of the message.
numChars = (DWORD) (*ppTime - *ppHead); wcsncpy(pTemp, *ppHead, numChars); *ppHead = pTemp;
// Copy the time string
*ppTime = *ppHead + numChars; wcscpy(*ppTime, TimeBuf);
// Copy the Body of the message
pTemp = *ppBody; *ppBody = *ppTime + wcslen(*ppTime); wcscpy(*ppBody, pTemp);
LocalFree(pOldHead); return; }