* * NOTES: * * REVISIONS: * * cad08Sep93: Trapping set to handle wierd cases * cad10Sep93: Simplified, seems to work * pcy20Sep93: Wait for possible top fan event to occur * pcy08Apr94: Trim size, use static iterators, dead code removal * mwh30Jun94: if BYPASS_SOFTWARE sleep 3 secs to see if TOPFANFAILURE (1x) * mwh30Jun94: had to add unistd.h for sleep on unix * cgm12Apr96: Add destructor with unregister * clk24Jun98: In Set, changed Sensor::Set to theCommControllerSet */
#define INCL_BASE
#define INCL_DOS
#define INCL_NOPM
#include "cdefine.h"
extern "C" { #if (C_OS & C_OS2)
#include <os2.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if (C_OS & C_UNIX)
#include <unistd.h>
#include "bypmodes.h"
#include "comctrl.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "pollparm.h"
#include "timerman.h"
BypassModeSensor :: BypassModeSensor(PDevice aParent, PCommController aCommController) : StateSensor(aParent, aCommController, BYPASS_MODE, AREAD_WRITE), theBypassCause(0) { #ifdef SINGLETHREADED
theAlreadyOnBypassFlag = 0; #endif
storeState(UPS_NOT_ON_BYPASS); theCommController->RegisterEvent(theSensorCode, this);
// We force registering for this cause protocol doesn't handle it
theCommController->RegisterEvent(STATE_REGISTER, this); }
BypassModeSensor :: ~BypassModeSensor() { theCommController->UnregisterEvent(theSensorCode, this); theCommController->UnregisterEvent(STATE_REGISTER, this); } #if 0
*** Removed for size concerns. This is really a redundant feature since *** protocol generates these events
INT BypassModeSensor::Validate(INT aCode, const PCHAR aValue) { INT err = ErrNO_ERROR; if(aCode!=theSensorCode) { err = ErrINVALID_CODE; } else { err = StateSensor::Validate(aCode, aValue); } return err; }
INT BypassModeSensor::Update(PEvent anEvent) { INT val = atoi(anEvent->GetValue());
switch(val) { case UPS_ON_BYPASS: theBypassCause = atoi(anEvent->GetAttributeValue(BYPASS_CAUSE)); //
// Another UPSLinkism. If on bypass by top fan failure, the UPS
// also tells us on bypass by computer select which is what we
// use to indicate a software bypass
if(theBypassCause == BYPASS_BY_SOFTWARE) { CHAR value[32]; #ifdef SINGLETHREADED
if (!theAlreadyOnBypassFlag) { theAlreadyOnBypassFlag = 1;
#if (C_OS & C_WIN311)
_theTimerManager->Wait(3000L); // changed wait to 3 seconds 3/15/94 jod
sleep(3); // three seconds
} #else
_theTimerManager->Wait(3000L); // changed wait to 3 seconds 3/15/94 jod
theCommController->Get(TRIP1_REGISTER, value); if(atoi(value) & TOPFANFAILUREMASK) { anEvent->SetAttributeValue(BYPASS_CAUSE, BYPASS_BY_TOP_FAN_FAILURE); theBypassCause = BYPASS_BY_TOP_FAN_FAILURE; } } break;
theAlreadyOnBypassFlag = 0; #endif
theBypassCause = 0; } return Sensor::Update(anEvent); }
BypassModeSensor::Get(INT aCode, PCHAR aValue) { CHAR state_value[32]; CHAR trip_value[32]; CHAR trip1_value[32]; theCommController->Get(STATE_REGISTER, state_value); theCommController->Get(TRIP_REGISTER, trip_value); theCommController->Get(TRIP1_REGISTER, trip1_value);
INT state = 0; if((atoi(state_value) & (SWITCHEDBYPASSMASK | COMPSELECTBYPASSMASK)) || (atoi(trip_value) & (OVERTEMPMASK | BATTERYCHARGERMASK)) || (atoi(trip1_value) & (BYPASSDCIMBALANCEMASK | BYPASSOUTPUTLIMITSMASK | TOPFANFAILUREMASK))) { state = UPS_ON_BYPASS; } else { state = UPS_NOT_ON_BYPASS; } sprintf(aValue, "%d", state); return ErrNO_ERROR; }
INT BypassModeSensor::Set(const PCHAR aValue) { INT err = ErrNO_ERROR;
switch (atoi(aValue)) { case INITIATE_BYPASS: // sprintf(buf,"%d",UPS_ON_BYPASS);
// err = StateSensor::Set(buf);
// aValue[0]=0;
err = theCommController->Set(theSensorCode, aValue); break;
case CANCEL_BYPASS: // Let real value get set when state change in UPS is detected
// Will cause double events, but should be OK
// aValue[0]=0;
err = theCommController->Set(theSensorCode, aValue); break;
default: err = ErrINVALID_VALUE; break; } return err; }