* * NOTES: * * REVISIONS: * ker02DEC92: Initial breakout of sensor classes into indiv files * ker04DEC92: Initial Filling in of Member Functions * SjA11Dec92: Validate method now returns ErrNO_ERROR rather than VALID. * pcy17Dec92: Now I do StateSensor::Validate before doing my own. * pcy16Feb93: No longer need to register for UPS_STATE * pcy16Feb93: Get transfer cause and ignore if self test * ajr22Feb93: included utils.h * jod05Apr93: Added changes for Deep Discharge * cad09Sep93: Fix for lights test causing events * pcy09Sep93: Check LINE_AVAILABILITY to make sure line is bad * pcy10Sep93: Hopefully this works now * pcy18Sep93: Cleaned up line condition handling * pcy20Sep93: handle line fails during tests and sim pwr fail * pcy12Oct93: 2 ABNORMALS to cause a line bad (fixes LF during cal) * pcy13Apr94: Use automatic variables decrease dynamic mem allocation * djs16Mar95: changed upsstate.h to sysstate.h * cgm10Apr96: Destructor should unregister */
#define INCL_BASE
#define INCL_DOS
#define INCL_NOPM
#include "cdefine.h"
extern "C" { #if (C_OS & C_OS2)
#include <os2.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
} #include "ulinecon.h"
#include "comctrl.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "sysstate.h"
#include "timerman.h"
#define QCOMMAND 0
UtilityLineConditionSensor :: UtilityLineConditionSensor(PDevice aParent, PCommController aCommController) : StateSensor(aParent, aCommController, UTILITY_LINE_CONDITION), theInformationSource(0), theLineFailCount(0), theUpsState(0) { storeState(LINE_GOOD); theCommController->RegisterEvent(UTILITY_LINE_CONDITION, this); theDevice->RegisterEvent(BATTERY_CALIBRATION_CONDITION, this); theDevice->RegisterEvent(SIMULATE_POWER_FAIL, this); theDevice->RegisterEvent(SELF_TEST_STATE, this); }
INT UtilityLineConditionSensor::Update(PEvent anEvent) { INT err = ErrNO_ERROR; INT aCode = anEvent->GetCode(); PCHAR aValue = anEvent->GetValue(); switch(aCode) { case BATTERY_CALIBRATION_CONDITION: switch(atoi(aValue)) { case BATTERY_CALIBRATION_IN_PROGRESS: theCommController->UnregisterEvent(UTILITY_LINE_CONDITION, this); theCommController->RegisterEvent(LINE_CONDITION_TEST, this); theInformationSource = NINECOMMAND; break; case NO_BATTERY_CALIBRATION: case NO_BATTERY_CALIBRATION_IN_PROGRESS: case BATTERY_CALIBRATION_CANCELLED: if (theInformationSource == NINECOMMAND) { theCommController->UnregisterEvent(LINE_CONDITION_TEST, this); theCommController->RegisterEvent(UTILITY_LINE_CONDITION, this); theInformationSource = QCOMMAND; } break; } break; case LINE_CONDITION_TEST: //
// Convert the event to a UTILITY_LINE_CONDITION event and
// send it to myself
switch(atoi(aValue)) { case ABNORMAL_CONDITION: { //
// Only after the second successive abnormal condition should
// we bother with this. This is so we ignore ABNORMAL_COND
// events at the start of deep discharge
if(theLineFailCount > 0) { CHAR lbtmp[31]; sprintf(lbtmp, "%d", LINE_BAD); if ((err = StateSensor::Validate(UTILITY_LINE_CONDITION, lbtmp)) == ErrNO_ERROR) { Event evt(UTILITY_LINE_CONDITION, LINE_BAD); storeValue(lbtmp); UpdateObj::Update(&evt); } } else { theLineFailCount++; } } break; case NO_ABNORMAL_CONDITION: { theLineFailCount = 0; CHAR lbtmp[31]; sprintf(lbtmp, "%d", LINE_GOOD); if ((err = StateSensor::Validate(UTILITY_LINE_CONDITION, lbtmp)) == ErrNO_ERROR) { Event evt(UTILITY_LINE_CONDITION, LINE_GOOD); storeValue(lbtmp); UpdateObj::Update(&evt); } } break; } // switch for case LINE_CONDITION_TEST
case UTILITY_LINE_CONDITION: if ((err = Validate(aCode, aValue)) == ErrNO_ERROR) { storeValue(aValue); UpdateObj::Update(anEvent); } break; case SIMULATE_POWER_FAIL: switch(atoi(aValue)) { case SIMULATE_POWER_FAIL: SET_BIT(theUpsState, SIMULATE_POWER_FAIL_BIT); break; case SIMULATE_POWER_FAIL_OVER: CLEAR_BIT(theUpsState, SIMULATE_POWER_FAIL_BIT); break; } break; case SELF_TEST_STATE: switch(atoi(aValue)) { case SELF_TEST_IN_PROGRESS: SET_BIT(theUpsState, SELF_TEST_BIT); break; case NO_SELF_TEST_IN_PROGRESS: CLEAR_BIT(theUpsState, SELF_TEST_BIT); break; } break; }
return err; }
INT UtilityLineConditionSensor::Validate(INT aCode, const PCHAR aValue) { INT err = ErrNO_ERROR; if (aCode != theSensorCode) { err = ErrINVALID_CODE; } else if(IS_STATE(UPS_STATE_IN_SELF_TEST)) { err = ErrTEST_IN_PROGRESS; } else { switch(atoi(aValue)) { case LINE_GOOD: { theLineFailCount = 0; //
// Make sure line is good to handle UPSLinkism
// that doesnt change tranfer cause when line
// fails during self test or sim pwrfail
CHAR line_state[32]; theCommController->Get(LINE_CONDITION_TEST, line_state); if(atoi(line_state) == ABNORMAL_CONDITION) { err = ErrINVALID_VALUE; } break; }
case LINE_BAD: //
// Dont do this if we're a BackUPS
if (theDevice->IsA() != BACKUPS) { //
// If we're in DeepDischarge ignore LINE_BAD events
if(theInformationSource != NINECOMMAND) { //
// If we're simulating a power fail
// don't try to stop the event
if(!(IS_STATE(UPS_STATE_SIMULATED_POWER_FAIL))) { CHAR transfer_cause[32]; CHAR self_test[32]; CHAR line_state[32]; //
// If transfer is due to a self test double check
// to see if line is bad
theCommController->Get(TRANSFER_CAUSE, transfer_cause); _itoa(SELF_TEST_TRANSFER, self_test, 10); if (strcmp(transfer_cause, self_test) == 0) { //
// Make sure line is bad to handle UPSLinkism
// that doesnt change tranfer cause when line
// fails during self test or sim pwrfail
theCommController->Get(LINE_CONDITION_TEST, line_state); if(atoi(line_state) == NO_ABNORMAL_CONDITION) { err = ErrINVALID_VALUE; } else { //
// Wait a while to handle UPS-Linkism for
// the 9 command that returns 00 at the start
// of a self test
_theTimerManager->Wait(3000L); theCommController->Get(LINE_CONDITION_TEST, line_state); if(atoi(line_state) == NO_ABNORMAL_CONDITION) { err = ErrINVALID_VALUE; } } } //
// Same for Lights Test
CHAR ups_status[32]; theDevice->Get(UPS_STATE, ups_status); if (atoi(ups_status) & UPS_STATE_IN_LIGHTS_TEST) { err = ErrINVALID_VALUE; } } } } // if (!= BACKUPS)
default: err = ErrINVALID_VALUE; break; } if (err == ErrNO_ERROR) { err = StateSensor::Validate(aCode, aValue); } } return err; }
UtilityLineConditionSensor :: ~UtilityLineConditionSensor() { if (theCommController) theCommController->UnregisterEvent(UTILITY_LINE_CONDITION, this);
if (theDevice) { theDevice->UnregisterEvent(BATTERY_CALIBRATION_CONDITION, this); theDevice->UnregisterEvent(SIMULATE_POWER_FAIL, this); theDevice->UnregisterEvent(SELF_TEST_STATE, this); }