Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Command line test tool for calling the NwlibMakeNcp function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ntddnwfs.h>
#include <nwapi32.h>
#include <nwxchg.h>
// NCP Function Control definitions
#define CTL_NCP_E3H 0x0014105F
#define CTL_NCP_E2H 0x0014105B
#define CTL_NCP_E1H 0x00141057
#define CTL_NCP_E0H 0x00141053
// Local structure definition
// Local function definitions
NTSTATUS SendAnNCP1( NWCONN_HANDLE ConnectionHandle );
NTSTATUS SendAnNCP2( NWCONN_HANDLE ConnectionHandle );
NTSTATUS SendAnNCP3( NWCONN_HANDLE ConnectionHandle );
// Main program function
int _cdecl main( int argc, char **argv ) { NTSTATUS ntstatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; NWCCODE nwccode = SUCCESSFUL; NWCONN_HANDLE ConnectionHandle; OEM_STRING OemArg; UNICODE_STRING ServerName; WCHAR ServerNameBuffer[256];
if ( argc != 2 ) { printf( "\nUsage: sample <NetWare server name>, not \\\\<server>\n" ); system( "pause" );
return -1; }
OemArg.Length = strlen( argv[1] ); OemArg.MaximumLength = OemArg.Length; OemArg.Buffer = argv[1];
ServerName.Length = 0; ServerName.MaximumLength = sizeof( ServerNameBuffer ); ServerName.Buffer = ServerNameBuffer;
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &ServerName, &OemArg, FALSE );
printf( "\nConnecting to NetWare server %S\n", ServerName.Buffer );
nwccode = NWAttachToFileServerW( ServerName.Buffer, 0, // ScopeFlag - set to zero, not used
&ConnectionHandle );
if ( nwccode != SUCCESSFUL ) { printf( "Error: Couldn't connect to NetWare server %S\n", ServerName.Buffer ); printf( " NWAttachToFileServerW return ntstatus 0x%.8X\n\n", nwccode );
return -1; }
ntstatus = SendAnNCP1( ConnectionHandle ); // Your function here!
if ( ntstatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Error: SendAnNCP1 return ntstatus 0x%.8X\n\n", ntstatus );
return -1; }
ntstatus = SendAnNCP2( ConnectionHandle ); // Your function here!
if ( ntstatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Error: SendAnNCP2 return ntstatus 0x%.8X\n\n", ntstatus );
return -1; }
ntstatus = SendAnNCP3( ConnectionHandle ); // Your function here!
if ( ntstatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Error: SendAnNCP3 return ntstatus 0x%.8X\n\n", ntstatus );
return -1; }
nwccode = NWDetachFromFileServer( ConnectionHandle );
if ( nwccode != SUCCESSFUL ) { printf( "Error: Couldn't disconnect from NetWare server %S\n", ServerName.Buffer ); printf( " NWDetachFromFileServer return nwccode 0x%.8X\n\n", nwccode );
return -1; } }
NTSTATUS SendAnNCP1( NWCONN_HANDLE ConnectionHandle ) /*--
Routine Description:
This function uses an opened handle to the preferred server to scan bindery for all file server objects.
ConnectionHandle - Supplies the handle to the server that we want to send NCP request to.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - Successfully gotten a file server name. - or - A NTSTATUS code defined in ntstatus.h --*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus;
BYTE year, month, day, hour, minute, second, dayofweek; PNWC_SERVER_INFO pServerInfo = (PNWC_SERVER_INFO)ConnectionHandle ;
// Make and send an NCP to get file server date and time.
ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( pServerInfo->hConn, // Connection Handle
CTL_NCP_E0H, // Server function
0, // Max request packet size
9, // Max response packet size
"|bbbbbbb", // Format string
// === REQUEST ================================
// === REPLY ==================================
&year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second, &dayofweek );
if ( ntstatus == STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "\nFile server date and time information:\n\n" ); printf( "Hour: %d, Minute: %d, Second: %d\n", hour, minute, second ); printf( "Day: %d, Month: %d, Year: %d\n", day, month, year ); printf( "Day of the week: %d\n\n", dayofweek ); }
return ntstatus; }
NTSTATUS SendAnNCP2( NWCONN_HANDLE ConnectionHandle ) /*--
Routine Description:
This function uses an opened handle to the preferred server to scan bindery for all file server objects.
ConnectionHandle - Supplies the handle to the server that we want to send NCP request to.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - Successfully gotten a file server name. - or - A NTSTATUS code defined in ntstatus.h
--*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; PNWC_SERVER_INFO pServerInfo = (PNWC_SERVER_INFO)ConnectionHandle ; VERSION_INFO VerInfo;
// Make and send an NCP to get file server version information.
ntstatus = NwlibMakeNcp( pServerInfo->hConn, // Connection Handle
CTL_NCP_E3H, // Bindery function
3, // Max request packet size
130, // Max response packet size
"b|r", // Format string
// === REQUEST ================================
0x11, // b Get File Server Information
// === REPLY ==================================
&VerInfo, // r File Version Structure
sizeof(VERSION_INFO) );
if ( ntstatus == STATUS_SUCCESS ) { // Convert HI-LO words to LO-HI
// ===========================================================
VerInfo.ConnsSupported = wSWAP( VerInfo.ConnsSupported ); VerInfo.connsInUse = wSWAP( VerInfo.connsInUse ); VerInfo.maxVolumes = wSWAP( VerInfo.maxVolumes ); VerInfo.PeakConns = wSWAP( VerInfo.PeakConns );
printf( "\nFile server version information:\n\n" ); printf( "Name: %s\n", VerInfo.szName ); printf( "Version: %d\n", VerInfo.Version ); printf( "Sub-Version: %d\n", VerInfo.SubVersion ); printf( "OS Revision: %d\n", VerInfo.OSRev ); printf( "SFT level: %d\n", VerInfo.SFTLevel ); printf( "TTS level: %d\n", VerInfo.TTSLevel ); printf( "Account version: %d\n", VerInfo.AcctVer ); printf( "VAP version: %d\n", VerInfo.VAPVer ); printf( "Queue version: %d\n", VerInfo.QueueVer ); printf( "Printer version: %d\n", VerInfo.PrintVer ); printf( "Virtual console version: %d\n", VerInfo.VirtualConsoleVer ); printf( "Security restriction level: %d\n", VerInfo.SecurityResLevel ); printf( "Inter-network B version: %d\n", VerInfo.InternetworkBVer ); printf( "Number of connections supported: %d\n", VerInfo.ConnsSupported ); printf( "Number of connections in use: %d\n", VerInfo.connsInUse ); printf( "Maximum number of volumes: %d\n", VerInfo.maxVolumes ); printf( "Peak number of connections: %d\n\n", VerInfo.PeakConns ); }
return ntstatus; }
NTSTATUS SendAnNCP3( NWCONN_HANDLE ConnectionHandle ) /*--
Routine Description:
This function uses an opened handle to the preferred server to scan bindery for all file server objects.
ConnectionHandle - Supplies the handle to the server that we want to send NCP request to.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - Successfully gotten a file server name. - or - A NTSTATUS code defined in ntstatus.h
--*/ { NTSTATUS ntstatus; char szAnsiName[1000]; WORD wFoundUserType = 0; DWORD dwObjectID = 0xFFFFFFFFL; BYTE byPropertiesFlag = 0; BYTE byObjectFlag = 0; BYTE byObjectSecurity = 0;
while ( ntstatus == STATUS_SUCCESS ) { //
// Make and send an NCP to get file server version information.
ntstatus = NWScanObject( ConnectionHandle, "*", OT_USER_GROUP, &dwObjectID, szAnsiName, &wFoundUserType, &byPropertiesFlag, &byObjectFlag, &byObjectSecurity );
if ( ntstatus == STATUS_SUCCESS ) { printf( "Name: %s\n", szAnsiName ); } }
return ntstatus; }