* * NDS.C * * NT NetWare NDS routines * * Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation * *************************************************************************/ #include <common.h>
Routine Description:
If the name is a relative NDS name append the proper context to the end. A relative name has periods on the end. Each period represents one level up the NDS tree.
Return Value:
*******************************************************************/ void ExpandRelativeName( LPSTR RelativeName, LPSTR AbsoluteName, unsigned int Len, LPSTR Context ) {
PBYTE ptr; unsigned int i; unsigned int count = 0;
strncpy( AbsoluteName, RelativeName, Len );
if ( ( AbsoluteName[0] == '.' ) && ( AbsoluteName[ strlen( AbsoluteName ) - 1 ] != '.' ) ) return;
if ( ( strlen( AbsoluteName ) + strlen( Context ) ) > Len ) { DisplayMessage( IDR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return; }
if ( AbsoluteName[0] == '\0' ) { return; }
ptr = &AbsoluteName[ strlen( AbsoluteName ) - 1 ];
// Count the number of periods and back up over them.
if ( *ptr != '.' ) { //
// No periods at the end
// Assume this is a relative name and append the context
strcat( AbsoluteName, "." ); strcat( AbsoluteName + strlen( AbsoluteName ), Context ); return; }
while ( *ptr == '.' ) { ptr--; count++; }
ptr++; *ptr = '\0';
// ptr now points to where the copy of the rest of the context should start
// skip the first "count" entries in the context
ptr = Context;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { ptr = strchr( ptr, '.' ); if ( ptr == NULL ) { return; } ptr++; } ptr--;
// Now append
strcat( AbsoluteName, ptr );
Routine Description:
Get the current context
Arguments: none
Return Value: none
*******************************************************************/ NTSTATUS NDSGetNameContext( LPSTR Context, BOOLEAN flag ) { //
// For NdsResolveName.
UNICODE_STRING ReferredServer; WCHAR ServerStr[MAX_NAME_LEN]; HANDLE hReferredServer; DWORD dwHandleType;
OEM_STRING oemStr; UNICODE_STRING defaultcontext; DWORD ThisObjectID; BYTE Buffer[2048]; WCHAR NdsStr[1024]; PBYTE ptr;
defaultcontext.Length = 0; defaultcontext.MaximumLength = sizeof( NdsStr ); defaultcontext.Buffer = NdsStr;
Status = NwNdsGetTreeContext( GhRdr, &NDSTREE_u, &defaultcontext );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status; }
ReferredServer.Buffer = ServerStr; ReferredServer.Length = 0; ReferredServer.MaximumLength = sizeof( ServerStr );
Status = NwNdsResolveName ( GhRdr, &defaultcontext, &ThisObjectID, &ReferredServer, NULL, 0 );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status; }
if ( ReferredServer.Length > 0 ) {
// We've been referred to another server, so we
// should change the global handle.
Status = NwNdsOpenGenericHandle( &ReferredServer, &dwHandleType, &hReferredServer );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_NDS_USERNAME_FAILED); return Status; }
if( GhRdr != GhRdrForUser ) { CloseHandle( GhRdr ); } GhRdr = hReferredServer; }
Status = NwNdsReadObjectInfo( GhRdr, ThisObjectID, Buffer, 2048 );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status; }
ptr = Buffer + sizeof( NDS_RESPONSE_GET_OBJECT_INFO ); ptr += ROUNDUP4(*(DWORD *)ptr); ptr += sizeof(DWORD); ptr += sizeof(DWORD);
defaultcontext.Length = wcslen( (WCHAR *)ptr ) * 2; defaultcontext.MaximumLength = defaultcontext.Length; defaultcontext.Buffer = (WCHAR *)ptr;
oemStr.Length = 0; oemStr.MaximumLength = NDS_NAME_CHARS; oemStr.Buffer = Context;
RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &oemStr, &defaultcontext, FALSE );
return 0; }
Routine Description:
Change name to typelese
Arguments: none
Return Value: none
*******************************************************************/ unsigned int NDSTypeless( LPSTR OrigName , LPSTR TypelessName ) { int i,j; PBYTE p;
i = 0; j = 0;
if ( !_strnicmp( "CN=", OrigName, 3 ) || !_strnicmp( "OU=", OrigName, 3 ) ) { i += 3; } else if ( !_strnicmp( "C=", OrigName, 2 ) || !_strnicmp( "O=", OrigName, 2 ) ) { i += 2; }
for ( ; (( i < NDS_NAME_CHARS ) && ( OrigName[i] ) ); i++ ) { if ( !_strnicmp( ".CN=", &OrigName[i], 4 ) || !_strnicmp( ".OU=", &OrigName[i], 4 ) ) { TypelessName[j++]= '.'; i += 3; continue; } if ( !_strnicmp( ".C=", &OrigName[i], 3 ) || !_strnicmp( ".O=", &OrigName[i], 3 ) ) { TypelessName[j++]= '.'; i += 2; continue; } /*
* Strip out multiple blanks */ if ( !_strnicmp( " ", &OrigName[i], 2 ) ) { continue; } TypelessName[j++] = OrigName[i]; }
TypelessName[j] = '\0';
return 0; }
Routine Description:
Abbreviate name
Arguments: none
Return Value: none
*******************************************************************/ unsigned int NDSAbbreviateName( DWORD Flags, LPSTR OrigName , LPSTR AbbrevName ) { BYTE Buffer[NDS_NAME_CHARS]; BYTE CurrentContext[NDS_NAME_CHARS]; PBYTE p; PBYTE c; NTSTATUS Status;
if ( OrigName[0] == '.' ) NDSTypeless( OrigName + 1, Buffer ); else NDSTypeless( OrigName, Buffer );
* We want a relative name */ if ( Flags & FLAGS_LOCAL_CONTEXT ) { p = &Buffer[strlen(Buffer)-strlen(REQUESTER_CONTEXT)]; if ( !_strcmpi( REQUESTER_CONTEXT, p ) ) { // The name is below us
if ( ( *(p-1) == '.' ) && ( p > Buffer ) ) p--; *p = '\0'; strcpy( AbbrevName, Buffer ); } else { //
// Going from back to front for each section of context
// in common with AbbrevName
// truncate both
// Going from back to front for each section of context
// left over
// concatonate a period to AbbrevName
// Example
// Name: w.x.y.z Context: a.b.z => w.x.y..
strcpy( CurrentContext, REQUESTER_CONTEXT ); strcpy( AbbrevName, Buffer );
if ( CurrentContext[0] && AbbrevName[0] ) { c = &CurrentContext[ strlen( CurrentContext ) ] - 1; p = &AbbrevName[ strlen( AbbrevName ) ] - 1;
// Strip off the matching names from end to front
for ( ;; ) { if ( ( c == CurrentContext ) && ( *p == '.' ) ) { *c = '\0'; *p = '\0'; break; }
if ( *c != *p ) break;
if ( ( *c == '.' ) && ( *p == '.' ) ) { *c = '\0'; *p = '\0'; }
if ( ( c == CurrentContext ) || ( p == AbbrevName ) ) { break; }
c--; p--; }
// Count the remaining sections of the context and
// add that number of periods to the end of the buffer.
// That is how far we need to back up before getting
// to a matching branch of the tree.
if ( CurrentContext[0] ) { strcat( AbbrevName, "." ); for ( c = CurrentContext; *c; c++ ) { if ( *c == '.' ) strcat( AbbrevName, "." ); } } }
} } else strcpy( AbbrevName, Buffer );
return 0; }
Routine Description:
Arguments: none
Return Value: 0 = no error
*******************************************************************/ unsigned int NDSInitUserProperty( ) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; PWCHAR lpT; UNICODE_STRING defaultcontext;
// For NdsResolveName.
UNICODE_STRING ReferredServer; WCHAR ServerStr[MAX_NAME_LEN]; HANDLE hReferredServer; DWORD dwHandleType;
// Get a handle to the redirector.
Status = NwNdsOpenTreeHandle( &NDSTREE_u, &GhRdr );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_TREE_OPEN_FAILED); return 1; }
// Resolve the name that we have to an object id.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &ObjectName, TYPED_USER_NAME_w );
ReferredServer.Buffer = ServerStr; ReferredServer.Length = 0; ReferredServer.MaximumLength = sizeof( ServerStr );
Status = NwNdsResolveName ( GhRdr, &ObjectName, &GUserObjectID, &ReferredServer, NULL, 0 );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_NDS_USERNAME_FAILED); return 1; }
if ( ReferredServer.Length > 0 ) {
// We've been referred to another server, so we
// should change the global handle.
Status = NwNdsOpenGenericHandle( &ReferredServer, &dwHandleType, &hReferredServer );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_NDS_USERNAME_FAILED); return 1; }
CloseHandle( GhRdr ); GhRdr = hReferredServer;
// Save off this handle for the user so that we can use it to
// get information about the user.
GhRdrForUser = GhRdr;
// Set the current context to what we think it should be
// (At the user's location.)
lpT = wcschr( TYPED_USER_NAME_w, L'.' ); while (lpT) // handle usernames with embedded/escaped dots
{ if (*(lpT-1) == L'\\') { lpT = wcschr (lpT+1, L'.'); } else break; } if ( lpT ) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &defaultcontext, lpT+1 ); } else { RtlInitUnicodeString( &defaultcontext, L"" ); }
Status = NwNdsSetTreeContext( GhRdr, &NDSTREE_u, &defaultcontext );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_NDS_CONTEXT_INVALID); return 1; }
return 0;
Routine Description:
return a canonicalized version of a name
Arguments: Name - original name CanonName - Canonicalized name Len - length of CanonName fCurrentContext - TRUE => use current contex, FALSE use requester context
Return Value: status error
*******************************************************************/ unsigned int NDSCanonicalizeName( PBYTE Name, PBYTE CanonName, int Len, int fCurrentContext ) { NTSTATUS Status; int ccode = -1; DWORD ThisObjectID; OEM_STRING oemStr; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; BYTE Buffer[2048]; BYTE FullName[NDS_NAME_CHARS]; PBYTE ptr; UNICODE_STRING ReferredServer; WCHAR ServerStr[MAX_NAME_LEN]; DWORD dwHandleType; HANDLE hReferredServer; unsigned char CurrentContext[NDS_NAME_CHARS];
// Cope with relative names
if ( fCurrentContext ) { Status = NDSGetNameContext( CurrentContext, TRUE ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) return Status; ExpandRelativeName( Name, FullName, NDS_NAME_CHARS, CurrentContext ); } else ExpandRelativeName( Name, FullName, NDS_NAME_CHARS, REQUESTER_CONTEXT );
// Fill it in in case we have an error
strncpy( CanonName, FullName, Len);
// Resolve the name that we have to an object id.
// Unfortuneately, the name resolver doesn't understand periods at the
// front or end (absolute or relative names)
if ( FullName[0] == '.' ) { oemStr.Length = (USHORT)strlen( FullName + 1 ); oemStr.MaximumLength = oemStr.Length; oemStr.Buffer = FullName + 1; } else { oemStr.Length = (USHORT)strlen( FullName ); oemStr.MaximumLength = oemStr.Length; oemStr.Buffer = FullName; }
ObjectName.Length = 0; ObjectName.MaximumLength = sizeof(Buffer); ObjectName.Buffer = (WCHAR *)Buffer;
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &ObjectName, &oemStr, FALSE );
ReferredServer.Buffer = ServerStr; ReferredServer.Length = 0; ReferredServer.MaximumLength = sizeof( ServerStr );
Status = NwNdsResolveName ( GhRdr, &ObjectName, &ThisObjectID, &ReferredServer, NULL, 0 );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status; }
if ( ReferredServer.Length > 0 ) {
// We've been referred to another server, so we
// should change the global handle.
Status = NwNdsOpenGenericHandle( &ReferredServer, &dwHandleType, &hReferredServer );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status; }
if( GhRdr != GhRdrForUser ) { CloseHandle( GhRdr ); } GhRdr = hReferredServer; }
Status = NwNdsReadObjectInfo( GhRdr, ThisObjectID, Buffer, 2048 ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status; }
ptr = Buffer + sizeof( NDS_RESPONSE_GET_OBJECT_INFO ); ptr += ROUNDUP4(*(DWORD *)ptr); ptr += sizeof(DWORD); ptr += sizeof(DWORD);
RtlInitUnicodeString( &ObjectName, (PWCHAR)ptr );
oemStr.Length = 0; oemStr.MaximumLength = (USHORT) Len; oemStr.Buffer = CanonName;
RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &oemStr, &ObjectName, FALSE );
return 0; }
Routine Description:
Return the NDS property for the object
Arguments: Property - property name Data - data buffer Size - size of data buffer
Return Value: 0 no error
*******************************************************************/ unsigned int NDSGetUserProperty( PBYTE Property, PBYTE Data, unsigned int Size, SYNTAX * pSyntaxID, unsigned int * pActualSize ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; int ccode = -1;
PBYTE szBuffer; DWORD dwBufferSize = 2048; PNDS_RESPONSE_READ_ATTRIBUTE pReadAttribute; PNDS_ATTRIBUTE pAttribute; PBYTE pAttribValue; BOOL fContinue = TRUE;
// Read the User property
szBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(dwBufferSize);
if ( !szBuffer ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return Status; } memset( szBuffer, 0, dwBufferSize );
oemStr.Length = (USHORT) strlen( Property ); oemStr.MaximumLength = oemStr.Length; oemStr.Buffer = Property;
PropertyName.Length = 0; PropertyName.MaximumLength = sizeof(NdsStr); PropertyName.Buffer = NdsStr;
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &PropertyName, &oemStr, FALSE );
while ( fContinue ) { Status = NwNdsReadAttribute ( GhRdrForUser, GUserObjectID, &iterhandle, &PropertyName, szBuffer, dwBufferSize );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) && iterhandle != INITIAL_ITERATION ) { dwBufferSize *= 2;
free( szBuffer );
szBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(dwBufferSize);
if ( !szBuffer ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return Status; } memset( szBuffer, 0, dwBufferSize ); iterhandle = INITIAL_ITERATION; } else { fContinue = FALSE; } }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { if ( szBuffer ) free( szBuffer ); return Status; }
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { int i; pReadAttribute = (PNDS_RESPONSE_READ_ATTRIBUTE)szBuffer; pAttribute = (PNDS_ATTRIBUTE)(szBuffer + sizeof(NDS_RESPONSE_READ_ATTRIBUTE)); if ( pSyntaxID ) { *pSyntaxID = pAttribute->SyntaxID; }
pAttribValue = (PBYTE)(pAttribute->AttribName) + ROUNDUP4(pAttribute->AttribNameLength) + sizeof(DWORD);
if ( pActualSize ) { *pActualSize = *(DWORD *)pAttribValue; }
memcpy( Data, pAttribValue + sizeof(DWORD), min(*(DWORD *)pAttribValue, Size) );
return Status; }
Routine Description:
Return value of user property
Get the syntax type of the property Retrieve the data Do any data conversion
Arguments: Name - of NDS property IN Value - value buffer OUT Size - size of value buffer IN
Return Value: none
*******************************************************************/ void NDSGetVar ( PBYTE Name, PBYTE Value, unsigned int Size) { unsigned int err; SYNTAX Syntax; BYTE Buffer[ATTRBUFSIZE]; DWORD ActualSize;
Value[0] = 0;
err = NDSGetUserProperty( Name, Buffer, ATTRBUFSIZE, &Syntax, &ActualSize );
if ( err ) { return; }
switch ( Syntax ) { case NDSI_BOOLEAN: if ( *(PBYTE)Buffer ) { strcpy( Value, "Y" ); } else { strcpy( Value, "N" ); } break; case NDSI_DIST_NAME: case NDSI_CE_STRING: case NDSI_CI_STRING: case NDSI_OCTET_STRING: case NDSI_PR_STRING: case NDSI_NU_STRING: case NDSI_TEL_NUMBER: case NDSI_CLASS_NAME: ConvertUnicodeToAscii( Buffer ); if ( Syntax == NDSI_DIST_NAME ) NDSAbbreviateName(FLAGS_LOCAL_CONTEXT, Buffer, Buffer); strncpy( Value, Buffer, Size ); break; case NDSI_CI_LIST: ConvertUnicodeToAscii( Buffer+8 ); strncpy( Value, Buffer+8, Size ); break; break; case NDSI_INTEGER: case NDSI_COUNTER: case NDSI_TIME: case NDSI_INTERVAL: case NDSI_TIMESTAMP: sprintf( Value, "%d", *(int *)Buffer ); break; case NDSI_PO_ADDRESS: { // 6 null terminated lines
int line,len; PBYTE ptr = Buffer + 4;
// Stop if not 6 lines
if ( *(int *)Buffer != 6 ) break;
for (line = 0; line <= 5; line++) { len = ROUNDUP4(*(int *)ptr); ptr += 4; if ( !len ) break; ConvertUnicodeToAscii( ptr ); strcat( Value, ptr ); strcat( Value, "\n" ); ptr += len; } } break; case NDSI_FAX_NUMBER: if ( *(int *)Buffer == 0 ) return; ConvertUnicodeToAscii( Buffer+4 ); strncpy( Value, Buffer+4, Size ); break; case NDSI_EMAIL_ADDRESS: if ( *(int *)(Buffer+4) == 0 ) return; ConvertUnicodeToAscii( Buffer+8 ); strncpy( Value, Buffer+8, Size ); break; case NDSI_PATH: { int len;
len = *(int *)(Buffer+4); if ( len == 0 ) break; len = ROUNDUP4( len ); ConvertUnicodeToAscii( Buffer+8 ); strcpy( Value, Buffer+8 ); NDSAbbreviateName(FLAGS_LOCAL_CONTEXT, Value, Value); strcat( Value, ":" ); if ( *(int *)(Buffer + 8 + len) == 0 ) break; ConvertUnicodeToAscii( Buffer+8+len+4 ); strcat( Value, Buffer+8+len+4 ); break; } case NDSI_NET_ADDRESS: case NDSI_OCTET_LIST: case NDSI_OBJECT_ACL: case NDSI_STREAM: case NDSI_UNKNOWN: case NDSI_REPLICA_POINTER: case NDSI_BACK_LINK: case NDSI_TYPED_NAME: case NDSI_HOLD: case NDSI_TAX_COUNT: default: Value[0] = '\0'; Value[1] = '\0'; break; }
Routine Description:
Change the current context
Arguments: Context - context string IN
Return Value: error number
*******************************************************************/ unsigned int NDSChangeContext( PBYTE Context ) { NTSTATUS Status;
OEM_STRING oemStr; UNICODE_STRING defaultcontext; WCHAR NdsStr[1024];
oemStr.Length = (USHORT)strlen( Context ); oemStr.MaximumLength = oemStr.Length; oemStr.Buffer = Context;
defaultcontext.Length = 0; defaultcontext.MaximumLength = sizeof(NdsStr); defaultcontext.Buffer = NdsStr;
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &defaultcontext, &oemStr, FALSE );
Status = NwNdsSetTreeContext( GhRdr, &NDSTREE_u, &defaultcontext );
return Status; }
Routine Description:
Retrieve the current context
Arguments: Buffer - data buffer for context string OUT len - length of data buffer IN
Return Value: error number
*******************************************************************/ unsigned int NDSGetContext( PBYTE Buffer, unsigned int len ) { NTSTATUS Status;
Status = NDSGetNameContext( Buffer, TRUE ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) return Status; NDSAbbreviateName(FLAGS_NO_CONTEXT, Buffer, Buffer); return 0; }
Routine Description:
Open a file handle to an NDS stream property
Arguments: Object - name of object IN Property - name of property IN pStream - pointer to file handle OUT pFileSize - pointer to file size OUT
Return Value: error
*******************************************************************/ unsigned int NDSfopenStream ( PBYTE Object, PBYTE Property, PHANDLE pStream, unsigned int * pFileSize ) { //
// Status variables.
NTSTATUS Status; int ccode = -1;
// For NwNdsOpenTreeHandle.
HANDLE hRdr; OEM_STRING oemStr; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; WCHAR NdsStr[1024];
// For NwNdsResolveName.
DWORD dwOid; UNICODE_STRING ReferredServer; WCHAR ServerStr[MAX_NAME_LEN]; DWORD dwHandleType; HANDLE hReferredServer;
// Get a handle to the redirector.
Status = NwNdsOpenTreeHandle( &NDSTREE_u, &hRdr );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_TREE_OPEN_FAILED); return ccode; }
// Resolve the name that we have to an object id.
if ( !Object ) { return 1; }
oemStr.Length = (USHORT)strlen( Object ); oemStr.MaximumLength = oemStr.Length; oemStr.Buffer = Object;
ObjectName.Length = 0; ObjectName.MaximumLength = sizeof(NdsStr); ObjectName.Buffer = NdsStr;
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &ObjectName, &oemStr, FALSE );
ReferredServer.Buffer = ServerStr; ReferredServer.Length = 0; ReferredServer.MaximumLength = sizeof( ServerStr );
Status = NwNdsResolveName ( hRdr, &ObjectName, &dwOid, &ReferredServer, NULL, 0 );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return 0xffffffff; }
if ( ReferredServer.Length > 0 ) {
// We've been referred to another server, so we
// must jump to that server before continuing.
Status = NwNdsOpenGenericHandle( &ReferredServer, &dwHandleType, &hReferredServer );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return 0xffffffff; }
CloseHandle( hRdr ); hRdr = hReferredServer; }
// Open the file stream.
oemStr.Length = (USHORT)strlen( Property ); oemStr.MaximumLength = oemStr.Length; oemStr.Buffer = Property;
ObjectName.Length = 0; ObjectName.MaximumLength = sizeof(NdsStr); ObjectName.Buffer = NdsStr;
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &ObjectName, &oemStr, FALSE );
// Try to open a file stream for read access.
Status = NwNdsOpenStream( hRdr, dwOid, &ObjectName, 1, // Read access.
pFileSize );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return 0xffffffff; }
*pStream = hRdr;
return 0; }
* IsMemberOfNDSGroup * ------------------ * * Returns true if currently logged in user object is member of group with given name * */ unsigned int IsMemberOfNDSGroup( PBYTE nwGroup ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; UINT nwRet; BYTE szCanonTargetGroupName[NDS_NAME_CHARS+1]; UINT syntaxid; UINT actualsize; PBYTE szBuffer; LPSTR pProp; UINT i; DWORD iterhandle = INITIAL_ITERATION; DWORD dwBufferSize = ATTRBUFSIZE; UINT fFoundGroup = FALSE; PNDS_RESPONSE_READ_ATTRIBUTE pReadAttribute; PNDS_ATTRIBUTE pAttribute; PBYTE pAttribValue; UNICODE_STRING PropertyName; UINT numvalues = 0; BOOL fContinue = TRUE;
szBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(dwBufferSize);
if ( !szBuffer ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } memset( szBuffer, 0, dwBufferSize );
// Canonicalize name according to current context
strcpy( szCanonTargetGroupName, nwGroup );
nwRet = NDSCanonicalizeName( szCanonTargetGroupName, szCanonTargetGroupName, NDS_NAME_CHARS, TRUE ); if (nwRet) {
if ( nwGroup[0] != '.' ) {
// Try an absolute name
strcpy( szCanonTargetGroupName, "." ); strcat( szCanonTargetGroupName, nwGroup );
nwRet = NDSCanonicalizeName( szCanonTargetGroupName, szCanonTargetGroupName, NDS_NAME_CHARS, TRUE ); }
if ( nwRet ) goto CleanRet; }
// Should check class name of object
RtlInitUnicodeString( &PropertyName, L"Group Membership" );
while ( fContinue ) { Status = NwNdsReadAttribute ( GhRdrForUser, GUserObjectID, &iterhandle, &PropertyName, szBuffer, dwBufferSize );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) && iterhandle != INITIAL_ITERATION ) { dwBufferSize *= 2;
free( szBuffer );
szBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(dwBufferSize);
if ( !szBuffer ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } memset( szBuffer, 0, dwBufferSize ); iterhandle = INITIAL_ITERATION; } else { fContinue = FALSE; } }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { goto CleanRet; }
pReadAttribute = (PNDS_RESPONSE_READ_ATTRIBUTE)szBuffer;
pAttribute = (PNDS_ATTRIBUTE)(szBuffer + sizeof(NDS_RESPONSE_READ_ATTRIBUTE)); pAttribute->SyntaxID;
pAttribValue = (PBYTE)(pAttribute->AttribName) + ROUNDUP4(pAttribute->AttribNameLength) + sizeof(DWORD);
numvalues = *(PUINT)((PBYTE)(pAttribute->AttribName) + ROUNDUP4(pAttribute->AttribNameLength));
if ( *(DWORD *)pAttribValue == 0 ) { goto CleanRet; }
for ( i = 0; i < numvalues; i++ ) { ConvertUnicodeToAscii( pAttribValue+sizeof(DWORD) ); if (!_stricmp(pAttribValue+sizeof(DWORD),szCanonTargetGroupName)) { fFoundGroup = TRUE; break; } pAttribValue += ROUNDUP4(*(PUINT)pAttribValue) + sizeof(DWORD); }
CleanRet: if (szBuffer ) { free (szBuffer); } return fFoundGroup; }
Routine Description:
Return the NDS property for the object
Arguments: Object - name of object IN Property - property name IN Data - data buffer OUT Size - size of data buffer IN pActualSize - real data size OUT
Return Value: error
*******************************************************************/ unsigned int NDSGetProperty ( PBYTE Object, PBYTE Property, PBYTE Data, unsigned int Size, unsigned int * pActualSize ) { //
// Status variables.
NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; int ccode = -1;
// For NwNdsOpenTreeHandle.
HANDLE hRdr; OEM_STRING oemStr; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; WCHAR NdsStr[1024];
// For NwNdsResolveName.
DWORD dwOid; UNICODE_STRING ReferredServer; WCHAR ServerStr[MAX_NAME_LEN]; DWORD dwHandleType; HANDLE hReferredServer;
// For NwNdsReadAttribute
PBYTE szBuffer; DWORD dwBufferSize = 2048; DWORD iterhandle = INITIAL_ITERATION; PNDS_RESPONSE_READ_ATTRIBUTE pReadAttribute; PNDS_ATTRIBUTE pAttribute; PBYTE pAttribValue; BOOL fContinue = TRUE;
// Allocate a buffer for the NDS request.
szBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(dwBufferSize);
if ( !szBuffer ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return Status; } memset( szBuffer, 0, dwBufferSize );
// Get a handle to the redirector.
Status = NwNdsOpenTreeHandle( &NDSTREE_u, &hRdr );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_TREE_OPEN_FAILED); return ccode; }
// Resolve the name that we have to an object id.
if ( !Object ) { return 1; }
oemStr.Length = (USHORT)strlen( Object ); oemStr.MaximumLength = oemStr.Length; oemStr.Buffer = Object;
ObjectName.Length = 0; ObjectName.MaximumLength = sizeof(NdsStr); ObjectName.Buffer = NdsStr;
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &ObjectName, &oemStr, FALSE );
ReferredServer.Buffer = ServerStr; ReferredServer.Length = 0; ReferredServer.MaximumLength = sizeof( ServerStr );
Status = NwNdsResolveName ( hRdr, &ObjectName, &dwOid, &ReferredServer, NULL, 0 );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return 0xffffffff; }
if ( ReferredServer.Length > 0 ) {
// We've been referred to another server, so we
// must jump to that server before continuing.
Status = NwNdsOpenGenericHandle( &ReferredServer, &dwHandleType, &hReferredServer );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return 0xffffffff; }
CloseHandle( hRdr ); hRdr = hReferredServer; }
// Get the attribute
oemStr.Length = (USHORT)strlen( Property ); oemStr.MaximumLength = oemStr.Length; oemStr.Buffer = Property;
ObjectName.Length = 0; ObjectName.MaximumLength = sizeof(NdsStr); ObjectName.Buffer = NdsStr;
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &ObjectName, &oemStr, FALSE );
while ( fContinue ) { Status = NwNdsReadAttribute ( hRdr, dwOid, &iterhandle, &ObjectName, szBuffer, dwBufferSize );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) && iterhandle != INITIAL_ITERATION ) { dwBufferSize *= 2;
free( szBuffer );
szBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(dwBufferSize);
if ( !szBuffer ) { DisplayMessage(IDR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return Status; } memset( szBuffer, 0, dwBufferSize ); iterhandle = INITIAL_ITERATION; } else { fContinue = FALSE; } }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { NtClose( hRdr ); free( szBuffer );
return Status; }
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { int i; pReadAttribute = (PNDS_RESPONSE_READ_ATTRIBUTE)szBuffer; pAttribute = (PNDS_ATTRIBUTE)(szBuffer + sizeof(NDS_RESPONSE_READ_ATTRIBUTE));
pAttribValue = (PBYTE)(pAttribute->AttribName) + ROUNDUP4(pAttribute->AttribNameLength) + sizeof(DWORD);
if ( pActualSize ) { *pActualSize = *(DWORD *)pAttribValue; }
memcpy( Data, pAttribValue + sizeof(DWORD), min(*(DWORD *)pAttribValue, Size) );
NtClose( hRdr );
return Status; }
Routine Description:
Does any NDS cleanup
Arguments: none
Return Value: none
*******************************************************************/ void NDSCleanup ( void ) { NtClose( GhRdr ); if( GhRdr != GhRdrForUser ) { NtClose( GhRdrForUser ); } }
Routine Description:
return a class name for an object
Arguments: szObjectName ClassName
Return Value: none
*******************************************************************/ unsigned int NDSGetClassName( LPSTR szObjectName, LPSTR ClassName ) { NTSTATUS Status; int ccode = -1; DWORD ThisObjectID; OEM_STRING oemStr; UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; BYTE Buffer[2048]; BYTE FullName[NDS_NAME_CHARS]; PBYTE ptr; UNICODE_STRING ReferredServer; WCHAR ServerStr[MAX_NAME_LEN]; DWORD dwHandleType; HANDLE hReferredServer; DWORD Length;
// Resolve the name that we have to an object id.
oemStr.Length = (USHORT)strlen( szObjectName ); oemStr.MaximumLength = oemStr.Length; oemStr.Buffer = szObjectName;
ObjectName.Length = 0; ObjectName.MaximumLength = sizeof(Buffer); ObjectName.Buffer = (WCHAR *)Buffer;
RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &ObjectName, &oemStr, FALSE );
ReferredServer.Buffer = ServerStr; ReferredServer.Length = 0; ReferredServer.MaximumLength = sizeof( ServerStr );
Status = NwNdsResolveName ( GhRdr, &ObjectName, &ThisObjectID, &ReferredServer, NULL, 0 );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status; }
if ( ReferredServer.Length > 0 ) {
// We've been referred to another server, so we
// should change the global handle.
Status = NwNdsOpenGenericHandle( &ReferredServer, &dwHandleType, &hReferredServer );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status; }
if( GhRdr != GhRdrForUser ) { CloseHandle( GhRdr ); } GhRdr = hReferredServer; }
Status = NwNdsReadObjectInfo( GhRdr, ThisObjectID, Buffer, 2048 ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status; }
ptr = Buffer + sizeof( NDS_RESPONSE_GET_OBJECT_INFO ) + sizeof( DWORD );
RtlInitUnicodeString( &ObjectName, (PWCHAR)ptr );
oemStr.Length = 0; oemStr.MaximumLength = NDS_NAME_CHARS; oemStr.Buffer = ClassName;
RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &oemStr, &ObjectName, FALSE );
return 0; }